
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
zygaGood morning04:52
zygaSchool day today so I will be a bit preoccupied in the next few hours04:52
mborzeckihttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5753/ is an easy win05:17
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mborzeckimvo: hi, think we could land this? https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/575306:11
mvomborzecki: looking06:11
mborzeckibtw. this one is easy win too https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/575206:11
mvomborzecki: yes!06:11
mvomborzecki: 5752 failed in tests, because of grub?06:12
mvomborzecki: in any case, approved and can land as soon as tests are happy06:12
mvomborzecki: thank you06:12
mborzeckimvo: thanks06:17
mborzeckiok, i'm off to school06:17
mvomborzecki: good luck06:18
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
zygahey, daughter handled, now going to our son's new school a bit further away06:44
zygaI'll be operational around 10:3006:45
zygamborzecki: request: can you do a test PR and merge zyga/fix/trespassing-v2 into your instance work to see if you can dump the workarounds? please?06:46
zygawith that, I'm off to the bus stop06:46
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zygaNew school looks familiar07:26
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mvoa second review for 5736 would be great08:15
mvowith that I can do a new 2.35.1 release08:15
zygaI’m stuck but I’ll review it now mvo08:27
zygaAh I already did08:28
zygaHey John08:33
Chipacazyga: 'sup08:34
mvohey Chipaca !08:41
zygaNew school, new class08:41
Chipacamvo: o/!08:41
zygaWant out but $REALITY08:42
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
mborzeckizyga: let me check your branch09:11
mborzeckizyga: with mount ns mapping branch right?09:11
zygaWith all of your instance features09:12
zygaSchool is over09:13
zygaI’ll be home in 15 minutes09:13
mborzeckizyga: dropped the workarounds and running with your branch now09:22
threshis there anything wrong with the release process since this night?09:25
threshI've got a "09:26
threshManual review pending09:26
threshgah.  for the newly uploaded nightly.09:26
thresh"Automated review not yet completed", "Task 058f17f1-e946-43d1-a783-0aa4ca04acb0 failed"09:26
threshalso, good morning.09:27
popey^ sparkiegeek09:29
mborzeckimvo: is snap-failure expected to be used everywhere?09:29
mvomborzecki: snap-failure? sorry, do you have some more context for me?09:31
sparkiegeekthresh, popey: good morning - can you share the name of your snap so I can take a look?09:31
mborzeckimvo: got a report from arch user, apparently snapd exiter unexpectedly and systemd tried to run snap-failure09:32
popeysparkiegeek: vlc09:32
mborzeckimvo: iirc this would only make sense if reexec is used09:32
mvomborzecki: oh, interessting09:32
mvomborzecki: yeah, it should not run on classic09:32
mborzeckimvo: we have this in snapd.service.in OnFailure=snapd.failure.service09:32
mborzeckimvo: so it's tried everywhere09:33
mvomborzecki: yeah09:33
sparkiegeekpopey: thanks, looking09:33
mborzeckimvo: i'll try to ask why it failed in the first place anyway :P09:33
mvomborzecki: please do09:33
niemeyerMorning all09:33
mvomborzecki: I added an item to my todo to fix this09:33
niemeyermvo: Just did some edits on the UC16/18 doc09:34
mvoniemeyer: good morning!09:34
mvoniemeyer: yay, thank you09:34
niemeyermvo: Tried to make it a bit more high-level.. not quite sure about what's the audience for the doc, and the audience may also drift :)09:34
mvoniemeyer: yeah, looks good, thanks for streamlining it09:35
niemeyermvo: np, let's see if we can think of other interesting deltas09:36
niemeyermvo: Thanks for putting it up as well09:36
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mborzeckizyga: getting some unexpected apparmor denials09:39
* mvo nods09:40
mborzeckizyga: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Kdk8yjbFC9/09:41
