
nhainesAnyone in the SoCal area in here who might be interested in collaborating on a "Building & Managing Kubernetes-based Machine Learning environments" type of event around Ubuntu in late September or early October?03:28
lyoriannhaines: I don't know anything about kubernetes05:07
nhaineslyorian: it's a cloud thingy.07:41
lyoriannhaines yes I know that braod but have never used it07:41
lyorianugh it assumes you are using a laptop in the docs07:51
nhainesI assume you could use any microcomputer.08:01
nhainesMaybe even a macrocomputer,08:10
pleia2a lot of people don't have desktops anymore ;)13:06
pleia2what they mean is "personal computer"13:07
pleia2laptop, desktop, whatever13:07
DonkeyHoteiin the outside world, a lot of people don't have laptops anymore, either13:07
DonkeyHoteipeople have been migrating to mobile devices and IoT13:08
pleia2yeah, I was referring to the kubernetes discussion, anyone who is going to deploy/work with kubernetes will have some kind of proper workstation13:09
lyorianpleia2: I actually most of the laptops I have can't run kvm and the one that does my mom bought and I have great trouble opening the case to put an ssd in17:21
nhainesWell, I will let them know that we're interested in collaborating.22:14

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