
=== mous is now known as mouses
feedbackmoitorHi, I did a local apt get install of VLC and it is too buggy to run (because of my graphics driver). Where can I get a separate install of VLC media player? Not a repo one? I went to the official site and the ubuntu repo kicked in when I installed it. If I recall, there is another way to get VLC00:09
feedbackmoitorI was able to do it before, someone helped me here, but like a goof I did not write it down.00:10
leftyfbfeedbackmoitor: a "separate install" of vlc probably isn't going to make any difference00:10
feedbackmoitorleftyfb, It did, it was a stand alone install that had its own dependencies00:11
leftyfbfeedbackmoitor: you could try the snap: sudo snap install vlc00:11
feedbackmoitorleftyfb, : - )00:15
tacomasterI was just about to swap to ubuntu from windows 10 but I have only one thing that I have to be able to connect to. Does ubuntu support connecting to a remote remote desktop gateway with domain creds?00:20
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rfmtacomaster, I don't know (and apparently nobody else does) but remmina, the gnome remote desktop client, is in the live CD build of Ubuntu.  you could just boot it, select "try ubuntu" and try connecting to the gateway...01:02
kasihow can i upload a file from my linux to ssh01:11
leftyfbkasi: scp01:13
kasifull command please01:13
xamithanscp filename user@host:/remote/location01:15
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rangemongeryes! i got it booted with iommu on01:32
rangemongeras i suspected the nv cards conflict with eachother01:32
rangemongeri had to blacklist neveau and boot off the intel gfx01:32
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dedzeHello, it seems I have 4 speech-dispatcher opened, I never opened them and I googled what it is and I have never used the accessibility options from ubuntu (they are disabled), should I worry about it? How can I turn this off?01:44
rexIs there a way I can change the "Tue 19:58" time format on the top bar of the screen?01:58
lotuspsychjerex: yes with gnome-tweak-tool02:01
coldpresenthey all, i have two programs that depend on the same /usr/lib/libproxy.so.1, but one requires a ELF 32-bit, while the other requires a ELF 64-bit02:24
coldpresentbut both programs point to the same libproxy file, how do I divert each program to the correct *-bit file?02:25
DelvienDoes anyone know how to change audio profiles via terminal?02:25
jehornI have had a 32 bit and 64 bit version of the same program. What I did was install the 32-bit development libraries. I never had a problem with the 32 bit program trying to use the 64 bit library after I installed them.02:27
coldpresentjehorn: thanks for your advice, but these are separate 32-bit and 64-bit programs02:28
coldpresentthere is no 64-bit version of the 32-bit program, and there is no 32-bit version of the 64-bit program02:28
DelvienI found my own answer: pactl set-card-profile 0 output:hdmi-stereo+input:analog-stereo (for future reference) and you can find audio profiles via: pacmd list-cards02:29
rexOkay, that worked.  Now, can I changed "20:49" to something like "08:49 PM" in the top bar?02:29
rexI only see other date options02:29
lotuspsychjerex: yes options are limited, is that what you were looking for?02:30
lotuspsychjerex: what did you have in mind?02:30
rexI just want to change it off of 24 time02:30
rex24 hour time02:30
rexEverything else is as I want it02:31
lotuspsychjerex: holdon lemme check in dconf02:31
lotuspsychjerex: got it02:34
lotuspsychjerex: install dconf-tools then with dconf-editor goto: org/gnome/desktop/interface02:34
Rockwoodhow can i find the large file of a folder in unbuntu?02:34
Bashing-omRockwood: Something like ' du -h /<dir> | sort -nr ' .02:36
RockwoodBashing-om, for largest file in folder and this folder have many sub dictionaries?02:43
Rockwoodright i can see only folders size right now02:43
rexlotuspsychje: Thanks much!02:46
Bashing-omRockwood: ' ls -al <dir> ' do what you want ?02:47
jehorncoldpresent: Have you tried sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt-get update then sudo apt-get install whateverlib-dev:i386 that should install the 32 bit version of whatever library you need.02:47
Rockwooddu -a /var/www/improvement/ | sort -n -r   works for me02:49
Bashing-omRockwood: :)02:49
RockwoodBashing-om, how i could use "| pastebin"?02:49
RockwoodBashing-om, thanks for help02:51
Bashing-omRockwood: ' sudo apt install pastebinit ' . Then pipe the commanf result to pastebinit . ' du -a /var/www/improvement/ | sort -n -r | pastebinit ' .02:53
RockwoodBashing-om, thanks again :)02:53
Bashing-omRockwood: Though you did ask about pastebin .. one can use for instance terminbin.com with out having to install any utility .02:57
RockwoodBashing-om, can i make log like composer update | pastebinit?03:09
Bashing-omRockwood: one 'cats' a log file . ' cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 9999 ' for instance .03:11
naccalthoguh i think the above case, i do think `composer update` does print to stdout so it would work03:20
Rockwoodnacc, works03:21
Boyettei have a question03:24
RockwoodBoyette, you have a question and what is that?03:25
Boyetteim not good in ubuntu03:25
Boyettei have a vps03:25
Rockwoodhope you don't like my credit card number :P03:25
Boyettei got in serious trouble because my standard boot size partition was running out of space03:25
Boyettei had to reset the vps03:25
Boyetteits running again03:25
Boyettebut now before i start03:25
Boyettei like to increase the bootsize03:26
Boyettebut how03:26
Boyettei installed gparted but i need to do this hot because its a vps i cant run a live disc03:26
Boyetteor is there another way03:27
Mibixydo i put nofail in my fstab folder for my non important drives?03:41
Mibixyerr fstab file03:42
sergiuse/join #ubuntu-md03:58
trogdorAnyone have any luck remapping capslock to control in the console? I made approriate changes to /etc/default/keyboard, and it works fine in X, but not on the virtual ttys. Caps lock is still caps lock there.04:06
trogdorI've googled until my eyes bled. No luck.04:06
uxbalhey guys, is ubuntu a fully foss distro?04:13
coz_uxbal,   take a look here   https://askubuntu.com/questions/533661/is-ubuntu-an-open-source-software04:14
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kennethanyone using ubuntu in an all-in-one pc and the on screen keyboard is not working for some chars? e.g. @ char is number 205:04
ZzZomboHow can I stop Ubuntu from switching locales on Ctrl+Shift when I'm performing a larger key combination, i. e. +Left Arror?05:09
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badpixel11         __06:01
guivercHowdy Tali0A_, if you have a Ubuntu Support question, please just ask it. People will answer if it when they can, & yes patience is required :)06:27
Aliekezhihi, any idea how to display nfs in nautilus or caja ? I get the following error message : "cannot handle nfs locations"06:39
guivercAliekezhi, i mount via command (or fstab auto), and refer to NFS shares only via directory (hence file manager doesn't care that it's a network fs) - don't know how to handle only in file.manager sorry06:42
lwizardlwhat options do i have for creating a sort of theme layout and autogenerate the content with details from ods sheets ?06:44
lwizardllooking to do pdf outputs06:44
relyantSo I'm switching full time from Windows. Therefore I now have a free SSD with 200GB. Ubuntu is on a 64GB SSD. So now I see 2 options: KVM to use both SSDs or to make a RAID 10 with a partition on the existing slow HDD i also have. Any thoughts?06:46
ducasserelyant: be aware that if you make an lvm volume that spans across two physical disks, if one disk fails you lose all your data06:51
relyanti know. that wouldn't be a big issue. i would just set up some other way to backup the ssd's06:52
relyanthow do you think the performance with raid 10 and a slow hdd would be?06:53
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ducassethe hdd will slow it down, of course, you really need to test to see how much06:56
relyantso a kvm with regular backups to a hdd would definetly be faster?06:57
relyant*lvm again06:57
ducasseif it only spans the two ssds, yes06:58
relyantOk. Last question. Is there an easy way to do this without reinstalling the OS?06:59
ducasseyou can copy the data across, edit fstab and reinstall grub07:01
relyantOk. Thank you very much ducasse and have a nice day :)07:01
ducasserelyant: no problem, same to you :)07:03
solarsquick question: I have added https://launchpad.net/~unit193/+archive/ubuntu/encryption but can't find a package veracrypt - why is that?07:14
alexcoldI need help. I need to mount encrypted Apple Core Storage partition (I have password)07:14
ryuoalexcold: that's probably using a proprietary encryption system. i doubt you can mount it under Linux.07:15
ducassesolars: which release are you on?07:15
ryuoalexcold: if that's important to you, you'd probably be better served using veracrypt or something like it.07:16
solarsducasse: ah 17.1007:17
ducassesolars: that's eol, you need to upgrade07:18
mottehi, does anyone have any experience with usb 3.0 to ethernet adapters? i'm experiencing slow upload speeds with a lenovo usb3.0 adapter. speedtest-cli shows about 4mbit/s, rated speed is 50mbit/s. it does occasionally get the right speed. the same setup works fine on another ubuntu machine and the logs show no errors07:19
solarsducasse: so the veracrypt package is only in the new release?07:25
ducassesolars: it's only in supported releases, this is true of most ppas07:26
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solarsducasse: ah alright, thank you07:29
ducassesolars: also you need to upgrade to get security patches etc, you've been without updates for a while now07:30
alexcoldthanks ryuo07:32
ryuoalexcold: LUKS is what Linux natively supports. Some ports of it exists elsewhere. but veracrypt is a cross-platform solution.07:33
guivercsolars, that repo says clearly "This PPA currently publishes packages for Bionic, Xenial, and Trusty."07:34
alexcoldwhere can i find veracrypt?07:34
ryuoalexcold: seems Ubuntu doesn't ship with it. you'll need to use a PPA i believe.07:37
ryuoalexcold: you'll also need a filesystem that's cross-platform.07:38
ryuoalexcold: probably NTFS or FAT32 these days. i'm assuming macOS can use ntfs-3g.07:38
