
amazoniantoadSo I'm trying to concatenate all of my 3 hard disks to a single logical volume group via the ubuntu server installer. However, when I select all disks to be a part of the group I am not allowed to continue with the installation. The "Done" (i.e next) button is grayed out01:13
amazoniantoadIf I use the single logical volume group, would that install the OS across the span of all 3 disks?01:14
guivercamazoniantoad, if you don't get a response here, please try #ubuntu-server01:28
Bluefoxicyis there a way to tell ubuntu to rescan for monitor resolution01:32
Bluefoxicymine thinks I have 1920x1080 but this thing is 3840x216001:32
BluefoxicyIt appears to just be using whatever settings it had when the system was installed.01:32
Tin_manBluefoxicy, probably be a driver problem. have you made sure your video driver is up to date01:43
BluefoxicyIt's 18.04 running the latest updates01:44
Bluefoxicyand an intel HD2000 chipset I think01:44
Tin_manI've never had a video problem, but my monitor is only 1902 x 1080 max. and I also have an intel HD Graphics, but an older computer.01:46
Vic2I have an application which I run multiple instances of both on Ubuntu 14 and 16 ... when I run it on 14, I get one single icon and upon right clicking, I get a list of all the instances and can then choose one by clicking on it.  When I run it in 16 I get multiple icons ... I want to stack these icons as they are in 14.  However when I check xprop of the icon (in 14 and 16) I get WM_CLASS:  not found.  I am stumped ... how can I achieve what I am wanting to acc02:06
geigerCounterDoes anybody here know why even after installing the appropriate packages, I can't make use of Lua DBI?02:32
linuxthefishhi guys, does anyone have the .bashrc from a recent ubuntu version?03:06
linuxthefishI can't download it online!03:07
Bashing-omlinuxthefish: I am on 18.04.1 - recent enough ?03:08
linuxthefishyeah perfect Bashing-om!03:09
Bashing-omlinuxthefish: http://termbin.com/tbjg .03:11
Aph3x-WLyou could probably get it by downloading an iso and booting/mounting it03:15
linuxthefishAph3x-WL it's a bit of a stretch on 100kbit internet :p03:16
linuxthefishthanks Bashing-om just what I needed! now my debian install has the same colours for the terminal :D03:16
Bashing-omlinuxthefish: :) Where there is a will there is a way .03:17
blue1what is the channel name for support for ubuntu mate on a raspberry pi?03:24
guivercblue1, https://ubuntu-mate.org/irc/ only lists #ubuntu-mate ; none for pi only03:26
blue1thank you03:26
blue1i need help with ubuntu mate -- thank you03:26
guivercblue1, if you ask your question, you may get an answer here (ubuntu-mate is an official flavor thus on-topic in this room)03:28
blue1the question is why doesn't the latest version of firefox not run on ubuntu-mate (v 61).  It is in the repo but it will not run.  And will they ever release an 18.04 version of mate, instead of the current 16.04? -- these are mate specific question.03:30
guivercyep - i'd ask them on #ubuntu-mate; but I think the ports version of firefox are the ESR release; so you can't compare with non-esr release numbers03:34
guivercESR = extended support release03:35
blue1yes -- that's the old version 5203:36
blue1it no longer gets updates03:36
blue1ah well - it has been a learning experience -- nonetheless - thank you for you time.03:39
KurbuntusBainalright, im just setting up my first dedicated server03:50
KurbuntusBainrunning ubuntu who's tryin to help thgis idiot setup some domain names03:50
KurbuntusBain.....NAMESERVEers I MEAN...03:51
KurbuntusBainalready created ftp[ accounts,03:51
KurbuntusBainwhich program should i use?03:51
madmattcoi use powerdns03:52
KurbuntusBainaight, let's do it03:52
KurbuntusBainpower dns how do it get this going03:52
madmattconormally i just use standalone vps for my nameservers03:53
madmattcogive this a read https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-powerdns-with-a-mariadb-backend-on-ubuntu-14-0403:54
madmattcoas far as the install, its on 14.04 but just using powerdns and mariadb, there isnt any difference jumping to 16.04 or higher other than systemd03:54
KurbuntusBainwhat do you think of bind04:01
KurbuntusBainI already have that on my server04:01
madmattconever used it04:01
KurbuntusBaini mean my local machine04:01
KurbuntusBainwhat you recommond for a mail server04:03
cfhowlettKurbuntusBain, might want to query in #ubuntu-server channel04:06
madmattcoi just use sendmail04:11
KurbuntusBainwhat is this channel for04:13
cfhowlett!topic | KurbuntusBain04:14
ubottuKurbuntusBain: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic04:14
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic04:17
KurbuntusBainyou guys are like, mad at me but nobody is talking anyways lol04:18
lotuspsychjeKurbuntusBain: we are not mad, this channel just serves for ubuntu issues hence why cfhowlett has pointed you to topic04:26
lotuspsychje!chat | KurbuntusBain for other chat04:26
ubottuKurbuntusBain for other chat: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:26
cluelesspersonhow can you add a wifi network that you're not currently nearby?04:27
KurbuntusBainno worries, i did register, i was kind of attempting a little late night humor, i will definitely follow the rules and regulations going forward04:28
cluelesspersonubuntu allows you to connect to existing networks, but there's no way I can see to add a network you cannot immediately connect to04:28
* cluelessperson found a "Known wifi networks" tab04:28
cluelesspersonbut the wifi list gui still freezes up04:28
=== jje_ is now known as jje
linuxthefishKurbuntusBain you can also use a free DNS provider such as cloudflare, or the place where you bought your domain from might have basic dns included04:30
linuxthefishKurbuntusBain also ask in ##linux for general software selection questions04:40
=== Dreaman is now known as Blade
phockinghi frens05:41
phockingi forgot to add a volume to lvm when setting up 16.0405:41
phockingnow when i try to use pvcreate it says 'excluded by filter'05:42
Avion18.04 keyring problem: has old password cant unlock BUT ~/ loxal/share/keyrings/login.keyring  has been removed and doea not exist.05:51
Avionwould be wo derful to synch the keyring up with my new password.05:52
Avioni hot the rm command from askubuntu05:55
Avioni found the rm command from askubuntu05:55
granttrechow can I permantly change the cursor for the terminal, I dont see an option for it in profile preferences06:07
ducassegranttrec: if there is no setting for it then i expect that terminal won't let you do that.06:30
granttrecto bad, thought it may have been editable in a config file somewhere06:30
ducassegranttrec: is this gnome-terminal?06:31
granttrecducasse: yeah06:31
ducassethen i don't think that has a config file, it probably uses dconf or whatever gnome uses06:32
granttrecwell I guess it time to explore xterm :)06:38
ducasseyou can also try xfce4-terminal and lxterminal, both are vte-based like gnome-terminal06:41
bipulHow to remove repository via command line let say, i would like to remove universal repository.06:50
SwedeMikebipul: edit file in /etc/apt/ either sources.list or in sources.list.d/06:54
bipulThere are no such command like sudo remove-apt-repository universe06:55
ducassebipul: apt-add-repository -r universe06:55
bipulducasse: It says "'universe' distribution component is already disabled for all sources."06:56
ducasseok, so it should already be disabled06:57
bipulAnd again if i have to enable it?06:57
ducassebipul: the same without -r06:58
bipulIs there any man page where i can look more in details?06:58
bipulokay i got it'06:59
SimounetHello. Is someone knows how I can convert an UEFI boot to a legacy one from Ubuntu please?08:18
ryuoSimounet: is it the only installed OS?08:19
Simounetryuo: No, there is a Windows 10 on another disk.08:19
SimounetBut I can't boot to it right now because of this UEFI issue.08:20
ryuoIs it booting from Legacy?08:20
SimounetIt's installed on legacy mode where I installed Ubuntu on UEFI.08:20
ryuoNot sure how you can do that in this case, honestly. Getting stuff to place nice with windows is tricky.08:20
SimounetRight now, no, but it was before I do stupid things.08:20
ryuoBut you said windows is on another disk entirely?08:21
ryuoYou can convert Linux from UEFI to Legacy, but you can't do the same with Windows without a reinstall i believe.08:21
SimounetWindows is in legacy mode.08:22
ryuobut it will require some manual changes.08:22
ryuoI can walk you through it in M.08:22
ryuoIf you wish. It's rather involved.08:22
SimounetYes please! :D08:22
