
=== tedg_ is now known as tedg
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stubI've got a version-script that contains 'python3 setup.py -V' in it, which is failing in Launchpad builds with "ImportError: No module named 'setuptools'"04:18
stubDoes anyone know what I need to include to get it working so I don't have to trial and error it?04:19
stubI've tried adding "build-packages: python3-setuptools" to the part04:19
mupPR snapd#5614 closed: interfaces: parallel instances support, extend unit tests <Parallel installs> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5614>05:02
mvomborzecki: did you see the comment from zyga on 5705 ? looks like one govendor add is missing06:04
mborzeckimvo: yup, added it alredy, but i'm checking if fedora package builds fine as i had github.com/kr/{pretty,text} to the spec too06:10
mborzeckimvo: interestingly govendor also lists golang.org/x/sys/unix as an external dep and it's imported by some of the pacakges https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bjKD2dJ93C/ but we do not vendor it, any idea why?06:12
mvomborzecki: hm, in the past we used some older revision of things just to avoid the x/sys/unix06:14
mvomborzecki: the x/sys/unix fails on powerpc so we need to avoid it currently06:14
mborzeckimvo: interestingly, latest master of kr/pretty has go.mod already :)06:32
mupPR snapd#5709 opened: configcore,snapstate: add new core.experimental.snapd-snap option <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5709>06:48
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zygaHello :-)07:03
zygamborzecki: what is go.mod?07:04
pstolowskimvo: hey, is there a way to find what was the revision of core for given git commit id? the commit is from 17th Oct 2016, looking at the debian changelog the closest release was 2.17 on 2nd Nov 2016 (did we have release branches back then? i would need to check if that commit was really included in 2.17)07:04
mborzeckizyga: https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules07:04
mborzeckizyga: go 1.11 thing07:04
mborzeckipstolowski: zyga: and hi :)07:05
zygaAh, interesting07:05
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mvopstolowski: hey, did you see my reply from last night? you can "git checkout release/2.17" and then look into that branch if the commit is in there07:10
mvopstolowski: what git are you looking for?07:10
mvopstolowski: i.e. whats the id?07:10
zygaI think that the separate commit IDs from the vendorized tree are still a thing though so complexity in looking up snapd version to git hash in the repo is still harder07:11
pedronispstolowski: hi, why do you need such an old revision?  I'm probably missing something07:12
mborzecki+ snap install test-snapd-tools test-snapd-control-consumer07:13
mborzeckierror: unable to contact snap store07:13
mborzeckihmm again?07:13
pedronismvo: hi, did you see my new comment in #5703 ?07:16
mupPR snapd#5710 opened:  cmd: support re-exec into the "snapd" snap  <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5710>07:16
mupPR #5703: firstboot: sort by type when installing the firstboot snaps  <Core18> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5703>07:16
mvopedronis: yes, need to look at this but I thought we already sort snapd->core18->kernel->gadget and add the right waits. if thats not the case I need to re-check this07:17
pedronismvo: the sorting is right but as your comment says you don't sort things that are added manually before the loops07:18
pedronismaybe I'm missing something though07:20
mvopedronis: looking, I though thats ok because we already "manually" sort and add the waits but let me double check07:20
pedronismvo: I think the issue shows up only if gadget   has a base !=  model base, which maybe is strange07:21
pedronisbut we need to do something about it either way07:21
mvopedronis: aha, I get the issue now, yes, thats a problem07:21
pedroniseither error or fix the order07:21
mvopedronis: +107:21
mvopedronis: I think I will just error for now07:21
mvopedronis: because its slightly strange to have a gadget base that is not the model base07:21
mvopedronis: we I add a todo that we can reeval this07:21
mvopedronis: sounds sensible?07:21
mvopedronis: cool, thanks again for spotting this :)07:22
pedronismvo: do the new gadgets we made have base: core18 set ?07:23
mvopedronis: they don't have any bases set yet, I think we need to fix this07:23
pedronismvo: probably worth adding a check in image too07:23
* mvo goes and fixes that as well07:23
mvopedronis: yeah07:23
pstolowskipedronis: i wanted to know the range of core revisions that were on patch level 6 (for the patch sublevel PR). on second thought i probably actually only need the current core revision at the time we release the new code07:26
