
seb128good morning desktopers07:01
jibelmorning seb12807:01
seb128lut jibel, ça va ? une journée et le w.e !07:02
jibelseb128, ça va bien, le w.e approche. et toi?07:04
jibelseb128, des choses de prévu?07:04
seb128ça va bien, j'ai dormi jusqu'à 8h et c'est vendredi !07:04
seb128tennis ce soir, on va à un mariage demain, rien de spécial dimanche07:05
seb128et vous ?07:05
jibeldemain kayak et dimanche j'ai une salle de bain à finir de carreler, repos en qq sorte07:05
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dufluMorning seb128, jibel07:11
seb128hey duflu, happy friday! how are you?07:11
dufluseb128, I'm OK. How bout you?07:12
seb128I'm good07:15
Mirvaware of any bug or reports about keyboard randomly stopping to work in a desktop session on 18.04? it has happened a couple of times, I can switch to terminal and back and I can use touchpad to eg close windows and log out, but I haven't figured out how to restore keyboard into working state other than logging out07:15
MirvIOW if you know of such and need me to do something when it happens the next time, let me know07:15
sarnoldMirv: please forgive me for asking "did you check if it's plugged in"-level question...07:15
Mirvotherwise I'll just continue to think about it on my own when it happens07:15
sarnoldMirv: did you bychance hit ^Q and neglect to hit ^S?07:16
seb128duflu and tjaalton discussed that the other day iirc07:16
Mirvsarnold: lol, it's useful to ask that level of questions, but it's the internal keyboard07:16
seb128Mirv, do you use any shell extension?07:16
seb128if so I would start by disabling those07:16
Mirvsarnold: none of keys work, but I still have that workrave extension, I hope it's also not causing this :D07:16
Mirvyeah, I guess I should try to keep breaks without workrave for a while and see if it still happens07:16
seb128disable it and see?07:16
Mirvyep, good idea07:17
dufluMirv, I think some people are reporting that for the Super key..?07:17
sarnoldMirv: okay. I just know that for some reason people's keypresses keep falling through to the 'terminal' behind X and then *nothing* works correctly.07:17
Mirvduflu: for me I can't type anywhere, alt-tab, super, ie nothing works07:17
Mirvsarnold: ok, I'll keep that mind, I know of such behavior from the past but I think my keys went nowhere07:17
Mirvthanks for the ideas07:18
dufluMirv: No, Super was the cause. Or entering the Activities Overview was. Try and remember what you did last next time it happens07:18
Mirvthe good thing, other than to my physical health, would be if it's just workrave07:18
Mirvduflu: ah... ok, right07:18
Mirvok people it's just happening again, this is from text console...07:25
Mirvand it's not just keyboard, I can't also select text in eg terminal windows with mouse07:25
Mirvbut Dock and system menus work etc07:26
Mirvand what I was doing I think was just idling (using another laptop for a few minutes), then I started using this computer again07:26
Mirvideas welcome07:26
Mirveg when terminal window is selected, the focus is not there ie cursor is not solid rectangle07:27
Mirvand this happened after disabling the workrave extension07:28
Mirvsarnold: duflu: seb128: sorry for pinging but if you want me to try something ^07:28
dufluMirv, starting to sound a little like bug 1181666, which is in active discussion07:29
ubot5bug 1181666 in GNOME Shell "gnome-shell randomly blocks mouse clicks from working in app windows" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118166607:29
sarnoldMirv: wow..07:33
Mirvduflu: ctrl-alt-t is mentioned there as working, but it's not for me07:33
seb128Mirv, I woul;d recommend filing a bug upstream, they know their project better and be more able to help debugging than us07:34
sarnoldthat bug is from 2013? oof07:34
dufluMirv, I think that's a different issue although haven't seen it in a while: bug 170534807:34
ubot5bug 1705348 in gnome-terminal (Ubuntu) "Ctrl+Alt+T to open a terminal appears to do nothing, then the terminal window opens 25 seconds later" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170534807:34
Mirvno keyboard or mouse presses are recognized by windows. but interesting, it's not that keyboard does not work - I can open Activities, focus the search field and type there normally07:34
Mirvduflu: no, this is more like "keyboard and mouse do not work anywhere but Shell itself"07:35
Mirvseb128: yeah, I should do that07:35
dufluMirv, sounds like bug 1181666 still07:35
ubot5bug 1181666 in GNOME Shell "gnome-shell randomly blocks mouse clicks from working in app windows" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118166607:35