SimounetI'm struggling with that for 3 days.08:22
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.08:24
ryuoducasse: well. if you insist. i didn't want to spam the channel.08:24
ducassethis channel is explicitly for supporting users, so i wouldn't call it spam :)08:26
ryuoSimounet: let's do it here.08:26
SimounetAs you want.08:26
ryuoSimounet: please pastebin the output of this: fdisk -l /dev/sdb08:26
=== terry__ is now known as Tabmow
ryuoI originally assumed your label would by GPT, but it's not evidently.08:26
SimounetDisk /dev/sdb: 465.8 GiB, 500107862016 bytes, 976773168 sectors08:27
SimounetUnits: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes08:27
SimounetSector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes08:27
SimounetI/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes08:27
SimounetDisklabel type: dos08:27
ryuoNot here!08:27
SimounetDisk identifier: 0x8a919e1908:27
ryuoI meant for you to use  web pastebin.08:27
jilI want to install isync (to sync mailbox) but my system version is too old.  So I have downloaded a newer tar.gz from sourceforge and do the classical ./configure && make && make install08:27
jilbut isync is not installed ? althoug I have no config or install errors08:28
ryuoSimounet: paste it here and give us a link: http://dpaste.com/08:29
ducassejil: which release are you on?08:29
Simounetryuo: http://termbin.com/15vg08:29
ryuoOr that.08:29
SimounetSorry about that.08:29
ryuoSimounet: first of all, that ESP needs to go if you want to use Legacy again...08:30
ryuoSimounet: i'd modify the partition table and change its type. You can just keep it as unused space.08:30
ryuoIt's the least invasive.08:30
Simounetryuo: I'll just change the flag?08:31
ryuoSimounet: not the flag, the partition type. See the "ef"?08:31
ryuoThat's it's type.08:31
ryuoAka, the "Id" column.08:31
jilducasse I'm using uname -a >> Linux idev 4.4.0-53-generic #74-Ubuntu SMP Fri Dec 2 15:59:10 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux08:31
Simounetryuo: Ok because in gparted, I can see esp into the flags column.08:32
ryuoSimounet: oh. sorry, i don't know how to use parted. I just use fdisk and gdisk.08:32
ducassejil: 'lsb_release -ds'08:32
ryuoSimounet: you can try changing the flag.08:32
ryuoSimounet: either way, for Legacy to work, you can't have an ESP.08:33
SimounetI'll try and termbin the result.08:33
ryuoJust changing the type should be enough to make the BIOS thing it's no longer there.08:33
SimounetCan it keeps the boot flag?08:33
ryuoSimounet: you need that flag in some cases. best to leave it.08:33
jilducasse: Linux Mint 18.1 Serena08:34
ducasse!mint | jil08:34
ubottujil: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)08:35
ryuojil: LM isn't supported here.08:35
ryuojil: visit their official support over on spotchat.08:35
ryuoI believe it's bundled with their XChat client.08:35
ducassejil: there is also ##linuxmint here on freenode08:35
ryuoSimounet: ok. that should do it for that part.08:35
ryuoSimounet: Next, you need to make some changes to your installation so it has the right bootloader.08:36
ryuoSimounet: this will require some chroot and mounting. you up for it?08:36
SimounetI'm used to it.08:36
ryuowhich partition is root?08:37
SimounetNo so handy with boot things, that's it.08:37
Simounetsdb7 is /home.08:37
ryuowe're going to use /mnt as the base.08:37
ryuoDo these commands, i'll paste them. sec.08:37
ryuothis is to mount everything.08:38
SimounetI did it.08:39
ryuoenv LC_ALL= LANG=C TERM=xterm chroot /mnt /bin/bash -l08:40
ryuothis next.08:40
ryuoEnough to simulate a working environment.08:41
Simounetchroot: failed to run command '/bin/bash': No such file or directory08:42
ryuoWhat the?08:42
ryuoWhat kind of install is this? you should have bash,08:42
SimounetI did it twice, the first time I get mesg: ttyname failed: No such device08:42
ryuoYou only need to do it once.08:42
SimounetI have bash.08:43
Simounet /bin/bash is here.08:43
ryuooutput from this please: dpkg -l | grep grub08:43
ryuo(needs to be from the chroot shell)08:44
ryuoOk. Figured as much.08:45
ryuoPart 1, we need to install grub-pc.08:45
ryuoapt update && apt install grub-pc08:45
ryuoThis should also remove grub-efi as a side-effect.08:46
SimounetThat sounds good.08:46
ryuoOk. Go ahead.08:46
SimounetDone, I'm in the menu.08:47
SimounetTo choose the grub position.08:47
ryuoYou should choose /dev/sdb.08:47
SimounetDone. http://dpaste.com/0WE0M4N08:48
SimounetStill EFI sh*t.08:48
SimounetBut maybe is it normal.08:48
ryuoNot normally, no. It probably is because you're booted under EFI.08:48
ryuoOutput of this please: dpkg -l | grep grub08:49
ryuotry this.08:50
ryuoapt autoremove --purge grub-efi-amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin grub-efi-amd64-signed08:50
A_JGuys can i run apt-get in elementary OS. Says it's based off ubuntu08:50
SimounetThe following packages will be REMOVED: grub-efi-amd64* grub-efi-amd64-bin* grub-efi-amd64-signed* shim* shim-signed*08:50
ryuoA_J: yes, or apt even, but this isn't their support channel.08:51
ryuoSimounet: that's normal. Go ahead.08:51
ryuoYou won't be needing the shim.08:51
A_Jryuo, ik. Just wanted to check it is indeed ubuntu before installing.08:51
ryuoSimounet: ok.08:52
ryuoSimounet: we're going to try some manual setup of GRUB now.08:52
ryuoSimounet: first: grub-install --recheck /dev/sdb08:52
* A_J thanks ryuo 08:53
ryuoSimounet: looks good so far.08:53
ryuoSimounet: now: update-grub08:53
ryuoI'd ignore that for now.08:54
ryuoI think we're done.08:54
ryuoThough odd that it doesn't see Windows.08:54
ryuoDeal with that later.08:54
ryuoexit the chroot.08:54
SimounetOh oh.08:55
Simounetgparted was opened...08:55
ryuoI presume you'll need to be booted in Legacy first.08:55
SimounetCan I try again the update-grub?08:55
ryuoOui vay.08:55
ryuoGo ahead.08:55
SimounetI know it locks the partition.08:55
ryuoJust need to return to the chroot.08:55
SimounetSame issue.08:56
ryuoI think it's unrelated to gparted.08:56
ryuo[ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo UEFI || echo BIOS08:56
ryuoFrom this command.08:56
ryuoIt'll tell you whether your booted in UEFI or what.08:57
ryuoThat's why.08:57
ryuoGRUB is responding to the UEFI mode.08:57
ryuoIt shouldn't matter now.08:57
ryuoLet's try unmounting the partitions and rebooting08:57
ryuoumount -R /mnt08:57
SimounetFrom chroot?08:57
ryuoExit and then run it.08:58
SimounetI exit.08:58
ryuonow reboot. If this fails, then we'll need to try again with the live cd booted under BIOS.08:58
SimounetWhat do you mean by "booted under BIOS". Like I am right now?08:59
ryuoYou're booted under UEFI.08:59
ryuoYou know it as Legacy.08:59
ryuoBIOS is what this mode used to be called.08:59
SimounetI tried all day long yesterday to be boot in legacy mode but failed.08:59
ryuoThe Live CD?08:59
SimounetI'm on a USB key.08:59
ryuoHow did you prepare it?08:59
SimounetThe first time with Rufus, the second time with etcher. Same result.09:00
SimounetYes, that's why I get mad.09:00
ryuoIt may be they're only capable of one mode or the other.09:00
ryuoI've never had this problem when i used dd to copy over the ISO.09:00
ryuoUbuntu uses hybrid ISOs.09:00
SimounetDo I need to burn it to a DVD?09:00
SimounetCan it change something?09:01
ryuoBut, using dd is how I normally prepare my USB keys.09:01
ryuoBut, first.09:01
ryuoSee if you can boot the Linux install.09:01
SimounetYep. I'll do that right now.09:01
ryuoFrankly, i've never tried to fix grub in this manner so no idea if it'll work.09:02
SimounetThanks for your help. I'll be back.09:02
Simounetryuo: Ok, back to my system.09:05
SimounetI'm not on EFI anymore.09:06
SimounetAnd grub-customize can see W10.09:06
ryuoFeel free to reformat the old ESP partition to repurpose it. It's rather complicated if you want to use its space for something else.09:07
SimounetNo, I don't want to mess it up. :p09:08
SimounetJust want a clean install.09:08
SimounetWith real boot partition on the good place.09:08
ryuoTo do that, you'd need to install under Legacy mode from the start.09:08
ryuoUbuntu defaults to installing for the type of system it is booted from.09:08
ryuoNow, the USB key prep I was talking about is something like this:09:09
ryuodd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sd??? bs=1M09:09
ryuochange as required.09:09
SimounetOk, I'll do that.09:09
ryuoBe careful to get the device name correct.09:10
ryuoOne typo and you'll fry the wrong device.09:10
SimounetYep of course, I know what dd is capable of.09:10
ryuosdc is likely your key.09:10
ryuoif you're using official Ubuntu ISOs, your resulting file will be capable of booting under 4 configurations.09:11
