
mupPR snapd#5694 closed: tests/main/layout: cleanup after the test <Simple> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5694>05:39
mborzeckimvo: hey05:39
mvohey mborzecki05:41
mvozyga: can I merge 5307?05:41
mvozyga: I would like to squash it, I would love to cherry pick this to 2.35 to fix core18s extrausers05:42
mborzeckimvo: could you take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5614 ? tha's a small change to the code + some tests05:54
mupPR #5614: interfaces: parallel instances support, extend unit tests <Parallel installs> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5614>05:54
* mvo looks06:00
mborzeckimvo: thanks!06:00
mvomborzecki: added some comments, sorry probably not strictly related to your pr but it seems its a good opportunity to improve this area06:26
mborzeckimvo: thanks, looking06:26
mupPR snapd#5698 closed: osutil: reorg and stub out things to get it building on darwin <Created by chipaca> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5698>06:27
zygagood morning!06:40
zygamvo: looking06:40
mvozyga: thanks06:41
zygamvo: while jamie did not comment on the final look of the branch he didn't -1 the earlier version that wasn't much different06:41
zygamvo: so I think yeah but the final call is up to you06:41
zygamvo: in case jamie objects after the fact we can always roll out a .106:41
* zyga had a small success by waking up the kids two hours earlier than usual06:41
mborzeckizyga: hey06:42
zygahey hey06:42
mvozyga: ok, I see. hm,hm06:45
zygajamie mentioned he was going to look at it06:45
zygaso it's in his queue06:45
zygawhile fighting spread yesterday (the unexpected failure I saw over and over) I refreshed all of the images on https://spread.zygoon.pl/images/06:47
zygaI'm wondering why they grow so much though, 18.10 is 2.5x bigger than 14.0406:47
mborzeckizyga: maybe 1G of it is all 0s06:50
zygathe images are qcow2, that would not be needed06:50
zygaand indeed they are not zero as they took a while to send there06:50
mborzeckizyga: maybe cached packages were left behind?06:54
zygamborzecki: hmm, maybe but I used the same tool for all of those06:55
zygaI'll jump into those images if I have some time06:55
zygaI was just curious06:55
mborzeckizyga: a trick i use to be able to quick revert back to the clean image is to do a clean install, then use that image a backing file for qcow2 images, then you just have the diff images that you can rebase/commit once they are good enough07:00
zygamborzecki: how do you rebase/diff things?07:00
zygaI never did that myself07:00
mborzeckiqemu-img create -f qcow2 -b your-clean-install.img img-with-diff.img; do stuff inside, then qemu-img commit to move the changes back to the original image, or qemu-img rebase if you have an image chain07:03
mborzeckizyga: real life saver in case you screw up the os in the image at some point :P07:03
zygainteresting, and are the images aware of each other directly or do I need to tell qemu to use a chain somehow?07:03
mborzeckizyga: it's recorded in the image file07:03
mborzeckimvo: pushed the changes to https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/561407:09
mupPR #5614: interfaces: parallel instances support, extend unit tests <Parallel installs> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5614>07:09
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mborzeckipstolowski: hey07:11
mborzeckiwonder if i could push the parallel-installs-interfaces spread test to 561407:13
mborzeckigot to go out for a while, back in ~1h or so07:15
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Gargoylezyga: jdstrand: Same problem with snap 2.35 and kernel 4.18.3. :-/07:59
zygacan you provide the detailed denial please?08:00
GargoyleJust trying to get it to spit one out08:02
zygamvo: review on 569908:04
mvozyga: thanks, looking08:05
mvozyga: thanks for the review, I will fix the issue(s)08:06
zygadid you mean the sleep 1h?08:07
zygathat was the most curious thing to me08:07
mvozyga: I replied, no I did not, I hit the wrong key08:07
mvozyga: or maybe a freudian slip, my mind wanted to go to sleep for 1h (at least ;)08:07
zygahaha :-)08:07
mvozyga: replied, I will look into alternatives to squid I think, something in a snap08:09
Gargoylezyga: These are the only messages from "dmesg -w" while I ran "snap remove lxd" (which doesn't seem to have worked) and "snap remove postman", "snap install postman" which both seemed to work fine, but postman is not available to run.08:11
zygaGargoyle: STATUS messages are just information, they are not a denial yet. What happens when you install and run the "hello-world" snap?08:11
mborzeckimvo: pushed a spread test for parallel instances & interfaces to #561408:11
mupPR #5614: interfaces: parallel instances support, extend unit tests <Parallel installs> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5614>08:11
Gargoylezyga: No errors from snap - seems to have installed fine, but I have no "hello-world" command to run. (Syslog output during the installation: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jgDwrkyK4k/)08:14
zygahow about snap run hello-world08:14
mupPR snapd#5700 opened: tests: significantly reduce execution time for managers test <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5700>08:15
Gargoylezyga: Yup. That works!08:16
zygaGargoyle: can you try the snap you wanted to use before08:16
Gargoyle"snap run postman" works too.08:17
Gargoylesame for discord.08:17
zygaso the issue is fixed?08:17
GargoyleOh. No.08:18
zygaso what is the issue?08:19
GargoyleThey only work with "snap run discord". I cannot run just "discord" nor do they show in gnome.08:19
zygalog out and back in08:19
GargoyleNo joy. And now not even happy booting back into 4.15 kernel! :/08:25
zygawelcome back, so what happened?08:25
