
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Linux Release Roundup: VLC, Wireshark, Tidal CLI + More @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=134941 (by Joey Sneddon)14:52
Bashing-omWorking on the WIKI ATT . Back to it soonest I clear my desk .20:42
Bashing-omAnd I present UWN543 for inspection and advisements :) Pending is removal of "WIP" .21:54
krytarikBashing-om: Since I've got no notifications about any further comments in the Google Doc yet though, did you address the remaining ones pertaining two of your summaries then?21:58
Bashing-omkrytarik: Yepper . See now what you think :)22:11
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Jeremy Bicha: GNOME Tweaks 3.30 @ https://jeremy.bicha.net/2018/09/02/gnome-tweaks-3-30/22:15
krytarikBashing-om: On the Minimal Ubuntu one, too many "He ..." in a row for my taste, I wouldn't call it "new operating system" but maybe "new variant", there is a double space right after "is" there, and a space on the otherwise empty line above the link.  On the Nautilus one, the post literally talks about "there is an alternative", but you still refer to two - the second one having been the ...22:32
krytarik... workaround to use version 3.30 with desktop icon support.22:32
krytarikOh, on scrolling through the whole thing, I just noticed under "Further News" we should update the "https://insights.ubuntu.com/" link to "https://blog.ubuntu.com/" too - also in the template.22:35
krytarikBashing-om: "because 3.26 supports desktop icons" - and I'd insert a "still" there.22:44
Bashing-omkrytarik: Sounds reasonable to me :P22:45
krytarik(Also, I did mean to mention the one alternative specificially, which is through Flatpak - but I'm fine without it too.)22:46
krytarik"18.10 ships" - I'd say "will ship" there.22:48
Bashing-omkrytarik: Rewording the Nautilus summary now :)22:50
krytarikAnd I'd add a comma in these two places: "In a glowing review of the Ubuntu ecosystem, Twain Taylor debuts Minimal Ubuntu." and what is currently "Though 18.10 ships without the enhancements in Nautilus 3.30, Joey tells of two possible alternatives."22:51
krytarikThat's all though, otherwise looks fine. :)22:53
Bashing-omkrytarik: OK all Done - I Think. see now what you think . (lot's of interruptions here )23:38

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