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dufluMorning Nafallo07:04
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seb128good morning desktopers07:42
dufluMorning seb12807:42
seb128hey duflu, how are you?07:43
dufluseb128, going OK. How are you?07:45
seb128I'm good! played tennis yesterday and slept well, though I've been woken up a bit earlier that I would have liked07:46
seb128going to have a busy day or two with ff coming07:46
seb128we are going to miss on landing quite some features again :/07:46
dufluseb128, usually happens. I am presently in blissful ignorance meaning I can't yet remember anything that I wanted that has missed FF :)07:47
dufluOther than mutter changes. Those can be argued as bug fixes07:48
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seb128Trevinho, andyrock, hey, new day new git issue :/07:49
seb128can you help? :)07:49
seb128$ git clone lp:~azzar1/ubuntu/+source/gnome-online-accounts07:49
seb128Cloning into 'gnome-online-accounts'...07:49
seb128warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.07:49
seb128$ git log07:50
seb128fatal: your current branch 'master' does not have any commits yet07:50
seb128but https://code.launchpad.net/~azzar1/ubuntu/+source/gnome-online-accounts/+git/gnome-online-accounts/+ref/ubuntu/master has commits07:50
seb128I don't understand07:50
dufluseb128, try cloning into a new dir with a new name07:51
dufluin case the local repo is broken07:51
seb128I did07:51
seb128I guess my syntax is buggy for some reason07:51
seb128$ git clone -b ubuntu/master https://git.launchpad.net/~azzar1/ubuntu/+source/gnome-online-accounts07:51
dufluseb128, Oh... that's a repo and you need to specify a branch07:51
seb128that works07:51
seb128so yeah, I need the -b ubuntu/master07:52
seb128why isn't it checking out the only branch by default?07:52
seb128or defaulting to the 1 branch if there is only one07:52
seb128oh well07:52
seb128thx duflu07:52
dufluSee also https://git.launchpad.net/~azzar1/ubuntu/+source/gnome-online-accounts07:52
dufluPointy clicky07:53
seb128now to remember how I can push that to another location (lp:~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/gnome-online-accounts)07:56
seb128I miss bzr where it was as simple as bzr checkout lp:oldurl, bzr push lp:newurl07:56
duflugit gives you full graph freedom, and the complexity that necessitates07:56
dufluDAG anyway07:57
dufluseb128, surely it's the usual git push URL BRANCH07:58
dufluor remote name in place of URL07:58
dufluIf you have rebased then you need to force too (-f)07:59
seb128the destination doesn't exist yet07:59
seb128so I guess I need to change the origin?07:59
dufluseb128, so long as the target repo exists, the target branch doesn't need to exist yet07:59
seb128the repo doesn't exst in this case08:00
seb128k, it does now08:02
seb128I set a new remote for it and pushed, that seems to have worked08:02
dufluseb128, yes I spent a while trying to remember. I think push will auto-create it08:03
dufluWin. https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/gnome-online-accounts08:04
seb128ok, good, I think that's set up08:06
seb128duflu, btw the ffmpeg transition went through which unblocked mpv if you saw08:18
dufluseb128, yes thanks. I spent time today testing and closing some mpv bugs08:18
dufluseb128, we can now drag and drop YouTube links into the MPV window in both Wayland and X1108:19
dufluUnfortunately and surprisingly, mutter still doesn't support idle inhibition (screensaver prevention)08:19
dufluon Wayland08:20
seb128really? that seems a basy feature to have...08:21
dufluI think the feature has been proposed and waiting to land for some time08:21
jameshpresumably they want a standardised protocol rather than having a gnome-shell or mutter specific one08:23
dufluYes it exists. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/issues/2008:23
gitbotGNOME issue 20 in mutter "Support zwp_idle_inhibit_manager_v1 protocol" [1. Feature, 5. Wayland, Opened]08:23
RAOFWhich is also  a really basic thing 😀08:24
dufluAlthough the name suggests it's not a stable protocol08:24