Gargoylesame situation. "snap run discord" works, but as far as the rest of the system is concerned, discord doesn't exist. Same for postman.08:26
zygaso gnome doesn't see the application, right?08:26
zygawhat does "which discord" tell you?08:27
Gargoyle"discord not found"08:27
zygaand what does "echo $PATH" print?08:27
Gargoyle. /home/paul/bin:/home/paul/.composer/vendor/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games08:28
zygaGargoyle: interesting, are you setting PATH in your startup scripts anywhere? it seems to be influencing the default value that ought to also include /snap/bin/08:28
Gargoylezyga: Only in .zshrc where I have: "export PATH=$HOME/bin:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH"08:30
zygaah, you are using zsh08:30
zygaperhaps that's the reason stuff is not working for you08:31
zygamborzecki: once you are back, do you remember if we had a way to inject environment into zsh; I recall a new systemd feature but I don't know if we ended up using it08:31
mborzeckizyga: iirc mvo came up with something that was shell agnostic08:32
mborzeckiGargoyle: are you using konsole by any chance?08:33
zygaGargoyle: can you please do one more experiment, switch to bash, check of this fixes it; it will helps us scope the issue to just zsh08:33
zygathen we can go after that separately from any kernel issues08:34
mvozyga: environment.d08:34
zygamvo: anything I can man search for; I don't remember the details08:34
mborzeckiupdated arch package to 2.3508:36
Gargoylemborzecki: Nope. Default Gnome terminal08:36
Gargoylezyga: yup. One sec08:36
zygaGargoyle: I switched to zsh now, checking what shows up08:36
mupPR snapd#5701 opened: image: add type to seed.yaml to allow sorting in firstboot <Core18> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5701>08:38
mborzeckiGargoyle: are you on ubuntu?08:38
mvopedronis: high level feedback on -^ would be great. if this looks sensible I will continue this path otherwise derive in firstboot08:38
zygaI switched to zsh and I cannot log in08:38
Gargoylemborzecki: Yup08:38
* zyga wonders08:38
mborzeckiGargoyle: can you post /etc/zsh/zprofile ?08:39
GargoyleNo difference in bash.08:39
* zyga can log in now08:40
zygaGargoyle: I suspect you may need to reboot08:40
Gargoylemborzecki: Nope. It doesn't exist. /etc/zsh/zprofile is just comments, too.08:40
zygadepending on how early the profiles are picked up08:40
zygaGargoyle: I confirm that there's no /snap/bin in PATH now08:40
zygaand that will also explain why gnome shell doesn't see any snap apps08:40
mborzeckizyga: in zsh on ubuntu?08:41
zygaI'll reboot my system now and then look at environment.d08:41
zygamborzecki: I switched to zsh yes08:41
mborzeckizyga: yeah, so there's a problem that ubuntu's zsh setup does not source /etc/profile files (while it does so on arch for instance)08:41
mvozyga: fwiw, we added /usr/lib/environment.d/990-snapd.conf08:41
zygamvo: I'll rebuild the package and see if it is used08:42
mborzeckizyga: iir there's a bug report for this, from ogra maybe?08:42
zygamvo: yes, that works!08:42
zygaI have /snap/bin at the end of path08:42
zygaand I see snaps in gnome shell08:42
zygaGargoyle: I'm running 2.35 from package built from master, reexec won't give you all of that yet08:43
zygaI'll rebuild the release branch08:43
mvozyga: this is in 2.34.2 already so should be ok08:43
zygaI see08:44
mvo(sorry, haven't followed the previous discussion so I may miss things)08:44
zygaGargoyle: what's the version of the debian package you have, you can check with "apt-cache policy snapd"08:44
Gargoylebrb, rebooting08:44
ogramborzecki, not mine, but i was active in it ...08:44
mborzeckizyga: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/gnome-3-shell-snaps-integration/2678/1208:44
ograbug #164051408:45
mupBug #1640514: /snap/bin is not added to the PATH when using zsh <patch> <Snappy:New> <snapd (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <zsh (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1640514>08:45
ograand along with that bug #163722008:45
mupBug #1637220: zsh has no /snap/bin in PATH <snapd (Ubuntu):Triaged> <zsh (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1637220>08:45
zygathank you ogra08:46
zygaI will update those bugs08:46
ograwell, the fix only helps if people actually went to 18.0408:46
ograso leave the 16.04 tasks open08:46
zygaogra: yeah, this does depend on recent enough systemd, right?08:47
zygahow do I add 16.04 task?08:47
ogranominate foir series08:47
zygahow do I do that08:47
zygaI never did that before, I may not have rights to do that08:48
ograthere is a link08:48
Gargoylezyga: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jGgcYf8DX5/08:48
ograeveryone can nominate08:48
ograapproving the nomination is restricted ...08:48
zygawhat do I need to click on, there's no "nominate" on the page08:49
zygaGargoyle: so that seems ok08:49
zygaGargoyle: I wonder what's different between our installations08:49
ograzyga, done08:49
zygaogra: what did you do :)08:49
ogra(the link right underneath the bug tasks with the little clock icon)08:50
GargoyleOK. Purged 4.18 from the system, force re-installed 4.15 and reverted back to "snap core --stable". and my $PATH is back! https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YSNyg67xP4/08:50
ogranext to "Also affects distribution/package"08:50
zygaogra: hmmm,08:51
zygaogra: I don't see that icon, I only see it now after you did the nomination08:51
ograweird, thats a common function that everyone should have access to08:51
ogranomination isnt restricted ... only approving the nomination is08:52
GargoyleOnly thing I can't do is remove lxd properly (so I can re-install) : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Rfr9gnSdQk/08:52
