[03:29] Ohh [12:40] Howdy folks [12:41] Hi! [12:41] hi Phil Linux [12:42] I am happily using my Kubuntu 18.04.1 on two machines and will upgrade a Win7 machine of a friend later today! [12:43] upgrade to Kubuntu 18.04.1 that is! [12:44] Which program/way would you use to get a bare metal install of Win7 into a vm? [12:46] Phil Linux is you friend familiar with linux? [12:46] your [12:47] He was using Ubuntu Mate 18.10 for a while. When support ended I talked to him about the choice of going to Ubuntu Mate 18.04 or Kubuntu 18.04. [12:47] Kubuntu is easier to support for me because I use it myself. [12:48] Phil Linux, 18.10 ? that's a dev OS [12:49] He is not a technical person at all, so figuring things out himself (and getting confused by the plethora of options) wont happen enyway. [12:49] @BluesKaj, I meaned 17.10. sorry. 😉 [12:49] (Photo, 1280x900) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/DE1ZfJVR/file_9408.jpg [12:49] @Anarcho Taoist, Nice! [12:50] @Phil Linux, I am thinking as a print for a laptop sleeve. [12:50] go for it! [12:53] not a VM user , I'm bare metal all the way, even if I have to dual boot, but I guess kvm and qemu are worth looking at [12:54] @BluesKaj, thx! [12:56] Phil Linux and virtmanager for gui access [13:15] (Photo, 1075x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/6LZl7qUZ/file_9410.jpg [13:16] very nice indeed! [17:17] y0, got a question. I got this one laptop that has only 4GB RAM and it is usable with Kubuntu 16.04 .. Should we expect it to stay usable if I upgrade it to 18.04 ? [17:17] just need to keep the amount of tabs small and not run many programs simultaneously [17:25] For light browsing, office apps, watching video, 4GB of RAM is more than enough for me. Big compiles, video editing, gaming, running distros in a VM? No. [17:48] ok. thanks for info mparillo_ [17:48] I got 16GB on my own machine [17:48] it rarely fills up even with heavy use [17:48] the 4GB machine I gave to my friend