Mirvinteresting, Super does not bring up Activities but if I open Activities with mouse, I can close it with Super07:36
Mirvduflu: ok07:36
Mirvanyway, I start to have a good collection of symptoms for now07:36
Mirvand I have finally a workaround not requiring log out, thank goodness. 1. Open Activities with touchpad, 2. Press Alt-F2 (only works if Activities is open), 3. gnome-shell -r07:38
GunnarHjGood morning seb128!08:31
GunnarHjseb128: Time to look at a (very simple) g-c-c MP?08:31
GunnarHjGood morning seb128!08:46
GunnarHjseb128: Time to look at a (very simple) g-c-c MP?08:46
seb128hey GunnarHj, happy friday! how are you?08:46
GunnarHjseb128: I'm fine, thanks. Hope you are as well.08:46
seb128GunnarHj, yes, I saw that one when I moderated the ubuntu-desktop@ email just a bit earlier, it's on my list now for this morning08:47
seb128I'm good thanks08:47
GunnarHjseb128: Ok, great. Maybe upload to, so the region module starts working again?08:47
seb128yes, let me just finish the n-m work I'm doing08:48
GunnarHjseb128: Sure, no emergency. :)08:48
dufluseb128, do you have any idea why your comments about the radeon card appears in email and notifcations, but not on the card itself?09:19
* duflu wonders what other comments he's missed over the years09:19
seb128duflu, my web browser acted weird and wasn't displaying the content of the comment so I deleted and tried to add again09:20
dufluOK. You found a Trello bug09:20
seb128but I think it's just firefox that was in a weird state, I noticed other rendering issue then09:20
seb128it seems fine again after restarting09:20
seb128got figure :/09:20
seb128so yeah, I did actually delete to add them again, hopefully there is no bug that made anyone miss content :)09:21
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dufluI don't read notifcations, but follow the link straight to the card. Hopefully that bug won't happen often09:22
seb128duflu, commented again, seems all fine on my side now09:23
seb128sorry for the noise/weirdness09:23
dufluYes I got it now09:23
dufluI also can't spell notification today09:24
dufluThat's the 4th time at least09:24
andyrockseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~azzar1/ubuntu/+source/gnome-online-accounts/+git/gnome-online-accounts/+merge/35363609:40
andyrockand hey! :)09:41
seb128hey andyrock, yes you are next on my list :)09:41
seb128I just replied to the snapd comment on the trello09:41
andyrockthx! <309:41
seb128might be worth checking with mvo but I don't think 3.25.1 is out yet09:41
seb128I'm pretty sure cosmic will get it once it is though09:41
seb128andyrock, the diff looks weird09:45
seb128oh ignore that09:45
seb128"Binary files a/debian/patches/0001-ubuntu-sso-provider.patch and b/debian/patches/0001-ubuntu-sso-provider.patch differ"09:45
seb128that's why there is no actual diff09:45
dufluUTF-8 maybe?09:45
seb128binary content in the patch09:46
seb128that patch has png icons included09:46
andyrockseb128: yeah :(  not sure it there is a better way to deal with this09:48
seb128split the patch in 2 I would say09:48
seb128one with the icons that can't be diffed09:48
seb128and one with the code09:48
seb128so at least the code changes can be easily reviewed09:48
andyrockmakes sense to me09:49
andyrockI'll do next time I need to edit something09:49
seb128andyrock, uploaded09:53
seb128GunnarHj_, yours as well09:59
seb128GunnarHj_, which is failing to build because "locales" can't be installed :/10:03
seb128andyrock, btw did you also do the totem merge/rebase for Ubuntu or only the Debian update?10:04
andyrockseb128: only the debian one10:11
andyrockdo you want me to look at it?10:11
GunnarHjseb128: Saw that. Is it because the latest glibc is stuck in -proposed?10:11
seb128andyrock, k10:11
seb128GunnarHj, could be, but it builds against proposed so it should get anything available there10:11
andyrockseb128: do you use dpkg-mergechangelogs to merge changelogs?10:17
seb128no, maybe I should? ;)10:18
seb128I don't merge changelogs in fact10:18
seb128I usually just drop the old entries and put the merge summary one as the only diff on top10:18
andyrockah ok10:18
andyrockusing this I get http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man1/dpkg-mergechangelogs.1.html10:19
seb128andyrock, you mean? you get the mangpage where?10:20
andyrocki mean using what's written in the manpage :)10:20
andyrockwrong order of links10:20
andyrockwondering if it's ok too10:20
andyrockor just one entry on top is fine10:20
