
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Benjamin Mako Hill: Heading to the Bay Area @ https://mako.cc/copyrighteous/heading-to-the-bay-area03:02
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Raphaël Hertzog: Freexian’s report about Debian Long Term Support, July 2018 @ https://raphaelhertzog.com/2018/08/24/freexians-report-about-debian-long-term-support-july-2018/12:16
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Jonathan Riddell: Akademy Group Photo Automator @ https://jriddell.org/2018/08/24/akademy-group-photo-automator/14:17
Wild_ManHello krytarik, with news being so light this week would it be best to wait and publish a two week newsletter?17:22
krytarikI wouldn't say it's particularly light at all on average.17:24
Wild_Mankrytarik, do you know how I can retrieve posts that have disappeared on facebook? I looked and did not find an answer but until I have recovered fully I just do not want to have to contact FB17:27
Wild_ManIt is strange, my last post showing is June 25th17:29
Wild_ManI am actually tired of FB17:29
krytarikOn what page?17:30
Wild_ManUbuntu Forums17:30
Wild_Manthe newsletter is good17:30
Wild_Manthere are a lot of missing posts17:32
krytarikWild_Man: https://www.facebook.com/help/community/question/?id=466018575519117:46
Wild_ManThanks krytarik, I am not sure that is worth the trouble if I have to do it more then once, I will give it a try and see but if they disappear again, I will just post to twitter only17:48
krytarikI mean that might be the reason - otherwise given all the circumstances I'm also in favor of just abandoning Facebook by now - if only it wasn't the most popular outlet of the Ubuntu News team..17:51
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Canonical Outs Major Linux Kernel Updates for All Supported Ubuntu Releases @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/canonical-outs-major-linux-kernel-updates-for-all-supported-ubuntu-releases-522379.shtml (by Marius Nestor)18:59
tsimonq2I'm going to post a call for nominations for the Ubuntu Membership Board to the Fridge with my UMB hat on.20:07
tsimonq2Ermagerd, jose didn't close his <li> tags in the last announcement. :P20:09
tsimonq2krytarik: Can it make it into the next newsletter, duuuude? :P http://ubuntu-news.org/2018/08/24/ubuntu-membership-board-call-for-nominations-6/20:13
krytarikOf course!20:13
krytarikCan you drop the "-6" off the slug though? :320:14
tsimonq2I can't, it seems.20:15
krytarikAnd shouldn't this be mailed someplace too as per usual?20:16
tsimonq2Yupper, just did that.20:16
Wild_ManI will add the link to gdoc if you have not done it already krytarik20:18
krytariktsimonq2: Heh, just notice the previous one had a trailing "-5" too. :P20:18
krytarikWild_Man: Yes plz.20:18
krytarikAnd feel free to social media it too.20:19
tsimonq2If someone could publish to Twitter, I don't think I have access there anymore.20:19
tsimonq2krytarik: Jiiiinx! :P20:20
Wild_ManI will20:20
krytariktsimonq2: You are just laaazy I believe. :P20:21
tsimonq2krytarik: You're not completely *wrong*. :P20:21
krytarikWell to be quite honest, me too. >_>20:22
Wild_ManFor twitter should I just put "Ubuntu Membership Board call for nominations" and the link to the announcement?20:24
krytarikWould suffice imo, yes.20:25
Wild_ManThat is what I thought but best to be sure20:25
Wild_ManI will post this on the forum and retweet from the forums twitter account20:25
Wild_ManAll done20:40
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: The Fridge: Ubuntu Membership Board call for nominations @ http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2018/08/24/ubuntu-membership-board-call-for-nominations-6/20:43
krytarikWild_Man: And by "all" it would appear you mean one out of three social media outlets - maybe Chris is so inclined to do one of the other two later at least then. :P20:56
Wild_ManOops, I was thinking we just wanted to tweet it20:58
Wild_ManDoing no20:58
Wild_ManAll three are done!21:05
krytarikAwesome, thanks!21:06
Wild_ManYour welcome!21:10
krytarikubuntu-news.org the domain sneaking into all the places, somebody might be to blame for this.. :P22:21
Bashing-omGot to go mow for a bit .. back whenever and get some catching up work on UWN .22:29
Bashing-omSurprise, surprise, Daughter has mowed the front 40 :)22:43
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Happy Birthday, Linux! @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=134397 (by Joey Sneddon)23:06
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: 27 Interesting Facts about Linux @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=134566 (by Joey Sneddon)23:31

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