
lilkuz2005jerichowasahoax, you can check out a program called Autof  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Autofs00:00
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tomreynjerichowasahoax: do you have _netdev in mount options?00:04
jerichowasahoaxtomreyn: no, should i?00:05
tomreynalternatively, or additionally, x-systemd.after=network-online.target00:05
tomreynjerichowasahoax: if you want it reliably mounted at boot, i think so00:05
jerichowasahoaxooo, telling systemd about dependencies seems smarter00:05
jerichowasahoaxbecause it does also need to wait for a vlan to come up but i figured it would retry a couple times00:06
smrtzHey guys!  I've got a laptop without an ethernet port that uses an RTL8821CE network chipset. I'm trying to find the software I need so I can copy it over with a jumpdrive to install it, but I can't find it online.00:07
smrtzI've found https://github.com/endlessm/linux/tree/master/drivers/net/wireless/rtl8821ce, but I really don't want to have to copy all the packages required to build it via a jump drive.  Is there a prebuilt copy somewhere?00:09
jerichowasahoaxsmrtz: it shouldn't require more than build-essential00:10
smrtzjerichowasahoax: Alright, I'll try grabbing that and that repo.00:11
smrtzIt looks like that repo is a full kernel, do you think I should be able to just make the makefile in that directory and install it?00:12
jerichowasahoaxsmrtz: building custom kernels is considered "hard mode", meaning support could get spottier for you00:13
jerichowasahoaxsmrtz: but it's not as hard as it looks ;-) you up to it?00:13
smrtzjerichowasahoax: Yeah, which is why I'd like to avoid it and just build the kernel module(?) if possible?00:13
smrtzYeah, I've done it before, but, I have a feeling I'll be in dependency hell.00:13
jerichowasahoaxit might be but i haven't really done that kind of thing before00:14
jerichowasahoaxi've got an rtl8812au, and my module ended up being its own separate repo that just mooches off existing kernel sources00:15
jerichowasahoaxso as far as rtl88* pains go, it looks like i got off easy00:15
tomreynsmrtz: do you not happen to have another way to get the computer online temporarily? like a usb wireless 'dongle' or a smartphone hich can do usb tethering?00:15
smrtztomreyn: Nope, just this.00:15
smrtzjerichowasahoax: Lucky.00:16
coz_hey guys00:17
smrtzHola coz_00:18
coz_smrtz, hey guy00:18
texlaubuntu 18.04.1..Updates failed to download repository information..check your internet connection..info from repository.https://pastebin.com/h3fTV1WS00:19
tomreyntexla: what does "date -u" return?00:20
texlatomreyn, Mon Aug 13 19:23:26 UTC 201800:24
tomreyntexla: now without -u, and then compare it to your wall clock00:25
tomreyn-u is universal time coordinated (UTC), valid world-wide, and this is currently 00:25, not 19:2500:26
texlatomreyn, Mon Aug 13 14:25:23 CDT 201800:26
texla.I show 2:23 pm00:26
tomreynso something is wrong with your time settings. a common problem is running windows and linux on the same computer. windows will set your hardware clock to local time, when linux expects it to be UTC.00:27
texlatomreyn, The time on my screen is incorrect it is actually 7:34 pm will correct00:28
tomreyntexla: just why did it happen in the first place? do you multi boot?00:29
smrtzCurrently on my third round of dependencies trying to just get libc6-dev installed.... is build-essential and it's dependencies on the live ISO?00:30
smrtzI can install packages from there if I remember correctly?00:30
texlatomreyn, I have 3 o/s on the internal hdd and 2 o/s on the external usb enclosure with sata hdd00:30
tomreynokay, if some set HW clock to utc, oithers to local time, that's a nice mess for sure.00:31
tomreynyou'll need to make them all do one or the other.00:31
texlatomreyn, Okay I normally use local time but will check and reset all00:32
tomreyntexla: timedatectl --help to get started with this on ubuntu, but i suggest you better make them all do what ubuntu already does: set hardware clock to UTC00:33
smrtzjerichowasahoax: Do you know if I can add a Live USB as a source?00:33
jerichowasahoaxsmrtz: you can, but i don't know if build-essential is in there00:34
guivercsmrtz, to my knowledge build-essentials are not on live iso, most users aren't developers00:34
smrtzYeah, I can't find the .dep within the CD...00:35
smrtzBut some of the dependencies for it might be on the live CD.00:36
smrtzSo it's worth mounting.00:36
smrtztomreyn: thanks.00:37
texlatomreyn, Reset time on Ubuntu and recieved current updates ..Thanks for the help00:40
smrtzcopying the ISO to the computer to use with apt-cdrom00:43
tomreynwelcome texla00:44
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sonicwindtomreyn, why did texla get that specific error message though?  Updates failed to download repository information..check your internet connection00:58
sonicwindif its a time issue00:59
tomreynsonicwind: i think this is a follow-up error, and error message, where apt realizes that some repository information could not be updated, or could not be used. it ignores this possible cause and just discusses the other possible cause which is network connectivity issues.01:03
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tomreynsonicwind: it would probably be good to improve this error message to cover the time mismatch issue, too. but then the other messages about 'not valid, yet' are quite specific as to the root cause.01:04
sonicwindyeah, I'd have never thought of a time issue01:04
sonicwindthis interests me because I will soon be using both Win 10 and Ubuntu again01:05
tomreynsonicwind: there's some registry key you can set on windows to make it behave as everything else *there* at least01:06
sonicwindyeah but I'd rather have it always as local... I always set Ubuntu to local (Chicago)01:06
sonicwindso does texla have to do this every time he's gonna switch between OS?01:06
sonicwindmaybe setting "Automatic Time Zone" in Gnome would help with this01:10
tomreynsonicwind: i think you're mixing up having the OS know what the local time zone is and presenting the time to the user accordingly, and updating the hardware clock to either UTC or the local timezone. the later is what this is about.01:11
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sonicwindthanks... will read this01:12
polepdear all, how to fix error phpmyadmin with php7 on ubuntu..?01:17
polepanyone wants to help?01:17
lbrady03what's everyone up to01:19
sonicwindtomreyn, I get it now. Thanks :-)01:21
tomreynpolep: which ubuntu version, what is the actual issue?01:25
test12324351hello world!!!01:30
Lee1026-thinkpadyes! hello world!01:30
tomreyntest12324351: this is not the right lace to test01:30
tomreyntest12324351: but if you have any ubuntu support questions, you're welcome. ;-)01:31
test12324351thank you!!01:32
Warfront1I already have a number stored in a variable: var=1 . How would I then use that variable as my exit code?01:36
Warfront1bash ^01:37
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smrtzHelp, so, many dependencies...01:43
tomreynWarfront1: exit $var01:44
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Lee1026-thinkpadmsg alis LIST *linux*01:51
UbuntuNetworkdoes updating the kernel provide better driver support02:03
tomreynUbuntuNetwork: it may. usually just for new / recent hardwre, though. ubuntu provides HWE kernels for this prupose.02:04
tomreyn!hwe | UbuntuNetwork02:04
H31337tomreyn: Error: "hwe" is not a valid command.02:04
ubottuUbuntuNetwork: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack02:04
UbuntuNetworkim wating for ubuntu 18.10 that comes with linux kernel 5.0 maybe that will have updated settings and drivers02:05
UbuntuNetworkmy wifi works just has low signal and disconnects now and then02:06
tomreynUbuntuNetwork: you'd better find out which chipset you have and see what options you have now.02:07
DalekSecHelenah: Please do not bring your bots into the Ubuntu channels, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines#line-5102:09
ALowther_Has anybody else had openvpn connectivty issues since upgrading to 18.04?02:10
neoncontrailsHow can I check which files are being sourced by my environment? I'm trying to figure out how the $SHELL variable is getting set to /usr/bin/zsh, regardless of environment02:28
k_sze[work]Has anybody successfully updated Ubuntu in Windows 10's WSL?02:44
k_sze[work]There are 3 versions in the Windows Store. I'm talking about the one that is not pegged to a major release (the one that's called just "Ubuntu")02:45
k_sze[work]I'm trying to upgrade it from Xenial to Bionic by running `sudo do-release-upgrade` because that's supposed to be the supported way, according to the description in Windows Store.02:46
k_sze[work]But it seems to get stuck at "Starting Container hypervisor based on LXC: lxd."02:47
arunkumar413is there a tool to recover sms from an android phone02:59
=== evilbetty is now known as trollboy
quartershello. I installed pulseaudio and configured it to handle my alsa but now all my audio is distorted and muffled. I was wondering how to fix this02:59
Sepultherhello, anyone on that can help with apache and wordpress setup?03:19
EXCEPTS ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­03:26
k_sze[work]Is `do-release-upgrade` supposed to automatically update the sources in /etc/apt/sources.list?03:49
Citizen-Se7enk_sze[work]: It should.  Also, any third-party PPAs you have setup there are normally disabled during the upgrade process.03:55
k_sze[work]Then it looks like there are still quite a few things to iron out about Ubuntu in WSL.03:56
k_sze[work]do-release-upgrade doesn't work quite as smoothly as it should.03:56
Sepultheranyeone here willing to help with apache LAMP wordpress install issues?03:57
Citizen-Se7enk_sze[work]: That's why I opt to do a clean install instead, formatting my / (my /home is on it's own partition and left untouched)03:57
xar-Sepulther: it's better if you ask the real question that's got you snagged, what _about_ your setup isn't working04:05
k_sze[work]Citizen-Se7en: you do that in WSL?04:06
Citizen-Se7enWSL?  Define.04:09
k_sze[work]Windows Subsystem for Linux.04:09
Citizen-Se7enI've never actually tried that.04:10
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Valenit seems pretty good really04:18
Valenwith the addition of xming it got virt-manager running on windows with a minimum of fuss04:18
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babaoonickname babaoo04:29
babaoohow to mount external hard disk04:30
xar-babaoo: I'm assuming you've already googled the question, what went wrong?04:49
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IRC-Source_1256Does github automatically generate hashes for releases? End user here05:22
keekeenigehey all im trying to transfer files from my ubuntu system to virualbox05:23
Miklo22 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­05:28
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Guest64529Good Morning!05:46
keekeenigehey guys i get this error when i try to view ....windows 10 iso or game isos05:52
keekeenigeFailed to read volume info: 'First volume descriptor type not primary like ISO9660 requires'05:52
keekeenigeanyone know what i can do it fix this so i can view the iso05:52
Guest64529i try this windows?05:56
ChaiTRexkeekeenige: View the ISO how?06:08
EriC^^keekeenige: how are mounting it?06:14
ecrist1 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­06:16
yao_ziyuani use ubuntu 18.04.01 and 3 hours ago i suspended my desktop pc and went to a restaurant for lunch. when i came back just now, the system had restarted. i'm a political dissident in china. which system log file should i look into to find out what happened?06:42
hateballyao_ziyuan: if the system didnt crash before it managed to log anything, you might find some information using 'journalctl'06:49
hateballyao_ziyuan: for instance this should give you a quite verbose log of the previous boot: journalctl -x --boot=-1 -p1..406:50
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airwindare there any decent ARM laptops out there that run Ubuntu?06:54
yao_ziyuanlast reboot | less says:06:55
yao_ziyuanreboot   system boot  4.15.0-30-generi Fri Aug 10 00:44   still running06:55
yao_ziyuanreboot   system boot  4.15.0-29-generi Wed Aug  1 22:42 - 00:44 (8+02:02)06:55
yao_ziyuanwtmp begins Wed Aug  1 22:42:01 201806:55
cods8 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­06:55
yao_ziyuanso last reboot was at Aug 10 00:4406:57
yao_ziyuanso my computer didn't restart when i was out for lunch.06:58
yao_ziyuanmaybe it's the x server that just restarted.06:58
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keekeenigehey all i have installed netbootin on ubuntu07:37
keekeenigewhen i open it ...it comes up with a blank screen07:37
keekeenigeand help would be great with this prob07:37
keekeenigeanyway i can send a screen shot07:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1620628 in unetbootin (Ubuntu) "Only get a grey window" [Undecided,Fix released]07:45
keekeenigethats the prob i have07:45
keekeenigei just dont know what to do ...to resovle it07:45
keekeenigeim only new to ubuntu07:46
keekeenigeso im not sure what there asking me to do07:46
keekeenigeoh ..you have to type this07:47
keekeenigesudo QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 unetbootin07:47
keekeenigeok thank you problem sovled ...07:47
krysjonaz ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­07:47
keekeenigeoh wow07:48
keekeenigehavnt seen goatese for yrs lol07:48
ibr2I need help with something not technical, like suggesting ideas for a final year project in cybersecurity and forensics as well.07:49
joeynHello everyone! I was having problems with my wifi, but i downloaded an iwlwifi.ucode and put it to /lib/firmware. Right now, my wifi is working better but it is still erratic at times. May i check if there is a driver that i am missing?08:05
joeynI am using Intel Wireless 7260 network card08:06
ZexaronDoes the LIVE version of Ubuntu have access to all the preinstalled apps/utilities that the installed version has, is it possible to force that with a custom ISO? Second, is it possible to force to RAM, so the USB media is removable?08:08
EriC^Zexaron: there's a "toram" kernel parameter, might be helpful08:09
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
Lopecan someone please recommend a linux open source time-tracker? (providing functionality like toggl.com)08:12
JBzhHi. I usually use /opt/cimut (cimut beeing the name of my company) to store scripts and other files on servers. For a Ubuntu desktop, to store company's logo, some wallpapers, and other graphical files, /usr/share/cimut/images/ seem to be the right place ? If I understand correctly the FHS08:15
hadifarnoudthere is a script that backs up my database. I just don't remember where I put it or what is it called. it might be a bash script or a php script. if we assume it is a bash script, how can I look in all the places a script can be scheduled to run every day? (I did look in crontab, was not there)08:17
bugzbunny20I am not bugzbunny20?08:19
bugzbunny20Why when I leave my Nick name changes08:19
Lopeubuntu 18.04 apt-cache search offers me "ktimetracker and timewarrior" will try them.08:19
bugzbunny20Well whatever08:20
EriC^^hadifarnoud: it could be in a user's crontab /var/spool/crontab , /etc/rc.local , a systemd service08:27
geirhaor /etc/cron.daily/08:28
EriC^^hadifarnoud: ^08:30
KellerFuchs9 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­08:44
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
escanorHello All, I am unable to perform ping operation in ubuntu 18.0409:02
blackflowescanor: can you be more specific? is it a VM?09:04
escanorblackflow: VM??09:05
blackflowa virtual machine09:05
escanorOops Nope09:05
escanorbase machine09:05
blackflowescanor: so what's the error then?09:05
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escanorNothing happens when i do ping www.google.com or ping gateway09:06
blackflowescanor: it just returns, or sits there like waiting for something?09:06
blackflowescanor: if latter, do you have problems with dns resolving? can you ping by IP?   `ping -c2`     for example09:07
escanorblackflow: waiting for something09:07
escanorsure here is output of the routing table09:07
blackflowescanor: that has nothing to do with DNS :)09:08
blackflowescanor: can you ping by ip?09:08
escanorDestination host unreachable09:08
blackflowescanor: what about   ping   ?09:09
blackflowI'm guessing that's gateway09:09
escanorblackflow: Same host unreachable09:09
blackflowescanor: and if you disable wifi?09:10
escanorblackflow: Actually i am trying to establish connection between two pc(ubuntu) and windows machine09:15
escanorWhen i connect the lan cable my wifi stops working09:15
blackflowescanor: well, one step at a time. that routing table you posted suggest you have both ethernet and wifi in the same subnet, so possibly conflicting.09:16
dnivraHello everyone! I had an installation of 16.04 and I was installing 18.04.1 using a bootable USB without formatting / so that home's contents remain intact. Everything went fine until the grub installation failed because it attempted UEFI installation but I was using legacy earlier. So I created a 200MB FAT32 bootable partition, ran install again and then ran boot repair. Boot repair said repair was successful but when I try to boot the disk, it says09:16
dnivrafailed to mount /dev/sda1(the EFI partition): bad superblock. Could someone help fix this issue?09:16
blackflowescanor: please pastebin the output of      ip addr show       and      ip route show         don't use netstat, it's deprecated and doesn't support all the functionality needed nowadays09:16
escanorblackflow: how can i solve this issue09:16
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EriC^^dnivra: can you boot a live usb right now?09:18
dnivrayes a live usb is now booted and running09:19
EriC^^dnivra: type "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999"09:20
dnivraEriC^^: http://termbin.com/2l3e09:22
j0sephHi all. I've installed Ubuntu 18.04 (Kernel 4.15). I wanted to remove ubuntu-session and replace it with the default vanilla gnome-session. gnome-session installs and runs fine, but as soon as I remove ubuntu-session, gnome-session no longer works: Trying to log into it causes a login loop (tested GDM3 and LightDM). The only way in which I can use the vanilla gnome-session is if ubuntu-session is also installed, even if I have all of the09:22
