
didrocksgood morning06:37
jibelSalut didrocks06:38
didrockssalut jibel06:49
dufluMorning didrocks, jibel06:56
didrockshey duflu07:13
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oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:40
didrockssalut oSoMoN07:42
dufluHi oSoMoN07:43
oSoMoNsalut didrocks07:43
oSoMoNhey duflu07:43
seb128good morning desktopers07:47
jameshhi seb12807:49
dufluHi seb128 and jamesh07:49
seb128hey jamesh, duflu, how are you? did you have a good w.e? and how is monday going?07:50
dufluseb128, going well. The weekend was busy. In the middle of 6 birthdays in quick succession plus father's day. Monday is also good. How are you?07:50
oSoMoNsalut seb12807:50
andyrockgood morning!07:52
dufluHey andyrock07:52
oSoMoNmorning andyrock07:52
seb128hey andyrock! wb! had good holidays?07:53
seb128lut oSoMoN07:53
seb128duflu, I'm good, spent 3 days in France visiting my gf's familly, her sister just had a baby07:53
andyrockseb128: yeah doing camping in northern Greece07:54
jameshIt's starting to feel like winter has ended, which is nice07:55
duflujamesh, I hope you're right because I have some walking and bussing tomorrow. The forecast is not good07:56
dufluBut yeah. Windows all open finally07:56
dufluAnd now it starts raining07:58
dufluLaney wins for enthusiasm. Morning Laney08:04
oSoMoNgood morning Laney08:04
dufluAnd morning willcooke08:04
didrockshey Laney! welcome back08:05
seb128hey Laney, wb! how are you? had good holidays?08:07
seb128hey willcooke08:07
oSoMoNhey willcooke08:08
Laneyhey duflu oSoMoN didrocks seb128 willcooke!!!!!08:11
Laneyhow's it going?08:11
dufluI would say well, but sounds like not as well as you, Laney08:12
Laneyhad a good time yes, surfing (campsite in a cloud at the top of big hill was less fun, rain every evening) was nice & visiting ireland was grrrrrrrrrrrreat08:12
LaneyI had 1 pint of Guinness to confirm that it isn't all that over there either08:12
Laneyduflu: Just seen my emails, excitement abating.08:13
Laneywhat did I miss?08:13
seb128not a lot, business as usual08:16
seb128GNOME .0 tarballs day today!08:16
seb128also I think the appstream service went down after a maintainance round on the machine and it looks like nobody out of you has any clue about it so it stayed like that waiting for you :-/08:17
Laneysomeone want to learn?08:18
seb128maybe ask in the meeting tomorrow08:19
seb128otherwise I wonder if we should get someone from foundations to learn about it08:19
Laneyok then, for information I asked in the past too08:19
seb128it's sort of part of the deb/apt stack nowadays08:19
seb128willcooke, ^08:19
Laneyk, feel free to do that if you want08:19
Laneywhat is the problem?08:19
seb128I don't know, someone on #u-r mentioned a "failed to connect" error08:20
seb128and jbicha was asking around about it08:20
seb128so I would guess the service is down08:20
seb128like it didn't come back up after an outage08:21
Laneydoes http://appstream.ubuntu.com/ work for you?08:21
willcookeseb128, sounds like a topic for our Foundations meeting for sure, but yeah, makes sense for at least some other people in our team to know more about it08:21
seb128Laney, is there a timestamp of the last update somewhere?08:22
Laneyin the .yml.gz file08:22
seb128Laney, https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2018/08/22/%23ubuntu-release.html#t08:4708:22
seb128was the "report"08:22
seb128but maybe they sorted it out anyway08:23
seb128if you say everything is fine?08:23
seb128anyway, I wanted to point it out in case08:23
Laneydunno, let me look08:23
Laneyan email would have been good probably08:23
Laneyok, that's the internal rsync08:23
seb128right, I tried to chase down foundation/Steve, I though someone there would know aobut it08:24
Laneythat is more information08:24
seb128good :)08:24
Laneyprobably the  archive's copy is out of date then08:24
seb128andyrock, gnome-online-accounts 3.30 is in Debian if you feel like doing the merge/rebasing ours to the current one? :)08:25
andyrockseb128: kk08:25
Laneylaney@nightingale> GET http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/cosmic/main/dep11/Components-amd64.yml.gz | zcat | sed '6q;d'                                                                                                       ~08:25
LaneyTime: 20180821T04342308:25
