
Volundman do I love apt and snap00:02
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sakhdHello. Is it possible to limit the count of stored system notifications?00:21
sakhdIn Ubuntu many notifications (100 and more) start to load processor rather hard00:22
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argusbrcat tudo.gringos.db |grep \.net(?:[:\/]|$) how to use regex in grep command??00:25
Sven_vBwhich metric should I monitor to get advance warning of soon to be expected "No buffer space available"?00:25
xamithanYou mean extended ?00:25
xamithangrep -E00:26
xamithan-G is basic,  but you could use man grep00:27
leftyfbSven_vB: if you're reaching that, you're doing something wrong00:29
Sven_vBleftyfb, yeah I'm currently trying to investigate what could cause that problem.00:30
leftyfbSven_vB: where are you running into it?00:31
xamithanpoorly written software00:31
leftyfbxamithan: it could be poor hardware as well00:31
xamithanCould be,  but you'd notice other issues if its that (usually)00:31
Sven_vBleftyfb, happens on my mail server. I was thinking to use the advance metric to login while SSH still works, then collect evidence of what's going on.00:32
Sven_vB*advance warning00:32
xamithanYou can grab stats from /proc/net but I'd have no idea what numbers are normal other than zero00:32
leftyfbSven_vB: When do you see this happening on your mail server? When you send mail using mailx? Receiving mail? Sending via imap? Pinging something?00:33
leftyfbSven_vB: do you have a log with this error?00:33
Sven_vBleftyfb, I see it in my syslog like "postfix/smtpd[32576]: fatal: socket: No buffer space available". also I think I saw it earlier from my SSH client when SSH was dead but not too rotten yet.00:35
leftyfbSven_vB: https://www.mail-archive.com/freebsd-hackers@freebsd.org/msg20232.html   tried that?00:36
Sven_vBnope, I'll have a look. thanks!00:37
leftyfbSven_vB: how reproducable is this?00:37
leftyfbSven_vB: if it happens daily/hourly, then is it possible to try a different network card and cable and port on your router/switch?00:37
Sven_vBit happens reliably at least once per week, but I haven't managed to predict the exact date/time yet. it probably depends on how eagerly the spammers try hitting my smtpd.00:38
Sven_vBnope, it's a rented virtual server.00:38
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:39
Sven_vB"sysctl -a |& grep -Fe maxsock" prints nothing. shouldn't there be previous values for kern.ipc.maxsockbuf and kern.ipc.maxsockets?00:44
Sven_vBrander3, hi :)00:44
naccSven_vB: it hasn't been /proc/sys/kern for some time00:57
naccSven_vB: actually, wait, i think that's a bsd-ism00:59
nacci think the equiv is /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max00:59
mountains-VRThoughts on 128-bit encryption vs 256-bit for websites?01:03
xamithan256 unless you hosting on a really really old CPU01:04
mountains-VRSo why does a major website like Amazon use just 128-bit?01:04
mountains-VRThey have so many resources available to them it's unbelievable, yet they choose 128.01:05
mountains-VRIs this because even 128-bit is overkill?01:05
xamithanI think they use 128 for the reason they do have tons of resources01:06
mountains-VRHow does that make sense?01:06
xamithanFrom quora: at one billion attempts per second of brute-force.  it would take 5,783,128,169,837,158,197,871 years to break 128-bit01:06
mountains-VRSo even 128-bit is overkill, no?01:06
mountains-VRBecause the web requests are happening in a fraction of second.01:07
xamithanNah,  because below 128 you got 5601:07
mountains-VRThere's no way 128-bit could be compromised, right?01:07
xamithanand 56 can be broken in about a year01:07
mountains-VRSo I wonder why so many websites are using 256-bit. Just because?01:08
xamithanBecause its available,  same reason people use ubuntu cosmic cuttlefish right now01:08
naccmountains-VR: totally offtopic for this channel01:08
naccmountains-VR: you can use #ubuntu-offtopic or any number of other channels01:09
=== kiril is now known as Guest10406
Guest10406Hello all people01:10
Guest10406How are you doing01:10
naccGuest10406: do you have an ubuntu support question?01:11
yaomtcI can upgrade a package with `apt-get upgrade <package>' and it shows a bunch of new packages that will be installed, after having added a couple PPAs. However, "dist-upgrade" and "upgrade" show no packages. Zero?!01:11
naccyaomtc: is that package currently installed?01:12
yaomtcMore specifically I added the padoka PPA from Paulo Dias for the latest Mesa and LLVM.01:12
yaomtcnacc: yes, currently libgl1-mesa-dev is at 18.0.0 rc501:13
yaomtcMesa 18.3 is offered from the PPA01:13
naccyaomtc: can you pastebin the output?01:13
naccyaomtc: of various commands and the corresponding `apt-cache policy <pkgname>` ?01:14
Sven_vBnacc, thanks. that explains why I get mostly BSD threads with my search engine. :)01:14
naccSven_vB: yw01:15
Sven_vBthat one has 3 values however: net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096        87380   419430401:15
Sven_vBoh, nah, net.core.rmem_max = 133120. that looks quite high already.01:16
=== Jorge is now known as Guest35483
yaomtcnacc: Oh. I didn't do that, but here it is anyway: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/fFGGRr7xwq/01:17
yaomtcI'll test the policy thing now01:17
zer0Can you see my IP?01:17
zer0I used irc for the first time.01:18
yaomtcnacc: here we go. https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/RG8JtbHDNT/01:18
rander3someone know as install vnc server ?01:20
A|anHow can I fix this: when I click Trash, VLC opens.01:26
A|anBTW, running ubuntu mate01:27
de-factois there any way to disable those extremely annoying popup notifications in gnome shell?01:28
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pragmaticenigmade-facto: there are a lot of applications that provide notifications... can you be more specific?01:31
de-factothe gnome shell popup notifications on the top of the screen/any application (even fullscreen ones)01:32
de-factoi never ever want to see those popups, regardless of their origin01:33
de-factoits extremely annoying, i get a message that my mouse battery is empty every few minutes01:33
yaomtcnacc: oh that package isn't actually installed. Huh.01:38
yaomtc"Installed: (none)" yeah... that would explain it01:39
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yaomtcfalse alarm, I'm a dummy01:42
pragmaticenigmade-facto: the problem is, it isn't one place to turn those off from. Gnome provides a "hook" that other applications can leverage to show alerts. So what you may need to do is look at power management to turn off notifications there. And other applications that you are using01:42
de-factopragmaticenigma, the problem is that i already tried to disable all notifications in settings, yet gnome does not seem to care about that too much. can i uninstall gnome popup support globally somehow?01:44
pragmaticenigmade-facto: no, it's integrated deeply into Gnome Shell01:45
de-factolike applications send notfications, yet they wont get displayed ever, so effectivily end up in a black hole01:45
de-factothats unfortunate that those gnome developers dont think about how their interface is used in daily life01:46
de-factocan i delete some file to break this functionality from gnome?01:46
pragmaticenigmade-facto: again, no, it's built into the Gnome Desktop program... there aren't components that you can just add and remove like legos01:47
Delviende-facto: you have other options.01:48
pragmaticenigmaThe team the develops Gnome have taken a well known stance the "customization" ins't in their interest.01:48
pragmaticenigmade-facto: The best option is to fine a Desktop Environment that allows you to customize the notifications, or respects your preferences. KDE, is another widely used environmnet. LXDE and XFCE are two others that are lighter weight, use less system resources and all three suggestions have better mechanisms for managing notifications01:49
pragmaticenigmadefkult: part of the problem I see in researching a solution for you, is Gnome devs have changed the location, settings, and other features that might turn on and off the notifications. Each update seems to be an attempt to circumvent what other people have found to work. It's a cat and mouse game that means you will forever be trying to stop those notifications01:50
pragmaticenigmawoops. defkult sorry to tag you... that was meant for de-facto01:51
DelvienI use KDE with i3. myself, perfectly balanced. As all desktop should be01:51
de-factoyes i looked into those, yet i got used to the gnome applications/environment. Though I do have to admit its not the first time it annoyed me quite a bit that the gnome team just wont provide basic options to make their DE useable. i dont even ask for customizations, just control the basics to an extend that it functions currectly01:52
Delviengnome environment is "babies first DE" its terrible imo and ubuntu should have gone with KDE, imo.01:53
de-factoand i googled already, and im not the first one annoyed by it. there is an extension, yet it just does not feel right to "fix" gnome everytime with another extension01:53
CrawldragonWell, it's alright for people who know next to nothing about computers or Unix systems.01:54
Delvienright, hence "baby's first"01:54
CrawldragonI still would have preferred something a little more professional.  As it is a lot of Linux/BSD desktop environments are really in love with the awful dock system that Mac computers are using.01:54
CrawldragonGod forbid a computer have a Start menu anymore.01:55
DelvienKDE is your flavor then.01:55
Delvienor XFCE with the dock off.01:55
CrawldragonThanks, I was actually just about to check both of those out.01:56
CrawldragonLXDE is pretty good too.01:56
DelvienLXDE is too lightweight for its own good, its missing some core features. Unless you are running on crap hardware, there is no reason to run it.01:58
CrawldragonDuly noted.01:58
Delvienhonestly, KDE if you are looking for a feature rich DE, and one that doesnt look like its made for kids.02:00
Delvien#kubuntu is the channel for support if u have any kde questions while running ubuntu, if you do.02:01
hfpProbably a dumb question, but how do I find an explanation for a package's purpose? For example this one: https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/gnome/update-notifier-common doesn't really explain what it's actually about.02:02
pragmaticenigmade-facto: the extensions are how it is expected to "fix" gnome or rather "customize" the features you desire. it feels hackish, because it is. many of us here, make it a priority to keep things as vanilla as possible, to avoid conflicts within programs. Extensions, themes and other customizations can and often do have an unintended results. which is why no one here suggested them02:03
Bashing-omhfp: ' apt show <package> ' .02:03
pragmaticenigmahfp: Because the name more or less implies it's purpose... Its the core libraries used for the Ubuntu update program, that handles upgrades to the next release of Ubuntu02:04
pragmaticenigma!info ubuntu-notifier-common02:05
ubottuPackage ubuntu-notifier-common does not exist in bionic02:05
pragmaticenigma!info ubuntu-notifier-common xenial02:05
ubottuPackage ubuntu-notifier-common does not exist in xenial02:05
hfp!info update-notifier-common02:05
ubottuupdate-notifier-common (source: update-notifier): Files shared between update-notifier and other packages. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 156 kB, installed size 1378 kB02:05
* pragmaticenigma ... oops ...02:06
pragmaticenigma!info update-notifier xenial02:06
ubottuupdate-notifier (source: update-notifier): Daemon which notifies about package updates. In component main, is optional. Version 3.168.9 (xenial), package size 47 kB, installed size 201 kB02:06
hfpSo this package notifies the user when a new Ubuntu release is available? That's all? Why is it required for unattended-upgrades according to the wiki then? (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticSecurityUpdates)02:06
de-factopragmaticenigma, yes i know, thats why gnome itself should provide at least the basic settings itself without extensions. well it wont with makes it bad in my humble opinion.02:07
pragmaticenigmahfp: not exactly... that is just a summary. there are components within that application and library that unattended upgrades relies on... including when a user must be notified for specific updates (usually kernel or version changes)02:07
pragmaticenigmade-facto: your argument is valid, and shared by many02:08
pragmaticenigmade-facto: I switched to KDE (Kubuntu) with 18.04 as I wanted to use my desktop as 90% of other desktops are. Gnome's next ace is to remove desktop shortcuts... should be lots of fun02:08
de-factoit alwas makes me think i overlooked something obvious, hence i asked here.02:09
Belialthere's an extension to reenable the desktop shortcuts for gnome.02:09
duoifor some reason i cant see any wifi options in settings02:09
Belialso basically, another extension to add back normal functionality.02:09
duoii cant see wlan-anything on ifconfig02:10
duoicant see anything on rfkill list all02:10
duoiiwlist scan only shows ethernet02:10
duoican anyone help me to try get the wifi going?02:10
duoilspci shows the wifi card, but thats the only reference anywhere02:11
duoi06:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries BCM43142 802.11b/g/n (rev 01)02:11
pragmaticenigmade-facto: the most common complaint we see here is the date/time at the top of the desktop. It is hardcoded to the develoepr's personal locale, which doesn't match a lot of other user's.02:12
pragmaticenigmagoes to show, that even the tiniest features find annoyance with others.02:12
CrawldragonWait, so the time zone can't be changed on the GNOME taskbar?02:13
duoihmm could be secure boot02:13
damianhey guys, wondering if someone could help me with Samba! i just did a release upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04.1 and since then whenever i try to connect to a samba share it just asks me for the password.. tried everything!02:14
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damianas in all combinations of passwords02:14
pragmaticenigmaduoi: Broadcom drivers are very difficult and usually require proprietary drivers. Check out this post and see if it helps you02:14
damianand i've done an smbpasswd -a user to try and get htem to work, but still nudda. the logs don't seem to tell me much02:14
pragmaticenigmadamian: Are the Samba users properly matched to local system users on the Ubuntu machine?02:15
pragmaticenigmadamian: that is, is there anything in /etc/samba/smbusers02:16
de-factopragmaticenigma, yeah i know, at least its not ontop every other (fullscreen) application (yet?).02:16
damianas far as i know! i mean it worked up until the upgrade. the username on my local win10 computer is 'dwest' but on ubuntu it's 'damian', but that's never mattered after the first prompt02:16
damianthere's no smbusers file on my ubuntu at all!02:17
damianand that's the same for at least two other ubuntu's i have which are working (but different versions)02:17
damianoh actually, one is the same version02:17
pragmaticenigmadamian: I use it, but mostly because I keep my passwords in sync ... so I don't have to login to my samba shares all the time, windows can do it automatically02:18
Richard_CavellHi guys. I'm about to run a command to back up my system and I just want to make sure it seems like the right one.  https://ideone.com/VVo0hP02:18
Richard_Cavellrsync / .        # is this right?02:19
damianyeah, i keep mine in sync as well usually. i even created a dwest account on ubuntu so it would sync. i think that's how i got it working originally here, but still that doesn't seem to work in this case02:19
pragmaticenigmaRichard_Cavell: Is this for an Ubuntu system?02:19
de-factoRichard_Cavell, isnt your backup location included in /? e.g. would it be recursive or does rsync exclude it automatically? what about /dev and /proc and all those?02:20
damianwhen i do a pdbedit -L -v it gives me both of my user accounts with their correct detail02:21
pragmaticenigmade-facto: Richard_Cavell isn't running Ubuntu, we are not have to support their operating system02:21
pragmaticenigmahave => able02:21
pragmaticenigmaAlso, rsync of an entire system is not a good way to make a backup02:23
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pragmaticenigmade-facto: you are correct, rsync on a live system with those options is going to go into recursive loops, espeially when it hits the mount point of their backup drive02:29
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dave2592Richard, it's difficult to say because we don't know what's in some of those directories. I think most people start from the root of their filesystem, and there are certain sytem directorie syou want to exclude02:37
=== shoogz- is now known as shoogz
lucas-argI have a new acer aspire 5 laptop and it has intel 620 and mx150 from nvidia. when i type sudo lshw -C display this is what i get, i dont know if the geforce card is working or not... https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DPc2BmCzpS/02:45