dufluRAOF: Less basic passing Gnome developer code review08:24
dufluActually that's mostly basic. You just need the patience for months of silence08:26
jameshit's an unstable protocol that hasn't changed in 2 years08:26
jameshwhich could just be because no one has used it08:26
dufluAlso maybe people (like me) never find the spec due to unexpected naming08:28
dufluI want "screensaver" things, and so I need to search for the words "idle inhibit"08:29
jameshscreensaver is only one thing you might do on idle though08:29
jameshdepending on the power management policy, you might also go to sleep08:29
duflujamesh, yes I understand the reasoning but sometimes you need to give things overly dumb and specific names just to help the next person to find it08:30
seb128tkamppeter, you still didn't reply to my questions for 3 days in a row, are you around/reading IRC nowadays?09:05
seb128tkamppeter, is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=qpdf wanted or a wrong serie upload?09:06
seb128tkamppeter, also the cpdb-libs autopkgtest still fail, and they do on all arch, it's not only armhf slowness, https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-cosmic/cosmic/amd64/c/cpdb-libs/20180821_114402_70717@/log.gz is amd64 for example09:06
andyrockseb128: better to use gbp clone09:50
seb128hey andyrock09:50
seb128too late :p09:51
seb128next time!09:51
seb128andyrock, your branch has no ubuntu tag, did you forget to push those?09:51
andyrockseb128: the sponsor is supposed to tag it in the moment it uploads it09:52
andyrock*he uplo...09:52
seb128andyrock, right, but I mean it has 0 ubuntu tag, Marco's imports all had tags for old versions09:52
seb128like ubuntu/3.28.0-0ubuntu109:52
andyrockMarco's script is not doing it?09:53
seb128andyrock, also your gbp.conf points to upstream/3.28, that's a mistake right?09:53
andyrockseb128: in the first branch it should be 3.2809:54
andyrockin the second it should be upstream/latest09:54
seb128but ubuntu/master on your vcs is 3.2909:54
seb128andyrock, https://git.launchpad.net/~azzar1/ubuntu/+source/gnome-online-accounts/tree/debian/gbp.conf?h=ubuntu/master09:55
seb128andyrock, https://git.launchpad.net/~azzar1/ubuntu/+source/gnome-online-accounts/tree/debian/changelog?h=ubuntu/master09:55
seb128that mismatches?09:55
andyrockseb128: I thought we we're talking about https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/gnome-online-accounts/+git/gnome-online-accounts09:55
andyrockin this the tags has been correctly imported?09:55
seb128compare to https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center09:56
andyrockokok let's fix this before09:56
andyrockthen I'll fix the branch to upload to 3.2909:56
seb128the g-c-c one has all the ubuntu/... past ones09:56
seb128well, the tags don't matter for the upload09:56
andyrockyeah it should have09:56
seb128so let's sort out the upload first?09:56
andyrockseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~azzar1/ubuntu/+source/gnome-online-accounts/+git/gnome-online-accounts/+merge/35357110:48
andyrockdidn't see you already pushed the other commits to ubuntu/master10:48
seb128yeah, sorry, I figured out that there was no point pushing the current content10:49
seb128we can sort out issues if any before uploading/tagging10:49
andyrockshould be fine, maybe in the branch I can also attach the tags10:51
seb128wfm if you know how to import there10:52
seb128Trevinho probalby knows, but he's not around yet it looks like :)10:52
xnoxTrevinho, everything is broken!10:54
xnoxgnome-session is fine, but i suspect meson is broken now.10:54
xnoxseb128, oh, do you know how i can trigger deb2snap conversion? i have upgraded to cosmic, with apt dist-upgrade, before do-release-upgrade was on. possibly even before support for that landed in the release upgrader.10:59
xnoxi wonder if update manager should be continiously offering to do deb2snap upgrades...10:59
seb128xnox, where/how?11:03
seb128for the meson issue11:03
seb128xnox, no idea sorry, that's a bdmurray/foundations question11:04
xnoxso with this https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/meson/0.47.1-1ubuntu3 build systemd is miscompiled.11:04