seb128what does that sed bit does?08:26
seb128but yeah, outdated08:26
seb128I know where to check next time at least08:26
Laneyprint the nth line08:26
Laneysed -n '/^Time:/p' would hhave been cooler08:27
Laneyubuntu@juju-prod-ue-appstream-back-machine-5:~$ uptime08:28
Laney 08:28:41 up 13 days,  1:11,  1 user,  load average: 1.09, 1.09, 1.0708:28
Laneybet that's when it broke08:28
Laneybetter now, had to restart the rsync daemon08:31
seb128jbicha, ^08:35
seb128Laney, thx08:35
seb128Laney, do we have any documentation at all about the service? could be useful to at least have a wiki page describing where the service is, how to connect to the machine and how to start/restart it in such situation08:35
LaneyI still would like a co maintainer08:37
seb128Yes, agreed08:37
willcookehttps://twitter.com/barton808/status/1035617038478336000 <-- moar Dell laptops with Ubuntu on08:41
juliankwillcooke: It seems that some users are confused by the applications showing in the initial setup screen. I think the intention there was showing apps the user might not know already, but I'm not sure.08:50
* juliank reads to much reddit08:50
juliankI found it interesting to see some apps I've never even heard of08:51
juliankbut it might be worthwhile mixing in some popular apps too, for users new to Ubuntu so they see their favorite apps are available too08:52
juliankreference https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/9c4m9w/is_there_a_reasoning_behind_the_welcome_apps/08:53
willcookejuliank, that list is dynamically updated from the promoted snaps at that time (do a "$ snap find")08:54
juliankI see08:55
willcookeso the advocacy team tend to promote things around release time like Spotify08:55
willcookeand then they cycle through the many other snaps as and when.  They might have a push on developer tools one week and games the next08:56
willcookeso it should be a continually revolving list08:56
darkxsthey desktopers, any plans to get spidermonkey 60 in for cosmic?08:56
willcookejuliank, reading the reddit thread now08:56
juliankIt might make sense to have two lists "popular" and "promoted" and show both08:57
willcookejuliank, yeah, could be.  FWIW - it also hides snaps you already have installed08:57
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oSoMoNpopey, Wimpress: do we have a Travis CI account associated to https://github.com/ubuntu ?09:39
popeyNot that I'm aware of09:40
popeyNot sure I would know though.09:40
oSoMoNpopey, do you know who might know if we do?09:43
darkxstalso is there a freeze exception for 3.30 bits? or need to file FFe's for anything I want to upload? (mainly tracker right atm)09:43
oSoMoNdidrocks, maybe you do ? ^09:43
seb128darkxst, there is no ffe, you need to ask for one09:44
duflugdm3 will get updated, right?.... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm3/+bugs?field.tag=fixed-in-gdm-3.29.9209:45
darkxstseb128, ok, that is fine, was only asking because sometimes in the past there was09:46
oSoMoNLaney, would you mind merging https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/britney/hints-ubuntu-libreoffice/+merge/354161 ? I am currently re-assessing the situation with that java crash on i386, but don't want to block the LO migration in the meantime09:47
seb128darkxst, there is a standing ffe for GNOME minor updates, not for bumping through series09:48
seb128duflu, yes, anything that is on 3.29 is going to be updated to the stable version09:49
seb128probably even to .1 before 180109:49
darkxstseb128, and spidermonkey 60?10:05
seb128darkxst, no idea about that, no plan that I read of10:05
popeyoSoMoN: ask kenvandine[m]  according to https://github.com/orgs/ubuntu/people10:06
darkxstso gjs will stay on a dev release?10:06
darkxstthere are currently issues with i386 tests failing but otherwise it seems ok10:08
seb128I've no idea about that stack, they bumped the depends between 1.53.3 and stable?10:09
RAOFHey desktop frens! In putting the finishing touches to the new colord I see Lintian suggesting the girs should go in the multiarch paths but meson doesn't put them there by default.10:10
RAOFHow are people (or are people) getting their girs in the right place?10:10
darkxstseb128, yep, mozjs60 port came in around 1.53.9010:11
darkxstcurrently hanging in debian new queue10:11
