
Scary_GuyI'm not addicted, I can stop anytime I want to.  I just never want to :D09:27
Scary_Guyalso "let's shame people for being human" or let's not and mind our own damn business09:28
jrwrennon-sequitur or misdir12:39
cmaloneyGood morning12:56
jrwrenfeels like it should be friday, but its only Thursday.13:05
cmaloneyI'm not sure any day feels like they day it should be.13:21
Scary_Guyfeels like four Mondays, then a Friday usually13:53
rick_h_teaching my wife what an "editor" is today...feels like a monday13:56
cmaloneywhich sort of editor?13:56
rick_h_"I thought that was only there for taking notes"13:56
cmaloneyOh nice13:56
rick_h_she couldn't connect to starbucks wifi and found an askubuntu post using "sudo nano /etc/hosts"13:56
rick_h_which she didn't have nano on the machine so it said command not found, though it might have been because she missed the space after nano and before the /13:57
rick_h_so I told her to replace nano with gedit, I knew it was on there13:57
rick_h_and that brought up "what is this doing, what's a 'gehdit'"13:57
rick_h_anyway, now she thinks if she goes back to windows she'll be able to fix these things herself13:58
cmaloneyWoo hoo13:58
rick_h_have at it13:58
jrwrena mac would never have the issues. :p13:58
rick_h_she went ubuntu because she was so mad at windows13:58
jrwrenit would just have other issues.13:59
rick_h_all computers do13:59
jrwrenlike... why is my kernel using 2.5GB of my memory?13:59
cmaloneya mac would not want to connect to the wifi without a dongle13:59
jrwrenmac used to get better with every release. now it gets worse.13:59
rick_h_it's just funny having "I should be able to fix these things myself" followed directly up by "I don't want to learn how all this works. I don't have time for that"14:00
rick_h_had to do the "what would your parents do in this situation?"14:00
rick_h_and her realize that's what folks do. Either learn or go to geeksquad once a month14:00
cmaloneyIt's like a confirmation for computers14:01
cmaloneyWelcome to the congregation; now you get to know all of the dirt14:01
jrwrenhey, i feel like she does. shit should just work.14:02
jrwrenat least in the linux case, you haven't paid for anything14:02
jrwrenbut with windows and mac, i've paid thousands over the years for shit that doesn't work quite right. its infuriating.14:03
rick_h_yea, but I mean "this wifi thing doesn't work with the google wifi system starbucks bought and installed ..."14:03
rick_h_I mean, at some point the various permutations/layers involved is untenable to always work14:04
jrwreni literally never have problems connecting to wifi on my apple devices.14:04
jrwreni realize that is only my experience and is annecdotal, and yet... it keeps be running this apple junk, because as bad as it is, I know its worse elsewhere.14:04
rick_h_yea, they've narrowed down a layer of the moving parts on their end by dictating the hardware set14:05
rick_h_linux/windows hasn't been able to do that14:05
rick_h_meh, I just figure stuff won't always work14:05
rick_h_so I asked her where the mifi was because that's known to work and she'd be off to the races vs looking up askubuntu stuff14:05
jrwrenlemme guess. its at home :)14:06
rick_h_which is where she's back at now that she can't work from the starbucks14:07
rick_h_anyway, very monday feeling14:07
jrwrenyeah. that sucks.14:08
rick_h_with the rain to help give it that proper monday overcast14:08
jrwreni just get so angry at macos kernel_task CPU and memory usage. its infuriating.14:08
cmaloneyrick_h_: Have you been to the Starbucks to see what they're doing?14:27
cmaloneyI mean, not today, but in the past?14:28
rick_h_cmaloney: yea, they want you to create an account and sign in so I just mifi now. I refuse to do the account stuff14:28
cmaloneyOh fuck that shit14:28
cmaloneywhat's the point of going there then if they're going to try to track you14:29
rick_h_yea, exactly14:29
cmaloneyI had my "I want to be a hermit and leave tech behind" moment yesterday14:30
jrwrenonly just now?14:35
cmaloneylooked online at how to enable DnD on an individual cordless phone (Panasonic cordless. Yes. shut up).14:35
cmaloneyand found a video14:35
cmaloneythe video literally was just some cutesy animation oabout how thos woman twas frustrated that she would get calls in the night14:36
cmaloneyno instructions, no nothing.14:36
cmaloney2 minutes of animation saying that it was possible and nothing else14:36
cmaloneyand a list of model numbers of phones that support it14:36
jrwrenon youtube, right?14:37
jrwreni click on that, click play, and my work macbook pro plays it at full audio now matter what audio adjustment I set it to.14:38
cmaloneyOh that's nice14:40
waldo323jrwren, it heard you talking about how it just works i guess16:41
jrwrenyeah, i dunno WTF.17:12
jrwrenits super crazy tech day. everything is broken.17:12
cmaloneyI think it's karma saying "don't get cocky". ;)17:24
jrwrenoh no. i complain about EVERYTHING17:24
jrwreni pretty much hate everything.17:24
cmaloneyHave you considered knitting?17:25
jrwreni have!17:26
waldo323rebooting is often a good option for our users, tends to fix things/finish applying patches18:39

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