
Babloyinow I go05:15
Babloyithat didn't go well at all...06:47
sim642Babloyi, how so06:52
Babloyia was told "Your system could not be upgraded properly". Then after I clicked OK on that, I was told "Your system has been upgraded" :D06:52
Babloyinow I've got a bunch of broken updates...which I think I fixed06:53
Babloyiexcept sopel which for some reason gives me a crash on startup (I haven't even set it to run on startup)06:53
Babloyilets explore some more and see if everything is working06:54
sim642Could've gone worse I guess. I'm gonna have to upgrade soon too, been waiting for it for long06:54
Babloyigood luck06:54
escimoMy experience with upgrading LTS-versions is poor. It usually breaks something07:14
escimoBut this time, it only broke some text in programs that were in the "system tray", such as PIA. But a reinstall of the program fixed the issue07:15
Babloyiyeah, my skype system tray icon seems to be distorted07:18
Babloyibut that's not really an issue ;D07:18
sim642I've had some tray icons "zoomed in" for years now I think. Maybe happened with 16.04, never figured out what's the deal07:53
sim642I have two machines with pretty much the same setup and the icons which are zoomed in are different and it makes no sense07:53
Babloyiit was fine before I upgraded, but Steam wasn't, and it is fine now :D07:54
BabloyiI've got 2 Wi-Fi icons on my system-tray, though :D07:54
SpassBabloyi, yeah, that issue with doubled tray icons is known, no solution yet, but as a workaround you can hide that second icon in the settings07:57
Spassit will show a small arrow to unhide/hide the chosen icons, but IMHO arrow looks better that two the same icons07:59
SpassI have this issue with Redshift also07:59
Babloyidone, I guess07:59
Babloyithanks :D07:59
Babloyialso, speaking of, I'm not really fond of gmusicbrowser, there some other lightweight music player that plays nice with xubuntu?08:00
Babloyicursory internet search suggests Audacious, QMMP or Sayonara08:00
Spassgmusicbrowser is no longer a default music player in Xubuntu 18.0408:00
Babloyioh, well, I upgraded to 18.04 right now08:01
Babloyiand that's all I have08:01
Babloyiwhat's the default?08:01
knomeit's kept for you because you had it installed08:01
Spassyeah, Xubuntu only uses Parole now08:01
BabloyiI'm happy to remove it :D08:01
Babloyiparole is a media player...seems more geared towards video?08:01
BabloyiI had parole on 16.04 as well, had never installed it (never used it either :D)08:02
knometo clarify what Spass said, xubuntu doesn't have a dedicated media *manager* any more08:02
knomeparole can play audio for sure, but if you have a music library, it likely won't be enough for you08:02
SpassRhythmbox works fine on my Xubuntu, and it integrates with the panel sound menu08:02
knome--> https://xubuntu.org/news/small-and-noisy/08:03
Babloyiisn't it a bit finicky with large music libraries?08:03
knomeso basically this: https://xubuntu.org/news/tag/my-media-manager/08:03
knomeBabloyi, please read what i said...08:03
BabloyiI was referring to what Spass suggested08:03
knomeaha, sure.08:04
knomebut check the last link i posted08:04
knomeit has some other suggestions...08:04
Babloyialright, thanks :D. The first one you linked was from 2016 :O08:04
Babloyiwait...they're all at least 2 years old08:05
knomeyes, because this change *was* introduced for xubuntu 16.0408:05
knomethe content is still mainly accurate08:05
BabloyiI don't think Banshee has been updated in like...5 years :D08:05
knome...but it still works?08:06
BabloyiI guess :D08:06
BabloyiI wish these lists pointed out the bad stuff too08:06
knomeisn't all good and bad stuff subjective?08:06
knomeexcept "there's a bug that stops this software from working completely"?08:07
Babloyiwell, some players are heavier than others, some are more lightweight. Some have greater features, some have fewer. Some have stuff I don't need, some don't08:07
knomeyes indeed08:07
knome"stuff *i* need"08:07
Babloyiignore that last point, then08:08
knomeand some people definitely do prefer a lightweight one08:08
knomebut that likely means it lacks some features they like08:08
BabloyiI mean, I wouldn't specifically look for it to mention stuff I need, but if it gives a comparison of features08:08
Babloyilike all that radio stuff, online lyric collection, internet related things08:08
BabloyiI don't need that08:08
Spassfunny you're talking about music players, because I've just finished my small guide for Polish Xubuntu site like an hour ago...08:09
Spassbut I doubt it will be useful in that case :P08:09
Babloyinow translate it08:10
Spassit's for ew users, so you probably know everything that's in it08:10
knomeBabloyi, my final suggestion is to maybe focus on the positives; at least you have this much information at your hand; now go figure and try out yourself what suits best for you08:11
