
=== jhebden is now known as jhebden-lunch
mupBug #1787567 opened: MAAS Node Failed to Commision; Post PXE boot: Kernel Modules failed to load <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1787567>10:34
boritekhi. after adding hardware manually in maas with IPMI, it shows a green power button as it can see it is powered on, however maas cannot commission any machine11:29
boriteklogs say: Failed to query node's BMC - (inew) - No rack controllers can access the BMC of node11:29
boritekhmm it just started to work now on one of the nodes11:47
boriteki dont know what changed11:47
boritekhow can I rename a machine after it has been created?11:47
boritekwhat is the default user pass of a deployed ubuntu 18.04 image?12:28
boritekok, i could rename it :)13:04
roaksoaxboritek: you can ssh into it14:20
boritekroaksoax: with wich username and password?14:22
roaksoaxboritek: no password14:23
roaksoaxboritek: maas imports your ssh keys14:23
roaksoaxwhen the machine is 'deployed'14:23
roaksoaxboritek: ubuntu@14:23
boritekroaksoax: the problem is that i am at a different machine right now14:24
boritekso I dont have the key14:24
boritekbtw does maas only need a one-time pxe booting set on the server or a permanent pxe booting?14:25
boritekbecause my dell server keeps resetting to normal booting even though I set it to be on pxe network booting14:26
roaksoaxboritek: when maas power manages the machine, it tells it to pxe boot14:33
roaksoaxboritek: it is strange that the server is resetting to localboot14:33
roaksoaxboritek: if you have manually changed that in the BIOS14:34
boritekroaksoax: i only changed it in the idrac settings14:40
boritekis it possible to save discovered items to "?achines" instead of to "Devides"?14:41
boritekto make it easier setting them up14:42
roaksoaxboritek: yes14:42
boritekroaksoax: how? i can only add them to Devices but not to the Machines?14:43
boritekbutton says: "Save and go to device listing"14:45
boritekand Type only allows me to chooose: device and Interface14:47
roaksoaxboritek: you are right14:58
roaksoaxfor some reason i thought i allowed you to make those machines14:59
roaksoaxlet me check14:59
boritekthis thing is weird because it is the machine that is used most of the time and the most useful thing, Devices which are non-deployable things are far less ipmortant and not used most of the time15:00
boritekor maybe i am just overlooking something?15:01
roaksoaxboritek: yeah it seems we never really finished it15:07
roaksoaxmaybe its only avialable over the PAI15:08
roaksoaxboritek: you could file a bug though15:08
boritekhow can I reach it through the API?15:13
boriteki guess through the maas command15:19
boriteki see I need to login even on the controller15:19
boritekbtw, where do I need to open the bug report?15:20
boritekabout the machine discovery addition15:20
roaksoaxyes you can file abug if you would like15:32
boritekroaksoax: https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/178761716:13
mupBug #1787617 opened: Cannot add discovered units to "Machines" (only to "Devices") <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1787617>16:13
roaksoaxboritek: thanks16:20
mupBug #1787621 opened: [2.5. [erformance] Every time I access the images tab I see RPC communication <performance> <track> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1787621>16:43
mupBug #1787628 opened: [2.5, UI] Machines, Controllers, Dashboard, Events Details pages don't list all nodes <track> <ui> <MAAS:Triaged by blr> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1787628>18:11
mupBug #1787631 opened: [2.5, UI] IP address not shown when the machine is commissioning <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1787631>18:11
mupBug #1787632 opened: [2.5, UI] IP address not shown when the machine is commissioning <2.5> <track> <ui> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1787632>18:11
someguy123-webhey guys, I've got a strange problem, not sure if I've done something wrong, or if this is a bug in MAAS enlistment18:33
someguy123-webwhat's happening is that the node which is trying to enlist, for some reason, sends the full URL in the POST request18:33
someguy123-webcommissioning, deployment etc. works just fine, it's just enlistment which is being strange18:34
someguy123-weboh boy18:41
someguy123-weba 3 year old bug18:41
mupBug #1787637 opened: UEFI PXE grub boot fails for add-on adapter i350 1Gb interface  <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1787637>18:47
mupBug #1787637 changed: UEFI PXE grub boot fails for add-on adapter i350 1Gb interface  <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1787637>18:50
mupBug #1787637 opened: UEFI PXE grub boot fails for add-on adapter i350 1Gb interface  <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1787637>18:59
mupBug #1787637 changed: UEFI PXE grub boot fails for add-on adapter i350 1Gb interface  <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1787637>19:14
mupBug #1787646 opened: Switch localboot to chain to the shim <track> <MAAS:Incomplete> <MAAS 2.3:Incomplete> <MAAS 2.4:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1787646>20:14

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