
Scary_Guymorning, how was the gig?11:25
cmaloneyWent well. We had about 35 folks last night12:00
cmaloneywill be cool to see if any return. :)12:00
waldo323slides (Thanks cmaloney)and video appear to be up: http://www.mug.org/2018/08/august-14th-2018-regular-mug-meeting/13:43
waldo323video: https://youtu.be/FVPhQYHP_Dc13:44
waldo323slides: http://www.mug.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/hsm.pdf13:44
cmaloneynp. :)14:10
brouschcmaloney: Did you know zareason is in Detroit?15:48
cmaloneyHeadquarters: 333 N. Washington St., Lapeer, MI 4844617:10
cmaloneyI didn't know they were a MI-based company17:11
rick_h_oooh, lapeer. been there done that17:11
cmaloneyNot sure I'd call Lapeer "Detroit"17:12
cmaloneyunless we're calling Toledo "Detroit" too. ;)17:12
cmaloneyBut cool nonetheless17:12
jrwrenlapeer is detroit like flint is detroit. maybe they used to have the same water system?17:13
jrwrenWhat is zareason17:14
cmaloneyThey load Linux on laptops / desktops and sell them17:16
cmaloney6. Governing Law. This Agreement and any sales hereunder shall be governed by the laws of the state of California, without regard to conflicts of laws principles, and excluding the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods.17:16
cmaloneythat's interesting17:16
mrgoodcatlapeer is close enough that lots of people work in detroit18:00
mrgoodcatdoes that count?18:00
mrgoodcatmeeting people from flint that work in detroit is not unheard of but also uncommon18:00
jrwrenthe foolishness of over-commuters doesn't count for anything more than it is.18:00
cmaloneyhear hear18:01
cmaloneyit always seems like someone wants a reward for their dedication18:04
jrwrenoh it was Marlon last night? last time I came to Mug was years ago when he talked about FB infrastructure.18:06
cmaloneyit was his two year return to MI. ;)18:09
jrwrenit was 4 yrs ago that I was there. :)18:10
waldo323maybe zareason could sponsor us through the use of a machine for recording our meetings more reliably18:12
waldo323I'd be okay with system76 doing that too18:15
waldo323I think system76 has more options18:16
cmaloneyOr Purism.18:18
mrgoodcatzareason sounds like a pizza place19:00
Scary_Guy"What's Zareason it tastes so good?" "It's in the sauce, man!"19:16
brouschThe thumb is detroit19:51
brouschflint is detroit. sagnasty is detroit19:51
brouschypsi is detroit, but ann arbor is not. We've been over this19:52
brouschAnyways, yeah, I thought zareason would be a good hook-up for mug19:52
brouschYeah, lets call Toledo detroit too. I'm OK with that19:54
jrwrenboth toledo and detroit have their own zoos. that is how I know they can't be the same. :p19:55
rick_h_michigan role okemos with canonical kind of different https://boards.greenhouse.io/canonical/jobs/107627820:48
jrwrenwow, can you share who is the customer?20:50
jrwrengotta be TechSmith20:50
rick_h_I'm not sure tbh. I just got asked by our hiring person if there's any specific MI contacts she can reach out to around that20:51
cmaloneyWhatever it is it's near Lansing21:50
cmaloneyso either govt or Michigan State21:50
brouschThis is the only Okemos company I've encountered. They used to come to the Open Source Group in Lansing many years ago. https://www.covenanteyes.com/21:58
brouschNVM, it's owosso21:58
jrwrenyou all haven't heard of TechSmith? they make really cool software.22:04
* rick_h_ has camtasia on this mac 22:04
waldo323techsmith is from okemos as well right?22:06
waldo323i should read further up heh22:07
waldo323last company used their software and I think I got camtasia in a humble bundle not too long ago22:08
cmaloneyjrwren: I don't use Windows or Mac so I don't keep up with that sort of software. ;)22:59

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