darkxstmozjs60 that is10:11
* duflu suggests a plymouth update for bug 1767918 and simultaneously runs away to make dinner10:13
ubot5bug 1767918 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Login password from GDM is shown in plain text on the VT1 console" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176791810:13
seb128darkxst, well, I've no idea, best asking chrisccoulson maybe or jbicha10:22
seb128hey RAOF10:22
seb128RAOF, I don't know about the gir question, looks to gnome-bluetooth as an example it doesn't seem to do anything special  and it ends up in the multiarch dir10:30
darkxstseb128, chrisccoulson has nothing to do with spidermonkey10:30
seb128darkxst, good, you seem to know who does and who to ask then :)10:31
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darkxstseb128, what is with the animosity? Yes I know someone that can help, but sometimes wonder why I should10:37
seb128I'm unsure what's the problem, I tried to help, you didn't like my answer, no big deal10:38
seb128Chris had been doing recent mozjs update for security and knows about that stack, I though he could have an opinion10:39
seb128https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mozjs52/52.9.1-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 is no "nothing" btw10:39
LaneyI'd have thought whoever was doing the gjs update would sync / upload that10:40
RAOF<freenode_seb "RAOF, I don't know about the gir"> Hm. Ok, I'm check out gnome-bluetooth tomorrow...10:43
darkxstLaney, its still in Debian NEW and then still has issues, but yes10:44
Laneyhopefully no big deal10:46
darkxstbut it is a question of pre-release mozjs10:47
Laneypre release?10:47
Laneyk, I miss that information, where's that?10:48
darkxstwhile gjs switched over, there is no official real yet of the standalone spidermonekry stuff10:48
seb128RAOF, totem-pl-parser and nautilus also don't do anything special and have their file in the multiarch dir ...  maybe your libdir is not correctly set?10:51
RAOFThe shared libraries end up in the right libdir...10:51
seb128I don't know then, sorry10:52
seb128RAOF, https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/blob/master/mesonbuild/modules/gnome.py#L64310:55
seb128RAOF, that suggests the default in meson is to use libdir10:55
RAOFHrm. It does, doesn't it. Thanks, I'll poke around a bit more tomorrow.10:55
Laneydarkxst: right, that's mozjs releases for you, it comes from http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/teams/releng/tarballs-needing-help/mozjs/10:58
Laneysimilar happened for 5210:59
darkxstlaney, without questioning their release process with is close to useless, the question was more will we be able to land it in cosmic11:08
oSoMoNthanks Laney for the hints update!11:09
LaneyoSoMoN: np, forgot to reply on IRC, sorry!11:44
didrocksoSoMoN: no, it's just my personal account11:44
Laneydarkxst: don't see why not, I think we basically just take whatever they throw out11:45
Laneyprobably will even update bionic with 60 at some point11:45
Laneybut that means fixing javascript to not break11:46
Laneythere's a tool to check for that in gjs tho, which is cool11:46
didrocksTrevinho: thanks for reducing the diff on Yaru!12:31
didrocks999dac, je viens de voir l'invitation :)12:56
didrocks999jibel: ^12:56
=== didrocks999 is now known as didrocks
* didrocks had a kernel freeze, looking for logs…12:57
Trevinhodidrocks: yw, and eventually that line was the only wrong I think13:12
didrocksTrevinho: I'll be back on your MPs soon, have you updated the bileto ticket, do you think you need testing or can I just trust you? ;)13:12
Trevinhodidrocks: I double-checked again, probably it was more manual mistake when adding that line than other13:13
Trevinhodidrocks: well, bileto is updated13:13
Trevinhoso testing can always be appreciated :)13:13
didrocksTrevinho: oki :)13:13
didrocksspeaking of issues, the last one who merge the icon theme in Yaru did a cp instead of git merge…13:13
didrocksso now, conflicts everywhere13:13
Trevinhodidrocks:  prior of syncing the VCS's I've to push the taged and changelog finalisation commits13:13
Trevinhodidrocks: yay :-D13:14
didrocksTrevinho: ok! Let me deal with the merge, then back to your reviews, if all good testing and pinging you :)13:14