mupBug #1640514 changed: /snap/bin is not added to the PATH when using zsh <patch> <Snappy:Fix Released> <snapd (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <zsh (Ubuntu):Invalid> <snapd (Ubuntu08:52
mupXenial):Confirmed> <zsh (Ubuntu Xenial):Invalid> <snapd (Ubuntu Bionic):Fix Released> <zsh (Ubuntu Bionic):Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1640514>08:52
zygaGargoyle: you may need to stop the containers first but I defer to stgraber08:53
ograzyga, also ... i dont think it is invalid in zsh xenial ... the fact that environment handling got improved doesnt fix the fact that zsh's env handling isnt using standards08:53
zygayeah but for _this_ bug I think it is invalid now08:54
mborzeckizyga: hm so i dropped /etc/profile.d/snapd.sh, and have only /usr/lib/environment.d/990-snapd.conf, and I don't see $SNAP_MOUNT_DIR/bin being added to my PATH08:54
GargoyleI've used zsh since day 1, and not had problems.08:54
zygamborzecki: I'm rebuilding 2.35 now from the release branch08:55
zygaI'll know soon :)08:55
mborzeckizyga: i'm on 2.35 on arch now ;)08:55
zygamaybe packaging skew?08:55
zygamborzecki: 2.35 still has /etc/profile.d/apps-bin-path.sh08:56
zygabut also has /usr/lib/environment.d/990-snapd.conf08:56
mborzeckizyga: yesh, removed that manually here to check if environment.d works08:56
zygamborzecki: interesting, only PATH is set, XDG_DATA_DIRS is not set at all08:57
mborzeckizyga: oh, so you do have PATH set in your setup via environment.d?08:57
zygamborzecki: I _suspect_ so because I have empty profiles otherwise, let me reboot to check08:58
ograzyga, well, if you prefer to put the blame on snapd ... :) (people come back to that bug when they hit the issue in 16.04... )08:58
mborzeckizyga: can you do systemctl --user show-environment | grep PATH ?08:58
zygamborzecki: sure, one sec08:58
zygafyke% systemctl --user show-environment | grep PATH08:59
mborzeckizyga: heh, you have snap there, I don't :)09:01
zygamborzecki: what do you have in /etc/environment.d09:01
mborzeckizyga: nothing, the file goes to /usr/lib/environment.d/ by default09:01
zygaah sorry09:02
zygaI meant that one09:02
zygawhat do you have in /usr/lib/environment.d/990-snapd.conf09:02
zygadid you reboot after installing that update?09:02
mborzeckizyga: yup09:03
mupPR snapd#5701 closed: image: add type to seed.yaml to allow sorting in firstboot <Core18> <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5701>09:03
GargoyleAny ideas how I can get rid of my "disabled,broken" lxd snap? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/G2d9XV5Tx5/09:04
mborzeckizyga: hmm https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/56716 uhh and https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/56683 and https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/47884 looks like PATH is overwritten on arch in /etc/profile09:04
zygammm, can you snap install lxd09:04
zygaand then remove all the containers09:04
zygaand then remove it again?09:05
Gargoylenope. it thinks its already installed. "snap "lxd" is already installed, see 'snap help refresh'"09:05
zygamborzecki: uh09:05
zygaGargoyle: and snap remove lxd?09:05
zygamborzecki: I'm happy systemd helps to clean up this mes09:05
Gargoylezyga: That's in that pastebin. Complaining about readonly filesystem09:06
zygaGargoyle: can you reboot again, I suspect some things are mounted there; you can try to unmount them or just reboot (maybe, no promises)09:06
GargoyleI'll give it a whirl, but it;s been broken for the last few reboots already09:07
zygathen wait09:07
zygacheck what is mounted09:08
GargoyleMaybe I am not seeing the wood for all the trees:- https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/D2j94chnMd/09:09
zygaI don't see anything09:10
zygawhat is in /var/snap/lxd09:10
zygaand inside?09:12
Gargoyleit goes all the way along: /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/storage-pools/default/images/de2ea148defc21d223376e53ab10ff1bccd003d92d5e6c6822398494ad934859 . No sign of a symlink anyhwere09:12
zygaand you cannot rm -rf that yourself, right?09:12
Gargoylenope. Not even as root09:13
zygaI think you may need to ask stgraber for help09:13
zygamaybe it's a zfs pool or something09:13
zygaI don't know exactly09:13
zygaI need to jump into some code09:13
GargoyleSave me, stgraber. You're my only hope! :P09:13
pedronismvo: I commented on #5701, I still think we should do it in firstboot code09:13
zygamborzecki: about environment.d09:13
zygamborzecki: we don't set XDG_DATA_DIRS09:14
mupPR #5701: image: add type to seed.yaml to allow sorting in firstboot <Core18> <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5701>09:14
mborzeckizyga: something fishy on arch, by the time it gets to /etc/profile the PATH does not contain any sign of snap09:14
zygamborzecki: I think we should, right/09:14
mborzeckizyga: yeah, i think so09:15
zygaI'll try to change that09:15
mvopedronis: yeah, I noticed and already closed it. thanks for the quick feedback09:16
mupPR snapd#5702 opened: snap: add ByType sorting <Core18> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5702>09:18
mvozyga: we need a snapd type, one issue is that we need a patch for it, i.e. if snapd is already installed we need to transition it09:19
mvozyga: maybe we can get away without09:20
zygamvo: reviewed09:20
mvozyga: given that core18 is not stable yet and its not instalable anywhere else09:20
zygamvo:why would we need a patch?09:20
mvozyga: if you have snapd installed already09:20
zygamvo: I mean, it's just snap info that would change09:20
zygaI see09:20
mvozyga: but yeah, I would love to add it09:20
zygawe could do in memory tweak09:21
zygabecause it's clear it's special case09:21
mvozyga: aha, nice idea, that would be a nice way out09:21
zygaand special casing on name or snap id as in other parts is clearly showing its cost09:21