ducassealexcold: https://launchpad.net/~unit193/+archive/ubuntu/encryption - note that this is unsupported07:39
ryuoalexcold: or even exFAT.07:40
ryuonot many good options for removable file systems...07:40
ryuoit's largely dictated by what windows supports.07:41
mechmasterhi 2 all07:44
ryuouh oh. we had another visit from the hit and run greeter.07:45
IcusDicusMorning. Last night we had issues on one of our Ubuntu servers, and the logs indicated that we ran out of memory. Is there a way I can check retrospectively what the culprit was? I have since rebooted the server07:50
qwebirc89655Greetings! Ubuntu 18.04 windows snap to the dock and top bar, also they snap window-to-window. Is it possible to disable this via dconf-editor or another way?07:58
qwebirc89655Greetings! Ubuntu 18.04 windows snap to the dock and top bar, also they snap window-to-window. Is it possible to disable this via dconf-editor or another way?08:01
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bhuddahso i'm really unsatisfied with fail2ban... for various reasons. what alternatives are there if you wanna trigger actions from logging?08:26
Hanbhuddah, sshguard is nice.08:29
bhuddahHan: not a bad idea. but as far as i understood it only trigger pre-implemented actions. so it's not very versatile. i'm looking for something where i can setup custom actions.08:30
sentimenthello. This really nuts. A simple old ethernet card is refusing to work under Ubuntu 16.0408:32
HanIf I change the polkit rule: /usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d/60-network-manager.rules I see no changes in behaviour, not in the logfiles, not after restarting polkitd, not after rebooting. Nothing. What do I have to do to make my changes have some sort of effect?08:32
sentimentI have tried unloading and reloading the driver to no avail. I also DID search on the web08:32
sentimentno result08:32
sentimentcan somebody please guide me ?08:32
sentiment^ the dmesg result08:34
Hansentiment, show me the result of ip a and dhclient -v enp2s1508:36
jojeroHello, may I ask why ubuntu 18.04 lags when I plug in usb?08:36
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sentimentHan: ip a result >  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TY7ZNzNJCq/09:02
sentimentthe other one is still outputting ... same output as ifup09:02
sentimentwill post it when it's done09:02
Hansentiment, "state DOWN" run ifup enp2s1509:04
sentimentHan: did a hundred times. it did nothing , just printed DHCPDISCOVER on enp2s15 to port 67 interval 3 (xid=0xbc3aab04)09:05
sentimentlots of that09:05
Handhclient should put it up as well. Do use dmesg -Tw in another term to see what's going on.09:05
HanI suppose you already connected the cable, right? And the lights are blinking, right?09:06
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jojerowhy mssql not working on mine?09:07
bugzbunny2005:05 < Han> dhclient should put it up as well. Do use dmesg -Tw in another term to see what's going on.09:09
bugzbunny20Han: When you have balls in your hands to tell something they don't understand09:10
bugzbunny20Han: Does it it make it feel better as person09:10
bugzbunny20I am understands09:12
bugzbunny20You and ops are superior09:12
eeoshi everybody. I am looking for a  client that allows me to post brief messages on twitter, linkedin, facebook, etc. at the same time .... anyone who know about one?09:19
sentimentHan: no lights09:19
sentimentthough in Windows it does work, as usual.09:19
Hansentiment, have you got the firmware-realtek package installed?09:21
sentimentHan: the last two messages are:09:21
sentimentNo DHCPOFFERS received.09:21
sentimentNo working leases in persistent database - sleeping.09:21
Hansentiment, sorry, I don't have a clue. Hopefully somebody else has.09:23
Crakilaeeos, AFAIK, there isn't any client that fits your needs, you would need to look at a web based solution like "Hootsuite" or "Buffer". Some of them have free tiers but most of them have paid tiers.09:23
sentimentHan: thanks, and no I didn't install firmware-realtek. and there's no such package, I will look it up09:24
eeosCrakila: Thank you! I was really hoping for a client .... I am not terribly keen on Hootsuite, Buffer or Disqus.09:28
Mr-PotterHello is anyone able to say which version of ubuntu will run on a lenovo ideapad s10-209:34
lotuspsychjeMr-Potter: for testing we always advice to run a liveusb first09:36
lotuspsychjeMr-Potter: seeing your hardware works==> physical install09:36
Mr-Potterlotuspsychje: Good idea.09:37
Mr-PotterI'm having some difficulty choosing which distro09:37
lotuspsychjeMr-Potter: as you are here in #ubuntu, we reccomend you ubuntu09:38
Mr-PotterThanks will do09:38
lotuspsychjeMr-Potter: or did you mean ubuntu flavor?09:39
cpctrhi sir09:40
adrian_1908hi sir!09:40
ledenisentiment: can you boot with 'noapic' in grub  and see you network card work09:41
Mr-Potterlotuspsychje: I meant both.09:41
Mr-PotterWhich ubuntu flavor would you recommend for an old netbook?09:42
lotuspsychjeMr-Potter: older hardware we reccomend lubuntu or xubuntu09:42
lotuspsychjeMr-Potter: but that depends really on 'how' old?09:42
Mr-PotterGot it09:43
adrian_1908Mr-Potter: Some people swear on "Lubuntu", but I found it lacking too much in convenience. I really like Xubuntu (Xfce), with some post installation customization.09:43
Mr-PotterAwesome thanks09:43
lotuspsychjeMr-Potter: if its not too old, you can try ubuntu-mate also09:44
Mr-Potterlotuspsychje: Got it09:44
adrian_1908lotuspsychje: The notebook model looks to be an Intel Atom from about decade ago, that might struggle considerably.09:45
lotuspsychjeadrian_1908: sorry, i missed the specs09:46
Mr-Potteradrian_1908: What about Lubuntu?09:48
adrian_1908Mr-Potter: should be among the lightest Ubuntu distros you can find, lighter than Xubuntu or Ubuntu Mate. I just didn't like it much when i tried it years go (was quite unpolished), but plenty of users do.#09:49
Mr-Pottergot it09:50
lotuspsychjedepends on the machine really, i had one case where an old aspire runned xubuntu better09:50
adrian_1908Mr-Potter: As lotuspsychje said, you can/should try a Live CD. So just test drive it (and possibly others) and decide then.09:50
Mr-Pottergot it09:50
lotuspsychjeMr-Potter: and a last idea, 18.04 has now a minimal option, perhaps good for your case?09:51
Mr-Pottergood idea :)09:51
Mr-Potterwhich desktop enviornment do you mean?09:51
lotuspsychjeMr-Potter: all 18.04 flavors should now have the choice in setup09:52
lotuspsychjefull install/minimal09:52
lotuspsychjeMr-Potter: just keep in mind, minimal might need some tweaks afterwards09:53
lotuspsychjeMr-Potter: but will give you nice low space install09:53
ph88hey guys i'm trying to follow this guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed i created the file mentioned at "Selective upgrading from -proposed" but it's still proposing to update a lot of packages09:57
lotuspsychjeph88: can we ask why you need proposed?09:58
Mr-Potterout of curiosity why are there multiple isos for different ubuntu flavours09:59
Mr-Potteris it not possible to get around that by downloading an installer which will install them all from one iso?09:59
ph88lotuspsychje, for diagnosing bug10:00
lotuspsychje!proposed | ph8810:00
ubottuph88: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.10:00
ducasseMr-Potter: they include different packages those flavors are made from, an image with all of them would be huge10:00
Mr-Potterducasse: Got it thanks10:00
Mr-Potter!proposed | Justin-Bieber10:01
ubottuJustin-Bieber: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.10:01
Mr-PotterNever say never10:01
ph88lotuspsychje, don't know why you are giving these links, i'm already on the right page10:01
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ducasseph88: which package do you want?10:08
enockEnock Apraku Tanor10:09
ph88ducasse, kernel10:09
ducasseph88: you should be able to add proposed and do 'apt install packagename' tp upgrade just that package, then you can disable proposed again10:09
ph88ah yes that's a good idea10:10
ph88thanks ducasse10:10
ducassenp, yw10:10
ph88i need these right?  linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic linux-tools-generic10:12
ducasseph88: if you try just the first two, it should drag in dependencies10:13
ph88got it10:16
cappehello! having put latest ubuntu into a usb driver with rufus, when I boot the computer with the usb as first boot option I get to GNU-grub "minimal bash-like" how do I from there continue the booting into the installation of ubuntu? when I try "boot" at the commandline it states I need to load kernel first10:21
hateball!patience | cappe10:26
ubottucappe: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/10:26
hateballI personally have no experience making live-boots from Windows10:27
crackpotmarkcappe: that sounds like you get to a grub cmd line either because it can't find a valid config or your e key is stuck down10:28
crackpotmarkTry making the live USB again10:28
crackpotmarkIt's a little complex to manually boot from there10:28
ducassemaybe try a different drive10:29
cappewhen I do this in rufus, do I need to keep something special in mind?10:29
ducasseyou shouldn't need to do anything to boot, sounds like it's not written correctly10:29
crackpotmarkMake sure the drive is empty10:29
cappewith ntfs or fat32?10:30
cappeoh, perhaps that was the mistake causing this to fail10:30
cappethanks guys, maybe "I'll be back"10:30
crackpotmarkGood luck10:31
=== Richard is now known as Guest48138
w0rpDoes anyone know how I can figure out where to send email to who to send email to, for getting a bug in an Ubuntu package noticed?10:55
w0rpI'd like it if whoever is responsible for the Vim package could get the Bionic Vim package upgraded to a more recent patch level to fix a bug present in the Vim patch level used for the package, but not in patches slightly older or newer than that.10:56
w0rphttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vim/+bug/1768026 That's the bug.10:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1768026 in vim (Ubuntu) "echo message hides cursor" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:57
hateballw0rp: apt show vim|grep Maintainer10:57
w0rpThanks, that's one thing I was looking for.10:57
S_Gautamhey folks if i install the gcc-mingw-w64 toolchain from ubuntu does it mean that all libraries are taken care of?11:09