TrevinhoLaney: ah.... you're back, welcome back then! :)13:14
Trevinhodidrocks: and with L_aney we were saying about using telling them to use gbp dch for generating the changes, so we did last time... It works fine, but it tends not to group items per user properly...13:15
Trevinhoso implies some manual fixes -_-13:15
Trevinhounless there's a dch flag for fixing it13:15
didrocksTrevinho: is there any documentation in our wiki page for this?13:15
Trevinhoas otherwise changelog entries won't say much and since it's a native package is nice to have debian/changelog to match13:15
didrocksI don't know about gbp dch either13:15
Trevinhodidrocks: nope, we just said we could use that... and we did :-D13:16
Laneymoin Trevinho13:16
Trevinhoyou know, we're less prone to legislation than you13:16
didrocksbetter to document if we want everyone to use it though :p13:16
didrocksso, I'll let you Laney and Trevinho doing this ;)13:16
Trevinhoanyway, yes... I can add it somewhere, desktop/git or somewhere else?13:16
didrocksa note on desktop/git sounds good!13:17
Laneydepends if it's recommended for all packages or just yaru13:17
Trevinhoit's just ` gbp dch --debian-branch=$(git current-branch)`13:17
Trevinhowell without the 2nd part whichj works only ehre13:17
Trevinho`gbp dch` works13:17
didrocksrecommended for all native package I would say?13:17
TrevinhoI'd say for native packages always13:17
didrocksthe lack of "moving directories" is a little bit annoying…13:18
didrockslike, as when merging Suru icon (even if the last merger did it right), the new icons are in Suru/ instead of icons/13:18
TrevinhoOuch.... those moments when you get to your bt keyboatd and the trackpoint gum is missing :-(13:21
jbichaseb128: you may want to cherry-pick https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-disk-utility/commit/e13e73797f13:32
didrocksexcellent, didn't know about git merge -s recursive -Xsubtree=…13:45
seb128jbicha, thx13:47
jbichaTrevinho: there is a multimaint-merge option for gbp-dch, we could probably add that to debian/gbp.conf13:49
Trevinhodidrocks: how could you miss that... 😅13:49
seb128is there a gbp special worklow to cherry pick an upstream commit as patch?13:49
seb128or do I just git show > patch and add to the serie as usual?13:50
TrevinhoI mean, how with git can change the world by different arguments13:50
Trevinhogbp pq import13:50
Trevinhogit cherry-pick sha13:50
jbichaTrevinho: https://salsa.debian.org/systemd-team/systemd/blob/master/debian/gbp.conf13:50
Trevinhogbp pq export --no-patch-numbers13:50
seb128Trevinho, thx13:51
Trevinhoseb128: it's basically this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/git#Working_on_patches13:52
Trevinhoi'd add the --no-patch-numbers as default to gbp.conf though13:52
didrocksTrevinho: sure! That was sooooooooooooo obivous ;)13:52
seb128Trevinho, number or not I don't care, it's just cosmetic of filenames13:53
seb128it's somewhat easier to reference/read in order with numbers imhop13:53
seb128but that's personnal taste13:53
didrocksseb128: feel free to rephrase if you didn't find it as https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/git#Pick_some_upstream_commits13:54
seb128didrocks, ah thanks, I read the page but I forgot about that section13:55
didrockswell, with the amount of info, not surprised :)13:56
seb128especially that I'm still not comfortable with git13:56
Trevinhoseb128: well, if they all were with numnbers... but well, changing numbering is bad13:56
seb128I did nuke a checkout again earlier today because it's just easier than trying to figure out how to "undo" changes to several branches13:57
seb128(I did a gbp import-orig on debian/experimental instead of debian/unstable)13:57
Trevinhoseb128: in case of troubles, improvise :-D13:57
Trevinhoseb128: do you have a ~/.bashrc with a PS1 so that you show the current branch on the cmd prompt?13:58
seb128now I'm trying to understand the difference between pq import and rebase and which one makes more sense to create a patch :p13:58
seb128Trevinho, no, but I knew in what branch I was13:58
Trevinhoseb128: well, gbp pq import or git rebase or gbp pq rebase?13:58
seb128I just forgot that 3.30 uploads were going to unstable now13:58
seb128unless 3.29 which which we were uploading to experimental13:58