mvopstolowski: what revision is it you are looking for in 2.17?07:26
pedronispstolowski: yes, think so07:27
mborzeckizyga: how's your spreadfmt tool coming along?07:27
pedronisif I understand what we need07:27
mupPR snapd#5711 opened: tests: shellchecks part 8 <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5711>07:28
zygamborzecki: it makes small one time difference but otherwise is useful to apply. I haven’t spent much time on task.yaml, just spread.yaml has look and feel hints07:33
zygaIt is a background task so I open it each time I get stuck on something07:34
mborzeckizyga: haha, same with shellchecks for me :)07:39
mborzeckiok, back to UpdateMany tests07:39
ograhmm ... why do i see /var/lib/snapd/void in my LD_LIBRARY_PATH ?07:56
zygaPerhaps something uses current working directory07:57
pedronispstolowski: revision are different per arch,  5145 is the amd64 revision, but there are higher revision in stable because of other archs07:58
ograit actually seems to come from SNAP_LIBRARY_PATH07:58
pstolowskipedronis: ah /o\07:59
pedronispstolowski: also not sure if we should use stable or cand or beta for the number08:01
pstolowskipedronis: this is going to be a little messy... perhaps we can think of some other way of finding 6.0 level out08:01
pedronispstolowski: worst case we rerun some idempotent patch, no?08:02
pedronisI mean by using somethin higher08:03
pedronispstolowski: btw you can see the info for  all archs and channels with this:  curl -s -H "Snap-Device-Series: 16" https://api.snapcraft.io/v2/snaps/info/core|jq '."channel-map"'08:03
pstolowskipedronis: yes, worst case we re-run an idempotent patch08:07
pstolowski(thanks, that curl hint will be handy)08:08
zygaogra: is it visible with any snap or with a particular one08:14
zygaogra: and what is the working directory where you are trying?08:15
ograzyga, i'm actually in a rather evil setup ;) https://snapcraft.io/wmx-kiosk-session08:16
ograthe working dir by default is $SNAP_DATA and i'm root08:16
ogra(planning to change that to cd to $HOME, but not there yet ... i'm surprised it would have any influence on the lib path)08:17
zygait may though not sure how08:17
zygaI mean08:17
zygawe cd /var/lib/snapd/void in _some_ cases08:18
zygaso perhaps something is using $(pwd)08:18
ograwell, i'm not cd'ed to it ... it is just in SNAP_LIBRARY_PATH08:18
zygaI mean snapd does that for you08:18
zygaif $(pwd) cannot be represented in a snap08:18
ograthe snap starts a daemon app --- which in turn starts a WM on top of mir-kiosk ... and inside that i'm running an xterm08:19
ogra(being root obviously)08:19
ogra(and on ubuntu core)08:19
mupPR snapd#5712 opened: overlord: make InstallMany work like UpdateMany, issuing a single request to get candidates <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5712>08:20
ograit doesnt seem to do any harm btw ... i only noticed it shows up un the lib path variables everywhere08:20
zygathe adb debian package uses runpath!08:23
zygathat's so wierd08:23
zygaI thought rpath-like things were forbidden08:23
ograadb *is* weird ... why should a debian package with it be any better ? :)08:23
zygaogra: is there something like x86_64-linux-gnu in the form of a variable08:26
zygaogra: my snapcraft.yaml is non-portable because of those08:27
mborzeckizyga: #5705 is green now08:27
mupPR #5705: testutil: have File* checker produce more useful error output <Simple> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5705>08:27
ograzyga, didnt mvo add SNAP_ARCH_TRIPLET ? ... oh, wait, thats runtime ... there is SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET for build-time08:27
zygaI don't know, I'll try that08:28
mborzeckipedronis: i'll drop the commits that fiddled with ordering in #5697 and push an update to the test on top if you don't mind08:28
mupPR #5697: overlord/snapstate: fix UpdateMany() to work with parallel instances <Parallel installs> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5697>08:28
pedronismborzecki: ok08:29
mvoogra: I did not, that PR got rejected08:30
zygamborzecki: reviewed08:30
zygamvo: :(08:30
ograzyga, well, then you want some case statement based on SNAP_ARCH in your app wrapper .... one sec, i have a paste08:30
ogra(in case you need it at runtime)08:31
zygaI didn't want to add any wrappers08:31
ograyeah, thats for build time08:31
ograif your app gets along then thats fine08:31
ogra(if you need any subdirs in your lib path that snapcrafts command wrapper doesnt cover, you need an extra wrapper with the above though)08:32
zygayeah but it expands at build time08:32
zygaso that's fine08:32
pedronismvo: lots of red because of problems get gcloud tokens08:33
mvopedronis: hm,hm,is that a gcloud issue or is it on our side somehow?08:34
