
mupPR snapd#5659 opened: tests: remove manual from openvswitch test <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5659>02:18
mupPR snapd#5601 closed: seccomp: conditionally add socketcall() based on system and base <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5601>05:56
mupPR snapd#5633 closed: seccomp: conditionally add socketcall() based on system and base - 2.35 <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5633>05:57
palassoHello, I'm wondering why there's multiple "core" snaps (core, core16, core18) instead of one core snap with tracks07:15
mvopalasso: its mostly because we need to install core18 and core in parallel. i.e. you can have a ubuntu core 16 device and install snaps that require core18. otherwise it would be nice and elegant to just use tracks07:27
palassomvo: Thank you for the response. I didn't know it's not possible to install different versions from tracks in parallel. Is there a reason it's not possible?07:28
mvopalasso: its not implmented yet, we will support this in RSN07:29
palassoAh that's good news07:29
mvopalasso: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/559607:29
mupPR #5596: (WIP) parallel installs integration <Parallel installs> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5596>07:29
palassoAfter it's implemented could this mean that the "core" snaps would utilize tracks?07:29
mvopalasso: this is the PR that tracks the work, I would estimate ~3-4 weeks until its available in some beta07:29
palassomvo: tyvm for your response :)07:30
mvopalasso: this will also allow stuff like "snap install go_1.6 --channel=1.6"07:30
mvopalasso: which I personally look forward to :)07:31
palassoSo then  instead of a go_1.6 it'd be go? and it'd be snap install go --channel=1.6?07:31
palassoActually there's already a "go" with tracks as such07:32
mvopalasso: it would be go_1.6 and I could have go_1.10 at the same time installed07:34
mvopalasso: or the same snap (database_test, database_prod) even07:34
mvopalasso: its a cool feature07:34
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pedronismvo: I answered one of your comments on pawel PR08:31
* pedronis reboot08:39
mvopedronis: thank you!09:09
mvopedronis: hm, I don't see the reply, is GH slow or is it somehow pending?09:14
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pedronismvo: it's there, but some comments are collapsed, or you mean you didn't get an email?  anyway https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4767#discussion_r21020215309:18
mupPR #4767: interfaces: disconnect hooks <Complex> <Squash-merge> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4767>09:18
mvopedronis: oh, ok09:19
mvopedronis: yeah, I missed this one - thanks for pointing this out09:19
pedronismvo: anyway I still hope long term we will not need these functions/checks09:20
pedroniswell medium term09:20
mvopedronis: right - that would be neat09:20
mvopedronis: do you have an opinion about https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5618#discussion_r210186520 btw?09:21
mupPR #5618: overlord: instantiate UDevMonitor <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5618>09:21
* mvo hugs Chipaca for his wise word on 565609:21
Chipacamvo: I blame you for making me be aware of that quote09:22
pedronismvo: it sorts of feel like it would be nice if the monitor was embedded in a manager09:25
pedronisthat woudln't solve exactly the problem you mention though09:26
mvopedronis: oh, thats an interessting idea, could it become its own manager?09:29
mvopedronis: and we pass ifmanager into it or something09:30
pedronismaybe but it doesn't help avoiding the mocking09:30
pedronisfor places that really use the full overlord09:30
pedroniswhich seems your worry09:30
pedronisbut it avoids some ad hoc code09:30
pedronisotoh afaik that code started that way09:31
mvopedronis: oh, ok09:31
mvopedronis: and gustavo was in favor of moving it?09:31
pedronisand then it came to this09:31
pedronisI don't remember09:31
mvopedronis: "there is nothing new under the sun" :)09:31
pedronisI think one issue is that managers have Stop09:31
pedronisbut not Start09:31
pedronisbut in the new world where some of this thing are optional09:31
mvopedronis: indeed09:31
pedronisit would be possible to add that09:31
pedroniswithout needing to touch everything09:32
* mvo nods09:32
