[08:44] hi all. anyone please help.. I am in GUI purgatory.. cant seem to configure qt to use settings for darktheme gtk [08:45] qt5ct not opening / working [08:45] The QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME environment variable is not set correctly [08:46] Anyone? [08:46] mate does not appear to use standard .profile folder .. instead there is .profile.d [08:51] https://fosspost.org/opinions/are-gtk-developers-destroying-linux-desktop-with-their-plans [08:54] neopsyche: uhm one sec. i have a setting that i toggled... [08:54] ? [08:54] ok [08:56] qt5ct does not open throws error .. as mentioned above [08:56] hmm now all of a sudden opening [08:56] did you throw a switch on my pc? [08:57] yes [08:57] that will be 10$ in btc [08:57] wtf [08:57] lol [08:57] nah i was testing to see which one did it [08:57] adding 'QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=gtk2' to environment did it for me [08:57] oh [08:57] eg 'export QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=gtk2' >> ~/.bashrc [08:58] yeah.. I am freaked out about commands. somewhat intermediate.. and commands echo can mess things up I think . [08:58] what app is it and how are you launching it? [08:58] calibre [08:59] (and 4k downloader is white.. no matter what) [08:59] strangely.. kolourpaint4 works just fine.. kde app [08:59] trying to make all dark theme [09:00] hmm [09:00] calibre supposed to be export CALIBRE_USE_SYSTEM_THEME=1 in bashrc [09:00] (no idea where bashrc is or how to 'export' to it) [09:00] yeah, calibre doesn't pick up my system theme either.. [09:00] its retarded. [09:00] how are you launching calibre? [09:00] through the menu? [09:00] yeah [09:01] sudo launch gives QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root'QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root'libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profilelibpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile [09:02] standard (non root sudo) gives libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profilelibpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile [09:02] you could edit the menu item for it and prepend 'calibre %F' with 'CALIBRE_USE_SYSTEM_THEME=1 %F' [09:02] erm wait a sec... [09:04] swapping it out for: /bin/sh -c 'CALIBRE_USE_SYSTEM_THEME=1 calibre %F' [09:04] worked for me [09:05] https://pasteboard.co/HzzbBbD.png [09:05] i use mozo rather than whichever new one i think they switched to [09:06] aaaah! Finally.. qt-settings (does not open on mate) qt5ct from command line works.. then save theme dark default.. then apply then launch calibre editing menu .desktop with variable... calibre CALIBRE_USE_SYSTEM_THEME=1qt5ct: using qt5ct pluginqt5ct: D-Bus global menu: nolibpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profilelibpng warning: iCCP: know [09:06] n incorrect sRGB profileqt5ct: D-Bus system tray: yes [09:06] :-D [09:06] 'menulibre' is what they switched to i think [09:06] what a workaround workout lol! [09:06] NB: may need logout first [09:07] (sorry last part of paste was wrong) [09:07] was supposed to say:.. aaaah! Finally.. qt-settings (does not open on mate) qt5ct from command line works.. then save theme dark default.. then apply then launch calibre editing menu .desktop with variable... calibre CALIBRE_USE_SYSTEM_THEME=1 (only) [09:08] not sure how to 'default flag' this [09:10] you can just do what i suggested [09:10] idk what qt5ct does [09:10] weird.. this seems to be intermittant [09:16] looks like I needed to login/out [09:18] now.. to fix ACPI issues (facepalm) [09:20] thanks for the help all [11:54] hi all [11:55] i can't use at sign in ubuntu 16.04 [11:55] help please [11:57] @ sign? [11:57] language/keyboard settings " and @ swapped around? === glasseyes_ is now known as glasseyes [12:01] in fact i can't use alt-gr +2 to get at sign [12:03] in a toshiba notebook [12:05] shift +2 [12:05] nop [12:05] doesn't work [12:07] System > Prefs > Hardware > Keyboard > Layouts Use the test box at the bottom to check your keyboard. [12:08] still not work [12:08] shit+2 = " [12:08] Show will display the keyboard layout and you can test/try different layouts. [12:08] Failing that make sure it's not a hardware issue.