SimounetI'll try to boot to W10, then plug my others HD that I disconnected not to mess everything.09:11
SimounetThen use the key.09:11
ryuoerr 2, since this is USB flash drive.09:11
Gnjuracis there a way to insatall ubuntu whit newer kernel?09:12
ryuoSimounet: honestly though, i'd suggest an iodd2531 if you want a more professional solution.09:12
Gnjuraci have 2400g and when i boot from usb graphics is broken09:12
ryuoGnjurac: what version of Ubuntu?09:12
Gnjuraci tryed xubuntu you think it hase to do whit DE flawor, 18.0409:13
ryuoNo. 18.04 ships with a 4.15 kernel.09:13
Gnjuracshould stop looking down while typing xD09:13
ryuoWhat happens when you try to boot?09:14
Simounetryuo: iodd2531?09:14
ryuoSimounet: http://iodd.kr/wordpress/product/iodd-2531/09:14
Gnjuraci get like just one corner of screen09:14
Gnjuraclike resolution is broken and screen starts from mid09:15
ryuoGnjurac: have you tried booting anothe distro like Manjaro? If a newer kernel would make a difference, this would tell you.09:15
Gnjuracyep am typing atm form stupit manjaro09:15
Simounetryuo: Thanks again. You saved the day!09:15
ryuoThis is a stab in the dark.09:15
ryuoGnjurac: you can try booting linux livecd with amdgpu.dc=009:15
ryuothat may make a difference.09:16
Gnjurachmm i dont see any option when booting form usb to change anything09:16
Gnjuraclike nodmoset or soemthing09:16
ryuoYou'd need to get to the bootloader command line.09:16
Gnjuracyep i know09:16
Gnjuracbut duno how09:16
Gnjuracanywya my plan was to install ubuntu and just pull that newers kernel mesa from ppa09:17
ryuoDo you have another system you can install from? You could install to the drive from another system and then install it back into the desktop when you're done preparing the environment.09:18
Gnjurachmm meybe i should try minimal iso thats all terminal09:18
ryuothis may be of some use.09:18
ryuoI expect this issue will be resolved in Ubuntu 18.04.2, as this will have the first HWE packages.09:19
Gnjuraci have another system but issue is this new PC i bouth m2ssd and old pc cant use it09:19
Gnjuracany ata on 18.04.209:19
ryuoNot for a good while.09:19
ryuo18.04.1 was released in july.09:19
ryuoGnjurac: which bootloader screen do you see?09:20
ducasseGnjurac: not until some time like january, about 3 months after release of 18.1009:21
ryuoDo you see a black and white grub screen?09:21
ryuoIf so, it's using EFI grub...09:21
Gnjuracno if i do i would just prees E or whatewer is for editing09:21
ducasseGnjurac: you can try 18.10 in october, though09:21
Gnjuraci see that xfce mousethingy in bot09:21
Gnjuracor i am blind09:21
Gnjuraccan restart again and check09:21
ryuoGnjurac: i'm trying to say you should boot with a special kernel parameter.09:22
ryuoBut, how you do so depends on which you're booting from.09:22
Gnjuracye i know09:22
ryuoif it's booting in Legacy mode, you should get a colorful screen.09:22
Gnjuracjust i dont think it even showed me grub screep09:22
ryuoUbuntu ISOs boot to some bootloader screen to give you a chance to configure it.09:23
Gnjuraci just put usb , picked boot from usb, and it just shooted me to install screen09:23
Gnjuracmeybe cuz i am trying xubuntu09:23
ryuoThis reminds me of how Apollo Lake was incompatible with Ubuntu Xenial due to platform bugs...09:24
tomreynGnjurac: by 'install screen' do you mean the fully loaded graphical desktop? or a text 'graphics' menu where you may choose 'install ubuntu' and a couple other options?09:29
Gnjuracfound it09:30
Gnjuracup form Here is advanced page09:30
tomreynGnjurac: if this is an amd64 or i686 architecture (so intel 32- or 64 bit) and the grub menu wont load, either hold down shift or keephitting escape during boot09:30
Gnjurac"Here is the advanced welcome page: "09:30
Gnjuracup img but i tryed to press button esc09:30
Gnjuracwill try again whit some other button09:30
Gnjuracanyway what should i append whit hope of boot09:31
tomreyn<ryuo> Gnjurac: you can try booting linux livecd with amdgpu.dc=009:31
tomreynwould be my take, too09:31
Gnjuracok will try09:32
=== Richard is now known as Guest92339
ryuotomreyn: i figured they might have some luck if they specified amdgpu.dc=0 or amdgpu.dc=109:34
ryuoIf either works, they'll probably want to specify it in Grub too.09:36
ryuoIt reminds me of some issues I had with my ProBook 455 G5, though it's not based on Ryzen.09:37
ryuoA BIOS update resolved most of it.09:37
tomreynalthough if they'll use oibaf or padoka the boot option should no longer be needed.09:37
ryuoWhat's that?09:38
tomreynit's simply that there is no easy way to install ubuntu 18.04 with any newer kernel than 4.1509:38
tomreynthose are ppa's09:38
ryuoI see.09:39
ryuoYes, i'm aware. you typically have to switch kernels after install.09:39
ryuoIt's very hard to change packages on the live CD itself, but it can be done.09:39
ryuonot something i would suggest to people here though.09:40
ryuoWell, the fact that we haven't heard from them suggests it may have worked.09:40
eraserpencilI'm working on a snapcraft.yaml script, and I get a "/bin/sh: 38: XDG_DATA_HOME: parameter not set" error..... when I'm just appending the correct path to XDG_DATA_HOME.10:15
eraserpencilDid i inadvertently did something like ./XDG_DATA_HOME?10:15
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
ikoniaeraserpencil: how can we know what you did / didn't do - it's your snap10:26
ikoniathe fact that it's referencing a parameter not being set suggests you didn't try to execute it - it's looking for a paramater that hasn't been set10:26
eraserpencilis a parameter an environment variable?10:33
ikoniait can be very common10:34
eraserpencilthink i got it10:52
MilesyHi folks, my new 18 install has became corrupted, almost certainly I believe to do with NVIDIA issues. I can not boot the system, it just gets stuck on messages about GDM and started user manager for UID 121. It just loops forever on the same messages. When I boot into recovery mode and select enable networking I get the same.11:48
MilesyCan anyone suggest how I can get in and remove gnome and the nvidia packages completely?11:49
MilesyI can drop into root shell and mount / on RW - is there any additional risks in that?11:51
ikoniacorrutped ?11:53
ikoniawhat do you mean by corrupted11:53
MilesyThe system does not boot, it just loops on the same message forever. "started user manager for UID 121"11:56
lotuspsychjeMilesy: your graphics card chipset and driver version please?11:57
MilesyIts a very old NVIDIA card, about 10 years old. I can't get into the system, so I cant tell you much from there. I'll need to open the case.11:58
ikoniahow did you install the nvidia module11:59
ikoniadid it break after you did this12:00
ikoniacan you boot into recovery mode12:00
MilesyNo everything installed from disk without any additional effort.12:00
ikoniathen why do you think it has something to do with nvidia?12:01
MilesyI then plugged in a USB/DVI adapter and installed the DisplayLink driver and that was working fine as well12:01
Milesyexcept every time the OS locked, the usb device would turn off and the display would never recover again12:01
ikoniathe OS locked ?12:02
ikoniathat sounds like you've had a problem for a long time if your OS is "locking"12:02
Milesythe lock screen12:02
ikoniathe atual password lock12:02
MilesySo the last thing I did was disable all the lock features in gnome from the additional config utility12:03
Milesyand nothing else of note, and this morning it wont boot12:03
MilesyI can get into recovery mode, but just the root shell12:03
Milesyif I select enable networking it fails on the same GDM messages12:04
ikoniaso why are you thinking this is nvidia12:04
ikoniaand why are you looking to remove nvidia and gnome12:04
Milesyall searches related to this user 121, appear related to NVIDIA issues12:04
ikoniawhat does the GDM and xorg logs show12:05
ikoniawhat do the syslogs show12:05
ikoniawhat happens if you manually start gdm from the recovery shell12:05
Milesysyslogs have failures from gnome-shell - failed to create backend: could not find a primary drm kms device12:08
Milesyorg.gnomeShell.desktop exited with code 112:09
Milesyunrecoverable failure in ..... org.gnome.Shell.desktop12:09
MilesyHave not googled these yet, just typing what I see12:09
ktechmidasis there a way to figure out what dpkg-reconfigure actually changes without changing the files?12:10
ktechmidaslike a dry run that'll tell me what it's done12:10
ikoniaMilesy: it feels like you should debug this before making assumtions and removing packages12:10
