[07:36] jutar [07:37] kaj se to dogadja sa freenodeom, svamo malo dobivam spam msgove [08:09] Hrki: postavi "/mode Hrki +R" pa te nece moci msg-ati ljudi bez accounta [08:28] thx [10:28] sprema se kišurina :) konačno! [11:05] ovo je fantasticno https://twitter.com/atomicthumbs/status/1032939617404645376?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw [11:06] > ormer Tesla employee, who worked on their IT infrastructure, is posting in a subforum of a subforum, a little-known place for funy computer forgotten by time. His NDA has expired. He has such sights to show us. [11:08] > [...] the supercharger system uses ssh dss keys to "vpn" to the datacenter to a single server over 2G wireless [...] it would usually take about 3 days to do a successful firmware update of any single supercharger [12:14] the front fell off [13:28] dobar je bio onaj dio kad su im svi otišli u reboot loop :))) === _chaky_ is now known as chaky