
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
marquezinihey gays01:52
marquezinisorry, guys..01:52
marquezinii mean, guys01:52
marquezinihi sublevel01:55
krytarikmarquezini: Do you have a support question?01:57
marquezinii need know the best distro for my note01:58
krytarikXubuntu obviously..01:58
marquezinia n3700 p4 notebook 4giga ... xubuntu works well01:58
marquezinii will try01:59
odcUnit193: hi! Could you please update xfwm4 in the experimental PPA? There is a very annoying bug for hidpi users which has been fixed in git.07:51
Unit193It's already up to date.07:52
odcUnit193: i don't think it contains https://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfwm4/commit/?id=be929b2ad13a9a8ccd94ca3041b1af9d287b4a8f07:52
Unit193Nope, as that was after the 4.13.1 release.07:54
=== rso0016 is now known as rso016
=== rso0016 is now known as rso016
=== rso016 is now known as rso16
Babloyihi! I wanted to mess around with themes in xubuntu, and found some nice dark ones, but it seems they are not able to adjust the titlebar gradient or the titlebar font colour or the titlebar dropdown shadow http://www.ags.pics/iYR.png10:51
Babloyicould someone point me to where these would be fixed from?10:52
Babloyior some string to search for or something10:52
someone235Hi, once in a while I get a message "Your screen is locked, you will be redirected in few seconds", and then my screen is unresponsive, and even ctrl+alt+f1 doesn't do a thing. Someone had this issue and knows how to solve it?10:57
brainwashsomeone235: I would switch to a TTY, login, and then "killall light-locker"11:00
someone235brainwash, how can I switch to tty? ctrl+alt+f1 doesn't do a thing11:02
brainwashf2 then11:03
someone235I think I tried f1-611:04
brainwashand nothing?11:07

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