j0sephdependencies of ubuntu-session installed. Is there any way I could remove ubuntu-session while being able to log into gnome-session?09:22
escanorblackflow: Sorry for late reply please find the output of the command:https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Mtt7pmCb7j/09:23
EriC^^dnivra: sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt09:23
dnivraEriC^^: done mounting.09:24
EriC^^dnivra: "for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i;done"09:24
blackflowescanor: that looks more or less fine, but if it doesn't work, there's probably a conflict. use either cable or wifi, in that network, dont' use both. for example, that route shows default goes over wifi, so the cable has no use except for LAN access due to that metric09:26
dnivraEriC^^: done mounting09:27
escanorblackflow: Yup i need to use the lan cable as normal lan setting it up as different network09:28
EriC^^dnivra: sudo chroot /mnt09:28
escanorBut when i do so the internet stops working09:28
dnivraEriC^^: chrooted into /mnt.09:29
EriC^^dnivra: mount -a09:29
blackflowescanor: right so use one or the other. they're both in the same subnet, so why do you need the cable specifically?09:29
dnivraEriC^^: done09:29
EriC^^dnivra: "cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999"09:30
dnivraEriC^^: http://termbin.com/ktjf09:30
EriC^^dnivra: hmm does sda1 show mounted under /boot/efi in "lsblk" output?09:31
=== captain__broken is now known as CaptainFixerpc14
escanorblackflow: will changing subnet resolve issue09:32
dnivraEriC^^: Yes I think it does. I see a line "├─sda1   8:1    0   200M  0 part /boot/efi". Full output of lsblk: http://termbin.com/i20109:32
EriC^^dnivra: is this the only hdd attached to the pc when you're trying to boot?09:32
blackflowescanor: possibly.09:32
dnivraEriC^^: Yes this is the only HDD I have. I remove the live USB and no other USB is attached when booting.09:33
EriC^^dnivra: ok, let's try to format the efi partition again in case it helps09:33
EriC^^dnivra: umount /boot/efi09:33
EriC^^dnivra: mkfs.fat /dev/sda109:34
dnivraEriC^^: sure. I should umount and mkfs.fat from within chroot right?09:34
escanorblackflow: please correct my understanding if wrong: Subnet divides network logically into diff network. Here I have same ip range for lan and wifi. If i change the subnet mask so probably it will resolve the conflict09:34
EriC^^dnivra: get the new uuid from "blkid /dev/sda1" and replace it in the last line in /etc/fstab09:34
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EriC^^dnivra: yes09:35
blackflowescanor: no. your router has to designate different subnets/vlans.09:35
dnivraEriC^^: done formatting and replacing the UUID in fstab.09:36
EriC^^dnivra: great, "mount /boot/efi" then "dpkg -l | grep grub | nc termbin.com 9999"09:36
EriC^^dnivra: please also run "ls /sys/firmware/efi" and confirm that you get a bunch of dirs back09:37
dnivraEriC^^: The ls lists a bunch of files and 3 folders - efivars, runtime-map and vars.09:37
EriC^^ok, great09:38
dnivraEriC^^: Output of dpkg -l | grep grub | nc termbin.com 9999 - http://termbin.com/xg7709:38
EriC^^dnivra: apt-get purge grub-pc grub-pc-bin09:39
EriC^^dnivra: also apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64-signed09:40
dnivraEriC^^: The grub-pc purge says it's going to remove "grub-gfxpayload-lists* grub-pc* grub-pc-bin*" and install grub-efi-amd64. Shall I continue?09:40
EriC^^dnivra: yes09:40
escanorblackflow: ok thanks09:41
escanorblackflow: So i should remove lan and try to estblish connection using the wlan09:42
dnivraEriC^^: okay it's attempting to retrieve stuff from the CDROM. I commented out the CDROM line from sources.list and ran apt-get update. Waiting for update to complete.09:42
EriC^^dnivra: kind of odd but ok09:43
EriC^^dnivra: this is from inside the chroot, right?09:43
blackflowescanor: either one or the other, as a first step to see if everything works okay like that.09:43
dnivraEriC^^: Yes from within the chroot. I think the install didn't complete and so the CDROM sources line was probably not removed from the sources.list?09:44
escanorblackflow: ok thanks a lot :)09:44
EriC^^dnivra: yeah maybe that's it09:44
dnivraEriC^^: Done purging and reinstalling grub-efi-amd64-signed09:47
dnivraI got a display from grub-pc seeking confirmation to all grub2 files being deleted. I answered yes.09:48
EriC^^dnivra: great, just for bad uefi implementation's sake, run "mkdir -p /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/boot /boot/efi/efi/boot"09:48
EriC^^dnivra: then "cp /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi"09:48
EriC^^dnivra: as well as "cp /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /boot/efi/efi/boot/bootx64.efi"09:49
EriC^^dnivra: and finally "cp /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/boot"09:49
dnivraEriC^^: There's no directory "/boot/efi/efi/ubuntu"09:49
EriC^^dnivra: is there a /boot/efi/efi/grub dir?09:50
dnivraEriC^^: /boot/efi/efi has only dirs - boot and microsoft/boot. No files09:51
EriC^^dnivra: aha, try "grub-install && update-grub"09:51
dnivraEriC^^: okay. grub-install printed out a few "GUID Partition Table Header signature is wrong" messages but finally says "Installation finished. No error reported." Are those signature is incorrect messages important?09:53
EriC^^dnivra: no i think it just expects a GPT partition table and is saying their wrong cause you have msdos partition table09:55
EriC^^it should still work though, linux doesn't mind msdos + uefi09:55
EriC^^dnivra: has /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu become populated?09:55
EriC^^also can you please run "dpkg -l | grep grub | nc termbin.com 9999" once more?09:56
dnivraEriC^^: /boot/efi/efi/grub has grubx64.efi in it. Is that sufficient?09:56
EriC^^yeah that's ok, there's been a bug lately about that, can you run "ls -lR /boot/efi | nc termbin.com 9999" ?09:57
zerobaudI want to compile a program that depends on "libbsd" I installed libbsd-dev but it does not provide vis.h, the header file interface to the function my program needs in libbsd. How do I install the header file "vis.h" on debian?09:58
EriC^^!find vis.h09:58
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 230 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=vis.h&searchon=names&suite=bionic&section=all09:58
dnivraEriC^^: Ah okay. Here's output of ls command: http://termbin.com/dhez and output of the dpkg -l command: http://termbin.com/vx1f09:58
EriC^^zerobaud: try "apt-file" "apt-file search vis.h"09:58
zerobaudEriC^^: will do that, thanks!09:59
EriC^^dnivra: it looks good, also they seem to have fixed the bug too10:00
EriC^^dnivra: try rebooting10:00
EriC^^zerobaud: no problem10:00
zerobaudEriC^^: one of the listed packages "libbsd-dev: /usr/include/bsd/vis.h" is already installed, I will try freebsd-glue as well..10:00
zerobaudactually thats the wrong vis.h (from freebsd), I need the one of libbsd-dev10:01
dnivraEriC^^: Goes straight to grub command line.10:01
EriC^^zerobaud: maybe you need to point the compiler to it, try joining and asking in #debian as they know more than here :)10:01
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zerobaudEriC^^: will try, thanks!10:02
EriC^^dnivra: ok, that sounds like the bug it had before10:02
^Phantom^0 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­10:02
EriC^^dnivra: type "echo $prefix"10:02
EriC^^zerobaud: yw :)10:02
dnivraEriC^^: (hd0,msdos1)/EFI/ubuntu. I guess we need to change some bios or grub settings?10:03
viranHey, is it possible to bind a python script to a specific network interface ?10:03
EriC^^dnivra: yeah, exactly10:04
EriC^^dnivra: type "configfile (hd0,msdos2)/boot/grub/grub.cfg"10:04
dnivraEriC^^: that showed a pretty weird grub display with blue colours. Booted the top entry "GNU/Linux" and I ran into same error that /boot/efi - wrong fs type, bad superblock, bad option etc10:07
TJ-Got a weird issue with a debootstrap-ed 18.04 LUKS install - in the chroot GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y is being recognised but ignored by both grub-install and update-grub! Any ideas!?10:08
akkonradwhen I have  a global variable, can I call it from bash script?10:08
TJ-akkonrad: you can reference it from a sub-shell *if* it was EXPORTed10:09
EriC^^dnivra: odd, try booting the live usb again10:11
wendicoHello there. i have ubuntu 18 and installed network tools, ifconfig shows my netwoks with names: en eno1, enp2s0. is it normal?10:11
wendicoim used to the eth0, eth110:11
EriC^^dnivra: when it boots, type "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt" then "cat /mnt/efi/grub/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 9999"10:12
dnivraEriC^^: Contents of efi/grub/grug.cfg in the EFI partition - http://termbin.com/6az510:15
EriC^^dnivra: ok, type "sudo mkdir /mnt/efi/ubuntu"10:19
EriC^^dnivra: then type "sudo cp /mnt/efi/grub/* /mnt/efi/ubuntu"10:19
dnivraEriC^^: Done creating folder and copying the files.10:19
EriC^^dnivra: ok, let's try removing the efi from the fstab just to see what happens, run "sudo mount /dev/sda2 /cdrom"10:20
EriC^^then edit /cdrom/etc/fstab and comment out the line with /boot/efi10:20
dnivraEriC^^: Okay so fstab in /dev/sda2 will have details of only 2 partitions: swap and / right? (Also - /cdrom is already in use by live USB; used a different mount point)10:23
EriC^^dnivra: yes, correct, alright10:23
EriC^^try rebooting10:24
dnivraEriC^^: Success it works now!10:27
dnivraLogged in and things seem to be okay.10:27
EriC^^dnivra: great10:28
EriC^^dnivra: can you run "sudo blkid | nc termbin.com"10:29
EriC^^dnivra: can you run "sudo blkid | nc termbin.com 9999"10:29
EriC^^dnivra: as well as "hexdump -C /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999"10:29
gt8ost4lcan anybody help me im on ubuntu 18.04 and my wireless card AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter10:30
gt8ost4l keeps disconnecting i read that my driver r8169 is very buggy can anybody hedlp me?10:30
TJ-EriC^^: have you ever seen grub-install/update-grub ignore GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y  (18.04) ?10:31
SimonNLmight be a good idea asking that in #linux-wireless gt8ost4l10:31
gt8ost4lSimonNL, let me guess another refference10:32
dnivraEriC^^: blkid output is http://termbin.com/digz and hexdump of fstab is http://termbin.com/jaor10:32
TJ-gt8ost4l: isn't the AR9485 by Atheros, not Realtek ?10:32
gt8ost4lTJ-, yes10:32
EriC^^TJ-: nope10:32
EriC^^TJ-: maybe they fixed that bug thing and now it's =1 intead of =y ?10:33
TJ-gt8ost4l: use "lspci -nnk" to show which driver the device is using, to be sure if it is the r816910:33
TJ-EriC^^: I look in the source and it looks to be correct. Weird how I've never hit it until now!10:33
gt8ost4lTJ-,  which one it shows many10:34
TJ-gt8ost4l: show us "pastebinit <( lspci -nnk )"10:34
EriC^^dnivra: no weird characters, i wonder why it wont mount it10:35
gt8ost4lTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wcK4PpbmkJ/10:36
EriC^^dnivra: try creating a fresh line there in case i missed something, this is what i have for my 16.04 install, "UUID=0A87-44C2  /boot/efi       vfat    umask=0077      0       1"10:37
TJ-gt8ost4l: the AR9485 is using the ath9k driver; the wired ethernet is using the r816910:39
dnivraEriC^^: I added the line again you shared just now(changed UUID), rebooted. I encounter the same problem - it's not able to mount /dev/sda1 to /boot/efi.10:40
gt8ost4lTJ-, yes what else10:40
TJ-gt8ost4l: is it the wireless that drops out? I'd first check the frequency band see if it is interference from other APs10:41
dnivraEriC^^: But it works without that line so I guess it's probably not required?10:42
gt8ost4lTJ-, how do i check that out10:42
EriC^^dnivra: it's required for like updates, if they ever update something then the efi partition wouldnt get updated10:42
EriC^^dnivra: i have no idea why it wont mount it, maybe TJ- might know10:43
EriC^^TJ-: dnivra 's efi partition wont get mounted while booting "bad superblock, option or something else", from a live usb it mounts perfectly fine using mount /boot/efi , and we mkfs.fat the partition and it still errors out10:43
EriC^^dnivra: i'm off to lunch, hope you guys can crack this one, good luck and have a nice day :)10:44
dnivraEriC^^: Thanks a lot for all the help! Very much appreciated. I'll see if the other problem can be figured out. Enjoy your lunch!10:45
oodswaylooks like Bionic upgrade is now available: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts11:06
EriC^dnivra: no problem! you're very welcome, thanks11:06
m4r35n357Hi all, just upgraded from 16.04 to 18.04 and python-visual is gone.  Anyone else missing this, or know of a viable alternative?11:09
dystopia_ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­11:11
tomreynm4r35n357: python-visual (vpython.org) is not longer developed. python-vispy (vispy.org) can be a viable alternative11:16
gt8ost4ltomreyn, where were you the other day?11:18
tomreynm4r35n357: there is also pymol (pymol.org)11:19
tomreyngt8ost4l: not sure which day you mean (let's talk about non-support topics in -offtopic, please)11:20
gt8ost4ltomreyn, can i pm you11:20
wendicoHello, i used this guide https://www.tecmint.com/configure-network-bonding-teaming-in-ubuntu/ to create a network bond in my ubuntu 18. Is that guide correct? by bond doesnt work, i must connect by wifi11:20
tomreyngt8ost4l: yes11:21
TJ-EriC^: Solved my issue - I created the LUKS /boot/ as --type=luks2 but GRUB still only supports luks1 - duh!!11:21
wendicoanybdoy up to helping me create a network bond on ubuntu 18, ty11:23
EriC^TJ-: ah, great! :)11:28
m4r35n357tomreyn, thx, investigating11:29
m4r35n357\tomreyn, thx, investigating11:29
m4r35n357been a while . .11:29
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dnivraEriC^: So I find that the system mount can't mount the EFI partition but it does work fine in live USB. Hence, I'm thinking it might be something wrong in mount?11:29
tomreynwendico: have a look at https://netplan.io/examples#bonding11:30
TJ-wendico: is that using systemd-networkd?11:30
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xuanruiHi all! I need help with a suspicious problem. I get a blank screen with a cursor after I log in. I'm using the default GNOME desktop on 1811:35
xuanruiIs this a common problem?11:36
EriC^dnivra: does the mount error come up in a initramfs shell style?11:37
dnivraEriC^: It comes up in boot time and says "press ctrl+d for maintenance" which drops to be a bash shell. I also tried mounting the EFI partition after commenting the line in /etc/fastab and logging in: still same error11:39
EriC^dnivra: i'm a little confused what you mean in the second sentence about mounting11:40
EriC^you commented out the line in fstab, i thought it reached the desktop successfully? or you mean with it commented out you tried mounting it from the maintenance shell?11:41
dnivraEriC^: Yes I reached desktop and I tried mounting the EFI partition after logging into the desktop11:41
dnivragot the same error and what is displayed in the maintenance shell11:41
EriC^dnivra: interesting11:42
lotuspsychjeafternoon ioria11:42
EriC^dnivra: are you in the desktop right now?11:42
iorialotuspsychje, hey lotus good afternoon11:43
dnivraEriC^: Yeah. The only common factor in both cases was the system mount: the live USB had a different mount.11:43
dnivraAnd yes I'm logged into the desktop now.11:43
EriC^dnivra: we did use "mount -a" successfully though, but it might be /proc/filesystems11:44
EriC^or some other system file11:44
EriC^dnivra: can you run "sudo cat /proc/filesystems | nc termbin.com 9999" ?11:44
gt8ost4ltomreyn, i want to fix my wireless card connectivity when i fire it up it time passes and i get disconnected11:45
dnivraEriC^: http://termbin.com/1cqv11:46
EriC^dnivra: hmm vfat listed there11:47
tomreyngt8ost4l: i saw you posted this earlier, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wcK4PpbmkJ/ , line 39 and following is about a "Qualcomm Atheros AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter [168c:0032] (rev 01)", is this what you're trying to make work?11:47
EriC^try please "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt |& nc termbin.com 9999"11:47
EriC^dnivra: following also "dmesg | tail | nc termbin.com 9999"11:47
gt8ost4ltomreyn, i guess so11:48
tomreyngt8ost4l: can you quickly sum up what doesn't work about it?11:49
xuanruisorry, on my phone...mistyping stuff all the time11:50
gt8ost4lit fails miserrably and gives me a message11:50
xuanruiAnyone has insight into why I would get a blank screen with only the cursor? The cursor works as normal11:51
lotuspsychjexuanrui: did you clean install or upgrade 18.04?11:51
xuanruiClean install11:51
tomreyngt8ost4l: what's the message? also, you wrote earlier that you're on ubuntu 18.04. is this 18.04.1 now ("lsb_release -ds" will tell)?11:51
xuanruiI even tried reinstalling a few times. Yes it's 18.04.111:52
lotuspsychjexuanrui: what kind of graphics card do you have?11:52
xuanruiNvidia GTX 960M, I have the driver from the PPA11:52
gt8ost4ltomreyn, of course its 18.0411:52
lotuspsychjexuanrui: wich ppa version exactly please?11:52
xuanruito be specific, nvidia-39011:52
lotuspsychjexuanrui: .48 or .77?11:52
tomreyngt8ost4l: so 18.04.0 or 18.04.1?11:53
xuanruilet me check11:53
dnivraEriC^: No output from mount. dmesg tail output seems to have very little info: http://termbin.com/e4xt11:53
xuanruiits 7711:53
TJ-dnivra: EriC^ what's the base problem there?11:53
gt8ost4ltomreyn, first  one11:54
EriC^dnivra: what command did you run earlier to get the same error?11:54
tomreyngt8ost4l: can the system still get online by other means?11:54
EriC^TJ-: while booting it gives an error about not being able to mount /dev/sda1 on /boot/efi bad superblock,options, or something else11:54
lotuspsychjexuanrui: ok, we hear good things on that .77 should work actually, have you tryed get in with !nomodeset?11:54
dnivraEriC^: Interesting. I didn't realize that the mount succeeded. Let me try enabling in fstab and try again.11:55
lotuspsychjexuanrui: to see your available drivers list: ubuntu-drivers list11:55
gt8ost4ltomreyn, yes im using an ethernet cable11:55
EriC^TJ-: we ran mkfs.fat and and inspected fstab for odd chars, still same error11:55
