
smoserblackboxsw: ok. one or 2 questions02:48
smoserthen i do go.02:48
smoserdid you actually upload a 0ubuntu1 ?02:48
blackboxswsmoser: I didn't so I was debating about just consolidating into ubuntu102:48
smoserif not... you could have just adjusted02:48
smosergit rebase is really qonderful for that sort of thing02:49
blackboxswyeah ok I'll do that and the merge into origin/ubuntu/devel02:49
smoserand in order to facilitate easier git rebase02:49
blackboxswyeah rebase -i02:49
blackboxswwill do and collapse it02:49
smoserand also easier 'git cherry-pick'02:49
smoserif you put the 'update changelog' in a separate commit02:49
smoserthen its easier02:49
smoserso commit one of debian/cloud-init.templates02:49
smoserand then commit -m 'update changelog'02:49
smoserbecause otherwise cherry-pick or rebase with those commits is always oing to conflict on a debian/changelog02:50
smoserwhich isn't helpful02:50
blackboxswok I get it, so don't collapse"fixup" the separate changelog commit02:50
smoserno worries. its all fine.02:50
smoserdid you upload ?02:50
blackboxswnope just saw my curtin ubuntu/devel merged02:51
blackboxswyou didn't do that right?02:51
smoseryeah, just have 2 commits. you can look at the log in ubuntu/devel, its filled with "update changelog" messages for each change in debian/02:51
smoseri did not intend to merge anything..02:51
blackboxswI was waiting on autolander for the curtin branch.02:52
blackboxswand hoped that jenkins would do it.02:52
smoseri was always just merging the debian branches myself.02:52
smoserbuilding loacally and pusing.02:52
smoserbut its fine if we want the lander to do it.02:53
smoseranyway.. i really should go02:53
smoserenjoy the rest of your friday  night ;)02:53
blackboxswand it is merged now so I'll upload curtin per build-and-push  https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/curtin/+git/curtin/+merge/35336102:53
blackboxswthanks will do see ya02:53
blackboxswyeah waiting on autolander is taking too long, will sort what I can and get it tonight or tomorrow02:54
blackboxswlander failures 2018-08-18 03:00:18,589 - tests.cloud_tests - ERROR - stage: collect test data for xenial encountered error: [Errno 28] No space left on device: '/tmp/LXDInstance-cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-ntp-servers-2s2jjcujy8pnqtgks3gb_h9t5s'03:02
blackboxswgonna have to clean up torkoal again03:02
blackboxswok gotta upload in prog head off https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/18.3-24-gf6249277-0ubuntu1/+build/1527809904:26
=== nicolas17_ is now known as nicolas17

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