lucas-argive installed drivers with sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall02:45
lucas-argdont know if that was ok02:45
xamithanLooks like a hybrid,  did you install nvidia-prime ?02:46
Bashing-omLudusLight: "configuración: driver=nouveau ". Have you rebooted the system after 'autoinstall' ?02:47
lucas-argxamithan, yes its installed02:52
lucas-argif i do sudo prime-select nvidia it says nvidia is selected02:53
lucas-argbut i cant even get into the nvidia settings02:53
Boyettecheck for the drivers02:54
Boyettewhy did you install auto?02:54
xamithan^    if its showing nouveau then nvidia settings isn't going to open02:54
lucas-argit installed nvidia-390 drivers02:56
lucas-argand bunch of stuff02:56
LudusLightum, wrong mention?02:57
dlihow to disable gnome screensaver? gnome-power-preferences doesn't exist02:57
Bashing-omLudusLight: 'apt autoinstall ' is the prefered method. Acer can be problematic . Have you set "trust" in the firmware ?02:59
Bashing-omLudusLight: What release and desk top are we working with here ?03:03
LudusLighti think you're looking for lucas-arg03:03
Bashing-omLudusLight: Sorry .. my appologoes . lucas-arg ^^ ,03:04
amagoraHaving a package download issue. Running ubuntu server 18.04. Already did some research03:04
amagoraWanting to download fish shell package. But Bionic can not find the packages.03:05
amagoraSo I tried using wget on a mirror site.03:05
amagoraStill having issues resolving the host address.03:05
amagoraSo I was looking into changing the sources.list file.03:05
amagoraNo luck there. Is there a command that will let me download directly from a mirrorsite?03:06
amagoracristovao: yes? can you help me?03:06
Bashing-omamagora: server: did you enable the universe repo ?03:06
amagoraWould I enable universe repo with the sources.list. by adding deb "web name" bionic main universe?03:07
amagoraBashing-om: Would I enable universe repo with the sources.list. by adding deb "web name" bionic main universe?03:07
amagoraIs there any reason bionic disabled downloading outside package sources. I love the fish terminal 16.04 has no issue installing the package.03:08
Lukas_Hi can someone help me out I am trying to install Ubuntu and I managed to install it, yet I cannot launch it without using the "nomodeset" parameter. I am on a laptop with an integrated and discete graphics, so I think that might be the issue. I tried installing the nvidia drivers but it does not seem to help. Whenever I try removing "nomodeset" and I try to boot I get to the login screen, click login and then it freezes. If anyone co03:09
hggdhamagora: outside package repos have *never* been officially accepted. You add them at your own risk.03:10
amagoraSo fish shell is not an ouside package?03:10
amagoraOr wasnt ubuntu 16.04 has no issues with fish shell install at all.03:10
amagorahggdh: How would I go about installing fish shell now?03:11
Bashing-omamagora: ' cat cat -n /etc/apt/sources.list ' If and only if it is NOT enabled then do:  'sudo add-apt-repository universe' .03:11
hggdhamagora: fish is still being distributed in the Ubuntu repos03:11
dliLukas_, does it work, if you disable the nvidia card in BIOS?03:11
hggdh!info fish03:11
ubottufish (source: fish): friendly interactive shell. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.1-3 (bionic), package size 612 kB, installed size 4115 kB03:12
cristovaoalguem do brasil03:12
hggdhcristovao: fala-se Ingles por cá.03:12
Lukas_could you elaborate dli?03:12
Lukas_I've tried looking in my BIOS and there does not seem to be an area where I can disable my nvidia card03:13
amagorahggdh: I saw it was still being distributed, but installing with just "sudo apt-get install fish."03:14
amagorahggdh: doesnt install the package without an error of not finding the package.03:14
hggdhamagora: you need to have the universe repo enabled03:14
amagoraBashing-om: I just installed the universe repo03:15
amagorahggdh: just took Bashing-om's advice and installed the repo03:15
amagoraThanks for the help hggdh and Bashing-om fish is officially installing.03:16
amagoraI will keep this command in mind03:16
Bashing-omamagora: refresh ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' ..then install fish ' sudo apt install fish ' .03:16
=== qwebirc39631 is now known as FesterJester
FesterJesterHello all!03:23
hanabishi!Boyette : Hello03:25
ubottuhanabishi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:25
FesterJesterSo, I am hoping I am in the right place to ask this question. How do I fix screen tearing on an intel system?03:26
bobdobbsI'm on ubuntu 18.04. I've set up a printer. The printer is clearly visible in the system settings. So... how to I actually print things?03:27
bobdobbsLike, if I send a document to be printed from my browser (chrome) exactly nothing happens.  I don't get any error messages or warnings from the print dialogue. The printer itself just sits there minding it's own business03:28
cristovaoreset system03:29
cristovaoreboot print and compt03:30
bobdobbscristovao: I have done both03:30
cristovaoyes ok03:31
bobdobbsI found this doc, but it doesn't say how to actually print anything: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/printing.html.en03:31
bobdobbs(well, apart from 'print a booklet'. but that's not my issue)03:32
rangergordHi. I installed Ubuntu 18.04 to a USB stick (as in, full install, not a Live CD), and was able to boot it. However, when I tried it on a newer laptop running Windows 10, despite selecting USB boot, it's Windows that boots. I take it this is a UEFI thing? What can I do to the USB stick to make Ubuntu boot on the laptop?03:32
Boyette@rangergord disable secure boot in bios03:32
rangergordBoyette: I'll do that if there's no other recourse...but I kind of wanted Ubuntu-on-a-stick that works ANYWHERE, including other people's PCs where I wouldn't want to disable secure boot. Any other solutions?03:34
cristovaodefaut driver print03:35
Boyetteno because that is how computers work.. how can a random stick work in any random computer with secure boot enabled.. what do you think this functionality is made for?03:35
rangergordI guess I could disable secure boot, use Ubuntu, then re-enable it, when using other people's HW03:36
bobdobbsI didn't try to print using gnomes document viewer, because the gnome document viewer print dialogue doesn't have an option for printing in black-and-white. I don't like wasting colour ink.03:38
bobdobbsBut I just tried printing it now using gnome's print dialoge, and nothing happens03:38
cristovaono doubt this stranger tries to reinstall the printer. maybe it works.03:41
unshackleduhh...apt is broken now?03:44
frinto_anyone here?03:47
hggdhunshackled: no, it is not03:47
frinto_lol what?03:47
IcemanV9no one's home ;-)03:47
FesterJesterIt's pretty quiet in here tonight.03:50
hanabishibut where i'm on is day03:54
hanabishilove this time03:54
patr0cluswhy when i attempt to change my dns settings permanently am I then not able to connect to the internet? Further, how can I also similarly change my route my ipv6 dns? What is the proper configuration for my resolv.conf.d file?03:57
qwebirc49346question about a dual boot on a mac... if i partition the drives, then boot via usb (and install ubuntu) will grub automatically take control for bootup or how does that process work?04:04
qwebirc49346following this process (again) but skipped the "install reFIND" part https://www.maketecheasier.com/install-dual-boot-ubuntu-mac/04:05
FesterJesterrefind is needed on a mac04:05
qwebirc49346so.. the last time i followed the doc in that link.. i installed refind.. but after rebooting (after installing ubuntu) it stopped using refind and just booted into ubuntu04:06
qwebirc49346(could boot into mac by holding option during startup)04:06
FesterJesterwhat year is this mac from?04:07
FesterJesterOk, just checking compatibility. It has been a few years since I have booted a mac, but when I did, refind was needed to load the grub bootloader04:09
qwebirc49346 ok cool04:10
qwebirc49346yeah i'm going to just take a step back and do this right. installing refind04:11
FesterJesterI hope that solves your problem04:11
qwebirc49346i've found the ubuntu community to be really helpful04:11
Boyettehi is it possible to resize boot partition hot ?04:11
FesterJester@Boyette: define hot04:11
Boyetteits on a vps04:12
Boyetteso i can not put a live usb stick04:12
Boyetteso i want to do it from the actual os04:12
Boyetteor any other way04:12
FesterJesterafter bootup, you can resize partitions, but it can be quite time consuming and simetimes challenging.04:13
Boyettebut how04:13
Boyettei installed gparted04:13
Boyetteand unmounted the boot partition04:13
Boyettebut still cant add unallocated space to it04:13
guivercBoyette, is the free space next to your boot partition?  and if boot is a logical partition; is the free space also in the extended partition?04:18
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Boyetteits like this04:21
FesterJesterThere is no space left to add to the boot partition from what I can see04:22
Boyetteso i need to make space first04:23
guivercme neither - & yes you need space if you want to make it larger04:23
Boyettebut how04:24
FesterJesterYou will need to shrink sda3 or sda4 the amount you want to add to /boot04:24
FesterJesterand then move the empty space next to /boot04:24
FesterJesterand finally resize /boot04:25
Boyettelike this?04:25
Boyettefdisk -l /dev/sda*; blkid /dev/sd* && swapoff -a && umount /boot && tune2fs -O has_journal /dev/sda1 && echo -e "d\n2\nn\np\n2\n2181119\n\nt\n2\n82\nd\n1\nn\np\n1\n\n\np\nw" | fdisk /dev/sda && e2fsck -f /dev/sda104:25
Boyetteswapoff -a && mkswap -L swap /dev/sda2 && umount /boot && e2fsck -f /dev/sda1 && resize2fs /dev/sda1 && tune2fs -j /dev/sda1 && mount /boot04:26
FesterJesterBecause I have never worked with a vps before, I am unable to help much further. I usually have physical access to the machine I am working on.04:27
Boyettenow i tried it but i think i bricked it04:28
Boyettemaybe something was wrong in the command04:28
FesterJesterI do see LVM in your partition scheme04:29
FesterJesterLVM has the ability to resize on the fly (I think) that sould help some there04:30
Boyetteah its turning on again04:30
Boyettemaybe it did work04:30
Boyettebut it was still busy04:30
Boyetteit did not04:30
FesterJesterI would look into learning a little more about LVM04:31
FesterJesterbefore going to much further04:31
Boyettejournal error04:33
frintoanyone here?04:33
unshackledunshackledfrinto_ i get an error from apt, and when i used tasksel it failed and broke KDE...just sayin'04:33
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frintowrong channel lol04:34
unshackleddropping back to LTS just to be safe guys thanks for everyones help04:34
MrHands               .======.04:35
madLyfei can remove [printers] and [print$] from samba and not bork it, correct?04:39
FesterJesterSo long as you do not want to share the printers connected to the system you remove the entries from04:41
FesterJesterSo, how do I fix screen tearing?04:44
Meadget a g-sync Freesync monitor and hope you get driver support04:45
longus_catusIs it possible to manipulate/mount/find/use "previous versions" NTFS feature with ubuntu?04:47
FesterJester@Mead: How do I without purchasing a special monitor?04:51
unshackledFesterJester i never had too much luck with lvm, it caused more problems for me due to the way i used things04:54
Meadgosh, most games have a feature for v-sync that limits the number of frames per second to what your monitor support. It is less than idea04:54
unshackledi got a msg from Steam saying it would not play on my TV because of the refresh rate once :P04:55
unshackledso now i have a new TV and I dont even play games !04:55
unshackledoh of course i do the late night peggle games snuggled under a blanket with choco ice cream04:56
FesterJesterI am not playing games though.04:56
unshackledFesterJester you should play Peggle04:56
FesterJesterVideos are tearing04:56
hateballFesterJester: what GPU/driver are you using?04:57
FesterJesterOS: Ubuntu Mate 18.04 LTS GPU: Intel GMA X450004:59
hateballFesterJester: have you tried the TearFree option? https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/intel_graphics#Tear-free_video05:00
unshackledyeah you need the nvidia driver05:00
XueFengmsg NickServ identify XueFeng 12312312305:01
hateballYou don't need an nvidia driver unless you have an nvidia card :)05:01
FesterJesterhateball: I have. When I setup that config, the system boots with a blank screen.05:01
unshackledwell his vdeo is tearing so he has one05:01
hateballFesterJester: ack05:01
hateballunshackled: ... no? You can get tearing with Intel or AMD as well05:01
guivercXueFeng, you made an error - change your password asap05:04
hateballFesterJester: I'm sorry, havent had to troubleshoot Intel in a while, I am using mostly nvidia... TearFree used to work for me on Intel tho05:05
FesterJesterhateball: Been a while for me as well. Been using nvidia for some time also.05:07
herbmillerjrWhy do I keep getting "unable to install new version of '/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpng12.so.0': No such file or directory" with Xenial in a chroot?05:09
hateballFesterJester: are you getting tearing in *all* videos, or just in a browser?05:09
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FesterJesterhateball: Only tried local files so far05:15
hateballFesterJester: hmpf. Otherwise it could have been for instance chrome blacklisting your gpu driver, but for local files... yeah it's something else05:16
hateballFesterJester: is this on GNOME?05:16
hateballI am not familiar with GNOME, if you can turn off compositing or not. could be a thing to try otherwise05:16
FesterJesterhateball: Mate05:17
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FesterJesterhateball: and I am using VLC to play the files05:18
hateballFesterJester: Even less familiar with Mate :D I am a Plasma guy myself05:18
mousesherbmillerjr: what are you doing that results in that error?05:19
mousesherbmillerjr: also the system = xenial and the chroot = xenial?05:19
Bashing-om!info libpng12 xenial05:21
ubottuPackage libpng12 does not exist in xenial05:21
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Bashing-om!info libpng12-0 xenial05:22
ubottulibpng12-0 (source: libpng): PNG library - runtime. In component main, is important. Version 1.2.54-1ubuntu1.1 (xenial), package size 119 kB, installed size 297 kB05:22
setyowisepi uy05:24
mousesFesterJester: anyway, this should clear you up:05:25
mousesapt-get install libpng-dev05:26
mousesapt-get install libpng12-005:26
FesterJestermouses: I will give it a try asap.05:26
herbmillerjrmouses: System is gentoo, chroot is ubuntu xenial. I'm installing qemu.05:26
mousesFesterJester: my fault!  I meant herbmillerjr05:27
mousesherbmillerjr: <3 gentoo05:27
mousesherbmillerjr: anyway, in your xenial chroot just apt install those two things05:28
mousesand you should be good to go (I think)05:28
FesterJestermouses: I was starting to wonder about that.  :-)05:29
mousesFesterJester: lol sorry you both have long names and my brain got confused05:29
m0rd3caihopefully someone can help here. Installed Nextcloud as a snap package (big mistake) and I can find no documentation on where config files are, etc... has anyone tried to add apps into NC as Snap package?05:31
mousesm0rd3cai: Everything you need should be here05:37
mouses(same process for 18.04 - just set it up on a few machines last night)05:38
mousesm0rd3cai: let me know if you get stuck, i'll be here for another 30-40 mins05:38
mouses(side note: DO really writes some great guides)05:38
dragerWhen I launch a terminal from another terminal I cannot search history. I'm using zsh and if I run: `bindkey -L | grep R` that gives me this: `bindkey "^R" redisplay` in the last launched terminal.05:40
dragerIt works and the binding looks ok in the first terminal05:40
dragerAny ideas about this?05:40
herbmillerjrmouses: No such luck with -dev package.05:42
mousesherbmillerjr: grrrrrrr05:42
m0rd3caimouses: thanks, ive gotten it installed and been running fine, im trying to manually install an app from the webstore but the way snap package is laid out, nothing is where it would be with a "normal" NC install. thats where im stuck :-/05:42
mousesherbmillerjr: try a apt autoremove and apt clean05:42
mousesm0rd3cai: Oh!  Beyond that i'm not sure, I did mine manually.05:43
mousesmaybe a simple file system search for the file you are looking for?05:43
mouses(can you do that inside of a snap?)05:43
mousesI'm pretty new to snap stuff myself05:43
CoolerZman rename gave little to no info about the regex they use05:44
CoolerZis that regex flavor the same as javascript?05:44
CoolerZdoes it depend on which OS you are running? Ubuntu vs Debian ...05:45
m0rd3caimouses: i should have :-/05:47
HaMsTeRshello my peep05:47
