
OvenWerkseylul: with your wacom tablets, did you need to create a /etc/X11/xorg-config.d/ file?19:05
OvenWerksanyway, I thnk controls will need to:19:06
OvenWerksA) install extra kernel modules if needed (detect if needed would help)19:07
OvenWerksB) Allow creation of an xorg-config file if needed.19:08
OvenWerksin the case of A, I hope to find that newer kernels already have these modules in which case having a help help that points to  adding modules would be enough.19:39
OvenWerksin the case of B, we probably want to write some conig file that is loaded at xorg start anyway.19:43
eylulovenwerks: No I don't remember having to. and yay!23:05
eylulbut I have been using 16.04 and then 17.04/17.10. Also huion can be a bit different.23:06
eylulthis is actually a good test case because huion is one of the most used brands outside of wacom.23:06
eylulso it is a good thing that controls cover it23:06
eylulI'll catch up with the chat fully once I get some sleep, (just arrived from a 15 hour bus-ride :D )23:07

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