EriC^TJ-: while the os is running it seems to mount it fine, maybe some initramfs issue?11:55
TJ-EriC^: as I recall the EFI-SP won't be mounted until systemd is active, so real root-fs11:56
tomreyngt8ost4l: very well. then please install all the pending updates while we chat.11:56
xuanruilotuspsychje: Let me try nomodeset actually11:57
tomreyngt8ost4l: do you kno how to do this?11:57
TJ-EriC^: maybe 'journalctl -xb --priority=warning' may help?11:57
EriC^TJ-: the only odd thing i can think of, if it's called odd, is that he's using msdos partition table with uefi, also grub kind of whined about incorrect GPT headers while installing which is new to me11:57
lotuspsychjexuanrui: another way to get in could be: sudo apt purge nvidia* to fallback to nouveau11:57
filifunk2tomreyn!  Hi, are you busy?  Was thinking of hammering away at my issue again.  Can do another time if you're busy11:57
gt8ost4ltomreyn, yes11:57
dnivraEriC^: TJ-: Quick update - it seems to be working fine after enabling the entry in fstab. No mount issues now.11:58
xuanruinouveau doesn't work for me11:58
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xuanruiit doesn't get the resolution right at all11:58
EriC^dnivra: nice, great!11:58
TJ-EriC^: is it possible the MBR isn't a generated hybrid MBR from GPT, and they conflict?11:58
dnivraI think I know possibly why: kernel was likely updated.11:58
EriC^dnivra: that makes sense11:58
TJ-Well that was easy :)11:59
tomreynfilifunk2: i'm a bit busy right now but there are more lovely people also helping here, you'll need to sum it up again anyways (i forgot the details, sorry).11:59
xuanruilotuspsychje: So should I get rid/comment out ro quiet splash before doing nomodeset?12:00
filifunk2tomreyn: ok!12:00
illuminatedyoutube-dl while far from perfect is p nice.12:00
tomreyngt8ost4l: so, you mentioned a message that shows up abhout your wireless12:00
lotuspsychjexuanrui: removing quiet splash is only to get a text-based bootup instead of gui logo12:01
dnivraTJ-, EriC^: Yeah that solved itself well. However, it doesn't seem to happen with an older kernel version so now I'm doubting if it was the kernel update.12:01
gt8ost4ltomreyn, Activation of network connection failed12:02
TJ-EriC^: dnivra if it was being mounted at initialramfs  time, I'd suspect a corrupt initrd.img12:02
dnivraI get the error after the "Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04" message printed during boot time.12:03
dnivraor so I remember.12:03
tomreyngt8ost4l: okay, are updates downloading, yet?12:03
dnivraI checked update history again and I think it's probably the microcode updates?12:03
gt8ost4ltomreyn, yes12:03
xuanruilotuspsychje: better now. I get what I need. thanks!12:04
tomreyngt8ost4l: okay, once they're done, please tell me12:04
xuanruibtw, what does !nomodeset do, really?12:04
lotuspsychjexuanrui: youre welcome12:04
tomreyngt8ost4l: so the wireless will not even start, did i get this right?12:05
lotuspsychjexuanrui: well it sets no modes, so its only a temp solution...what really needs to work is your actual driver12:05
xuanruiHmm, so I'd just have to wait for a better driver?12:05
gt8ost4ltomreyn, yup i get that message12:05
lotuspsychjexuanrui: i advise you test the drivers, availaible to your system12:05
lotuspsychjexuanrui: ubuntu-drivers list from terminal12:06
xuanruiIt seems that I also have 39612:06
lotuspsychjexuanrui: yeah try that aswell as test12:06
xuanruiThat one doesn't work for me iirc, though?12:06
lotuspsychjexuanrui: if ubuntu-drivers list lists it, you can use it12:07
gt8ost4ltomreyn, i finished downloading the updates12:07
xuanruilotuspsychje: Let me try that12:08
tomreyngt8ost4l: does it say you need to reboot?12:08
filifunk2Hi all, can someone help me out with connecting my main computer to the internet via ethernet?  There already has been some groundwork done here by tomreyn so I imagine we're a lot closer to the end goal than would seem!12:08
gt8ost4ltomreyn, no12:09
lotuspsychjefilifunk2: sounds more like a ##networking question?12:09
lotuspsychjefilifunk2: or is it ubuntu related?12:09
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tomreyngt8ost4l: can you tell me what "cat /var/run/reboot-required" and "cat /proc/version" return?12:10
filifunk2lotuspsychje: so it is a networking problem and ubuntu related.  I have ubuntu on my computer12:10
lotuspsychjefilifunk2: how about you just ask your issue to the channel, volunteers will take a look whats it about for you12:11
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filifunk2lotuspsychje: ok!12:11
tomreyn!paste | gt8ost4l12:11
ubottugt8ost4l: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:11
gt8ost4ltomreyn, the first command doesnt exist12:13
filifunk2so i don't know how to phrase this that well i figure the best way may be to paste my pastebin summary that tomreyn had written up for me12:13
filifunk2I can't connect to the internet using my ethernet.  I was talking to someone else and he was saying it had to do with my dhcp but we were both tired and decided to attack it another day12:14
lotuspsychjefilifunk2: does your wired connection work when direct connect modem/isp?12:15
tomreyngt8ost4l: how about the second? are you typing these commands or just copy / pasting them? if you're working from a different computer than the one we're trying to fix, we can try to make this more convenient for you.12:16
xuanruilotuspsychje: neither of them work for me, but noveau is no better...12:17
filifunk2lotuspsychje: so I've attached my ethernet cord to the computer and then directly to the router and it doesn't work, which I think is what you're suggesting.  Unless you're thinking of a different connection?12:17
filifunk2and my router is connected to a wall plug for internet12:18
lotuspsychjefilifunk2: but if previous router worked, this is a case of the netgear one no?12:18
tomreyngt8ost4l: are you still around?12:19
lotuspsychjexuanrui: do you get errors installing the nvidia drivers?12:19
gt8ost4ltomreyn, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RBgRdYPBwT/12:19
xuanruilotuspsychje: nope, not any that I'm aware of12:19
filifunk2lotuspsychje: yes.  the previous router has worked.  Are you implying i should get a new router/12:19
lotuspsychjexuanrui: ok, we also have users that fixxed it by installing the nvidia linux driver from nvidia website too12:20
JimBuntufilifunk2, any other devices connected to that router? Are they working?12:20
lotuspsychjefilifunk2: no, im thinking this is more an issue for ##networking12:20
filifunk2Jimbuntu: yes, the computer I am typing on right now is wirelessly connected to the router12:21
filifunk2Jimbuntu: so is my phone and my ps412:21
filifunk2Jimbuntu: and successfully connected too12:21
JimBuntufilifunk2, Can you confirm what IP addresses one of those devices has?12:22
lotuspsychjexuanrui: did you test 4 types of drivers? 390 & 396 from ubuntu, and 390 & 396 from ubuntu graphics ppa?12:22
xuanruilotuspsychje: it seems that ubuntu has only 396 and the graphics ppa only 390?12:23
tomreyngt8ost4l: thanks. so, are you working on this same computer or a different one?12:23
lotuspsychjexuanrui: aha, if ubuntu has chosen 396 for your card, you should try 396 from ppa? wich ppa is that exactly?12:23
gt8ost4ltomreyn, same one12:23
oswaldHello i have a question, i'm fairly new to linux: How do i change the login screen(and the swipe up thing). Does this have to to with my Desktop Environment? (i think i use GNOME (the default one))12:23
tomreyngt8ost4l: okay so you can copy and paste commands easy and also copy and paste what the computer returns, good.12:24
lotuspsychjeoswald: whats your current ubuntu version please12:24
filifunk2Jimbuntu:  yes, hostname -I gives me an IP
oswaldHow  do i find out ( the command was something with lsb release no>)12:25
xuanruilotuspsychje: the famous graphics-drivers/ppa12:25
filifunk2Jimbuntu: of the computer I'm typing on right now12:25
lotuspsychjeoswald: lsb_release -a12:25
tomreyngt8ost4l: when was the last time you fully rebooted this computer, not just woke it from sleep / hibernatoin?12:25
lotuspsychjexuanrui: ubuntu ppa or olaf?12:25
oswaldUbuntu 18.0412:25
JimBuntufilifunk2, Ok. Unless you have configured the router in a custom fashion, then I suspect your desktop/wired computer has a manual IP config... since it's on 192.168.0.x instead of 192.168.1.x12:25
tomreyngt8ost4l: "uptime" will tell12:25
lotuspsychjeoswald: ok ubuntu desktop 18.04 uses gdm3/gnome as default12:26
adrian_1908In LXD, is it normal that ~/.config/lxc/ is owned by root?12:26
JimBuntufilifunk2, please paste the response of `cat /etc/network/interfaces`12:26
lotuspsychjeoswald: so wich login screen are you after exactly?12:26
gt8ost4ltomreyn, using the iso on my usb drive12:26
xuanruilotuspsychje: ubuntu ppa I think12:26
filifunk2Jimbuntu:  OK, I know i am not sophisticated enough to configure custom-like on purpose12:26
filifunk2# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)12:27
filifunk2auto lo12:27
filifunk2iface lo inet loopback12:27
tomreyngt8ost4l: oh so ubuntu is not installed, but you are running form a live iso?12:27
oswaldI just want to disable the swipe-up clock thing and maybe know what alternatives there are. Is the login screen bound to the desktop-environment? or is it seperate thing12:27
Raccoon ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­12:27
gt8ost4ltomreyn, no its installed12:28
gt8ost4lits complicated12:28
lotuspsychjexuanrui: 396.51-0ubuntu0~gpu18.04.1 seems to be there12:28
tomreyngt8ost4l: do you feel like explaining?12:29
lotuspsychjeoswald: you could enable automatic password login, to avoid that swipe screen? its bound to gdm312:29
Grimnir3 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­12:29
gt8ost4lwell i was uploading things to meganz but i stopped it was a long process12:30
oswaldSo the desktop environment is called gdm3 or GNOME? it's still confusing to me12:30
ncupteahi all12:31
lotuspsychjeoswald: gnome is the desktop, gdm3 the login manager12:31
padarcoswald, gdm is the "login screen thing/unlock screen thing", gnome is the DE12:31
padarcoh ... im too late :P12:31
lotuspsychjencuptea: welcome to ubuntu support, how can we help you?12:31
lotuspsychje+1 padarc12:31
tomreyngt8ost4l: how is this related to "using the iso on my usb drive", and how is using the iso on your usb drive related to the question i asked:  when was the last time you fully rebooted this computer, not just woke it from sleep / hibernatoin?12:32
oswaldokay thanks so i can freely combine DE/login manager/window manager?12:32
lotuspsychjeoswald: yes, but we advise once you found your likings, to switch the the flavor you want12:33
gt8ost4ltomreyn, why are you asking such irrelevant questions12:33
lotuspsychje!flavors | oswald have different login/DE12:33
ubottuoswald have different login/DE: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours12:33
=== Guest20805 is now known as Richard|Fastly
tomreyngt8ost4l: they are relevant, which is why i'm asking them. we don't need to carry on, though, if you're not interested (and i don't think you are).12:34
lotuspsychjeoswald: for the overall performance of your computer, avoid using like 5 different desktops12:34
ncupteathanks lotus, can u give me clue about setup squid as cache https ? because all i around the web not be could i take12:35
oswaldokay and why is that? @lotuspsychje12:35
gt8ost4ltomreyn, i didnt say that12:35
ncupteasorry my english is bad, i am from indonesia12:35
ncupteaany body in here from indonesia?12:36
lotuspsychjeoswald: too many DE's could scramble things up, fight with each other12:36
lotuspsychje!squid | ncuptea12:36
ubottuncuptea: squid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org12:36
lotuspsychjeoswald: but for testing, you are good to go, install what you like12:36
oswaldcan't i uninstall the old one?, lotuspsychje12:36
ncupteasquidguard not for cache12:37
lotuspsychjeoswald: define 'old one' please?12:37
filifunk2Jimbuntu: not sure you saw it:  # interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)12:38
filifunk2auto lo12:38
filifunk2iface lo inet loopback12:38
koichiroseHi, I’m trying to upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04. The upgrade process failed and upon reboot I’m getting this when I run apt update: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security InRelease: Unknown error executing apt-key12:38
koichiroseI googled everywhere but couldn’t find a solution. How can I fix this?12:38
lotuspsychje!id | ncuptea see also12:38
ubottuncuptea see also: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia12:38
tomreyngt8ost4l: yes, you did not say so. it just feels like it to me since you answer my questions selectively and it takes you longer than the average person to respond to questions (which is fine if there is a reason to it).12:38
xuanruilotuspsychje: Well its weird. I see nvidia-396 but apt-get complains about not being able to locate it12:39
lotuspsychjekoichirose: did you receive the upgrade window, or did you manually upgrade?12:39
JimBuntufilifunk2, I had missed that. Were you not able to cat the interfaces file?12:39
ncupteathanks ubottu, but for now i want learn from this channel12:39
koichiroselotuspsychje: I manually ran do-dist-upgrade12:39
JimBuntuncuptea, ubottu us a bot12:39
oswaldlotuspsychje, when the default login mange is gdm and i install another one can't i uninstall gdm3 then? because u said having to many DE's messes things up12:40
ncupteainterfaces files ubuntu in /etc/network/interfaces12:40
tomreyngt8ost4l: so i was trying to understand how long this computer has been running. the "uptime" command would say so. if answering this is difficult for some reason you can also just reboot it now.12:40
gt8ost4ltomreyn, there is your deliberately reluctant12:40
lotuspsychjeoswald: if you dont like gdm3, sure you can install another login manager12:40
filifunk2Jimbuntu: sorry, let me try this again I think i did it wrong12:41
gt8ost4lim trying my hardest to stay on track with you12:41
oswaldyeah but i meantioned it beacuse you said having to many different DE's/login managers messes things up and therefore i should change to one of the ubuntu flavors thats what i havent fully understood yet12:41
lotuspsychjeoswald: no i said too many desktops12:42
tomreyngt8ost4l: i assure you i was not deliberately reluctant (other than asking you to please ask your questions on the channel rather than in private, so that others could point out my mistakes and come up with better questions than mine).12:42
filifunk2Jimbuntu: no I opened the interfaces file and that is all there is12:42
filifunk2Jimbuntu: # interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)12:43
filifunk2auto lo12:43
filifunk2iface lo inet loopback12:43
tomreyngt8ost4l: so, i'm still trying to understand how long your system has been running, and whether you hibernated it.12:43
lotuspsychjexuanrui: perhaps try the nvidia website one? see what ti does?12:43
filifunk2Jimbuntu: if that's what you're asking me to do12:43
oswaldand what do you mean by desktops? isnt a DE just a bundle of a preset of window manager/login manger etc. ?, lotuspsychje12:43
lotuspsychjeoswald: you can install another login manager, without installing the DE too12:44
gt8ost4ltomreyn, no i havent hibernated it12:44
lotuspsychjeoswald: i just said, dont mix too many DE's togheter12:44
JimBuntufilifunk2, Oh. seems to be lacking network interface configuration information. I would have expected at least an 'auto lo' line.12:44
tomreyngt8ost4l: okay, has it been up for days or just some hours?12:44
gt8ost4ltomreyn, some hours12:45
filifunk2JimBuntu: so in my paste there is an auto lo line?12:45
koichiroselotuspsychje: any ideas?12:45
JimBuntuOh, I had only read the line with my name in it... I see the other 2 lines now. Ok.12:45
oswaldthen i undestand the term 'DE' wrong i thought it's just a bundle/package of as i said window/login manager, so if i install another DE i just end up having another Window Manger/Login Manager @lotuspsychje or what am i understanding wrong?12:46
tomreyngt8ost4l: okay, please try to bring up the wireless now (i know it will fail), then post the url returned by: dmesg | tail -n100 | pastebinit12:46
ducasseoswald: a de is a lot more than just a wm+dm, it has a lot of stuff on top to create a full environment12:48
oswaldok cool12:50
filifunk2Jimbuntu: any thing else we can think of to do here?12:50
JimBuntufilifunk2, Well, we could manually bring your interface down & up with DHCP, to see if that resolves it.12:51
JimBuntufilifunk2, sudo ip link set dev enp2s0 down && sudo dhclient enp2s012:51
JimBuntuAside from this filifunk2 , I would suspect your router may be misconfigured.12:52
filifunk2Jimbuntu: ok I used that command and a pop up came out saying I was connected to enp2s012:53
filifunk2Jimbuntu:  I guess I don't understand how it would be misconfigured when I haven't done anything to it other than plug it in and other devices are using it just fine12:53
filifunk2Jimbuntu: oh crap it works!12:54
filifunk2Jimbuntu: so was that command basically a reset button type thing?12:54
JimBuntuyay filifunk2.12:54
JimBuntuThat command manually told your network interface to come back up with dhcp. You should try a reboot, see if the same issue comes back12:55
JimBuntufilifunk2, ^^12:55
filifunk2Jimbuntu: ok, will do that now12:55
gt8ost4ltomreyn, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RDqctm8fn4/12:55
Sven_vBhow can it be that I have too few memory to fork, while free -m reports I have lots of free memory? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/f9SXkR3t3f/12:56
=== u0_a285 is now known as KanekiKun
filifunk2Jimbuntu: that command was magic lol.  Hope it works on reboot or I guess I just run that everytime lol12:56
JimBuntufilifunk2, Well, if that command is what needed, then I'm sure someone on here can get your machine straightened out so that it happens on boot12:57
tomreyngt8ost4l: okay, this actually seems to have worked to bring up the interface, and to connect to an access point. do you see that the wireless is now connected when you click on the network icon on the top right?12:57
filifunk2Jimbuntu: annnnnndddd it died again lol yeah I'm going to need to figure out how to do that12:58
filifunk2Jimbuntu: is that a cronjob type thing?12:58
gt8ost4ltomreyn, yes12:59
