
wallyworldkelvinliu_: forgot to ask, this PR can be closed right? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/893600:05
kelvinliu_wallyworld, yeah, i just closed this for now. we can solve it later.00:08
wallyworldkelvinliu_: can you make sure there's a card on the caas trllo board for it so we don't forget00:13
kelvinliu_wallyworld, sure, done.00:16
veeberswallyworld: I'm I going crazy, using a fresh develop build I deploy a caas charm, juju status never changes the workload or message from active/Started Container01:54
thumperintermittent allwatcher test failures01:54
veebersI thought my changes introduced that hence why trying develop. I built a fresh operator image and set that too incase there was some caching or something01:54
thumperI think we have had them for a while,01:55
* thumper disd01:55
wallyworldveebers: i don't quite follow. status should not start out as active01:55
veeberswallyworld: sorry, this is status after ages: https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/3p5yYBFnKf/ I see with kubectl -n failing-message log -f juju-operator-mariadb that everything is happy etc. and the unit is fine01:57
veebersI assumed that status should have been updated right?01:57
wallyworldveebers: sorry, what's wrong with status? it looks correct? what are you expecting to see?01:58
veeberswallyworld: ah shit,  you're right; sorry I was thinking that 'started container' was the first message and something else should replace that.01:59
veeberswallyworld: I blame Friday + lack of sleep01:59
veebersI'll continue on my way ^_^01:59
wallyworldno worries. not that the charm is broken a bit01:59
wallyworldit will sometimes send the wrong status after a restart02:00
anastasiamacbabbageclunk: \o/02:27
babbageclunkanastasiamac: hey hey02:28
anastasiamacjust celebrating ur PR's merge...02:28
babbageclunkanastasiamac: oh yay!02:29
* babbageclunk dances02:29
thumperi need a teddybear... babbageclunk your soft...02:49
* babbageclunk sighs02:51
babbageclunkin 1:102:51
veebersah man, wallyworld I'm all of sudden seeing this error, any thoughts on debugging it? (I use make operator-image and docker push to publish it: Failed to pull image "veebers/caas-operator@sha256:fc83ad5cbba1247daa1623d9b102201e56a655abd3d3b680d1ca3d456645ec5d": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: repository veebers/caas-operator not found: does not exist or no pull access03:49
veebersas far as I'm aware it's public and should have access03:49
wallyworldsure you you are using --config to set docker username when bootstrapping03:50
wallyworldnot user name03:51
wallyworldother than that, not sure. i've bootstrapped today using the official image with no problems03:52
wallyworlddo you need a non-released operator image?03:52
veeberswallyworld: ah shoot, maybe using wrong username will check03:53
veeberswallyworld: hmm, I am setting caas-operator-image-path as I was previously.03:54
veebersyeah bootstrapping without setting caas-operator-image-path works, I'll keep diggin03:54
thumperbabbageclunk: I think the race is still there just a lot smaller than it was...03:58
babbageclunkthumper: stink04:56
thumperbabbageclunk: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DwCgvSNYfC/05:09
thumperbabbageclunk: getting there...05:09
thumperbabbageclunk: I can't remember if the squishing of events is done in the txn watcher or the hub watcher05:10
thumperif it is the former, then there is no race05:10
babbageclunkI'm pretty sure it's the former05:10
thumperthen, yay?05:10
* babbageclunk yays?05:11
thumperI sorta hadta do a refactoring to move NewModel on to the controller object05:11
thumperfrom state05:11
thumperit made a bunch of things easier05:11
thumperand more correct05:11
babbageclunkyeah, it makes more sense being there now that you say it.05:11
thumperI was going to say all the tests are passing...05:12
thumperbut just noticed a few watcher failures in migration tests05:12
thumperso almost there...05:12
thumperall failures so far just in modelmigration_test.go05:13
thumperI am getting hastled about finishing today though from Rachel05:13
thumperI had said I'd finish early because of the extra hours this week05:14
thumperbut I'm trying to get these tests passing05:14
* thumper sigh05:14
thumpernever ending bollocks05:14
thumperand likely merge conflicts with devel now...05:14
thumper... and StateSuite.TestWatchAllModels05:15
thumperand another...05:15
* thumper sighs again05:16
thumperwhere is my wine05:16
thumperOOPS: 2263 passed, 3 skipped, 9 FAILED05:16
thumperbetter than before...05:16
babbageclunkyeah, I'm pretty sure it's beer oclock05:16
thumperfound that six of those failures are due to a replacement of the state clock05:18
thumperwhich would screw up the watchers05:18
thumper6 fixed05:22
babbageclunkthumper: juju-engine-report isn't working for me on a freshly bootstrapped controller machine?05:29
thumperbabbageclunk: underscores now05:30
babbageclunkthumper: ah, of course - thanks!05:30
wallyworldbabbageclunk: you having luck with the bounce fix?06:20
wallyworldkelvinliu_: here's a small k8s storage fix https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/910806:20
kelvinliu_wallyworld, looking now06:20
babbageclunkwallyworld: yeah, I think so - just fixing some tests that needed a lot of thinking about, but the basic change is pretty simple. Will try it with the cmd/jujud/agent tests next.06:21
wallyworldgood that the big mother farker landed :-)06:22
kelvinliu_wallyworld, LGTM, thanks06:32
=== alephnull_ is now known as alephnull