seb128Trevinho, sorry, gbp pq import vc gbp pq rebase13:59
Trevinhoas gbp pq import only transforms patches into commits, gbp pq rebase refreshes the patches allowing you to fix conflicts on the way13:59
Trevinhoso rebase is needed only when you've imported something old and need then to rebase on the latest one13:59
seb128well I don't want to "edit" other patches14:00
Trevinholike you import new upstream, patch doesn't apply, you force the import to an old version then it will rebase and stop for fixing14:00
seb128I think I'm just going to git show patch and add that to srie :p14:00
seb128oh yes14:00
seb128simple & efficient :)14:00
Trevinhoif gbp pq import doesn't work, then neither the build will14:00
seb128well I don't know14:00
Trevinhoi tell you...14:00
seb128you guys gave me different workflows/commands14:00
Trevinhoit's three commands for easy picking,14:00
seb128and I'm lost in deciding now14:01
Trevinhoimport -> cherry-pick -> export. Done14:01
seb128k, let me try that14:01
Trevinhoand then you'll understand my love for this :D. or maybe not14:01
seb128let's see ;)14:02
seb128oh, lol14:02
seb128ok, not for this cycle, I forgot that gnome-disk-utility doesn't have a vcs on launchpad14:02
seb128WIN, I get the easy way out, dch & cp & debuild -S  & dput14:02
Trevinhooh... This old guy! :-D14:04
Trevinhohours of development in tools, when cp was the only method for making him happy!14:05
seb128well, I did my share of updates using the new workflow now14:05
seb128so I'm fine with it14:06
didrocksand snapcraft starts to fail on CI…14:06
* didrocks goes to #snappy once again14:06
seb128I keep forgetting to push tags and it's quite some commands/work but it's ok14:06
seb128I mean it probably take twice the time to do trivial updates compared to a more minimalistic workflow, but I accept that it pays back for those who do complex work then14:07
seb128still I'm happy when I can have an "easy" update ;)14:07
didrocksseb128: hum, if you initialize the repo with the command I gave, at least, tags shouldn't be an issue14:08
didrocksthere can be others, I agree, but not that one :)14:08
seb128didrocks, I stopped doing that in Debian after spamming the #debian-gnome for 1 hour by pushing 70 upstream tags that were not in their vcs :/14:09
seb128each push trigerring some pipeline job in salsa14:09
seb128or something14:09
didrockssorry for this :)14:10
jbichaseb128: blame mbiebl for that one, he didn't want upstream tags pushed there at first14:10
seb128he changed his mind?14:10
Trevinhoseb128: make your own script for using dch with cp.... so you'll get all done with a command again :)14:10
jbichaI don't know14:11
seb128k, anyway I stopped setting the followTag now because of that14:11
didrocksI imagine a lot of "oh, forgot to the tags" then :/14:11
didrocks(happens already in a lot of upstream projects…)14:11
didrocksTrevinho: ahah, you have been tricked by copy/paste and vcscode reformatting the C for you ;)14:19
didrocksTrevinho: keep happening when dealing with C code, paste, then Ctrl+Z to remove the autoformatting :p14:19
didrocksTrevinho: https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu/+source/gnome-calculator/+git/gnome-calculator/+merge/353828/comments/921762 as well14:22
didrocksTrevinho: have you just repushed another commit with the initial date staying the same? (hard to know with launchpad MP UI)14:23
didrockswhich sounds like from the diff14:24
didrocksah interesting, you can switch the diff and you see the the new diff was generated on the 30 while the commit is still on the 28… (but no evidence that you pushed a new commit)14:24
didrocksquite confusing, used to gitlab/github when you see something else was pushed and overrides14:25
Trevinhodidrocks: yeah, on vscode I've to use that ctrl+z, dont' know how to disable without getting the best part of it14:28
didrocksTrevinho: same, it's rather keep it or disable it completely, which is a shame as it's good otherwise :)14:29
didrocksTrevinho: trying your ppa, do you have special instructions to test long queries which should be cancelled?14:29
Trevinhodidrocks: as for MP's I've subseeded them since I used different branches...14:29
didrocksTrevinho: not the one I pointed14:29
Trevinhodidrocks: well, on gnome-calculator is easy14:30