mborzeckianyone noticed that google:opensuse-42.3-64:tests/main/appstream-id is failing often? not jus the test, but afaict that particular combo09:42
pstolowskimborzecki: yes09:45
zygamborzecki: looking09:47
zygamborzecki: I'm at my desk, all fuss is over today09:47
mborzeckizyga: hehe, no mandatory ice cream?09:47
pstolowskimborzecki: but google:ubuntu-14.04-64:tests/main/appstream-id just now09:48
pstolowski*but also*09:48
zygamborzecki: ice cream? no, but we did get a sandwich on the way home09:48
zygapstolowski: I haven't seen appstream-id failures, is that new?09:48
mborzeckipstolowski: heh09:48
zyga[Mon Sep  3 09:28:38 2018] audit: type=1400 audit(1535966919.486:60): apparmor="DENIED" operation="capable" profile="snap-update-ns.test-snapd-layout" pid=17922 comm="3" capability=2  capname="dac_read_search"09:49
zyga[Mon Sep  3 09:28:39 2018] audit: type=1400 audit(1535966920.206:61): apparmor="DENIED" operation="mount" info="failed mntpnt match" error=-13 profile="snap-update-ns.test-snapd-layout_foo" name="/tmp/.snap/snap/" pid=18214 comm="3" srcname="/snap/" flags="rw, rbind"09:49
zygathose two?09:49
mborzeckizyga: it does a round trip to the store, so maybe somewhere there09:49
mborzeckizyga: yes09:49
zygaso the first one is interesting dac_read_search is just taversing unreadable directories09:49
pstolowskizyga: i started noticing it today09:49
zygawe should add that to the profile, looks like an obviously missing thing09:49
zygathe second one is interesting09:49
zygathis looks like attempt to consturct a layout over all of /snap!09:49
mvotests are very unreliable today, its quite annoying09:50
zygamborzecki: can you share the mount profile, I suspect it is trying to create a directory, hits /snap/* and notices that this affects the host filesystem09:50
mborzeckizyga: the layout test?09:50
zygamborzecki: then decides to make a mimic over /snap to avoid showing that on the host09:50
zygamborzecki: yes, the one for layout_foo09:51
mborzeckizyga: ok, let me rerun this with spread09:51
zygamborzecki: with --debug please09:51
zygamborzecki: but it looks okay and expected-ish09:51
zygamborzecki: it depends if the internal namespace has the right directories to begin with09:51
zygamborzecki: I suspect we need to allow it to create instance directories09:51
zygamborzecki: look at cmd/snap-update-ns/main.go:152 please09:52
zygamborzecki: around the call to AddUnrestrictedPrefixes09:52
zygamborzecki: I suspect that needs to include the layout variant of that09:52
zygawhat is snapName for instances there?09:52
zygais it "test-snapd-layout" or "test-snapd-layout_foo"?09:52
mborzeckizyga: _foo09:53
zygaperhaps we need the instance-less version there as well09:55
zygathat would explain why it is trying to construct a mimic09:55
zygamborzecki: once it fails discard the mount namespace09:55
zygamborzecki: and set SNAP_DEBUG=109:55
zygaand run test-snapd-shell.sh /bin/true09:55
zygaor something like that09:55
zygathank you!09:57
zygaI'm preparing the PR for review09:57
zygaI'll rework comments to explain the restricted mode09:57
zygaand drop some unused code09:57
mborzeckiuh, we got some meeting09:59
zygaah. I see10:03
zygathe session is full10:04
zygawhat is that?10:04
zygasome kind of joke10:04
mborzeckiand it doesn't work in ff10:06
mborzeckibecause it's '2010'10:06
zygameeting has ended10:06
zygawhat kind of crap is that?10:06
zygawhy do we have to have 2000 different meeting system10:06
zygaI'll ignore that10:07
mborzeckizyga: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RdyjBJ9nM7/10:43
mborzeckizyga: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4MXzzC7Tc4/10:44
zygawe need more logging :()10:46
zygawe need to log when we decide to make a mimic and log the reason for that10:46
zygamain.go:196: DEBUG:  * mount (/snap/test-snapd-layout/x1/bin-very-weird-place /bin/very-weird-place none rbind,rw,x-snapd.origin=layout 0 0)10:47