KanekiKuncan anyone help me ?12:59
JimBuntufilifunk2, normally it would simply be how the network interface is configured, what configs are used by the system when it brings up the networking service.12:59
fred1807do web have a global menu on Ubuntu Desktop ?12:59
JimBuntu!ask KanekiKun12:59
tomreyngt8ost4l: so this is new, rigfht? since earlier you said that it usually fails to activate and returns an error message.13:00
JimBuntu!ask > KanekiKun13:00
ubottuKanekiKun, please see my private message13:00
filifunk2JimBuntu: thanks!13:00
KanekiKunhow to cek ip in termux ?13:00
tomreyn!cookie | JimBuntu13:00
ubottuJimBuntu: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!13:00
gt8ost4ltomreyn, yes i already pointed that out13:00
JimBuntufilifunk2, yw. Sorry to say, I am not that good with tracking down network configuration issues, but at least we know it basically only needs DHCP configured and any previous settings removed.13:01
vali!cookie | ubottu13:01
ubottuvali: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!13:01
valinice :)13:01
tomreyngt8ost4l: i'm just trying to make sure we actually made progress here. so do you think this is solved for now?13:01
filifunk2KanekiKun: hi, referred over by JimBuntu...are you busy?13:01
* JimBuntu runs to the corner to devour his cookie.13:02
tomreyngt8ost4l: there seems to be an intermittent issue with your keyboard loosing connection to the computer (based on the logs you posted). maybe try plugging the keyboard into a different usb connector.13:03
fred1807TIL Ubuntu wont have global menus anymore?13:03
fred1807This is sad13:03
gt8ost4ltomreyn, its my computer sorry13:03
tomreyngt8ost4l: how do you mean?13:04
gt8ost4lits always disconnecting stuff13:04
tellolletwoy seto13:04
gt8ost4li have to wait till december to get a new pc13:04
tomreyngt8ost4l: so there's a general hardware issue?13:04
gt8ost4ltomreyn, yup13:05
tomreyngt8ost4l: ah, okay, please try to point such things out when asking for support in the future, it can make it easier to debug things.13:05
gt8ost4li didnt know it was that important13:07
Sven_vBlooks like I ran out of PIDs. I stopped lots of services, especially one that forked a lot very fast, but still I get "fork: Cannot allocate memory" on every other command. any way to fix this w/o reboot?13:08
ncupteatelolet indo?13:08
tomreyngt8ost4l: that's why i'm just pointing it out for next time, i'm not blaming you.. ;-) this general issue can be the result of an undersized power supply unit.13:08
tomreyngt8ost4l: ...but there can be a couple other reasons, too, so if you'll replace the hardware in december anyways, maybe you dont want to spend time on finding this out.13:09
tellolletncuptea yes i'm indo13:09
tellolletncuptea are you from indonesia ?13:10
tomreyn!ot | tellollet13:10
ubottutellollet: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:10
tellolletwhat is ot tomreyn ?13:11
ncupteaa couple day ago i just success install android x86 side by side in ubuntu.. the problem is my external wifi card not detected by os, any body give advice for my case?13:11
gt8ost4ltomreyn, nop i aint replacing anything13:11
JBzhGood afternoon. I've seen that there're some discussions about this, including in bugreports, but it's not easy to find informations about how to change default graphics in Gnome and Ubuntu. I can't find how to change the default wallpaper for new users (to a corporate one, we're deploying desktops using PXE/Preseed)13:11
tomreyntellollet: anything that's not about ubuntu support Q&A. but sorry, i think i'm overdoing it.13:11
ncupteatolelet, sama sy indonesia juga.. tepatnya dr bogor13:11
tellolletncuptea, oh gw dari depok lumayan deket13:12
tomreyngt8ost4l: maybe pay a visit to a nearby pc repairs place then, have them check the system's power supply. this can be quick and cheap.13:12
tomreyn!en | ncuptea, tellollet13:13
ubottuncuptea, tellollet: The main Ubuntu IRC channels are English only.  For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList13:13
tellolletspeak english sorry everyone13:13
ncupteaits just personal tom betwen telolet, sorry13:13
sveinseUnder gnome managed X config, is it possible to configure different DPI on two screens. I'm running two 4k displays, one 15" and one 32", so everything is tiny on the 15"13:13
ncupteaok tom13:14
u0_a134where are you from13:14
tomreynncuptea: you can /query each other or form a new channel for this.13:15
tellolletuo_a134 change your nick13:15
tellolletsorry Tom13:15
tomreynno problem, we just like to keep it strictly to support over here.13:16
u0_a134how to change nick my nic erorr13:16
wendicohello there, to boot win7, win10 and ubuntu 18 my BIOS should set up to uefi or legacy? thank you13:16
tomreynsince the channel can get busy13:16
tellolletu0_a134 indonesian people ?13:16
ncupteawendice, uefi or legacy support13:16
tomreynwendico: if you currently have none of them installed, and linux boots fine from uefi, use uefi.13:16
tomreynwendico: if you have one or more of them installed already, and dont plan to reinstall them, you'll need to stick what is currently set.13:18
ncupteaubuntu-id channel is empty :D13:18
ncupteamaybe reinstall grub13:19
ncupteatom : what u're activity about computer os? desktop or server13:20
TheBlokeHello. I'm trying to install autossh on Ubuntu Server 18.04.1 LTS.  trying to run "autossh" says it can be installed with sudo apt install autossh, but when I try that, it says "Unable to locate package autossh".  I need autossh as a dependency for other software I'm installing.  Has it been removed or renamed or something?  Googling seems to show it's still in the repo.  I have run sudo apt update, and other packages install OK. Thanks.13:21
tomreynu0_a212: hi. do you have an ubuntu support question?13:21
u0_a212what this entot :v kamvrert gak ngerti13:22
ncupteaTheBloke, the package is openssh-server13:22
whoamihy brother13:22
wendicotomreyn: thank you13:22
TheBlokencuptea: ah that includes autossh?  OK thanks a lot13:22
ncupteathebloke, are u use hardy on 2018?13:23
u0_a212nama gw jelek anjeg13:23
whoamihaha tolol13:23
tomreyn!en | u0_a21213:23
ubottuu0_a212: The main Ubuntu IRC channels are English only.  For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList13:23
TheBlokencuptea: I'm using Ubuntu Server 18.04.1 LTS13:23
whoamiplzz give me virus13:23
tomreyn!ot | whoami13:23
ubottuwhoami: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:23
cfhowlettwhoami, please stay on-topic13:23
leftyfbwhoami: This is an ubuntu support channel. Trolling is offtopic here.13:23
whoamihaha okay sorry friend13:24
u0_a212we chat same bot?13:24
tellolletwhat is ot tomreyn ?13:24
tellollethallo whoami13:24
tomreyn!ot > tellollet13:24
ubottutellollet, please see my private message13:24
ncupteamaybe whoami is cracker.. lol13:24
u0_a212oiii :v13:24
tellolletncuptea whoami from indonesia too13:24
ncupteayes i now13:25
u0_a212how tu chat private?13:25
u0_a212how to chat private?13:25
whoamihaha where are you from ncuptea indo ?13:25
tellolletwa me13:25
tomreynwhoami: please stay on topic13:25
ncupteabut still follow the rule.. haha, because tomrey or obuttu have angry to us.. haha13:26
tellollettom are you bot ?13:26
TheBlokencuptea: openssh-server does not contain autssh13:26
whoamihow to use ubuntu man ?13:27
TheBlokeI already have openssh-server installed, but I don't have autossh.   I thought the package was called autossh, that's what I see on the web.  Maybe I am missing some repository?13:27
tellollettom what is ot ?13:27
ncupteathebloke, i just use openssh package for remote via ssh13:27
tellolletintroduce my self ?13:27
tomreynTheBloke: it's called "autossh" indeed13:27
ncupteau can read the man page13:27
u0_a212gak jelas anjay13:28
leftyfbTheBloke: autossh is the name of the package. It's in the Universe repo13:28
TheBloketomreyn: any idea why "sudo apt install autossh" says No package matching autossh is available"13:28
TheBlokeOh maybe I don't have the universe repo?13:28
tomreynTheBloke: you may not have the right apt sources setup13:28
TheBlokeOK I got it now, I needed to do "sudo add-apt-repository universe".  Thanks guys13:29
tomreynoh this works? that's good to know13:29
tellolletwhat ?13:29
tellolleti don't understand wtf13:30
leftyfbtellollet: what can we help you with?13:30
tellolleti can't speak english13:30
ncupteaany body use squidserver on local area network and cache https not http?13:31
leftyfb!id | tellollet13:31
ubottutellollet: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia13:31
leftyfbncuptea: try #ubuntu-server13:31
TheBlokeis it possible to cache https? Surely all content is encrypted end-to-end13:31
ncuptealefty, i use and run debian 7 for router13:32
leftyfbncuptea: then you're in the wrong support channel13:32
leftyfbncuptea: go to #debian for support13:32
tellolletok ok13:32
tellolleti off13:32
oswaldHello, how do i change my default window manager? i just installed i3-wm and i have automatic login on and it logs me into gnome/gdm3 how can i change the defeault window manager so i automaticly log into i3?13:33
ncupteasame debian or ubuntu in hierarci files13:33
leftyfbncuptea: we do not support Debian here. Go to #debian13:33
prsstnti'm getting quite a lot of bugs in this latest release13:33
leftyfbprsstnt: start with 1 and detail it here.13:34
leftyfboswald: turn off autologin, log out, pick your WM and login and reenable autologin13:34
ncupteaok lefty, but my question is setup squid as server for cache https if any body has success runing13:34
prsstntin firefox and some other apps, the mouse is behaving very strangely when i hover over the top sections13:34
leftyfbncuptea: your question is not related to ubuntu. Go to #debian for support.13:35
ncupteawhat is topic in here? sorry13:35
leftyfbprsstnt: got a screenshot or video? Or explain what you mean by "strangely"? Also, what version of ubuntu and what video chipset?13:35
JimBuntu /topic13:35
oswaldok will try thanks13:35
leftyfbncuptea: This is Ubuntu support13:35
TheBlokeand it's not possible to cache https anyway, at least not without instigating a man-in-the-middle attack13:35
ncupteaall around system of ubuntu? ok13:36
tomreynncuptea: can you tell me how you found this chat?13:36
Zexarondoes ubuntu support full boot into RAM ?13:36
JimBuntuZexaron, yes13:36
leftyfbTheBloke: incorrect13:36
tomreynncuptea: in private, please13:37
ZexaronJimBuntu: Could I make a custom ISO and enable that ?13:37
JimBuntuZexaron, you can. There are probably a few tutorials even.13:37
JimBuntuZexaron, example https://www.pendrivelinux.com/ubuntu-toram-how-to-make-ubuntu-boot-to-ram/13:37
JimBuntuZexaron, very old example, but you should be able to find something much more modern13:38
ZexaronJimBuntu: I was gettiong tired of using sata drives to do maintenance on multiple PCs, I thought of making a bootable multiboot USB stick with several linux distros and utilities (clonezilla), the problem is the only practical things is a volatile live version but it has to be fully into RAM, persistence file or installation to USB is very sloow unpractical13:39
ZexaronI'm tired of having to open up a PC, disconnect sata, rearrange, killing my legs and back, tired of that nonsense13:39
prsstnt18.04, "intel hd" graphics, the mouse is duplicated multiple times when scrolling over certain things,  leftyfb13:39
prsstntno video or pic atm13:39
leftyfbZexaron: is this onsite support or in your place of business?13:40
ZexaronAnd needing to have a 120 GB SSD just for a few linux apps is wierd13:40
prsstntwhat is the command to find graphics card?13:40
Zexaronthis is home13:40
leftyfbZexaron: thought about setting up a PXE server with live OS's loaded?13:40
leftyfbprsstnt: lspci|grep -i vga13:40
ZexaronI don't have budget for anything other than an USB right now13:41
ZexaronUSB stick13:41
leftyfbZexaron: you could build this on a $5 raspberry pi13:41
prsstnt00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Atom/Celeron/Pentium Processor x5-E8000/J3xxx/N3xxx Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 21)13:41
leftyfbor even in a linux container on an existing machine13:41
ZexaronBut I didn't bother buying anything fast, most USBs have pisspoor random/4K read writes, the EXTREME FAST ones are even worse than the normal ones13:41
ZexaronSandisk Cruzer Extreme USB3 is exception, but it's old and scarse, I wasn't able to get it locally, nor Amazon.de, only Amazon.com which is overseas13:42
leftyfbZexaron: lets stay on topic please.13:42
ZexaronThere is the new Sandisk Extreme GO USB3.1 but it's not a proper successor, it's not the same, so I didn't buy anything13:43
leftyfbZexaron: lets stay on topic please.13:43
xuanruiHm, I see that my problem is that my GDM is outdated13:43
xuanruiI updated GDM and got my desktop back13:44
xuanruiproblem is, my display become extremely flaky13:44
leftyfbxuanrui: what version of ubuntu?13:44
xuanruiI can't even chromium/ubuntu now13:44
ncupteabtw, why my ubuntu trusty make my old hardware overheal better than my 10.04, because kernel or what?13:44
tomreynprsstnt: can you post the output of: sudo dmidecode --type bios --type baseboard --type system13:44
tomreyn!pastebinit | prsstnt13:45
ubottuprsstnt: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit13:45
xuanruito be specific, 18.04.01, driver nvidia-390, graphics card GTX 960M13:45
leftyfbxuanrui: then you weren't running an "outdated" GDM13:45
ncupteatom, in private13:45
leftyfbncuptea: 10.04 is 3 years OEL13:45
xuanruiI was not, I just got the updates from apt13:45
tomreynncuptea: do it again, please, i missed it13:45
xuanruiand that fixed my display problems albeit giving me new (less severe) problems13:46
ncupteayes lefty, but 10.04 not help me if any new harware plug in like usb dongle in new version and other13:47
Sven_vBhow can I test my new cron job file in /etc/cron.d that has a @restart line?13:48
prsstnttomreyn, https://paste.ofcode.org/A5tx2t7YH9CR2CrKA8WzRg13:48
wendicoafter testing a couple of ubuntu 18 installations, it seems that have made permanent changes to my BIOS. I disconected all drives, i mean all of them, leave just mouse and my bios shows this https://imgur.com/a/WRKxxHt13:49
wendicoAny clue on how to remove that "Ubuntu" from my bios? i removed electricity and batterry few minutes, then i booted bios asked me load default and i did, i go into bios with no kind of data drive added but still show that "boot overwrite" named ubuntu and both can be choosed as boot drives13:51
leftyfbwendico: that's not your BIOS. It's EFI13:51
tomreynprsstnt: i'm looking at it, give me a sec13:52
leftyfbwendico: there's probably an EFI editor somewhere in your BIOS. Or boot a live CD and edit it somewhow.13:52
=== Nach0z_ is now known as Nach0z
wendicoleftyfb: thank you. reading on EFI to learn, i have ready boot cds to solve it. Thanks for the info.13:54
tomreynprsstnt: hmm i can't seem to identify the exact model, do you know which one it is, does it sa yon the bottom?13:54
ncupteai must left.. thanks all13:54
tomreynprsstnt: also, can you "dmesg | pastebinit"13:55
skinuxDoes adding entry in /etc/hosts require restart?13:55
ryuoskinux: no...?13:55
prsstnthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Nj9w6NkBx7/ not sure the model, should i disconnected and take apart pc?13:57
ryuoprsstnt: dmidecode can tell you.13:57
tomreynprsstnt: no, its ok then13:57
ryuoSeems it gives it away.13:57
ryuoDMI: Packard Bell iMedia S2984/iMedia S2984, BIOS R01-A4 11/03/201513:58
tomreynryuo: we tried this, but i couldnt match it to anything on the vendor website13:58
ryuofound this13:59
tharkun18 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­13:59
ntdwhen is an updated gdm3 for xenial coming? https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2018/CVE-2018-14424.html13:59
leftyfbntd: it's being worked on. That CVE was literally updated yesterday. Have some patience.14:01
ntdsure, was just surprised to see that libreoffice apparently had been prioritized?14:02
leftyfbntd: different dev groups completely14:02
tomreynryuo: so it's maybe "DT.U95MH.001", so a iMedia xx.U94 [U95,U96,U9H,UA3,UA4] series14:03
roryWhen I install some package that pauses to prompt for a value, then I later uninstall that package, how can I have it prompt me again when I reinstall? Seems if I just do "apt remove" and "apt install" it remembers what I entered last time. Where are those values stored?14:03
tomreynprsstnt: i wass just checking the model number to see whether there are bios updates available. but apparently packard bellmakes none available for this system.14:03
ph88when is the 4.16 kernel coming to ubuntu 18.04 ?14:04
prsstnttomreyn, i think it's a feature that is made for smartphones/tablets that just screws up desktop versions or something14:04
prsstntbasically the mouse is letting you know where it was14:04
prsstnthappens on taskbars and even when i scroll over usernames here14:04
prsstnton hexchat14:04
prsstntand links14:05
Stochastix_If I have a copy of the whole ubuntu repo,  can I point both us.archives.ubuntu and security.ubuntu at the same repo ?14:05
JBzhrory: uninstall keeps the configuration files. You may want to uninstall --purge14:05
roryyeah I tried with that, and checked the resulting config files are deleted14:05
roryit seems like dpkg itsself is remembering the values I entered the first time14:05
Stochastix_When i ping them, they go to different servers on the  internet, but is the content basically the same?14:06
roryIs it dpkg-recongifure that I need?14:06
JBzhrory: dpkg-reconfigure will ask you again these questions, yes14:07
armyriad24 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­14:08
armyriad24 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  ­ https://i.redd.it/8w0r915sm1ty.jpg  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­14:08
amosbirdHi, how can I install g++ 8.2 in ubuntu ?14:08
tomreynprsstnt: so a 'mouse pointer finder' feature, you mean?14:09
vlkwgnubuntu 18.04.1 LTS with kernel 4.15.0-30-generic and microcode 0x8e spectre and meltdown mitigation: https://imgur.com/a/aa50cJb14:09
leftyfb!latest | amosbird14:09
ubottuamosbird: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.14:09
prsstntso i get the feeling i should get an AMD chip in the future14:09
tomreynprsstnt: there is definitely an issue with your intel integrated graphics / the i915 driver for it oin this kernel version.14:09
