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les13|              .-' .-'     '-.  .  .00:19
les13|             /   /     _    _\  \  \  U MEAN I CAN DODGE BULLETS?!00:19
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les13|           /':./':. .,_    |  |  |  |00:19
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les13|     ~ ~~       _,.-)")00:20
les13|     ~ ~   _,=~"|00:20
les13|     ~  =~"|;  ;|       Neobird00:20
les13|      ~  ~ | ;  |       =======00:20
les13|   ~ ~     |;|\ |00:20
les13|           |/  \|00:20
if`m    /)))))))))00:31
if`m   //) __   __\00:31
if`m   C==/_o|^|o_\00:31
if`m   |      _\  )      hey pls dont flood in my network also00:31
if`m    \   .--- /       no colors and swearing is not allowed00:31
if`m   _/`-. __.'_00:31
if`m /` \`'-,._./|\    this is my network i make the rules, buddy00:31
if`m/    \ /`\_/\/ \00:31
=== nobuto is now known as Guest4281
wiggle    /)))))))))05:20
wiggle   //) __   __\05:20
wiggle   C==/_o|^|o_\05:20
wiggle   |      _\  )      hey pls dont flood in my network also05:20
wiggle    \   .--- /       no colors and swearing is not allowed05:20
wiggle   _/`-. __.'_05:20
wiggle /` \`'-,._./|\    this is my network i make the rules, buddy05:20
wiggle/    \ /`\_/\/ \05:20
pendo3240                   ___18:31
pendo3240              _.--'...`-._18:31
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pendo3240             ||   <    ||::.| - KEKEKEKEKE18:31
pendo3240             |'  \__/  |/:::|   ZERG RUSH18:31
pendo3240              \   \/   /::::\   GOGOGOGO <(^_^<)18:31
pendo3240             / `------' |::.:\18:31
pendo3240            / : ' ::' : /:::::\18:31
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pendo3240     ~ ~~         _')")18:32
pendo3240     ~ ~   _,=~";`18:32
pendo3240     ~  =~"|;  ;|       Girlbird18:32
pendo3240      ~  ~ | ;  |       ========18:32
pendo3240   ~ ~     |;|\ |18:32
pendo3240           |/  \|18:32
Guest32552                                                                                20:44
Guest32552                                                                     20:44
Guest32552                                                                     20:44
Guest32552                        KILL ALL FREENODE OPERATORS20:44
Guest32552                        KILL ALL FREENODE OPERATORS20:44
Guest32552                        KILL ALL FREENODE OPERATORS20:44
Guest32552                                                                                20:44
Guest32552                                                                                20:44
Guest32552                  ColdHeat, _Hyper_, fatalbit  of #isislab20:44
Guest32552                  call for a jihad (holy war) on the20:45
Guest32552                  pro-western, anti-islamic infidels20:45
Guest32552                  who run the "free node"20:45
By|                  .---------.20:54
By|                 /:::::::::::\20:54
By|                |:::::::::::::|20:54
By|                |:::::::::::::|20:54
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By|                //c  \___/ /__)20:54
By|               /' . .,_    |  | -- SLICK P-B-D20:54
By|              |': ; /  \   /_/     THE GHETTO V-I-P20:54
By|              oo ;  `"`"    }      WILL LEAVE YOU R-I-P20:54
By|             ; 'oo,         {      Shizzle my nizzle.20:54
By|            /     oo        }20:54
By|           ; '::.   oo\/\ /\|20:54
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By|     ~ ~~       _,.-)")20:55
By|     ~ ~   _,=~"|20:55
By|     ~  =~"|;  ;|       GNAAbird20:55
By|      ~  ~ | ;  |       ========20:55
By|   ~ ~     |;|\ |20:55
By|           |/  \|20:55

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