
JPSmanWhen I install macchanger, it gives me the option to automatically change my MAC every time I start my wifi card.  I said no for now, but I might want to do this in the future.  How can I access that first install configuration in the future?00:00
JPSmanwould I have to un-install and reinstall the package each time to use this feature?00:00
JFox762hi what is the name of the off topic channel?00:25
guivercJFox762, #ubuntu-offtopic00:38
Mark-PotterHello I can't get wireless drivers working on the latest LTS version of Xubuntu 64 bit and synaptic package manager isn't installed wat do I do?00:41
Mark-Potterwireless chipset is broadcom00:41
guivercMark-Potter, https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/net-wireless-troubleshooting.html.en may be the first step (broadcom is a manufacturer that makes lots of chipsets...)00:53
Mark-Potterguiverc: Thanks00:53
Mark-PotterLet's try it this way then00:53
Mark-PotterWhere can I download synaptic so I can use it to deal with this conundrum?00:54
Toadisattvaapt-get synaptic?00:55
Toadisattvaapt-get install synaptic*00:55
Mark-PotterToadisattva: Easier said then done on a laptop without an internet connection on Linux00:56
Mark-PotterI dual boot and can do it on windows00:56
Mark-PotterHowever there is no way of doing that on Windows00:56
Toadisattvaoh yes internets might help00:56
guivercdownload on another machine, copy to usb-thumb-drive, use sneaker-net to walk it to desired system, mount & dpkg -i ..00:56
Mark-PotterSo what do I do? Presumably beg Steve Ballamer for forgiveness and get rid of my Xubuntu partition?00:56
* Mark-Potter was messing around00:56
Mark-Potterguiverc: Where can I find the link to download it on Windows00:57
Mark-Potteralso what is sneaker-net00:57
guiverccopying files to tape, floppy, usb-thumb drive & walking from machine to machine :)  (from 1970s)00:57
Toadisattvayou can probably grab a copy from github00:57
guivercif you could apt-get it would download from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu... - download as if you were apt-get ?00:58
Mark-Potterguiverc: I wish I was alive back then. :( Anyway is there a way of emulating apt-get or synaptic on windows?00:59
Mark-Potteror at least finding the same links that apt-get would use?00:59
Mark-Potteror getting apt-get to just give the download link like I could with synaptic00:59
guivercMark-Potter, I'd use a browser; grab the url, wget the file wanted, then `dpkg -i` to install00:59
Mark-Potterguiverc: How do you grab the url?00:59
Toadisattvayou could get the .deb from here https://pkgs.org/download/synaptic01:00
guivercthe browser of your choice - https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=synaptic tells you it's in universe; so navigate there etc.. for your release01:00
ToadisattvaI think xubuntu should have a package manager to install it that way?01:00
Toadisattvasave you building it from source01:00
Mark-PotterToadisattva: Not possible without internet I find using a package manager to install synaptic quite odd lol01:02
Mark-Potteractually nvm01:02
guivercMark-Potter, eg. http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/s/synaptic/ is where my navigation on browser took me - that contains the ubuntu sources where I'd wget from...  (I'd match version with prior link I gave)01:04
Mark-Potterthanks :)01:04
Toadisattvayou can download that on windoze and dpkg should already be installed01:05
* Toadisattva shrugs01:05
Mark-Pottergot it thanks I guess dpkg would be my bad :P01:06
Mark-PotterIf I don't have the neccessary dependencies will it tell me or just awkwardly refuse to install the downloaded .deb package01:12
Mark-Potterpresumably this is why using a package manager is recommended above downloading from the http:// interface01:12
Mark-Potteram I right or are there actually other reasons01:13
guiverc`dpkg` requires deps to be pre-install, or installed at the same time, if they aren't present, you'll receive errors which is pretty clear (and tells you what you need; useful & no consequences as nothing gets done)01:19
WolfRageMark-Potter... It is likely an issue with the new kernel... Download an older release01:26
WolfRageThanks Intel01:26
Mark-PotterWolfRage: Thanks01:26
WolfRageMy Lenovo is also not able to use the newer kernel for now until Intel fixes there broken hacks to mitigate Spectre01:27
sayo-how do I find out the version of the driver that comes with the latest kernel?01:33
sayo-or do drivers just get the same version number as the kernel they shit with?01:35
phockinghi frens01:39
xpmashsayo-: the drivers must have their own version numbers, not the same as the kernel they shit with01:39
phockingi need to extend a logical volume because my root filesystem is full01:39
phockingi've read a bunch of stuff and still am struggling01:39
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originalabhayhey hey hey04:02
lotuspsychjeoriginalabhay: good morning, what can we do for you?04:19
IcemanV9how comes ubuntu 18.04 went to screensaver while the video was playing? it shouldn't happen at all. it's 18.04. it was fixed a long ago. broken again? or some developer took the "fix" code out? sorry, i'm frustrated.04:28