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.11:10
hans_minimum disk requirements for ubuntu 18.04 server edition?11:20
ikoniacouple of hundred meg11:21
hans_so 1 gig should suffice?11:21
hans_how's the 16.04->18.04 upgrade stuff going? last i heard, it wasn't supported yet11:24
ikoniahans_: it is now available11:25
hans_great, thanks11:25
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sentimenthello. Anyone know how Can get you know...a regular ETHERNET card to work under you know... Ubuntu Linux, A NETWORK OS?11:46
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lotuspsychjesentiment: can you explain that question please11:47
BluesKajHi folks11:48
sentimentlotuspsychje: r8169 driver... not working. the ethernet card lights are off11:48
sentimentunder windows it just works11:48
lotuspsychjesentiment: yes, realtek can be a pain to get working..your ubuntu version and kernel version please?11:49
sentimentI can't believe I have been wrestling with this issue for about 6 hours11:49
lotuspsychjesentiment: can you answer the question please?11:51
sentimentlotuspsychje: oh please! Are you serious? they are one of the top manufacturers of NICs and Linux has yet to support them correctly? anyways... kernel version is 4.4 and Ubuntu is 16.04...  are you going to tell me to upgrade? Id rather solve it by hand11:51
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic xenial11:52
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB11:52
sentimentthe driver is built into the kernel11:52
lotuspsychjesentiment: can you please test the hwe kernel11:52
sentimentI disabled it and re-enabled it11:53
sentimenteven installed dkmg 8168 sourec to no avail11:53
ducassesentiment: realtek are really bad at providing drivers for linux or the docs to allow kernel devs to write them. not linux' fault.11:53
lotuspsychjesentiment: i had the same bug, move to hwe kernel please11:53
lotuspsychjesentiment: 4.15 kernel should fix this11:54
sentimentreally? how can I do that? upgrade the whole distro?11:54
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack11:54
lotuspsychje!hwe | sentiment11:54
ubottusentiment: please see above11:54
sentimentwhat does it mean hwe?11:54
ducasseread the link from ubottu11:55
sentimentok thanks11:55
sentimentI will follow that link11:55
sentimentis it a dangerious move? because it's the kernel...11:55
Chicken_Wrapsentiment: HWE is just going to be the latest kernel11:56
sentimentlotuspsychje: if it is a driver compile , can I do that without going thru that hassle ?11:56
lotuspsychjesentiment: the past has learned is realtek driver issues are mostly related to a different kernel or firmware version11:57
lotuspsychjesentiment: so, just try that hwe kernel please as test11:57
sentimentok thanks. I need to read that link carefully.11:57
sentimenti'll be back with the results11:57
Chicken_Wrapdo you think he's going to be okay12:02
lotuspsychjeChicken_Wrap: yes i had the same bug, but devs removed the url as its solved12:02
lotuspsychjeChicken_Wrap: xenial worked months on the realtek, then after an update it broke12:03
lotuspsychjeChicken_Wrap: till now hwe kernel, working again12:03
davidcubaBuenos días, existes alguna comunidad de ubuntu en español ???12:06
lotuspsychje!es | davidcuba si12:06
ubottudavidcuba si: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.12:06
sentimentlotuspsychje: :-(12:15
lotuspsychjeuname -a sentiment ?12:15
lotuspsychjesentiment: linux-firmware installed?12:16
sentimentlet me check12:16
sentimentlinux-firmware - Firmware for Linux kernel drivers12:17
sentimentapt-cache rsult12:17
lotuspsychjeok looks good12:17
sentimentoh wait, the card's lights just went on12:17
sentimentafter I did sudo ifdown enp2s1512:18
sentimenthmmm.. is that not weird?12:18
lotuspsychjesentiment: try a reboot now? see if it works by default12:18
sentimentI did reboot after the kernel upgrade12:19
sentimentand the lights were off until ifdown12:19
sentimentbut my etc/network/interfaces config might also be incorrect12:19
lotuspsychjeif its working now sentiment it should mean the realtek module is working12:19
sentimentlotuspsychje: despite the lights, the ifconfig doesn't work the card12:20
sentimentas if it is down12:20
sentimentshould I ifup it again?12:20
lotuspsychjesentiment: did you play with config recently or so?12:20
sentimentI meant ifconfig doesn't list the card12:20
sentimentI did, I have been struggling with this since the 6 hours ago12:21
sentimentmainly the interfaces file12:21
lotuspsychjesentiment: sudo lshw -C network to check driver=12:21
leftyfbsentiment: ifconfig -a12:21
leftyfbsentiment: or ifconfig enp2s1512:22
sentimentleftyfb: the card is down because of ifdown depite the lights on the card being on12:22
leftyfbsentiment: please pastebin your interfaces file12:22
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sentimentlotuspsychje: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yDVkNr6wvY/12:23
lotuspsychjesentiment: network:1 DISABLED ,driver looks good12:23
sentimentleftyfb: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BWsTGXXPGs/12:24
leftyfblotuspsychje: it's because he took down the interface12:24
sentimentlotuspsychje: it always looked good I guess, even before the upgrade12:24
sentimentleftyfb: should I ifup it ?12:25
leftyfbsentiment: open up 2 terminals. One running: tail -f /var/log/syslog ## and the other sudo ifup enp2s1512:25
sentimentok, you want to see result of ifup? I mean should I run ifup then the log?12:26
leftyfbsentiment: open up 2 terminals. One running: tail -f /var/log/syslog ## and the other sudo ifup enp2s1512:26
sentimentit's running now12:28
sentimentthe NIC lights went off12:28
sentimentthe ifup is generating repetitive output "DHCPDISCOVER on enp2s15 to port 67 interval 3 (xid=0x525f6074)12:28
effortDeemy laptop resolution gives me 5 options and everyone of them looks wrong, stretched, how can i get out of this?12:28
sentimentifup is Sending on   Socket/fallback12:29
sentimentleftyfb: what's the fallback?12:29
sentimentsame result as the last 10 times I tried it today12:29
leftyfbsentiment: it means it's not getting an ip address12:29
sentimenthmm... DHCP problem?12:30
leftyfbsentiment: try setting a static ip on it just to test12:30
lotuspsychjeeffortDee: whats your native screen resolution please?12:30
dave_cubaGood morning from Cuba12:30
sentimentit will assign APIPA style address12:30
sentimentI guess, because the last time it did that12:30
sentimentleftyfb: ok I will now12:30
leftyfbsentiment: static12:30
sentimentifup hasn't finished yet12:31
leftyfbCTRL+C it12:31
sentimentI did, won't stop12:31
sentimentI wil just close the terminal12:31
leftyfbsentiment: hold down CTRL+C12:31
sentimentclose the terminal. OK now I will set it to static12:32
leftyfbsentiment: why did you meantion APIPA? If you're using that style ip's (don't) then why would you think dhcp would work?12:33
dave_cubasomeone using ubuntu 18.0412:33
lotuspsychjedave_cuba: ask your real issue please12:33
leftyfb!detail | dave_cuba12:33
sentimentleftyfb: it sets an IP 167.... something, isn't that APIPA? after ifup it does that12:34
sentimentleftyfb: enp2s15:avahi Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1a:4d:ff:e9:a612:34
leftyfbI know what it is, do not rely on it12:34
dave_cubaI have problems in the ubuntu 18.04 and the messaging client jabber psi plus12:34
sentimentleftyfb: that's a new item in the ifconfig12:34
leftyfbsentiment: What is the ethernet cable plugged into exactly?12:34
sentimenta TD-LTE router12:35
dave_cubathe psi plus is not saving my password and every time I have to access my jabber account, I have to be putting the password, this in previous versions of ubuntu did not happen to me, can you give me the answer of the ones I have to do in private12:36
sentimentok I assigned an ip address. should I edit the interfaces file to change 'dhcp' to 'static' and then ifdown and up again?12:36
dave_cubaI do not speak English, I'm writing thanks to the google translator12:37
sentimentleftyfb: the IP is set, the NIC lights are off12:38
leftyfb!es | dave_cuba12:38
ubottudave_cuba: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.12:38
leftyfbsentiment: yes12:38
sentimentifconfig shows the NIC fine12:38
sentimentthe other entry is gone12:38
leftyfbsentiment: set to static and ifdown, ifup12:38
leftyfbsentiment: maybe also pastebin your interfaces file to be sure12:38
sentimentbbl leftyfb12:39
effortDeelotuspsychje: i dont know12:41
effortDeemy 2nd monitor is fine12:41
gogetaeffortDee, ?12:41
effortDee1920 x 108012:41
effortDeegogeta: my laptop monitor resolution is stretched and i selected the 5 options i have for it in screen/display and they all look wrong12:42
gogetasounds like a problwm with gnome scaling12:43
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ikonia /join #theforeman12:47
sentimentno joy :/12:53
sentimentNIC lights off12:54
BluesKajsentiment, running network manager?12:54
sentimentAnother guy was helping me out12:55
sentimentleftleg_: u ?12:55
sentimentforgot its nick12:55
sentimentI have trouble getting the NIC to work BluesKaj12:55
sentimentits lights are off12:55
sentimentI upgraded the kernel. Now set static IP as suggested by the other guy12:56
sentimentno avail12:56
sentimentdoesn't irsii log by default?12:57
BluesKajyes sentiment i see that, have you tried running dhcp in /etc/resolv.conf without NM, but with ifupdown installed ?12:57
sentimenthmm let me see...12:57
BluesKajrather than ststic ip12:57
leftyfbsentiment: is this a desktop or server?12:58
leftyfbBluesKaj: dhcp in resolv.conf?12:58
sentimentleftyfb: hehe glad you replied :p12:58
leftyfbBluesKaj: and yes, dhcp was failing. I suggested static to test connectivity12:58
leftyfbsentiment: then you should be making these changes with network manager, not the interfaces file12:59
sentimentusing the GUI?12:59
leftyfbsentiment: you should delete everything in the interfaces file except the entries for the lo interface and use network manager12:59
leftyfbsentiment: yes12:59
sentimentcould you please explain a little why?13:00
lotuspsychjesentiment: just tested same realtek chipset on kernel 4.15, working like a charm here13:00
BluesKajyes like so, https://bpaste.net/show/caf139af9eb9 , sentiment13:00
leftyfbBluesKaj: NM is going to take over, they shouldn't be doing this in e/n/i13:01
