[00:55] Hpag was added by: Hpag [00:55] Hello [00:56] Is ubuntu touch still at 16. [00:57] [Edit] Is ubuntu touch still at 16.04? Or it is 18.04 now? [00:59] it's almost in 16.04 [01:00] Cant you guys just update it to 18.04 armhf version? [01:00] If it was that easy, it would be done several months ago. :) [01:01] :D === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [04:05] @Hpag, No because a lot of the phone stuff was removed from 18.04 already. [04:24] @Javacookies for your Tagatuos app, do you have any plans to cater for in-app currency conversion? [05:19] @TartanSpartan, you mean just for converting? … I'm doing something right now called Travel Mode … you can set a temporary currency so that you can add your expenses on that currency and automatically converted on your home currency [05:20] it won't be released anytime soon though 😅 … I just started it but I'll be able to test it fully this September when I get to Frankfurt 😉 [05:20] Yep. Ok that sounds promising. For now I have to stick with Libreoffice Calc spreadsheets. [05:22] if you really want a full on conversion feature, just file a bug in github and I'll consider it in the future 👍 [05:23] Temporary currency sounds good though, but I'm at work right now. === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [06:09] Guys, I have a FP2 on 16.04 devel. Yesterday I got the ota4 welcome screen. It showed me updates for ALL my apps, then a whole bunch of firmware updates, but those didn’t download, so I ended up skipping them. Then it said it was done and dumped me on the lock screen, but there I got stuck. [06:11] The lock screen is not accepting touch input. The top panel is there but won’t come out, the unity launcher won’t appear. [06:11] @YougoChats, The issue is fixed now, please follow this instructions https://forums.ubports.com/post/11470 [06:12] @YougoChats, [Edit] The issue is fixed now, please follow these instructions https://forums.ubports.com/post/11470 [06:14] Thanks, but slight snag, I don’t have a pc at hand, let alone one with all the tools installed [06:14] Would a factory reset from recovery be useful? [06:18] I've never tried such thing but I don't think it would be useful [06:20] Anyone here knows of the factory reset deletes /home or not? [06:25] Afaik a factory reset puts the phone as it is brandnew, that means it deletes all data [06:25] :( [06:31] Does anyone know if mtp connection works in current state? [07:12] Andresgiordana@gmail.com was added by: Andresgiordana@gmail.com [07:22] Seems a bad idea to use an email address as ID. A spam attractant for sure! [07:30] Fwd from Andresgiordana@gmail.com: https://abogadoslowcostag.com/pedro-sanchez-incumple-la-constitucion/ … ¿LA CONSTITUCIÓN SE RESPETA SIEMPRE? [07:32] It's a spammer account itself :) … (banned) [07:39] @YougoChats, Did you set up SFTP file exchange maybe? [07:40] With this you could access it without working display... [07:40] At least, if you set up SSH-keys. [08:01] Nope [08:01] Only adb or mtp. [08:02] Wasn't it possible to access /home in Recovery-Mode? [08:13] @advocatux, I did 99% suspect that, I have to admit 😉 [08:27] @ignorare, When you have a pc with adb at hand, yes [08:27] I lack both === gurmble is now known as grumble [08:38] Hmmm shit... [08:38] I want to create SSH-access to my N5, anyhow it fails and I don't know what I am doing wrong. 😊 [08:39] SSH-key-pair on the notebook is created. When trying to send the public key to the N5 it says: ```ERROR: ssh: connect to host ubuntu-phone port 22: Connection refused``` [08:40] [Edit] SSH-key-pair on the notebook is created. When trying to send the public key to the N5 via ```ssh-copy-id``` it says: ```ERROR: ssh: connect to host ubuntu-phone port 22: Connection refused``` [08:40] Do I have to switch something on before? [08:41] [Edit] Do I have to switch on something before? [08:41] paste full command plz [08:43] @vanyasem, ```ssh-copy-id -i /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa_ubuntu_phone phablet@myphonename``` [08:43] okay, good. i thought you were missing the `phablet@` part [08:43] This worked fine on M10, but on N5 it complains. 😁 [08:44] Hmmm - what could be the mistake? [08:44] even ```ssh phablet@myphonename``` in CLI brings "Connection refused" [08:51] I guess I forgot something small, but I don't remember what. 😁 [08:51] Do I have to activate SSH-access in UT somewhere? [09:05] android-gadget-service enable rndis … android-gadget-service enable ssh [09:09] @Cesar_Herrera, I knew something was missing... 😂 [09:09] And how can I become root in UT-terminal? [09:09] su requires some password, but I don't know which one? [09:10] sudo su [09:11] The same password as starting the phone. [09:15] How is rc on this Wednesday any bugs I want to upgrade [09:19] @ignorare, You don't need to be root to enable ssh. [09:19] @Cesar_Herrera, Ah no, I know. 