lotuspsychjeIcemanV9: holdon i have a recent bug on it04:31
lotuspsychjeIcemanV9: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xscreensaver/+bug/1790110 can you please affect yourself here?04:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1790110 in xscreensaver (Ubuntu) "Xscreensaver overrides vlc smplayer and caffeine " [Undecided,New]04:32
IcemanV9okay. it was ESPN video playing (Miami vs LSU). screensaver came on.04:35
lotuspsychjeIcemanV9: feel free to add your personal story to the bug04:37
timypdoes anyone know how a script or of anyway to have iperf send an email alert when a transfer takes a certain amount of time, for example lets say sending 5GB takes < than 5 mins than email04:37
IcemanV9lotuspsychje: yes. i'm trying to add my story to it.04:38
IcemanV9lotuspsychje: done. took me a while as i haven't done in a very long time. : )05:01
lotuspsychjeIcemanV9: let me take a look :p05:24
lotuspsychjeIcemanV9: thank you for taking your time to add your issue05:24
lotuspsychjeIcemanV9: is this gnome-screensaver on your system?05:25
IcemanV9lotuspsychje: yeah, i'm using gnome as desktop.05:26
IcemanV9lotuspsychje: so i guess it's gnome-screensaver, but same issue with xscreensaver.05:27
lotuspsychjeIcemanV9: its because gnome-screensaver is not installed by default, hence why i ask05:28
lotuspsychje!info gnome-screensaver bionic05:28
ubottugnome-screensaver (source: gnome-screensaver): GNOME screen saver and locker. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.6.1-8ubuntu3 (bionic), package size 235 kB, installed size 1354 kB05:28
IcemanV9lotuspsychje: hmm. i do not see gnome-screensaver installed05:32
IcemanV9lotuspsychje: or xscreensaver05:32
IcemanV9lotuspsychje: did i missed something?05:33
lotuspsychjeIcemanV9: what i think happens is, the system settings/energy control now what happens05:34
lotuspsychjeIcemanV9: you could try a few things perhaps, with gnome-screensaver or xscreensaver, but i suspect it will be the same as my end05:35
lotuspsychjeIcemanV9: i tested in all players here, and non are blocking screensaver05:36
lotuspsychjeIcemanV9: can you also press the button at the top of the bug, this bug affects me05:37
rcmaehlNvm asking in Linux05:40
lotuspsychjetimyp: your ubuntu version please?05:41
timyplotuspsychje 16.04 LTS05:42
lotuspsychjetimyp: desktop or server05:42
CarlFKsnap install throttle - is there a page that shows where the source came from, like  https://packages.ubuntu.com05:43
timypdoes not really matter I'd perfer the server to send the emails05:46
timypI have local sendmail working so root can send email and cronjobs also send emails as well05:47
timypactually I replace sendmail with05:48
lotuspsychjeCarlFK: can: snap info throttle, help?05:48
timypoh and client and server are both running iperf 2.0.505:48
lotuspsychjetimyp: try #ubuntu-server mate, they are used to these questions05:49
CarlFKlotuspsychje: welp, TIL snap info, but this doesn't have links to anything but an email http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xHGXqg7CT9/05:51
lotuspsychjeCarlFK: i just tryed snap download throttle, but doesnt show the source location neither..05:53
machinex90Hello all.06:07
machinex90I have installed Maltego CE from there official website, it installed properly, but, could not launch the application.06:09
dudejihi, in ubuntu server systlogd is taking so much of cpu07:02
JimBuntududeji, You may want to check with #ubuntu-server07:07
dudejiJimBuntu: we have been running this for an year07:07
dudejiwhat is cause of this ?07:07
JimBuntududeji, what CPU?07:07
dudejiyeah earlier this problem was not there07:08
dudejifew days back this started up07:08
dudejibut once we restart server it works fine for few days.07:08
dudejithen again comes back07:08
JimBuntududeji, interesting in a bad way. What version of Ubuntu ? Have you prepared a list of all installed packages?07:09
dudejibasic logic is that we were using the same server for almost an year07:11
dudejiand no issue with that07:11
dudejisuddenly whu07:11
JimBuntududeji - mention me when/if you come back07:12
JimBuntuderp, dudeji probably wont see that,07:13
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ricemuffinballdoes ubuntu use GPT or MBR or neither07:56
Oolricemuffinball: ubuntu can use one or the other07:57
ricemuffinballis mbr and gpt only partition scheme out there? or are there more07:57
ducassethose are the two that are commonly used today07:59
ricemuffinballwhat is most popular FS for  ubuntu08:03
ricemuffinballwhat is max cluster size you can use for ext408:12
peaceduckI'm on Ubuntu 16.04.08:17
peaceduckI have direct cable connection to laptop with wifi hotspot for portable devices.08:17
peaceduckI had a problem with loading pages. I cold connect to some pages (like youtube.com, facebook, instagram, google.com) and couldn't connect to some other pages(lots of them). I also could receive emails through email client.08:17
peaceduckIt appeared that it was mtu problem. I manually edited pppoe connection config file at /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections after disconnecting network and stopping NetworkManager service. I have added mru=1492 mtu=1492 and after I connected all the stuff back everything began to work as regular.08:17