knomebecause you surely do have personal preferences...08:11
BabloyiI'll just go with Audacious, I guess08:12
knomesorry for not chewing your food for you!08:13
SpassRhythmbox, Quod Libet, Clementine, Exaile, GNOME Music, Amarok, DeaDBeeF... happy testing :)08:13
Babloyidoesn't list Saynara OR Audacious :O08:13
Babloyiand Amarok uses KDE, doesn't it?08:14
knome(which is the toolkit used by KDE...)08:14
BabloyiI guess because it was the default on kubuntu, I figured it used KDE08:14
SpassClementine is also Qt based, doesn't mean you can't use it on Xubuntu, like VLC08:15
knomesee? Spass gave you more alternatives to pick from and the only thing you do is complain he didn't list everything available?08:15
knomeclearly we can't win here...08:15
BabloyiI'm not fighting, knome08:15
BabloyiI love you dearly08:15
Spassthere's so many of them :)08:15
knomeme neither, but you're asking for impossible things ;)08:15
Babloyiam I truly?08:15
knomeyou are asking us to tell which media manager is best for you, sure it's impossible08:16
BabloyiI didn't ask that :O08:16
BabloyiI asked what was the best lightweight music player for xubuntu08:16
knomempd ;)08:16
knomethat's subjective08:16
knomeso there we go... :P08:16
Babloyialright, the most lightweight player for xubuntu that has a GUI :P08:17
knomewhy don't you try a few alternatives?08:17
Babloyikept crashing on me08:17
* knome shrugs08:17
Babloyibut maybe upgrading to 18.04 will have fixed that08:17
knomewho knows, i don't even know what kind of crashes you had :)08:18
knomebut seriously, if i were you, i'd try out a few alternatives08:18
knomeand if you want to avoid extra dependencies, avoid those that use Qt08:18
knomethen you should be mostly fine, but every manager likely pulls in some extra dependencies08:19
Babloyi(I'll probably pick one to download and end up sticking with it out of laziness unless it has some major problem :D)08:19
knomewhether that is acceptable for you or not is left for you to decide..08:19
knomeultimately, i would personally pick any software that worked the best for me regardless of the "lightweightness"08:20
Babloyiwell, lack of lightweightness is the issue I most often face08:20
knomethough this does include the consideration that if any software is way too heavy for my system, it'll likely feel sluggish and then i'll just likely not prefer that..08:20
Babloyilike, I have a library with music in the tens of thousands, so stuff that loads slowly is annoying08:20
knomegmusicbrowser is good with that kind of stuff08:21
Babloyiand then gmusicbrowser has these weird audio rendering issues08:21
Babloyithe music crackles :D08:21
knomenot for me08:21
Babloyiwhich I thought was a problem with my earphones, but it turned out to be with everythin08:21
knomemaybe you want to try another backend or something08:21
BabloyiI just upgraded to 18.04, so who knows, maybe it will work better now08:22
SpassBabloyi, I think Quod Libet should be on your shortlist to test, uses GTK, lightweight and modular (plugins)08:28
Spassand under active development08:28
Spassanyway, bbl08:28
Babloyialright, thanks08:35
Babloyihmmmm....pondering the stuff to remove for a fresh start...is there any use for abiword if I have mousepad and libreoffice writer?09:09
Babloyiit seems like a sort of inbetween text editor :D09:10
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sim642Ugh great: An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.14:04
sim642Got that fixed by removing ubuntu toolchain test PPA luckily14:24
sim642Now my /boot is full and autoremove won't remove anything...14:24
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
zleaphi can someone update the bot in the #xubuntu-unregistered channel so it points to the correct place toregister nicknames17:23
zleaphttps://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration should be the correct link17:24
sim642Finally managed the upgrade, I have no network manager UI anywhere anymore and the fonts look different20:15
Spasssim642, try adding Status Notifier plugin to the panel and check your font settings in the 'Appearance'20:20
sim642The panel has both notification area and indicator plugin20:21
sim642Just as before20:21
sim642But like, no network settings in settings either20:21
sim642Also, I know where to change it but I have no idea what it was before20:21
sim642Was some default font changed?20:22
Spass"Status Notifier" is a new plugin, you need to add it20:22
sim642That's even worse than the other two I have20:22
sim642It just shows gtk-redshift, no dropbox nor sound either20:23
Spass"Indicators" are not really needed anymore, maybe you need to restart your panel20:23