pedronismvo: actually is tls handshake might be networking somewhere08:35
mborzeckipedronis: and force pushed08:35
pedronismborzecki: ok, will look at it again in a little bit08:37
mborzeckipedronis: thanks08:37
mupPR snapd#5686 closed: overlord/ifacestate: introduce connectOpts <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5686>08:41
zygaok, little by little :-)08:55
mupPR pc-amd64-gadget#9 opened: snapcraft.yaml: add `base: core18` <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/pc-amd64-gadget/pull/9>09:03
mupPR pc-i386-gadget#7 opened: snapcraft.yaml: add `base: core18` <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/pc-i386-gadget/pull/7>09:03
mvozyga: thanks for the approvals09:29
mvozyga: there are more for pi2,3,cm3,dragon09:29
mvozyga: but mup does not pick those up09:29
zygaadb works now09:29
mvozyga: \o/09:29
zygamvo: I'll look now :)09:29
zygaI need to tweak my test snap to start adb as a service09:29
zygabut I can get it to do the right thing out of the box now :)09:30
zygaand the interface is not that scary actually :-)09:30
zygamvo: let me know if there are any I missed please09:45
zygaAug 23 11:43:18 fyke kernel: adb[54153]: segfault at 5564b3a9e000 ip 00007f449172f885 sp 00007ffd7002edf8 error 6 in libcrypto.so.1.0.0[7f44916ca000+219000]09:46
zygacore18 based adb snap09:46
zygait works when I run it as a user command09:46
zygacrashes when I run it as a service (type: forking)09:46
mvozyga: crashes with denials?09:50
zygano, just segvfault09:50
zygathis is all of journal when I install the package:09:51
zygaadb crashes when started as a service https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/PTPzjlyC/09:51
mborzeckianyone using opera snap on ubuntu? does it work?10:09
zygaI used it on Fedora10:09
zygait worked but fonts weren't perfect10:10
zygaespecially "normal" fonts, web fonts were ok10:10
mborzeckizyga: can you install it and check if it works still?10:11
zygalet me figure out why gnome shell is crashing onw10:11
zygaI cannot log in with zsh as my shell10:12
zygaI'll reboot10:12
mborzeckihaha omg :)10:15
zygarebooting fixed it10:15
zyga(I switched back to bash)10:15
zygainstalling opera nonw10:15
mupPR pc-amd64-gadget#9 closed: snapcraft.yaml: add `base: core18` <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/pc-amd64-gadget/pull/9>10:16
mupPR pc-i386-gadget#7 closed: snapcraft.yaml: add `base: core18` <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/pc-i386-gadget/pull/7>10:16
zygamborzecki: yes, it works10:16
mborzeckizyga: can you snap info?10:17
zygasnap info opera https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/qJTN75jk/10:17
mborzeckizyga: can you ls -l /snap/opera/7/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera/opera_sandbox ?10:20
zyga-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 212632 Aug 13 23:04 /snap/opera/7/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera/opera_sandbox10:20
mborzeckizyga: and unsquashfs -ll /var/lib/snapd/snaps/opera_7.snap |grep opera/opera_sandbox10:20
zyga-rwxr-xr-x root/root            212632 2018-08-13 23:04 squashfs-root/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera/opera_sandbox10:22
mborzeckizyga: this is what happens on arch https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BPr6THsF7d/10:23
zygasnap run --shell opera10:23
zygacat /etc/os-release10:23
zygaI wonder if this is related10:23
mborzeckizyga: ubuntu core10:23
zygamagic :)10:24
zygano idea then10:24
mborzeckizyga: well the file is not seuid root so there's that10:25
zygait cannot be setuid root10:25
zygasnaps cannot do that10:25
mborzeckizyga: right, but it complains hard about that here but not on ubuntu (?)10:25
zygayeah, that _is_ odd10:25
zygaand also not on fedora10:25
mborzeckizyga: when have you tried it on fedora? maybe it was some older rev of the snap?10:26
zygaI tried it and it worked10:26
zygasame rev IIRC10:26
mborzeckii'll try chomium from snaps, it also does sandboxing via a helper10:26
mborzeckizyga: well, chromium snap works10:29
mborzeckianyone using fedora/opensuse?10:29
zygaI can boot both10:30
mborzeckizyga: do you have desktop installations? i only have cloud images10:30
zygaI always use desktop versions10:31
mborzeckichromium works fine - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/s2pgFqXNzB/ You are adequately sandboxed.10:31
zygafedora works fine10:32
zygasame revision10:32
zygaI need to fix my suse installation now but I'll let you know10:32
pedronismvo: so review-tools seems not to accept base on a gadget, there are two ways to address this, one is to change them,  the other is to fix the base of the gadget to be the base of the model (that means double checking all places using Base tough)10:53