mvopedronis: I can play around a bit, but yeah, my concern is that we need to mock a lot of place now and it looks like we did not even caught all the places yet09:32
mvopedronis: anyway, I will create a PR based on pawels with my idea and see what it looks like - if its bogus I will just discard09:35
pedronismvo: ok09:36
pedronismvo: btw  I commented on your seed sorting PR, I fear we need to do the thing at first boot (as well)09:36
mvopedronis: yeah, I saw it, also your comment about proper topsort, makes me wonder if I should just close it and we go all the way or if its still worth having as an intermediate step09:42
pedronismvo: I don't think the intermediate step is useful as is, as I said it doesn't fix the actually reported case09:57
mvopedronis: yeah, good point.09:57
pedronismvo: I have mixed feelings about the all thing to be honest, our waiting for content providers is a bit for strange reasons, auto connect itself is symmetrical09:59
pedronismvo: the problematic code is here:  https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/overlord/ifacestate/handlers.go#L59110:01
pedronismvo: in theory we could also fix the default-provider problem there, with code like the one pawel had at some point, then the sorting would only need to be about bases which is simpler10:03
pedronisand at some point we probably could remove most of the special code there10:03
pedronismvo: we can have chat about this if you want at some point10:04
ogramvo, thanks for the answer in the model assertions thread, i added a comment and will stay quiet on the topic now :)10:04
pedronismvo: let me know10:08
mvopedronis: talking about this sounds great, I am still playing with the overlord/udevmon but maybe this afternoon?10:12
mvoogra: thanks10:12
pedronismvo: ok10:16
pedronismvo: anyway this afternoon or tomorrow might be better for me, I have other things to look into10:16
pedronisas well10:16
pedronismvo: tomorrow is probably better tbh10:17
mvopedronis: ok, then tomorrow it is10:23
sparkiegeekhmm, the email gateway for forum.snapcraft.io appears to be broken? is that known?10:24
sparkiegeekwhen replying to a notification10:25
mupPR snapd#5611 closed: devicestate: only run device-hook when fully seeded <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5611>10:53
Chipacasparkiegeek: I don't think that's known11:01
Chipacasparkiegeek: in fact it worked, before11:01
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sparkiegeekChipaca: ok, I wasn't sure because I never used it before. Have only tried it recently (i.e. post the move of owners) and both times it broke,11:02
Chipacasparkiegeek: are you  going to go pester the new owners now?11:04
sparkiegeekChipaca: I could do :) would be nice if I could get confirmation that it's not Just Me™ for which it fails11:05
Chipacasparkiegeek: this is when replying to an email notification?11:06
sparkiegeekChipaca: correct11:06
ogramvo, so how do we tackle that auto-update issue with edge where snapd hangs on shutdown11:10
ogra(what should i capture next time it happens ... sadly it is only reproducable when auto-updating so hard to tell in advance when it happens)11:11
mvoogra: do you have any logs? that is a "normal" uc16 system?11:11
mvoogra: oh, only auto-update - thats interessting11:11
mvoogra: and annoying of course :/11:11
Saviqhey all, is it on purpose that core18 does not have /etc/ssl/certs ?11:17
ogramvo, no logs yet since i always only notice it when the system is already rebooting ...11:18
ogramvo, and yes, core 16 edge in qemu11:19
ograi can set up my VMs to captuer stuff constantly, i just need to know what ;)11:19
Chipacasparkiegeek: confirmed, i got the same posting error email (well, not the *same* one, but)11:20
Chipacasparkiegeek: [snapcraft.io] Email issue -- Posting error11:20
sparkiegeekChipaca: mine was titled 'Unknown To: Address'11:21
Chipacaoh wait11:21
Chipacasparkiegeek: this might actually mean my email worked11:21
Chipacasparkiegeek: if I actually _read_ the email, it says the body was too short11:21
sparkiegeekChipaca: ah..11:22
mvoogra: the journalctl output when it shuts down would be great11:22
Chipacasparkiegeek: I'll try again :-)11:22
sparkiegeekChipaca: thanks, I'll prepare the aforementioned pester but hold off on sending11:22
ogramvo, ok, i'll simply enable persistent journald by default in my VMs ... lets see what i can get there11:25
ograwill ping once i have something11:25