zygathis is exactly what I said before10:47
zygait's very interesting10:47
zygabecause we are crating a mimic for /bin/10:47
zyga(which is expected) but then because /snap/test-snapd-layout is not in the trusted path we go on to create a mimic for /snap10:48
zygabut this is unexpected and in fact, not allowed by appamor10:48
zygaso we fail as you saw10:48
zygathis will require a little bit of integration10:48
mvostill need a second review for 573611:06
zygadoing now11:12
zygamvo: approved11:14
mvozyga: ta, 5754 is another simple one where it would be great to get a review11:17
threshsparkiegeek, so what was it?11:21
sparkiegeekthresh: I re-triggered the automated review check, which then passed successfully. We've been tweaking timeouts and retry behaviour in the store, and looks like this got caught up in the transition11:22
GargoyleAnyone able to help me out with an lxc issue - getting nothing from #lxc or #lxcontainers. Pretty sure it's related to user and group mappings but I just can't get my head round it?11:22
zygamvo: that report is pretty old11:25
mvozyga: it seems to be still valid though11:27
zygayes, I'm worried that it will stay this way11:27
mborzeckizyga:  it works with this diff now https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KYVCj2vNZc/11:27
threshsparkiegeek, allright, thanks a lot!11:27
mvozyga: aha, yes, that is unfortunate11:27
mvozyga: we could try to pester sergio about it11:27
zygamborzecki: excellent!11:27
zygamborzecki: that's very reassuring :)11:27
zygamborzecki: I'm almost done documenting new things, I removed all the cruft I found and I'll open a PR shortly11:28
mborzeckizyga: great, ping me for the review :P11:28
zygaI will :)11:28
mborzeckizyga: btw. could you do another pass on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5713 ?11:29
mvoChipaca: any concerns about 5754? iirc you added this originally11:29
zygaouch, yes but it's pretty long so I'll do it in my review part of the day11:30
Chipacamvo: looking11:30
mborzeckizyga: ack, thanks11:30
Chipacamvo: snapcraft is using that exact (w/--dirty) command, though11:31
Chipacamvo: does snapcraft still remove snapcraft.yaml if it's in snap/snapcraft.yaml?11:32
Chipaca(yes I can see how that might be inconvenient for us though)11:32
Chipacamvo: I don't have strong opinions on this;  the command that works out the version might have been committed by me, but the whole core teem collaborated on its details11:33
Chipacait's the perfect shed11:33
mvoChipaca: thanks, just wanted to double check with you, I remove -dirty for now and will see what needs to be done to get it fixed in snapcraft11:35
mvoChipaca: I think snapcraft is running the git describe --dirty either at a different time or in a different checkout :/11:35
mvoChipaca: anyway, no worries, just wanted to double check that I don't step on toes or something :)11:36
Chipacamvo: i've got 20 of them, step all you want11:37
* Chipaca reveals why his typing is often poor11:37
sil2100zyga, mvo: I'm awayish today, but I'll get back to you for some dragonboard logs/debugging for the console-conf segfault tomorrow11:44
Chipacahmm, got a meeting at standup time11:46
mborzeckizyga: pushed everything to bboozzoo/parallel-install-snap-namespace-mapping-with-trespassing-fix branch in my fork11:50
zyganote that I will not present the trespassing fix as-is, I'm making it review-friendly now11:51
zygaI pushed to my branch and the last thing on my todo list is that tmpfs checker code11:51
zygayou know, the one we changed during the live review11:51
zygaI think it may still be wrong11:51
=== paperManu_ is now known as paperManu
pedronismvo: hi, have you tried to upload snapd with the snapd type, yet?12:16
mborzecki google:opensuse-42.3-64:tests/main/appstream-id failed again12:16
cachiomborzecki, it is failing in different systems12:17
mborzeckicachio: heh, must be mu luck then :)12:18
cachiomborzecki, I also saw some timeouts12:18
