
jrwrengood morning14:28
Scary_Guywas playing with my avegant glyph.  I must have an older firmware or something because there is no head tracking and 3D has no overlap :/14:32
Scary_GuyProbably just sell it for what I got it for and save up for a real set like OSVR, or maybe something even less proprietary.14:33
cmaloneyJoDee got me a 19x19 Go board for my birthday. :)19:16
cmaloneyIt's really col19:16
cmaloneycomes with plastic stones as well. They're HUGE19:16
_stink_do you both play?19:25
cmaloneyJoDee's agreed to learn19:37
cmaloneyI've played a little bit, but I'm not good at it19:37
brouschI used to play online20:08
brousch2 jobs ago when I was super bored. I think cmaloney and I played quite a bit then20:09
cmaloneyYeah, we did20:55
cmaloneyHaven't played online since hten20:55

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