
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
flocculantpopcon wasn't on last manifest I have from 11th03:43
flocculantbluesabre: and yea - wasn't sure you would see that in all the spam :D04:13
bluesabrefalse alarm, forgot that we've included gnome-sudoku for years10:02
bluesabrebut yeah, popcon/langpacks are new10:02
Unit193Wonder if they're going to have a more visable opt-in for popcon.10:09
bluesabreWe can push for it10:12
bluesabreI also think we should consider the minimal ubiquity install option. There's one person who can move -core forward and he's already stated his distaste and intentional delay10:13
Unit193...Would I be told to stop publishing ISOs? :P10:18
bluesabreI'll nudge him again and see if he will just merge the branches so we can move along10:26
flocculantbluesabre: well I hope ^^ will be on the meeting 12:34
brainwashbluesabre, Unit193: can this be fixed in 18.04? bug 175802314:15
ubot93Bug 1758023 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "Mouse acceleration not configurable in Xubuntu 18.04" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175802314:15
brainwashsee comment #1914:15
brainwashaffects quite some people14:16
bluesabrebrainwash: will take a look. Generally it doesn't affect anybody until they pull some package that brings libinput along for the ride. Need to confirm we're building with it now in 18.10, will do so this weekend.15:56
bluesabreIt's one of those unfortunate things where libinput oversteps and takes over all control :\15:56
brainwashbluesabre: but isn't it installed by default?17:04
brainwashxserver-xorg-input-libinput 0.27.1-117:04
brainwashthat's on the 18.04.1 ISO17:04
bluesabrebrainwash: aha, that didn't used to be the case (at least I thought)21:58
bluesabrebrainwash: alrighty, sure enough, it's built with libinput support as of 4.13.1-122:25
bluesabreNeed to do some 18.04 / 4.12 testing to see if it's reasonable to consider for bionic22:26
bluesabreThough, that portion of the code hasn't been touched in ages22:26
bluesabreSo, probably OK22:26
ali1234speaking of mouse acceleration. i've got this weird thing where after some time (usually several days) my mouse acceleration gets a lot slower. if i replug it it goes fast again. it's an ancient USB intellimouse explorer. anyone else seen anything like that?23:44
ali1234it's something that started happening recently too. it might just be dying hardware, idk...23:45
bluesabreali1234: not seen that23:58
bluesabrecomputer usually running for weeks without a reboot or mouse disconnect23:58

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