Chipacasparkiegeek: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/error-cannot-install-hello-world-post/6849/7?u=chipaca11:25
sparkiegeekChipaca: ho hum11:25
mvoogra: thank you11:26
pedronisogra: what do you mean with hangs on shutdown?11:26
pedronisit's designed to wait on shutdown11:26
ograpedronis, i get a systemd unit timeout (the typical 1:30 thingie with countdown in red)11:27
ograi dont get that in normal reboots, only when there was an auto-upgrade and the system reboots out of the blue11:27
pedronismvo: did we add watchdog stuff? does it interfere with the way we do shutdowns?11:28
ogra(note that i'm working with kiosk stuff, so i'm usually not logged in on console when that happens to see the shutdown warning)11:29
pedronisanyway logs  or  sending a SIGQUIT to the "hanging" snapd and logs would be useful11:29
pedronisI see we added watchdog stuff in main.go, otoh the reboot sleep should be 1m11:31
pedronisnot 1:3011:31
ograyeah, logs are fine ... i cant sent any signals when not logged in via ssh though11:31
ograthe 1:30 is a systemd thing it adds when a process doesnt respond ... so perhaps thats even expected behaviour in the end11:32
ogra(the red in the shutdown just caught my attention, and i dont see it on normal reboots)11:32
pedronisogra: well we stop the main loop and close sockets but setup a 1m  shutdown and sleep for 10 minutes11:33
pedronisbut now we have watchdog stuff11:33
pedronisthat might get upset about that11:33
pedronisor we might hang before that (that would be a more serious issue)11:34
pedronisanyway the log should tell us that11:34
pedronisogra: if the logs contains "Waiting for system reboot"   is just  some annoying behavior (we should still fix), if they don't it might be a more serious issue11:34
ograwe'll see ... i have a VM set up with persistent logging now and will leave it idling in bg until it auto-reboots11:38
Chipacaogra: persistent logging and SNAPD_DEBUG?11:38
Chipacaogra: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/extremely-slow-snap-downloads/4668/2?u=chipaca11:39
ograChipaca, ah, not yet, do i set that in the systemd unit or is /etc</environment enough ?11:39
Saviqmvo: hey, where can I find / file bugs for the core18 snap?11:39
pedronisChipaca: Waiting for system reboot is a Noticef11:40
Chipacaogra: if you don't mind seeing a lot of debug even from 'snap', setting SNAPD_DEBUG=1 SNAPD_DEBUG_HTTP=7 in /etc/environment would work also11:40
ograyeah, thats fine, i'll leave the VM idle anyway so there shouldnt be anything from snap commands11:41
Chipacapedronis: a'ight (but debug would tell us more, presumably)11:46
pedronisChipaca: yes11:48
pedronisespcially if it's not there11:48
pedronisthough in the worst case not a lot,  then we would need to dump goroutines ideally11:49
ograChipaca, another thing ... https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snapd-is-now-doing-a-little-sanity-check-on-install/3566 ... could the technology behind this that rolls back or removes the snaps be hooked into install hooks somehow ? (tony will ask you about this later today i guess)11:49
ograso one could test for certain conditions via the install hook that prevent a snap to be installed at all on a system11:49
Chipacaogra: can't the install hook fail and abort the installation?11:50
ograChipaca, that seems to not work as tony expects it ... i'll leave the core of the request to him, just wanted to trigger your brain to think about it ;)11:51
ograi just remembered that feature and was thinking that code is already there and could perhaps be wired up differently11:51
Chipacaogra: "exit 1" in the install hook causes the installation to abort11:54
Chipacajust tried it11:54
Chipacaogra: I'll wait for tony before thinking much more about this :-)11:58
ograheh, ok12:02
ogradiddledan, !!!! tvheadend !!!!12:06
ogra(/me work on https://snapcraft.io/vdr-kiosk (still not done yet though, but i got it building with vc libs for the pi)12:07
ogradiddledan, do you include oscam in the snap ?12:13
pedronismvo: should we close 5612 for now?12:28
mvopedronis: yeah, lets do that12:33
mvopedronis: fwiw, thiw bug hit CE, they added "core" but it was sorted too late12:34
mvopedronis: this happend while you were on vac12:34
mupPR snapd#5612 closed: [RFC] image: do simple seed.yaml snap sorting <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5612>12:34
mvopedronis: this is why we added the following special case https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/561012:34