mborzeckipedronis: are you aware of any troubles store side?12:18
pedronisnot atm12:19
cachiomborzecki, pedronis https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MkVNvYRb4H/12:19
cachioI saw some of these12:19
mborzeckifwiw, searching does not seem to work locally either12:23
mborzeckiwrz 03 14:23:47 galeon snapd[1848]: retry.go:52: DEBUG: The retry loop for https://api.snapcraft.io/v2/snaps/refresh finished after 4 retries, elapsed time=40.002221771s, status: Post https://api.snapcraft.io/v2/snaps/refresh: net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)12:24
mborzeckiit's hitting the retry loop12:24
cachiomborzecki, I see error no space left on device on amazon linux12:28
Chipacamborzecki: store seems to be dying12:29
mborzeckiChipaca: death by 1000 requests12:29
cachiomborzecki, it is really weird because it is the only image I didnt update last week12:29
Chipacamborzecki: I … hope it's more12:29
Chipacabut what do I know12:29
* Chipaca goes to see a dog about lunch12:29
mvopedronis: not yet, thats a nice idea12:31
mvosil2100: thank you12:31
ogra$ snap find foo12:37
ograerror: unable to contact snap store12:37
ograis the store down ?12:37
ograah, third try gets a response ... probably just a hiccup12:38
ograheh ... and there is a forum post about it the second i ask ...12:39
* zyga finishes writing a very long test12:43
zygamborzecki: the test for whole thing was missing (unit test)12:43
GargoyleOK. Someone put me out of my misery - how come one is reporting lxd version 3.4 and one is reporting 3.0.1? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hjvZSZvRHw/12:44
mborzeckiGargoyle: can you echo $PATH on both?12:45
Gargoylemborzecki: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/N67TwFTJVy/12:49
ograGargoyle, my guess would be you additionally have the deb installed on the first system12:49
ogra/snap/bin is only appended to the system PATH, so the deb would take precedence12:50
mborzeckiGargoyle: or what ogra wrote ^^12:50
GargoyleAwww nuts... Good spot12:50
Gargoylemust have sneaked in before a change was made to ansible scripts. :/12:51
zygamborzecki: https://github.com/zyga/snapd/blob/fix/trespassing-v2/cmd/snap-update-ns/change_test.go#L179512:58
pedronismborzecki: cachio:  yes, store issues,  https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/problem-request-failures-to-the-store/717712:58
zygatadam :)12:58
zygamborzecki: question wrt pushing this12:59
zygamborzecki: one big or split?12:59
Gargoyleand now I can't re-install due to ^^^13:00
GargoyleTime for a brew! :D13:00
RabooHi, does ubuntu core base images include tools for connecting to wireless networks? Or do you need a device with ethernet to download the wireless tools?13:04
zygaChipaca: hello13:06
Chipacazyga: mvo: i've got a conflicting meeting13:07
Chipacazyga: mvo: uk travel provider thing13:07
mvoChipaca: ok, enjoy, thanks13:10
Chipacaenjoyment was not in the cards13:11
ograit comes with the process13:14
tomwardillhello! Just to say the store team are aware of some problems with long and failing requests, and we're looking at it, updates will be here: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/problem-request-failures-to-the-store/7177 when we have them13:19
thresh(that probably explains why snap info is slow, thanks!)13:28
ChipacaGargoyle: sudo snap info /var/lib/snapd/cache/*  -> maybe you still have the .snap locally13:32
ChipacaGargoyle: actually you might need to work a bit harder than that because the * won't expand13:33
ChipacaGargoyle: sudo find /var/lib/snapd/cache -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sudo snap info13:33
zygaBrb, just a quick walk and lunch13:51
niemeyerWill need to step out to run an errand.. will be back later today.13:53
didrockshey! I'm having snapcraft issues under CI (I guess something impacting the docker image). It seems to have started on Friday: https://travis-ci.org/ubuntu/yaru/builds14:07