Spassnot sure about the default font settings, but I think nothing really changed there20:24
sim642If indicators isn't needed then where should the audio indicator be20:25
sim642and still, no network manager20:25
Spassthere is a new sound plugin, PulseAudio, you need to add it20:25
SpassI'll show you the defaults in 1 sec20:26
sim642So the indicator with media player controls included is now gone?20:26
sim642I have default font as Sans 1020:26
sim642But it immediately stands out different than before upgrading, it's a small thing that you easily notice different20:27
Spasssim642, https://ibb.co/j9HYbU20:28
Spassyou can control the media player from the new sound plugin20:29
sim642Oh, they're just not listed there when not running?20:29
Spassyou need to run them once to show up20:30
sim642Noto Sans 10 looks more like what it was before but hmm, still feels slightly wrong, oh well20:30
Spassthey should stay after that20:30
sim642Oh ok20:30
sim642Still, the missing network manager UI is kinda problematic20:30
sim642I suppose I should have network-manager-gnome that provides nm-applet right?20:30
Spassnetwork-manager and network-manager-gnome, yes20:31
sim642I have the list of removed packages here and it doesn't seem like it was removed though20:31
sim642so I'm confused20:31
brainwashopen a terminal windows, and run "nm-applet"20:32
sim642I don't have it, that's the thing20:32
sim642But now I really wanna know why20:32
Spassmake sure you have it installed, if yes maybe try to reinstall20:32
sim642Because I had it before20:32
sim642apt's history.log says it should've been upgraded20:34
sim642but it's removed now...20:35
sim642Because if that package somehow disappeared without a trace, it's probably not the only thing20:36
brainwashthis should have been properly logged though20:39
sim642I found now in apt's term.log that it was removed20:39
sim642But the new version was never installed20:39
sim642Although history.log listed it under Upgrade:20:39
sim642apt-cache still lists the older version like: 1.2.6-0ubuntu0.16.04.4 -1 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status20:40
sim642Neither that nor the correct version being installed20:40
brainwash  Candidate: 1.8.10-2ubuntu120:41
brainwashthat version is listed?20:41
sim642I have that too yes, uninstalled20:41
sim642but I have the old version listed uninstalled too for some reason20:42
sim642Which probably means something20:42
brainwashmaybe because it is still present in the package cache20:42
brainwashand could be installed from there20:42
brainwashjust a guess20:42
sim642Status: deinstall ok config-files20:44
sim642I feel like I'll need to have a script that double checks every package that apt promised to upgrade20:45
brainwashyou could reinstall the meta package xubuntu-core (or xubuntu-desktop), and check what new packages it will pull in20:45
sim642to check if it's installed20:45
sim642because right now I'm not sure anything is correct anymore20:46
brainwashhence my suggestion20:47
sim642Yeah, doing that now20:47
sim642That's installing 74 new packages now, which is even more worrying20:48
sim642And that doesn't cover any of the software I've installed on top of the clean system that may be missing in action20:49
sim642I still can't understand how apt would remove a package for upgrading and never install it back20:49
Spassnot really related, but it may be a good idea to check "software-properties-gtk" settings on 'Other Software' tab, maybe some old repos are still enabled there20:50
sim642Spass, that's all disabled for now as it should be20:51
brainwashthere should be an upgrade log, right?20:51
sim642Well yes, there are two files apt keeps about this: history.log and apt.log20:51
brainwashsomething else20:51
brainwashgot this?20:52
sim642I already grepped that, it has no mentions of network-mananger-gnome even20:52
sim642Besides the apt.log copy also there I think20:53
brainwashmaybe hidden inside some .tar.gz?20:53
sim642Which just lists it as to be upgraded too20:53
sim642apt-clone_system_state.tar.gz is the only such thing there20:54
brainwashprobably not in there20:54
sim642apt's term.log is the most detailed thing about it, it actually has a trace of the package being removed at first20:55
brainwashmy only explanation would be that the upgrade process was interrupted somehow, and the system then booted into a semi upgraded state20:55
sim642Some error interrupted apt which required me to fix a problem manually but manually continuing dist-upgrade worked fine20:57
sim642Seems like it somehow forgot a package between the two20:57
sim642But AFAIK that's not supposed to happen, for the majority of packages it correctly knows it's supposed to continue upgrading them21:00

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