mupPR #5610: image: ensure "core" is ordered early if base: and core is used <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5610>12:34
pedronismvo: as I said I think we need to fix for bases like this, I don't think we want to fix it like this for content providers, anyway we can chat tomorrow12:34
pedronisbut the fix needs to start in first boot code12:35
mvopedronis: yeah, lets talk tomorrow12:35
mvopedronis: ok12:35
pedronismvo: sorry, I just want to make sure we do something consistent and possibly simple (and also easy to remove if some bit is not needed anymore)12:38
mvopedronis: all good, we are in agreement :)12:39
* mvo dives back into understanding why autopkgtest on cosmic fails12:41
mupPR snapcraft#2213 closed: Revert "ci: disable osx tests until a new pyyaml is released" <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2213>13:25
om26ersitter: ping ?14:02
diddledanogra: I've not got oscam in there yet14:05
mupPR snapcraft#2215 opened: provider changes <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2215>14:16
VozivHi all, I'm getting "snap-confine has elevated permissions and is not confined but should be. Refusing to continue to avoid permission escalation attacks" whenever I try tro run htop, slack, spotify, or PHPStorm snaps. This started happening after a reboot14:24
mupPR snapd#5656 closed: debian: add missing breaks on cosmic <Simple> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5656>14:24
VozivI'm running on Ubuntu 18.04.1 and I noticed that my apparmor profiles lists "docker-default (enforce)", not sure if this is related14:25
mupPR snapd#5660 opened: wayland: add extra sockets that are used by older toolkits (e.g. gtk3) <Created by gerboland> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5660>14:32
om26ercan I make a snap read/write for debugging ?14:43
diddledanom26er: only if you keep the build locally, use `snap try` instead of `snap install foo_amd64.snap`14:46
mvoogra: did you say the pi2 dtbs from the bionic kernel are backward compatible. do I remember this right? so we could update the pi gadget with the latest dtbs without the world falling appart?14:50
mvoogra: or do I misremember that?14:51
VozivIf I run "snap run slack" from my command line I also get "snap-confine has elevated permissions and is not confined but should be. Refusing to continue to avoid permission escalation attacks"15:02
pedronismvo: did we have a fix for this ^ ?  or it needs z-yga ?15:05
mvopedronis: its a precaution - Voziv where do you see this error? what distro are you using and what does "snap version" output?15:09
mvoniemeyer: it looks like I don't have repo access to "github.com/cm3-gadget" could you please add me so that I can write there?15:10
niemeyermvo: On it15:10
mvoniemeyer: thank you15:10
VozivI see it after a reboot when trying to launch slack, phpstorm, or spotify. They simply don't launch. I see the error message when I either run it from the CLI (snap run slack), or in my syslog. I'm on Ubuntu 18.04.115:10
Vozivmy snap version is 2.34.3 series 16, kernel 4.15.0-32-generic15:11
VozivI just did a "sudo systemctl restart apparmor" and now slack has launched successfully. Going to reboot my machine and see what happens again15:11
niemeyermvo: Done, hopefully15:11
mvoniemeyer: \o/ works. thank you15:12
niemeyernp, not sure why we have a separate team for those gadgets.. we should probably unify at some point15:13
mvoniemeyer: +115:13
ogramvo, i think you mis-remember ... i dont think 4.4 will bot with 4.15 dtb's15:14
mvoogra: ok, thats fine as well15:14
mvoogra: a bit sad15:14
mvoogra: but fine15:14
ogramvo, well, try it .. but generally dtb's are not compatible between main version bumps (we had that issue initially when switching from 4.2 to 4.4 already ...) though the most reliable source here is indeed paolo (who isnt around)15:15
ogramvo, also the cm3-gadget source is at https://github.com/snapcore/cm3-gadget15:16
ogranot sure what github.com/cm3-gadget is but surely not what we used15:17
jdstrandVoziv: it sounds like the snap-confine profile didn't get loaded. there are forum topics on this and this is also something zyga has looked at15:17
ograniemeyer, ^^^ (teh gadget sources should all be owned by snapcore)15:18
Vozivmvo, jdstrand: Post reboot results: https://gist.github.com/Voziv/9e9db4bd952f61b73f11267cd160627e15:18