PrashantJHi, Trying to install the current version of mysql 5.7 on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS, however as already reported in launchpad I'm facing issues in installation with APT. Please refer - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-5.6/+bug/143508106:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1421303 in mysql-5.6 (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1435081 mysql does not import apparmor profile correctly" [Undecided,Fix released]06:07
PrashantJand mysql 5.7 installation on ubuntu 18.04.1 error >>> https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/4xPM3JU2ejJgc2dWfwQmJg06:07
HaMsTeRsis it possible to setup vscode as assembly compiler?  I couldn't find any related information on the internet06:08
PrashantJIn fact, I also tried - https://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql-apt-repo-quick-guide/en/#apt-repo-remove and did a fresh install from scratch but NO success :(06:08
lotuspsychje!lamp | PrashantJ06:10
ubottuPrashantJ: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.06:10
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PrashantJlotuspsychje, I just need mysql not the entire lamp stack.06:13
geirhadocker might be an easier way to go06:14
PrashantJgeirha, was that for me?06:15
PrashantJgeirha, already on a VM and wanted native installation06:18
lotuspsychjePrashantJ: did you install another version of mysql before? apt says that?06:21
PrashantJlotuspsychje, I did install latest with `sudo apt-get install mysql-server` and it failed  with the same error as described in the launchpad issue06:22
PrashantJlotuspsychje, I tried `apt-get purge` and reinstall quite few times now06:23
lotuspsychjePrashantJ: can you try this plz: sudo dpkg --configure -a06:23
lotuspsychjePrashantJ: also, is your system up to date to latest? check with: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade06:26
Sa_Ra_hi, I'm configuring iptables in Ubuntu, can I ask a question about tha configuration here ?06:32
_nedRoptimus laptop overheating and shutting down.... nvidia-390 driver doing jack all to help... nvidia 340 drivers refuse to install.. yay 8 years of nvidia/ubuntu laptop problems... great job linus and linux team... free cake for everybody06:33
PrashantJlotuspsychje, let me do that06:35
lotuspsychje_nedR: 340 doesnt work properly anymore try nvidia 390.7706:38
lotuspsychje_nedR: try ubuntu graphics ppa to get 390.7706:38
PrashantJlotuspsychje, Tried `sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade` and fails at dpkg. Please refer - https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/X4y~LqTf126oCL3SitcOnw06:40
=== Mead is now known as mead
hateball_nedR: if you use the drivers ppa you can try 396 as well, it works better for me than 390 does. granted I do not use optimus, I use it on a desktop06:41
lotuspsychjehateball: wich card do you have mate06:42
spectre123123Did someone set a raid 1 system on a computer with just two hard drives?06:43
hateballlotuspsychje: gtx107006:45
hateballlotuspsychje: 390 does not play nice with Plasma, and also recent gaming stuff wants 396 so06:45
lotuspsychjehateball: does ubuntu-drivers list reccomend 396 on your system too?06:45
_nedRlotuspsychje, hi thanks for reply... are you sure 390.77 will work.. 390 from software&updates app still causing overheating... i had the same issue in 14.04, i installed an old nvidia driver to fix it.. i can't quite remember which driver tho.. trying tosearch and find out think it was nvidia 34006:46
_nedRor nvidia-331*06:46
lotuspsychjehateball: there's a massive bug on the nvidia drivers on bionic, 390.48 from repos gives alot of black screens on gtx cards06:46
hateballlotuspsychje: currently not on my nvidia machine so I cant tell06:47
lotuspsychjekk tnx for feedback hateball06:48
PrashantJlotuspsychje, I guess I should download .deb of mysql first and add that to APT Repository first. I think, that's what I missed.06:50
PrashantJlotuspsychje, trying that. But anyway, thanks for your time :)06:50
lotuspsychjePrashantJ: try apt autoremove too06:51
PrashantJlotuspsychje, okay :)06:51
_nedRhateball, mine is old card 620m gt... not sure latest drivers work.. in 14.04 (from which i recently 'upgraded') to 18.04, the drivers that worked was 340 or 331 iirc06:51
lotuspsychjePrashantJ: think you should first remove mysql, the autoremove, then update system, then try again06:51
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EriC^^hi maum07:16
maumhello ErgoX___07:17
WalkerHey guys, I still have the problem when installing a fresh copy of ubuntu server that I cannot login to my newly created user account.07:18
WalkerI immediately get logged out back to the console07:18
WalkerEven ssh does drop the connection after sending the welcome message07:18
WalkerI went into rescue mode using the install medium and found out that in home there is no directory for my user07:19
WalkerI created one and gave permission with chown -R to that user07:19
WalkerBut that still doesn't fix the problem07:19
mousesWalker: ummm, it's a 100% fresh system - maybe something went very wrong during install?  Try it again?07:20
WalkerI did a hardware check yesterday with the only problem that I don't have a battery on the raid controller07:20
mousesthat's so weird07:20
WalkerI already installed the system with different versions of ubuntu07:20
WalkerWith ubuntu 16.04.1 16.04.3 16.04.5 and also 18.04.107:21
WalkerI created new volume groups and let them initialize completely07:21
crackpotmarkIs /home on a different partition or drive?07:21
crackpotmarkIs it accessible during boot07:21
WalkerI used only one volume group during installation07:21
WalkerThe other one is untouched07:22
WalkerWhat do you mean by accessible? I can install ubuntu on it without any problems.07:22
WalkerAlso it can't be a storage problem, there are 190gb free space07:22
crackpotmarkYou installed everything to the same partition, yes?07:23
WalkerI also tried installing with lvm07:23
WalkerAnd with "use complete drive"07:23
WalkerNo difference07:23
EriC^^Walker: did you checksum the iso?07:23
WalkerI didnt, but I also tried to install from an iso that was working last time I installed it on the server without any problems07:24
EriC^^Walker: do you have another usb?07:24
Walkeri used an usb drive and I used two different sd cards to install the system07:25
WalkerDidnt help too07:25
EriC^^did any errors show in /var/log/auth.log when you logged in from ssh?07:25
WalkerSsh said I was dropping the connection07:25
WalkerWhich is not true at all07:25
EriC^^i think it might be a keyboard layout problem or something07:25
EriC^^if it's going back to login screen from the physical console07:26
EriC^^try typing the password in the login to see if the chars are right07:26
WalkerThe chars are right, because I already got the welcome message on console07:26
EriC^^does it actually login? or just give the login prompt again?07:26
Walkerand then I get back to login prompt immediately07:26
EriC^^ok try to debug it07:27
EriC^^use the maintenance mode from the recovery menu07:27
WalkerYou mean I should use the install medium and get into rescue mode, right?07:27
EriC^^and as root try using "su <your user> -" and also "login" command and see how it goes07:28
EriC^^you can even run "strace -o /tmp/log login" and see what happening in more detail07:28
WalkerOkay, will reboot now07:28
WalkerTakes some time07:28
WalkerIf I can't get it running I will use esxi and install ubuntu in there, but thats not bare metal :/07:29
WalkerOkay, im on that rescue mode now07:33
WalkerI used su lxd - and after that whoami07:33
WalkerStill says im root07:33
EriC^^Walker: try first "mount -o remount,rw /"07:33
WalkerLogin with that user "lxd" showed the welcome message07:34
WalkerAnd whoami after that also says root07:34
WalkerWith mount I get following error on su lxd - :no passed entry for user lxd07:35
WalkerWith login I get the welcome message but whoami also tells me im root07:35
WalkerNo passwd07:35
WalkerNot passed07:35
EriC^^Walker: ok, try creating a new user and see how it goes real quick07:36
EriC^^"adduser test"07:36
EriC^^you successfully ran "mount -o remount,rw /" right?07:36
WalkerYep that returned with no error message07:37
Walkeradduser worked07:37
EriC^^what does "su test" do?07:37
WalkerNow I could change the user to test07:37
WalkerBut there are two messages07:37
EriC^^ok, try to exit07:37
EriC^^Walker: i think i know what the problem is07:38
Walkerbash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device07:38
WalkerBash: no job control in this shell07:38
EriC^^Walker: type "grep lxc /etc/passwd" and look at the last column07:38
WalkerGrep not found07:38
WalkerBut cat worked07:39
WalkerLxd is und 10607:39
EriC^^odd but ok07:39
EriC^^what's the set shell?07:39
WalkerYou think that lxd has no right to use the shell?07:39
boars                               _____________________07:39
WalkerBecause lxd installs its own user?07:39
EriC^^yeah the shell is set to /bin/false07:40
EriC^^after you login, /bin/false runs07:40
EriC^^sudo -u lxc -s /bin/bash07:40
EriC^^and you should be able to have a shell as the user07:40
WalkerThat worked07:41
WalkerNow I feel stupid ^^07:41
EriC^^but why are you trying to login as that user07:41
WalkerThats the name I chose upon installation07:41
EriC^^it must have contradicted with the system one07:41
WalkerAnd it can't create it since its already been there07:41
EriC^^cause user one's are uid 1000+07:41
WalkerThat cost me hours :D07:42
crackpotmarkShould there not be a sanity check for user creation?07:42
EriC^^crackpotmark: good point07:42
WalkerCan it be that the sanity check (if there is one) doesn't have lxd in there07:42
Walkeri think lxd isn't being shipped for that long, right?07:43
crackpotmarkUnless it checks before lxd is added to the passwd07:43
Walkerokay thanks guys, I really appreciate that you helped me out :)07:44
EriC^^no problem07:44
WalkerWill reinstall that server with ubuntu 18.04 and use the default username :D07:44
WalkerOne thing I don't understand. Isn't ssh login limited to users with uid 1000 and above?07:48
WalkerWhy was I even able to get a welcome message then?07:48
EriC^^cause you logged in fine, the motd runs, then the shell07:49
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EriC^^usually bash or something else runs and you end up with a user@host$ prompt which is just bash07:49
WalkerSure but I thought ssh only works for 1000+ and lxd has uid 10607:49
WalkerWill check that later :)07:51
WalkerBut thanks for the explanation :)07:51
spider_Netbeans 8.1 "Turning on modules" crash...07:52
EriC^^Walker: alright:)07:52
EriC^^Walker: maybe there's 2 lxc entries in /etc/passwd ?07:53
spider_Netbeans 8.1 "Turning on modules" crash...07:54
Walkerthere was only one entry with uid 10607:54
WalkerFor user lxD07:54
WalkerNot lxc07:54
WalkerThe user should have got uid 100007:54
WalkerBut the test user I added got uid 100007:55
EriC^^Walker: ah ssh works for <1000 here on ubuntu07:55
EriC^^must be a distro specific thing07:55
WalkerOkay good to know07:55
WalkerThen the one I remember was a modified version from a dedicated server provider07:55
WalkerAnd they changed it to disallow root login07:56
EriC^^makes sense07:56
Walkerreinstall is nearly complete, now I can find out if that problem goes away :)07:56
spider_how to install XP over Ubuntu encrypted setup in which crypt has locked the Hard Disk.07:57
EriC^^spider_: why xp?07:57
EriC^^spider_: you could resize the encrypted portion and let xp on the unencrypted  part07:58
EriC^^spider_: or just use a vm if it's enough?07:58
spider_How to unencrypt or clear the encryption so that full hdd is put back to normal mode?07:59
=== Richard is now known as Guest73341
crackpotmarkWhat sort of encryption?08:00
crackpotmarkWindows would ignore any software encryption during install, at the cost of the existing data08:01
ryuoWindows XP...? -facepalms-08:01
spider_Its very cool.08:01
crackpotmarkIce cold08:02
WalkerBooted into ubuntu 18.04 and it works now :)08:02
crackpotmarkAfter 15yrs in the wild08:02
crackpotmarkA VM is certainly the best way to relive XP08:03
spider_XP is really awesome.08:03
crackpotmarkAnd mostly useless for modern users08:03
spider_Can you help me regarding "Turning on modules..." in Netbeans 8.1?08:04
Walkeri wonder if you could install xp at all, did it have UEFI? :D08:04
spectre123123Did anyone try the raid 1 ?08:05
spider_I want to run Restore CDs on different computers for setup:)08:05
spider_I want to run Restore CDs of different computers on assembled computers?08:06
spectre123123on a new computer with two hard disks08:06
spider_UEFI is related to that..?08:06
spider_How to changes BIOS settings?08:06
Walkerif your system is configured to only allow UEFI installs, sure08:07
spider_how to know more about UEFI?08:07
WalkerNewer hardware has a legacy option you need to turn on manually08:07
crackpotmark spider_: Check with your motherboard manufacturer, they all have slightly different settings08:07
WalkerCan be called legacy bios or bios+uefi08:07
spider_Tell me some good BIOS tools?08:09
WalkerWhat do you mean by tools, its shipped with your motherboard firmware08:09
EriC^^spider_: if you're booted into ubuntu now, type "ls /sys/firmware/efi" it should give dirs if you're using uefi08:11
EriC^^spider_: i think vm is a very good idea08:11
EriC^^it will still be rocket fast08:12
EriC^^oh btw, you cant install winxp in newer laptops08:12
EriC^^(i tried, i had to use a very old software that works with xp)08:12
EriC^^it gives a BIOS compatibility issue for anything newer than 201608:12
crackpotmarkNo USB, no network, no ps2. Enjoy XE08:13
EriC^^ACPI compliant fault08:13
EriC^^VM can use usb and network08:13
crackpotmarkOf course08:14
EriC^^spider_: how new/old is your laptop anyways?08:14
crackpotmarkJust chuckling over some fun I've had with unusual hardware and a clean XP install08:14
EriC^^spider_: type "sudo dmidecode | grep -i release"08:15
EriC^^it gave me a hard time, i ended up using win7 cause the software works with compatibility mode on :D08:15
mousesEriC^^: 92.5% sure you're responding to obvious troll :-)08:17
EriC^^nah my money's on he's serious08:19
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GolynxI've been having this issue a few days now when doing "sudo apt-get update". It stops at "0% [Connecting to archive.getdeb.net (] then fails  https://cdn.pbrd.co/images/HAtA3E1.png08:40
Golynxi'm on 16.0408:41
crackpotmarkI don't recall getdeb being an official repo?08:41
Golynxcrackpotmark: i dont know whats wrong08:42
crackpotmarkAh it's a mirror, appears to be offline a lot08:42
crackpotmarkAny idea why you use it?08:43
Golynxcrackpotmark: i see. It may be a package that uses it . not sure which one08:43
elichai2 Hey, something weird happenned, I turned on my laptop today plugged to my screens and everything is small, like the resolution is higher but it's actually not, it's still 1080P08:47
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crackpotmarkGolynx: dpkg --list $(aptitude search '?narrow(?version(CURRENT),?origin(archive.getdeb.net))' --disable-columns -F%p)08:55
crackpotmarkSee if that works08:55
crackpotmarkHopefully will give you a list of any packages from that repo08:58
crackpotmarkOr an error because I typed it wrong08:58
Golynxcrackpotmark: its showing like a hundred or so packages https://cdn.pbrd.co/images/HAtKuT7.png09:02
Golynxcrackpotmark: i saw on google you have to add another mirror to getdeb.net in software sources09:04
crackpotmarkThere are alternatives yes09:09
crackpotmarkYou need to be careful switching or removing repos09:14
crackpotmarkIt can cause broken dependencies09:14
Golynxcrackpotmark: i unchecked archive.getdeb.net in Other Software in Software & Updates. Now i'm able to sudo apt-get update without issues https://cdn.pbrd.co/images/HAtR4gW.png09:20
crackpotmarkI think my command was broken, or getdeb is a complete mirror of the main repo09:21
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Golynxcrackpotmark: yes maybe. But if i get issues like broken packages, i will just nuke 16.04 and start over09:22
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=== FlyBot_f is now known as FlyBot
cocoaI want to add my new font to gonome terminal. Where should I put this font file so gnome-terminal can see it and list it to me?09:45
dsourceHi. Maybe someone can help I installed Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS but after added all uptdate, Java, Inteliji, Maven etc Ubunt has stooped working. Now Ubuntu start  with gnome, after couple second cursor, mouse, touchpad not working as well as any other options. Any advice09:45
boogiHey guys!09:47
boogiCan anyone help me with my networking issues?09:48
Metacity25|                                  ___09:50
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Guest17118Is anybody here?09:50
lotuspsychjeGuest17118: we read you, do you have a question?09:50
ren0v0Hi, i'm copying some files in nautilus and it's not asking me about overwriting, its just doing it09:59
ren0v0how can i stop nautilus from overwriting ?09:59
cocoaHow to add my font to custom fonts in gnome-terminal?10:05
lotuspsychje!fonts | cocoa10:07