BluesKajok nm, not going to debate this one \13:01
BluesKajleftyfb, he's all yours13:01
sentimentleftyfb: I can't see the connection in the Network Connections dialog13:03
sentimentonly the wifi ones13:03
sentimentafter deleting those things in interfaces, again ifup down?13:04
sentimentjesus , I'm breaking a sweat now lol13:04
leftyfbsentiment: pastebin your interfaces file first, lets get that squared away13:04
sentimentI assure you, but here it goes:https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yPM9X3njsS/13:05
BluesKajI have one comment, and that is the above post of my /etc/resolv.conf works with my realtek nic as long as ifupdown is installed13:06
leftyfbok, reboot. Lets see if it shows up in NM after boot13:06
leftyfbBluesKaj: what does resolv.conf have to do with getting NM to see the card or be able to set a static ip or get an ip from dhcp?13:06
sentimentI don't have ifupdown13:06
leftyfbsentiment: ifupdown is the package name that includes ifup and ifdown13:07
sentimentisn't resolve.conf for DNS ?13:07
leftyfbit is13:07
sentimentseems irrelevant13:07
leftyfbI agree, for now13:07
sentimentok , gonna reboot...13:08
BluesKajleftyfb,   I dont use NM, that's the whole point13:08
leftyfbBluesKaj: we're not at the point of disabling NM completely just yet. Also, we need to be able to get it to the point of being able to ping anything. DNS is like 3 steps away from where we are13:08
leftyfbBluesKaj: oh, I see, your post is of your interfaces file, not resolv.conf13:09
leftyfbmaybe a typo?13:09
* BluesKaj shakes out the cobwebs ...my apologies yes the interfaces file ...13:11
BluesKajleftyfb, thei old brain shrts out soetimes13:11
leftyfbBluesKaj: then yes, that is a completely valid e/n/i and there's a small possibility we might have to revert to that, but I doubt it13:11
BluesKajI have all this stuff in a text file as reference and sometimes I forget the correct paths13:12
sentimentleftleg_: I set the IP13:13
leftyfbsentiment: st it where?13:13
=== Richard is now known as Guest68790
sentimentipv4 is set to , gateway is
sentimentin the network manager13:14
leftyfbsentiment: ok, you jumped ahead13:14
leftyfbsentiment: I assume your NIC is showing up in the GUI now13:14
sentimentyes, I set its IP13:14
sentimentsomething curious...13:14
sentimentthe NIC lights are on until the login screen shows13:15
sentimentafter I reboot13:15
leftyfbsentiment: don't worry about lights so much just yet13:15
sentimentleftyfb: the ifcofig has no IP13:16
leftyfbsentiment: pick the NIC from the NM dropdown13:16
lotuspsychjesentiment: can you open a tail -f /var/log/syslog while you messing with network?13:16
sentimentbut it says UP13:16
sentimentlotuspsychje: OK13:16
leftyfbsentiment: you have to "reinitialize" the interface after changing it's settings13:17
leftyfbsentiment: click on the NIC from the NM dropdown13:17
sentimentleftyfb: OK13:17
leftyfbor it's profile name that you setup13:17
sentimentso service restart it ?13:17
sentimentservice networkmanager restart after the changes ?13:17
leftyfbsentiment: click on the NIC from the NM dropdown13:17
sentimentI did13:17
sentimentI'm ready13:17
leftyfbok, now check ifconfig13:18
leftyfbsentiment: oh, you might have to click disconnect first, then click on the nic/profile again13:18
sentimentLink encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1a:4d:ff:e9:a613:18
sentiment          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:113:18
leftyfbsentiment: please don't paste more than 1 line here. Use pastebin for such things. But you could just say you don't have an ip yet13:19
sentimentleftyfb: the NIC isn't connected, the disconnect menu item is grayed out13:19
sentimentI'm only connected to this WIFI13:19
sentimentleftyfb: now click the edit button?13:20
sentimentlotuspsychje: the syslog is open, what should I look for in it ?13:20
sentimentleftyfb: ok, paste note taken13:21
lotuspsychjesentiment: its to see whats going wrong there13:21
sentimentso much text in there though13:21
lotuspsychjefeel free to hastebin us what you have13:21
leftyfbsentiment: nmcli device show enp2s1513:21
leftyfbsentiment: pastebin that please13:21
sentimentso leave the GUI?13:22
leftyfbjust open a terminal13:22
sentimentI suspect the firmware or driver is fucking up13:24
sentimentexcuse the language13:24
sentimentfreakin herculian config13:24
leftyfbsettle down please, we'll get this13:25
sentimentok thank you alot13:25
leftyfbsentiment: ls /sys/class/net/13:25
hfpHi, I am running Ubuntu 18.04 and I can't get the sound to work properly... It will work when I just rebooted and then fail at some point. If I run `pulseaudio -D` it says Daemon startup failed. If I `amixer -D pulse sset Master 5%+`, it shows an error about being unable to connect to pulse audio. I am using i3wm if that makes a difference. I have nothing in my /etc/pulse/client.conf (everything is commented)13:26
hfpand only `deferred-volume-safety-margin-usec = 1` in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf. How do I troubleshoot this?13:26
sentimentleftyfb: enp2s15  lo  wlp2s713:26
sentimentleftyfb: why doesn't ifconfig show the static IP that I set?13:28
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killextry ifconfig -a13:28
swapgs21                    _..._13:28
swapgs21                 .-'     '-.13:28
swapgs21                /     _    _\13:28
sentimentshould I restart networkmanager for it to take effect?13:28
sentimentkillex: lol done that hundred times13:29
sentimentin Windows when I disable the driver, the NIC lights go off13:29
killexif it isn't showing the IP that usually means that it isn't actually set13:30
sentimentI think it's the same here... the driver is not working13:30
sentimentkillex: I have set ipv4 using the GUI13:30
sentimentI can see it13:30
killextry this: ifconfig | grep 'inet addr'13:31
sentimentkillex: not there.13:31
killextry taking the interface down then back up13:32
sentimentcan't . leftyfb told me to remove the entries from interfaces file13:32
leftyfbkillex: you're just repeating a lot of the very basic troubleshooting we've already done13:32
killexok my bad just joined13:32
sentimentkillex: yeah, I thought you were following...13:32
killexdoes dhcp work?13:33
leftyfbkillex: we're not there yet13:33
leftyfbsentiment: install ethtool and run sudo ethtool -i enp2s1513:33
sentimentleftyfb: what if I try another router? That sounds silly though13:33
leftyfbsentiment: Aren't there other devices plugged into this router that have received ip's via dhcp recently?13:35
sentimentit has just one rj45 port13:36
sentimentand i connected it to the tv after buying, then to this PC13:36
leftyfbok, so it's possible your router isn't even giving a link to the ethernet and certainly possible it's not giving out ip's13:37
sentimentTV because it was the quickest way to ensure it does work basically13:37
leftyfbsentiment: can you verify (without rebooting anything) that you can plug a different device into the router and get a link and an ip from it?13:37
sentimentit works in Windows13:37
leftyfbsentiment: when was the last time you verified this? Have you rebooted/powercycled the router since?13:38
sentimentleftyfb: I can try its wifi, and the TV rj45 port, but that requires switching the device off13:38
leftyfbsentiment: it requires switching what device off?13:39
sentimentleftyfb: no reboot. tried booting into windows before upgrading the kernel as lotuspsychje suggested13:39
sentimentand it worked13:39
sentimentin Windows I tried switching off the WOL shutdown setting13:39
leftyfblets continue troubleshooting ubuntu then ....13:39
sentimentbecause some people said it might be connected to this issue13:39
leftyfbsentiment: sudo ethtool -s enp2s15 speed 100 duplex full autoneg off13:40
sentimentleftyfb: the TV is in another room. I will have to switch off the router13:40
sentimentleftyfb: I can try the router's WIFI though13:40
leftyfbyou already confirmed that earlier this morning you tested from Windows using the same router and ethernet cable that you can get an ip. We're good with that13:41
guivercsentiment, your DHCP server isn't limiting itself to just known devices (mac etc) is it??  your 'windows' device may be known, the old-ethernet card may not be on the list...  (comment only; i haven't been following)13:41
leftyfbguiverc: it's the same device/MAC13:44
leftyfbguiverc: dual boot13:44
guivercsorry leftyfb13:46
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest8214
Guest8214HOw do you CLI chmod a directory to be user lvl?13:55
Guest82141001 works for me..13:55
Guest8214kubuntu@kubuntu:/media$ sudo chmod -R 755 /media/kubuntu/_hom/13:56
Guest8214 - I can do this. but i need user lvl on this directory.13:56
crackpotmarkDoes the 'user' own the directory?14:00
FuchsGuest8214: define user lvl. Also be careful with chmod -R, as you can't undo it and it might make a mess14:00
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions14:02
etragaI try to create a ".desktop" file for my java application which need to be run with a shell script. My .desktop file work but when application is started I cannot add it to favorite with context menu14:04
etragaanyone have a solution ?14:04
hfpHi, I am running Ubuntu 18.04 and I can't get the sound to work properly... It will work when I just rebooted and then fail at some point. If I run `pulseaudio -D` it says Daemon startup failed. If I `amixer -D pulse sset Master 5%+`, it shows an error about being unable to connect to pulse audio. I am using i3wm if that makes a difference. I have nothing in my /etc/pulse/client.conf (everything is commented)14:04
etragaI think is because the "java" application is not the same as the shell script for the system so it doesn't rely .desktop file with jar14:04
hfpand only `deferred-volume-safety-margin-usec = 1` in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf. How do I troubleshoot this?14:04
Guest8214i am trying to move my home directory...14:05
Guest8214but to move it i had to do it as root, now i want it to go back to user.14:05
pragmaticenigma!chown | Guest821414:06
ubottuGuest8214: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions14:06
Guest8214so, not chmod, but chown. -14:07
Guest8214would it be 755 or 70014:07
vavkamilI just did do-release-upgrade from 16.04 and it seems like I'm stuck in infinite loop on "A new version of /boot/grub/menu.lst is available"14:08