zygamvo: yeah, would not break rollback09:21
zygaso anyway09:21
zyga+1 but I wanted to voice that09:21
mvozyga: ok, I will do it09:21
* zyga hugs mvo 09:21
* mvo hugs zyga09:21
zygalet's add a type in one pr09:22
zygaand then tackle the issues like in-memory migration09:22
zygaand various uses09:22
zyga(so let's land this one as is)09:22
mvozyga: yeah, I agree09:22
mvozyga: I am in the middle of something else (firstboot ordering) but once that is done I will do the cleanup09:23
* zyga nods09:23
zygaI'll jump into something too but please drag me back when you are into it09:23
mvozyga: thanks, will do09:23
mborzeckizyga: can you post your /etc/profile?09:24
zygaprobably vanilla /etc/profile from bionic https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/cCczVjri/09:25
zygamborzecki: note that we also have /etc/profile.d/09:25
mborzeckizyga: can you grep -n systemd-environment /etc/profile.d/* ?09:26
zyga(I mean, I ran: grep -n systemd-environment /etc/profile.d/*)09:26
zygaunless you meant something more09:27
mborzeckizyga: no, that's fine, I have no clue how stuff from systemd-environment-d-generator gets to your session then09:27
zygaI rebooted09:28
zygaI think it's set by systemd when it starts the session proceses09:28
zygais arch using systemd as a session manager?\09:28
zygabrb, getting hungry over essentially no breakfast09:28
mborzeckizyga: yeah, the manpages are not too helpful either09:29
pstolowskizyga: ^ i suspect this is known? i've seen it some time ago; now failed on fedora09:31
pstolowskizyga: travis log - https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/418670092/log.txt09:32
mupPR snapd#5702 closed: snap: add ByType sorting <Core18> <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5702>09:32
niemeyerChipaca: Moin09:35
Chipacaniemeyer: hi09:35
Chipacaniemeyer: ssh, I'm not here09:35
niemeyerChipaca: Did the notes on the PR make the idea more clear, or do you still think we have an issue in terms of aptch sublevels09:35
niemeyerChipaca: Oh, is that a day off?09:35
Chipacaniemeyer: I'm not sure it'll dtrt wrt reverts to a pre-sublevel snapd and back09:36
mvoChipaca: I can't read ssh without reading ssh (but I guess you meant ssssssh) - anyway, enjoy your day off09:36
Chipacamvo: i meant shh09:36
niemeyerChipaca: Ah, I see it is, sorry.. I had understood the holidays were next week on, sorry for the force disturbance.. :)09:37
Chipacaniemeyer: no worries, I'm the one in the channel09:37
pedronismvo: I left a comment in 5702 about an open issue09:37
pedronisthough I saw you closed it09:38
mvopedronis: yeah, I was thinking about zygas comment09:38
mvopedronis: but maybe I just do that in a followup09:38
niemeyerChipaca: Well, I'm always on the channel as well :)  Anyway, the idea is that pre-sublevel patches are just like post sublevel patches.. the sublevel zero is the one that introduces backwards incompatible changes. So when a revert occurs, nothing is applied.. when the revert is undone to a more recent sublevel, the patches are reapplied09:38
niemeyerBye Chipaca :)09:38
mvopedronis: sorry for the flip-flop, I think I will reopen and just do a followup with the snapd type09:38
niemeyerAnyway, the point is that I think we're good, unless I'm missing something09:39
niemeyerWe just need to be careful with non-zero sublevels as they need to be idempotent09:39
mupPR snapd#5702 opened: snap: add ByType sorting <Core18> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5702>09:40
pedronisniemeyer: how do we know we reverted,   sublevel unaware snapds will not touch patch-sublevel09:41
niemeyerpedronis: The behavior across levels is still the same09:41
niemeyerpedronis: 6 => 5 will blow up still09:42
mborzeckizyga: mvo: fwiw the environment.d generator does not seem to have effect on fedora either09:42
pedronisniemeyer: yes, but we cannot afford that, wasn't it the point of doing this09:42
niemeyerpedronis: As will 7 => 6.X09:42
niemeyerpedronis: No.. the point is that we can patch as 6.1, and have 6.0 untouched09:43
niemeyerpedronis: Hmm.. I see.. 6.0 won't actually mark it back as 6.0, so we won't see 6.1 reapplied.. hmm09:43
pedronisthe issue is the preexisting level 6 snapd out there already09:43
pedronis(sorry I thought we were at 5 not 6 atm)09:44
pedroniscurrent level 6 snapd doesn't  know about sublevels09:45
niemeyerYeah.. that part is sort of okay.. the problem is how to detect when 6.1 is reinstalled that it needs to reapply.. :/09:46
=== sparkieg` is now known as sparkiegeek
niemeyerpedronis: Only choice I see is special casing 6.009:47
niemeyerWell, the whole 6 series really.. we'll never know whether a revert to a 6.0 happened09:48
niemeyerOh.. or will we09:49
pedronisor do something like what chipaca suggested detect we are reverting to a pre sublevel core/snapd and reset sublevel before restarting09:49
pedronisnot super clear how to do the detecting though09:49
niemeyerWe might be nastier than that and look at the history.. we have it in the state09:50
niemeyerWell, that sounds less nasty actually, in terms of proper isolation09:50
pedronisyou mean look at what was the previous revision?09:51
niemeyerRight.. we have some good data available09:52
niemeyerWe have the history, and we have a refresh timestamp09:54
niemeyerIf the state level is 6, we can easily tell whether the refresh time was touched since the last restart, and if so whether we've been in a sublevel-blind revision recently09:56
niemeyerAll of that just looking at the state, which we have at hand09:56
niemeyerpstolowski: ^09:57
niemeyerThe good thing is that we only need to kick that logic when the state level is 609:58
pstolowskiniemeyer: right.. i understand the problem of reverting back to sublevel-blind 6.0... not yet clear on the details of proposed logic, will need to check the code10:03