prsstntotherwise everything is fine, so i might just live with it14:10
prsstntjust gets confusing to know where the mouse is sometimes lol14:11
ryuoprsstnt: what's the issue?14:11
leftyfbamosbird: you could try installing gcc-814:11
tomreynprsstnt: have a look at line 773 and 789 of what you posted http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Nj9w6NkBx7/14:11
prsstntsome mischievous interrupt14:12
tomreynprsstnt: these 'perf' messages can just mean that parts of the hardware aren't catching up fast enough with other parts since the system is pretty busy currently, but the warning after this is a kernel oops and should not happen during normsal operation.14:13
ryuoprsstnt: i get these a lot: [drm:intel_cpu_fifo_underrun_irq_handler [i915]] *ERROR* CPU pipe A FIFO underrun14:13
ryuono idea why.14:13
tomreynthat's a different issue, though14:13
tomreynprsstnt: is the desktop generally very slow to respond to your actions?14:14
prsstntno, generally very fast tomreyn14:14
tarzeau__do people remember protracker or fasttracker2?14:15
prsstnt(since moving frmo windows)14:15
tomreynprsstnt: okay, so also on 18.04, right?14:15
prsstntUbuntu 18.04.1 LTS14:16
prsstntit seems to be getting worse and worse though14:16
tomreynprsstnt: if you'll be looking for new hardwar e(since oyu mentioned this previously), try not to buy a 'celeron' again. those are not very well supported by intel on linux.14:17
prsstnti won't be buying intel against since they release stuff that is broken tbh14:18
prsstntunless they publically apologise for this spectre crap14:19
ryuoprsstnt: AMD is also impacted.14:22
ryuoprsstnt: same logic could be applied there.14:23
prsstntwill have to make my own graphics cards then i guess14:24
* prsstnt goes down the mine14:24
ryuoprsstnt: yes? i meant the CPU stuff.14:24
prsstntoh yes it's cpu14:25
ryuoprsstnt: only one AMD is certainly immune to is meltdown.14:25
tomreynprsstnt: also spectre variant 3 + 3a for all we know.14:29
tomreynerr 3 is meltdown14:31
ryuoI recently bought a bristol ridge laptop. Seems to be effected but meltdown as the mitigations are all active.14:31
T3ll0ll3Twhere is tom14:34
T3ll0ll3Tcan i ask ?14:34
cfhowlettthis is ubuntu support, T3ll0ll3T .14:35
ryuotomreyn: seems to read the same files I checked under /sys.14:35
T3ll0ll3Twhat is metasploit ?14:35
Pcost8300hello everyone and good morning, i would like to know how do i get workspaces when i boot on command line only ?14:36
ryuoPcost8300: use other virtual consoles?14:37
Pcost8300ryou: i will search about it, im not using graphic user interface...14:38
wendicohello, i enabled uefi (disable csm support on my bios) as suggested for a fresh ubuntu install, but, when disabling csm support my pc doesnt boot unless i remove my graphics card.14:38
wendicomay my graphic card really need to enable csm support to work?14:38
ryuoPcost8300: this doesn't require one. Ctrl-Alt-F1 F2 F3, etc.14:38
wendicowith onboard graphics everything goes well without csm support14:38
Pcost8300ryou thank very much i didnt understand you at first. Thank you14:39
tomreynwendico: if your graphics card is an nvidia, you may need to use !nomodeset or updated graphics drivers from a PPa to make things work.14:40
tomreyn* !ppa14:40
tomreyn!nomodeset > wendico14:40
ubottuwendico, please see my private message14:40
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wendicoyes, soz, english my 3rd language, i mean if disabled csm support my computer doesnt work at all, makes 3 beeps and cant even go into bios14:41
prsstnttomreyn, what should i do about this issue do you think?14:41
RandomTechhello everyone14:41
tomreynprsstnt: you could try a less demanding desktop environment, such as xubuntu, ubuntu mate, lubuntu.14:43
wendicodoes a graphic card (mine is gygabyte) may need csm support to boot?14:43
roryWhen a user's password expires, SSH prompts for the password even when using an RSA key to authenticate, is it possible to change the behaviour so I can use an SSH key to authenticate even if the password is expired?14:43
leftyfbwendico: did you look up what CSM support is?14:43
leftyfbrory: why bother with password expiring if you're using ssh keys? Just disable password auth completely14:44
wendicolegtyfb yes i read up, to support legacy hd system on old os instead of uefy, if enabled, i can chosse weather legacy or uefy14:44
wendicoso since im gonna use only win10 and ubutu18 i dont need legacy thus disabling csm should make my bios work only with uefi and efi14:44
RandomTechDoes anyone here know how i could make a group of servers have distributed storage that the home directory lives on? I do not have access to a dedicated storage server at the moment14:44
tomreynwendico: unlikely. also gigabyte is just the vendor brand name, mat matters is the actual graphics chipset. "lspci -nn | grep -i video" should tell you what you have there14:44
tomreynwendico: with 'unlikley' i was responding to <wendico> does a graphic card (mine is gygabyte) may need csm support to boot?14:45
wendicobut doing disabling csm support makes my computer not boot at all, not even to bios, unless i remove my graphic card so i guess my card also needs some legacy support14:45
leftyfbwendico: so leave CSM enabled14:46
tomreynprsstnt: you're welcome. you can switch to those by just installing additional packages and choosing to login to the other desktop on login.14:46
wendicoexactly, but since i was sugested not to coz not needed....14:46
tomreynprsstnt: so no need to reinstaöö14:46
wendicoi didnt know csm also needed for graphics cards14:46
tomreynprsstnt: so no need to reinstall14:46
roryleftyfb: that is a good point, I know we'll never use password auth, so I can just disable it globally. Thanks.14:48
tomreynwendico: if your system will not boot with a certain combination of mainboard model, firmware version, graphics card then those are really ##hardware topics, not exactly ubuntu related.14:48
tomreynwendico: i'd try getting the latest mainboard firmware then, might help. maybe also a firmware update for the graphcis card, if available.14:49
tomreynwendico: you could also ask in ##hardware14:50
wendiconoted down, thank you im sorry to bother offtopic. thank you all14:51
bratchleyis there an easy way to delete just the known_hosts entry for a particular server? The server names appear to be base64 encoded now or something14:53
bratchleyI'm on 18.0414:54
ntdssh-keygen -f "/path/to/known_hosts" -R %hostname/ip%14:55
T3ll0ll3t hmm14:57
=== BlackJack is now known as addicted
tomreynT3ll0ll3t: do you need any ubuntu support?14:58
bratchleyntd: thank you much14:59
bratchleyany idea why the change was made?14:59
RandomTechDoes anyone know of a distributed storage option that i can bind home directories to?15:04
pavelzwhat is super-O shortcut in gnome ubnutu ?15:04
pavelzIt is interferening w my workj15:04
hateballRandomTech: GlusterFS comes to mind15:08
ryuopavelz: mapped to orientation lock it appears.15:13
ryuopavelz: check your DE's keyboard shortcuts and disable it if you want it to be available for general use.15:13
rawtazhi. i have a question: i noticed that in the title of ubuntu.com it says "The leading operating system for ..." - what metric is the basis for that claim, that ubuntu is the leading operating system for these things?15:14
ryuorawtaz: it's probably just marketing language. a lot of places claim they're leading or leaders without anything to support it.15:15
rawtazryuo: i agree, a lot of them do. but that doesnt make it more right, if there's no basis for it. so the question remains15:15
rawtazif ubuntu claims this, then presumably they should be able to explain what they base it on15:16
ryuorawtaz: My answer was, there probably isn't a real answer. But feel free to keep looking.15:16
rawtazryuo: yes, let's hope someone else in here knows15:16
rawtazi mean, logically, if there is no "answer", then the company behind the site is simply lying is straight in the face15:17
leftyfbrawtaz: feel free to reach out to Canonical: https://www.ubuntu.com/contact-us    otherwise, this is offtopic here. This is an Ubuntu support channel.15:17
JimBunturawtaz, https://blog.ubuntu.com/2016/04/07/ubuntu-is-everywhere?utm_source=omgubuntu15:18
RandomTechhateball: At first glance GlusterFS seems promissing but ill have to do more research15:19
rawtazJimBuntu: thanks. it doesnt however show that ubuntu is the leading one15:20
JimBunturawtaz, come to #ubuntu-discuss please15:20
rawtazJimBuntu: sure15:20
arooni4 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­15:24
prsstntit is very strange that this problem only started today15:26
Kaylashi all, i have a very old pc. When i try to install xubuntu 18 on it, after ask me about the update and other staff it stucks. any tips about it?15:28
hateballRandomTech: you're still reliant on something like NFS on top of it so15:29
pavelzryuo: thanks can;t find it tho on ubuntu15:30
pavelzer gnome15:30
pavelzseems the problem with all Super+key cobos15:31
pavelzsuper combos don't get to thet app15:31
RandomTechhateball: what do you mean?15:32
hateballRandomTech: to mount a partition to use as /home you'll need to serve it over e.g NFS15:35
RandomTechSo I would use GlusterFS to bind the extra storage into a distributed network storage, then use NFS to bind /home to it?15:36
hateballRandomTech: actually there is a glusterfs client I see now, was this always the case? hmmm15:36
hateballRandomTech: anyhow I havent done more than try it ages ago, the docs seem good tho. like https://docs.gluster.org/en/latest/Administrator%20Guide/Setting%20Up%20Clients/15:39
RandomTechthanks hateball, I'm currently tasked with reconfiguring some systems for a different purpose and i hope this helps15:40
chrismljust changed the root password with kvm, it works in kvm but not ssh?15:43
dnsdnshi, this is not exactly ubuntu related but someone here knows probably. Where exactly should I set a rDNS record if I'm using something like cloudflare DNS servers?15:44
rawtazok great, this `do-release-upgrade` completely screwed itself up. there was a conflict with sshd_config, i opened a new shell to examine, and while i was typing a diff command i get python messages about keyboard interrupts, etc. upon trying to resurrect the window (given the option to do that or x to terminate it) it just puts me back to a state where it says another package manager is already running. pressing x to terminate took me back to the root p15:44
rawtazso the question is; after a screwup like that, how can i *continue* do-release-upgrade, or what should i do? i dont know the state of things, but clearly it was at the step where it's upgrading sshd15:45
tomreynchrisml: by default ubuntu doesn't have a root password set, the root account is locked and ssh login is only possible as restrcited users. restricted users can use sudo to run single comands as root, or, if needed, to escalate to root.15:46
chrismltomreyn it had a password set before and was working, then i restarted the server and couldn't login (the password changed somehow)15:46
tomreynchrisml: actually, this wasn't exactly correct. correactly, ssh authentication as root is only possible with authentication methods other than password authentication.15:46
chrismlso i've changed it via kvm15:47
rawtazill try just re-running do-release-upgrade15:47
chrismltomreyn shh login with root & a password was working a few hours ago, then it was rebooted and the password changed15:47
tomreynchrisml: the password will never change due to a reboot, unless the system was modified to do that.15:47
rawtazok, that didnt work - it says there's no new version. so i guess it thinks it's already upgraded, even though it stopped during the sshd_config conflict15:47
chrismltomreyn yes, i think it might have been compromised15:48
chrisml(not setup by me)15:48
chrismltomreyn i'm just wondering why the password wouldn't work in ssh, maybe the config has changed?15:48
chrismlbut ssh still prompts for a password for root15:48
tomreynchrisml: if you suspect the system is compromised, you should now power it off, then restore it from verified clean backups.15:48
chrismltomreyn yeah i know15:48
tomreynchrisml: what is PermitRootLogin set to in sshd_config15:49
tomreynchrisml: and when was this file last modified15:50
chrismltomreyn July 1015:50
chrismltomreyn permitrootlogin is commented out (#PermitRootLogin prohibit-password)15:51
chrismltomreyn does it default to yes?15:51
tomreynchrisml: i would think it defaults to 'prohibit-password'15:51
chrismltomreyn 'PermitRootLogin no' at the bottom of the file15:51
chrismlso, definitely compromised15:52
chrismlthat'll teach my friend from not hardening ubuntu servers!15:52
tomreyn!patience | dnsdns15:53
ubottudnsdns: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/15:53
tomreyndnsdns: rdns is to be set by your hosting provider / network admin15:55
dnsdnsdnsdns: lets say I have a vps or a dedicated server. you mean I should ticket the data center or what?15:56
leftyfbdnsdns: rDNS is managed by the owner/admin of the ip address. Not your domain. So, not you. If you're using cloudflare, all of their ip's are going to rDNS to their organization, not you.15:57
tasse28 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­15:57
tasse28 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  ­ https://i.redd.it/8w0r915sm1ty.jpg  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­15:57
dnsdnsleftyfb: not me. ok but who? who should I ask to do it now?15:57
dnsdnswho's the IP owner?15:57
leftyfbdnsdns: again, if you're using cloudflare, then the ip's will be theirs. They are not going to do rDNS for you.15:58
dnsdnsleftyfb: ok what should I do now?15:58
leftyfbdnsdns: something else?15:58
dnsdnshaving my own dns server?15:58
dnsdnsleftyfb: like?15:59
tomreyndnsdns: can you discuss what your goals are?15:59
leftyfbdnsdns: again, your own DNS server will not help you. You do not own the ip's. If you're using Cloudflare, it's their ip's and they are the only ones who can change anything with them. But they will not since they have hundreds of them that your domain could possibly be coming from. Also other people's domains.15:59
dnsdnstomreyn: it's for an email server.16:00
leftyfbdnsdns: Then what does cloudflare have to do with it?16:00
rawtazis there a way to force re-doing everything that do-release-upgrade should have done (after that process was interrupted at the stage where sshd_config was supposed to be replaced)?16:00
dnsdnsleftyfb: I'm not sure if you understand what's going on. I'm not bound to cloudflare. they're just dns providers. I can change dns servers to what ever I want.16:00
leftyfbdnsdns: If you're running an email server, then contact the owner of the ip that your email server is hosted with. It's unlikely they will change rDNS for your ip unless you're paying for a dedicated ip address16:01
dnsdnsrawtaz: I'm not sure if I understand you properly but maybe dpkg-reconfigure is what you're looking for?16:01
leftyfbdnsdns: I understand more than you think16:01
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
dnsdnsleftyfb: who's the IP owner?16:02
dnsdnsthe data center?16:02
RussellB2829 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­16:02
dnsdnsand what will they do exactly there?16:02
leftyfbdnsdns: if you're doing some sort of VPN/shared/dedicated/colo hosting in a datacenter, then sure. More likely your provider.16:03
dnsdnsIt's not a host. it's a server.16:03
leftyfbdnsdns: if you have a VPS, contact the VPS provider16:03
rawtazdnsdns: in summary; i ran do-release-upgrade. after running a while and doing stuff it told me there was a conflict between the system sshd_config and the new copy of that, asked me what to do. for various reasons in the end the do_release_upgrade was terminated here, entirely. i verified i still have the old sshd_config file in the system, so the upgrade was clearly not completed. if i re-run do-release-upgrade, it tells me there's nothing to do, which16:03
leftyfbrawtaz: sudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt full-upgrade16:03
rawtazleftyfb: thanks! gonna read the man pages to understand it, then run it and see. cheers16:04
leftyfbdnsdns: if you have a dedicated server in a facility, then contact whoever you are paying for your internet service16:04
dnsdnsleftyfb: ok so the first part is solved. It should be done by the datacenter. now the second question is, imagine I'm the datacenter, owning the IP. what should I do?16:04
leftyfbdnsdns: I did say it was more likely your provider. But if you did own the ip address and were authoritative for it's subnet, then you would create an PTR record for the ip in question16:06
rawtazleftyfb: quick Q; where's the state of a package being configured or not yet configured stored? how can i tell that state for a given package?16:06
dnsdnsleftyfb: I know I should create a PTR record. I wanna know how though? where? I wanna learn that.16:07
leftyfbdnsdns: https://www.apnic.net/about-apnic/corporate-documents/documents/resource-guidelines/reverse-zones/16:07
dnsdnsleftyfb: thanks a lot. reading it.16:07
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
dnsdnsleftyfb: afaik it's not the ip provider. I think it just needs a dns server on the server with the said IP that they can query.16:13
lotuspsychjerawtaz: configs for packages are stored in /home is that what you need?16:13
dnsdnsthat's probably what they mean by "IP owner".16:13
leftyfbdnsdns: incorrect16:14
dnsdnsleftyfb: that's what bind does. no?16:15
leftyfbdnsdns: your DNS server needs to be authoritative for that subnet in order for any other DNS servers to query it. You are not authoritative16:15
leftyfbdnsdns: call your ip provider and ask if you can be authoritative for your static ip address(es). More likely they'll say no. But worth a shot. If they say yes, they'll ask for the ip address of the public DNS server you're running and you'll need to setup PTR records for that/those ip(s)16:17
leftyfbdnsdns: if they say no, you can sometimes ask them to create a PTR for you over the phone. You'll tell them what you want it to be and they'll set it up16:18
leftyfbdnsdns: but again, I doubt any of this will happen16:18
dnsdnsso I can't have a proper ptr at all?:/16:18
leftyfbdnsdns: unlikely. But you won't know until you call your ip provider.16:18
dnsdnsleftyfb: that's for public dns. what if I have my own dns server on the same vps?16:19