mvopedronis: yeah, I just saw the rejects10:57
zygainstalling most of opensuse desktop packages back10:57
zygaI wonder what caused zypper to remove pretty much all the packages that it could10:57
zygaI have grub back, installing gnome-shell10:57
mvopedronis: I like option (2), it de-couples the model and the gadget to some extend, i.e. one could use the same pc gadget on core16 and core1810:58
mvopedronis: feels slightly magic but that may not be bad10:58
mvopedronis: also I wonder how much ugliness it adds to the code but hopefully not much, snap run hopefully just needs to learn to handle gadgets specially for hooks10:59
mvopedronis: wdyt?11:00
ograis it actually a code problem ? not just review tools (pushing then through manually should work too, no )11:11
pedronismvo: that sound optimistic , as I said any place doing .Base might have to be considered11:16
mupPR snapd#5711 closed: tests: shellchecks part 8 <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5711>11:18
pedronismvo: we might probably just need to be clever and some central places, but is not a trivial change11:19
pedroniss/and some/in some/11:19
mvopedronis: hm,hm,it sounds like something we should talk about during the standup.11:20
mvopedronis: I guess we need to figure out what feels most "correct"11:20
pedronismvo: there also  some subtle questions like given that is "implicit" should we show in the api or not etc11:21
* mvo nods11:21
pedronisto be clear  I'm not against11:21
mvopedronis: yeah, I'm sitting on the fence11:22
pedronisI just don't think is trivial path to unblock us11:22
pedronisit might be correct but needs thinking/some work11:22
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
mvopedronis: agreed, lets talk during the standup which of the two solutions is best for the users/fits best into the system design and then we go for it :)11:23
* mvo also lunch11:23
ogramvo, with that base: core18 in the gadgets, how do we upload changes for core 16 ?11:29
ogramvo, dont we need separate source trees/branches for the core 16 and 18 ones then ?11:30
pedronisogra: you would need branches corrresponding to tracks, but as we were discussing that was hasty and might need a rediscussion11:30
ograpedronis, well, i was more concerned about the source trees, but i see mvo actually created a branch ... i just didnt see it at first ... so all is fine11:35
ogramaster is still core1611:35
ogra(i dont really care how the sotre later deals with it ... but i want to be able to still push fixes to core16 if needed)11:36
* zyga failed to recover his opensuse installationn11:54
zygagrub works but there's no kernel or initrd11:54
ograkernels are overrated11:57
diddledanwrite your own ;-p11:57
ograin shell !11:57
diddledanI seen someone working on a .NET kernel11:58
diddledanref: https://github.com/mosa/MOSA-Project11:58
zygahey, I found my crash12:00
zygaadb sucks :/12:00
ograwhy would you run it in forking mode anyway ?12:01
zygathat's how it works12:01
* ogra has in fact never seen a snap use daemon: forking yet12:01
zygaI wanted the service separatio12:01
ogradid you at least try with daemon: simple ?12:01
zygait cannot be used this way because adb start-server forks12:02
cachioniemeyer, about the config done in the spread-cron project12:02
cachioniemeyer, is it possible to see how it is done?12:03
cachioniemeyer, because it is forcing us to create a project called "target" and run tests from there12:04
cachiobut for the update the gce images I have some branches which require to do something different12:04
cachioand I can't see where/how this is configured12:05
mvoogra: we have a "18" track for the gadgets already (was that the question?)12:24
mvoogra: and a corresponding code branch but I see you discussed this already12:24
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
ogramvo, yeah, sorry, i only noticed it after asking12:33
zygadab works! :)12:37
zygaadb works12:37
mvoogra: no worries12:37
zygamvo: shall I register "adb" and push a snap there? :)12:38
zygapopey_: ^12:38
zygaI have a working adb snap12:38
popeystupid irc12:40
popeyzyga: does it contain _only_ adb? I know often people will install adb and fastboot and other bits and bobs12:41
zygayes, only adb12:41
popeyCool. you gonna maintain it?12:43
zygano but I can hand it over to $someone12:44
zygaand it requires future snapd to work12:44
popeyahh, worth holding back until you have a maintainer and it works ? :)12:45
mupPR snapd#5713 opened: many: mount namespace mapping for parallel installs of snaps <Parallel installs> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5713>12:50
mborzeckizyga: fun fun ^^12:50
ograit uses layouts ... which is currently painful12:50