pstolowskibtw, thanks for the review10:03
pstolowski(i'm on it atm)10:03
pstolowskipedronis: can you take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5700 when you have a moment?10:07
mupPR #5700: tests: significantly reduce execution time for managers test <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5700>10:07
pedronispstolowski: yes, in a bit10:08
pedronismborzecki: I'm not sure I understand  which tests need to switch to sorting by name 569710:09
pedronismborzecki: I would really like that we switched to use code mvo is working on 5702, so I would like to understand how strongly we need the change10:11
mborzeckipedronis: this was just to ensure that tasksets get stable sorting10:12
pedronismborzecki: which tests fail without though?  the one you added, others?10:12
mborzeckipedronis: the one i added10:13
pedronisit's a bit bizarre because you need to play with the order of udpates anyway there10:13
pedronisis that still true?10:13
mborzeckipedronis: yes, it's still true, but those snaps are apps, so there have no inter-dependencies, the issue is caused by refreshCandidates and iterating on what snapstate.All() returns, which can have random order10:17
mborzeckipedronis: fwiw the list of updated snaps returned by UpdateMany() is also random, but since I can easily tell which is which they are reodered in the test as needed10:19
pedronisyes, but that makes the exercise bizarre10:19
pedronisthis list random, this one is sorted10:19
pedronisbecause of tests10:19
pedronisdoesn't sound good as an api to me10:19
pedronisalso is sorted only if some kind of tasks are needed10:20
niemeyerpedronis, pstolowski: I've detailed the algorithm in the PR10:20
GargoyleFixed lxd. It was a btrfs subvolume. manually removed it with btrfs tools, and then re-enabled lxd and re-ran "lxd init". Seems happy now! :)10:20
GargoyleThere's only one down-side...10:21
GargoyleNow I have to do some actual work! :P10:21
mborzeckipedronis: well, technicaly it's not a regression, right now both updated snaps and tasks sets are randomly ordered, but i get your point10:21
mborzeckipedronis: well, tasksets are semi semi randomly ordered, by kind, but then within the same kind it's random10:22
pedronisI know, I don't see a problem with that atm10:22
pedronisI'm just questioning making the order requirements more strict for a test10:23
pedronis(given that it make some coming refactoring a bit harder)10:23
pedronisand it doesn't really give a full ordered behavior to the api anyway (because is kind of hard)10:24
mborzeckipedronis: is there a way to figure out which snap the taskset corresponds to aside from interrogating task summary of poking its data?10:26
pedronisno, but is not so bad,  we poke at the data all over the place10:26
pedronisin the tests10:26
pedronisthey are tests after all10:26
mborzeckipedronis: well, maybe i could just expect one tasksets to be of some lengths, if there's other then signal an error, otherwise just use the legths to make the guess about the order10:27
mborzeckipedronis: i'll revert that ordering change and 'll try to find another way10:28
pstolowskiniemeyer: ty10:30
pedronismborzecki: to be clear I agree that making output deterministic is best when is cheap and clear-cut, I don't think it's clear-cut here10:41
niemeyerpstolowski: np, the whole series is unblocked.. we need to have a conversation about the third-level down PR when you get there, about the API of ConnectReload etc10:42
pedronismborzecki: btw adding a helper in snapstate_test that takes a taskset that is an install of some kind and gets the name of the snap is probably cheap and readable10:45
pstolowskiniemeyer: the algorithm you outlined looks fine, although i wonder if the introduction of snapd snap changes anything. i'm also wondering if the problem can be simplified, but can't  think of anything10:46
mborzeckipedronis: will do, i'm looking into some update-ns issues atm10:46
pstolowskimvo: applied you suggestion to  #568610:47
mupPR #5686: overlord/ifacestate: introduce connectOpts <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5686>10:47
mvopstolowski: thank you!10:48
mupPR snapd#5703 opened: firstboot: sort by type when installing the firstboot snaps  <Core18> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5703>10:50
niemeyerpstolowski: The snapd snap should support sublevels from the get go, so it shouldn't change much10:54
niemeyerpstolowski: We do have it out already, but mainly for testing10:54
niemeyerpstolowski: By the time this gets widely used, sublevels should be in already10:55
mupPR snapd#5704 opened:  snap: add new type "TypeSnapd" and attach to the snapd snap  <Core18> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5704>11:12
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
cachiomvo, hey, core 2.35 was promoted to candidate yesterday11:42
pedronismvo:  maybe I'm just super confused, but I don't see the attaching code in #570411:44
mupPR #5704:  snap: add new type "TypeSnapd" and attach to the snapd snap  <Core18> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5704>11:44
mupPR snapd#5705 opened: testutil: have File* checker produce more useful error output <Simple> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5705>11:47
mborzeckisimple review ^^11:47
cachioniemeyer, hey, there is a PR to review on spread https://github.com/snapcore/spread/pull/6611:50
mupPR spread#66: Define storage at system level <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/spread/pull/66>11:50
cachioniemeyer, please when you have time could you take a look to that?11:51
pedronispstolowski|lunch: I commented on #570012:15
mupPR #5700: tests: significantly reduce execution time for managers test <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5700>12:15