leftyfbdnsdns: for your own local, non-routable ip's, then sure. Run your own BIND server. Go to town.16:20
leftyfbdnsdns: that's basically what routers do16:20
faLUCEHello (18.04).  I created a hotspot wi-fi connection on an usb dongle with network-manager (GUI). I can see the hotspot in list, and my android device sees it as well. However, my android device can't connect to it (generic error)... what can I check in order to fix that? thanks16:20
dnsdnsThat's silly. so basically if I want to have a proper mail server, I should ask help of the datacenter?16:21
rawtazhmm. there's a  /usr/bin/dpkg --force-overwrite --status-fd 87 --configure <tons of packages here>  still running on my system, probably started due to do-release-upgrade. is there any way i can kick it to make it continue its work?16:21
rawtazlooks like this: https://pastebin.mozilla.org/909153616:22
leftyfbdnsdns: It's not silly. It's called security. And yes, if you want to run your own email server you need to go through the proper channels and setup the proper acl's in order to not contribute to the garbage that currently exists on the internet16:22
faLUCEhere's the guid I followed:  https://www.intrawebsolns.com/how-to-create-wifi-hotspot-in-ubuntu-18-04-lts-bionic-beaver-or-linux-mint-19-tara-android-is-supported/   ....16:22
dnsdnsThanks a lot.16:23
rawtazlotuspsychje: no, sorry, im talking about dpkg status about packages being configured or not16:23
ppfleftyfb, dnsdns: you got that backwards i think16:23
dnsdnsppf: tell me more16:23
leftyfbfaLUCE: check the ipv4 settings, make sure it's set to shared16:23
leftyfbppf: which part are you saying I have backwards. I've done this a few times in my life.16:23
ppfthe dns has to be authoritative for a domain16:24
ppfnot an ip16:24
leftyfbppf: not for PTR records. PTR records don't care who owns the domain16:24
tomreynppf: for a mail server, you want both forward and reverse lookups to 'work', roughly spoken.16:25
ppfindeed, turns out i didn't read far up enough :)16:25
dnsdnstomreyn: so you also confirm leftyfb ?16:25
* rawtaz bbl16:25
tomreyndnsdns: of course16:25
ppfdnsdns: yes, they're right16:25
dnsdnsok thanks guys. thanks a lot.16:26
dnsdnsspecially you leftyfb16:26
tomreynfaLUCE: hey faLUCE. not every wireless chipset can work as an AP. have you verified that yours can?16:27
faLUCEleftleg_: ipv4 settings is shared, ipv6 is ignored.16:27
RandomTechDoes anyone know of a Distributed storage solution that i can bind /home to16:27
faLUCEtomreyn: yes, I used to use it as AP, it stopped working since some weeks16:28
RandomTechI basically want each blade to share there storage with eachother16:28
tomreynfaLUCE: so what happened some weeks ago?16:28
faLUCEtomreyn: dunno16:28
leftyfbRandomTech: you've already asked the question and were given an adequate answer16:29
faLUCEhere's the syslog:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/npYryMGPh6/16:30
RandomTechSorry about that i was trying to find a another option so i would have a few to compare16:30
RandomTechmy bad leftyfb16:30
leftyfbRandomTech: google can also help you if you need more options then what has been given here. Constantly asking hoping for a different answer isn't the best way to go about it16:31
AC`97_ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­16:31
tomreynRandomTech: drbd, ceph are other options for network storage, also NBD.16:32
pikapikaIf it is advised to update kernel to a specific version to fix some security problem, does it generally mean its okay if my system already shows a higher number?16:33
leftyfbpikapika: depends on where you installed that kernel from. If you're concerned about such things, you should still with the HWE kernels available in the LTS releases of Ubuntu16:34
pikapikaI actually haven taken any special steps or downloaded kernel from anywhere else16:35
leftyfbpikapika: what version of ubuntu and which kernel are you running?16:35
tomreynpikapika: if this higher number is that of the *running* (not just an installed) kernel and this running kernel is an ubuntu kernel, the chances are pretty good it's fixed there. but to be sure, you should subscribe (for free) to  https://usn.ubuntu,com16:36
pikapikaUbuntu 16.04.5 LTS16:37
pikapikaLinux version 4.15.0-30-generic (buildd@lcy01-amd64-003) (gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.10)) #32~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 26 20:25:39 UTC 201816:37
pikapikaHow to know which one is currently running?16:37
leftyfbpikapika: -31 is the latest16:37
leftyfbpikapika: uname -a16:37
pikapikathe second line is from /proc/version16:37
leftyfbthat'll work as well16:37
faLUCEany clue?16:38
tomreynpikapika: cat /proc/version tells you what is currently running, uname -a, too.16:38
pikapikaokay I will check out that usn thing16:38
tomreynpikapika: there is also https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/16:40
tomreynfaLUCE: i've never setup an AP, but i assume the device would not be scanning in this mode. yours tries to scan and fails, making me think it is not operating in AP mode16:41
faLUCEtomreyn: in fact wpa_supplicant should not do anything for it16:42
pikapikatomreyn, everything says DNE or not affected, does that mean I am okay?16:42
pikapikaoh wait16:43
pikapikathere are numbers in some of them16:43
tomreynpikapika: yes, if you looked up the right package and version on the correct release.16:43
faLUCEtomreyn: should I disable wpa_supplicant for that interface?16:44
tomreynfaLUCE: i don't know, it might be needed for client authentication, but i'm really not into APs16:45
tomreynfaLUCE: so which chipset do you have there?16:49
faLUCEtomreyn: Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0bda:8176 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188CUS 802.11n WLAN Adapter16:51
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jonfatinoQuestion here on pxe booting ubuntu livecd. So right now I have kernel = http bla   and initrd = http bla   and then  for args I have the following.   imgargs vmlinuz boot=casper netboot=http fetch=
jonfatinoAnyone have a guide or know how to pack the squashfs file system into initrd so it doesn't have to get networking online and then download squashfs seperately?17:05
ppfhow do i install a specific version of a package?17:05
jonfatinoipxe can just download kerenl (vmlinux) and initird and boom done17:05
ppfif the package has dependencies of its own, apt install pkg=version fails17:05
Tycale ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­17:06
ppfi'm on xenial and i'd like to downgrade gcc17:07
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faLUCEHello (Ubuntu 18.04).  I created a hotspot wi-fi connection on an usb dongle with network-manager (GUI). I can see the hotspot in list, and my android device sees it as well. However, my android device can't connect to it (generic error)... what can I check in order to fix that? thanks17:10
faLUCEhere's the syslog:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/npYryMGPh6/   .  It seems that it (unsuccessfully) calls wpa_supplicant (why??)17:10
frazrHi there folks, anyone know of a tool that can visualize output from lets say a cronjob running iostat/vmstat once per hour or something like that? :)17:18
frazrDont want to complicate things with metrics exporting for this machine17:19
faLUCEit seems that network-manager has messed up. In fact it shows an old connection (after booting) which I can't edit and I can't remove17:21
ppffrazr: how about prometheus17:21
faLUCEis there a way to purge network manager to its default?17:21
frazrppf: yeah i want something simpler for this machine, kinda new i would get that answer, dont want to be running node-exporter on this machine, just some simple collecting of those commands17:23
frazrs/new/knew :)17:24
koichiroseHello! I just upgraded to 18.04 from 16.04 and something is wrong with the repositories. When I launch apt update I get:   Unknown error executing apt-key. This happens for archive.ubuntu.com repositories as well as custom ones. I googled and tried everything possible but can’t fix it…17:24
ppffrazr: what does 'visualize' mean then?17:24
ppflike, just export the output to a file and serve it in a webserver ?17:25
frazrlike basic charts , generated html or something like that17:25
frazrbasically yea17:25
frazrcould write some stuff with the help of highcharts or something myself, but dont want to spend the time, should exist something like this17:26
tomreynfaLUCE: you can edit connection profiles using nmcli, this should still work when the GUI fails. last option is to remove configurations off /etc/NetworkManager (yes, mixed case :-( ) and to systemctl restart network-manager.service17:33
lotuspsychjekoichirose: can you hastebin the full output to the channel please, volunteers might take a look for you17:33
koichiroselotuspsychje: here is the output of apt update: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RxNR26BP9y/17:34
tomreynfrazr: sounds like you'Re in the process of reinventing munin17:34
oswaldHello i have a question, i am trying to bind multimedia keys to my i3wm, and online i find ppl using 'playerctl' but apperently thats not installed on my default unbuntu. My question is: what does ubuntu 18.04 use by defualt?(which command in terminal to change song/pause)17:34
jwhisnantfrazr: or collectd or etcd or graphite or grafana or ...17:35
faLUCEtomreyn: let me check17:35
lotuspsychjekoichirose: your sources are full with external ppa's, we dont support those here mate17:35
garrettkajmowiczI've installed Ubuntu 18.04 in a VirtualBox VM. I'm attempting and failing to collect a core dump. I get the initial panic on the console, but then the system hangs rather than attempting to load the dump kernel. I followed this guide here: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/kernel-crash-dump.html.en17:36
lotuspsychjekoichirose: best you can do is revert your system to vanila ubuntu with ppapurge17:36
garrettkajmowiczWhat can I do to get working kernel core dumps?17:36
lotuspsychjeoswald: have you tryed the #i3 channel?17:36
koichiroselotuspsychje: updating from 16.04 to 18.04 disabled my external PPAs and I had that issue anyway. It doesn’t seem related17:36
oswaldlotuspsychje: actually i'm new to IRC aswell if you could tell me how to join :D that would be great,17:38
oswaldi'm using XChat btw17:38
tomreynkoichirose: can you show the output of: dpkg -l apt gnupg; apt-key list17:38
lotuspsychjeoswald: surely mate, type /join #i317:38
lotuspsychje!xchat | oswald see also17:39
ubottuoswald see also: xchat and xchat-gnome have not had stable releases in years. xchat was removed from Ubuntu for 16.04. Consider using hexchat instead, which is actively developed and available in 14.04 onwards.17:39
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koichirosetomreyn: here https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/K78nw2C6Mn/17:40
lotuspsychjekoichirose: hmm getting a 404 on http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security17:45
koichiroselotuspsychje: I’m not, I can see this: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic-security/17:45
faLUCEtomreyn: in another channel they told me to check if dhcp server is installed for that hotspot17:46
faLUCEtomreyn: (meanwhile I cleaned the messed previous connections)17:46
ceibalhola q ase17:46
oswald_why can't i join #i317:46
tomreynkoichirose: also the output of this please: sha256sum /usr/bin/gpg /usr/bin/gpgv /usr/bin/apt-key17:48
frazrtomreyn thanks, checking out munin, but seems like the simplest option would just be to install prometheus-node-exporter and go with those metrics :P17:48
tomreynkoichirose: actually this first: sudo apt-get update -o Debug::Acquire::gpgv=true 2>&117:48
tomreynfrazr: probably a better option, yes, miunin is oooold and sloooow.17:49
jamiesI try to click the system settings in Unity to change my desktop resolution and it keeps logging me out of the session and sending me back to the login manager17:49
jamiesAny suggestions for logs to check for errors?17:49
frazrtomreyn: :) thanks anyway17:49
koichirosetomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FXsGc99h9j/17:49
koichiroseand the sha256sum output: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Jzsw9HbMGy/17:50
tomreynfaLUCE: you'll also need hostapd installed if you haven't, but none of those should cause the error messages you have logged.17:50
faLUCEtomreyn: damn, hostapd was not installed17:50
faLUCElet me install it17:51
ledenijamies: try run 'gnome-control-center' in terminal17:52
faLUCEtomreyn: after installing the issue remains17:55
tomreynfaLUCE: yes, as expected. i'm not the right person to help with the hotspot / AP, sorry.17:57
jonfatino*sigh* #ubuntu get your stuff together. Update casper to include fetch=http:// bla  filesystem.squashfs   Debian has had this for years and there are merge requests pending17:58
tomreynkoichirose: interesting issue. can you run this again, then hit ctrl-c pretty quickly and see if you end up with files which match (ls) /tmp/apt* ?   sudo apt-get update -o Debug::Acquire::gpgv=true18:00
lotuspsychjefaLUCE: can this help https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/net-wireless-adhoc.html18:02
spinningCatcan you suggest me good irc client except hexchat and kvirc?18:02
lotuspsychjespinningCat: weechat, irssi18:02
koichirosetomreyn: I have three of them: apt.conf.mmuxas,  apt.data.ISSz1G, apt.sig.l0B3Az18:03
koichirosedo you want me to paste their contents?18:03
tomreynkoichirose: very well, when you run " ls -l /tmp/apt* " do they have very close timestamps? just seconds apart?18:04
faLUCElotuspsychje: I have two network cards. 1) usb dongle  2) the mobo's one18:05
koichirosetomreyn: I’d say they’ve been created at the exact same time18:05
faLUCElotuspsychje: I use Lubuntu and I don't see the menu you linked18:05
lotuspsychjefaLUCE: right, thats the guide for ubuntu-desktop18:05
tomreynkoichirose: please show the output of: sudo -u _apt /usr/bin/apt-key --readonly verify /tmp/apt.sig* /tmp/apt.data* ; echo $?18:06
koichirosetomreyn: with the last “?”?18:10
n0t3pyHi :)18:10
tomreynkoichirose: yes, looks like you did so18:11
meemhow can i join channels with # ?? it says my name is owned by another user ?18:11
n0t3pymeem, type /join #channel18:11
meemn0t3py i didt join the channel but i can't chat :(18:12
meemn0t3py it says i can't send to channel ##18:14
leftyfbmeem: go to #freenode for support with joining other channels18:14
leftyfbmeem: type: /join #freenode18:14
n0t3pyi dont know, but I think authority is required.18:15
tomreynkoichirose: pastebinit <( set +e; sudo apt-get update -o Debug::Acquire::gpgv=true 2>&1; set -e; )18:15
tomreynkoichirose: ^ please also run this18:15
Guest37687 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­18:16
koichirosetomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dJ6pFJrmpR/ (I’ve been copying and pasting this whole time, not knowing about pastebinit -.-)18:16
n0t3pyBecause you can write on this channel, this mean you have got different problems. Please join to freenode help channel18:16
FortunateSonSoooooo what's the status on all this IRC spam?  Anyone know?18:16
koichiroseshould it show something else next to Good, Bad, etc?18:17
lotuspsychjeFortunateSon: question for #freenode18:17
FortunateSonlotuspsychje: yeah, you're probably right.18:18
n0t3pyok, good by :)18:18
tomreynkoichirose: sorry, should have told you about pastebinit. i was actually hoping it would say more than nothing for Good / Bad, yes18:19
johnlage11 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­18:20
koichirosetomreyn: what can I do? :(18:20
tomreynkoichirose: does this work around it? sudo apt clean; sudo apt-get update18:21
koichirosetomreyn: nope, tried a lot of times18:21
koichiroseI read something about moving my trusted.gpg files, but maybe I did it wrong. Do you know something about it?18:22
lotuspsychjekoichirose: see also #ubuntu-mirrors perhaps they have a clue?18:23
new_userIf I use an Hard drive enclosure for a laptop's hardrive, should I use USB2.0 or USb3.0? Is usb 3.0 gonna fry my hard disk if I plug it in USB3.0 port?18:25
tomreynkoichirose: can you please: sudo apt-key del 'C47415DFF48C09645B78609416126D3A3E5C1192'; sudo apt-key fingerprint 'C47415DFF48C09645B78609416126D3A3E5C1192'; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update18:25
fs683Hi ppl18:26
lotuspsychjefs683: welcome, how can we help you today?18:26
koichirosedel: OK, fingerprint: no output, update: same issue18:26
lotuspsychjenew_user: more a ##hardware question, but no wont fry18:26
tomreynkoichirose: can you please: dpkg -l gnup\* gpg\* | pastebinit18:27
new_userthanks, lotuspsychje . I will ask it in hardware too. By the way, a shopkeeper told me to buy usb2.0 as my laptop's hard drive was old(320 GB) and said if I buy usb3.0 it could fry the hard disk18:28
tomreynkoichirose: i assume if you "sudo apt purge gnupg-agent" the "sudo apt-get update" output doesn't improve either?18:30
koichirosetomreyn: I’m not sure it actually purges it. I’m stuck with an incomplete samba, winbind install, everything I run gives me errors18:31
tomreynkoichirose: hmm well we can probably find you a workaround, but i hoped we could find the root cause and understand what's happening.18:34
tomreynkoichirose: the only workaround i can think of right now is insecure, though.18:34
koichirosemaybe I’d better reinstall everything18:35
tomreynnamely not verifying packages you'll install over this plain http connection from some pretty random ubuntu mirrors18:35
koichiroseI already did 14.04 - 16.0418:35
koichirosewell, let’s try that18:35
tomreyncan you post a bug report first, please?18:35
tomreynthis really isn't a good situation and i'f like this to be looked into more, especially if it happens to someone else, too18:36
koichirosedo you want me to write something in particular'18:36
tomreynkoichirose: please run ubuntu-bug apt18:37
koichiroseThis is not an official Ubuntu package. Please remove any third party package and try again.18:37
tomreynkoichirose: you should explain what the situation is for you / what the impact is18:37
koichiroseis there a way to temporarily disable third party ppas?18:38
tomreynkoichirose: which command reported the above message?18:38
tomreynkoichirose: not really, not if you can't do a successful apt run.18:38
tomreyn* apt update18:39
koichirosetomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RDhYd3pvP4/18:39
tomreynkoichirose: try this: APPORT_IGNORE_OBSOLETE_PACKAGES=1 ubuntu-bug apt18:42
lotuspsychjenemo_: welcome, how can we help you?18:43
tomreynkoichirose: sudo apt-get --allow-unauthenticated reinstall apt18:44
koichirosetomreyn E: Invalid operation reinstall18:45
lotuspsychjekoichirose: you scrambled your system good :p18:45
tomreynkoichirose: my bad: sudo apt-get --allow-unauthenticated --reinstall install apt18:45
lotuspsychjekoichirose: i would still try reverting to vanilla without external ppa's18:46
koichiroseReinstallation of apt is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.18:46
tomreynsudo apt-get --allow-unauthenticated update; sudo apt-get --allow-unauthenticated --reinstall install apt18:46
Faux_Lordtomreyn: I want to see if the issue depends on a messed up installation. Then I want to try a live usb of 18.04. Can I configure a hotspot from a live usb?18:47
koichirosetomreyn: same issue18:47
mustmodifyWhat log would I check for evidence that a process grew too large and was killed?18:47
tomreynFaux_Lord: are you the same person as koichirose ?18:47
Faux_Lordtomreyn: sorry, I was faLUCE18:48
mustmodifyA process obviously restarted itself or was restarted 10 minutes ago. I'm looking for any clue about why.18:48
=== Faux_Lord is now known as faLUCE
tomreynFaux_Lord: might work from a live usb, but i'd rather use a proper indtallation18:48
LukeTenUHello there. I've an Ubuntu Server 18.04.1 with Samba. everything worked fine until i noticed that i'm only allowed to read stuff. so i read trough the smb.conf and added my username. my problem was solved. but when i want to add my server to windows it's not asking for a password anymore18:50
tomreynkoichirose: sudo rgrep '' /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list 2>&1 | pastebinit18:50
tomreynkoichirose: do you happen to have a luanchpad.net account?18:51
tomreyn* launchpad.net18:51
lotuspsychjeLukeTenU: system up to date? cause there's a recent samba security flaw out18:51
lotuspsychje!usn | LukeTenU18:51
ubottuLukeTenU: Please see https://usn.ubuntu.com/ for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.18:51
koichirosetomreyn: no, I don’t. http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bvptdKVqDX/18:51
lotuspsychjeLukeTenU: see also #ubuntu-server & #samba18:52
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=== bluemsonk is now known as bluesmonk
mustmodifyI don't mean to be pushy but I have an issue in production here with 300+ users, so any thoughts about investigating this issue would be appreciated.18:52
lotuspsychjemustmodify: details of your issue please?18:53
mustmodifyWeb server/service (puma) restarted itself. I'm looking for evidence of why. What logs that might be in, or any other thoughts.18:54
mustmodifyCould be a memory leak? Could be ... uh...18:54
lotuspsychjemustmodify: ubuntu server? version? kernel?18:54
mustmodifyUnder what conditions would Ubuntu 18 restart a process and where would I look for evidence of that. That's my question.18:55
tomreynkoichirose: canyou comment out the mariadb entry in /etc/apt/sources.list18:55
tomreynkoichirose: last line there18:55
ph88when is the 4.16 kernel coming to ubuntu 18.04 ?18:56
lotuspsychje!mainline | ph8818:56
ubottuph88: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds18:56
tomreynkoichirose: and also mv /etc/apt/sources.list.d/Flirc_repo.list{,.disabled_ubuntuirc} /etc/apt/sources.list.d/transmissionbt-ubuntu-ppa-bionic.list{,.disabled_ubuntuirc}18:56
naccph88: 18.04 won't ever get the 4.16 kernel, afaik18:57
mustmodifySorry, I'm on 16.04. Linux adaline 4.4.0-1057-aws #66-Ubuntu SMP Thu May 3 12:49:47 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:57
koichirosetomreyn: done18:58
koichirosenow I only have default repositories18:58
naccmustmodify: is puma run as a systemd service?18:58
mustmodifynacc: yes.18:58
ph88nacc, wow really ? where did you get that information ?18:58
mustmodifyOh, duh, /var/log/service-name18:59
tomreynkoichirose: any improvement on "sudo apt-get update" and "ubuntu-bug apt" now?18:59
mustmodifyor... right18:59
tomreynkoichirose: also please post: ls -la /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/ | pastebinit19:00
naccph88: where did you get any different information? ubuntu releases don't change the kernel during their lifetime. HWE stacks get introduced.19:00
FreeBDSMwhere to whine to make some package get uploaded to ubuntu repos?19:00
naccph88: except in some very extreme cases, iirc19:00
naccFreeBDSM: not here -- what package, etc.?19:01
FreeBDSMnacc: sc-im19:01
mustmodifynacc: Well this isn't super-helpful. It says "/home/production/scripts/saw-http: line 14: 24820 Killed                  bundle exec puma -C /home/production/<project name>/current/config/puma.production.config "19:02
FreeBDSMnacc: https://github.com/andmarti1424/sc-im/19:02
luketenueuhm.. howto get into #samba :'D19:02
koichirosetomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nWNsJTdvyQ/ - no improvements19:03
lotuspsychjeluketenu: register and /j #samba19:03
=== Map is now known as Guest25223
tomreynkoichirose: can you /join #ubuntu-hardened19:04
garrettkajmowiczI've installed Ubuntu 18.04 in a VirtualBox VM. I'm attempting and failing to collect a core dump. I get the initial panic on the console, but then the system hangs rather than attempting to load the dump kernel. How might I go about getting kernel core dumps working? I followed this guide here: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/kernel-crash-dump.html.en19:07
elichai2Hey, I'm trrying to upgrade to 18.04 but I get: `Your python install is corrupted. Please fix the '/usr/bin/python' `19:10
elichai2altough it seems just fine: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/q2K4CsVWSr/19:10
ioriait's not fine19:12
elichai2why? because I use the alternatives?19:13
ioriasudo ln -sf /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python19:13
elichai2why can't I use this?19:13
elichai2Just checked, and that's my hierarchy `/usr/bin/python -> /etc/alternatives/python -> /usr/bin/python2 -> /usr/bin/python2.7`19:15
naccFreeBDSM: so a totally new package? someone needs to do the work of packaging it.19:15
FreeBDSMnacc: can't it be taken from freebsd?19:16
naccFreeBDSM: ... no.19:16
naccFreeBDSM: that is basically nonsensical.19:17
FreeBDSMthey use makefiles too19:17
naccFreeBDSM: if you don't understand what a deb is, this isn't worth discussing further.19:17
naccFreeBDSM: you could consider making a snap i suppose19:17
FreeBDSMsnaps are shit19:17
naccFreeBDSM: please watch your language in this channel.19:18
naccFreeBDSM: no cursing in this channel.19:18
lotuspsychje!guidelines | FreeBDSM19:18
ubottuFreeBDSM: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines19:18
naccmustmodify: i don't know enough about your service; you could look in syslog or dmesg to see if the kernel is what killed puma19:18
FreeBDSMno one reads that sh1t19:19
naccFreeBDSM: alright, enjoy your day.19:19
lotuspsychjeFreeBDSM: remain professional please, with this attitude nobody wont help you19:19
mustmodifynacc: I think I found a memory leak. :(19:19
FreeBDSMhow to say sh1t politely?19:21
FreeBDSMsnaps are stuff19:21
dragerHey, how much space is needed to upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04?19:22
ioriadrager, paste your   df -h19:22
lotuspsychjedrager: did you receive the upgrade window?19:23
dragerioria: I'm not on that computer atm but it's about 7.5 GB left for my home19:24
dragerlotuspsychje: I have not19:24
naccdrager: home is not super relevant to the upgrade, it's root disk space (and possibly /tmp)19:24
ioriadrager, what about your root ?19:24
naccmustmodify: could be, that would make sense as to the killed19:24
dragerYeah alright, pretty I got almost 8 GB in total left or something19:24
ioriano good19:25
HoloIRCUser3What is the channel name for hardware related stuff?19:25
lotuspsychjeHoloIRCUser3: ##hardware19:25
dragerSo how much do I need to remove in order to upgrade? :P19:25
ioriadrager, we cannot know... make some room19:25
HoloIRCUser3Lotuspsychje: it is not working19:26
lotuspsychjeHoloIRCUser3: you need to register first19:26
dragerioria: Okey, thanks!19:26
ioriadrager, in theosy, the upgrade should tell you19:26
pragmaticenigmadrager: The amount of disk space required is dependent on the number of applications you have installed. If you are running low on disk space, try removing seldom used applications. That will reduce the amount of space required for the upgrade19:27
dragerioria: Oh, right. Forgot that. Thanks19:27
ioriadrager, it's ok19:27
dragerpragmaticenigma: Ah, thanks19:28
pragmaticenigmadrager: Another important suggestion, back up your data before starting the upgrade. The upgrade tool is very careful during the upgrade process, but it would be better to have a backup to ensure everything goes smoothly19:29
ImageJPEGAnyone know git? #git is slow af today19:30
tomreynkoichirose: can you also post this:  sudo bash -c 'sha256sum {/usr/,}{s,}bin/{apt,gpg,gnupg}*'19:31
dragerpragmaticenigma: Thank you!19:31
lotuspsychjeImageJPEG: not really an ubuntu question19:31
koichirosetomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/D249PMFzDJ/19:32
tomreynkoichirose: dmesg looks fine aside from those i915 / mesa issues about 'Set TMDS ratio failed' (which would be worth looking into, but that's not so urgent, and most likely unrelated)19:34
koichirosetomreyn: yes, seems to be video related19:35
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tomreynkoichirose: those binaries all have the proper checksums19:38
tomreynkoichirose: you could also "apt-get purge apt-offline", i dont think its getting in the way, but just in cawse19:39
koichirosetomreyn: I think everything apt-related fails: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QKMCZk6kG3/19:42
lvrp16hmmm nouveau breaks ca-certificates package19:43
lvrp16as soon as I blacklist nouveau and update-initramfs19:43
lvrp16the problem goes away19:43
lvrp16this is on 18.0419:43
tomreynkoichirose: sudo dpkg --purge apt-offline; sudo apt-get -o AllowUnauthenticated=true update19:44
koichirosedone. I got “Purging configuration files for apt-offline (1.8.1) …” among the usual output19:45
tomreynkoichirose: so apt-get update still returned errors?19:45
koichiroseyes, the usual “  Unknown error executing apt-key”19:45
lotuspsychjelvrp16: wich nvidia driver version?19:45
lvrp16lotuspsychje: i am still debugging it, i will double check because sometimes it will pass randomly19:46
lvrp16running the bugger a few more times19:46
keithn9 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­19:47
XtremeHello Everyone19:47
ncupteahello to19:47
tomreynkoichirose: rm /var/lib/apt/list/partial/{mirror.vpsfree.cz,packagecloud.io,ppa.launchpad.net}*; ls -l /var/lib/apt/list/ | pastebinit19:47
XtremeI am facing a weird issue on my laptop. I am Nvidia optimus graphic.19:47
XtremeAfter fresh install, everything works fine. No problem. as long as I am on intel graphic.19:47
XtremeThe moment i install nvidia drivers, everything goes haywire.19:47
Xtremefrequent system freezes19:48
Xtremespecially on video calls.19:48
koichirosetomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zqsPm9Rmqk/19:48
XtremeI am install latest nvidia driver now from ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa19:48
XtremeAnd I might need your help. :)19:48
XtremeI face this problem only on Ubuntu. Not on Fedora.19:49
Apachezdoes the intel-microcode package in ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS cover for this which intel released today?  https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/security-center/advisory/intel-sa-00161.html19:49
spinningCati am doing chown -R username file told me username is invalid19:49
spinningCatbut i logged in the system with that username19:49
Apachezii  intel-microcode                            3.20180425.1~ubuntu0.18.04.2                amd64        Processor microcode firmware for Intel CPUs19:49
tomreynApachez: here's what's currently known: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/L1TF19:51
lotuspsychje!chown | spinningCat19:52
ubottuspinningCat: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions19:52
spinningCati suppose chown is for changing owner of file right?19:53
naccspinningCat: yes19:54
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tomreynkoichirose: sorry this command had a typo. please do this: sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/{mirror.vpsfree.cz,packagecloud.io,ppa.launchpad.net}*; ls -la /var/lib/apt/lists/ 2>&1 | pastebinit19:57
koichirosetomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vBsC3gTqqJ/19:57
spinningCatwhy it told me it is invalid user i dont understand this is the user i logged in19:58
spinningCatgow can i check the user list? Is there a file that enlish user on the system?19:58
TrelWhat would be the path for the system-wide xinitrc file in Ubunut?19:58
tomreynkoichirose: and "sudo apt-get update" still fails?19:59
koichirosetomreyn: yes19:59
tomreynkoichirose: i'm afraid i have no idea how to carry on from here.20:00
ncupteasometime i'am forget about command would i use, its natural case and same like other user or just me newbie?20:00
tomreynkoichirose: i.e. i can only recommend a reinstall20:00
koichirosetomreyn: that’s ok. I will reinstall everything as soon as I can20:00
koichirosethank you very much for your help :)20:00
lotuspsychjekoichirose: can you install ppapurge?20:00
Apacheztomreyn: thanks20:00
Apachezfor those who wonder what the above intel vuln is:20:01
ApachezForeshadow is a speculative execution attack on Intel processors which allows an attacker to steal sensitive information stored inside personal computers or third party clouds. Foreshadow has two versions, the original attack designed to extract data from SGX enclaves and a Next-Generation version which affects Virtual Machines (VMs), hypervisors (VMM), operating system (OS) kernel memory, and System Management Mode (SMM) memory.20:01
tomreynkoichirose: welcome.i just hope it's not going to affect more people (16.04 -> 18.04 was just enabled last night)20:01
naccApachez: while nice, please blast the channel. The above URL has sufficient information.20:01
koichiroselotuspsychje: sure, then what?20:01
nacc*please don't blast...20:01
tomreynkoichirose: but so far it's "just" you, even though this doesn't help you much ;)20:01
lotuspsychjekoichirose: clean all your external ppa's20:01
koichirosetomreyn: oh. I should have waited more than 18.04.120:02
tomreynlotuspsychje: we did this20:02
compdocApachez, how would a person get infected with that?20:02
tomreynkoichirose: no, it should be fine to upgrade now20:02
lotuspsychjetomreyn: with ppapurge or just sources.list?20:02
nacccompdoc: it's not an "infection" and please read the above URL.20:02
Apachezcompdoc: infected?20:02
tomreynlotuspsychje: just sources.list, no apt command works20:02
naccApachez: another reason not to put a ton of text in the channel :)20:02
Apachezcompdoc: you have an account at a VPS for example that runs linux and have intel cpus20:02
compdochow ould a person be attacked?20:02
tewardcompdoc: not a virus.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/L1TF20:02
Apachezand hey presto one VPS user suddently access data from another VPS user20:03
nacccompdoc: please, just read the KB article and the many public articles about it now.20:03
compdocso someone needs access20:03
Apachezand the security boundaries of both the cpu AND the os is being bypassed20:03
Apachezas in "oh f**k not again!?" :)20:03
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lotuspsychjekoichirose: how about, recoverymode/fix broken packages, would that work?20:03
Apachezcompdoc: https://foreshadowattack.eu/#demo20:04
lotuspsychje!es | canaima_20:04
ubottucanaima_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:04
koichiroselotuspsychje: how do I do that?20:04
lotuspsychjekoichirose: you still on xenial?20:04
lotuspsychje!recovery | koichirose20:04
ubottukoichirose: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode20:04
koichiroseno, I’m on bionic20:04
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lotuspsychjeah not sure from bionic koichirose20:04
lotuspsychjeanyway bbl20:04
koichirosesystem boots, almost everything is fine, except apt20:04
nacckoichirose: sorry, i wasn't following along. What happens with apt?20:05
koichirosenacc: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1065373/apt-update-fails-after-upgrade-to-18-0420:05
nacckoichirose: have you rebooted since the upgrade?20:06
koichirosenacc: sure, countless times20:07
tomreynnacc: there's plenty of channel log here on this issue to read up on if you feel like it ;-)20:07
nacckoichirose: the paste in that AU is truncated (the top starts with 2:)20:07
koichirosethe upgrade failed, I think while updating the kernel. Then I managed to install a kernel manually and complete the upgrade, with that apt error20:07
musicguyHeIIo guyss, I am yrics professionaI bot20:07
musicguyType one of the foIIowing commands to display the Iyrics of that song20:07
musicguyList of commandz: !despacito, !rickroll (never gonna give you up), !stilldre20:08
musicguy Now l'm singing in a channel, please wait20:08
musicguyYeah nigga20:08
naccfilo: please don't.20:08
musicguyI'm still fucking with ya20:08
musicguyStill waters run deep20:08
musicguyStill Snoop Dogg and D-R-E, '99 nigga20:08
filoNacc: not my bot20:08
tewardwell, that happened.20:08
koichirosenacc: you’re right, must have missed a line20:09
musicguyHeIIo guyss, I am yrics professionaI bot20:09
musicguyType one of the foIIowing commands to display the Iyrics of that song20:09
musicguyList of commandz: !despacito, !rickroll (never gonna give you up), !stilldre20:09
pragmaticenigma!ops | musicguy returned and controlled by paip20:09
ubottumusicguy returned and controlled by paip: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax20:09
musicguyNow I'm singing in a channel, pIease wait20:09
nacckoichirose: have you tried running apt-key manually at all?20:12
koichirosenacc: of course: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/V9kmxsvSNd/20:14
koichirosethis is the output right now. I think it was slightly different before, without the “3 signatures” warning20:14
=== Pleasures is now known as Sircle
