
^Phantom^25|                                  ___01:52
^Phantom^25|                 ,---.        /""'_,/01:52
^Phantom^25|                 |    '\''""-:   /01:52
^v         __03:16
Cork15|         ___  _____05:22
Cork15|     .'/,-Y"     "~-.05:22
Cork15|    l.Y             ^.05:22
information1                     _..._10:16
JSharp5                  _..._13:08
interd0me|                --      --15:35
Tools26              ._-~~)~~---_17:49
Tools26             (   (        }_17:49
Tools26           _( `-, ) -~~- (   ,17:49
foddo1 *p e n i s b i r d p e n i s b i r d *18:53
roger_rabbit4Delink the sacred server19:45
roger_rabbit4Sodomize the holy channel19:45
roger_rabbit4Drink the red blood of the wife of lilo19:45
roger_rabbit4Masturbation on the dead body of freenode19:45
roger_rabbit4The king of PDPC is dead19:45
roger_rabbit4and so are the lies19:45
roger_rabbit4Vomit on the host of Wikipedos19:45
roger_rabbit4Masturbate on the throne of #ruby-lang19:45
roger_rabbit4Break the seals of lilo's oper block19:45
roger_rabbit4Drink the sweet blood of #emacs19:45
roger_rabbit4Taste the open sores19:45
roger_rabbit4Sodomize open source19:45
roger_rabbit4The king of PDPC is an idiot19:45
roger_rabbit4The IRC network will burn19:45
roger_rabbit4Delink the IRC server19:45
roger_rabbit4Rob Levin is dead19:45
roger_rabbit4Stability is gone19:45
roger_rabbit4Security is gone19:45
roger_rabbit4The servers are burned19:45
roger_rabbit4Covered in black shit19:45
roger_rabbit4Rape the Wikipedos19:45
roger_rabbit4Unclean birth of lilo's autistic children19:46
roger_rabbit4Freenode will fall19:46
roger_rabbit4Fuck the network19:46
roger_rabbit4Fuck Rob Levin19:46
roger_rabbit4Fuck the Wikipedos19:46
roger_rabbit4Fuck the gods of Freenode19:46
roger_rabbit4Fuck the name of Lilo19:46
exponent               .======.20:47
Davnit15|                     _..._23:23

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