crackpotmark Guest8214 Syntax is 'chown user:group directory'14:08
crackpotmarkIt's also in the link from ubottu, after the chmod explanation14:10
bcxHello, I would like to install firefox-esr 60 on xenial, I used to do so with ppa:jonathonf/firefox-esr-60, miserly I now get version issues, eg libnss3 >=3.34 required while xenial has 3.28.414:10
bcxis there any way to get libnss3 >=3.34 on xenial ? thanks !14:11
Guest8214crackpotmark, so... 1001:wheel?14:13
Guest8214im just trying to backup my home directory. and its bieng a *$%714:13
crackpotmarkThat depends on your user setup14:13
crackpotmarkThe user is kubuntu?14:13
Guest8214it was working fine, i moved states, and now it wont boot properly.14:14
Guest8214im just going to reinstall everything, but im trying to backup my home directory. I usually have a /home directory, but i guess i didnt do it this time. so....14:14
crackpotmark Guest8214: You don't have /home at all?14:15
crackpotmarkAre you running a live CD?14:15
Guest8214i created a /hom directory to rsync to, but its having issues with my VM folder. IDC about that folder, but i had to move it as root because it wasnt taking the command.14:16
qwebirc29280I do lsmod | grep tun and do not find anything. Then I do a find for tun.ko.gz and still no joy. Is tun module not part of standard ubuntu? I am on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS (x86_64)14:16
Guest8214yeah, im on a LiveUSB right now14:16
lotuspsychjebcx: we cannot support external ppa's here mate14:16
bcxlotuspsychje: I'm not talking about supporting external ppas here but about how to install bionic's libnss3 on xenial14:17
crackpotmarkGuest8214: where is the data you want to backup?14:17
lotuspsychjebcx: we advice not to mix package versions, but you could try !backports perhaps14:18
Guest8214with live CD, - /media/kubuntu/549198ec-95a0-4558-93db-801e584390bd/home14:18
tsgloveHey guys, network question.  Is /etc/network/interface still the way to config a network in an ubuntu machine?       I ask because I installed a fresh 18.04 VM, and installed ¨Zabbix¨ on it.   Yet now, zabbix is telling me ¨netplan¨ is the way to config the network.14:18
Guest8214but- actually, i gotta go to work.14:19
tsgloveNot a fan of netplan... I know how to use   /interfaces14:19
Guest8214i didnt notice the time, my liveCD didn tupdate the freaking time properly14:19
Guest8214thanks for trying.. ill get on it again later.14:19
crackpotmarkGuest8214: np, anytime14:20
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pencil2My dual boot system used to ask me if I wanted windows or Linux.  That quit working.  Now I have to tap f9 when I boot up to get Linux.  How do I fix this minor annoyance?14:41
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lotuspsychjepencil2: you can try sudo update-grub perhaps14:43
lotuspsychjepencil2: if that doesnt work, try editing grub14:43
ducassetsglove: see netplan.io for instructions and examples14:43
lotuspsychje!grub | pencil214:44
ubottupencil2: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub214:44
pencil2update-grub command not found14:44
tsgloveducasse, thanks!14:44
ducassetsglove: if you insist on doing it the old way, install ifupdown14:44
tsgloveducasse, yeah, I saw.14:45
leftyfbpencil2: what version of ubuntu are you running?14:45
tsgloveI am working with netplan now, as it's just one machine.14:45
tsgloveHow can I check what DNS server is the machine using?14:46
tsgloveCan I do it with nmcli?14:46
leftyfbtsglove: nmcli device show|grep DNS14:47
pragmaticenigmatsglove: The machine itself is using dnsmasq as a local cache (if this is a standard default install)14:47
tsgloveleftyfb, well, shoot.  That's what I thought.   Yet I'm not getting any DNS line14:47
pragmaticenigmatsglove: so looking up what your DNS provider is, will return a local machine address14:48
tsgloveoh really?14:48
tsglovethat explains that14:48
tsglovegosh darn this netplan is... odd14:51
tsglove¨Netplan network configuration had been first introduced to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Bionic Beaver. It is available to all new Ubuntu 18.04 installations. ¨     ----------- so netplan is the new way to go?14:55
lotuspsychje!netplan | tsglove start here14:56
ubottutsglove start here: Netplan is a network configuration abstraction renderer which uses YAML descriptions of a network to work with either a NetworkManager or Systemd-networkd "renderer". More information at https://netplan.io/14:56
tsglovelotuspsychje, any idea if the same applies over in CentOS?  Or does CentOS7 still use typical /etc/network/interfaces14:57
lotuspsychjetsglove: try in the centos channel mate15:02
CoolerZtexlive-full is taking forever to install even though i have 1 Gbps internet15:03
tsgloveYeah, I checked, yet it´s not running netplan15:03
CoolerZConstantly [waiting for headers]15:03
tsgloveI can see the simplicity in netplan... yet... changes (!!!!).15:03
tsgloveAlthought I was resistant to systemd for a long time, and in the past years, I have become a convert.  I actually like it.15:04
blackrootif you have a raid1, and you destroy the array without touching any data, would you still have all data on both disks?15:04
law_vous avez des tchats pour papoter ? personne ne parle ici :(15:09
lotuspsychje!fr | law_15:10
ubottulaw_: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:10
=== geirha1 is now known as geirha
CoolerZwhy i try the 1st command given here http://www.iasptk.com/ubuntu-fix-broken-package-best-solution/15:12
CoolerZi get "the update command takes no arguments"15:12
CoolerZsudo apt-get update –fix-missing15:13
sveinseIs it possible to set different scalings and/or DPIs on screen in gnome? 18.04? I've got two 4k screens, one 15" and one 32" and I need bigger scaling on the smaller to make the fonts large enough15:17
CoolerZhelp !! i need this package for ubuntu 18.04 https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/texlive-math-extra15:17
blackrootsveinse: i think you would have to lower the resolution on the smaller screen then. if it works15:18
sveinseblackroot: yeah that is possible. Waste of resolution thou15:19
ducassesveinse: you could try with xrandr, 'xrandr --output foo --scale bar', but i don't know if it will work15:25
CoJaBoIs it normal that almost none of the advertised features of LXD seem to actually work at all?15:27
CoJaBoI can't really envision any kind of usecase that could possibly fit the restrictions I'm encountering in suspending containers; am I doing something wrong? Or is this feature just vaporware?15:29
ducasseCoJaBo: try #lxcontainers15:30
sveinseducasse: no that doesn't work. It only results in weird viewport and effects on the screens15:33
eeosCrakila: what about Franz?15:34
CoJaBoducasse: It seems to exist, but noone has been there for several weeks now15:34
=== Richard is now known as Guest59860
ducasseCoJaBo: there's 200 people in there afaict15:37
effortDeehow do i get Firefox to open the downloads folder when i click the folder icon on my downloads within FF?15:43
effortDeeubuntu 16.0415:43
CoJaBoducasse: But none speak :/15:43
laguetteHI  ! I've just installed the 16.04LTS on an Intel NUC 2.4GHz with NVMe SDD, and the boot is very slow (more than 1 min).15:44
laguetteIs that normal that this version performs very slowly compared to previous ?15:45
laguetteNB  :A black screen lasts for more than 30 seconds15:45
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leftyfbeffortDee: maybe try #firefox?15:55
waterxxcan i ask for help with lubuntu here or is it just ubuntu?15:59
waterxxthe lubuntu channel seems very low activity so16:00
crackpotmarkwaterxx: by all means ask away16:01
crackpotmarkThis channel supports official flavours too16:01
donpeteGuys, how ya doing today and any hot topic?16:01
waterxxso I installed it on a laptop from 2007 and have graphics driver problems. here is some more info about it: https://pastebin.com/ZmhgeYB216:01
waterxxI cant open video files even16:01
waterxxthe default player just closes16:01
waterxxhowever it works to stream things on the web, but the audio and video are both choppy16:02
waterxxall im trying to find out is if Im fucked due to proprietary drivers, or if there is a way to get my graphics to work properly.16:05
donpeteHi guys, anyone set up a Webserver in Ubuntu yet and if so, how is it?16:05
leftyfbdonpete: that's not a valid support question. Try #ubuntu-offtopic for chit-chat/surveys16:06
leftyfbdonpete: If you need help setting up a webserver on ubuntu, you can try #ubuntu-server16:07
ddelonyIs there a specific channel for Ubuntu on WSL?16:07
leftyfb!wsl | ddelony16:07
ubottuddelony: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide16:07
ddelonyleftyfb: Thanks.16:07
compdocddelony, its just command line stuff. dont think you can run apps, etc16:08
ddelonycompdoc: I'm aware, but people have apparently gotten X apps to run through third party X servers.16:09
ddelonyI'm quite familiar with the Linux command line already. :-)16:10
donpeteI didn't know if it was off support but still if you aren't too full of it, give me an idea as to  the difference in Webserver setup in Ubuntu compared to Windows16:10
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naccdonpete: totally offtopic16:11
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naccdonpete: you want ##linux, maybe, #ubuntu-offtopic, dunno16:11
WalkerHey guys, I have a problem with logging in to a fresh install of ubuntu server on a dell poweredge r610. Any things I can look for?16:12
WalkerI can log in but I get logged out immediately.16:13
leftyfbWalker: desktop or command line?16:13
donpeteWell another question,  is it possible to setup a virtual windows on ubuntu 18.04 without a VTX enabled bios?16:13
WalkerHappens from server console and also from ssh which I installed during installation16:13
WalkerCommand line16:13
WalkerAlso tried several versions of ubuntu server (16.04.1 16.04.5 18.04.1(16:14
leftyfbWalker: you get logged out immediately when logging in through the console?16:14
WalkerThe welcome message is shown16:14
WalkerAnd then immediately disconnect16:14
naccdonpete: 'virtual windows'? do you mean windows in a VM?16:14
WalkerOr back to login prompt16:14
leftyfbWalker: try logging in and immediately unplugging your keyboard16:14
donpeteLol.. yeah.....exactly! Windows in a vm16:15