mupPR snapcraft#2219 closed: Release changelog for 2.43 <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2219>12:22
mvopedronis: sorry, a missed git add, pushed for real now12:28
mvocachio: great, thank you12:28
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
zygagithub.com resolves to{2,3} to me and I cannot ssh in anymore12:38
zygais anyone else experiencing this?12:38
zygamvo: reviewed the type PR now12:39
mvozyga: ta12:41
zygamvo: can you pull/push to GitHub?12:46
mborzeckizyga: seems to work here12:48
zygahmm hmm hmm12:49
mvozyga: yes12:51
mborzeckimvo: can we update go-check in our vendor tree?12:55
mvomborzecki: yes12:56
mborzeckimvo: the one that we have now has the bug when non empty error message raises an error regardless of Not() being used12:56
mvomborzecki: oh, ok13:00
mvomborzecki: standup?13:01
mvomborzecki: then you can tell me all about it13:01
mvozyga: -^13:01
mvopedronis: -^13:01
zygajdstrand: hey, do you remember if we wanted to call the new adb interface "adb-support" or just "adb"?13:16
niemeyerzyga: There's a comment in the PR about it, and we are in the standup btw :)13:21
zyganiemeyer: you can switch camera later13:47
zygaif you join you can just go to the three dots in the lower-right corner13:47
zygathen go to settings there13:47
zygaand then pick the video / audio interface13:47
zyganiemeyer: I must have missed the adb vs adb-support decision, I remember reading that we _thought_ about it; thank you I will re-check13:48
zygaI think p2p video conferencing is not there yet13:50
zygaand hangouts work because google takes the traffic13:50
niemeyerThat's super buggy unfortunately13:51
niemeyerI like the view, but it doesn't seem to work reliably at all13:51
zygaI'll break for lunch now13:51
niemeyerI think that was a fail13:51
niemeyerThe fact we spent most of the time asking whether we could hear each other and reconnecting is probably enough of a show stopper13:52
mborzeckiit does bring back early skype memories though13:55
roadmrI see your skype and raise you ms netmeeting13:55
roadmrwith those spherical webcams13:56
roadmrover a 64k ISDN line13:56
mborzeckior webex13:56
stgraberGargoyle: sorry, there's a lot of backlog in there, what can I do for you?13:56
zygastgraber: cannot remove lxd data, some read-only filesystems13:58
niemeyermborzecki: You mean the bad memories? :)13:58
niemeyerZoom apparently needs an app/plugin to be installed, so also a no go..13:59
mborzeckiniemeyer: more like repressed memories :)13:59
niemeyerMan.. it's 2018 and video conferencing still sucks13:59
mborzeckiwondering if someone came up with an idea of using cctv video feed for conferencing13:59
zygaAnalog over IP14:01
mupPR snapd#5706 opened: snapstate: make InstallPath() return *snap.Info too <Core18> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5706>14:03
roadmrwell clientless videoconferencing sucks, but nobody wants to install a proprietary client :P14:04
roadmrhttps://talky.io/ is not horrible14:06
Son_Gokuniemeyer, in Mageia, we use jit.si for this stuff14:17
niemeyerSon_Goku: We just tried it.. it was crazy buggy :(14:17
Son_Gokudamn :(14:17
Son_Gokuhow about Jangouts?14:17
niemeyerroadmr: talky.io is also pretty buggy.. it was responsible for one of the most hilarious bugs I've seen in a video conferencing application. One participant was only visible to half the participants14:18
niemeyerCan you imagine how funny the call was until we figured that out? :)14:18
niemeyerSon_Goku: Haven't tried that one14:18
niemeyerzyga: Just reviewed #546914:19
mupPR #5469: interfaces/apparmor: (un)load profiles in one apparmor_parser call <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5469>14:19
niemeyerzyga: The main comments there are about pre-existing logic.. Alfonso may need a hand.. not sure.14:19
Son_Gokuniemeyer, Red Hat uses Bluejeans14:19
zyganiemeyer: ack, I'll read that14:19
Son_Gokuthe few video calls I've had with teams at Red Hat were over that and it went pretty well14:20
niemeyerSon_Goku: Yeah, bluejeans works a few times for me.. it was old fashioned, but worked okay14:20
Son_Gokuit has an all-web mode too14:20
niemeyerNot sure if it works in the browser nowadays, though, or needs an app14:20
niemeyerSon_Goku: Ah, nice14:20
Son_Gokuniemeyer: https://support.bluejeans.com/knowledge/join-from-browser14:21
Son_Gokuthe app is recommended (and really is a nicer experience), but the browser only option works in a pinch14:22
Son_Gokuit's the principal reason Red Hat uses Bluejeans over other alternatives14:22
niemeyerWe might even have a company account already.. I recall at least a couple of meetings over it in the past14:22
roadmrniemeyer: we (Canonical) do, yes.14:24
roadmra problem with bluejeans is that some functionality on a computer still requires flash14:24
Son_GokuI don't even have Flash on my computer and pretty much the entire thing works now14:25
Son_Gokuthe only problem with it is that Macs will burn up because the WebRTC implementations on macOS suck14:26
roadmrSon_Goku: well some parts of it don't work here (Chromium on Ubuntu)... heh :(14:28
roadmrSon_Goku: I usually just use the app on my phone to see the video and use the web UI for the chat and QA stuff14:28
roadmryes, really :) why would I pull your leg on this :D14:28
Son_Gokuodd, I was using Chromium on Fedora for the last Koji Community Meeting and it worked okay14:28
Son_Gokubut maybe I did something different?14:28
roadmrah, it could also be somethingsomething on Canonical's settings/account.14:28
roadmrI've seen that with gotomeeting: unless the presenter enables it, browser access doesn't work and it pesters you to install a client.14:29
* Son_Goku shrugs14:29
Son_Gokuthat's probably the case14:29
niemeyerroadmr: Thanks for the info, I'll try to find someone that can hand me access to an account14:29