seb128andyrock, I think that diff is right10:21
GunnarHjseb128: locales was not built...10:21
seb128it looks like that by design they sort it by date of changes10:22
seb128so you get a chronological order10:22
seb128not a versioned order10:22
seb128or maybe not?10:23
andyrockseb128: line 84 of the diff10:23
seb128andyrock, anyway, I would just trust the tools/accept that what is does it right, it doesn't matter much anyway, as long as the first entry in the upload one10:23
seb128GunnarHj, in fact it's due to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibc/2.28-0ubuntu110:26
seb128tjaalton, hey, another minor xorg stack update availabe is xbitmaps if you feel like doing it :) and xserver-xorg-input-evdev and  xserver-xorg-input-synaptics needs merging to cosmic (I can do those if you want)10:27
GunnarHjseb128: Right. Which does not include the locales binary. Suppose that infinity will attend to it soon.10:28
seb128GunnarHj, did you point that to him yet?10:28
GunnarHjseb128: No. I pinged him now. :)10:29
tjaaltonseb128: I'm not sure the diff makes much sense anymore, since evdev isn't used by default10:29
tjaaltonevdev diff that is10:29
seb128tjaalton, syncing wfm10:29
seb128I just want those red lines off my summary :p10:29
tjaaltonevdev synced10:30
seb128GunnarHj, well, it's not that update doesn't include locales, it's just that this binary is arch all so built on amd64 and that just finished building10:30
seb128GunnarHj, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibc/2.28-0ubuntu1/+build/15300579 has it10:30
seb128GunnarHj, so already solved, just need to wait for a publisher cycle10:31
seb128well, the ftbfs on some of the archs might be problematic still though10:31
tjaaltonseb128: you can merge -synaptics if you need it soon10:31
tjaaltoni can't get to my work desktop machine atm, seems to be having network issues10:32
seb128tjaalton, I don't especially "need" it, just tried to get that summary clean but at the end it's probably not really useful and red lines are going to stack again now that we hit ff10:32
seb128I just tried to get in shape at the ff point10:32
seb128tjaalton, k, it's a pretty simple merge, I'm going to do it :)10:32
tjaaltonbtw I have mesa 18.2.0~rc4 on a staging ppa10:33
seb128ha, nice10:33
seb128shame you missed ff now10:33
seb128(unless they shift it as being discussed on other channels)10:33
tjaaltonbusiness as usual with mesa10:33
seb128tjaalton, also do you know what's the deal with wayland? 1.15.0 vs 1.15.94?10:34
seb128debian/we avoid to update for a reason or it just didn't happen?10:34
tjaaltonguess it's just because of summer10:35
seb128do we want the update in cosmic?10:37
tjaaltonI don't know10:37
tjaaltonand it's "just" a release candidate10:37
tjaaltonnot many actual changes in it10:38
seb128right, I just had a look10:38
seb128some overflow fixes that seems that could be useful but otherwise almost nothing10:39
seb128tjaalton, thx for the replies to my not-so-interesting questions :)10:39
tjaaltonanother thing I'd like to get in cosmic is the split vulkan packaging.. vulkan-headers is in but the rest is not uploaded to debian yet10:52
GunnarHjseb128: Ah, thanks for explaining.10:53
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andyrockseb128: https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/totem/merge_requests/4/diffs11:32
gitbotGNOME issue (Merge request) 4 in totem "debian/control*: Drop dependency on libxtst-dev" [Opened]11:32
andyrockI just noticed this11:32
andyrocknot a priority11:32
seb128andyrock, thx12:05
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andyrockTrevinho: seb128: do we need to rename python-compizconfig to python3-compizconfig here? https://code.launchpad.net/~muktupavels/compiz/ccsm-python3/+merge/35194012:43
TrevinhoI guess so... However since we only have one...12:44
andyrockTrevinho: it's used here12:45
andyrockunity-autopilot it's using a bunch of python2 packages12:45
seb128andyrock, we should rename, also if there are rdepends still needing the python2 bindings we should still have a python2 version12:47
seb128or port those12:47
seb128in any case that sounds like that needs a ffe to land that late in any case12:47
andyrockmuktupavels ^^^12:47
andyrockI suggest renaming it and port unity-autopilot12:48
muktupavelswhere are sources for unity-autopilot?12:48
andyrockjust try to modify the config file using python3- instead of python-12:50
andyrockmuktupavels: ah you did rename it12:52
andyrockso you need to propose a change for unity too12:53
