
pppingmeI was looking for anyone that has recent purchases..  or quotes.. trying to avoid sticker shock before we sit down with ibm00:06
pppingmeI know dula frame z14 pricing, trying to figure out where the rockhopper2 fits in00:06
xnoxpppingme, take analgesics first?! =)00:24
xnoxpppingme, i believe rockhopper2 and z14, are equivalent generation / capacity mainframes.00:27
pppingmeyes, rockhopper2 is a single frame z1400:27
pppingmeemperor2 is the dual frame z1400:28
xnoxpppingme, rockhopper2 should be possible to configure differently / price differently as the pricing there is for linux-only as far as I understand positioning.00:28
pppingmeright, rockhopper and emperor are the "IFL only" z14's00:28
xnoxpppingme, i only have access to z13, and we got it on a loan contract =/00:28
xnoxso nothing comparable.00:29
xnoxin terms of running Ubuntu / Ubuntu Openstack / Ubuntu KVM it is all well supported across all of them, obviously.00:29
pppingmecorrected: right, rockhopper2 and emperor2 are the "IFL only" z14's00:30
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