
Bashing-omNew kernel is out.03:37
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic03:38
ubot5linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 15 kB03:38
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:13
ubot5Upgrades from 16.04 LTS will not be enabled until a few days after the 18.04.1 release expected in late July.05:03
lotuspsychje<lotuspsychje> !ltsupgrade is The upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04.1 is now available, if you do not get offered for the upgrade: Press Alt+F2 and type update-manager -c into the command box. Please make a backup before upgrading.05:11
lotuspsychjeforwarded, please test during the day05:11
lordievaderGood morning06:01
ducassegood morning06:26
lordievaderHey Bashing-om, lotuspsychje , ducasse07:11
lordievaderHow are you all?07:11
lordievaderDoes the 4.15.0-24-generic kernel have the TCP DoS vulnerability?07:12
lordievaderNot that the host running that kernel is directly connected to the internet.07:13
ducassehi lordievader - all well today?07:18
ducassedunno about that vuln, i'm afraid07:19
lordievaderDoing good here :)07:19
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BluesKajHowdy folks10:02
ducassehiya BluesKaj - how goes?10:03
BluesKajHi ducasse, doing well here, and you?10:04
ducasseok here, thanks - a bit chilly today10:05
BluesKajstill warm here, forecast is for 27 and sunny10:06
ducasseonly 19 here10:07
BluesKajthat's still comfortable10:09
daftykinsi'll take the lower for sure :D10:13
daftykinshey BluesKaj - good visit with the kids over the weekend?10:13
BluesKajdaftykins, had a great time ...trying to recover :-)10:14
BluesKajaltho my laptop screen crapped out10:15
BluesKajso i wasn't able to chat herein the mornings...everyone sleeps till 8 except me10:17
daftykinsheh if i got up at 8 i would shock a lot of people ;)10:18
BluesKajcould have use my phone, but it's a pita to type on10:19
daftykinsmmm i have the same feeling, capable of SSHing to my home box to attach to screen and irssi, but don't really wanna do it :D10:19
BluesKajI have an irc client on the phone ...at least I did, can't recall the name atm, think I used it once10:21
daftykinsmmm a lot of the ones i used in the past haven't been updated in forever so are no doubt vulnerable in one way or another10:24
BluesKaj'/me nods10:25
lordievaderHaving a bit of silence is also nice once in a while.10:33
daftykinsmmm, some nice offline time10:34
daftykinsBluesKaj: so you're getting no picture / no backlight now on the laptop is it?10:34
BluesKajjust a grey scree, or white , depends on how I move the screen away or towards me...the connection from the HW seems broken10:48
daftykinsah yeah, iffy cable10:48
daftykinsa reseat might be enough10:48
BluesKajconnected to a monitor and I get a login , but the desktop doesn't show my original settings , so there's more wrong with it than just the screen.10:49
pauljwhi everyone10:52
daftykinsmorn \o10:52
pauljwhey daftykins :)10:53
daftykinsit's a veritable party already in here10:53
BluesKajHi pauljw10:54
pauljwhey BluesKaj :)10:55
BluesKajlooking at a new phone anyway, don't think a new laptop is my future anymore11:03
daftykinsi still find they last longer :D even if the OS maintenance is greater11:04
BluesKajyeah my last 2 laptops lasted only about 5 yrs and this one crapped out right ontime :-)11:05
daftykinswere they the cheaper end of the spectrum?11:06
BluesKajwell mid range for the lenovo G500, my latest...the others were HP and Acer low ends11:07
daftykinsoh i've seen a couple of those, i'd still call them low :D11:11
daftykinsplastic shell with all the bits taped inside xD11:12
BluesKajaltho, i have to admit that I wasn't impressed with lenovo build quality ...the G500 has a wide range of HW options so it's price can be anywhere from $600 US to $85011:13
BluesKajI got it on sale for $500 US11:14
BluesKajdaftykins, depends on what one's definition is of low vs high I guess11:16
lotuspsychjegood afternoon to all14:43
ubot5Upgrades from 16.04 LTS will not be enabled until a few days after the 18.04.1 release expected in late July.14:44
lotuspsychjehey pragmaticenigma14:44
lotuspsychjeive requested trigegr this morning pragmaticenigma14:44
lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade is The upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04.1 is now available, if you do not get offered for the upgrade: Press Alt+F2 and type update-manager -c into the command box. Please make a backup before upgrading.14:45