xnoxinstead of installing physical file ../units/basic.target into a few places as an actual file, it is for some reason installed as a symlink to '../units/basic.target'11:05
xnoxbut it only exists in the src.... not in target....11:05
xnoxi'm rebuilding latests systemd, with downgraded meson locally now, to confirm11:05
xnoxInstalling /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/test/test-path/basic.target to /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/debian/install/deb/usr/lib/systemd/tests/testdata/test-path11:06
xnoxsomehow now is copied as a symlink, rather than as an actual file....11:06
andyrockseb128: https://git.launchpad.net/~canonical-desktop-team/ubuntu/+source/gnome-online-accounts/refs/tags this has the correct tags11:08
andyrockseb128: You can take the tags from them11:09
seb128Trevinho, ^ what xnox said11:20
seb128xnox, did you test upstream trunk to see if that's an issue with those fixes or with the backport?11:20
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seb128andyrock, k, pushed those, it's a bit weird though there is ubuntu/3.28.0-0ubuntu3 and then ubuntu/3.24.0-0ubuntu2-bzr but nothing in between11:27
xnoxgoing back to old -2 meson is fine.11:28
xnoxnow will test meson upstream11:28
seb128andyrock, don't waste time on those targs though, that's not important11:29
seb128andyrock, and Marco like to fix those stuff, so maybe wait for him :)11:29
andyrockseb128: Trevinho I guess it's because of this: https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/gnome-online-accounts/commit/?id=57bb16ab84701f3bc1325eb62a5ce0bb641f9a1f11:34
andyrockMarco's script did this commit11:35
andyrockand I saw similar commits in other branches11:35
Trevinhoxnox: that's an upstream fix too eh... So symlinks are preserved as they are...11:47
xnoxTrevinho, that's a regression / change of behaviour... and also how do i tell it, to not do that?11:47
xnoxin a backwards compatible way.11:47
xnoxi thought the bug was re:dangling symlinks and how to copy them... but this one was not a dangling one.... but a resolvable one.....11:48
xnoxbroken with pure upstream master too11:49
Trevinhoxnox: mhmh... Yeah but the thing is that a resolvable one could point to somewhere else outside the installer scope, so... Should not be changed11:49
xnoxlet me open an issue there11:49
TrevinhoAnyway this change was touching only the permissions (my side). Upstream changes the copy of itself too11:50
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Trevinhoso this eh... https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/406913:42
gitbotmesonbuild issue 4069 in meson "Regression in installing symlinked source files as regular files" [Open]13:42
kenvandinegreyback, i'll merge that today13:44
greybackkenvandine: thanks13:44
kenvandinebefore EOD for me anyway :)13:44
greybackkenvandine: jamesh: I think I've fixed the real fonts problem I was experiencing: https://github.com/ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers/pull/14514:03
gitbotubuntu issue (Pull request) 145 in snapcraft-desktop-helpers "Set FONTCONFIG_PATH correctly to fix loading in-snap fonts" [Open]14:03
seb128tjaalton, there is a new minor version available for xserver-xorg-input-evdev and  xserver-xorg-input-synaptics, unsure if you are interested in updating those (not sure there is much point, I'm just reviewing our outdated components on our versions summary)15:08
tjaaltonseb128: sure, doesn't hurt15:22
seb128thx :)15:23
seb128ximion, hey, do you plan to update appstream-glib in Debian? robert_ancell is waiting on it to be able to update gnome-software from what he said15:47
ximionseb128: heh, yeah, he asked me about that and I completely forgot...15:50
ximionI think I have time today to update it15:50
ximionthanks for the reminder!15:50
seb128ximion, that would be nice, thank you!15:51
seb128yw :)15:51
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robert_ancelljbicha, could I get you to update snapd-glib 1.43 in Debian? No major changes so should be easy.23:56

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