ogra(since it means every commit/build needs manual approval)12:51
ograhmm ... weird12:51
ogra$ snap find falkon12:51
ograName    Version  Publisher  Notes  Summary12:51
ografalkon  3.0.1    kde        -      Web Browser12:51
ogra$ snap info falkon12:51
ograerror: no snap found for "falkon"12:51
* ogra pokes the store with a long pointy stick12:52
ograhttps://snapcraft.io/falkon has it though12:52
zygamborzecki: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5713/files#r21229652812:52
mupPR #5713: many: mount namespace mapping for parallel installs of snaps <Parallel installs> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5713>12:52
niemeyercachio: Let's get that fixed later today12:53
cachioniemeyer, sure, thanks12:53
mborzeckizyga: hahah omg, yeah12:53
mborzeckizyga: idk, maybe we could just pass $HOME and drop that silly part mauling SNAP_INSTANCE_USER_DATA, wdyt?12:54
zygacan you give me an example of how that would look like?12:54
zygasorry for silly questions12:54
mborzeckinah, $HOME is silly12:57
zygamvo: is this TODO done now? I think it is but I wanted to check: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5713/files#diff-57dc34ab6f4bf9730b356d0439daa0fdR30512:57
mupPR #5713: many: mount namespace mapping for parallel installs of snaps <Parallel installs> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5713>12:57
sergiusenszyga, popey: I bet the ubports folks wouldn't mind adding it to their installer snap as an implementation detail12:58
mborzeckizyga: ok, we could use SNAP_REVISION and SNAP_INSTANCE_NAME, and work with this to get to /home/joe/snap12:58
mborzeckizyga: those are set by snap run12:58
zygasergiusens: the interface work I'm doing is specifically for ubuports12:58
sergiusenszyga: is this generic hotplug for usb or very specific to adb/fastboot?12:59
zygasergiusens: it's specific to adb/fastboot but it doesn't handle hot plug as you might think (by creating new interfaces), instead it can talk to hot-plugged usb devices corresponding to a built-in list of known vendors13:00
mborzeckizyga: got this locally: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sgdyy3XqwX/13:08
zygathe infamous mount error13:42
zygacollect anything you can think of13:42
zygaand add that to the forum thread13:42
zygaman, that's interesting!13:42
zygamvo: reviewed the shorter one13:42
zygamvo: I'll do the next one after eating lunch13:42
mborzeckizyga: heh, there's literally nothing to collect, journal has 'protocol' error and nothing more13:43
zygalook for two things:13:43
zygadmesg logs IO error - check which loop devices are logged13:43
mborzeckizyga: btw. i was installing 2 snaps `snap install hello-world_foo hello-world_bar`, one got installed :P13:43
zygadd the loop devices (all if you have space)13:43
mborzeckizyga: yeah, nothing in dmesg either13:43
pedronismvo: about the snapd snap type, maybe the easiest thing is to create a short forum post about the needs for it and point people to that13:43
zygaand compare them to reference images13:44
pedroniss/people/relevant people/13:44
zygaare the loop devices corrupt?13:44
zygamborzecki: I'm starving so I'll go now but please don't unmount, don't reboot13:44
zygadd the loopback devices13:44
zygacollect losetup data13:44
mvopedronis: sounds good13:45
mborzeckizyga: heh, can reproduce it `while true; do sudo snap install hello-world_foo hello-world_bar hello-world_baz && sudo snap remove hello-world_foo hello-world_bar hello-world_baz || break; done`13:46
pedronismvo: I'm creating it13:55
mvopedronis: thanks for that13:56
pedronismvo: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/new-snap-type-snapd/702113:59
mvopedronis: ta13:59
mborzeckizyga: heh, i'm stracing systemd, obviously this doesn't happen, the mment i stop strace, boom14:01
zygamborzecki: that's interesting14:06
zygaI need to go to the post office to pick up a package14:06
zygaI'll break for some time now, then be back14:06
mupPR snapcraft#2223 opened: snap: prepare override scripts to allow rebuilding <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2223>14:09
zygare :)14:26
pedronismvo: btw about transitioning to the new snapd type remember that we store it also in "snaps" SnapState14:28
mupPR snapd#5705 closed: testutil: have File* checker produce more useful error output <Simple> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5705>14:36
* niemeyer is back, and happy.. all sorted14:40
mvoniemeyer: \o/14:41
zygamvo: about 5710, is it already safe to remove ubuntu-core support?14:48
zygaWhile it will be older some of our tests may repackage it14:49
mvozyga: in a meeting right now. I think it is because this is re-exec and I can't think why we ever wanted to re-exec into a *new* ubuntu-core snap14:49
mvozyga: I mean, we don't make new ones of these anymore14:49