😊 I just want to change the hostname as well. [09:20] But ```sudo hostname newname````does not work somehow. [09:20] [Edit] But ```sudo hostname newname``` does not work somehow. [09:20] [Edit] But ```sudo hostname ``` does not work somehow. [09:24] passwd [09:26] Got it! Should be ```hostnamectl set-hostname ``` [09:28] @ignorare, Ok. Didn't know it. [11:35] @ignorare, Maybe I'm missing something, but AFAIK ssh in UT requires keys for authentication. So using ssh to copy the key that is needed to use ssh seems a bit odd to me. [11:38] To automate ssh setup I created a script that sets up everything via adb: https://github.com/Ingo-FP-Angel/enablessl [11:50] @Cesar_Herrera, Not rndis. You do not way to enable that most likely. It disables mtp and makes the phone a USB network device [11:56] did you guys see the reddit thread with the purism dev image? [12:03] yeah - not sure UBports has a mainline image/channel/setup though [12:06] Pitterr was added by: Pitterr [12:06] @dohbee, I have this from Mattias Apitz's book. Bu I don't know the details. [12:35] Is the 1st Gen pebble compatible with UT? [12:37] @zack123, You might try Asteroid OS for that [12:43] @zack123, https://launchpad.net/rockwork [12:43] this is the old page of the proyect but there you have the supported devices with rockwork [12:44] there is the current page of the rockwork proyect … https://github.com/bhdouglass/rockwork [13:13] Thanks! [14:13] @dohbee, [Edit] I have this from Mattias Apitz's book. But I don't know the details. === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [15:34] Is there any way, any way at all to make UT skip the setup wizard and just boot? [15:34] Without external tools, since i have none available [16:16] @YougoChats, not without being able to access `/home/phablet` and modify a file under it, no. so external tool is required [16:22] So my FP2 is screwed until I get back from holiday in a week and a half [16:23] (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/Ewz3HOjS.webp [16:24] please don't use devel on your daily phone [16:25] I like to live dangerous: ) [16:25] [Edit] I like to live dangerous :-) [16:25] Well, as long as you accept the teams and conditions. :) [16:25] Terms [16:26] But you should accept the team too [16:26] more things need teams and conditions [16:26] and less giving up constitutional rights in favor of binding arbitration [16:26] Oh [16:29] And accept you have to type at a rate of two buttons per second on your spare LG E610 [16:30] i wonder how fast i could type on a textblade, once i got the layout configured how i want it, and learned how to type on such a small thing [16:34] Waddayagonnado ¬_(^-^)_Г [16:38] Greenman64squid was added by: Greenman64squid [16:38] hello everybody. a friend notified me about this group's existence and the fact that Ubuntu Telephone OS is not really dead. Very cool! [16:39] I hope I can put it on my telephone one day [16:40] @Greenman64squid, It is not only not dead but very alive 😎 [16:40] SniperTelegram was added by: SniperTelegram [16:40] awesome. [16:42] Hey guys, i haven't really been following this group that much … What are the latest news and new apps? [16:45] @samuele963, follow @ubports_news i think for those sorts of updates [16:47] It's mostly for q&a announcments thougj [16:47] [Edit] It's mostly for q&a announcments though [16:47] Not much [16:56] it's for news. this group is for more general chat about ubports. not for announcing news and new apps. [16:57] Yeah.... I mean, it would be cool to have a group with tl;drs about new stuff [16:57] you also can take a loon on https://open-store.io/ to see the news and updates apps [16:58] Oh, cool! [16:58] yeah, latest apps show up at top of open store [16:58] at least on the web page. not sure about the app [17:00] by the way IMHO, maybe the bestway to know how the development is going is take a look to the summary of the questions and answers … https://ubports.com/blog/ubports-blog-1/tag/ubuntu-touch-q-a-3 … you also can take a look to the blog in the same page [17:00] Ok, that sounds interesting! Will definitely check it out [17:58] @samuele963, https://ubports.com/telegram-welcome have a look here as well [19:04] @samuele963 if you don't find an answer in the link Josu gave you, or in our FAQ, you can post your question here https://forums.ubports.com/topic/1571/q-a-34-this-saturday-18-08-at-19-00-utc for the next Q&A [19:32] Ok, thanks for the help! [19:45] (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/g2Xel70S.png [19:45] Hi everyone. Apologies if already covered above, but my M10 is hanging at this screen since the update on 16.04dev yesterday. This is the screen after updates. Any ideas if I can rescue without reflashing? (Reboot didn’t help) [19:45] (I liked the new startup screens though!) [19:45] can you connect via adb/ssh? [19:46] Good idea, I’ll try that as soon as I can. Thanks. … Has anyone else reported similar issues? [19:46] yes, everyone who is using devel [19:47] Ah 😄 and using adb was a way round it? [19:47] if you want something more reliable, it's highly suggested to use RC channel instead [19:48] @Fiona C, well, you need to swtich to RC, or i think maybe tweaking the "wizard has already run" file might get past it, but i don't recall the file, or what value would need to be sest [19:49] Okey doke [19:49] Or reinstall todays devel without (!) wipe [19:50] well you don't need to wipe to switch to rc either [19:50] is it fixed in devel then? [19:52] @dohbee, How do I switch without wipe/reinstall today’s? [19:54] @Fiona C, Please see this https://forums.ubports.com/topic/1574/august-15-devel-channel-update-renders-your-device-unable to see how to change to RC or stay in devel channel [19:54] The issue is fixed now [19:54] @Fiona C, if you can adb/ssh, you can use `systemimage-cli` tool on the device to upgrade or switch channels [20:00] Is it a bad idea to run Libertine on 15.04? Is it even possible? [20:00] @Elysium3301, it's possible. though it doesn't work on nexus 5 [20:02] What will happen if I try it on Nexus 5? Will it break stuff or just not work? [20:02] just waste storage space, and apps just crash on start there, on 15.04 [20:03] Oh alright, in that case I'll keep my hands off it. :) [20:28] @advocatux, Thanks! [20:29] @dohbee, Thanks! [22:26] Looks like theres something happening with the ubuntu phone gmail api, its only allowing about 4 big images at the same time to send mail with attachments. [22:26] in two bulks, 8 images works.