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acheronuktjaalton: hi. is there likely to be a bionic update with this added -dev package? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxcb/1.13-209:38
tjaaltonacheronuk: possibly09:39
tjaaltonI can upload it and see what happens09:42
acheronuktsimonq2: just wondered. the only place I might need it so far is our (Kubuntu's) backports PPA, so I could always build that revision in there if push comes to shove09:42
acheronuktjaalton I mean09:43
tjaaltonacheronuk: but would help if you'd modify #1777994 and add the sru header with the rationale09:43
Riddellinfinity: hola, me and acheronuk are trying to look into a problem in ubiquity in bionic.  a console-setup update makes it skip keyboard & wireless pages.  consistent in ubuntu and kubuntu10:53
Riddellinfinity: this seems to be the problem change http://launchpadlibrarian.net/382474004/console-setup_1.178ubuntu2.4_1.178ubuntu2.5.diff.gz10:53
Riddellinfinity: would you know what's up with it? my bash isn't good enough to read that10:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1788597 in console-setup (Ubuntu) "ubiquity broken with console-setup 1.178ubuntu2.5" [Undecided,New]11:05
ahasenacktjaalton: sorry, I don't know about tomcat812:14
tjaaltonahasenack: no worrie12:26
ahasenacktjaalton: just synced sssd: [ubuntu/cosmic-proposed] sssd 1.16.3-1 (Accepted)12:26
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
seb128cyphermox, hey, could you push you n-m upload from july to the packaging vcs?13:36
cyphermoxseb128: done14:02
seb128cyphermox, thx!14:02
Odd_BlokeI was just emailed about my membership in an upload team (~ubuntu-cloud-uploaders) expiring; what's the process to get it extended?14:58
ahasenackdoko: around?14:58
ahasenackdoko: I think the orig tarball for paramiko 2.4.1 was incorrectly packaged14:58
ahasenackdoko: the dep8 failures are due to missing *.pub files in tests/cert_support14:59
ahasenackwhich are there in the upstream 2.4.1 targz: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/GKgxv64t2K/14:59
xnoxOdd_Bloke, click the link in the email?14:59
xnoxshould be self-service14:59
* xnox almost expired out of core-dev like that15:00
Odd_BlokeNo link: "To prevent this membership from expiring, you should contact the team's administrator, Ubuntu Developer Membership Board (developer-membership-board)."  Should I just email the ML?15:00
jbichaOdd_Bloke: yes, please email the list, we probably want to change that setting to allow self-renewal like other teams15:03
Odd_BlokeAck, will do.15:03
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xnoxOdd_Bloke, yeah, looks buggy15:08
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ahasenackdoko: others: hi, this fixes the paramiko dep8 failures in cosmic-proposed: https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/+source/paramiko/+git/paramiko/+merge/35366016:56
ahasenackif someone could give it a review, I can then upload the package16:56
ahasenack(team policy: need a +1 before uploading)16:57
=== RAOF is now known as Guest10613
psusijbicha: why is dh_translations used in Ubuntu but not Debian?18:18
psusiI put that part back and think I'm ready to upload18:19
jbichapsusi: because Ubuntu uses language packs and Debian does not. dh_translations doesn't exist in Debian18:23
psusijbicha: that doesn't mean Debian is English only does it?  Is the difference that in Debian, all translations for each package are shipped with that package all the time, but in Ubuntu, we collect translations from all packages and put them into a language pack for each language that contains translations for all packages for that language?18:50
tumbleweedpretty much. Except, not all packages, just main, I think?18:51
psusihrm... kind of a sucky tradeoff eh?  you either get translations for packages you don't have installed, or you get translations for languages you don't speak...18:51
psusiand I guess Ubuntu thinks the former is better and Debian the latter?18:52
tumbleweedit's not like they're that enormous18:52
tumbleweedbut I think this was an optimization to get CD sizes down18:52
psusihrm... which seems to be less of a concern these days...18:53
mdeslaurthat wasn't really the motivation18:53
mdeslaurin Ubuntu, translation teams can translate software using launchpad18:53
psusiohh, and the langpack can be updated without having to rebuild the package?18:54
tumbleweedah, right18:54
jbichapackages in main are quite a bit more likely to have patches that add or modify translatable strings18:54
psusiand debian doesn't accept translations that aren't in the upstream package?18:54
mdeslaurthe langpack is based on launchpad translations, so software that has incomplete upstream translations can get improved18:54
tumbleweedpsusi: debian has no objection with that (but individual package maintainers can have weird objections)18:55
jbichait's just difficult to coordinate translations for patches without using something like Launchpad18:55
psusiright... and they don't do that, so it's up to each maintainer to patch the package with new translations and rebuild the package18:55
psusiI see now18:55
jbichaI have seen some GNOME patches we carry in Ubuntu that Debian can't really take because the extra feature would not easily be translated in Debian18:56
jbichaGNOME bug 737362 is one example18:57
ubottuGnome bug 737362 in Privacy "Privacy panel is missing switch to disable captive portal detection" [Normal,Reopened] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=73736218:57
jbichathat bug is especially frustrating 😩18:59
psusihey, isn't it a problem using pbuilder in debian for uploading?  doesn't debuild -S make one .changes file and pbuilder makes another for the binary, but deian wants you to dput a single .changes file with source and binary?19:00
jbichayou should do a https://wiki.debian.org/SourceOnlyUpload19:01
psusiahh, they did start taking source only, good19:01
tumbleweedalso, mergechanges19:02

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