ikoniaktechmidas: I'm not aware of a "dry run" feature for dpkg-reconfigure12:11
ktechmidasikonia: hm, is there a way for me to at least figure out what it's changed after the fact?12:11
ikoniaktechmidas: I'd expect the logs to show chang12:11
A_JGuys can someone tell me how to make the bottom dock and menu bar show up on my main display (Laptop ) and my external Monitor (connected via HDMI). I am using elementary OS GUI on ubuntu12:12
ktechmidasnot quite at the level I need sadly... maybe I will try something like etc git12:12
Milesyikonia, its a clean install, so I have nothing to lose by a clean fix in the first instance, if the problem persisted subsequently I would generally look at starting to debug it deeper.12:12
ikoniaMilesy: it's not a clean fix12:12
ikoniaMilesy: it's doing random things12:12
ikoniaMilesy: if you have "nothing to lose" just do a full re-install then and see if the problem persists12:12
ikoniabut removing random packages is pointless12:12
lotuspsychje!derivatives | A_J12:13
ubottuA_J: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)12:13
A_Jlotuspsychje: i am using ubuntu only. Just another GUI12:14
A_Jok but i will ask there12:14
deadspiderHow to make the HDD unprotected from writing after ubuntu setup?12:28
JimBuntudeadspider, any chance this is multi-boot with Windows?12:28
deadspiderI wanted to install XP but setup cannot continue. I have encrypted the hard drive from ubuntu setup and now XP cannot be installed. Can you help me?12:33
deadspiderhow to de-encrypt or remove write protection from the hard drive which ubuntu installation has done.12:34
deadspideror can you help me install open-cobol on ubuntu?12:36
deadspiderAnybody help...12:38
lotuspsychje!patience | deadspider12:38
ubottudeadspider: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/12:38
lotuspsychjedeadspider: its not really my business, but xp is long eol, you should not still use it. then for a dualboot i would personally chosoe a full reinstall12:39
BluesKajHowdy folks12:40
deadspiderHello BluesKaj12:40
BluesKajhi deadspider12:41
mobile_ci need help getting a cross compiler set up12:41
lotuspsychjemobile_c: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CrossBuilding start here12:47
mobile_ci can compile with --static when without it i get libc not found12:49
mobile_cbut without*12:49
mobile_c$ arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc ./disassembler.c -w && ./a.out12:49
mobile_c./a.out: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:49
lotuspsychje!arm | mobile_c12:50
ubottumobile_c: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.12:50
MilesyDoes anyone keep a seperate partition for /home these days? I feel like it would save me effort in a reinstall to have that data seperate, downloads etc.13:00
marshwallowWow. Much people here!13:02
marshwallowCan anyone help me?13:02
marshwallowNeed some mDNS help.13:02
marshwallowTyping host <my_computer_hostname> on another computer in the intranet throws a SERVFAIL.13:03
Milesyfirst rule, dont ask to ask - just ask.13:03
jarnosWhere do you find bash completion file for tail command?13:03
marshwallowMilesy, yeah, I was slowly typing my question.13:03
marshwallowWell aware of that rule.13:04
marshwallowSorry if it turned out like I'd never post the question itself.13:04
marshwallowHow should I fix that?13:04
BluesKajMilesy, I alway use / and /home parttions13:04
marshwallow(the SERVFAIL thing)13:04
marshwallowWhere should I look first?13:04
MilesyBluesKaj: thanks. Been years since I installed Linux, reckon 20GB is enough for / these days?13:06
BluesKajMilesy, yes, that's plenty13:07
BluesKajMilesy, I install to / and set the mountpoint for /home using manual partitioning in the installer13:07
Exterminadorhello guys. I was wondering if it's possible to force a specific program to bind to a specific IP for outgoing connections or if it's a thing that must be supported by the software itself?13:09
marshwallowNo one?13:09
Milesycheers BluesKaj.13:10
marshwallowPerhaps a more suitable channel for this?13:11
marshwallowmDNS SERVFAIL thing?13:11
blackflowExterminador: must be supported by software, or alternatively look at running that program under a different network namespace13:11
cluelesspersonquestion, how do you view the source code for an ubuntu snap distribution?13:12
Milesymarshwallow: sounds more like a generic #linux question.13:13
Exterminadorblackflow: thanks. I'll give it a few tries to some possible setups13:13
MilesyI would just be googling it for you, and you can do that yourself.13:13
marshwallowI did google, but I got quite various suggestions.13:13
marshwallowPeople went to set up DNS servers, doing something with 'unbound'.13:14
marshwallowSome people just got it working out of the box.13:14
MilesyI've never saw it, and I have been using Linux for 20 years, so seems a bit of a niche problem.13:14
BluesKajmarshwallow, is this a production machine, on a large network?13:15
marshwallowNot really.13:15
marshwallowA laptop which should be a server for an Android application.13:16
marshwallowI ... I guess we could call it 'production' then?13:16
marshwallowI'm connected to an Android phone acting as a hotspot via WiFi, so that might be the culprit here?13:17
BluesKajuhhmm, yeah13:17
marshwallowThe unpleasant part of this story is that I don't have a proper router at disposal ATM, so I can't test it that way.13:19
marshwallowSo ... any recommended course of action? I mean, either one that would definitely put the blame on the Android connection thing, or one that'd solve this conundrum. Both options are okay :).13:20
JimBuntumarshwallow, Can you access the other computer via the hotspot connection at all? Such as even if you use the IP?13:20
marshwallowThe strange thing is that I can reach it (i.e. ping or or open <hostname>:8000 in Chrome) using an Android device, but other Ubuntu clients don't even consider talking to it.13:22
marshwallowIP works decently, but that's not really what I'm aiming at.13:22
JimBuntumarshwallow, I need to leave. Either way, I was asking because it could be that the hotspot connection is blocking all client<->client communications, and there may even be a setting to disable this.13:22
JimBuntuOk, I guess that's not it. Good luck13:23
marshwallowSad to see you go, but thank you for trying to help.13:23
marshwallowNo, actually - I can reach it both on my Ubuntu *and* Android clients.13:25
marshwallowThe only difference is in the addresses.13:26
marshwallowOn a Ubuntu computer I need to use <hostname>.local, but on an Android device I can reach my laptop using simply <hostname>.13:26
marshwallowWhich is great, but `host` command returns 2(SERVFAIL) for both addresses.13:27
adroit_machineI have installed xpad, and when I open it there are too many windows with separate entries in task manager, it gets messy. How do I group all the windows together or even hide all the windows of xpad from the task manager? Distro: Kubuntu 1613:38
marshwallowadroit_machine, doesn't KDE do it itself?13:43
adroit_machinemarshwallow: no it doesn't. I have even set the "group similar task together" in the options.13:43
marshwallowMaybe it's a xpad-specific thing, but it's nicely grouping Konsole windows on my laptop.13:44
marshwallowUbuntu 18.04 though.13:44
adroit_machinemarshwallow: can I hide xpad entries in the taskmanager altogether?13:45
adroit_machineis there some way to do it?13:45
marshwallowUh... maybe those Activity thingies can help you, but I'm not sure.13:46
adroit_machinemarshwallow: thank you for the info. I have not really used activities instead I use virtual desktops13:47
marshwallowYou're welcome.13:47
=== Richard is now known as Guest38003
=== Dreaman is now known as Blade
basalthi, i watched several videos and read some websites about the ubuntu-communitheme and all stated that "select communitheme on xorg (recommended)" so why is xorg recommended ??14:25
lotuspsychjebasalt: xorg is still default on bionic, wayland has some work in progress still14:28
=== Dreaman is now known as Blade
Fretegilooking at new video cards.  any new thoughts surrounding nvidia 1050ti vs. radeon rx560 for light gaming in linux?  more focusing on linux support for each, bugginess of drivers etc. not so much which card has better specs etc14:47
=== jcnmark6_ is now known as jcnmark6
lotuspsychjeFretegi: for hardware reviews to compare cards better ask in ##hardware14:49
ducasseFretegi: try #gamingonlinux?14:49
MilesyI have managed to disable the "lock screen" and using dconf-editor also disabled the inactivity stuff, but after a while my screen still switches off, and when I move my mouse / press a key I get the inactivity screen with the clock on it - is there somewhere else I need to configure it?>14:49