* zyga resumes reading14:49
zygamvo: LGTM except a/core/system/ on config access (unless you disagree)14:56
=== Trevinho is now known as Trevinyo
=== Trevinyo is now known as Trevinho
=== Trevinho is now known as Trevi
=== Trevi is now known as MarcoTrevisan
=== MarcoTrevisan is now known as Trevinho
=== Trevinho is now known as _3v1n0_
=== _3v1n0_ is now known as Trevinho
mvozyga: thank you, looking15:18
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
cachiomvo, hey, I see this error in the snapd-vendor branch on spread cron17:15
cachioany idea if something changes on the launchpad project?17:16
cjwatsonMore likely the ~snappy-m-o user17:18
cjwatson~snappy-m-o was suspended yesterday17:19
cjwatsonSee https://rt.admin.canonical.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=10884217:19
cjwatsonContact IS17:19
cjwatson(And somebody who actually still works for Canonical will need to take over as the bot's owner)17:19
cjwatsonThough one thing I'd say there ... that repository is public.  What's the point of cloning it over SSH, assuming this is a read-only operation?  You could just do "git clone https://git.launchpad.net/snapd-vendor ..." instead17:25
cjwatson(Maybe you need that account for other reasons, I don't know)17:26
popeyi enabled debug in /etc/environment, and now I have disabled it and restarted snapd, i still get debug output. How to I completely disable the DEBUG lines?17:26
jdstrandmvo: hi! it seems that pc-i386-18, pc-amd64-18, dragonboard-18, pi2-18, cm3-18 and pi3-18 all need approvals and updates for the review tools?17:27
zygajdstrand: hey17:51
zygajdstrand: I think so though I think mvo and pedronis came up with some other idea17:52
zygajdstrand: do you think you will have time to look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5307 today?17:52
mupPR #5307: cmd,interfaces,tests: add /mnt to removable-media interface <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5307>17:52
pedronisjdstrand: we are not sure we are going to pursue attaching explicitly bases to gadget right now17:57
pedronisjdstrand: they can be rejected I think atm, need mvo really17:57
jdstrandzyga, pedronis (cc mvo): ok, I just saw the rejections so asked17:57
jdstrandzyga: maybe? it is on the list and I hope to burn down it a bit today17:58
anarcatafter upgrading from debian stretch to debian buster, i'm seeing this error when starting a snap (signal-desktop): snap-confine has elevated permissions and is not confined but should be. Refusing to continue to avoid permission escalation attacks18:17
zygaanarcat: hello18:21
mvojdstrand: yeah, please ignore the "base: core18" on the gadgets for now, we will discuss this tomorrow/early next week. sorry for the noise here18:21
mvocachio: uh, hmm18:21
zygaanarcat: that's interesting, do you have /etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine* ?18:21
mvocachio: could you try what colin suggested and just clone using a read-only connection?18:22
mvocachio: oh, nevermind18:22
mvocachio: I think the problem is that it first is cloned and then updated/commited :/18:22
cachiomvo, I just saw the cjwatson comments18:23
cachiomvo, we need to commit18:24
cachioand push18:24
cachiocjwatson, sorry for the delay, why it was suspended?18:25
mvocachio: hm,hm,we just need it for the deb building18:25
* mvo scratches head18:25
anarcatzyga: checking18:41
anarcatzyga: there is /etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine.real18:41
cachiozyga, I see this denial running a test with uses cifs-mount interface [ 4721.716187] audit: type=1400 audit(1535049578.061:44): apparmor="DENIED" operation="exec" profile="snap.test-snapd-cifs-mount.sh" name="/bin/mount" pid=2417 comm="sh" requested_mask="x" denied_mask="x" fsuid=0 ouid=018:41
cachiozyga, is something else required apart of the plug/slot connection?18:42
zygaanarcat: ok, can you check if the profile is loaded, run aa-status18:42
zyga(as root)18:43
zygacachio: I don't remember, let me check18:43
anarcat55 profiles are in enforce mode.18:43
zygaanarcat: can you look for "snap-confine" there please18:44
anarcat[...] /usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine, /usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine//mount-namespace-capture-helper, /usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine//snap_update_ns...18:44
cachiozyga, I am running this18:44
cachiowith the interface connected18:44
anarcatzyga: it's under the "enforce mode" line18:44
zygaanarcat: that looks okay18:44
cachioand get the denial18:44
cachioif I run the mount command directly it works18:44
zygaanarcat: do you see a profile that looks like "/snap/core/$NUMBER/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine"?18:44