didrocksbut it's ok, it's just launchpad UI ;)14:30
Trevinhotype 10!!! in the shell. and see cpu spinning14:30
Trevinhoclose the overlay and it should stop14:30
Trevinhocheck on top ofc14:30
didrocksgood use case :)14:30
Trevinhofor nautilus is the same, though it's not spining hard as htat14:30
didrocksTrevinho: mutter has no MP because we are in sync with debian I guess14:31
Trevinhoif you try that on bionic (cosmic pre ppa) you keep that running forever.14:31
didrocksok, it's from experimental14:31
Trevinhodidrocks: yep14:31
Trevinhocopied from there14:31
didrocksTrevinho: yeah, only testing cosmic though14:31
didrocksso, if my weechat crashes and didrocks is disappearing, blame Trevinho14:31
Trevinhogood test case :D14:32
Trevinhodidrocks: I'm pushing the finalize changelog commits and tags too then14:33
didrocksTrevinho: do I need to restart nautilus (nautilus-desktop) or this is an independant component?14:33
Trevinhoit's independent, it's nautilus itself14:33
Trevinhodidrocks: you can check by just using nautilus as `nautilus --gapplication-daemon` or whatever is14:33
Trevinhoif you want to check that process too14:34
Trevinhofor calculator is under /lib/x.../gnome-calculator/...14:34
didrockshum, it's helding back the Shell on upgrade14:34
Trevinhowell libexec default14:34
didrockslet me check, can be due to some local modifications…14:34
didrocksThe following packages have been kept back:14:35
didrocks  gnome-shell-common14:35
didrocksapt policy shows that I'm in sync with cosmic…14:35
didrocksand if I want to install -common, it wants to remove   chrome-gnome-shell gdm3 gnome-shell ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-session14:35
didrocksThe following packages have unmet dependencies:14:36
didrocks gnome-shell : Depends: libc6 (>= 2.28) but 2.27-3ubuntu1 is to be installed14:36
didrocks libc6 | 2.28-0ubuntu1     | cosmic-proposed  | amd64, arm64, armhf, i386, ppc64el, s390x14:36
Trevinhoa part from ordering... https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+git/gnome-shell/+merge/35404514:36
Trevinhoah, ok.14:37
didrocksyeah, basically libc6 has some transitions or something forcing the new version14:37
didrocksdo I really want to install it from -proposed? :p14:37
Trevinhowell keep it temporary :)14:37
Trevinhothat's why I use plenty of VMs and/or schroot more than actual metal14:37
didrocksyeah, let me dl a cosmic image and spawn a vm14:38
didrockssounds safer14:38
didrocksinstalling "locale" on the live image and so recompiling/regenerating all of them, always a pleasure ;)14:48
didrocksok, alt-f2 -> r, didn't crash :p14:48
didrocksok, sounds to work14:50
didrocksTrevinho: +1 for me "works in my vm" is the new trend :)14:51
Trevinhodidrocks: I noticed I had to push this https://git.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu/+source/gnome-calculator/commit/?id=1c45339f350ca659afe1ecb0c6827a3eac9777aa14:51
Trevinhocan we leave it as unreleased for now and then we add on next round?14:51
Trevinhootherwise need to redo the package build and you can do that, but doing through bileto for me is annoying like hell14:51
didrocksgood for me, so just merging all?14:51
Trevinho(as deleting the package takes forever)14:52
Trevinhoyeah, let me push other branches finalizations14:52
didrocksdid you see my space comment btw?14:52
Trevinhomh, ok... I'll do that at next iteration14:53
Trevinhoas at that time I'll cherry-pick upstream finally approved commit again14:54
didrockssounds good :)14:55
Trevinhook, shell is updated too14:55
Trevinhomissing nautilus14:55
jbichaone of these days I think I'm just going to upload that gnome-calculator epoch to Debian 😈14:56
didrockslalalala :)14:59
Trevinhojbicha: ahaha, yeah, let's change epoch, this one is already boring15:01
Trevinhodidrocks: nautilus pushed too15:01
Trevinhodidrocks:  for shell, pull pristine-tar and upstream/latest from salsa, not sure I pushed to mine15:02
Trevinhobut since we're 1:1 salsa, just use them15:02
didrocksTrevinho: sounds good! so, all everything is in sync?15:04
Trevinhodidrocks: should be yes.15:04
Trevinhoat least I've pushed :D15:04
didrocksok, doing the branch dance :)15:04
Trevinhoanother option for such cases could be that we do the release with bileto then the sponsor does the gbp import-dsc from the one pushed...15:05