Fretegilotuspsychje, thank you14:49
sayo-Hello! I'm rather new to ubuntu and I keep getting random freezes that end up with this error (https://imgur.com/a/L8EOeGf). I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this. A few sites on internet suggest checking that the partition is OK, which I did and it seems to be OK.15:07
sayo-Sorry I couldn't pastebin the error, there's no way to copy text in that crash screen. The screen appears and keep showing up errors until I reboot my computer by hand.15:08
sayo-Im suspicious about my new SSD disk, all my hardware is new, but so far I haven't gotten any trouble under window so I was wondering if this could be something ubuntu-specific?15:09
_KaszpiR_sayo- looks like issue with disk, or controler15:10
_KaszpiR_you may try to install latest hwe kernels, or even edge kernels15:10
sayo-I booted ubuntu from USB and used the 'Check Filesystem' option in Disks, and it says it's OK15:11
_KaszpiR_see /var/log/kern.log15:11
sayo-do you think my SSD may have compatibility issues with current stable controlers?15:11
_KaszpiR_might be15:11
_KaszpiR_or check if your firmware is up to date for motehrboard and disk15:12
sayo-after a quick check, I didn't find anyone complaining about my disks and ubuntu (Team Group L5 LITE 3D 2.5" 480GB SATA III 3D NAND SSD T253TD480G3C101)15:14
sayo-I'll check firmwares and kernel15:14
sayo-is there some place where I could gather more information about the clash?15:16
sayo-besides the kern.log file you just mentioned15:16
ioriasayo-, what i see is that you have a Read only fs; can you run  mount | grep sda5 ?15:18
sayo-ioria: sda5 is where Uubuntu is installed, it's what I'm using right now15:19
ioriasayo-,  mount | grep sda5 ?15:20
sayo-/dev/sda5 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered)15:20
ioriasayo-,  it's ok;  journalctl --verify15:21
sayo-oh wow I got a few red messages15:21
sayo-I'll pastebin one sec15:21
ioriasayo-,  FAIL ?15:22
sayo-ioria: https://pastebin.com/XwPQ9Dh4 there you go15:22
sayo-yup a few lines starting with FAIL and File corruption detected15:22
ioriasayo-,  CORRUPTED LOGS15:23
ioriasayo-, journalctl --disk-usage15:23
sayo-journal logs, and journal is also part of the error when my computer clases15:23
sayo-Archived and active journals take up 720.1M in the file system.15:23
sayo-720mb of logs? :O15:24
ioriasayo-, yes, is big ... but now you have to backup in another directory the corrupted files that you got from the verify cmd15:25
ioriasayo-, e.g   /var/log/journal/267b54b15e18480db0ab0ab6db8481b5/system@000573e4e0039efa-b9e707efc7f133a5.journal~15:26
sayo-I think this is how things go: I'm doing something (like working on an IDE or texstudio), when I click on save I get a random 'Input Output error', and at some point I get the crash screen saying it can't write the error logs?15:26
ioriasayo-,  yes, the root cause it's probably an I/O error15:27
sayo-makes sense?15:27
sayo-sucks :( hope my SSD isn't bogus15:27
ioriasayo-,  and your fs becomes read only15:27
sayo-all the smart checks and stuff says it's OK though15:28
ioriasayo-,  the recommended  way is run sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda from a live env15:29
sayo-I think I've done that already (using the GUI from Disks) but I can try it again if you can hang on for a minute or two15:30
ioriasure, but not good debuggng HD15:31
sayo-ioria: anything else I should run from live before I reboot back to my setup?15:31
ioriasayo-,  nope,just backup the corrupted logs (but you can do it from the main install)15:32
sayo-I should be back in a second15:32
sayo-liveioria: here I am15:41
sayo-liveioria: https://pastebin.com/8b1DRWZw15:42
sayo-livenote that I ran smartctl on /dev/sda and no /sda5 which is the drive I'm having trouble with15:43
sayo-livebut by reading the output, it's the same disk so that should be fine I guess15:43
zjhxmjlhey,guys!who can give me some help?thx15:43
ioriasayo-live, yes, looks fine15:46
sayo-liveioria: yup, run the extended offline tests and got Completed without error15:48
sayo-liveWarning! SMART Self-Test Log Structure error: invalid SMART checksum.15:49
sayo-livenot sure what that means though15:49
sayo-livedoes that mean they screwed me with an used disk?15:50
ioriasayo-live, that is harmless, iguess15:50
sayo-liveany lead what the next step should be then?15:50
sayo-livewhen I rebooted I checked the UEFI and it's 4.6, there's a new version 4.7 that went out a few days ago15:52
ioriasayo-live, reboot your system and we can check other logs15:52
sayo-liveok brb15:52
sayo-ioria: here I'm, you lead15:54
ioriasayo-live, journalctl -xn15:54
sayo-ioria: https://pastebin.com/VX6rZ2QT15:55
sayo-there are four lines in red, ex acvpnagent[1124]: Function: createSingletonInstance File: ../../vpn/Common/Utility/linux/NWMgrHelper.cpp Line: 151 Invoked Function: CNWMgrHelper::CNWMgrHelper Return Code: -2044722515:56
dirac1Anyone here uses cockpit? I want to know the usual ram consumption.15:57
ioriasayo-, i thinkthat is cisco vpn software,not ubuntu's15:58
sayo-ioria: yup, it's anywhere from cisco15:58
sayo-probably unrelated15:58
ioriasayo-, i don't see I/O problems there;  try posting 'dmesg'15:58
sayo-ioria: https://pastebin.com/fsMKnUeG15:59
sayo-there's only (1) MODSIGN: Couldn't get UEFI db list, and (2) a bunch of PKCS#7 signature not signed with a trusted key16:01
sayo-those are the only messages in red16:01
chinguscreated container via: docker create   --name=tvheadend4   --net=host   -v /mnt/config/tvheadend:/config   -v /mnt/recordings:/recordings   -e PGID=1000 -e PUID=1000    -e  TZ=America/Mexico_City linuxserver/tvheadend16:01
chinguswas not able to to access the web page, continually not avail16:01
chingusafter issueing: sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 9981 -j ACCEPT16:01
chingusI was able to connect16:01
chingusdoes this have to do with the way I created the container?16:01
sayo-ioria: I think the I/O errors are  sort of random, and when they start to occur then everything clashes16:02
sayo-that's why we don't find any I/O errors in dmesg16:02
CoolerXi edited my /etc/environment file to include JAVA_HOme16:03
CoolerXJAVA_HOME*, but when i do echo $JAVA_HOME in a terminal i get nothing16:03
ioriasayo-,  ata's are ok16:04
ioriasayo-,  some nvidia warnings maybe16:04
CoolerXif i  "cat /etc/environment" then the edit i made is still there16:05
CoolerXany ideas?16:05
sayo-ioria: I installed nvidia drivers a few days ago but this has been randomly clashing for a month or so\16:06
piesquaredHow do I move directories using terminal?  They aren’t empty.16:06
ioriasayo-,  when exactly did you get the freeze ? i mean,using some sort of sw  ?16:06
CoolerXpiesquared, mv src dst16:07
sayo-ioria: different settings, sometimes i'm using an IDE or textstudio and I can't save a file16:07
ioriasayo-,  in this case, i suggest you run again  'fsck' from the recovery menu16:08
sayo-at other times, I'm using firefox and it starts behaving crazily, youtube keeps playing music on the background but I can't change the browser tabs, and after a minute or two acting weird, it crashes16:08
sayo-recovery menu = the boot menu when I reboot?16:09
MikeRLQuestion - how come on Ubuntu 18.04 I can run apt update and apt dist-upgrade and choose yes and still have updates under the software center?16:09
ioriasayo-,  yes Advanced Options16:09
sayo-ioria: ok, just fsck /dev/sda5 or anything else?16:10
zjhxmjlhi,guys!why i can't find the GPU with clinfo command?https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7vxjKSwpTD/16:11
ioriasayo-, what's on the other partitions ?16:11
sayo-windows, I'll show you16:11
tomreynzjhxmjl: sudo apt install mesa-opencl-icd16:12
ioriasayo-, just check the 'linux' partitions (and the efi one)16:12
zjhxmjl tomreyn: ok,thx,i'll try16:12
sayo-ioria: https://i.imgur.com/CajAuGX.png there you go16:12
sayo-I think the only linux partition is sda5, the rest is mostly windows stuff16:13
ioriasayo-, yep16:13
sayo-ah, the efi one as well16:13
sayo-ok wish me look16:13
sayo-thanks for all your help ^_^16:13
ioriano prob16:14
tomreynzjhxmjl: thiws will use mesa, though. if you want to use the proprietary stuff by amd, you meay need something like this https://discuss.pixls.us/t/using-amd-open-source-and-the-amdgpu-pro-opencl-driver-for-image-processing/686416:16
zjhxmjltomreyn: ok,thx16:16
RonaldsMazitismy mouse stops working after some time I don't use it anymore16:17
RonaldsMazitisI'm on ubuntu 16.0416:17