anarcatzyga: a profile? in aa-status?18:45
zygaanarcat: yes,18:45
anarcatzyga: here's the full list: https://ptpb.pw/TwrM18:45
zygasnap-confine has multiple profiles (it's complex)18:45
anarcatzyga: and the answer is no, i don't18:45
zygaand you may need both, depending on the circumstances18:45
anarcatwell that thing used to just work before buster :)18:45
zygadoes "snap list | grep core" show that core is installed?18:45
anarcatyes, core            16-2.34.3  5145  stable    canonical     core18:46
anarcat/usr/bin/snap info core18:47
anarcatoops, wrong win18:47
* zyga thinks18:47
anarcati'm not sure that matters, but i have ~/bin/snap that's my screenshot tool that sometimes override snap depending on the path18:47
zygathat should not be a factor18:47
anarcatindeed, renaming it doesn't fix the problem18:47
zygasnapd should have compiled a profile for the core snap18:48
zygait manifests itself as a new file in /etc/apparmor.d/18:48
zygathat looks like snap.core.$NUMBER.usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine18:48
anarcatno such file18:48
zygaif that file is missing snapd has probably decided not to enable apparmor for some reason18:48
zygacan you run "snap debug snadbox-features"18:48
zygaanarcat: interesting, I think there's a bug in snapd18:49
zygaanarcat: I need to check18:49
* anarcat grumbles18:49
zygaanarcat: it's late, can you jump in tomorrow18:49
anarcatthis is snapd 2.30-5+b1 in debian buster18:50
anarcatfor sure18:50
anarcati can grep around the debian bugtracker as well18:50
zygaanarcat: note that the version of the debian package is not that critical18:50
anarcatdebsums: changed file /usr/share/dbus-1/services/io.snapcraft.Launcher.service (from snapd package)18:50
zygaanarcat: as you will see "snap version"18:50
zygashows more recent version18:50
zygathe version of the core snap matters more here18:51
zygabut it's clearly not working as expected18:51
anarcati guess i could file this as a regression in the snapd package on debian, in any case?18:51
zygacan you run "snap version" and paste hat18:51
zygaso that I can cross ref that tomorrow and not forget18:51
zygaI have installations of various debian versions and I should be able to reproduce this18:51
zygathank you18:55
* zyga updates 18:57
* cachio afk19:00
sergiusensplars, joc:  just in case https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/call-for-testing-snapcraft-2-43/702419:14
anarcatzyga: could this be because snap-confine is suid root?19:16
zygait's a security feature we've built in19:16
mupPR snapcraft#2221 closed: spread: stop running catkin tests on 18.10 <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2221>19:30
cjwatsoncachio: I explained why it was suspended in the lines immediately following where I said that it had been suspended ...19:31
cjwatson18:19 <cjwatson> See https://rt.admin.canonical.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=10884219:31
cjwatson18:19 <cjwatson> Contact IS19:31
cjwatson18:19 <cjwatson> (And somebody who actually still works for Canonical will need to take over as the bot's owner)19:31
cjwatsonWe can't have bot accounts lying around with no human owner who can be responsible for them19:32
cjwatsonSo this is the LP account equivalent of pulling the plug to see who complains and who thus might make a good new owner :-)19:32
plarssergiusens: thanks, our tests already detected it and ran about 2 hours ago. Everything looked good for us19:54
cachiocjwatson, ok, I'll discuss tomorrow about who should be reponsible for that20:09
cachiocjwatson, thanks for the explanation20:09
zygaanarcat: I updated my installation, trying to reproduce now20:12
zygaanarcat: I am on 4.17.0-3-amd64 kernel but otherwise the same20:12
zygaanarcat: I have /etc/apparmor.d/snap.core.5145.usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine20:13
zygaanarcat: can you please provide me with snapd logs, "sudo journalctl -u snapd.service" should be it20:14
sergiusensplars: nice, if you haven't already and do not mind, a comment on the forum post would be nice20:15
plarssergiusens: sure20:15
anarcatzyga: sure, hold on20:17
zygathank you20:17
anarcatzyga: http://paste.debian.net/1039060/20:17
zygaaoû 22 15:28:06 curie snapd[1189]: 2018/08/22 15:28:06.844606 backend.go:303: cannot create host snap-confine apparmor configuration: cannot synchronize snap-confine apparmor profile: open /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/snap-confine.core.5145.dDP25MCqBC0L~: no such file or directory20:18
zygathat's the bug20:18
zygacan you ls /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/20:18
anarcatzyga: http://paste.debian.net/1039061/20:20
zygahmm hmm20:20
zygaok, can you try this please20:20
