
CGML22* b a n t o w n * b a n t o w n * b a n t o w n *01:48
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SerpentSpeech                 ___________________06:02
ricotzfossfreedom, hello, do you have a moment? fyi https://launchpad.net/%7Ericotz/+archive/ubuntu/cosmic-vala-42/+sourcepub/9352332/+listing-archive-extra08:14
ricotzis the essence of https://github.com/solus-project/budgie-desktop/issues/501 still the goal of the project?08:14
lino|             _.--"""""--._11:36
Drego_UPHello ;)15:18
rubdos9                               _____________________16:38
rubdos9                   /|  /| |   |                     |16:38
rubdos9                   ||__|| |   |       DO NOT        |16:38
Guest17312 *p e n i s b i r d p e n i s b i r d *18:40
mdukAh. A small channel, awesome. I'd better introduce myself then. Hi, I'm Dan. I'm a software developer in London, GB and have only recently started using ubuntu budgie and been very impressed. I really miss i3 though so I'm looking to get some integration on. :D18:45
PrettyKittie19|         ___  _____20:41
PrettyKittie19|     .'/,-Y"     "~-.20:41
PrettyKittie19|    l.Y             ^.20:41

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