RonaldsMazitismaybe I need to upgrade to 18.0416:19
MikeRLAnother question - when is #ubuntu-mozillateam going to update Thunderbird and Firefox? Thunderbird is still at v52.16:23
ducasseRonaldsMazitis: which kernel are you on? 'uname -r'16:24
ducasseRonaldsMazitis: you could try a hwe kernel, but first try another mouse16:26
tomreynMikeRL: the recommendation i was given is to use snaps16:26
sayo-ioria: fsck says all is good16:26
sayo-looks like there's no clear lead about what it causing this problem16:27
ioriasayo-, nope16:27
MikeRLtomreyn, By what source?16:28
ioriasayo-,   if you have an outdated bios, (idt so),you can update it16:28
sayo-I'll try to use windows more intensively and see if it crashes (so far it's worked OK), that would at least confirm that my disk is OK16:28
tomreynMikeRL: i forgot16:29
sayo-no, bios is up to date16:29
MikeRLtomreyn, The snap version of Firefox doesn't work so well with DRM. And some themeing stuff is broken.16:29
tomreynMikeRL: if you want the full set of embedded malware you'll need to resort to the packaged one.16:31
tomreynMikeRL: i mean DRM16:31
MikeRLtomreyn, Isn't theming broken on it?16:32
tomreynMikeRL: i dont know16:33
MikeRLI read once it had issues with CSD or something.16:33
=== omega-supreme is now known as icct-hedral
MikeRL"Like the majority of Snap apps the Firefox snap also has theming issues. It works a-ok with the stock Ambiance theme but the second you try to use a less common GTK theme, like the new CommuniTheme, Arc or Canta, the snap fallback to using vanilla Adwaita for GTK styling."16:33
sayo-ioria: do you think formatting and reinstalling ubuntu would help?16:34
sayo-I don't get any bad blocks and the filesystem checks look OK, so I don't think it's worthwhile formatting16:35
chingustry this again:created container via: docker create   --name=tvheadend4   --net=host   -v /mnt/config/tvheadend:/config   -v /mnt/recordings:/recordings   -e PGID=1000 -e PUID=1000    -e  TZ=America/Mexico_City linuxserver/tvheadend was not able to to access the web page, continually not avail after issueing: sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 9981 -j ACCEPT I was able to connect does this have to do with the way I created the container?16:41
chingusor is this an issue with the host OS?16:42
zjhxmjltomreyn:thx very much!solved16:46
qwebirc4988Hi I think I've manage to bork my python installations moving from 16.04 to 18.04, would someone be able to give me a hand in un-borking them?16:51
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
MilesyIt seems my display issues are stemming from my DisplayLink driver. As soon as I install it, its fine, but when I reboot gnome refuses to start. I have not done any serious debugging yet but wondered if anyone else was using a DisplayLink USB/DVI-VGA adapter with 18.04 ?16:55
MilesyApparantly it is not supported but there is a third party driver listed here - https://support.displaylink.com/forums/287786-displaylink-feature-suggestions/suggestions/34104508-support-ubuntu-18-04 - thats the one that messes up my system.16:56
Milesythe DisplayLInk 17 driver has problems on 18 so thats why the guy wrote his own for 1816:57
StartingOverHello everyone, I have a rather basic question if you could help. I am going through a significant life change and have been running ubuntu on both my laptop and my desktop, but I'm going to have to pack it all up and go to a less powerful laptop until things get right again. I'm thinking the answer is yes, but I want to make sure. Both are Intel 64-bit chips, one being far more powerful than the other. I can simply just take the hard dr16:58
StartingOverive from the desktop and put it in the laptop correct?16:58
StartingOverThank you in advance16:58
qwebirc4988Anyone here available to help with my issues with python?16:59
lotuspsychjeqwebirc4988: before volunteers can help, try to gather more details/info to understand your issue17:01
ducasseStartingOver: most likely. if you run into any issues it will most likely be with the display driver.17:01
=== jje_ is now known as jje
tomreynStartingOver: the other possibl eissue is UEFI vs BIOS booting. you'll need to booth the same way the old system was booted.17:04
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
tomreyn!details | qwebirc498817:05
ubottuqwebirc4988: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.17:05
pavlosqwebirc4988: could you sudo apt install --reinstall python27 and python35? just wondering ...17:05
qwebirc4988I moved from 16.04 to 18.04. I am now unable to launch gnome-terminal. After some messing about I have ended up with "python3" symlinked to "python3.7", and running gnome-terminal (using xterm) results in the message "ImportError: cannot import name '_gi' from 'gi' (/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gi/__init__.py"17:07
StartingOverthank you i'm not really looking at UEFI as being the issue... @ducasse I'm hoping that it will just default to the precious little built in intel graphics drivers and i'll have a brief moment of peace in my life ... thank you both @ducasse and @ tomreyn17:08
qwebirc4988pavlos: I just tried this now it said unable to locate package python[27/35]17:09
bipulHi, could anyone please help me to understand the default FORWARD chain policy created by libvirt. https://pastebin.com/raw/LZsG4kUH   I'm not sure why i'm  able to ping from node1 to node217:09
mrelceeI have a ubuntu 17.0.4 server that I want to upgrade to 18 LTS.     how might I do that?  It errors out because the servers are no longer there since it's E/O/L17:10
daemondoes ubuntu server have a seperate channel17:10
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server17:10
ducasse!eolupgrade | mrelcee17:10
ubottumrelcee: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:10
pavlosqwebirc4988: do you have any ppa's? does a "sudo apt update" come clean?17:10
pavlosqwebirc4988: you should have python2.7 ... "whereis python" will give you the paths17:12
tomreynStartingOver: prepare a usb installer / live stick with the same ubuntu version you have on disk now, just in case.17:13
pavlosqwebirc4988: ls -l /usr/bin/python* will show you the sym links for all python installs17:16
ioriaqwebirc4988,  python3.7  is not present in xenial, so you installed it 'after'the upgrade (unless you used a ppa)17:20
qwebirc4988apt update does not come clean, but I'm struggling to copy from the xterm, so I can't yet give you a link to the output. "whereis python" gives various python files listed, same issues as above in being unable to copy so can't currently give full readout. Finally the last gives that I have the following symlinks: python -> python2.7, python2 -> python2.7 and python3 -> python3.7.17:21
lotuspsychjemrelcee: see also the recent security flaws for your eol version !usn cause your server might be not so trustable at this point17:21
ioriaqwebirc4988,  you probably need to remake the link to /usr/bin/python17:21
pavlosqwebirc4988: please fix update first17:21
qwebirc4988I think I may have installed python 3.7 myself, I do have python 3.5, 3.6 and 3.717:21
mrelceelotuspsychje It was just installed.  I couldn't get 16 o 18 to boot after install in my VM environment.  all i'm looking to do is upgrade it to 18 LTS17:22
ducassemrelcee: see the link from ubottu17:23
ioriaqwebirc4988,  paste here  :  ls -l  /usr/bin/python17:23
qwebirc4988ioria, do you know how to copy from xterm? Neither crtl-c or ctrl-shift-c work.17:25
ioriaqwebirc4988,  just what follows '->'17:26
ducasseqwebirc4988: highlight with left mousebutton, paste with middle button or shift+insert17:26
ioriaqwebirc4988,  shift + ins17:26
qwebirc4988ioria, after the -> is python2.717:27
ioriaqwebirc4988,  ok   ls -l  /usr/bin/python317:28
qwebirc4988Also those suggestions work for pasting into xterm for me, I don't know how to copy from it however.17:28
qwebirc4988ioria, I get -> python3.717:28
ioriaqwebirc4988,   wrong i guess, should be 3.617:29
ioriaqwebirc4988,  do yo have a binary   python3.6 ?   ls   /usr/bin/python3.617:29
qwebirc4988I have 2.7, 3.6, 3.6, 3.17:30
pavlosqwebirc4988: does gnome-terminal exist? would that be easier instead of xterm?17:30
ioriaqwebirc4988,  ok, remove /usr/bin/python3 and link to /usr/bin/python3.617:30
qwebirc4988pavlos, my issue is that gnome-terminal won't run with my current python issues :(17:31
pavlosqwebirc4988: ok17:31
MikeRLHmm. This may be hardware related, but I do have another question. Besides this, which I've ordered: https://www.ifixit.com/Store/Tools/Precision-Screw-Extractor-Set/IF145-118-1 How can I best go about removing a stripped screw from a laptop?17:31