leftyfbdonpete: I'm pretty sure you need VTX support to run Windows VM's16:15
naccdonpete: ... i wouldn't wnt to run windows without acceleration ina  vm16:15
leftyfbdonpete: Are you thinking of running Windows in a VM just to be able to run a webserver?16:16
naccdonpete: i wouldn't want to run *any* vm without acceleration16:16
Walkerleftyfb: no difference16:16
leftyfbWalker: I've never heard of such a thing16:16
WalkerKeyboard should not make a difference since it doesn't work from ssh either16:16
donpeteThat's what I thought.... but you guys arent answering any questions but rather fulling around16:16
kahidnayou can run windows on vm without VTX16:16
naccdonpete: don't be rude.16:16
nacckahidna: but would you actually want to? :)16:17
kahidnabut you can only use single core16:17
leftyfbdonpete: we've answered all of your questions so far16:17
nacckahidna: without vtx, it's emulated, so using a core or not seems irrelevant.16:17
Walkereven changing tty to a different one on login makes no difference16:17
donpeteso, what do you use in order to run windows  without vtx?16:18
leftyfbWalker: I'm running ubuntu 16.04 on multiple r610's and don't have this issue16:18
WalkerI did too, so its very odd.16:18
kahidnaI have vm with installed windows, but its only to maintain my printer :P16:18
leftyfbdonpete: Why do you need to run Windows in a VM without VTX support?16:18
WalkerIt also ran on that same machine weeks ago16:18
naccdonpete: you are assuming any of us run windows.16:18
WalkerAnd I didnt change any parts16:19
leftyfbWalker: sounds like a weird hardware issue then. Maybe try upgrading all the BIOS/firmware?16:19
donpeteYou tell me..16:19
leftyfbdonpete: Why do you need to run Windows in a VM without VTX support?16:19
hggdhdonpete: enough, please stop16:19
WalkerWill check later again :)16:19
jehornI've done it with QEMU, but it was terrible. I don't run Windows anymore though so.16:19
WalkerTrying to init all drives (even if they are not used at all)16:19
donpeteWhy do you need to know?16:19
leftyfbdonpete: because you are asking for help16:20
WalkerCould it be some kind of read only mode?16:20
ioriaWalker, more a permission issue16:20
WalkerSo it can't save the session and throws me out immediately?16:20
donpeteAnd because you already provided some answers16:20
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leftyfbdonpete: ok, go to #windows for further support. Good luck.16:21
ioriaWalker, save session ? what you mean ?16:21
Walkerisnt the login creating some session file upon login?16:22
leftyfbWalker: a default install of ubuntu will not have the issue you are explaining. Especially across multiple LTS versions of ubuntu. Your issue is outside of ubuntu from what I can tell.16:22
WalkerOkay I will look into that soon.16:23
kahidnawalker : I've also experience throwing back after typing username and password on ubuntu. and after do some research I'm running out of / partition16:23
ioriaWalker, just to be sure :16:23
ioriaWalker, ls -dl /home/$USER16:23
WalkerHow am I supposed to run any command if I can't even log in? :o16:24
kahidnayou can use CLI mode16:24
ioriaWalker, recovery16:24
leftyfbkahidna: they are16:24
WalkerAhh okay, I don't have any desktop on the server ;)16:24
WalkerWill try in a couple of minutes16:24
WalkerTakes some time to reboot :D16:24
kahidnaaw, I'm just telling my experience with desktop16:25
leftyfbyeah, stupid lifecycle stuff, takes forever16:25
leftyfbkahidna: they're not running desktop16:25
kahidnasorry, my bad16:25
WalkerThat were the posts I also found about desktop, but that didn't help me ^^16:25
naccyou can boot into recovery on server too, of course and then check the disk from there16:26
leftyfbWalker: you could try recovery mode and check disk space, but I'm going with a hardware issue and you should look into upgrading bios/firmware16:26
WalkerThanks guys, will check those things and come back soon :)16:26
WalkerCould this also happen if one volume group is still initialising?16:27
waterxxis the built in media player in lubuntu any good or should i install vlc?16:27
waterxxcurrently the videos wont even open :)16:28
WalkerJust to make sure I don't run into that kind of problem later on16:28
jehornI wouldn't say the default media player in Lubuntu is bad, but VLC is a pretty awesome. I use it anyway.16:29
jehornYou might have better luck playing videos with VLC, It wouldn't hurt to try it.16:31
ddelonyIf VLC can't play it, nobody can.16:32
kahidnawaterxx: try gnome-mplayer16:34
waterxxkahidna I think thats the one im using, if it is the default for lubuntu16:35
waterxxim gonna try vlc and see if there is any differance16:37
kahidnayes, for the alternative you can use vlc,16:38
kahidnayou can install more codec for the vlc16:38
waterxxim used to windows so doing anything on linux takes a while for me. since im noob16:38
waterxxlike even connecting my usb and place files on desktop took me a while lol16:38
kahidnano worries, everybody was noob before became expert16:39
waterxxbut it gave new life to my laptop, much faster than before16:39
kahidnafor codec or audio/video library, usually I install this package "ubuntu-restricted-extras"16:39
kahidnayes, same as here. I feel my linux with intel atom run faster than core I3 with windows 716:40
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waterxxbtw kahidna do I need antivirus or firewall or anything? i heard you dont need it on linux16:43
deepend> a stop job is running for availability of block devices16:44
deepend1min 30seconds before finally shutting down16:44
deependon server 18.0416:44
deependanyone know what this is about?16:44
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kahidnawaterxx : so far I haven't install any antivirus on my linux machine, but I don't know you need it or not.16:45
jehornwaterxx: antivirus, Not really, there is one called ClamAV but I don't use it. I've been using GNU/Linux since 1995 and I've yet to encounter a virus on any system I've had.16:45
waterxxyea i only plan on web browsing and watching videos, not open any suspicious files16:45
kahidnawaterxx : then you already safe, for now, :D16:46
noonehere4u22|                                  ___16:58
G33kDadIs this a good place to ask a question about Ubuntu Core, or is there a specific channel? TIA17:10
Sven_vBis it expected sudo behavior that the password remembering feature applies only inside the same terminal?17:11
Sven_vBjehorn, >> I've yet to encounter a virus on any system I've had. << how would you know you have one?17:14
Sven_vBnot all of them play their theme song ;)17:14
hggdhG33kDad: perhaps @snappy ?17:27
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G33kDad@hggdh as a user name or channel ?17:31
hggdhG33kDad: channel: /join #snappy17:32
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G33kDadhggdh: thanks!17:36
hggdhG33kDad: yw17:36
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jeffreesurvey: is anyone else experiencing the audio delay? Say I'm watching a video and pause it, wait ten seconds, unpause, there will be a delay of a few seconds before audio starts playing.17:55
jeffreethis happens with all audio sources17:55
nakul_Are you using any kind of bluetooth speakers of any kind?18:09
kaspido you know if it's possible at all to play WoW in ubuntu?18:25
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jeffreeno bluetooth speaker. my speakers are connected to the monitor which is displayport connected18:36
bluesmonkmy ubuntu 18.04 suddenly freezes, and I'm trying to figure out why. How does a boot look like in journalctl? to look right before that18:51
bluesmonkplus, what other things can I do to check? it freezes without any kind of particular cpu load, and I have to reset the pc18:51
A|anI've just installed VirtualBox (the non-OSE version) but it didn't place a launcher icon in the application menu...how do I do that manually?18:52
A|anIt will launch from the command line.18:52
jeffreeA|an: half answer: you need a .desktop file in the place where your os expects them to be18:53
A|anokay...a half-answer is better than no answer:)...thanks18:54
Ben64A|an: did you check everywhere? mine is in system tools18:56
bluesmonkso journalctl -b-1 shows the last boot. Can I get help understanding my logs? http://termbin.com/ww76 the last lines bug me18:56
A|anBen64: I looked pretty thoroughly...I've just done a mate-panel --replace...waiting to see if that helped18:57
bluesmonkso it seems my pc is overheating basically18:58
raidghostWhat is it about UBUNTU and MSI mainboard(ethernet) and just stop working without ANY reason?18:58
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waterxxi just did this sudo apt-get install vlc , am I doing it right?19:03
waterxxnice it seems i can play videos now19:04
waterxxnot sure why the default media player couldnt19:04
grazfatherHow do I find out which ppa this is on: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+source/tpm2-tools19:06
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:07
A|anBen64: For the record, running mate-panel --replace fixed the problem of no launcher icon in the application menu...assuming I didn't overlook it...it's in System Tools, as you described (I don't think I missed it, though)19:07
qwerty_thanks :)19:07
leftyfbgrazfather: tpm2-tools is available in both 16.04 and 18.0419:07
grazfatherapt cannot find it19:08
naccgrazfather: are you looking for a version not provied by your distro?19:08
grazfatherafter apt update19:08
grazfatherit's not provided by my distro( on the live cd)19:08
naccgrazfather: tpm2-tools is the srcpkg19:08
naccgrazfather: what version of ubuntu?19:08
leftyfbgrazfather: you need to enable the universe repo19:08
naccok, what leftyfb said19:08
grazfatherhow do I do that19:08
leftyfb!universe | grazfather19:08
ubottugrazfather: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.19:08
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grazfathercool ty19:08
waterxxis it possible to make the start menu text and icons bigger on lubuntu, its so tiny19:09
grazfatherthat did the trick! Just had to add universe, and now I know what to look at on the repo page (universe in parens)19:09
grazfatherthank you all19:10
waterxxnvm found it19:11
grazfatherhah and the version is too old -_-19:13
leftyfb!latest | grazfather19:16
ubottugrazfather: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.19:16