ubottucocoa: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "ttf-mscorefonts-installer" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/10:07
cocoalotuspsychje: I know how to insatll a font. The question is how to add it to a list in gnome-terminal. There only a couple of fonts available there but not all.10:19
ren0v0how can i stop nautilus from overwriting ?10:30
guiverccocoa, i just looked at my list of fonts in gnome-terminal - it's large.   just add some more monospace fonts (I'm guessing the fonts you're not seeing are proportional & thus make no sense in a terminal)10:31
cocoaguiverc: what you mean by adding?10:35
guivercthe link lotuspsychje has already provided told you how to add (install) fonts.. terminals use monospace fonts (characters are set widths, so they are in columns), so you need to add (install) monospace fonts for terminals (there are tons of choices; my 'large' list was 197 choices for gnome-terminal..; too many!)10:37
cocoaI want to add DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline10:38
BluesKajHey folks10:38
cocoaI have this font at /home/artur/.local/share/fonts10:38
cocoabut gnome-terminal doesn't list it.10:39
guiverchave you re-created your font cache (fc-cache, esp. using user directory)?10:39
cocoayes i did10:40
cocoaMaybe I should reboot machine/10:40
guiverccan't see how a reboot would fix; at most a logout & login would be needed...10:41
guiverc(okay a reboot owuld accomplish the same as logout/login - sorry just my reaction to reboot..)10:41
cocoaSometimes when something doesn't work properly nor work at all It's good idead to reboot pc.10:42
guivercyou're obviously a windoze user  -- did you close & re-open the terminal?10:43
cocoayes I closed all isntances10:46
guiverccocoa, i don't know sorry; I'd try copying to system directories though wouldn't really expect different results.  I recall reading reasons why not all monospace fonts are used by terminals, but sorry I can't recall what I read (was probably years ago) be different10:48
cocoathanks for helping anyway10:48
guiverchttps://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/issues/270  - may provide clues..10:49
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crackpotmarkguiverc: is it really necessary to use the term 'windoze'10:56
elichai2any one?10:56
Chex13       _.+._10:57
Chex13     (^\/^\/^)10:57
Chex13      \@*@*@/10:57
Chex13      {_____}10:57
Chex13    /)))))))))10:57
crackpotmarkelichai2: I'm no expert in resolution, but does it affect every software, or just the desktop environment?10:58
l0llip0prm2: hello10:59
lotuspsychjecrackpotmark: guiverc had a keyboard typo, no reason start offense10:59
elichai2crackpotmark: almost all, but not everything, idk what's the common thing between them but it affetct Konsole, CLion, the notifications and the Plasma itself, but not Chrome and Electrum apps10:59
elichai2It's like the KDE text size got smaller11:01
hateballelichai2: did you change font size or DPI?11:02
hateballso it's still the default 96 DPI?11:02
elichai2how do I check?11:02
effortDeei had a message saying ubuntu 18.04 is aavailable and to 'upgrade' im on 16.04 will that work if i click it?11:03
hateballelichai2: alt+space -> search for "font" and check the settings11:03
l0llip0peffortDee: Yes it should11:04
hateballelichai2: make sure you havent forced any different DPI or something11:04
effortDeei might do it later, but im scared11:04
elichai2hateball: the forced is grayed out and says 9611:04
ren0v0why the bloody hell is nautilus overwriting files without asking me ?11:04
l0llip0peffortDee: Just pack up your personal data if you feel insecure11:04
ren0v0I've checked dconf-editor and can't see an option11:04
hateballelichai2: and fonts are a standard 10,9,8,10,10,10 I guess?11:05
elichai2hateball: Yep11:05
hateballelichai2: what does this report: xdpyinfo |grep dots11:07
elichai2hateball: `  resolution:    75x75 dots per inch`11:09
hateballelichai2: so the Xorg DPI is set to 75 instead of 96 for some reason11:09
elichai2hateball: the results from xdpyinfo are really weird, they say I have 1 screen which is 3840x1080, but that's not true11:10
elichai2my laptop physical screen is 4k but it's closed, i'm connectd to 2 external 1080P displays11:10
guiverccrackpotmark, no it's not - sorry everyone.11:15
maurizioroba http://www.bitdefender.com/11:17
mauriziorobaPlease enter "accept" if you agree to the License Agreement.11:17
mauriziorobaEnter anything else if you don't agree to the terms in the License Agreement.11:17
mauriziorobaThe installation process will stop.11:17
mauriziorobaInstalling BitDefender Antivirus Scanner v7.7-1 ...11:17
hateballelichai2: hmmm, I don't know then, I dont have a 4k monitor. probably the same scaling is used across all screens11:18
mauriziorobainstall.sh: 41: install.sh: rpm: not found11:19
elichai2hateball: it's not about that I use my "4k" monitor as 1080P so I won't have scaling problems11:19
johnson_can any one give me list    -H, --dereference-command-line11:19
elichai2hateball: everything worked great until this morning11:19
johnson_can any one give me list    -H, --dereference-command-line example11:19
crackpotmarkmaurizioroba: rpm is not part of Ubuntu, what Linux are you using11:19
Richard_Cavellleftyfb, are you the same person as leftyb ?11:19
mauriziorobaubuntu 18.0411:20
Richard_Cavellxar-, are you the same person as Xard?11:20
hateballelichai2: guess you could try forcing DPI, "xrandr --dpi 96" but I dont know11:21
crackpotmarkmaurizioroba: also, please don't post large amount of text, use paste.ubuntu.com11:21
mauriziorobaI can't to install bitdefender for unices11:22
guivercmaurizioroba, rpm (red hat package management) is not used by ubuntu; check to see if they have a script for debian/ubuntu.. but you can install rpm's on ubuntu (yourself); but i'd evaluate the install script to see if anything else would be a problem first..11:23
guivercmaurizioroba, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RPM/AlienHowto  contains info on converting rpm to deb; I've not used it, as I've just installed the rpm manually...  (but not in a long time)11:24
blackflow!paste | maurizioroba11:24
ubottumaurizioroba: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:24
elichai2hateball: I ranned it now what? haha, it changed the xdpyinfo but nothing else11:27
crackpotmarkmaurizioroba: it's also worth saying, an antivirus is not generally required for Linux, due to the extremely slim chance of infection coupled with the use of official and ceteralised software distribution11:29
crackpotmarkCentralised *11:29
hateballelichai2: :|11:29
hateballelichai2: then I dont know what else to try, sadly not my area of expertise :|11:30
mauriziorobaI have a passion for antivirus11:31
mauriziorobaI like test these11:32
lotuspsychje!security | maurizioroba start here11:34
ubottumaurizioroba start here: Security Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall, !server, and !usn11:34
crackpotmarkOh it has a section for bitdefender and a repo.11:37
lotuspsychjeelichai2: there is also a section in dconf-editor for screen and scaling options11:40
blackflowcrackpotmark: yeah. the "extremely slim chance" for linux malware is no longer the case, hasn't been quite some time. the question is only how many of the known vulns are being exploited through trojans/stuff listed in those databases.11:40
lotuspsychje+1 blackflow11:41
elichai2lotuspsychje: downloaded, where is the scaling there?11:41
lotuspsychjeelichai2: lemme check holdon11:42
leftyfbRichard_Cavell: since there's nobody by that name anywhere on Freenode, I'm going to go with no11:43
elichai2lotuspsychje: I found something in `org>gnome>desktop>interface`, but the scaling-factor there is 0 and the text-scaling-factor is 111:43
lotuspsychjeelichai2: com/ubuntu/user-interface too11:44
elichai2I don't have com11:44
lotuspsychjeelichai2: have you tryed change your screens like mirror-stretched?11:45
lotuspsychjeelichai2: sometimes a reload/change can make screens straight again11:46
elichai2lotuspsychje: tried restarting :\11:54
lotuspsychjeelichai2: when did this start to happen?11:54
elichai2lotuspsychje: I managed to fix it11:54
lotuspsychjeelichai2: what did the trick?11:54
elichai2I just forced the DPI to 96 in the Fonts GUI11:54
elichai2bad solution but it worked11:55
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bogusjokeshello, newest updates totally broke my ubuntu installation11:59
bogusjokesThe following packages have unmet dependencies:11:59
bogusjokes gnome-shell : Depends: libmutter-2-0 (>= 3.28.3-1~ubuntu18.04.1) but 3.28.2-2~ubuntu18.04.1 is to be installed11:59
bogusjokeswhat the hell?11:59
bogusjokeswhy does gnome-shell require a newer mutter dependancy than is available in the archive?12:00
_puneet_Netbeans 8.1 cannot run...please help.12:00
yeats_bogusjokes: APT cache may be out of date? (try 'sudo apt update' then 'sudo apt -f install')12:00
_puneet_what should I do to run netbeans 8.1 on ubuntu 18.04?12:01
lotuspsychjebogusjokes: did you install external ppa's of any kind to your system?12:01
bogusjokesdone that yeats_12:02
JimBuntu_puneet_, is there more detail you can provide, perhaps through a paste?12:02
JimBuntu!paste | _puneet_12:02
ubottu_puneet_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:02
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bogusjokesi have ppas, but its not the problem lotuspsychje12:03
_puneet_"Turning on modules..." in loading but it gets closed after that, the programs stops12:03
lotuspsychjebogusjokes: it mostly is the root of the problem.12:03
yeatsbogusjokes: can you pastebin the output of 'apt-cache showpkg libmutter'?12:03
ioriabogusjokes, you probably have -bionic-proposed  enabled12:03
_puneet_It reaches "Turning on modules..." in loading but it gets closed after that, the programs stops.12:04
bogusjokesproblem lotuspsychje is that the ubuntu archive upgraded my gnome-shell to version 3.28.3-0ubuntu0.18.04.2 but there is no matching dep for libmutter-2-012:04
bogusjokescheck version numbers there12:05
bogusjokessomeone must have messed up?12:05
ioriabogusjokes, you probably have -bionic-proposed  enabled12:05
bogusjokesdid it enable it by itself then ioria?12:06
ioriabogusjokes, no, you did it12:06
bogusjokessince i never have enabled it, it is not enabled12:06
bogusjokestry it yourself, do an full upgrade, reboot and enjoy a nice tty window instead of gdm12:07
lotuspsychje_bogusjokes: hastebin us outout of your sources.list please12:07
bogusjokesthe list is -updates, -backports, -security, alexlarssons flatpak ppa, graphic-drivers ppa, libretro ppa and lutris obs archive12:08
ioriabogusjokes, interesting12:08
bogusjokesno funky business there12:09
bogusjokesthe problem is that my gnome-shell got upgraded and required a newer version of a dep thats not upgraded in the -upgrades archive12:09
lotuspsychje_bogusjokes: how about the full output of: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade please12:09
lotuspsychje_lets c whats going on there12:09
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ioriabogusjokes, i think i wont update my system today12:10
bogusjokesproblem is not my sources, problem is someone messed up12:11
bogusjokesit doesnt matter too much to me, but i figured i'd mention it12:11
bogusjokestoo many people won't be happy getting greeted by a tty after an upgrade12:11
ioriabogusjokes, so what you did ? upgraded libmutter-2-0 or what ?12:12
bogusjokesthere is no upgrade for limutter-2-0, that's the problem12:12
ioriabogusjokes, yes, in proposed12:13
bogusjokesnewest upgrade of gnome-shell package from -updates archive requires it12:13
yeatsbogusjokes: if you can pastebin the output of 'apt-cache showpkg libmutter' it will help us troubleshoot12:13
bogusjokesyeah, but gnome-shell that requires a mutter from -proposed should not be in -upgrades12:13
u0_a397install tmux12:14
yeatsbogusjokes: perhaps the same for gnome-shell12:14
u0_a397sudo apt tor12:14
u0_a397sudo apt install tor12:14
u0_a397sudo apt install tor12:15
bogusjokesyeats: apt-cache showpkg for libmutter-2-0 and gnome-shell12:15
lotuspsychjeu0_a397: not here please12:15
u0_a397sudo apt install debx12:15
pax_rhosokay, I got tired of this sh!t, my ubuntu keeps telling me that some domain names are not resolved12:15
pax_rhosthat happens for random requests12:15
lotuspsychjeu0_a397: can you stop that please, only ubuntu questions here12:15
pax_rhosthe next one to the same domain happening immediately after may get sent successfully12:16
pax_rhosI use (google dns)12:16
pax_rhosso dns is not at fault12:16
pax_rhosWHAT THE F12:16
lotuspsychjepax_rhos: please remain calm, start from the beginning, ubuntu version, kernel,whats happening when12:17
JimBuntupax_rhos, just because you use doesn't mean the DNS is not at fault, but let's work this out12:17
ioriabogusjokes,  and from tty, does restarting gdm3 service work ?12:17
yeatsbogusjokes: yeah, that definitely looks like an error on the repo end12:17
bogusjokesdoes not work yeats12:17
yeatsnot sure what the remedy for that is12:17
pax_rhoslotuspsychje: ubuntu 18.04 bb, happened on last ~30 kernel versions12:17
bogusjokesinstallation of the package is broken12:18
bogusjokesthe remedy is wait until libmutter-2-0 gets uploaded to the -updates archive12:18
yeatsbogusjokes: right12:18
lotuspsychjepax_rhos: we are now at .32 kernel12:18
pax_rhosI use computer, computer is connected to the internets, I browse cat memes in the browser, all of a sudden I get `can't resolve domain name` errors. randomly.12:18
bogusjokespersonally i dont care, just figured that i might tell it here so some ubuntu dev might see it and realise that it needs to be fixed12:18
pax_rhoslotuspsychje: here12:19
pax_rhosI have this issue for months12:19
lotuspsychjebogusjokes: can you check if this is related? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm3/+bug/178098612:19
pax_rhosit drives me mad12:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1780986 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "Boot stuck at ubuntu logo gnome display manager" [Undecided,Incomplete]12:19
yeatsbogusjokes: nah - this channel doesn't really have ubuntu devs - you might open a bug for it though12:19
bogusjokesdon't think so lotuspsychje because i cant reinstall ubuntu-desktop, since it complains over broked deps for gnome-shell with libmutter-2-012:20
ioriabogusjokes, if you need a gui, go with unity-session12:20
lotuspsychjebogusjokes: ok12:20
pax_rhosresolve.conf has 2 entries: `nameserver` and `nameserver` I don't know what that hell is the latter12:20
JimBuntubogusjokes, if you have experienced this for ~30 kernels, that seems like quite a while. Do you remember how you set as your DNS?12:20
ioriabogusjokes, it does not use mutter12:20
JimBuntusorry bogusjokes I think I meant pax_rhos12:21
bogusjokesi have a gui ioria, installed kubuntu-desktop to get on irc and tell about this12:21
pax_rhosJimBuntu: I don't really remember, but probably did it incorrectly, just by editing resolve.conf12:21
ioriabogusjokes, ah,ok12:21
iorialotuspsychje, are you on 18.04 ?12:21
bogusjokesas i said before, it doesnt affect me so much really, but might cause problems for a lot of other people today who updates and reboots and is greeted only by a tty and broked installation12:21
lotuspsychjeyes ioria12:21
iorialotuspsychje, did you run the upgarder ?12:22
lotuspsychjeioria: no, clean install12:22
pax_rhos` is the systemd-resolved stub resolver.` from comments in that file12:22
pax_rhosit is probably at fault12:22
iorialotuspsychje, no, i mean... did you update your system today ?12:22
mauriziorobagood bye12:22
ioriabogusjokes, of course12:23
lotuspsychjeioria: yes12:24
lotuspsychjeioria: want me to look something up in dpkg?12:25
iorialotuspsychje, your gnome-shell version, please12:26
lotuspsychjeioria: 3.28.2-0ubuntu0.18.04.112:26
iorialotuspsychje, it's not updated then....  please check   apt-cache policy gnome-shell   (the candidate version)12:27
u0_a397sudo apt install debx12:28
u0_a397sudo apt install debx12:29
lotuspsychjeioria: holdon, updating12:29
iorialotuspsychje, wait ...12:30
pax_rhosfucking ubuntu12:30
iorialotuspsychje, you 're talking about a wrong update12:30
kiriuhaapt-ftparchive generate apt.conf12:30
kiriuha .: 3 files 1,781 kB 0s12:30
kiriuhaPackages done, Starting contents.12:30
kiriuhaDone. 1,781 kB in 3 archives. Took 0s12:30
kiriuhaapt-get --allow-unauthenticated -o Dir::State::Lists=/home/kiriuha/lists.apt -o Dir::Cache::pkgcache=/home/kiriuha/pkgcache.bin -o Dir::Cache::srcpkgcache=/home/kiriuha/srcpkgcache.bin --allow-unauthenticated -o Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/home/kiriuha/sources.list.destdir -o Dir::Etc::sourceparts=#clear -o APT::List-Cleanup=false -o Debug::NoLocking=true update12:30
kiriuhaGet:1 file:/home/kiriuha ./ InRelease12:30
lotuspsychjeioria: did full-upgrade no new gnome-shell12:31
lotuspsychjeioria: candidate: 3.28.3-0ubuntu0.18.04.212:31
iorialotuspsychje,  i'am lost if candidate is  3.28.3-0ubuntu , full-upgrade should have installed it12:32
bogusjokesit sure did for me ioria ;)12:33
lotuspsychjeioria: lemme reboot holdon12:33