lotuspsychjeMikeRL: ask in ##hardware please17:31
ioriaqwebirc4988,  sudo rm /usr/bin/python3    and  sudo  ln -s /usr/bin/python3.6 /usr/bin/python317:32
qwebirc4988ioria, I removed python 3 but it gave the error: "ERROR: ld.so: object 'libgtk3.nocsd.so.0' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (can not open shared object file): ignored.". Creating the symlink gave the same error, but both operations appeard to succeed regardless.17:34
ioriaqwebirc4988,     ls -l  /usr/bin/python317:35
qwebirc4988Correctly symlinked to 3.617:35
ioriaqwebirc4988,    sudo sudp apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade17:36
ioriaqwebirc4988,    sudo sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade17:36
s10gopalcan i use my mobile(android) as speaker by connecting it via usb cable?17:36
qwebirc4988ioria, dpkg has an error. "dpkg: error processing package python3-chardet (--configure)\n package is in a very bad inconsistent state; you should\n reinstall it before attempting configuration"17:38
lotuspsychjes10gopal: i think you need specific software to make your phone act as something else17:39
ioriaqwebirc4988,    sudo sudo apt install --reinstall  python3-chardet17:39
qwebirc4988It warned about the same issue with python3-debian, should I do the same procedure with that?17:41
ioriaqwebirc4988,    let's try17:41
ioriaqwebirc4988,    i'am becoming pessimistic17:41
qwebirc4988ioria, well I no longer get the python import issue, instead I get the error regarding the ld.so object.17:44
ioriaqwebirc4988,    sudo sudo apt install --reinstall  libgtk3-nocsd017:45
MikeRLlotuspsychje, Thanks.17:46
qwebirc4988Well I no longer get any errors, but also no gnome terminal :'(17:48
ioriaqwebirc4988,   sudo apt install --reinstall gnome-terminal17:49
ioriaqwebirc4988,   and start it from xterm17:50
qwebirc4988ioria, "# E rror constructing proxy for org.gnome.Terminal:/org/gnome/Terminal/Factory0:\n Error calling StartServiceByNme for org.gnome.Terminal: Timeout was reached17:52
ioriaqwebirc4988,   are you root ?17:53
qwebirc4988Ah, "sudo gnome-terminal" works correctly17:54
ioriaqwebirc4988,   not what i meant, but ok17:54
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CoolerZomg nothing works with openjdk17:55
CoolerZevery stupid thing i want to use says "use the oracle jdk"17:55
ioriaqwebirc4988,   try this : https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=23388017:56
qwebirc4988ioria, I'm probably going to drop as I try restarting the gnome session. I'll let you know when I'm back and who I am.17:58
ioriaqwebirc4988,   ok17:59
Vic2I have an application which I run multiple instances of both on Ubuntu 14 and 16 ... when I run it on 14, I get one single icon and upon right clicking, I get a list of all the instances and can then choose one by clicking on it.  When I run it in 16 I get multiple icons ... I want to stack these icons as they are in 14.  However when I check xprop of the icon (in 14 and 16) I get WM_CLASS:  not found.  I am stumped ... how can I achieve what I am wanting to acc17:59
ioriaqwebirc4988,  i'd also check with a new user (probably a personal setting issue or about your loclaes)18:00
on3pkif I want to remove a repository from apt, can I delete the .list file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d?18:01
on3pkor will that cause corruption somewhere else18:01
pavloson3pk: sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:whatever/ppa18:04
ducasseon3pk: or use ppa-purge to also remove the packages installed from that ppa18:06
on3pkoh ok18:06
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html18:06
ducasseon3pk: that is strongly recommended before upgrading to a later release18:08
on3pkWhen I upgrade releases, I'll make sure to do that.18:10
Avionhelp me please. 18.04 keyring password wont vanish. i want to reset it toy password. (read lots of sites)  have definitely removed  ~/.local/share/keyrings/login.keyring  and did annlsnon the directory to doublecheck. (am feeling frustration and blockage)18:10
Aviondid an ls on the directory18:11
Condar15Hi ioria, After playing with the locale settings and restarting I now appear to be able to use the gnome terminal as expected.18:13
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Avion5 mins18:15
AscavasaionI did a dist upgrade from 16.01.1 to 18.04.1 and the GUI does not start.  It stgarts, gives Grub menu... shows the booting progress... and then freezes.  I am guessing that it is a graphics driver issue?  the only way I get it to bot is by adding /nomodeset in grub boot optionbs, but that is not a fix, and it does not allow me to do extended desktops as I did before the upgrade.18:20
ioriaCondar15, good18:21
AscavasaionCould this be the problem? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/175293818:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1768610 in nux (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1752938 leftover conffile forces GNOME is software rendering" [High,Fix released]18:23
tomreynAscavasaion: whats your graphics hardware(s)?18:34
Ascavasaiontomreyn: lspci gives:18:35
Ascavasaion00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)18:35
Ascavasaion00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)18:35
ioriaAscavasaion, there's a bug fot that chipset,idk if solved18:36
ioriaAscavasaion, uname -r ?18:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1724639 in linux (Ubuntu) "Bug in Kernel 4.13 : Intel Mobile Graphics 945 shows 80 % black screen" [Medium,Confirmed]18:37
ioriaAscavasaion,   check #109 #11018:38
Ascavasaionioria: Would I add that into the grub at the beginning where I typed /nomodeset ?18:40
ioriaAscavasaion,    in /etc/default/grub and run  sudo update-grub18:41
Ascavasaionioria: Or do I do something like this... https://duckduckgo.com/?q=GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX%3Dtext&t=hi&atb=v125-5__&ia=qa&iax=qa18:41
AscavasaionHAHA... okay... let me try18:41
AscavasaionGoing to reboot... see you soon... hopefully.18:45
multifractalIs there something for Ubuntu that works as simply and easily as Airdrop on macs?18:52
ducassemultifractal: https://alternativeto.net/software/airdrop/?platform=linux19:02
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CoolerZhow does ubuntu find java?19:20
CoolerZwhen i do java --version i get openjdk 10.0.219:21
CoolerZinstead of jdk 1.8.x19:21
CoolerZJAVA_HOME is set to point at 1.8.x19:21
Ascavasaionioria: I did what you said... it would not boot... so I had to get it back to the way it was with krytarik's help.  Any other suggestions? ;-)19:22
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zumba_addictlooks like something got messed up on my linux machine after a strong lightning. It still boots up but the resolution is 640x480 and network interfaces are not coming up anymore19:38
zumba_addictthe led on the network port still turns on19:39
zumba_addictno error in  /var/log/syslog19:39
zumba_addictI haven't check CMOS yet19:39
ducasseany errors in dmesg?19:41
zumba_addictwhich is really weird19:42
zumba_addicti've rebooted it 5 times with no luck. I only see loopback when running ifconfig19:42
zumba_addictthe lightning was really bad, there was a power outage19:42
_KaszpiR_your systtem is corrupted, backup, and full reinstall.19:43
zumba_addictmost likely19:43
Ascavasaionkrytarik: I fixed it... sort of.  I did a sudo remove gdm3 then sudo apt-get install lightdm and then a sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm anmd then sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm and then a I rebooted.  It all looks like it used to except that the start bar at the bottom is on the wrong display now for some reason.19:44
_KaszpiR_just dont waste your time, not worth it19:44
zumba_addicti was using lvm which I was hoping would recover19:44
zumba_addictI'm thinking could be hardware, I hope not19:44
_KaszpiR_hardware would rahter trigger kernel panic19:45
zumba_addictlet me check cmos, maybe it got disabled19:45
krytarikAscavasaion: Huh.. but thanks! :)19:45
Ascavasaionkrytarik: I don;t understand why that worked... got the solution here... https://askubuntu.com/questions/1030483/stuck-at-ubuntu-18-04-logo-while-booting-after-installing19:46
AscavasaionThank you for your help earlier krytarik, tomreyn, and ioria.  Night night all.20:10
=== mundus2018 is now known as mundus
prod__Hi all, Can someone explain to me why when using plink to ssh to my ubuntu host "virsh list" doesnt show any hosts but using putty interactively it works as expected listing my windows vm.20:50