muktupavelsunity-autopilot is all python2, right?12:56
andyrockI guess13:04
andyrockso maybe just keeping the python-compizconfig around should be fine too13:05
andyrockI mean both python-compizconfig and python3-compizconfig13:07
andyrockin case the changes you made are not retro-compatible with python2 you need further changes13:07
muktupavelscan you add that as comment in merge proposal?13:11
muktupavelspylint --py3k * in autopilot dir says - Your code has been rated at 9.85/1013:24
muktupavelshas anyone used that, does that mean that it is more or less compatible with python3?13:24
andyrockI guess, but I would suggest you to go with option 1) in my comment13:29
andyrockjust build both packages13:29
andyrockseb128: totem almost ready13:31
andyrockI tested in a schroot, I'll try it on a VM just to be sure it works properly13:31
muktupavelswell, I dont know how to do that...13:32
andyrockmuktupavels: take a look to another packages that does the same13:35
andyrockmost of them actually have support for both13:35
muktupavelsandyrock, did you want to push something? https://code.launchpad.net/~azzar1/unity/python3-autopilot13:37
andyrockmuktupavels: just wanted to try to build with bileto but I saw later that there is some python2 code there13:37
muktupavelswhere did you see that?13:38
seb128andyrock, k, seeing the changes it's not very likely to be problematic so minimal testing is probably ok13:43
seb128epecially that it's not a key component to the session and not a stable serie13:43
seb128brb, changing location13:45
andyrockmuktupavels: found a print without ( and I realized it :P14:03
seb128tjaalton,  libxinerama also has a new minor revision available :)14:09
seb128tjaalton, & libxkbcommon14:09
seb128& libxss14:09
seb128that's it :p14:09
GunnarHjseb128: There seems to be a need to start the g-c-c build again for some archs.14:25
seb128GunnarHj, done14:27
GunnarHjseb128: Great, keeping my fingers crossed. :)14:37
GunnarHjseb128: Btw, do you know if the team generally has dropped the ninja() workaround in the affected Meson packages?14:37
seb128I don't think we did actively14:38
GunnarHjseb128: Would be good if that could be accomplished in 18.10. In some cases it doesn't matter at all, but in some cases it affects .desktop files etc.14:40
seb128k, I'm going to keep on that when do the updates to stable GNOME14:40
GunnarHjseb128: Ok, thanks!14:40
seb128thank you for the reminder!14:40
seb128GunnarHj, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/1:3.29.90-1~ubuntu2 nudging worked14:41
seb128have a nice w.e desktopers15:52
Trevinhobye seb128 enjoy your we15:53
seb128thanks Trevinho, you too15:53
Trevinhostill some hours to get there :D15:53
muktupavelsandyrock, Trevinho: can you look / comment why unity fails? https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/3336/+packages16:08
muktupavelsandyrock, Trevinho: arm64 fails to build, all other fails running tests...16:24
andyrockmmm muktupavels are they failing on a local build too?16:59
muktupavelsandyrock, did not try... I dont have install compiz and/or unity.17:01
andyrockmuktupavels: https://code.launchpad.net/~muktupavels/unity/fix-build/+merge/353719 what's this for?17:02
muktupavelsandyrock: because cmake fails... because of this - https://code.launchpad.net/~muktupavels/compiz/cmp0002/+merge/35072317:03
muktupavelsfailing build and/or tests does not seems to be related to my changes...17:04
andyrockI guess so but still we need to make those tests pass :)17:05
muktupavelsarm64 does not build.17:06
muktupavelsI will try to build unity in vm.17:08
muktupavelshow to run tests / unity-autotest?17:08
andyrockmuktupavels: you need to install python3-autopilot17:17
andyrockmuktupavels: and then autopilot run unity17:18
andyrock'autopilot run unity'17:18
andyrockof course you also need unity-autopilot installed17:19
muktupavelsI am building unity with bzr builddeb now.17:19
muktupavelsandyrock: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/trunk/view/head:/unity-shared/BamfApplicationManager.cpp#L25818:22
muktupavelsandyrock: any change it should be manager without underscore?18:23
muktupavelsandyrock: that is about arm64 build failure.18:23
om26erIs Ubuntu defaulting to Wayland in 18.10 ?19:06
tsimonq2I doubt it, personally.19:09
jbichaom26er: not without a FFe at this point :)19:19
muktupavelsandyrock, finally was able to build deb packages, but after installing autopilot3 says that it did not find any tests...19:27

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