didrocksfor instance: https://travis-ci.org/ubuntu/yaru/builds/42393894914:07
didrocks(running "snapcraft" on the project works fine on up to date cosmic)14:08
popeydiddledan: is that building using snapcraft from upstream git? Looks like it is14:09
mvodidrocks: i have the same issue with the "josm" snap it seems14:09
didrocksit's using whatever the snapcraft upstream docker image is pointing at :)14:09
diddledandidrocks: change your nick, foo! :-p14:09
diddledanI demand priority14:10
didrocksdiddledan: I'm having it since 1998 ;)14:10
didrockslike an good old wine :p14:10
diddledanprecedent, shmecedent!14:10
popeyhave poked ev, as the snapcraft guys are on vacation today.14:11
diddledan_all_ the snapcraft guys?!14:11
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
popeyyes, they're on a beach somewhere drinking mohitos14:12
popeyor something14:12
diddledanbass turds!14:12
diddledan(poo from a fish!)14:12
* Chipaca expects a plugin: mojito14:12
popeygetting flashbacks to seattle14:12
diddledanwhat happens in seattle stays unsaid. except Wimpress's blocked credit cards14:14
mvofwiw, 5606 needs a second review14:23
mvo(I mean, it technically has two but it changed quite a bit since the initial review from Chipaca)14:24
Chipacamvo: looking14:27
Chipacamvo: pedronis should probably confirm his concerns were addressed14:28
Chipacamvo: i can then re-review if he doesn't have time to do a full pass14:28
mvoChipaca: thanks, sounds reasonable14:29
Chipacapedronis: does this mean you're re-reviewing, or leaving the road open for me to do so?14:30
pedronisI'm leaving the road open14:30
pedronismy original review was mostly, don't abuse context14:30
Chipacapedronis: it's the way context dresses14:31
* Chipaca runs as far away as he can14:31
pedronisChipaca: bad John, bad John14:31
tomwardillHi, the store should be operational again, let us know if you have any other (relevant) problems :)15:16
zygathank you tomwardill :)15:29
zygawhat was the issue?15:29
tomwardillwe're not entirely sure, something triggered a bit of a death spiral, then the retry built up15:30
tomwardilllooking for the cause now15:30
tomwardill*retry traffic15:30
popey"death spiral" always a catchy turn of phrase, that :)15:30
GargoyleI'm trying to re-install lxd snap (after removing old apt version). But I have lxd.service, lxd.socket and lxd-container.service in /etc/systemd/system which are all symlinked to /dev/null. What's the best way to fix this?15:34
* cachio lunch15:35
GargoyleThat is, I am assuming that is why service lxd start/restart just returns an error about it being masked.15:35
MattJer, I had issues with lxd recently too and discovered the same thing... but I think it's normal15:36
MattJI think the snap one might be called snap.lxd or something15:37
MattJYeah, 'snap services' lists lxd.daemon, and I have a snap.lxd.daemon service in systemctl15:39
ChipacaGargoyle: the ones in lxd will have different names15:39
ChipacaGargoyle: snap.<snap name>.<app name>.service iirc15:39
ChipacaGargoyle: snap.lxd.daemon.service, in this case15:40
ChipacaMattJ: that :-)15:40
ChipacaGargoyle: however, 'service lxd' is not the thing to manipulate snap services15:40
ChipacaGargoyle: 'snap start/stop/restart/logs' are snap commands to manipulate services that are snapped15:41
Chipacaand 'snap services', heh15:41
Chipacain all of them, you can use a snap name to ask for everything in a snap, or add a service name to ask about just that one15:42
GargoyleOK. So possibly still got some "old apt" / snap version mix-ups then. Now getting - Error: Get http://unix.socket/1.0: dial unix /var/lib/lxd/unix.socket: connect: connection refused15:43
GargoyleI assumed this was because lxd wasn't running.15:44
* Chipaca takes a break15:45
threshsparkiegeek, it seems it's the same issue again with vlc #55515:46
ChipacaGargoyle: _what_ prints that error?15:46
Gargoylelxc list15:47