leftyfbgrazfather: also, it's only 2 years old19:16
grazfatherleftyfb: Not complaining, building from source19:16
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge19:17
grazfatherI'm running a livecd, but installing a lot. Is there a way to 'commit' these changes?19:17
leftyfbnot with your current environment anyway19:17
leftyfb!persistent | grazfather19:17
ubottugrazfather: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:17
grazfatherYeah I know I can customize it, I meant more whether there was a way to commit the overlayfs or whatever this is since I'm 'too late' to install it on this run, but ty19:19
lotuspsychjeraidghost: network card chipset please?19:29
lotuspsychjebluesmonk: what this clean install?19:30
jake94Evening all! I'm trying to calculate the memory usage of PHP based on this: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/t3t4cTjZgw/ do I just add all the rows for RES?19:30
lotuspsychjebluesmonk: you have a lot of MS python errors in syslog and cpu going above treshold19:31
qwebirc47449hello friends, I need to install build tools offline.  How can I use my live USB as a source to install those those tools?19:33
qwebirc47449I need to do this in order to install a wifi driver19:34
lotuspsychjeqwebirc47449: you can st your cdrom/usb as source in software&sources to grab packages from your installl media19:40
lotuspsychjeqwebirc47449: sometime its needed to install wifi driver like that, broadcom for example in the /pool dir19:40
waterxxlotuspsychje if u still wanna help me out i did the command u told me yesterday19:40
lotuspsychjewaterxx: what was it about?19:40
waterxxlotuspsychje it was about my old laptop graphics driver19:40
waterxxmy video/audio is choppy19:41
waterxxi run everything default lubuntu now19:41
lotuspsychjewaterxx: for some reason the ati card brand doesnt show, but radeon driver seems loaded19:41
lotuspsychjewaterxx: video on youtube or vlc local?19:41
waterxxI just tried with vlc, 1080p was rly bad, but 720 seemd a bit better19:43
waterxxstill the audio is cracking/chopping19:43
lotuspsychjewaterxx: 1080p on a lower system can be choppy, normal19:43
lotuspsychjewaterxx: you can try smplayer, thats a little lighter then vlc19:43
lotuspsychjetry the same 1080p19:44
qwebirc47449I see that CD can be enabled, but not USB. Tried adding volume but it errored out19:44
waterxxok trying youtube now on 720p audio really choppy19:45
lotuspsychjeqwebirc47449: cdrom in this case is the same as install media19:45
waterxxvideo slight lag19:45
waterxxFor an AMD/ATI video card you have to stick to the default open source driver. Because the closed AMD Catalyst (fglrx) drivers are not compatible with Ubuntu 16.04.x.19:45
waterxxi read that on this page: https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/first-lubuntu , maybe there is no hope to get it better19:45
lotuspsychje!info lubuntu-restricted-extras | waterxx19:46
ubottuwaterxx: lubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used media codecs and fonts for Lubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 66 (bionic), package size 3 kB, installed size 14 kB19:46
waterxxlotuspsychje what do i type to install that sm player? sry im noob19:46
qwebirc47449@lotuspsychje OK, so if I have CD enabled and I attempt apt install build-tools dkims it should work right?19:46
lotuspsychjewaterxx: sudo apt install smplayer19:46
sirriffsalothpI cannot for the life of me work out what's clogging my package-list so I can't update/install freely. I keep getting that I have broken packages, but whatever I do I can't pinpoint what it is, and I've tried all the usual, fix broken packages, sudo apt-get -f install et cetera... Any more in-deptch advice?19:46
lotuspsychjeqwebirc47449: sudo apt update first19:46
qwebirc47449ok thanks!  I'll try and report back19:47
lotuspsychjesirriffsalothp: did you add external ppa's to your system?19:47
sirriffsalothplotuspsychje: yeah?19:47
raidghostlotuspsychje: 16:00.0 Ethernet controller: Qualcomm Atheros Killer E2500 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 10), but it seems to be more than just a nic issue. Since the machine is NOT responding, Tried to connect hdmi to tv. But nada respondos19:47
lotuspsychjesirriffsalothp: we dont support them here mate, we reccomend to revert your system back to vanilla ubuntu with !ppapurge19:48
raidghostSo, might be heat issue, pasta removed and pasta readded19:48
sirriffsalothplotuspsychje: humm.. will that potentially shred my system? I'm willing to take them out just to see what's causing the problem, but only if my system as it is remains intact19:49
lotuspsychjesirriffsalothp: ppapurge will indeed remove your packages from the ppa19:49
lotuspsychjesirriffsalothp: dependencie hell is caused by adding external ppa's in many cases19:50
sirriffsalothplotuspsychje: I figured as much...19:50
sirriffsalothplotuspsychje: can one not disable all of the non-vanilla ones and see if that helps?19:50
waterxxwow the 1080 is smooth now lotuspsychje but audio still bad19:51
lotuspsychjesirriffsalothp: yes sure, thats the idea, to remove the non-official ppa's19:52
lotuspsychjesirriffsalothp: dont remove the official ubuntu repos right19:52
sirriffsalothplotuspsychje: but I suppose that doesn't help if the actual ppa-packages are still present?19:52
lotuspsychjesirriffsalothp: they need both cleaned up, purge packages and purge ppa's19:53
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | sirriffsalothp19:53
ubottusirriffsalothp: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html19:53
lotuspsychjewaterxx: i think on a lower lubuntu system, best to stick with 720p19:54
waterxxyep its from 2007 but was pretty high end back then. thanks for the help19:54
lotuspsychjewaterxx: install the restricted extras too, for codecs19:54
AscavasaionI know this is not the correct channel, please direct me to the correct one if possible.  I password protected a zip file a while back, I only remmeber (I think) a few characters of the password.  Could someone help me or direct me where I could find help to crack a password which I only know some of it?19:54
waterxxlotuspsychje: yep did that19:54
lotuspsychjeAscavasaion: cracking stuff is not for freenode mate19:55
Ascavasaionlotuspsychje: I understand the ethical side of it... but I remembersome of it.19:55
lotuspsychjeAscavasaion: best seek pentesting tools on internet19:55
Ascavasaionlotuspsychje: Okay :-(19:56
lotuspsychjeAscavasaion: if you run ubuntu, the official repos have also pentesting tools19:56
AscavasaionOops, excuse caps.19:57
VozivHello. I've done a "sudo usermod -aG docker voziv". Even after a reboot if I type "groups" in the terminal it only shows "voziv". However if I type "groups voziv" it shows me in the docker group19:57
VozivRunning 16.0419:58
lotuspsychjeraidghost: take a good look in your dmesg/ syslog19:59
darekHi. I have problem with changing display manager on 18.04. running "sudo dpkg-reconfigure ssdm" gives me error that ssdm is not installed. But when I try to install ssdm by "sudo apt install ssdm" I am getting that there is no such package. I have just installed kubuntu-session using tasksel (during installation tasksel did not ask me to change display manager too)20:00
hggdhdarek: perhaps you meant sddm instead of ssdm?20:02
darekhggdh: haha :) that was the case, thanks!20:02
hggdhdarek: welcome20:02
geirhaVoziv: run  newgrp docker   then   groups   again in the same terminal window20:04
Vozivgeirha: Shows docker as the group, however opening a new terminal after that causes the issue to reappear20:09
geirhaVoziv: then I don't think you've actually rebooted since running that usermod20:09
raidghostlotuspsychje: Have checked dmesg and syslog20:09
geirhaVoziv: perhaps you only suspended or hibernated20:09
raidghostAny possible output line to make timestamp?20:09
geirhaVoziv: anyway, rebooting is unecessary, just log out and back in20:10
Vozivgeirha: ran "sudo reboot now" twice in a row20:10
sirriffsalothplotuspsychje: lol.. just had to get the dependencies manually, cheers20:10
hggdhVoziv: what happens if you run sudo adduser vosic docker ?20:10
lotuspsychjeraidghost: timestamp?20:11
SailorHaumea11|                                  ___20:15
SailorHaumea11|                 ,---.        /""'_,/20:15
SailorHaumea11|                 |    '\''""-:   /20:15
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Xardon ubuntu 18.04 seems like my built-in bluetooth does kind of register but bluetoothctl claims that "No default controller available"20:28
Xarddmesg reveals that: there should be bluetooth adapther at usb 1-2: idVendor=0b05, idProduct=185c, Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3, Product: Bluetooth Radio, Manufacturer: Realtek20:28
Richard_CavellHello everyone. I have ubuntu 16.04 running on the metal on a desktop. I want to clone it to an external hard disk for backup purposes.  (Including hidden files).  What's the best tool?20:39
leftyfbRichard_Cavell: clonezilla20:49
leftyfbRichard_Cavell: you're not doing it while it's running20:49
XardRichard_Cavell: for file based copy operation "rsync -avxHAX --numeric-ids --exclude=lost+found" copies only current volume files preserving hardlinks, attributes, ACLs and uses numeric ids for determining file permissions while skipping ext4 "lost+found"20:51
Sven_vBis it expected sudo behavior that the password remembering feature applies only inside the same terminal?20:51
JimBuntuSven_vB, I would hope so! Otherwise someone could gain root simply by being logged in as you and trying a sudo command until they get access20:53
leftyfbXard: that is not a clone and will not function as one at all20:53
Richard_Cavellleftyfb, I can't boot this device from an external USB stick (it's an old iMac with EFI that doesn't like non-OS X) so is there a way of doing the clone from within Ubuntu?20:53
JimBuntuSven_vB, well, I may have jumped the gun there, I was thinking connections not really local access virtual terms20:54
leftyfbRichard_Cavell: negative20:54
leftyfbRichard_Cavell: if it's an old iMac, then it's unlikely it's running anything modern enough or even supported for you to worry about cloning elsewhere20:54
Sven_vBJimBuntu, in my case, terminals in screen, the terminal multiplexer.20:54
