[02:24] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2018-August/005402.html - while it seems to be fun speculating about the impact of this change to Xfce without ever talking to its devs or the Xubuntu ones about it, the thread clearly indicates that it's merely about the Mutter window manager - which Xfce nor Xubuntu use by default, but rather its own Xfwm. [18:45] krycek: What makes you think I didn't talk to someone from Xubuntu? I got that info from flocculant himself, and he mentioned Xubuntu has had issues with changes in GTK in the past. Please stop assmuming such things. [18:46] Yes, that is true - but this isn't about GTK+ [18:48] not worth fighting about though. The plan is still to use xfce for now. Plasma is a long way from ready... just barely started in fact. [18:50] xfce is very common in the audio users world as a replacement for gnome and so far nothng has filled that hole. Not that long ago, plasma was not very nice. [21:30] eylul: have huion 610pro... son is over the moon :) [21:32] eylul: requires extra kernel modules... though this is 14.04.