zygasudo systemctl stop snapd.{socket, service}20:20
zygasudo /usr/lib/snapd/snapd20:21
zyga(this will run snapd in the foreground)20:21
zygadid it print the same error?:20:21
zygaabout "cannot synchronise snap-confine apparmor profile"20:21
anarcatsignal-desktop fails the same way20:21
anarcatsnapd output: http://paste.debian.net/1039062/20:22
anarcatno error from sudo snapd20:22
zygaok, ctrl-c to have it exit20:22
zygasudo rm /var/lib/snapd/system-key20:22
zygaand re-start snapd in the foregground20:22
zygasystem-key is a cache of input factors that affect security profiles20:22
zygaremoving it just makes snapd re-generate those20:23
zyga(system-key contains kernel version, snapd version, etc)20:23
anarcat2018/08/23 16:23:31.104021 helpers.go:119: error trying to compare the snap system key: system-key missing on disk20:23
zygaright, that's ok20:23
anarcatsignal-desktop starts20:23
zyga(that's expected)20:23
anarcatat least it's trying20:23
zygacan you check if /etc/apparmor.d now contains that other profile (snap.core.$number.usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine*)20:24
zygaI think we fixed it for you but the origin of the error is unclear20:24
anarcatit of course needs to load a N'th copy of a gigantic virtual machine that masquerades as a web browser (aka Electron AKA Chrome)20:24
anarcat/etc/apparmor.d does n't have snap.core.$number.usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine*20:25
zygayou can probably ctrl-c snapd and restart the socket and the service (sudo systemctl start snapd.{socket,service})20:25
zygabut ...20:25
zygabut snap applications now work?20:25
zygaany output from journald?20:25
anarcatnot bad eh?20:25
zygaany errors?20:25
zygait's actually still bad20:25
anarcatnothing peculiar20:26
zygawe should have got /etc/apparmod.d/snap.core.5145.usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine20:26
zygaI meant /etc/apparmor.d/20:26
anarcatmaybe there's a different search path on debian?20:26
zygacan you check using sudo aa-status if the profile is loaded20:26
zygano, it's exactly the same AFAIR20:26
zygaI mean20:26
anarcatyes, it's loaded20:26
zygaI see it on my Sid installation20:26
zygaso it's loaded but it's not in /etc/apparmor.d?20:26
zygacan you check if /etc/apparmor.d has some odd permissions?20:27
zygahmm, that's correct20:27
zygasorry :D20:27
zygait's all good20:27
zygayou are right20:27
zygaplease look at /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles20:27
zygayou should see snap-confine.core.514520:27
zygawe moved it!20:27
zygaand we didn't clean up the old spot20:27
zygaso I have it because I updated (and it worked for me for some reason)20:28
zygaand on your system you didn't have it but the profile was loaded non the less :)20:28
zygabecause it is stored in other place20:28
zygaok, that's good20:28
zygaas a final check you could try to reboot20:28
zygaand re-check with sudo aa-status20:28
zygato ensure it's still loaded20:28
anarcatugh, reboot20:28
zygaif not we can inspect the loading logic20:28
zygato see if it is buggy20:28
zygaperhaps it was there all along20:29
zygabut was not loaded20:29
anarcatthis exists now /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/snap-confine.core.514520:29
zygaand just got loaded by snapd when we removed the system-key from your machine20:29
zygaanarcat: ok, please stay in touch if this persists as an issue20:31
zygaanarcat: and thank you for using snaps :)20:31
anarcatof course!20:31
anarcati promise to reboot soon, but i have some work to complete first20:31
anarcatthank you very much for your help!20:31
anarcatshould this be filed as a bug somewhere?20:32
zygaanarcat: if you want please write a new thread about this on the forum20:32
zygaanarcat: especially include the error message you pasted20:32
zygaanarcat: and that you upgraded20:33
zygaanarcat: perhaps something in the upgrade process is broken20:33
zygaor our assumptions about system key were insufficient20:33
zyga(system-key is meant to fix issues like this)20:33
zygaanarcat: the forum is on forum.snapcraft.io, we prefer it instead of bug reports as it is more encouraging to engage than traditional bug trackers for some people20:34
* anarcat shrugs20:36
zygathank you :)20:36
anarcatcommented there before, in https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snapped-firefox-unable-to-use-smart-card/5719/5?u=anarcat20:37
anarcatbut thanks to the upgrade, i don't need a snap for firefox anymore :)20:37
anarcatwell at least not on this machine, on the buggy machine i still do :/20:37
zygathank you :)20:44
mupPR snapd#5714 opened: tests: new test for cifs-mount interface <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5714>21:35

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