
Wild_Manlotuspsychje, things did get a bit of topic in the other channel, Tin_Man is he not the one on the IRC Council04:47
lotuspsychjedont worry Wild_Man just tryed to turn the tide a bit04:48
lotuspsychjeWild_Man: we often see, in the morning things going out of hand offtopic when ops are alseep04:48
Wild_ManI understand, as a moderator on the forum for sic years I get it04:48
Wild_Manlotuspsychje, I was reading that a little chat is okay as long as it is not busy but must stop as soon as someone asks a question but it was going a little to far04:49
lotuspsychjeyeah i dont mind neither, its a thin red line for sure04:50
lotuspsychjebut it has boundries right04:50
lotuspsychjei also suggested it polite so04:50
Wild_ManIndeed I agree04:50
Wild_ManI know04:51
Wild_ManI have no issue with what you said or how you said it04:51
lotuspsychjei know04:51
lotuspsychjeWild_Man: did bashing-om talk about the lts upgrade path article?04:51
Wild_Manlotuspsychje, to who?04:52
Wild_Manwe put it int he newsletter04:52
lotuspsychjeyes, but with the recent release of the path, bashing-om asked if to remove the article?04:53
lotuspsychjeas shorty after latest UWN the path got open04:53
lotuspsychjeor just wait for the news for next week?04:53
lotuspsychjewhat do you think04:54
Wild_Manwait for next week because we have it posted in many places and would take to much work04:54
lotuspsychjeokay good, ill let him know04:55
Wild_ManI have tried to upgrade and I still get not available I think it depends on the server I am doing something wrong04:55
lotuspsychjeaha that would explain the slowness is main04:57
lotuspsychjethink every box will react another way04:57
lotuspsychjeGUI the upgrader gtk has been recently updated04:57
Wild_ManThe time difference from the UK to where I live in the States I suspect04:58
lotuspsychjewe have seen a few users doing the lts upgrade in main04:58
Wild_ManI tried that way earlier too and it did not show an upgrade but it might now04:58
lotuspsychjePress Alt+F2 and type  update-manager -c   into the command box.04:58
lotuspsychjefrom the releasenotes04:58
Wild_ManIt did finally update05:02
lotuspsychjewe should add this in !ltsupgrade05:02
lotuspsychjelemme suggest a trigger05:03
Wild_Mankrytarik has final say on what we include05:03
lotuspsychjei mean in the factoid05:04
Wild_ManSounds good05:04
lotuspsychje<lotuspsychje> !ltsupgrade05:04
lotuspsychje<ubot5> Upgrades from 16.04 LTS will not be enabled until a few days after the 18.04.1 release expected in late July.05:04
lotuspsychjeill suggest05:04
Wild_Man18.04.1 I available now05:06
Wild_ManI have it installed now05:06
Wild_Manworked great05:07
Wild_Mannetflix goes out at midnight every night05:07
lotuspsychjehow does this look !ltsupgrade is The upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04.1 is now available, if you do not get offered for the upgrade: Press Alt+F2 and type update-manager -c into the command box. Please make a backup before upgrading.05:07
Wild_Manlooks good05:10
lotuspsychjetnx, and forwarded to ops05:10
Wild_ManDo you have ops in any channels05:11
lotuspsychjeim just a volunteer :p05:12
Wild_ManI started out on the forum as someone needing help then starting helping, I do not help much anymore I work behind the scenes but occasionally I have time and help with wifi issues05:13
Wild_ManI have ops in #ubuntuforums for the last 6 years but I almost never take ops05:14
lotuspsychjei see :p05:14
lotuspsychjeim off to the beach today Wild_Man have anice sleep ok05:15
lotuspsychjeand ttyl05:15
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Andres Rodriguez: MAAS 2.4.1 released! @ http://www.roaksoax.com/2018/08/maas-2-4-1-released15:27
krytarikhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue539#Ubuntu_Server_development_summary_.2BIBM_31_July_2018 - just skimming over the recent issues occasionally already, this post is neither on the Planet, but rather should have gone under Meeting Reports as per usual.21:20
krytarikhttps://lubuntu.me/xenial-5-released/ - meanwhile I see this one ended up in the blog section..21:21
krytarik(While it would have been appropriate to not include it at all - because it wasn't the only flavor taking part in the release.)21:25
krytarikAlso, I would have found appropriate that if I don't take any part in an issue, I don't get listed as contributor as otherwise usual either.21:33
krytarik(To be fair to either the one who didn't actually take part and those who did.)21:36
Bashing-omkrytarik: But it was your scripting that produced the result :P Why you were included in the credits :P21:40
krytarikNo kidding. :D21:41
krytarikBashing-om: I was going to further refer to the Meeting Reports section and mention that I've set up notifications on the wiki for "MeetingLogs/Security/.+" (along with "UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter(/.+)?") earlier to help keep track of the Security team ones (more info at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpOnSubscribing) - but then noticed that the mistyped single quotes rather than backticks in "Lo''Co ...22:44
krytarik... Events" in the summary of issue 540 there currently makes all following text italic - plz to fix. :P22:44
Bashing-omkrytarik: ack.22:44
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Zorin OS 12.4 Released, Available to Download Now @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=134370 (by Joey Sneddon)23:47

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