Trevinhoso we're sure we don't miss anything15:05
didrocksTrevinho: as you wish, that's another option I'm fine with15:06
Trevinholike vcs merge of the proposed branch -> land bileto -> get the dsc published and update vcs with that15:06
didrocksTrevinho: if you prefer that, I can do15:06
Trevinhodidrocks: it's too late now, as iv'e pushed the tags15:06
didrockswhat branch did you use for g-s? as there were 215:06
Trevinhobut, next times we can go with that, so the sponsor does the import commit15:07
Trevinhodidrocks: last one is based on the 1st15:07
Trevinhoso.. .pulll the last (one with xubuntu-cancel)15:07
Trevinhodidrocks: once bileto figures out the .diff is there, also https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3398 is ready to land if you're fine with that.15:08
didrocksTrevinho: one sec, doing one thing at a time, but ok ;)15:09
Trevinhoso with this we can experiment the mixed merge way (merge vcs and then use dsc too)15:09
Trevinhoyeah, sure.. I just noticed it was there on bileto, so I did that to you15:09
Laneywhy would you import a dsc?15:10
TrevinhoLaney: to get the final changelog with proper timing, without that is me doing it15:10
Trevinhoor well, you can also just do that part you15:10
Laneycan't you push the finalise changelog commit?15:10
Trevinhobut... if the .dsc was generted from bileto, and thus has my "finalse" entry, it needs to be 1:1 with that15:10
TrevinhoI can, but then sponsor needs to remember tagging and such... so this coudl be another way to make sure that the vcs is 1:1 with packaging15:11
didrocksTrevinho: so, all pristine-tar and upstream/latest for the 3 components from salsa, correct?15:11
Trevinhoas ometimes someone could forget a commit around or a change that didn't or did went though the .deb15:11
Trevinhodidrocks: only for shell should be needed15:12
Trevinhothe others are already in sync iirc15:12
Laneythey need to remember the import-dsc, this is just a different command (gbp buildpackage --git-tag-only)15:12
Laneythat is much more normal as a sponsorship workflow15:12
didrocks ! [rejected]            upstream/latest -> upstream/latest (non-fast-forward)15:12
ubot5didrocks: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:12
TrevinhoLaney: sure, but if I used bileto, you guys can't sponsor that way...15:12
didrocksTrevinho: so, merging?15:12
Laneypublishing is sponsoring no?15:12
Trevinhoand I rpefer to use bileto so I have all the components ready for you guys only have to hit a button.15:12
TrevinhoLaney: yeah, but in that case is me doing the "finalise" commit.15:13
Trevinhowhile instead could be me the author, while the sponsor the committer.15:13
Laneyyou don't have to tag it though, that is the more important one15:13
Trevinhojust formal thing, but..15:13
didrocksyeah, both pristine-tar and upstream/latest from salsa are conflicting with our branch as it's not a ff15:13
Trevinhoah ok... so... didrocks feel free to retag instead of me with your signature15:14
didrockshow do you want to handle those, merging or -f? (-f, we may miss some release)15:14
Trevinhoif you wish15:14
didrocksTrevinho: the issue is not tagging here…15:14
Trevinhodidrocks: well, if using my tag, just pull --tags from me15:14
Trevinhofetch --tags whatever15:14
didrocksTrevinho: you didn't get me, I'm talking about the salsa branches15:14
didrocksboth branches from debian are conflicting with ours15:15
Trevinhoahhhh... sorry15:15
Trevinhomh, weird, what happened there... mhmh15:15
TrevinhoI didn't touch ~ubuntu-desktop branches so not sure, but well, merge with salsa if that's the case.15:15
Trevinhothere should not be conflicts though.15:16
Trevinhoif there are we've a problem15:16
* Trevinho hads to put some woods on fire, back soon.15:17
andyrockseb128: did you see this? https://code.launchpad.net/~azzar1/update-manager/add-livepatch-reminder/+merge/35330415:38
didrocksTrevinho: both bileto tickets published15:51
didrocksdidn't merge gnome-session if you want to try the new workflow afterwards15:51
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
willcookenight all17:59
seb128andyrock, I did but I was waiting for Brian to review ... I'm going to have a look since he doesn't seem to pick it up again18:08

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