stickupkidmanadart: you got a second?09:01
manadartHO? Let me put a shirt on.09:04
stickupkidmanadart: I got it working10:20
stickupkidmanadart: we can't do this here for older lxd -- https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/develop/provider/lxd/server.go#L24510:21
stickupkidI could check the version I guess, because it does work for new LXD, or do I follow the todo and move it?10:24
stickupkidmanadart: also I don't think we can move it prior to instance creation?10:24
manadartI did some work on that on account of the frequency of the logging messages, but backed it out because the bridge must be there before enabling the HTTP listener.10:32
stickupkidwhat do you think the best course of action is, it looks like we don't need it for 2.0.x, but it's fine with 2.3.x >10:38
manadartstickupkid: I think we still need it called once on the host at the outset, we just don't want it called by model provisioning...11:02
stickupkidmanadart: so we just need it hoisting further up the code flow?11:03
manadartstickupkid: Somehow, but where to put the conditional is the tricky part. This is the factory created with the environ...11:05
stickupkidmanadart: so it doesn't know what's launching it, only the site of execution does (juju vs jujud)11:08
manadartstickupkid: I found the PR for the TODO that was closed: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8964/files11:09
stickupkidmanadart: why did we close it?11:12
manadartstickupkid: I mentioned it ^^. If you don't call it, local bridge name is not set, then there is no IP for enableHTTPSListener.11:13
manadartIt was one of the last LXD things I worked on. At the time I had to get an Openstack bug fixed, so it was parked. Didn't realise it was an actual bug at the time - I was addressing logging frequency.11:15
stickupkidso I'll have a look at the PR and try and see what we can do with it11:16
stickupkidmanadart: if we move that call up the code, we then don't end up with a local bridge name :sigh:12:42
manadartstickupkid: Exactly.12:42
stickupkidright, i'm getting your comment before now, i'm just re-living it12:42
stickupkidmanadart: right it seems we still need to ensure the bridge for local setups see: https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/2.2/tools/lxdclient/client.go#L158-L16712:49
manadartexternalreality: It seems to be working now. Refreshed from develop, installed deps and rebuilt.13:50
manadartmanadart: Panic still. Different error.13:53
manadartexternalreality: ^13:53
externalrealitymanadart, ack14:09
externalrealitymanadart, looking14:10
manadartexternalreality: I think I've sorted it. One minute.14:10
externalrealitymanadart, ok14:10
manadartexternalreality: Yep. Works end-to-end. Will put a PR up now.14:24
externalrealitymanadart, cool14:26
externalrealitymanadart, I see you comment on the PR14:34
manadartexternalreality: The lock cleanup? Yes.14:34
externalrealitymanadart, I feel dumb, not sure how I left that bit out I was sure I put it in there... thus the code review process works.14:34
externalrealitymanadart, In any case what I see is actually somewhat different that what you suggest on the pr14:35
externalrealitymanadart, as in what the main loop of the worker is doing... it seems to be switching on the retreived state. Its quite nice.14:35
externalrealitymanadart, anyway I updated the PR if you could have a look for quickly, I would appreaciate it. Its only a 3+ line change.14:36
manadartexternalreality: Sure.14:36
manadartAlso the PR that gets end-to-end working again is: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/910914:37
stickupkidmanadart: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/911014:44
manadartstickupkid: Will look.14:48
stickupkidmanadart: i need to do some more manual testing, around snap 2.0.x and apt-get 3.0.x14:49
stickupkidso many combinations :(14:49
stickupkidhml: updated the description https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/911015:50
stickupkidnote this needs backporting to 2.4.x - I need to check that to be sure.15:51
hmlstickupkid: ack, ty15:57
externalrealitymanadart, if you are still around do you know why I get the error "CRIU is not installed" when trying to make a stateful snapshot with lxc - this when CRIU is infact installed.16:49
hmlrick_h_: you prefer this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mhJQKCFPcZ/ with the newline?  at first glance the Cloud line blends into the Enter questions to me.  either way17:17
rick_h_hml: sure, let's try it thanks.17:32
hmlrick_h_: k17:33
hmlrick_h_: on the PEM-encoded… i thinking a few more words would help too.17:33
hmlrick_h_: Enter the LXD client certificate, name of PEM-encoded file (optional):17:34
hmlrick_h_: or17:34
hmlrick_h_: certificate filename, PEM-encoded (optional):17:34
rick_h_hml: plus one to the second one. I like filename17:47
hmlrick_h_: ack17:50
hmlrick_h_: i have 2 quick PRs up for your viewing pleasure: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/9112 and https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/911118:18
rick_h_hml: cool will look. Thanks.18:19
rick_h_hml: quest back to you on one of them18:55
hmlrick_h_: option 2 matches more closely to the o7k cert file requestion19:07
rick_h_hml: which one is option 2?19:14
hmlrick_h_: the path to the PEM-encoded LXD server certificate file19:15
rick_h_hml: cool, let's do that then. Thank you for adjusting it!19:15
hmlrick_h_: 9112 is updated19:38
rick_h_hml: cool, will look once done with this call ty19:39

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