iorialotuspsychje,  ok12:33
ioriabogusjokes, let's see12:33
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iorialotuspsychje,  all good ?12:35
lotuspsychjeioria: same, higher candicate12:36
iorialotuspsychje,  sorry mate :   can you paste apt-cache policy gnome-shell   , thanks12:36
lotuspsychjeioria: hmm wait, now update says: gnome-shell-common is held back12:37
iorialotuspsychje,  here we are12:37
iorialotuspsychje,  apt list --upgradable12:37
lotuspsychjeioria: https://hastebin.com/jacayuguna.apache12:38
iorialotuspsychje,  ok  apt-cache policy gnome-shell12:39
lotuspsychjeioria: https://hastebin.com/cujaxeqube.sql12:39
iorialotuspsychje,  and you did a full-upgrade,right ?12:40
lotuspsychjeperhaps its held back for a reason?12:40
iorialotuspsychje,  yep :þ12:40
lotuspsychjelets go ask in -release12:40
iorialotuspsychje,  ok, may thanks lotus12:41
lotuspsychjeioria: asked in release12:41
iorialotuspsychje,  good12:42
ioriabogusjokes, looks like apt stopped the upgrade to gnome-shell-common12:43
bogusjokesthat's good, didn't for me though :P12:44
goggI’m trying to set up live stream of my desktop. I have looked at ffmpeg and ffserver commands but I can’t make out who sets up the stream and why is a server needed12:44
bogusjokesmight behave differently with the apply updates on shutdown checker in gnome that i used when shutting down earlier12:45
lotuspsychjebogusjokes: you slipped tru the maze of the matrix :p12:45
ioriabogusjokes, wondering why ...12:45
goggCan anybody advise me on how to use ffmpeg/ffserver to set up a live stream ?12:45
lotuspsychjegogg: perhaps the ffmpeg channel?12:45
bogusjokesdidn't use the updating tool or apt, so maybe gnomes reboot apply update box misbehaves with apt?12:45
Drego_UPHi Guys, what is the best solution to migrate from Ubuntu Server 18.04 to Ubuntu Desktop 18.04? apt install ubuntu-desktop?12:46
hateballgogg: any reason why you would not use something like OBS Studio instead?12:47
lotuspsychjeDrego_UP: i would go for a clean install12:47
Drego_UPOk lotuspsychje thanks ;)12:47
lotuspsychjeDrego_UP: server settings & desktop settings are so different, backup up procedure is too different dont you think?12:48
gogglotuspsychje: I would try there as well. Just wanted to get an advice from this channel as well12:49
gogghateball: I want to access stream over LAN. I tried a few desktop capturing applications but they would require internet. Im not sure if that is covered by what you suggested12:50
hateballgogg: https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/obs-studio-send-an-udp-stream-to-a-second-pc-using-obs.455/12:51
Drego_UPlotuspsychje: I installed the alternative server version because it allows me to create a RAID 0 + LVM more easily than the Desktop version! So I thought I could install after the desktop gnome :( I was wrong!12:54
gogghateball: thank you for giving that suggestion. That will solve my problem12:54
lotuspsychjeioria: they investigating, sru team issue..12:54
hateballgogg: Good luck !12:55
mauriziorobaIs alien converter good?13:01
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lunaListning to Ubuntu Podcast before heading too the dentist13:11
lotuspsychje!discuss | luna13:11
ubottuluna: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!13:11
lotuspsychjecome join us there13:12
lunatoo tired now13:12
lotuspsychjeok, bu not here in main please13:12
Mr-PotterI love how someone changed the topic13:18
pragmaticenigmaMr-Potter: Do you have an Ubuntu related support question?13:20
Mr-Potterpragmaticengima: Yes but I've already asked it in #xubuntu sorry for going off topic13:20
asdf1On Ubuntu Bionic, added Region & Language > Input Sources > German, but does not work, why?13:25
asdf1I can switch en/de in top menu, but the keyboard layout remains en13:26
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pragmaticenigmaregion and language is for text and locale information displayed on the screen... the keybaord is handled by a separate setting as chaning a persons region may not mean they have a new keybaord13:27
asdf1thank you13:28
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vavkamilcan you recommend a clipboard manager for ubuntu 18.04, I was using "diodon" but it's not stable13:39
lotuspsychje!info gpaste | vavkamil13:40
ubottuvavkamil: gpaste (source: gpaste): Clipboard management system for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.28.0-2 (bionic), package size 20 kB, installed size 97 kB13:40
pragmaticenigmavavkamil: This channel is dedicated for Ubuntu support related questions. For suggestions and recommendations for software, please join the #ubuntu-offtopic channel.13:41
vavkamilok can you help me figure out why is diodon failing after update from 16.04 to 18.04?13:41
lotuspsychjevavkamil: errors please?13:42
Mr-Potterout of curiosity can a ubuntu install be upgraded from disc or only fresh installed?13:42
Mr-PotterIf so then which one can be used13:42
vavkamillotuspsychje, it's running and storing my clipboard, but sometimes the icon is no longer available in a main header sidebar13:44
lotuspsychjevavkamil: so what happens with the icon in the dock? dissapear or error sign?13:45
vavkamilicon in the header dock just dissapear and I must restart PC to get it back there. I was used to some apps with icon in the dock, for example keybase or spotify when running13:46
lotuspsychjevavkamil: did pin the icon to favorites in the dock?13:47
vavkamillotuspsychje, Srry I mean a top panel, it's probably "taskbar" not a dock13:47
lotuspsychjevavkamil: ah you mean diodon indicator then?13:49
vavkamilyes seems like it's this issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/diodon/+bug/173856613:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1738566 in Diodon "Implement clipboard menu as GNOME Shell Extension" [Wishlist,Triaged]13:49
lotuspsychjevavkamil: do you have gnome-tweak-tools installed?13:50
lotuspsychjevavkamil: doublecheck there if your indicators are enabled?13:50
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JimBuntuMr-Potter, https://sumtips.com/how-to/upgrade-ubuntu-using-iso-image-file/14:13
Mr-PotterJimBuntu: Good idea but the PC one is upgrading/repairing needs an internet connection. Meaniing that using this for a repair install will probably be fine but using this method to upgrade is pointless.14:16
JimBuntuSorry Mr-Potter, I must have missed those details, I guess I didn't scroll far enough back.14:17
qwebirc11612hello everyone, could i get some help please. I installed google adwords editor with wine on ubuntu, but now I can't find the program in .wine and there's no uninstall in wine cfg14:19
qwebirc11612it got installed somewhere else14:19
=== jacob is now known as Guest63285
Guest63285Anyone able o help with held back package error for gnome-shell-common?14:28
Mr-PotterJimBuntu: It's OK :P14:28
ShutEyedBanditCould anyone assist with this:14:31
ShutEyedBanditNevermind, looks like more updates are rolling out.14:32
ShutEyedBanditCan anyone see these messages?14:33
effortDeeyes ShutEyedBandit14:33
ShutEyedBanditI was getting a package held back error for gnome-shell-common, but it's been resolved.14:34
ioriaShutEyedBandit, not necessary an error,but yes should be solved now14:35
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pragmaticenigma!ask | elham15:04
ubottuelham: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:04
elhamOkay, my computer seems to be very slow. I tried to do some tweaks but none of them works. What should I do? I am using Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop15:06
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Guest36201can anybody tell how to create folder in read only file permission partition15:08
pragmaticenigmaelham: the description is "seems to be very slow" is something that you perceive and too general, we really can't help with that without specific examples, logs or something that can help us identify what might be creating the behavior you're experiencing.15:08
Guest36201please help..15:09
pragmaticenigmaGuest36201: (himanshu) - If the location is readonly, you cannot create a file ... that defeat the purpose of the read only permission.15:09
Guest36201so how can i change this permission ...since i am admin15:10
Guest36201please tell15:10
adrian_1908Guest36201: you'd probably want to explore how the filesystem is being mounted, i.e. /etc/fstab flags15:10
elhamOKAY, I checked the logs and I am not good at this thing. There is a lot of apps running in background. most of them are GNOME apps and I don't even use them.15:11
pragmaticenigma!patience | Guest3620115:11
ubottuGuest36201: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/15:11
adrian_1908elham: try running `top` and see if anything is eating CPU.15:12
elhamOkay, I saw it. Oh, it was Epiphany and Empathy15:13
pragmaticenigmaGuest36201: what you are asking is not possible. If the location you desire to write a file is read only, you cannot do anything. Admin or otherwise.15:13
adrian_1908elham: in particular, try `top -o TIME+` to get a descending list of offenders15:13
adrian_1908elham: I don't use Gnome, so i cannot comment on those. Hope you find a solution that works for you.15:14
elhamOh I am so sorry! I think I fixed the problem. I didn't realized that it was on the other workplace. I am sorry. I don't shut down my laptop.15:14
Guest36201ok thanks15:14
die7Hi, does ubuntu 14/16 support installing using kickstart on the floppy or usb like ks=hd:sdc/ubuntu14.cfg15:19
pragmaticenigmadie7: The only information I can find on kickstart is here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KickstartCompatibility15:22
pragmaticenigmait is potentially outdated information15:22
die7pragmaticenigma: I know, I was searching for 1-2 h, I was able to install over http, but in this case I do not have network15:23
die7pragmaticenigma: so means kickstart+http runs fine15:23
die7pragmaticenigma: no chance t get it with usb/floppy15:24
pragmaticenigmadie7: So you would need a kick start for installing from Full installation media (i.e. DVD installer)15:24
die7pragmaticenigma: once i switch to other tty I can mount floppy/usb and see my kickstart file15:25
die7pragmaticenigma: yes,,minimal install15:25
die7pragmaticenigma: Create a boot disk with the kickstart file, or make the kickstart file available on the network.15:27
pragmaticenigmadie7: I haven't worked with kickstart before, so I'm trying to see if I can locate a better resource15:27
DyrconaI often use the Alt-Right_Arrow and Alt-Left_Arrow key combinations to move through my browser history.15:27
pragmaticenigmadie7: I thought you said the machine you're working with the floppy didn't have network access15:28
die7pragmaticenigma: no, that was on the oter one with network15:28
DyrconaHowever, in the last week or two those combinations have started either throwing me to the login screen or bringing up a console.15:28
pragmaticenigma!enter | Dyrcona15:28
ubottuDyrcona: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.15:28
die7pragmaticenigma: means ks=http://serverip/kicksrat.cfg works15:29
pragmaticenigmadie7: and now you are looking for the command that would let you read the kickstart from floppy/local device?15:29
Dyrconapragmaticenigma: Sure, but I don't think it's that simple to explain, unless you want a wall of text.15:29
die7pragmaticenigma: normaly under centos/redhat is ks=hd:fd0 th efloppy or ks=hd:sdX/ usb15:30
pragmaticenigmaDyrcona: You're using enter as punctuation. It is preferred that you explain in as much detail in one line, to keep it grouped together... otherwise someone trying to help is likely to miss something15:30
DyrconaHow do I stop Alt-Right and Alt-Left from putting me on weird screens. I tried messing around in Keyboard Shortcuts and Google is no help. All I can find are irrelevant or unanswered posts.15:31
pragmaticenigmadie7: Okay, so you're looking for the location to place there for the floppy/usb drive15:31
die7pragmaticenigma: the question is do the ubuntu installer supports installing using kickstart from usb/floppy or just http or bouild into ISO15:31
pragmaticenigmaDyrcona: when was the last time you logged out and in again. or rebooted the machine?15:34
DyrconaCouple days ago.15:34
pragmaticenigmadie7: I don't see anything explicately saying it can't. Though the documentation I found states Kickstart for Ubuntu only supports a limited subset of features.15:34
pragmaticenigmaDyrcona: And before that it was fine?15:35
die7pragmaticenigma: well will try to build it into ISo..however, thank you15:35
Dyrconapragmaticenigma: No, I think it started before that, but I'm not 100% sure. I can try rebooting, now. I suspect it's a recent kernel change because I end up on consoles.15:36
pragmaticenigmadie7: I did see a lot of recomendations for building custom ISOs instead of kickstart15:36
die7pragmaticenigma: me to..well lets do that :)15:36
pragmaticenigmadie7: I have a feeling that's better supported, as much as it is a pain to implement15:36
die7pragmaticenigma: unf..it would be a great if installer would work with ext. devices..15:37
pragmaticenigmaDyrcona: I have had similar behavior with my system when pressing Alt + F2 ... it sends me to tty2 instead of bringing up the application launcher. When I toggle back to my desktop, the application launcher is available.15:37
Dyrconapragmaticenigma: Yeah, when I get back to my desktop, the browser or other program has moved through its history.15:38
DyrconaI'm going to reboot.15:38
pragmaticenigmadie7: I'm sure there is a way, if only USB instal could pick up the kickstart on device15:38
die7pragmaticenigma: on the centos works as charm :)15:38
Dyrconapragmaticenigma: Rebooting seemed to fix it.15:45
Aaronhello TabMasher15:49
TabMasherHello Aaron15:49
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AscavasaionI did a distribution upgrade too latest LTS and now machine hangs on boot.  I left it for a while and it goes into hibernation or standby mode.  I don't know how to roll back to old version and I need access to the computer urgently.15:52
leftyfbAscavasaion: you don't roll back15:54
Ascavasaionleftyfb... then how do I regain access to the laptop?15:55
viator_hello friends, i am in need of your help with ubuntu 18.04, please15:55
leftyfbAscavasaion: either someone here can help you with the issue, or boot a live cd and use that till you have time to fix it properly15:55
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leftyfb!ask | viator_15:55
ubottuviator_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:55
viator_the machine is old asus E205A convertible, i'm having issues with the screen rotation being 90 shifted degree counterclockwise15:56
Ascavasaionleftyfb... sigh... I would not know how to fix it.  cannot believe this happened.  I seriously need to do work on this computer tonight still.15:57
viator_...being shifted 90 degrees counterclockwise. it apparently takes right input from the sensor, but turns the display wrong15:57
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
JimBuntuviator_, if no one ends up fixing this, try booting the device while rotated 90 degrees in the other direction, so it's at least usable. I have a laptop that does something similar if booted while rotated.16:00
pragmaticenigmaAscavasaion: We have been seeing a lot of issues similar to yours in this channel. Unfortunately the people have the best skill at troubleshooting and resolving aren't active or present at the moment. Most common issue has been the display drivers, setting using the nomodeset at boot has gotten some people into their desktops where they can troubleshoot further.16:01
viator_JimBuntu: i don't understand. you advise to hold it turned so that whatever culprit service will actually be deceived to change the degree of the shift?16:02
viator_i think i at least attempted to do this and it did not make a difference16:02
JimBuntuviator_, yes. It might stand as a workaround until someone can help you fix it permanently16:03
Ascavasaionpragmaticenigma... thank you.  would not even know how to do this nomodeset thing.  and I don't have time to spend Googling etc.  the work i need to do on this computer tonight is too urgent.16:07
viator_didn't work, the +90 degree shift is in fact inert to screen orientation16:07
waterxxguys Im having trouble finding option to permanently lower the brightness of the display on my laptop running lubuntu. In the options I can see settings for lowering it when its been Idle only.16:11
viator_JimBuntu: unfortunately that hasn't helped. and apparently other convertible functionality such as disabling touchpad when in tablet mode also does not work16:11
JimBuntusorry to see that viator_16:12
RedNifreAlright, quest for today: Get umlauts working with AltGr and xmodmap...16:12
waterxxI also would like the computer to go to sleep after inactivity16:12
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waterxxnot sure if these options are even available16:13
waterxxI usually fall asleep watching videos so if it can go to sleep after like 2 hours of no touching keyboard/mouse that would be ideal.16:13