roadmrinconsistent experiences!14:29
Son_Gokujoy of joys, right? :D14:29
roadmrSon_Goku: absolutely \o/ (haha)14:29
mupPR snapd#5475 closed: WIP: remove unneeded calls to daemon-reload <Blocked> <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <Closed by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5475>14:31
Son_Gokubbl g2g to work14:31
mupPR snapd#5495 closed: interfaces/builtin: initial version of the anbox-support interface <Created by morphis> <Closed by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5495>14:34
mupPR snapd#5530 closed: tests: use file based markers in snap-service-stop-mode <Core18> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5530>14:38
cachioniemeyer, hey, I need this permission for the image-baker sa on gce https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xbPwN6qnWd/14:52
mupPR snapcraft#2221 opened: spread: stop running catkin tests on 18.10 <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2221>14:58
niemeyermvo: #5583 reviewed15:05
mupPR #5583: [RFC] many: go into socket activated mode if there are no snaps <Blocked> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5583>15:05
niemeyercachio: The image baker already has that permission15:07
niemeyercachio: But probably not on eco-emissary.. what the heck is that project? :)15:08
cachioniemeyer,  it is running as part of spread-cron project15:11
cachioIt clones the pread images project and uses a lib to delete the tmp image15:12
cachioit is able to create a new image15:12
niemeyercachio: It still doesn't clarify the point above15:12
niemeyercachio: I don't know what that project is, and I have no control over it15:12
niemeyercachio: The fact you cannot delete images on it is probably A Good Thing15:13
cachioniemeyer, it runs from travis, it is a spread-cron branch execution15:13
niemeyercachio: That still sounds completely unrelated to the point I just made15:14
cachioniemeyer, I don't get the point!15:16
cachioif I log in with this sa, should I be able to create/delete images, right?15:16
cachioniemeyer, or it depends on another thing too?15:17
niemeyercachio: What is "eco-emissary"?15:17
niemeyercachio: It seems on my end that you haven't read what I said15:17
cachioniemeyer, I though it is a project where it can be executed15:18
niemeyercachio: You are trying to delete projects on "eco-emissary".. I have no clue about what that project is, I don't maintain it, and I cannot give you permissions to delete images on it, and that's a good thing15:18
cachioniemeyer, perhaps it is not15:18
niemeyercachio: I don't know what "it can be executed" means in this context15:18
niemeyercachio: You are trying to delete images there.. who owns that project, and why are you trying to delete images there?15:19
niemeyercachio: As I also said above, the image baker *already has* the permission to delete images, on our project, the one our images are stored on15:20
cachiomy spread cron branch, creates a tmp image, it updates it, it tests it and the it clones the tmp image into a final one, then it needs to delete the tmp image15:20
niemeyercachio: Where?15:20
cachiothis spread-cron branch runs from a travis machine15:20
cachioand it is using the image-baker sa15:21
niemeyercachio: You keep repeating that..15:21
niemeyercachio: It's not helping :)15:21
cachioniemeyer, agree15:22
niemeyercachio: Let me be more prescriptive: these tools are attempting to delete images a project we don't control and shouldn't be storing images on in the first place.  YOu'll need to find out why.15:22
mvoniemeyer: thanks for 5583!15:25
cachioniemeyer, ok, I'll try to do something different15:27
niemeyercachio: It would be good to understand the problem first15:28
cachioand use spread-images to delete the image using the computeengine project15:28
niemeyercachio: Our tools shouldn't be poking arbitrary projects like that15:29
mvopedronis: when you have some free cycles, 5702 should be ready for a re-review, I applied your feedback15:29
niemeyercachio: Please understand the problem before changing things15:29
cachioniemeyer, yes15:29
mupPR snapd#5707 opened: image: detect and error if bases are missing <Core18> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5707>15:31
cachioniemeyer, it is fixed15:49
cachioniemeyer, it was really simple15:49
cachioniemeyer, In fact was my fault15:50
cachioniemeyer, I didn't set the project when I did login with the sa15:50
cachioniemeyer, but it didn't fail, it made login to a generic project15:51
cachioniemeyer, to this one eco-emissary-9951515:52
niemeyercachio: Glad it's sorted, thanks for looking into it15:53
cachioniemeyer, yaw15:53
mvoniemeyer: I replied to your question in 5583, I hope this makes sense but I may miss some subtle bits here if so, my appolgies15:54
niemeyermvo: Thanks, looking15:56
mupPR snapd#5340 closed: interfaces: add cifs-mount interface <Created by datenhahn> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5340>15:56
pedronismvo: niemeyer: I wrote something there too16:00
mvopedronis: aha, yeah, that makes sense. I will address it16:02
niemeyermvo, pedronis: Yeah, what pedroins said.. I've made an additional comment there. Repeating here, we might prevent it from dying too fast, maybe16:05
mvoniemeyer: yeah, that makes sense, thank you16:06
pedroniswe don't die too fast if there's  a non-idle connection but at that point we will still shut down16:06
pedroniswhich is not quite what we want16:06
pedronisif there's an install16:06
pedronismvo:  a naive approach would be do the check, if it seems we should stop,  wait a while, do the check again, if it's still the case ask to stop there16:10
pedronismaybe there is something more elegant though16:10
mvopedronis: yeah, I was wondering if we need something like we do for outstanding hooks16:20
