
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: Drop icons since elementary-xfce is now in another source package @ http://git.launchpad.net/xubuntu-artwork/commit/?id=90fcacf53be204f5691e1984b062e8d2c59ba21c (by Sean Davis)01:41
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: Release package version 18.10 @ http://git.launchpad.net/xubuntu-artwork/commit/?id=e7890f190ef75a51337f6468a2ebe52f69519d6b (by Sean Davis)01:46
flocculantgot a crash with new elementary-xfce-icon theme, unreportable of course ... "UnreportableReason: An Ubuntu package has a file conflict with a package that is not a genuine Ubuntu package."05:38
flocculantailed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce/CONTRIBUTORS', which is also in package xubuntu-icon-theme 201807170202~ubuntu18.04.105:38
flocculantinstall -f also fails to fix this05:40
Unit193Urgh, ppa xubuntu-icon-theme.05:40
flocculantI expect so05:41
Unit193With that version scheme, yeah.05:41
flocculantthought I'd say something just in case - run out of time to do more than say though :p05:42
flocculantI knew I should have got rid of the shimmer ppa given no-one's bothered to cosmic it05:43
flocculantand now ppa-purge fucks up05:50
flocculantfixed it I hope :D05:54
flocculantre-enabled ppa for xfwm4 as well 05:56
flocculantoff now05:56
ochosiyeah, shimmer-daily isnt there for cosmic yet07:39
ochosiwould be helpful though, as some things will need testing over the cycle07:39
ochosithere will hopefully also be some more icon fixes and improvements07:40
ochosielementary is doing some dramatic changes upstream (default folder color)07:40
bluesabreI'll probably get the shimmer ppa updated tonight or tomorrow09:49
ochosiwill take some time to get the new foldrt icons pulled in...10:36
ochosilots of dependencies10:37
bluesabreI'll also be working on adding the Makefile to elementary-xfce so we have a normal png build process10:52
bluesabreAs of this morning, cosmic has an svg icon theme10:53
bluesabre(shouldn't stay that way long)10:53
* bluesabre waits a few days while he logs into the ubuntu wiki11:15
bluesabreit's been a while since the last meeting... slickymaster, want to put one together?11:19
ochosibluesabre: ahhh, *that* was it! a few days ago i asked you about some devel stuff we had discussed and couldnt remember what it was, it was the makefile and svgtopng13:07
flocculantbluesabre: is me being in -council, which owns all x-things likely to be the reason why I'm being spammed by myriad merge proposals from LP?16:32
flocculantochosi: ack re shimmer - someone will need to tell me that it's there for cosmic or I will be unaware16:33
ochosiflocculant: i guess blue will do that17:26
flocculantochosi: I hope so :p20:23
flocculantUnit193: xfwm4 again ... restarted lightdm and got something much more useful 20:24
flocculantDismissing XPresent as unusable, error 3 for request 14820:25
flocculantxfwm4 warning in xsession which seems to tally timestamp wise with this useless episode20:26
flocculantxsessions-errors would be so much smaller without gtk-warnings from panel :p20:28
ochosiwhich ones in particular?20:28
ochosi(often times it's plugins, not the panel itself, but would be good to know)20:28
flocculantochosi: about 7000 lines all pretty much like 'allocation is yxy, but minimum required size is zxz20:30
flocculantlots of plugins20:30
flocculantcan pastebin it if you want ...20:30
ochosimhm, better report them as issues for the respective plugins20:30
ochosiwe can also try to suppress more warnings20:31
ochosibut not sure if that's a really good idea20:31
flocculantyea I'd ack the reservation 20:31
flocculantreading this and reporting is going to be headachy :p20:32
ochosiyeah, probably fixing is going to be headachy too ;)20:34
flocculantI can do it though if you think it should be reported20:34
flocculantoh this is fun - just doing a vid of thunar highlighting xsession-errors20:35
flocculantochosi: https://streamable.com/d36ae20:38
flocculantftr it's now at 2.4MB20:38
* flocculant wonders if it's something to do with the dead xfwm4 - reboots20:39
ochosiat least thunar is working, eh? ;D20:39
flocculantha ha ha 20:40
flocculantthat's awesome lol20:40
flocculantwell new -errors has reached 240kB now - I suspect this could be a bit of an issue lol20:41
ochosibluesabre: just checked the svgtopng script - no clue why libxfce4ui is a depend there. that can safely be dropped afaict20:46
flocculantochosi: looking at this file I'm not sure what to even report against ... attempt to underallocate toplevel WrapperPlug for instance20:46
flocculantalso downgraded xfwm4 to check for myself it wasn't that20:47
Spassyou can see a lot of "is drawn without a current allocation. This should not happen" errors in the XsessionErrors.txt in my bug report here - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-settings/+bug/178514320:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1785143 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "xfce4-settings-manager crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_drag_finish()" [Medium,New]20:53
flocculantfile after reboot is 2.6Mb currently20:54
flocculantanyway - wandering off into the night now20:56
ochosinighty flocculant 20:58

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