
daftykinsnever watched that01:19
zxmoy-pinever watched the it crowd.... Oo05:16
knightwiseheya peepz06:47
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.06:52
brobostigonwho ever the person that is on on bbc saturday kitchen, has the most ridiculous hear style i have ever seen.09:35
NokajiI knew someone once who had a ridiculous hear style - they heard everything twice so you had to say only half of what you wanted them to hear12:34
zxmoy-pi*badum* *tish*12:40
* penguin42 grumbles at the price increase by Virgin20:49
zxmoy-pihow much?20:54
penguin42£3.50 increase/month from 1st October - that's about 10%20:54
zxmoy-pii blame brexit for the extra cost in import exporting bits...20:55
penguin42well, I guess equipment does cost more; I also blame them getting bought out by Liberty a year or so back20:57
zxmoy-piyes... consolidation which never makes the service cheaper as they pass the cost of the acquisition on to the customers...20:58
penguin42they were ramping the bitrate up, but seem to have stopped - frankly I don't need any more21:00
penguin42some more upstream would be nice21:00
penguin42unfortunately I don't have any other choice though, and tehir bandwidth and latency is pretty good21:01

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