tomreynprod__: maybe you authenticate differently (different user?) or the environment differs (run 'env' after connecting both ways, compare outputs). but this is really a putty (on windows?) question.20:56
prod__I have noticed when running env that "LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI=qemu:///system" does not exist in non interactive mode among many other differences but I am logging in correctly as username is the same on both21:02
texlatomreyn, I installed Kubuntu on my external hdd using grub 2.02 the name of the default is Ubuntu rather than Kubuntu..In older versions of grub the default name was normally The program name in parenthesis rather than the 0 now used..It boot properly just a nuisance21:08
supercoolHello oflks!21:11
supercoolCould someone help me with a mysql error as "ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)"21:11
Ben64supercool: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/problems-connecting.html21:34
OOO1337777psst ... https://github.com/1337777/maclane22:02
ducasseOOO1337777: no spam here, please22:07
OOO1337777ducasse: OK22:08
Mr-PotterHi everyone22:09
Mr-PotterHow do I find out if Xubuntu is 32 bit or 64 bit?22:09
Mr-PotterAlso how do I reset my password?22:09
Ben64uname -m22:09
leftyfbMr-Potter: uname -m22:09
leftyfbMr-Potter: you can change your password in the "users" utility in settings or using the command-line util passwd22:10
Mr-Pottergot it22:10
Mr-Potterdo I type uname username -m?22:10
leftyfbMr-Potter: you asked 2 questions22:10
Ben64why did you add 'username' in there22:10
leftyfbI answered both22:10
Mr-Potterleftyfb: Thank you22:11
Mr-PotterBen64: Because I plan to do that as root22:11
Mr-PotterActually I didn't understand the answer disregard what I said22:12
Mr-Potterhow do I use util passwd22:12
Ben64man passwd22:12
Mr-Potterdo I type passwd username?22:12
Mr-Pottergot it22:12
Vic2I have an application which I run multiple instances of both on Ubuntu 14 and 16 ... when I run it on 14, I get one single icon and upon right clicking, I get a list of all the instances and can then choose one by clicking on it.  When I run it in 16 I get multiple icons ... I want to stack these icons as they are in 14.  However when I check xprop of the icon (in 14 and 16) I get WM_CLASS:  not found.  I am stumped ... how can I achieve what I am wanting to acc22:24
ryuoVic2: it sounds like the difference is in the tray grouping instances or not.22:31
ryuoVic2: pehraps look for a setting for that?22:31
mousesHey everyone - having a super strange issue.  The 32 GB usb stick that I used to install 16.04 with - I used a 'sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=512 count=1' to nuke it, created new partition table, created a new ext4 partition - it mounts and works fine, but for some reason... ~700 MB is in use, and this system tries to boot it (and fails) if it's plugged in during boot.  http://i.imgur.com/nMNn4Gg.png <-22:44
mousesgparted info on the drive22:44
mousesHow do I find/remove whatever is using that space and trying to make it bootable?22:45
texlaInstall Kubuntu used grub 2.0.2 the menu shows Ubuntu..Yet it boots to Kubuntu which is correct../etc/default/grub show set to zero and /boot/grub/grub.conf show Ubuntu22:45
texlamouses can you pastebin  sudo parted /dev/sdc print free22:49
mousestexla: coming right up22:50
mousestexla: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pSzxTcWZZQ/22:51
Ben64looks normal22:52
mousestexla: yet somehow ~700MB is in use and if the stick is plugged in at boot time, it tries to boot it and fails22:52
mousesBen64: Yeah, I know :(22:52
Ben64700MB is normal too22:52
Ben64and the boot thing is your bios being dumb22:52
mousesBen64: Hmmm, weird - 700MB overhead?22:52
mousesShowing as in use on the actual partition?  /dev/sdc1 ?22:52
mousesnever in my life experience behavior like that22:53
Ben64lemme find a drive to partition22:53
mouseshave like 9 USB sticks plugged in here22:53
mousesit's the only one that does anything like that22:53
mousesand some are MUCH larger22:53
mousesBen64: thanks in advance, this is just weird22:54
phockinghey i did something stupid to fill up my / partition22:57
phockingi think maybe i did something wrong with lvm when adding another disk?22:57
phockingdf says /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv       3.9G  3.9G     0 100% /22:59
sayo-any hint on how to find the latest drivers for my wifi card? the one in the manufacturer website is older than the one ubuntu 18 comes with23:01
Ben64mouses: https://imgur.com/SQnfPuq23:01
Ben64sayo-: does it work in ubuntu now23:02
mousesBen64: I think you are right - just did a reboot and noticed I get a 'boot fail' message on every single USB stick plgged in, just a dumb bios thing - and most sticks are showing ~ 5% in use even though empty23:02
mousesBen64: thanks, turns out it was just PBCAK :)23:03
sayo-Ben64: sort of, it works but it fails randomly and cause havok on the system23:03
Ben64sayo-: what card23:03
sayo-Ben64: it's super weird, but in dmesg there's a line with an error from the wifi card, and then everything starts getting crazy (the mounted partition switches to ready-only and I start getting Input Output errors everywhere)23:04
sayo-Ben64: https://www.tp-link.com/il/download/TL-WN881ND.html V223:04
Ben64sounds like you've got a bigger problem than wifi then23:04
sayo-that's the card and those are the drivers, the drivers in the website are rtl8192EE_linux_v4.3.15.1 while I'm currently running with rtl8192ee 4.15.0-33-generic23:05
Ben64i bet it's not a wifi issue23:06
sayo-Ben64: yup, but it looks like the last random crash got started by the wifi driver23:06
sayo-just a second, I'll show you dmesg23:06
phockingim trying to increase the size of /run23:09
phockingi put this in /etc/rc.local23:09
phockingmount -t tmpfs tmpfs /run -o remount,size=4G23:09
phockingbut /run is only 2g23:09
phockingor 1.6 or something23:09
sayo-it randomly starts behaving (ex firefox sort of "freezes" although some tabs work), until I get some input out error and eventually it ends on a crash23:10
sayo-Ben64: https://imgur.com/a/zkdylVM there you go23:10
Ben64picture of text?23:10
sayo-sorry it's not a text dump but because of the input output issues I couldn't write the output to a file23:10
sayo-it starts with BUG unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference, the next line reads ex_bct8192e2ant_bt_info_notify ...23:12
sayo-that's the wifi card23:12
sayo-then it says RIP ex_bct8192e2ant_bt_info_notify (lol) and the input output errors start23:13
phockingi need /run bigger23:13
Ben64sayo-: you could try a mainline kernel23:14
sayo-Ben64: right after it kills kct8192e2... dmesg says WRITE FPDMA QUEUED, that's where the SSD fails or whatever and at some point it goes into read-only mode23:15
sayo-computer become useless, can't open any new window because of these weird input output errors, so I have to reboot by hand23:15
sayo-Ben64: if I install mainline kernel, I still keep the stable one, right?23:17
texla Install Kubuntu used grub 2.0.2 the menu shows Ubuntu..Yet it boots to Kubuntu which is correct../etc/default/grub show set to zero and /boot/grub/grub.conf show Ubuntu23:17
sayo-Ben64: I could try, I guess23:17
sayo-Ben64: thank you, Ill try that23:20
sayo-I'll try to get an ethernet cable and switch off the wifi card23:20
Vic2ryuo - googling 'ubuntu tray grouping' gives me what I found before ... need to add the WM_CLASS to the .desktop file ... but nothing indicates what to do when it is not found by xprop.  any specific info you can share?23:23
ryuoVic2: perhaps it means the WM_CLASS the actual instance window?23:23
Vic2Hmm, can try that at a later time after I hook a physical monitor back up to it. vnc is not connecting. sigh. :(23:25
phockinghow can i extend logical volume for /23:29
phockingsomething is really hosed lol23:31
Vic2ryuo that was it thank you.  now I need to add StartupWMClass=roboevony.exe to the .desktop ... I have no .desktop in my home dir ... is that the location I need to create it or somewhere else?23:46
Vic2or do I need to place it at ~/.local/share/applications23:47
Vic2Hmm, looking at that location there is a .desktop file for the application and when I click on it to open in gedit, I get a pop-up that says Untrusted Application Launcher ...23:49
Vic2The application launcher \u201croboevony_exe.desktop\u201d has not been marked as trusted. If you do not know the source of this file, launching it may be unsafe.23:49
Vic2So as you can see ryuo I am clueless ...23:50
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