ChipacaGargoyle: and what's "which lxc"?15:51
Gargoylehmm. /usr/bin/lxc15:52
ChipacaGargoyle: yeah15:52
GargoyleI'm just going to take this AWS instance out back and shoot it in the head!15:52
ChipacaGargoyle: lxc and lxd might come from different debs15:52
Gargoylenvm. I'll rebuild a clean node tomorrow without the snap/apt conflicting version.15:53
abeatomvo, hey, I have noticed that there are a few very basic utils that are not included in core18: vi, ping... are those going to be add back?16:03
mvoabeato: we can add things back on a case-by-case basis, iirc edge has vim-tiny already16:09
ogramvo, ping is definitely essential ... especially since you cant snap it (it is suid)16:11
ogramvo, if you need to make room, drop bash !!! ;)16:12
mvoogra: ok, let chat tomorrow, I need to run now but thats easy enough16:12
ogramvo, perhaps a forum thread would be good to collect a list16:12
ogra(i'm sure there will be more and adding it throughout the cycle would be hit and miss for users in the end)16:13
ograppisati, on my pi3 systems the wlan hangs quite frequently in recent times (i sadly dont know when it started) it seems to be dying with "brcmf_sdio_hostmail: Unknown mailbox data content: 0x40012"16:20
ograppisati, i found https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux/issues/1342 and https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux/issues/2453#issuecomment-396063259 upstream ... bth seemingly unsolved though :(16:21
ogra(it hung three times today and 5 times yesterday ... to give you a figure)16:22
mborzeckipedronis: finally opened a PR with common snap directories for install/remove of instance-keyed snaps https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5758 iirc i had a spread test to check if dirs are created, i'll try to dig it up and push it there as well (but that's for tomorrow)16:34
zygaI may have found and edge case to an edge case17:04
* zyga runs hacked spread test to examine17:04
* Chipaca EODs17:09
* zyga found interesting things17:20
diddledansnapd folks; question here about running postgresql which doesn't like to run as root; I said I'd get one of ya'll to pop in and comment on the possibility of running the daemon under a non-root account: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snapping-a-rails-app/7179/217:20
Chipacadiddledan: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/multiple-users-and-groups-in-snaps/1461/3?u=chipaca probably?17:29
diddledanthanks Chipaca . I've posted the link on the rails thread17:39
Chipacadiddledan: I don't know that status of that though :-)17:39
Chipacaalso, I don't know what i'm doing here post-eod17:39
diddledanlooks like it's not ready yet17:39
Chipacaprocrastinating from home chores i'm sure17:39
Son_Gokuzyga, how are we going to deal with the lack of extrausers in Fedora?17:59
Son_Gokuit's not like there's a port of this functionality using sssd?17:59
zyganot sure, is it relevant?18:00
Son_Gokufrom what I can tell, it's kinda needed for supporting system users in snaps?18:00
Son_Gokufor services and such18:00
zygaI'm not sure that's the case18:00
zygain any case we don't have support for additional users yet18:01
Son_Gokuoh okay18:01
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=== Conan_Kudo is now known as Son_Goku
Gargoyleaggghhhh... deb version of lxd/lxc is installed in the AWS default 18.04 image!18:39
GargoyleThat explains a lot. How can I find all it's packages and completely purge them so as not to interfere with the snap verison?18:39
* zyga considers taking a bike18:50
zygawatching archer and having supper18:51
zygaor figuring out clashing symlinks18:51
* Gargoyle does a little dance \o/ \\o o// 19:19
GargoyleContainers launch properly using the snap version!19:20
GargoyleNow I just need to figure out why when the script is run by the team-city agent, it doesn't think lxc is installed.19:33

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