nacckoichirose: have you tried net-update? not update.20:17
koichirosenacc: ? apt net-update?20:17
nacckoichirose: and/or can you pastebin `sudo apt-key list` ?20:18
koichirosenacc: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DcqzQZWC9M/20:19
T3ll0ll3twhat is the function ?20:20
nacckoichirose: hrm; sorry, i thought we'd see something more obvious20:21
naccT3ll0ll3t: do you have an ubuntu support question?20:21
koichirosenacc: I think tomreyn had me try everything possible :) I’ll try a fresh install maybe tomorrow20:22
nacckoichirose: yeah seems best, sorry20:22
T3ll0ll3tnacc: no20:24
naccT3ll0ll3t: ok, then please take chitchat elsewhere (e.g. #ubuntu-offtopic)20:26
koichirosethank you tomreyn, nacc, I’ll let you know if I have issues with a fresh install :)20:29
Sircle-bash: do-release-upgrade: command not found20:31
Sirclewhats wrong?20:32
naccSircle: are you running ubuntu?20:32
naccSircle: do you have ubuntu-release-upgrader-core installed?20:32
naccSircle: then you don't have the tools to help with upgrades20:33
naccSircle: and you presumably uinstalled some core metapackage20:33
Sircleworking now20:33
SircleI just installed. thx20:33
ph88if i install a kernel from mainline will it update on the minor versions ? can i also go back to the kernel that comes with ubuntu ?20:36
brainwashph88: it will be installed side by side, so going back should not be a problem. however, you will have update/install new minor versions manually20:39
brainwashph88: the tool "Ubuntu Kernel Update Utility" may be something you want https://github.com/teejee2008/ukuu20:42
pizzaburgerHi! No control over media keys in i3 desktop. Adding this (https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Q9fDXPYFrk/) in ~/i3/config didn't work. Also tried 'amixer sset 'Master' on'. Now there's no sound in either i3 or LXDE. Running Lubuntu 18.04. Any advice? Thanks!20:42
ph88brainwash, at the next dist update (18.10) can i get rid of the mainline kernels and go back to the dist kernel ?20:43
brainwashph88: why shouldn't you be able to?20:44
ph88just like to have confirmation20:44
brainwashin any case, it's always very helpful to have at least one working kernel installed20:45
brainwashthat helps with the booting :)20:46
elichai2Hey, I'm upgrading to 18.04 and it's stuck on `Setting up linux-headers-4.15.0-31-generic (4.15.0-31.33) ...`20:46
pragmaticenigmaelichai2: How long have you been waiting?20:47
pragmaticenigmaelichai2: also what is your system specifications?20:47
elichai2arround 5 minutes20:47
elichai2hmm Lenovo YOGA 720. I7-7700HQ, 16GB RAM. 512GB NVMe, Nvidia GTX 105020:48
pragmaticenigmaelichai2: is your machine plugged into a power source?20:48
pragmaticenigmanot sure... I know sometimes the process can take awhile20:50
naccph88: why are you running a mainline kernel? you understand doing so means you are wholly unsupported and that you need to manually keep your kernel update for security issues?20:50
elichai2pragmaticenigma: actually that's not exactly what happened, it was stuck for a long time on `writing new private key to '/var/lib/shim-signed/mok/MOK.priv'`, so I interrupted it and had to re run `apt upgrade`20:50
elichai2pragmaticenigma: here is the full log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bSKTTZPyCg/20:50
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naccuh ... interrupting a release upgrade is never a good idea, elichai220:50
elichai2nacc: it was stuck for 30 minutes20:51
naccelichai2: what were you upgrading from?20:52
naccelichai2: that's not how you upgrade 17.1020:52
nacc!eolupgrade | elichai220:52
ubottuelichai2: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:52
elichai2nacc: wait. you're saying I should've manually edited sources.list??20:54
naccelichai2: yes. do-release-upgrade even told you this.20:55
naccelichai2: "Your Ubuntu release is not supported anymore."20:55
elichai2that's very bad User experience20:55
naccelichai2: uh, you chose to let your system go out of support20:55
naccthat's a very bad user :)20:55
elichai2how is it not supported anymore? it's the latest one before 18.0420:55
naccelichai2: 17.10 was supported for 9 months, like all non-LTS releases.20:56
elichai2I couldn't immediately upgrade it because it's a development laptop20:56
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elichai2nacc: yeah but that shouldn't include upgrading support20:56
naccelichai2: what?20:56
aleeI have a problem20:56
naccelichai2: 17.10 goes eol after 9 months. You have 3 months ! to upgrade between 18.04 coming out and 17.10 going eol.20:57
naccelichai2: you, if running a desktop, chose to ignore the messages from the upgrade tool about this.20:57
aleeI havr a problem20:57
nacc!ask | alee20:57
ubottualee: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:57
aleeIt wasnt a question20:58
aleeDid you see a "?"20:58
naccalee: actually state your problem.20:58
aleePc doesnt boot ubuntu20:58
elichai2nacc: weird. A couple of ctrl+c made the dpkg continue running again lol20:58
naccelichai2: i would not trust the state of your system, good luck with it20:59
aleeIt says not synced20:59
aleeWhy it doesnt sync20:59
hggdhalee: please explain. Even better give us the whole error message21:01
hggdh"it doesn't sync" makes not much of sense21:02
aleeI cant because i cant copy paste21:02
hggdhalee: try copying by hand21:02
aleeAre you kidding me?21:02
aleeIt's a screen of error21:03
hggdhalee: which you summarised in 3 words...21:03
aleeYes, basically it's "something not syncing something"21:04
hggdhalee: good luck with it, then21:04
aleeNo please21:04
aleeI can try to copy it but it is very big21:04
aleeThe screen is full of those words21:04
elichai2nacc: in the end it will be fine. Worst case I'll need to live boot and fix it via chroot, but at the end everything will work21:05
hggdhalee: either you provide us with enough data to look at it, or stop21:05
naccelichai2: if you say so.21:05
aleeHggdh i will copy it21:06
aleeLine1: kernel offset: 0x37600000 from 0xfffffffff01000000xffffffff000000-0xfffffffbfffffff)21:08
leftyfbalee: use pastebin please21:09
aleeLine 2: ---end kernel panic - not syncing: vfs unablr to mount root fs21:09
aleeThats all21:09
leftyfbalee: what version of ubuntu?21:10
leftyfbalee: cat /etc/issue21:10
leftyfbalee: what is the output of that ^21:10
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aleeI cant21:11
=== guntbert_ is now known as guntbert
aleeThe pc doesnt boot21:11
leftyfbalee: what happened between the time it was running to the time it stopped booting?21:12
hggdhalee: sounds like you lost your /21:12
Sirclehow to upgrade kernel21:12
aleeI updated21:12
leftyfbSircle: why do you think you need to update your kernel?21:12
leftyfbalee: updated how?21:13
Sircle───────────────────────────────────────────────────Configuring libc6───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐21:13
Sircle   │ Kernel must be upgraded                                                                                                    │21:13
Sircle   │                                                                                                                            │21:13
Sircle   │ This version of the GNU libc requires kernel version 3.2 or later.  Please upgrade your kernel before installing glibc.    │21:13
Sircle   │                                                                                                                            │21:13
Sircle   │                                                                                                                            │21:13
naccSircle: use a pastebin.21:13
aleeI dont remember the exact command21:13
aleeMaybe apt-get dist upgrade21:14
leftyfbSircle: if you're running a kernel older than 3.2, then you are WAY outdated and your version of ubuntu (if it even is ubuntu) is unsupported here. I would suggest installing ubuntu 18.04 and restoring from backup21:14
leftyfbalee: maybe try booting to a previous kernel http://karlcode.owtelse.com/blog/2017/03/13/reverting-to-a-previous-kernel/21:14
Sircleleftleg_,  I tried to upgrade from 14 but its giving me dependancy errors now21:14
Sirclewhat should I do now?21:15
naccSircle: ubuntu 14.04 does not have kernel 3.2 either.21:15
naccSircle: what does `lsb_release -sd` say?21:15
aleeIm not a terminal expert21:15
SircleUbuntu 18.04.1 LTS21:15
naccSircle: ... how about `uname -r` ?21:16
leftyfbalee: ok, then reinstall ubuntu 18.04 and restore from backup. good luck21:16
aleeGuys, i dont have any problems, it was a prank21:16
Sircleinstall php: php : Depends: php7.2 but it is not going to be installed21:17
Sircle rpcbind : Depends: libtirpc1 (>= 0.2.5-1.2~) but 0.2.5-1 is to be installed21:17
naccSircle: lol, that's not an ubuntu system.21:17
SircleE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).21:17
naccSircle: is it a VPS or something?21:17
leftyfbthere's no VPN still running 2.621:17
leftyfbno way21:17
leftyfbnot with ubuntu 18.04 on it anyway21:17
naccopenvz i guess?21:18
naccSircle: --^ ?21:18
leftyfb2.6????  Time to find a new provider21:18
Sircleits ramnode 128MB SVZ21:18
SircleOpenVZ SSD VPS (SVZ) - NYC21:18
naccleftyfb: yeah openvz somehow still is :)21:18
naccSircle: yes, you need to talk to your service provider, what you are doing is not supported here or probably by them either :)21:18
leftyfbSircle: time to find a new provider21:19
Sirclehacc what should I tell them?21:19
leftyfbSircle: tell them to run a kernel released in the last decade21:19
Sircleisnt the kernal of my own vps?21:20
leftyfbno, it's a shared kernel21:20
leftyfbthat's how VPS's work21:20
SircleI mean, I can upgrade the distro and not the kernel?21:20
Sirclekernel is a software..21:20
leftyfbSircle: you can only upgrade the surrounding software on an ancient kernel for so long. You have just found that limit21:21
naccSircle: you should understand better what a VPS is, and what the limits of VPS are.21:21
naftilos76Hi i just installed a ubuntu 18.04 as a server (console-only) in a virtual machine in virtualbox and after struggling for a few hours i still cannot make the console size greater than 800x600 . I set GRUB_GFXMODE to various resolutions which work for a second or so when the VM reboots but it goes back to 800x600 . I also used GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX set to 'keep' without luck. Can anybody help? I used the exact same config in a ubuntu 14.04 VM and21:22
naftilos76the console resolution successfully stays at the one set in grub.21:22
leftyfbnaftilos76: did you run update-grub after making your changes to grub?21:23
naftilos76yes i did - sorry forgot to mention21:23
naftilos76leftyfb: as i said the res i entered in grub works only for a sec or so when the VM starts rebooting and then goes back to 800x60021:24
naftilos76leftyfb: i even tried vbeinfo in grub prompt and all the resolutions i used are supported21:25
naftilos76Anyone? Isn't that strange? It works in 14.04 but not in 18.04!21:26
garrettkajmowiczI've installed Ubuntu 18.04 in a VirtualBox VM. I'm attempting and failing to collect a core dump. I get the initial panic on the console, but then the system hangs rather than attempting to load the dump kernel. How might I go about getting kernel core dumps working? I followed this guide here: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/kernel-crash-dump.html.en21:37
sm0rux_ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­21:38
Dan_au25 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ http://magaimg.net/img/wqz.jpg  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­21:44
=== Freddish_ is now known as Freddish
BlackDalekdoes anyone know how to disable the window auto maximizing in Ubuntu 18.04.1? The effect where the window maximizes if dragged too close to a screen edge?21:55
Mibixhave you guys ever seen this symbol above the clock in the gui? https://imgur.com/a/sMxKLYg22:01
Dragon64Good Afternoon. I just installed Ubuntu 18.04 and upon configuring Thunderbird for email I see my email, but also get what can best be described as large floaty emojies hover over my mail box. Anyone familiar with This? Is there somewhere I can paste a screenshot?22:09
Dragon64almost like i got a virus, but the system is brand new22:09
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tomreynDragon64: imgur.com22:10
Dragon64ok thanks22:10
guntbert!screenshots | Dragon6422:10
ubottuDragon64: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.22:10
=== db is now known as Guest30651
Dragon64i have various different ones depending on which box i click on22:13
madLyfeanyone dual boot to win 10 here?22:13
guntbertmadLyfe: why don't you ask your real question?22:14
Dragon64Good Afternoon. I just installed Ubuntu 18.04 and upon configuring Thunderbird for email I see my email, but also get what can best be described as large floaty emojies hover over my mail box. Anyone familiar with This?   https://imgur.com/a/UqVUv4M22:14
Dragon64maybe putting those together will help22:15
madLyfesorry, i was but im reading a bit more on google.22:15
empozThis might be a little more general than pure rust but in lack of google-fu on the subject and lacking general forum, but since I'll work only in rust, does any have any pointers, sites or docs regarding purely the info about low-level sound(mp3, flac) streaming? Somewhere to begin and so on, would reaclly appreciate it!22:15
empozI.e, mp3 over TCP to another device in LAN22:16
Dragon64nevermind, sorry to bother, this appearsto be a known bug in thunderbird because of Linux font size ... Time to switch to Evolution22:18
madLyfeguntbert: its about dual booting between ubuntu and win 10 and the win10 clock getting jacked up. looks like ubuntu uses UTC and win 10 uses local time.22:19
madLyfecant decide which one i should change. i think its more simple to force ubuntu to use local time.22:19
empozHuehuehue, wrong channel, sorry mates22:21
juni0rskGood. They know how to replace a character or two characters with sed. I want to replace the following text <string name = "or"> p </ string>. I want to replace the letter p with l. But the text to be replaced is dynamic, that is to say sometimes it changes from p to lp, lr. I am trying this: sed -i '6 s/lr|lp|la|p/l', but it does not work, it does not change it.22:22
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Mibixhso noone has ever seen this symbol above the clock in the gui? https://imgur.com/a/sMxKLYg22:40
compdocthe red dot?22:40
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Mibixyeah and the green box compdoc22:42
Mibixlol so weird22:42
compdocdo you use dropbox?22:44
madLyfeone can only change the grub boot order from nix?22:45
compdocOn my fresh 18.04 system, dropbox's icon was screwed up. but I was able to fix it22:45
naccmadLyfe: not sure what you're asking ...22:46
madLyfeim dual booting with win and im on win. i think it can only be changed from the nix environment?22:47
compdocdoubtful windows can change grub22:47
Mibixcompdoc i dunno what it was22:49
Mibixi logged out and logged back in and its back to normal though lol22:49
compdocis it 18.04?22:49
compdocI think theres a few bugs yet22:49
madLyfeare any of you guys knowledgeable about raid setups? hardware/onboard raid 1 specifically. i switched from RAID to AHCI and i think the raid isnt raiding anymore.22:52
Mibixyeah 18.04 compdoc22:52
MibixmadLyfe well if you were using hardware raid and you switched from raid to ahci your raid controller is no longer active22:53
madLyfebut they tell you to use AHCI for your drives. so im confused. i have 2 OS SSDs(one win and one nix) and two 1TB drives in mirror. my board also has two SATA controllers that do raid.22:55
Mibixyou can use ahci then use software raid22:57
madLyfehow do the raid drives take advantage of all the drive features like NCQ and SMART, etc..22:58
Mibixor like zfs or something22:58
Mibixyou cant use hardware raided drives in software raid th ough22:58
Mibixyou would have to put them back in raid, back them up, set up a software raid array, and copy any info back22:58
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Mibixif they are OS drives i wouldnt even bother22:58
Mibixnot really sure this is an ubuntu issue though hehe22:59
madLyfenah the 1TB drives are just backup drives.22:59
madLyfeits not, im just not sure where to go for guidance.23:00
madLyfebut i need to figure it out soon because i need to add to them23:00
naccMibix: RAID as in motherboard raid?23:03
naccerr madLyfe --^ ?23:03
naccmadLyfe: that's fake RAID, if so and is not worth using.23:04
naccmadLyfe: a dedicated RAID controller is what you should use, or just use software raid23:04
madLyfeyeah, my mobo has 2 SATA controllers that both do raid 0 and 1. well the intel raid does more than 0 and 1 but the marvell does only 0 and 1.23:04
madLyfecan i PM you nacc since its off topic here?23:05
naccmadLyfe: you shuld check if it's fake raid or not, if it's built into the motherboard, it's probably not worth using23:05
naccmadLyfe: you want #hardware23:05
madLyfei wont PM you if you dont want me to.23:08
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IntelCoremain repository, usa ?23:14
ubuntu__Ubuntu intel i5 m460 Support23:24
ubuntu__Ubuntu intel i5 m460 Supporting?23:25
madLyfenacc: they kind of just said what you said. not really how to solve the problem though23:35
naccmadLyfe: i don't know what the problem is?23:36
naccmadLyfe: more than likely you just shouldn't use your mobo raid controller23:36
madLyfewell thats what im doing currently, but im also not running raid either.23:37
madLyfeneed to mirror my two backup drives.23:37
madLyfehow do you do software raid when dual booting between win and ubuntu?23:38
naccmadLyfe: 'what im doing' and 'not running raid'?23:41
naccmadLyfe: you want to share a raid'd setup between windows and ubuntu?23:41
naccok, dunno, never tried doing that23:42
naccyou'd need to use a hardware mediated RAID, yes, then23:42
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madLyfebut I can't do that because I've switched the on board controller to AHCI?23:49
madLyfewhat if I moved the drives to the second (Marvell) controller?23:51
compdocusually when you eneable raid, it enables AHCI, which is a good thing. with newer boards, they can be activated seperately23:52
compdoclinux doesnt much like onboard raid, tho. also called fake raid23:52

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