RedNifreLet me tell you a story: I have a German Thinkpad with an AltGr key and an .Xmodmap file that puts Umlauts on AltGr + A etc. This used to work with Unity, but somehow with the freshly installed Ubuntu 18.04 LTS it no longer works since it seems to interpret AltGr as a right Alt key... what could I do to fix this?16:13
RedNifreI assume the problem is that AltGr is somehow recognized as Alt, but any other way to let me add umlauts to a US Dvorak layout would be appreciated.16:14
waterxxis there anything external package i need to install to get all the power options working or should it work by default16:15
viator_JimBuntu: ...and it gets weird, just booted fedora 28 live and it's the same issue o.O16:18
=== viator_ is now known as viator
codecutterhow do list all runnning cron jobs?16:23
codecutterhow do i remove a cron job?16:26
mark721Hi Guys, i just updated from 16.04 to 18.04.1 LTS16:27
mark721and im having a few problems16:27
pragmaticenigmamark721: you'll need to provide more details to get help.16:27
mark721um let me share the screenshots with imgur then send my terminal :)16:28
mark721first it said upgrade aborted https://imgur.com/a/6N0YKlr16:30
lotuspsychjemark721: there are a few issues atm with updates16:31
Xardmy built-in bluetooth started working after updates \o/16:31
donpeteGuys.....Howdy? What is cooking in the chat room today?16:32
lotuspsychjemark721: i would reccomend it to idle here until things are solved16:32
Xardthough the reception is really poor without an external antenna16:32
lotuspsychjedonpete: this is not a chatroom, use #ubuntu-offtopic please16:32
lotuspsychjemark721: leave your system open like this ok, dont proceed until its fixxed16:33
mark721lotuspsychje, what do you mean?16:33
donpetethe name is xchat... what do you mean it's not a chatroom?16:33
lotuspsychje!chat | donpete16:33
ubottudonpete: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:33
root_kenzo69hi elflord16:34
donpetecool... so any interesting technical topics?16:34
lotuspsychjemark721: updates are now being worked on few issues on ubuntu-desktop 18.0416:34
lotuspsychjedonpete: we dont do topics neither, only ubuntu support issues here16:35
mark721lotuspsychje, ok but I didnt know that lol so could I explain whwat I did?16:35
donpeteso, there are bugs in the updates coming from the server16:35
pragmaticenigma!ops | donpete is way offtopic in main (as usual)16:35
ubottudonpete is way offtopic in main (as usual): Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax16:35
root_kenzo69hello iam new member don't know something16:36
popeydonpete: this is a support channel, not general chat. That happens elsewhere.16:36
tonyyarussodonpete: This channel is only for Ubuntu support, not general banter, or non-Ubuntu technical stuff either.16:36
mark721https://imgur.com/a/J1F4wNM Here it was saying stuff about ubuntu-desktop and gdm316:36
mark721Afterwards it changed it mind and said Ubuntu has been upgraded16:36
mark721https://imgur.com/a/a6yQ8hI literally after I clicked "close"16:36
popeymark721: are you sat at that machine right now?16:36
mark721im using it :)16:37
popeymark721: can you try "sudo dpkg --configure -a" and/or "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^"16:37
mark721popey, first one did nothing, second one said this https://pastebin.com/3V1JwdK416:38
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popeymark721: sudo apt install gdm316:38
popeywhat does that do?16:38
mark721popey, https://pastebin.com/YyHcTLwY16:39
popeysomething very wrong there16:40
popeyyou were going 16.04 to 18.04?16:40
mark721via the installer16:40
popeycan you pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list ?16:40
mark721so the two images i sent you16:40
lotuspsychjepopey: just checking you aware of thats being fixxed in-release currently?16:41
mark721were in chronological order, then I opened the terminal then it said i needed to autoremove 4 GB of stuff16:41
mark721popey, https://pastebin.com/UE849g8J16:42
popeymark721: if you "sudo apt update" and then re-try "sudo apt install gdm3 gnome-shell" what happens?16:43
popeylotuspsychje: I don't understand your question16:43
lotuspsychjepopey: its not a question, there's currently issues with gnome-shell that being taken cared of in #ubuntu-release (scroll up there plz)16:44
mark721popey, https://pastebin.com/sx2Gghmw16:44
popeywell that's broken :(16:45
mark721popey, btw16:45
ioriamark721, apt-get purge libappstream316:46
mark721popey, this is what happened directly after closing those two dialogues https://pastebin.com/ghGajnUK16:46
ioriamark721, that is a xenial pkg16:46
mark721ioria, ok done what do i do now16:46
popeyyeah, the apt-get update is failing16:46
iorialotuspsychje, again apt update16:47
popeyso it's not getting the package names from bionic,16:47
lotuspsychjeioria: sure lemme try16:47
mark721ioria, what you said removed it with no problems how do i proceed? a bit confused now :/16:47
ioriamark721, run again apt update16:47
iorialotuspsychje, should be fixed now16:48
lotuspsychjeioria: yes, looking good now, kernel .33 and upgrades of packages!16:49
ioriamark721, better16:49
mark721ok so now what do i do :P16:49
huckHi. I'm not able at using apt install. There is some problem with nvidia drivers. For example for installing 'htop' (I have already, but anyway): https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6C4Pc87bfD/16:49
ioriamark721, sudo apt full-upgrade16:49
huckThe problem is always: The following packages have unmet dependencies:  libglx-mesa0 : Depends: libglapi-mesa (= 18.0.0~rc5-1ubuntu1) but 18.0.5-0ubuntu0~18.04.1 is to be installed16:49
nacchuck: can you pastebin `apt-cache policy libglapi-mesa` ?16:50
tonyyarussohuck: Have you tried using the command it suggests?16:50
hucknacc, sure: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Bh6GRZVmKh/16:50
hucktonyyarusso, yes: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/26R9fhWxF5/16:51
nacchuck: err, sorry `apt-cache policy libglx-mesa0` ?16:52
mark721ioria, all done :D16:53
hucknacc, no problem: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NjwqZtRPG5/16:53
ioriamark721, ok16:53
mark721ioria, ok how do i get gnome shell to activate :D16:54
mark721like it still looks like unity?16:54
ioriamark721,  apt-cache policy gnome-shell16:54
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mark721ioria, confused then what16:54
ioriamark721,  please, pate it16:55
ioriamark721,  apt-cache policy apt16:55
nacchuck: apt-cache policy nvidia-396 ?16:56
mark721ioria, https://pastebin.com/Y7j01k5X16:56
hucknacc, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PgZg6XtzfW/16:57
ioriamark721,  apt-cache policy gdm316:57
nacchuck: i'm guessing your ppa is busted, and is breaking other things. purge that ppa so you can fix your system16:57
mark721ioria, https://pastebin.com/GBJq8haN16:58
hucknacc, thanks. Can you help me on that, please? How to purge some ppa?16:58
ioriamark721,  last one :  ls /boot16:58
=== lotuspsychje is now known as LotusComputers
mark721ioria, https://pastebin.com/BYG5bHKy16:59
nacchuck: i'm about to be heads down on some work stuff, someone should be able to walk you through it17:00
nacchuck: but also you installed a 16.04 repository on an 18.04 system17:00
nacchuck: never a good idea17:00
ioriamark721,  ok, looks fine to me, reboot and you should see gdm3 login screen ,if not, gdm  has not been configured, and we'll try to fix it17:01
mark721Great see ya in a minute :D17:01
hucknacc, many thanks. I'm also searching the web. Good work17:01
mark721ioria, dude it's looking really cool :D17:06
ioriamark721,  ok, good job17:06
mark721I believe this is GDM, since the time is now in the centre at the top and exit button is on top right17:06
lotuspsychjecookie ioria :p17:06
mark721ioria, just wanna say THANK YOU :d17:06
ioriamark721,  you're welcm17:06
mark721lotuspsychje, indeed, deserves a cookie :D (probably not what u meant :P)17:07
mark721although this livepatch thing is a bit odd17:07
mark721taking forever to sign in ?17:07
mark721why is it so slow17:07
lotuspsychjemark721: you mean the welcome screen?17:07
mark721lotuspsychje, well it said you need to do some updates, please enter your ubuntu SSO email and password account17:08
lotuspsychjemark721: yeah it needs your account one time17:08
mark721lotuspsychje, but this is stupidly slow like over a minute tryna sign in17:08
mark721idek if my password was right LOL17:08
mark721its still loading17:08
mark721lotuspsychje, one thing i dont get, why does it need my email to do updates?17:09
lotuspsychjemark721: livepatch is more then updates, it lets you apply new updates live, without reboot17:10
mark721lotuspsychje, what does that have to do with my email tho17:11
mark721lotuspsychje, like literally its still not signing me in....17:11
mark721i even clicked cancel but it wont17:11
lotuspsychjemark721: did you create an account?17:11
mark721i believe i have an ubuntu account?17:12
lotuspsychjemark721: well let me ask you first, do you 'need' livepatch?17:12
mark721no idea17:12
mark721lol i mean i have never had to reboot my pc? for an ubuntu update afaik in 16,04?17:12
lotuspsychjemark721: are you on  desktop or server?17:12
pablo__I don't login in X window system , the user/pass are correct, but don't login17:12
lotuspsychjemark721: in my opinion, i would not enable livepatch then17:12
mark721lotuspsychje, tell me more :)17:12
lotuspsychjemark721: do your updates and reboot after in your case?17:13
pablo__I'm from [alt]+F2 console17:13
mark721lotuspsychje, very rarely afaik i have needed to do that17:13
lotuspsychjemark721: what do you mean? updates come out very often17:13
mark721lotuspsychje, how do i force close this crap17:13
mark721lotuspsychje, like afaik i rarely need to reboot after updates.17:13
pablo__and I don't understand this problem17:14
mark721anyway how do i just force close livepatch i will deal with it later lol17:14
lotuspsychjemark721: when updates ask you to reboot, you need to reboot right?17:14
mark721yes ofc17:14
mark721but im saying that rarely happens if i remember17:14
mark721like if chrome updates, i dont need to reboot,17:15
mark721idk maybe im crazy lol17:15
CarlFKyou can keep running forever without rebooting, you wont' get some of the changes.17:16
pablo__maybe something is misconfigured in X17:17
pragmaticenigmapablo__: Please be a descriptive and detailed as you can. Your question is to vague to understand17:18
FaustoQuick question: I'm using "dd if=/dev/urandom of=sample.txt bs=64M count=16" to gen random file of 1GB in size, but "wc -c" reads a different size17:19
pablo__I'm from the console, irssi , because lightdm don't let me login17:19
pablo__the pass is correct17:20
pragmaticenigmaFausto: Please mind your acronyms and language. Second, file sizes are not decimal, therefor 1 KB != 1000 B17:21
pragmaticenigma1073741824 Bytes = 1 GB17:22
Faustopragmaticenigma: 1,000,000,000 = ?17:22
FaustoSorry for the bad language17:23
pragmaticenigmaFausto: 0.9313 GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes17:23
hggdh1,000,000,000 = 1 gibi17:24
pragmaticenigmaFausto: the better option for checking file sizes is "ls -h name_of_file.txt"17:24
hggdhsee man units17:24
viatorhi again, can anyone please advise me how to disable automatic screen rotation?17:25
Faustopragmaticenigma: it is not working "ls -h"17:25
Faustoonly displays the name17:25
hggdhFausto: ls -lh17:25
pragmaticenigmaFausto: oops, hggdh has the missing option. sorry about that17:26
viatoras stated above, i just installed on an asus E205A netbook and i get my display wrongly rotated additional 90 degrees clockwise in every position. Any advice on this please?17:26
Faustopragmaticenigma: no worries, thank you for the suggestion. what is the difference between wc and ls?17:26
Faustohggdh: thank you for "man units"17:27
pragmaticenigmaFausto: ls reports the filesize as it appears on the disk, wc reads the file and counts the bytes.17:28
Faustopragmaticenigma: lol ok17:29
pragmaticenigmawc doesn't work well with binary files, which is what you are generating with urandom17:29
hggdhFausto: if you just want the number of bytes in a file, either will work. 'ls' looks at the directory structure to get file size, 'wc' actually reads the file and counts.17:29
pablo__if I changed gdm with lightdm, the configuration file are different ?17:30
pablo__I try to reboot17:31
pragmaticenigma"wc" reads characters, which may be 8bit, 16bit, 32bit blocks depending on the encoding17:31
Faustopragmaticenigma: Oh, wc will output only the number; ls shows more stuff17:34
generichow can I upgrade from xenial xenius ?17:34
FaustoI'm passing the size to a variable17:34
lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | generic17:34
ubottugeneric: Upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04.1 is now available, if you do not receive the upgrade window try update-manager -c17:34
genericlotuspsychje, i had 18.04 from the beta but there is no update-manager17:35
lotuspsychjegeneric: are you on 16.04 right now?17:36
genericlotuspsychje, no 18.0417:36
lotuspsychjegeneric: why do you ask to upgrade from 16.04 then?17:36
genericlotuspsychje, how can I determine the version thats running just to be sure ?17:37
lotuspsychjegeneric: lsb_release -a17:37
genericlotuspsychje, no lsb installed17:41
genericwhere is the default place for .deb files that are downloaded ?17:42
lotuspsychjegeneric: did you have a good look?17:42
hggdhgeneric: lsb_release. Notice the underscore17:42
hggdhgeneric: and the parameter -a17:43
genericit is 16.04 after all17:43
lotuspsychjegeneric: so you want to upgrade to 18.04.1 are you sure?17:44
genericlotuspsychje, i need amdgpu to run Im on vesa now17:44
lotuspsychjegeneric: if you would like to test your hardware, we reccomend to test a liveusb first, if its runs okay, proceed to a real install?17:45
genericlotuspsychje, can I get amdgpu to run with 16.04 release ? its not a top shelf model its an old notebook17:47
qwebirc39576trying to get a NAS mount point with nfs file type on an ubuntu core installation (can't seem to post in that channel). The same mount command gave me a wrong fs type error which was easily fixed by installing nfs-common, which is not a package in ubuntu core17:47
qwebirc39576how do you get an nfs mount on ubuntu core?17:47
lotuspsychje!amd | generic17:48
ubottugeneric: Open driver for AMD cards: amdgpu (cards >= GCN1.2 aka GCN 3rd gen), radeon (older cards). Closed drivers: amdgpu-pro (>= GCN1.2) fglrx (older cards, unsupported by AMD in 16.04+). For info on GCN levels, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units . For fglrx info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD17:48
genericok I have the screen running now in a decent resolution17:53
genericthats good for now17:53
genericbut I have problems to find the audio chip17:53
genericit only finds the hdmi17:54
genericok graphics seems ok but i have audioproblems now17:59
pragmaticenigmageneric: make sure you have a device plugged into the audio output of your sound card/port17:59
genericok 1 sec18:00
genericstill shows ati r6xx hdmi18:00
genericbut nothing else18:00
genericwith alsa18:01
pragmaticenigmageneric: you may have to exit from the control panel and re-enter18:01
generici dont have much of the apps in the panel installed18:01
genericwhat do I need ?18:02
genericpragmaticenigma, running xfce18:02
pragmaticenigmayou don't need any at the moment... some sound cards provide a signal when a device is plugged into the output of card. When nothing is plugged in, pulseaudio detects there is nothing connected and does not offer that as an option18:03
genericok i have pulseaudio18:03
genericwill try later maybe ...18:03
pragmaticenigmageneric: make sure you have something plugged into the headphone jack you want to use... try a reboot and see if that brings up the output18:03
genericok cya then18:04
ZaZaQRoh ubuntu, your my favorite linux base operating system18:08
hlmjrmouses: That issue I was having was actually a problem with debootstrap. Downgraded and no libpng probs.18:09
genericok reboot didnt change anyting18:11
genericpragmaticenigma, reboot didn't do the trick18:12
genericpragmaticenigma, also there is a laptop speaker that would work without headphones ...18:13
ab_Hey Guys.18:18
ab_I am looking for a step-by-step guide written by someone like a blog post or video to learn XChat.18:19
ab_Any suggestions?18:20
ab_Thank you in advance. :)18:20
ZaZaQRlet me msg you ab_18:21
liori17                 ___________________18:23
liori17                '.   ______________ '.18:23
liori17                  |  |             '-'18:23
Gudare there any usb installation images for ubuntu?18:27
Gudthe download page is an iso but the documentation mentions them18:27
ab_@Gud: You can use UNetBootIt tool to have your USB version.18:28
ZaZaQRGUD, what operating system are you using?18:29
ab_@Gud: https://unetbootin.github.io/18:29
GudZaZaQR: FreeBSD18:29
GudIm trying to set up a laptop for my parents18:30
ZaZaQRi never used that18:30
ab_You will find Windows, Linux and Mac versions.18:30