mvopedronis: I will think a bit16:20
pedronismvo: notice that code is also ignoring EnsureBefore unlike Settle16:22
pedronisput a not in the PR16:28
pstolowskimvo: is there a way to find what was the revision of core for given git commit id? the commit is from 17th Oct 2016, looking at the debian changelog the closest release was 2.17 on 2nd Nov 2016 (did we have release branches back then? i would need to check if that commit was really included in 2.17)16:36
pstolowskianyway eod.. will repeat the question tomorrow16:39
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
zygajdstrand: hey16:42
zygajdstrand: I sent some updates to #517016:42
mupPR #5170: interfaces/builtin: add adb-support interface <Blocked> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5170>16:42
zygajdstrand: I'm working on testing but the look and feel of the interface is what I think you asked for16:42
zygajdstrand: I've built a snap with adb inside and I'm trying to get to the point where it works end-to-end16:44
zygajdstrand: as for a smaller request, https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5307 is ready and just needs your final ack to land16:45
mupPR #5307: cmd,interfaces,tests: add /mnt to removable-media interface <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5307>16:46
pedronispstolowski|afk: what commit is that?16:49
mvopstolowski|afk: sorry for the delay, was at dinner. you can do "git checkout release/2.17" and look at the diff there17:08
mvopstolowski|afk: I mean, look if the commit is part of this branch17:09
* zyga goes for a bike ride; I will be back with adb tests tonight17:10
mupPR snapd#5702 closed: snap: add ByType sorting <Core18> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5702>17:10
mupPR snapd#5706 closed: snapstate: make InstallPath() return *snap.Info too <Core18> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5706>17:11
=== ahasenack is now known as Guest22561
G33kDadSo, how resiliant is ubuntu core to power losses? Im thinking of an automotive application.17:36
mupPR snapd#5708 opened: snapstate: use new "snap.ByType" sorting <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5708>17:40
=== devil is now known as Guest64550
mupPR snapd#5661 closed: tests: normalize tests <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5661>18:28
jdstrandzyga: sorry, meetings and appt. ack on all fronts18:32
mispphey all, anyway to force build.snapcraft.io to use newer toolchain (18.04)?18:36
zygajdstrand: thank you and no worries about the meetings, I just got back from my ride18:46
* zyga reads about side-channel LSM19:00
zygaG33kDad: more resilient than traditional distributions19:05
zygaG33kDad: all application code is stored in read-only filesystem images19:07
zygaapplication upgrades are never partial19:07
zygakernel upgrades are never partial19:08
zygaOS upgrades are never partial19:08
zygathe upgrade system uses transactions19:08
zygathe system can revert to earlier revision of the OS and kernel if upgrade fails19:08
zygasudden power off can still affect the writable filesystem but the "damage surface" is smaller19:09
mvozyga: I'm looking into that firstboot failure curently, no idea what is going on there yet19:22
zygamvo: XK19:24
mvozyga: I hope we get a review on 5307 soon, can't wait19:25
zygaindeed :)19:26
* zyga -> supper19:27
mupPR snapcraft#2222 opened: lxd: support new style snap injection <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2222>20:01
dave_uyHow should I debug my snapcraft build? I am creating a snap for Bisq. I need to put my build artifacts in the right place I think.20:27
=== d__ed is now known as d_ed
ograstgraber, so two days ago three ominous disks showed up in my unity panel ... turn out thats apparently the lxd snap ... what did change in lxd that makes this happen ? (no other snap does that)21:09
ograannoyingly its all three versions ...21:09
ograand it definitely didnt do that before21:10
stgraberogra: can you pastebin /proc/self/mountinfo?21:12
ogra(i dont really see anything that could be special in mount or df)21:12
ograone sec21:12
ograogra@acheron:~$ cat /proc/self/mountinfo |grep lxd21:13
ogra960 563 0:3 mnt:[4026532557] /run/snapd/ns/lxd.mnt rw - nsfs nsfs rw21:13
ogra362 29 7:69 / /snap/lxd/8358 ro,nodev,relatime shared:98 - squashfs /dev/loop69 ro21:13
ogra388 29 7:94 / /snap/lxd/8393 ro,nodev,relatime shared:226 - squashfs /dev/loop94 ro21:13
ogra256 29 7:88 / /snap/lxd/8415 ro,nodev,relatime shared:117 - squashfs /dev/loop88 ro21:13
ograhere is the filtered variant ... proably easier :)21:14
ograi dont see anything soecial compared to the other gazillion snaps i have21:14
* ogra notices lxd is the only snap using the lxd-support interface on his system ... probably related ... 21:15
ogradid the interface change recently ?21:16
stgrabernope, that interface has never changed21:16
stgraberkinda hard to tell why LXD would show up in unity, clearly nothing that'd explain it in the mount table and without knowing what kind of event that unity launcher reacts to it's hard to tell what might cause it21:17
ograbut well ... they are there :) https://imgur.com/a/4PhinGS21:18
ogra(the bottom three disks)21:19
stgraberLXD does do a ton of special mount namespace setup, some of which in the host mount namespace, but as you can tell, there's nothing from that left behind, so even if the launcher noticed it happening, those entries should have immediately gone away21:19
ograwell, i can tell unity to simply hide them in the panel ... but be prepared that you'll get reports from 16.04 users21:20
ograbtw, just checked my desktop machine (where i never noticed it) and got the same three disks there21:23
G33kDadzyga: thanks for the thoughts!23:16

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