lotuspsychjenow someone to add it :p14:52
daftykinscould be forever!14:53
blackflowI had to harass people in #ubuntu-irc to get !snaps  added :)14:57
ubot5Snaps are containerised software packages similar to flatpaks or appimage. For more info, see https://snapcraft.io14:57
tomreyni think you need to talk to pici14:58
lotuspsychjeah nice fix blackflow saw it added on newest factoids14:58
lotuspsychjetomreyn: it was ok to request few times, until ops see it14:58
blackflowlotuspsychje: weird it wasn't added already, with 'buntu betting so hard on snaps14:58
lotuspsychjetrue that blackflow14:58
lotuspsychjealot of new ones come out surely14:59
tomreynthe !snaps factoid makes a good addition. :) it should also point to #snappy14:59
lotuspsychjegood idea tomreyn, could you request blackflow ?14:59
lotuspsychjenacc also needs to forward them there15:00
blackflowtomreyn: there's snappy separately15:00
ubot5Ubuntu Core is a rendition of Ubuntu with transactional updates using "snappy". For discussion and support, please visit #snappy and see http://www.ubuntu.com/snappy/15:00
lotuspsychjeah right15:00
lotuspsychjeso snaps to explain and snappy to forward?15:01
blackflowbut uh... that terminology is a mess. snappy is the tool but also the distribution....15:01
blackflowsnaps and snappy aren't necessarily 100% related15:01
blackflowone could use snaps without ever touching snappy the distro.15:01
lotuspsychjethats true, ubuntu core runs also on IOT etc15:02
BluesKajunfortunate choice of words15:02
daftykinss/runs/walks/ ;D15:02
lotuspsychjethen we have flatpaks :p15:02
blackflowand appimage :)15:03
* BluesKaj just uses the generic install, no snaps or flatpaks or sandboxing of any kind15:04
lotuspsychjewell the regular user with ubuntu software wouldnt know the difference15:04
lotuspsychjehe sees the software and installs it15:04
lotuspsychjebut once installed, we have to forward to the maintainer15:05
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nacclotuspsychje: who do i need to forward where?16:05
daftykinsi believe he means snap users with issues need to go to the maintainer of the snap16:05
naccyes, i always do that16:07
naccor at least try to; if i know they are using a snap :)16:07
lotuspsychjeyeah thats what i meant16:16
lotuspsychjenacc: we were discussing !snap vs !snappy16:17
naccyes i never understood why they were different16:30
tomreynupcoming ubuntu.com relaunch http://www.ubuntu.com-pr-3899.run.demo.haus/17:54
tomreynOpenSSH Username Enumeration  - http://seclists.org/oss-sec/2018/q3/12421:03
tomreynsince v2.3.021:04
Bashing-omtomreyn: Pich ! .. MS says they have a biggy too : https://blog.ubuntu.com/2018/08/14/ubuntu-updates-for-l1-terminal-fault-vulnerabilities that ubuntu has a patch .21:08
tomreynBashing-om: MS as in microsoft? hows that related to the L1TF link you posted?21:10
Bashing-omtomreyn: The micro-code .. for Intel based systems .. best I recall .21:11
tomreynyes L1TF affects pretty much all intel systems. the monthly intel swiss cheese bug.21:13
Bashing-omtomreyn: Opps .. yeah not MicrroSoft at all .. my bad .. poor memory .21:13
tomreynso is mine, all the time.21:14
blackflowtomreyn: oh you posted already, I just did in -hardened21:59
* tomreyn 1st! ;-)21:59
tomreynblackflow: as you were tlaking about sarnold's presentation at debconf the other day: did you also watch the cryptsetup one?22:00
blackflowtomreyn: not yet22:00
blackflowtomreyn: this one?  https://debconf18.debconf.org/talks/77-cryptsetup-in-debian-tips-tricks-and-future-plans/22:01
tomreynlooks like we might *finally* get some of those long awaited features, like proper puttyd integration ini initrd and actually working scripts for multipele alternative dm-crypt authentication mechanisms22:02
tomreynhe's a DD, so they're working on busters' schedule22:02
blackflowoh that'd be nice. I know the latter is very much a PITA for a lot of admins22:03
tomreynunfortunaltey this means we'll only have it for the next LTS22:03
blackflowunless SRU'd ?22:03
tomreynthat'd be great but i'll believe it when i see it22:03
tomreynit'd be a feature SRU, which i think are rare22:03
tomreynmaybe there'l be a snap ;-P22:04

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