
karstensragei can run sbuild -d trusty but not -d bionic01:55
karstensragethe first succeeds and second fails quickly without building anything01:56
wgrantkarstensrage: Do you have a bionic schroot?02:34
wgrantWhat's the error?02:34
karstensragei doubt i have that02:52
wsnipexwgrant, thanks for the pointer. cleaning out the (autogenerated) changelog fixed my issue07:25
wgrantwsnipex: Great07:35
wsnipexmaybe there should be a sanity check for this though ;)07:47
wgrantI think libapt-pkg chokes on single fields that large07:49
wgrantIt's a bit strange07:49
wgrantThough not surprising; in no other situation would it run into a 1MB field07:50
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mophi all, LP homepage is broken, is it already known ?09:18
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mopnow is working again, tnx09:18
cjwatsonNetworking hiccup, apparently.  Being looked into09:22
janisozaurhi, how can I request an updated compiler on Launchpad? I'm trying to create a package for 16.04 but using g++ >= 7. I added toolchain-test-r PPA as a dep, on Debian's GCC7 wiki page I read control has to read: "g++ (>= 4:7)" and it _requests_ g++7, but fails to install it due to wanting to use g++5. Any help?12:52
janisozauradditionally: what does the "4:7" mean?13:00
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cjwatsonNothing really to do with Launchpad; if you need to use a compiler that's not in the Ubuntu release you're building for, you need to provide it somehow14:00
cjwatson4:7 is just a version, although a slightly unusual form (the 4 bit is an epoch)14:00
cjwatsonWere you told by somebody that that toolchain test repository would work?  It contains test packages - I don't think there are any promises that it will work for user builds.14:02
cjwatsonIt doesn't build the gcc-defaults source package, which is where the g++ binary package is built from, so it wouldn't make a build-dependency on g++ (>= 4:7) satisfiable.14:03
cjwatsonYou'll need to either build gcc-defaults yourself, or build-depend on g++-7 and arrange for your build system to build with g++-7 rather than g++ (probably by setting CXX=g++-7, and possibly other things), or get an updated toolchain from somewhere else that makes the whole package available in a way that's intended for user builds (I don't know where).14:04
janisozaurok, thanks14:12
janisozaurmy goal was to somehow ease the effort required to obtain a raspbian-compatible build, i managed to progress this a bit (and I'm well aware raspbian is not exactly compatible)14:16
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