Gudlol dont worry I have windows install also18:30
blackrootonly freebsd i ever tried is freenas. but i don't really have to do much with it lol18:30
ZaZaQRso, you trying install Ubuntu dual boot on your freebsd laptop?18:31
pragmaticenigmado not use unetbootin for making Ubuntu install USB drives18:31
GudZaZaQR: No, I bought my parents a laptop and now I want to install Ubuntu on it18:31
ZaZaQRoh okay18:31
ab_@Gud: Have you tried to use "dd" command to copy the image to your USB stick?18:31
ZaZaQRyou can do that too18:31
GudIts been my experience that writing iso files to usb disks is a hassle18:31
ZaZaQRyou mean usb flash drive?18:32
GudZaZaQR: yes18:32
pragmaticenigmaGud: If you have a windows machine available, the ubuntu documentation recommends using Rufus for imaging. If you are already on a linux based machine, using "dd" is recommended18:32
blackrootrufus is good18:32
pragmaticenigmaGud: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows#018:32
pragmaticenigmaGud: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu#018:33
ZaZaQRso if your using a windows laptop. you can simply download unetbootin. google it18:33
blackrootrufus completed iso to my sandisk usb in like 6 seconds18:33
pragmaticenigmaZaZaQR: I just got done stating that Ubuntu documentation does not recommend Unetbootin18:33
ZaZaQRwell, its the easiest way for windows18:33
pragmaticenigmaZaZaQR: No, it's not... following the directions is the easiest way: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows#018:34
ZaZaQRoh i heard of Rufus once, never used it18:34
GudI already tried Rufus though18:34
GudIt complains about a syslinux version mismatch18:34
blackrootthen download the updated one18:35
blackrootyou can do that from rufus18:35
GudYes I will try18:35
blackrootit asks to download it18:35
ZaZaQRi don't really like unetbootin, when a new version of ubuntu is out, and the unetbootin is outdated, you make the newest bootable flash drive of ubuntu18:37
ZaZaQRyou can't*18:37
ledeniGud: if you are freebsd user dd should do job to burn iso to usb18:37
ZaZaQRit might take forever18:38
anonymousstealthnot happy with ubuntu over privacy concerns.... is Canonical becoming another Microsoft18:38
blackrooti'd prefer rufus if there is a windows pc nearby. it's fast and reliable18:38
GudRufus is almost finished, lets see if it works18:38
blackrootdid you get asked to download syslinux version?18:39
pragmaticenigmaanonymousstealth: This is a support channel. You can air your complants in the #ubuntu-offtopic channel. Please remember the community guidelines. Also, these rooms are volunteer operated18:39
ZaZaQRi'm okay with the Amazon spyware lol. not really spyware18:39
genericpragmaticenigma: i cant figure out the sound output18:39
ZaZaQRcome to #ubuntu-offtopic18:39
pragmaticenigmageneric: I don't have any further suggestions at this time18:40
genericpragmaticenigma: there is a xfce plugin that lists the speaker18:40
anonymousstealthSorry about that... its not a complaint, just an observation18:40
genericpragmaticenigma: or headphone18:40
hfpHi all, I'm trying to debug iptables rules in a Ubuntu LXD container, so I'm using both the TRACE and LOG tragets. On my host machine, if I set a TRACE target, I can see the output in /var/log/kern.log. But in the container, that file doesn't even exist... Where does the TRACe go and how do I watch the output in the container??18:40
genericpragmaticenigma: says headphone plugged in18:41
xerfI have a cinnamon desktop environment question if someone can help?18:41
ledenigeneric: use 'alsamixer' in terminal18:41
pragmaticenigma!ask | xerf18:42
ubottuxerf: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:42
xerflol sorry...18:42
pantatohi, i'm having a little problem updating. There seems to be a unicode error describe here: https://paste.debian.net/1039046/ . I looked online and it looks like a simple fix i just need to put unicode-8 in a code file. I don't know the location of said file, though18:42
xerfI bounce between (stock) GNOME and Cinnamon DE.  Steam on GNOME doesn't have any tearing issues or like performance issues w/screen updates.  but on Cinnamon, it seems like it just drags and really affects the refresh of that monitor (any window on the monitor w/steam)18:43
pragmaticenigmapantato: are you running Ubuntu or Debian?18:43
xerfare there any issues w/steam on cinnamon or is there a way to debug that?18:43
xerfUbuntu 18.0418:44
tsgloveHello.  Can somebody tell me what is the third line on this screenshot?   https://imgur.com/a/ncf5Wzr   Is that a route to   ?18:44
pragmaticenigmaxerf: it could be the compositor (3d effects) differences between the two desktop environments... but I'm not certain18:45
ZaZaQRoh ic18:45
xerfah ok18:45
ZaZaQRmy steam works on ubuntu 18.0418:45
xerfwhat DE are you running ZaZaQR18:45
xerfyeah, on gnome it's perfectly fine18:45
blackrootlast time i tried steam on linux i used xfce18:46
xerfhehe...aahhh xfce18:46
ZaZaQRwhen i used ubuntu 18.04 alpha, before beta version. steam didn't work and it didn't work for 11.1018:46
ask-ygU5AP56steam works fine here too, well as fine as I see it can be working18:46
ask-ygU5AP56what does not however is the "correct" flow of choice of applications for particular files18:47
ZaZaQRon the steam website, it says you need the lastest version of ubuntu to get it to work18:48
ask-ygU5AP56i.e. on lxde upon removal of gedit, pcmanfm defaults to using libreoffice for default file view/edit instead of leafpad18:48
ZaZaQRor play games18:48
ask-ygU5AP56how to fix?18:48
pantatopragmaticenigma: ubuntu 1618:48
ask-ygU5AP56ZaZaQR, works fine on 64 bit 18.04 here18:48
ZaZaQRyeah me too ask-ygU5AP5618:48
pragmaticenigmapantato: there is no Ubuntu 1618:49
tewardpantato: 16.04 or 16.10?  (There is no just "16")18:49
qwebirc31610hi all, can anyone offer some thoughts on Ubuntu in virtual machines? I could do with some advice on using real ext4 partition for the vm... thanks.18:49
ask-ygU5AP56I do use lxde though so may be that's a DE issue w/ steam18:49
ZaZaQRmy only problem is that i have a 3K screen that is 13.3 inches big on my laptop. steam program is super tiny18:49
ask-ygU5AP56qwebirc31610, from what I recall, virtualbox has this ability. to use a physical hd18:49
pantatoteward: sorry, i was wrong. Its 17.1018:50
bluesmonkcan you fix my bash script? https://bpaste.net/show/f97113ca72ea18:50
ask-ygU5AP56qwebirc31610, https://www.serverwatch.com/server-tutorials/using-a-physical-hard-drive-with-a-virtualbox-vm.html here18:50
teward!17.10 | pantato18:50
ubottupantato: Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) was the 27th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 19th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2018-July/004483.html18:50
tewardupgrade to a supported release (18.04)18:50
pragmaticenigmabluesmonk: This is not a programming help channel, please try in a more appropriate channel18:50
ask-ygU5AP56qwebirc31610, using VboxManage you join the physical volume to a virtual one, readable by virtualbox-ose18:51
bluesmonkok :(18:51
ask-ygU5AP56qwebirc31610, then proceed w/ virtualbox-ose as intended18:51
qwebirc31610thanks ask-ygU5AP56, I did read the VirtualBox manual and it does cover using real hdd partitions for the vm, but it doesnt really cover how to do this for a Windows (10) host sadly18:51
ask-ygU5AP56qwebirc31610, I recall qemu providing such option too18:51
tewardqwebirc31610: if the host OS is Windows, then you need a Windows support channel18:51
ask-ygU5AP56qwebirc31610, then it's more of a windows 10 question innit18:51
qwebirc31610from my other research it does seem that this is quite non-standard usage and now I am starting to wonder if it should even be done18:51
tewardbecause that's a Windows issue of "How do I do this on Windows for a VM"18:52
ZaZaQRwow, i didn't know the EOL for 17.10, i thought it would still be supported18:52
ask-ygU5AP56qwebirc31610, it's usage as any other - for example, in order to set up a new install one can boot into on another machine18:52
pragmaticenigmaqwebirc31610: We cannot support Windows OS issues here... you need to seek out Virtual Box support channel for help18:52
pragmaticenigmaqwebirc31610: Check out #vbox channel for more dedicated support for Virtual Box which will better provide you with support18:53
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ask-ygU5AP56qwebirc31610, mayhap some perm issues or a different layout for the device in whatever win version you want to try it on?18:54
qwebirc31610i appreciate as i am using Windows host it does seem not ontpoic for around here but can i ask ... if my host was actually ubunut, is using an actual hdd partition for the vm hdd a bad idea? eg is it going to cause any problems/dataloss as the virtualbox manual even warns about possibility of dataloss18:54
ask-ygU5AP56qwebirc31610, honestly, you better be doing it the other way about, if using a separate version of win at all; wine is quite mature these days.18:54
pragmaticenigmaask-ygU5AP56: Windows specific problems are not supported here18:54
ask-ygU5AP56pragmaticenigma, d'oh18:54
pragmaticenigmaqwebirc31610: The idea of mounting a physical hard drive in Virtual Box poses no harm if you know what you are doing. It's by design to be allowed so you can recover data off a device18:55
ask-ygU5AP56qwebirc31610, and d'oh to you; if you leave the drive alone, and provide the setup w/ steady power, until a hardware or software failure arises, you got the basics covered for obtaining success.18:56
qwebirc31610ok all thanks for the advice and apologies for the offtopic question in here - i will heaover to virtualbox irc ... thanks agin and bye ;o)18:56
ask-ygU5AP56no worries18:56
pantatoteward: gee, thanks a lot19:00
pragmaticenigmapantato: We are all volunteers here and do our best to support what we can. Unfortunately your system is no long supported officially. Issues, such as the one you presented, are often due to EOL status of the system. The servers setup to support the older version are taken offline to be repurposed for new projects. Telling you to upgrade your system is the first step to resolving your issue.19:09
qwebirc21554Hi all. Just upgraded to Bionic Beaver... and everything works! And for once; the changes are really great!19:16
emilioHi. Someone can help me with ubuntu 18.04.1 that boot in to terminal ?19:18
ioriaemilio, you mean you don't get a gui desktop but a virtual console ?19:21
emilioioria, yes no login gui19:22
ioriaemilio, but you can login in console ?19:22
ioriaemilio, what happens if you run   sudo systemctl restart gdm3 ?19:23
ioriaemilio, no output whatsoever ?19:24
emiliono output19:24
ioriaemilio, sudo apt update    and notify us if you got errors19:24
emiliono errors... all package are update19:25
ioriaemilio,sudo systemctl status gdm319:26
x_unknown_xafternoon everyone19:26
x_unknown_xi just wanted to see if anyone else has ran into this issue: system goes to sleep mode and upon waking and logging back in, there are no previous running programs. Everything is closed19:27
emilioit says: Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/gdm3; generated) Active: active(exited)19:28
ioriaemilio, looks like you're using upstart, not systemd ... ?19:29
emilioi dont know :-)19:29
ioriaemilio,  please install pastebinit and run   sudo systemctl status gdm3 | pastebinit19:29
ioriaemilio,  and tell us more about you system ... fresh install, upgraded from xenial ... ? what ?19:30
emiliofresh install19:31
ioriaemilio,    sudo systemctl status gdm3 | pastebinit    , please19:31
ioriaemilio,     ps -A | head 2    and paste here the second line19:33
ioriaemilio,     ps -A | head -2    and paste here the second line19:33
emilio1 ?  00:00:02 systemd19:34
ioriaemilio,   cat /etc/issue19:35
emilioUbuntu 18.04.1 LTS \n \l19:36
ioriaemilio,   cat /proc/cmdline19:38
oy1rdoes ubuntu still have that ugly unity look ?19:38
ioriaemilio,   current is 33 not 30, so cannot be updated19:40
ioriaemilio,   as you said above19:41
emiliosorry...i've load a old kernel from grub. but i've the same error with the "last" -3219:41
ioriaemilio,   latest is 3319:41
emiliook ... so i've to update to 33?19:43
ioriaemilio,  apt update should have notified you about that19:44
emilioapt says that all is update :-(19:44
ioriaemilio,  ls /boot and check you have the -33 kernel installed19:45
emiliono...only 30 and 3219:46
ioriaemilio, sudo apt full-upgrade19:46
ioriaemilio, apt-cache policy linux-image-4.15.0-33-generic | pastebinit19:47
emilio-33 not found19:48
ioriaemilio, apt-cache policy linux-image-4.15.0-33-generic | pastebinit19:49
emilionot work, says that it's try to send an empty document19:50
ioriaemilio, apt-cache policy linux-generic | pastebinit19:52
ioriaemilio,  change servers19:53
emiliohow to do in terminal ?19:54
ioriaemilio,  in terminal you need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list19:55
circoloiscrivetvi ad arraspo19:55
rusty_how can I search metapackages?19:55
circoloi'm ita19:55
Sven_vBwhy don't I see changes in /proc/self/environ after putenv() (php) or export BLA= (bash)? man proc's description of environ notes no restrictions like "at process startup"19:56
=== HobGoblin is now known as UukGoblin
circoloyu y uifuhg6dfg19:57
circolo i7youhnj19:57
circolo ù+èfc19:57
circolobn h+èù+19:57
emilioioria, it.archive.ubuntu.com is ok?19:57
ioriaemilio,  maybe, i'd use Main or us19:57
ioriaemilio, just type 'updates' in Search (Win key) and select it19:58
ioriaemilio, sy, have to go, hope you solve it19:59
emiliothank you ioria19:59
SeveasSven_vB: seems to work just fine20:14
Seveasstarfire:~$ export FOO=bar20:15
Seveasstarfire:~$ cat /proc/self/environ | tr '\0' '\n' | grep FOO20:15
longus_catusIs ubuntu compiled with 80486 support?20:15
Seveaslongus_catus: no20:16
longus_catusThat's authorative and helpful, thanks20:16
Seveasand I think we even require CMOV these days, but I'm not 100% sure20:16
hggdhat a minimum, PAE20:16
longus_catusAny ideas for a 486 tablet pc?  You know, those inch thick ones with resistive digitizers20:17
Seveaslongus_catus: trashcan?20:17
longus_catusThat's where I got it from20:17
Seveasput it back :)20:17
longus_catusHmm, then I'll be bored and I already ordered an adapter to use a USB keyboard with the PS2 connector20:18
Seveasyou can probably find a windows 3.11 or windows 95 somewhere20:19
hggdh16.04 still has i386 images. But chances are there will be some weird hardware involved, so...20:19
Seveashggdh: I don't think we supported 486 back then either20:20
hggdhSeveas: oh. Yes, indeed. Sorry.20:20
longus_catusI have the windows 3.11/95/98 part down.  Maybe it'll be ok once I can get past the cmos checksum error screen to just play around with that20:22
JimBuntulongus_catus, while this isn't #hardware, you'll probably need to open it up and replace the cmos battery, or if it's a rechargeable one, leave the device connected to power for long enough.20:23
longus_catusJimBuntu: It has a rechargeable one, but you have to enter the bios and save settings first before it'll ever boot20:24
Seveas"Support for i586 and lower processors, as well as for i686 processors without the cmov instruction, was dropped in Ubuntu 10.10."20:24
Seveasso you could try 10.0420:24
menolCrapHola Drone20:27
longus_catusWow, there's a v.22 softmodem plugin for asterisk.  That's cool.20:27
menolCrapQuiero hablar con alguien20:28
menolCrapQuiero hablar con alguien20:29
Sven_vBSeveas, that's because you use cat to read the file. it not only wastes memory and CPU for the subprocess, but more importantly, creates a new child process, and *that* child process will then find *its* environment in /proc/self/environ. try the same with </proc/self/environ tr '\0' '\n' | grep FOO20:45
Sven_vBSeveas, in that case the redirection, and thus filename resolution, happens inside the bash instance that exported the var.20:46
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crackpotmarkRegarding an upgrade of xubuntu from 16.04 to 18.04, I have couple questions. Is my kernal going to be downgraded from 4.4.0-134 to 4.15.0-33. Secondly is Wayland installed in the upgrade and available to try immediately? Finally does the gnome DE get installed even on Xubuntu20:52
crackpotmarkoh ignore the kernal one20:52
crackpotmarkI can't read the versions correctly tonight :/20:52
jmgb4Is this just one of those things where ubuntu wants to control everything -- as in I cant get python-libewf installed? https://nopaste.xyz/?77d1ca83e5ed7304#gLwyJOvIgEju1FoJeE3/Ypug28+fiS3+/VIPmW+gMUM=20:54
EnglishInfixHey guys. I have an issue regarding AD in 18.04. I have been following this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/sssd-ad.html which worked well for authentication, but AD users that log in to the console do not seem to have any user settings that a new user would have (such as display username and current directory, and some commands such as "logout" are unavailable). I would assume this is a default "profile" issue20:55
EnglishInfixbut I do not know enough about those to find some sane defaults.20:55