Sven_vBI'm using screen (the terminal multiplexer) to spawn several programs in their own window, all as root, using a quite crude hack to avoid having to type my sudo password in each screen. what would be a better way than this?: set random password for user root-voucher, extend account expiry date to today, and disable the account after a few seconds.20:55
JimBuntuSven_vB, yes, multiple 'terminal' windows will all need to enter their own password to sudo20:56
Sven_vBoh aund using sudo on root-voucher20:56
JimBuntuSven_vB, have you considered adding your user to the /etc/sudoers file so that it never requires password entry? I know, I know... but it's an option20:56
L72g5sSqi have two machines, host1 and host2. host1 has nfs server and host2 mounts host1 via fstab. when i reboot host2, sometimes host2 won't mount host1 and i get a permission denied error unless i reboot nfs server on host1. what's up with this?20:56
leftyfbSven_vB: or create a sudoers file to allow running certain programs/scripts with sudo without asking for the password. Or just run the script as root20:57
leftyfbL72g5sSq: look at your logs20:57
leftyfbSven_vB: may I ask what's the purpose behind all this?20:58
leftyfbSven_vB: what programs need to run in the foreground in different screen windows all as root?20:58
Richard_CavellXard, that rsync command you gave - will it preserve hidden files/directories?20:59
leftyfbRichard_Cavell: yes, but it will not be a bootable clone20:59
XardRichard_Cavell: it's not a clone, but file based operation which provides great flexibility but some caveats21:00
lol123Hello all, I am trying to run a program with python shelve module in my Ubuntu VM21:00
lol123It keeps returning this error: Traceback (most recent call last):   File "app.py", line 35, in <module>     db = shelve.open('example')21:00
lol123'_gdbm.error: [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable'21:00
Xardit does indeed copy all soft links, hard links and hidden files and gives you the option to do versioned backups where only changes are stored between dates21:00
lol123But it runs fine on my local system21:00
lol123anyone know why?21:00
Sven_vBleftyfb, it's an improvised dashboard for various stuff, some of which needs root currently (e.g. iotop and l2ping) but I could try drilling down on whether they have to run 1) directly in the terminal and 2) whether I can set it up with sudoers in a secure way.21:01
Xardhowever, fstab UUID mounts need to be adjusted manually21:01
leftyfbSven_vB: maybe just run them each in the background using a script and output some stats to an actual dashboard for you to monitor?21:02
Sven_vBI could probably get security properties similar to the current setup by using secret random filenames and deleting the file really quick after it has been opened for reading by the display program.21:04
Richard_CavellXard, If I created that rsync backup, and then reinstalled Ubuntu on my desktop and rsynced back the other way, would it work to restore my system?21:04
Richard_Cavell(Note that it's really my home directory that I'm interested in)21:04
leftyfbthat would be bad21:04
leftyfbRichard_Cavell: then only backup your home directory21:04
leftyfband restore that, that'll be fine21:04
Richard_Cavellleftyfb, command please?21:05
Sven_vBso it sounds like there's no easy way to transfer sudo's trust from one terminal to another?21:05
leftyfbRichard_Cavell: rsync -av /home/$USER/ /path/to/backup/21:05
leftyfbSven_vB: no, that would undermine the whole thing21:05
leftyfbSven_vB: it's not the right way to go about it anyway21:05
Sven_vBleftyfb, how would it undermine security if root told some sudo process that's currently asking for the password, to skip it and allow login just this time?21:06
leftyfbSven_vB: if it's "just this time" then you can type in the the password21:07
leftyfbSven_vB: but it's not "just this time" , that's the whole point21:07
Sven_vBleftyfb, yeah in my scenario I already had the password typed in to sudo the setup script.21:07
leftyfbSven_vB: it's "just this time" times X programs, times X times you'll need to run this script21:08
leftyfbSven_vB: it's not possible and even if it were, not recommended21:08
leftyfbSven_vB: there's better ways to get a dashboard to monitor which is your end goal21:09
Sven_vBok, I'll read more about sudoers then.21:09
Sven_vByeah I'm still hoping for a lazy solution. :)21:09
leftyfbSven_vB: nagios is easy to setup21:09
leftyfbor scripting your own, but not the way you're trying to do it21:10
spinningcati have nvidia gt 425m21:11
spinningcatcan i use that properiatry driver?21:11
spinningcator is there a problem it seems debian have a problem with it21:11
insearchHey, hello ! :)21:14
insearchHow are you ?21:14
spinningcathow about you?21:15
insearchI am well too :)21:15
insearchDon't mind me asking questions unrelated to ubuntu ?21:16
insearchActually networking related..21:16
spinningcatsomeone may know about that21:18
naccinsearch: if it's unrelated to ubuntu, go elsewhere21:18
nacc!alis | insearch21:18
ubottuinsearch: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"21:18
azizLIGHTim about to update nvidia graphics, but want to backup current version first in case of problems. i cannot find the deb file in /var/cache/apt/ tho21:24
azizLIGHTwhere do i get this deb file from then21:25
naccazizLIGHT: you might need to download it manually -- not all debs are kept forever21:27
spinningcatubuntu has good support for nvidia21:27
spinningcatdebian has some problems21:27
naccspinningcat: are you talking to somoene in particular? do you have a question?21:27
spinningcatwhen you install nvidia-driver, it breaks the system21:27
naccspinningcat: random comments, please go to #ubuntu-offtopic.21:28
spinningcatit is not random21:28
spinningcati just wonder ubuntu has good support for nvidia21:28
naccdebian is also offtopic here21:28
azizLIGHTsee im using nvidia 384.130 from the grpahics drivers ppa21:28
naccspinningcat: ok, so that's your question?21:28
naccspinningcat: sure, it does.21:28
spinningcatnvidia-drivers dont break ubuntu right?21:28
naccazizLIGHT: ok, you'd need to download it from the ppa -- note that ppas don't keep old packages generally21:28
naccspinningcat: that's too general of a question to be given a good answer.21:29
spinningcatnvidia-driver breaks debian i wonder does it break ubuntu too_?21:29
azizLIGHTnacc: yes ive noticed this problem... i have a good version and then i update to a new version, but the new version has problems and then i cant find the old version anymore ever again21:29
spinningcatit is not general question i think21:29
naccspinningcat: your wondering isn't very direct. You can try it and see.21:29
naccazizLIGHT: i'm not sure what they recommend (they being the ppa owners). you should ask them directly21:30
azizLIGHThow can i run a search for nvidia*.deb files on all my hdds21:30
azizLIGHTmaybe i have a place im storing them personally21:30
naccazizLIGHT: you can do `find / -name '*.deb'` but that will churn your disks quite a bit21:31
spinningcatif it not in archive21:31
spinningcatit is not in anywhere21:31
spinningcat.deb you downloaded is stored there21:31
azizLIGHTi might have backed up debs elsewhere because im aware of ppa's not storing old debs21:31
azizLIGHTbecause ive had this issue 5-6 times already21:31
azizLIGHTenough to know that i should backup the old debs21:32
azizLIGHTyes... i did21:33
azizLIGHTthank you nacc21:34
naccazizLIGHT: yw21:34
anoobI cannot find my bluetooth device (speaker) when pairing21:44
leftyfbanoob: then it's probably not in pairing mode(the speaker)21:45
anoobleftyfb, it works with my android and windows ...21:45
sadsagfjgHi,When i command sudo apt-get install xchat i faced The user is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported. How i can fix this?22:00
naccsadsagfjg: talk to your system administrator22:00
naccsadsagfjg: you aren't supposed to be installing packages if you do not have root privileges22:01
sadsagfjgnacc: I use pc22:01
sadsagfjgAnd i am system admiinstor22:01
naccsadsagfjg: then you're not using ubuntu22:03
naccsadsagfjg: by default in ubuntu, your user would be in sudo22:03
sadsagfjgAnd if i command apt-get install xchat in root (su) i face this error : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4PX2DTTRz8/22:03
naccsadsagfjg: what version of ubuntu?22:04
sadsagfjgI dont use ubuntu22:04
naccsadsagfjg: then you are in the wrong channel.22:04
sadsagfjgI am using debain base system22:04
naccsadsagfjg: you want debian support22:05
sadsagfjgdebian have channel?22:05
naccsadsagfjg: dunno, probably, you could do some basic due diligence22:05
geniisadsagfjg: Their main channel is on the OFTC network, and not on Freenode22:05
naccgenii: thanks22:06
sadsagfjggenii:  How i can join OFTC network?22:06
geniiThat is dependent on your IRC client22:07
geniiYou *may* be able to just do /server irc.oftc.net22:08
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hggdhthere is also #debian on freenode22:17
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ASMJunkieI just wanted to come in and say thanks too all the people who tried to help me fix my lan yesterday. After about 2 more hours of trying things I just gave up and bought a USB to ethernet adapter. Works perfectly and didnt even have to install any drivers22:37
energizerthe workflow for using a ppa is `sudo add-apt-repository ppa:owner/repo && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install program` right?22:38
gsilvaptGood evening everyone. Does anyone know the support channel of Canonical for issues related with the 2FA of Launchpad?22:39
naccgsilvapt: that's probably #launchpad to start, but then maybe one of the canonical channels (see !alis)22:41
naccenergizer: generally yes, with the normal caveats about ppas22:41
energizernacc: ok22:42
gsilvaptI found it. Thanks though, nacc22:44
naccgsilvapt: np22:48
priv344323has anyone seen bazhang?23:01
priv344323he used to be helping here23:02
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mneri\j gradle23:18
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donpetehey guys, does any of you know of a good substitute for IPOD in unbuntu besides clementime,  gktpod and banshee?23:28
coz_donpete, not sure, I never use apple anything23:31
donpeteright on23:31
donpetewhy is that?23:32
coz_donpete, never liked it evenold macOS23:32
coz_donpete,  dont like the over pricing either although I understand why23:32
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