niemeyerThere's no "snapcore" team15:18
ograoh, i thought the subdir there translates to a team ... LP spoiled me :P15:19
VozivI have no clue why restarting the app armor results in a different set of profiles being loaded15:19
Vozivjdstrand: I did find several threads, but nothing really helped out with solving the problem, I kept getting the error, though now I have a reproducable way to get them working15:19
VozivI'll make a forum post with the gist results15:19
jdstrandVoziv: so, that gist indicates that the apparmor unit isn't running on your system. docker will load its own profile, which is why it is showing up15:20
jdstrandVoziv: you might look at 'sudo systemctl status apparmor' and 'sudo journalctl --unit=apparmor.service' after a reboot15:23
jdstrandVoziv: otherwise look at journalctl for clues15:23
Vozivhmm, you're right. It's disabled15:24
Chipacajdstrand: o/15:26
jdstrandChipaca: hey15:27
Chipacajdstrand: I'm not sure if you read about the hostname-control issue in 18.0415:28
Chipacajdstrand: I added what info I had to the PR that's failing15:28
mupPR snapd#5661 opened: tests: normalize tests <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5661>15:28
Chipacajdstrand: that's #559315:28
mupPR #5593: tests: new test for hostname-control interface <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5593>15:28
jdstrandChipaca: I saw you mentioned it yesterday and took a note to look at it (wanted to yesterday)15:29
Chipacajdstrand: ah ok15:29
Chipacajdstrand: that's all i ask :-)15:29
jdstrandChipaca: it is one of just a handful of things I need to look at before I get back to pedronis. really hoping for today Samuele! :)15:33
mvoogra: do you happen to know if the dragonboard also need firmware upgrades to work with the 4.15 kernels?15:34
ogramvo, i dont think so ... the dragonboard FW should be independent from the kernel15:35
mvoogra: excellent15:35
ogramvo, the pi FW is fully backwards compatible though (unlike the dtbs that must come from the kernel deb)15:36
mvoogra: what about the dtbs from the dragonboard? does it need one? does that needs updating?15:36
ograso just make sure your git pull is new enough for that15:36
ogramvo, dtbs on dragonboard are coming from the kernel snap15:37
ograonly the pi ships them in gadget15:37
ogra(and it is the only system that does that to my knowledge)15:37
ogra(due to the fact that the binary blob needs to read them from vfat directly)15:38
mvoogra: great15:38
mvoogra: so no issues there hopefully15:39
ograyeah, only pi is painful15:40
ogramvo, hmm, any reason why you grep for linux-modules instead of linux-image in your change ?15:48
mvoogra: yeah, the dtbs moved15:48
ograrae the dtb's in bionic not shipped in linux-image anymore ?15:48
diddledanthis is a fun one https://github.com/canonical-websites/snapcraft.io/issues/102115:48
ograso if i would install without using modules i wouldnt get a bootable install ?15:49
ograthats a weird decision15:49
ograbut well :)15:49
mvoogra: I have no insight in this, but when I tried to build the snap I noticed it (that was a couple of days ago when I updated the universal pi snap)15:51
ogramvo, yeah, will only harm people that create their rootfs manually .... it just feels weird that you can install linux-image (the kernel) without -modules and then end up without any dtbs15:53
ogramvo, looked over all pi gadget changes and approved them ...not sure if you want to wait for additional ondra approval too15:54
ograthey look all fine to me15:54
pedronisjdstrand: was about to ping actually :)16:01
* jdstrand nods16:02
mvoogra: I need to wait for the channel creation on the store side anyway16:07
mvoogra: so no problem16:07
ograwell, the have ondra take a look too, 4 eyes etc ;)16:08
* cachio lunch16:10
Chipacamvo: question about core in the beta channel: does 5275 (from 17:51z today) include the proxy+vault fix?16:23
Chipacaoh wait no16:24
Chipacait's from 17:51z yesterday16:24
Chipacaso, no it doesn't16:24
diddledanglad I could help, Chipaca16:24
Chipacadiddledan: I'm just happy to be in such capable hands16:25
mupPR snapd#5662 opened: tests: avoid using the journalctl cursor when it has not been created yet <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5662>16:35
* Chipaca going afk for a while16:42
Chipacacachio: does 5662 mean you found the problem with the cursors?16:42
Chipacahaven't looked yet, will look when i get back16:42