EnglishInfixI guess the actual question would be "how do I make users being authenticated through AD for the first time have the same profile settings as a local user"20:58
SeveasSven_vB: ah, good catch on the cat. iiiiiinteresting.20:59
SeveasSven_vB: 'man environ' does say that /proc/self/environ will not be updated by putenv, so this seems to be expected behaviour20:59
Seveaserr, 'man proc' that is. Fail.21:01
SeveasI guess it kinda makes sense, as putenv can't modify the **env data21:02
Sven_vBSeveas, oh then you probably have a newer version. my man proc doesn't say so.21:02
Sven_vBat least I know the docs are fixed already. thanks. :)21:02
ryuoSeveas: putenv? that doesn't exist that i'm aware of.21:03
codecutterif www.example.com has no ssl enabled but example.com has, do i need to enable ssl for the first domain before redirecting to example.com?21:09
codecutteri intend to redirect all traffic from www.example.com to https://example.com21:09
compdocnot sure you have to, but its good to have all servers in the chain with certs21:12
compdocyou using lets encrypt?21:12
compdocwww.example.com is a different server than example.com?21:13
SeveasSven_vB: this info was added in 17.1021:25
Sven_vBSeveas, thanks!21:27
Sven_vBcodecutter, I can't see a reason why you'd need SSL for that redirect.21:28
Sven_vBcodecutter, you can redirect from a plain HTTP site to HTTPS.21:28
codecutterme neither :)21:29
Sven_vBof course that redirect could be manipulated by local attackers, but you can't usually fix that.21:29
dina16i have ubuntu 18.04.1 , i can't use keyboard to adjust brightness21:36
ryuodina16: what laptop model?21:37
=== amirpro_ is now known as amirpro
EnglishInfixHow can I set a default bash.bashrc for AD users logging in via SSSD on 18.04? Right now users logging in are missing a lot of features, can't even tab complete or use the "logout" command.21:44
naccEnglishInfix: are sure those users are running bash?21:46
naccEnglishInfix: and not dash, e.g.21:46
naccecho $SHELL to check21:46
EnglishInfixnacc: they are using /bin/sh, but should be using bash21:47
naccEnglishInfix: did you change it?21:47
naccEnglishInfix: on ubuntu by default sh is dash not bash21:47
EnglishInfixnacc: this is a fresh install and I have not done anything not outlined in https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/sssd-ad.html21:47
naccEnglishInfix: oh sorry, misread what you wrote maybe21:47
naccEnglishInfix: yes, so they are using dash if their shell is 'sh' or 'dash' by default on Ubuntu21:48
naccEnglishInfix: you just need to change their login shell? https://serverfault.com/questions/790577/how-to-change-from-the-default-shell-authenticating-using-sssd-ad/90198921:48
EnglishInfixnacc: let's try that. thanks for now21:49
naccEnglishInfix: yw21:49
naccEnglishInfix: in any case, that's the place to fix it (sssd config)i think. You might also try #ubuntu-server for sssd help21:49
EnglishInfixah, I had forgotten about that channel21:50
SeveasEnglishInfix: and if their .bashrc is not automatically created, then pam_mkhomedir is missing from your pamconfig or misconfigured†21:52
dina16@ryuo : model is : VPCEJ2L1E C1066CMM21:59
VolundI do df -h and get this22:00
ryuodina16: i'd see if the keys are generating any input events first. launch acpi_listen in a terminal and see what happens when you press the keys for it.22:00
Volundcan someone please explain what /run/user/<id> is and why it needs 400 megabytes22:00
ryuoVolund: it's not using that much. that's just how much space is available.22:01
dina16video/brightnessup BRTUP 00000086 00000000 K22:01
dina16sony/hotkey SNY5001:00 00000001 0000001122:02
ryuodina16: ok. it appears to be activating.22:02
Volundbut... what IS it?22:02
VolundI've used ls to explore it, and it seems related to systemd.22:02
ryuoVolund: my guess? it's where the systemd user instance stores files.22:02
dina16yes but nothing happen22:02
Volund... ohhhhhh.22:03
ryuodina16: did it work previously, say in a previous version of Ubuntu?22:03
dina16i don't know , i never use it22:04
dina16with ubuntu22:04
ryuodina16: run this: ls /sys/class/backlight22:05
ryuodina16: what files are in the folder?22:05
EnglishInfixnacc: setting override_shell to /bin/bash worked perfectly. thanks a bunch :)22:05
ryuoOk... now we're getting somewhere...22:06
ryuoyour system may require some special kernel parameters for the backlight to work.22:06
dina16should install somthing22:07
ryuodina16: don't think so, but you may need to try some stuff with grub to reach a solution.22:07
ryuolet me check what it was.22:07
dina16i have install this Xbacklight.22:07
ryuoyou can try running xbacklight to see if it helps.22:08
ryuoxbacklight -get22:08
dina16xbacklight -get22:09
dina16return nothing for me22:09
ryuoi figured. the backlight isn't even detected.22:10
dina16i miss somthing ?22:10
ryuodina16: i doubt it, but some laptops require special parameters for their backlights to work.22:11
ryuodina16: this may be one such case.22:11
ryuounder my thinkpad x200, i get these: acpi_video0 intel_backlight22:11
dina16it's possible to solve it ?22:11
ryuoMaybe. But it's not a guarantee.22:11
ryuoAt least the keyboard keys are working.22:12
dina16it's driver missing no ?22:12
dina16like for nvidia ?22:12
ryuoWhat GPU do you even have?22:12
ryuoI assumed it was just Intel GPU.22:12
dina16GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 410M22:13
Tramtristhey all.. where is the dev channel or the channel where we talk about adding packages22:23
Tramtristbsaically im trying to figure out if dovecot-lucene which was depracated in 18.04 can be added back in.. it sitll exists in debian22:27
Tramtrist16.04 LTS had it as well22:27
ramsub07_Hi, I am trying to install nvidia for docker and i get this following error while i try this command22:28
ramsub07_Command : curl -s -L https://nvidia.github.io/nvidia-docker/gpgkey | sudo apt-key add - distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID)22:28
ramsub07_Error : gpg: can't open `distribution=ubuntu16.04': No such file or directory22:28
NokajiHi, I have a couple of partitions that load on boot-up and are used by proggies, e.g. a music player. Problem is they do not always mount and  get instead of say MUSIC mounting, ubuntu invents a MUSIC1 and mounts to that instead. I can fix it with a umount and mount command but I'd like somethi g permanet and to understand the issue, I've tried adding delays to the music player on boot22:30
ramsub07_I tried the few solutions given in the ubuntu forum, but unable to debug. could someone please help me?22:30
Nokaji... neither partition is listed in fstab22:31
guivercNokaji, I'd list them in fstab if I was you, why do not have them there, and how did you 'automount' them?  what type partitions are they?22:32
Nokajiguiverc: okay, I can do that - they are EXT4, I mounted them via the DISKS app22:33
Nokajiwasn't sure tht was needed but I'll read up on fstab, thanks22:34
guivercNokaji, I've not used disks app (I don't use gnome generally) so don't know if it has rules, conditions or something in the way (or could be just setup wrong)  - fstab is mostly preference for me..  use your /home, or / as examples for new mounts22:35
Nokajiguiverc: It's essentially  tick box after selecting partition - a bit odd really it only does half the job22:36
ryuodina16: ah... hm. i guess you can try installing nvidia driver.22:36
ryuodina16: the usual workarounds primarily apply to intel GPUs.22:37
dina16yes nvidia driver it's installed22:37
dami0hey, i'm trying to join my ubuntu to an ad domain, samba 'net ads' commands show the right information but i can't find the AD groups and users in /etc/passwd22:37
ryuodina16: did it fix backlight issues?22:38
guivercNokaji, i'm looking now (gnome-disks), it may just create/edit entries in fstab, so you may find entries there already22:38
dina16i don't know percent of my backlight22:39
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ryuodina16: uh... ok. is /sys/class/backlight still empty?22:39
dina16yes , i have driver nvidia when i have installed ubuntu22:40
ryuodina16: out of ideas for now.22:41
dina16no problem bro22:41
ryuodina16: i'd try googling around. nouveau may work now with it, but the proprietary driver would need to be removed.22:41
dina16thnk's for help22:42
ryuothe GPU is old enough it seems.22:42
Nokajiguiverc: just opened fstab - it has only filesystem and swap partitions listed ... I have some sixteen partitions total over 5 devices, inc 2x SSD, 1 HDD22:42
NokajiI may have inadvertently edited it though in an earlier attempt (but cant see how)22:42
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dina16install open driver22:43
dina16for nvidia from xorg22:43
guivercNokaji, i was guessing; I can't test as all my partitions are already in fstab..  I'd suggest creating a `cp` of it (.bak) just in case of error - so you can revert back if necessary22:43
Boyettei have a weird problem22:44
guivercNokaji, also use UUID's & not /dev/sdx9's (use `sudo blkid` to get UUID's)22:45
Nokajiguiverc: yeah - thanks for the guidance, I'll have a good read of something tomorrow on it22:45
Boyettei dont have a networkconfiguration on my vps.. but i have network22:45
Boyettebut i need the configuration aswell22:45
NokajiI've got a list of the UUID's via blkid .. I'm slowly learning :)22:45
Boyetteis that a common problem22:46
Nokajithanks again guiverc  - I'll hunt for an fstab manual probably22:46
guivercNokaji, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab   (a start anyway)22:47
ryuoBoyette: VPS are typically given a static configuration, though it may be delivered over DHCP.22:47
ryuoBoyette: you'll need to consult with your host.22:47
Boyettethe internet connection works22:47
Boyettei can connect remotely22:47
Nokajiguiverc: also found the "ll -a /media/nokaji" switch handy22:47
ryuoso what's the issue?22:47
Boyetteif i type ip a22:48
Boyettei can see ip address22:48
Boyettebut when i try to configure a vps .. there is no network configuration to attach to22:48
Boyetteits just empty22:48
Boyettevpn sorry22:48
Boyettevpn on the vps22:48
Boyetteits like there is no network at all22:48
pragmaticenigma!enter | Boyette22:48
ubottuBoyette: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.22:48
ryuoand it would help to know what version of Ubuntu, since Ubuntu has been switching around their networking setups...22:49
Boyetteit was an ubuntu 16 template which I upgraded to ubuntu 18.04 with complications because the boot size was just 100mb so i had to do a lot of hocus pocus to make this work22:50
ryuoOk... that may be why.22:51
Boyettewhen i click on connection information i get: Error displaying connection information22:51
BoyetteNo valid active connections found!22:51
Boyettebut my internetconnection is working fine. enter22:51
Nokajiguiverc: neat, should get a lot of mileage from that22:51
imbezolanyone here familiar with apt-offline? i am able to do a set --update, then get --update, then install, but when in then do a set --upgrade the .sig file is empty. any ideas?22:52
Boyettesudo apt-get openvpn = already installed22:55
Boyettesudo openvpn --config (unrecognized option?)22:55
Boyettesudo openvpn -config (error opening configuration files)22:55
Boyettethis is supposed to be the easy part22:56
hggdhBoyette: language, please22:58
caliculkWhile this post is mainly geared towards server, samba is also accessible on ubuntu desktop. However, I was wondering if anyone was familiar with the zfsacl vfs module for Samba. I can't seem to find much info about it, other then it is SUPPOSED to be included in samba-vfs-modules package for 4.7.6 and there is documentation written for it as well, but it is not being included when downloading the package.22:58
Boyette(WTF = Where To Find (a solution)23:00
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dami0hey, i'm trying to join ubuntu 18.04 to an ad domain, samba 'net ads' commands show the right information but i can't find the AD groups and users in /etc/passwd.  does anyone know what i could check to see what's wrong?23:05
ryuodami0: i don't believe samba stores user info in the unix location.23:05
ryuodami0: smbpasswd sure doesn't.23:05
Boyettemaybe because its actually a virtual ethernet controller but that should not create an issue should it?23:06
Volundoh for crying out loud23:08
VolundI hit do-release-upgrade and it says 'An upgrade from zesty to bionic is not supported with this tool.'23:09
Boyetteits not lts23:09
ubottuUbuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) was the 26th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 13th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-January/000228.html23:10
Volundyes that's why I'm trying to get off it23:10
Boyette$ sudo do-release-upgrade -d23:11
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:11
Boyettewhat happens if you force it a bit23:11
hggdhBoyette: it does not matter how you read it. Still, please do not repeat here23:11
Boyettehow you read what?23:12
Boyettei was helping someone else in the mean time23:12
Boyettewhile waiting23:12
hggdhBoyette: you have been warned23:12
Boyettewarned ? for what?23:12
VolundI'm trying to upgrade my VPS basically.23:12
hggdhBoyette: language.23:12
Boyettewhat language?23:12
hggdhBoyette: really? Do you want to go that way?23:13
Boyettewe are passed that now right?23:13
dami0ryuo: oh, ok. https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/sssd-ad.html.en following this and a few other places, got sssd, samba, kerberos and other things installed. i can get a kerberos ticket, i can join (or at least i think i can) the domain using samba's net stuff23:14
dami0ryuo: but i can't login using AD credentials. i also installed the winbind module for pam, that autoconfigured pam and i can see it being used in auth.log (but only when i try ssh)23:15
Volundlooks like I can't use do-release-upgrade period... I should just rebuild the server. But I'm not sure how to package up and preserve users/passwords.23:17
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Volundgod I hope this works23:34
* Volund just replaced his /etc/apt/sources.list with all the 18.04.1 stuff, did update and now apt-get dist-upgrade23:34
VolundI can only pray this doesn't explode too badly, otherwise... well, at least I have a backup23:34
chrimbushi everyone. running ubuntu 18 and for some reason i can't connect to my home wifi. @work it's fine. other locations its fine... signal strength is "excellent"... anybody have any suggestions for a fix? googled til my fingers fell off. tried using wicd instead of netmanager.. no dice.23:36
chrimbuscan connect to a different device nearby (neighbor) which is an xfinitywifi hotspot with the same signal strength. pc and mac connect to home network just fine. its wep223:37
chrimbuswpa2 sorry23:38
Boyetteaes ?23:38
chrimbusyes AES23:39
Boyettewhat if you disable to security to test23:39
chrimbusi can try that23:39
pragmaticenigmachrimbus: Does the access point in your home have all updates applied?23:40
chrimbus_Boyette: pc connects to open network, ubuntu i got a "activation of network authorization failed"23:42
chrimbus_*of network connection failed23:43
pragmaticenigmachrimbus_: did you see my question?23:43
chrimbus_(lost connection whilst changing wifi to open)23:44
pragmaticenigmachrimbus_: Does the access point in your home have all updates applied?23:44
chrimbus_i think so but i can go ahead and run them again now23:44
chrimbus_unable to get latest version info23:45
pragmaticenigmawhat do you mean? what model router/modem/access point is it?23:45
Boyetteso its a security issue or receive is bad23:46
Boyettedid you already delete the configuration?23:46
pragmaticenigmachrimbus_: what is the access point make and model? also, is the machine dual booting windows, and if so, is windows able to connect?23:48
jim12    /)))))))))23:54
pragmaticenigmachrimbus: what is the access point make and model? also, is the machine dual booting windows, and if so, is windows able to connect?23:55
chrimbuswelp. setup an old airport i had lying around and i'm able to connect to that just fine23:55
chrimbusthanks pragmaticenigma and the other person helping me out23:56
chrimbusu guys rule23:56
chrimbusfor now i'll just use the airport as its working with ease23:56
pragmaticenigmachrimbus: what I suspect the issue is the AP and the wireless card aren't compatible23:57
chrimbusgood call23:57
chrimbusBoyette: thank you too23:57
Boyetteis it fixed now?23:57
pragmaticenigmachrimbus: it's an unfortunate state of wireless tech, where there are no hard rules. When you said that you could connect to other things, but not your own AP, with/without passwords, I suspect it's an incompatibility23:57
Boyetteif that never worked23:58
pragmaticenigmachrimbus: about the only other thought would be is if that AP had MAC filtering or some other security protocol enabled to prevent rogue hardware from connecting.23:58
Boyettedo you know when you ever manage to connect your vps with a vpn.. that you can never login anymore :P23:59
Boyetteat least it worked23:59
Boyettebut that is another problem im secured out23:59

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