Chipacabut, woo16:42
cachioChipaca, it is a problem16:47
cachioChipaca, it is not "the problem"16:48
cachioI am still researching a problem with some info not found in the journal16:48
mupPR snapcraft#2216 opened: spread tests: keep sources local <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2216>17:43
cachioChipaca, are you looking this test which is failing? TestFullDeviceRegistrationHappyWithHookAndNewProxy17:52
cachiomvo, do you?17:55
pedroniscachio: where? on master?17:58
cachiopedronis, https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/416382933/log.txt17:58
pedronisyes, this is from a recent branch from Chipaca18:01
pedronisit might just be a combination with the change mvo did18:02
pedronison a different branch18:02
cachiopedronis, yes, all the branches are failing now because of this test18:03
pedronisI see18:06
pedronisit's mvo code vs Chipaca tests18:06
pedronisfix is easy18:07
pedronisone sec18:07
cachiopedronis, great, thanks18:08
mupPR snapd#5663 opened: overlord/devicestate: fix tests, set seeded in registration through proxy tests <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5663>18:11
pedroniscachio: fix ^18:11
pedronisI suspect it also needs backporting to 2.3518:12
cachiopedronis, tx18:16
mvoChipaca: do you need a core with the fix? I can build you one18:40
mvopedronis: \o/ thanks for the fix18:41
Chipacamvo: we already have one AFAIK: edge was built after this landed in master18:45
Chipacamvo: unless by 'this fix' you mean 5663 (in which case no, because it's just tests that change)18:45
Chipacamvo: if you mean a 2.35 with the fix, I think they just want to be sure that 2.35 includes it, not that they need it for testing at this time18:46
Chipacacachio: I wasn't because I wasn't here :-)18:46
Chipacaand I'm about to not be here again (went for a run, now going to the supermarket)18:47
Chipaca(dog is hopeful supermarket includes a walk)18:47
Chipaca(dog is right to be hopeful)18:47
mvoChipaca: yeah, was wondeirng if you need a build to test this18:48
mvoChipaca: but it sounds like no18:48
mvoChipaca: iirc I cherry picked it already into 2.3518:48
Chipacamvo: yes, you did18:48
Chipacamvo: it's just not built yet18:48
mvoChipaca: ok18:49
Chipacamvo: the people waiting have been informed as much18:49
mvoChipaca: they should just use edge, thats a fine channel anyway :)18:49
Chipacayep yep18:49
cachioniemeyer, hey, some machines in gce are being created on us-west1-b18:53
cachioniemeyer, ug131404-380926 and aug131603-77750218:54
cachiocreated by travis?18:54
cachioare you aware of this?18:54
cachioI think are vms of snapcraft18:56
cachiothe problem is that our garbage collection is not gonna clean them18:56
cachiobecause of the different zone18:56
* cachio afk18:58
niemeyercachio: We don't limit, so people might be firing on other regions.. it doesnt make much sense if it's for Travis though19:20
niemeyercachio: We'll need to cover other regions on cleanup either way19:20
Chipacaoh, fun19:48
Chipacamvo: #1787254 in case you weren't aware19:48
mupBug #1787254: Possibly demote fwupdate to universe? <fwupdate (Ubuntu):New> <fwupdate-signed (Ubuntu):New> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1787254>19:49
cachioniemeyer, ok20:08
jdstrandtyhicks: hey, would you mind taking a look at my comments here: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5593#issuecomment-41333394620:57
mupPR #5593: tests: new test for hostname-control interface <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5593>20:57
tyhicksjdstrand: hey - can't right now - getting pulled into a regression fix bug20:58
jdstrandtyhicks: it has to do with AssumedAppArmorLabel= and dbus activated services20:58
tyhicksjdstrand: I got the email notification and will look as soon as I can20:58
jdstrandtyhicks: thanks20:59
Caelumzyga: hey you're back, I want to help fix the gentoo overlay22:28
Caelumzyga: I'll help get the opensuse stuff finished too at some point22:29
mupPR snapd#5664 opened: interfaces: workaround for activated services and newer DBus <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5664>22:30
mupPR snapcraft#2217 opened: Travis test <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2217>23:03
mupPR snapcraft#2216 closed: spread tests: keep sources local <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2216>23:15

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