peaceduckExcept wifi hotspot =(08:17
peaceduckThe problem with page loading remained only for wifi hotspot.08:18
peaceduckI tried to add the line with mtu=1492 to hotspot connection config file. Thad didn't work. Same as changing this parameter using NetworkManager.08:18
peaceduckWhat else to try?08:18
amitprakashSelecting any choice in ubuntu livecd is presenting me with a black screen.. what gives?08:22
hollusionhello, ive set up dual monitors like this: xrandr --output VGA-0 --auto --left-of DVI-008:22
hollusionits working as intended but how do i swap the main displays?08:22
hollusionat the moment the main display is set to the left monitor and i want it to be the right one08:23
hollusionmain monitor meaning that it has the lxde taskbar08:23
hollusionoh nvm, was able to move the lxde panel over to the right monitor08:24
hollusionbut that does not seem to be the correct solution08:25
hollusionbecause new windows will always open on the left monitor08:25
amitprakashSelecting any choice in ubuntu livecd is presenting me with a black screen.. what gives? I am trying to launch it on a Ryzen 2500U laptop08:25
SimonNLhollusion: display settings set primary/secondary08:26
hollusioni will try that08:27
ducassehollusion: add --primary to your xrandr call08:27
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amitprakashok.. irc.ubuntu is now freenode! sorry for the duplicate08:28
hollusionsetting primary did not move the panel over to the primary monitor but new windows will open on it now, so i moved the panel by hand08:31
hollusionthank you08:31
SimonNLhave you tried logout/login or maybe even restarting computer. one of them might have helped08:34
* SimonNL <= no idea08:34
codegraugood morning.08:37
amitprakashIs there an ubuntu livecd for kernel 4.16 or newer?08:47
ducasseamitprakash: that would be the cosmic dailies, if anything, but it appears there aren't any yet09:14
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tomreynducasse, amitprakash: there is http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/09:23
ducassecool, they weren't mentioned in the topic in #ubuntu+1. i'm still wary of recommending those as a solution, though.09:25
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njadrunning ubuntu 18.04 inside virtualbox v5.2.14 on windows 7 host - can't make mic working - any advice?09:36
amitprakashtomreyn, thanks09:40
usneydoes ubuntu have backports?09:42
ducasseamitprakash: those are of the development release, though, don't use if you don't know how to handle problems you might run into09:42
ducasse!backports | usney09:43
ubottuusney: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging09:43
amitprakashI do.. the issues are due to newer hardware (R7 2700U)09:43
usneyducasse how do I upgrade to gimp 2.10?09:44
amitprakashI just want to be able to get to a TTY09:44
ryuoamitprakash: what's the issue with booting regular ubuntu 18.04?09:45
ryuoI see. Seems to be different for each person.09:45
ducasseusney: you can try the snap09:45
ryuoReally need those HWEs in 18.04.209:45
amitprakashTried booting after removing the quiet and splash entries in the grub prompt.. but no messages at all09:45
ryuoamdgpu.dc might play a role.09:46
amitprakashI am guessing it has to do w/ secure boot and vega (not yet supported by amdgpu in mesa)09:46
amitprakashBut there is no way to disable AMD SME09:46
usneythanks ducasse09:47
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tomreynamitprakash: did you try booting the standard 18.04 installer with either amdgpu.dc=0 or amdgpu.dc=1 (as has been suggested to you multiple times)?10:05
tomreyn18.04.1 amd64 desktop that is10:05
tomreynyou could also install using the server installer, then boot into it, install one of the graphics ppas and ubuntu-desktop and reboot again.10:05
neurewhich app can show cpu load visually?10:06
tomreynamitprakash: those options are probably better than installing a cosmic (18.10, a non LTS release) preview10:06
tomreynneure: htop10:07
neuresomething with nice window, not a command line tool10:08
codegraussh questions for the "pros": wifi and ethernet interface - each connected to internet - wifi staticIP, ethernet static ip   ssh -b user@externalIP is working, ssh -b user@externalIP is not. traceroute -i interface is showing that it's possible for both interfaces to reach the internet.10:08
neure(i know htop and i do use commandline plenty)10:08
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neuresomething like htop but with GUI would be nice10:08
tomreynneure: which ubuntu release? which desktop?10:10
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amitprakash@tomreyn, Yes I have10:21
amitprakashIt just gives me a black screen10:21
amitprakashAnd so does cosmic10:21
tomreynamitprakash: what is "it"?10:26
amitprakashlive usb's for ubuntu10:26
amitprakashOn a R7 2700U machine10:26
tomreynamitprakash: so all of the 18.04.1 desktop live/install, server installer, alternative server installer do this?10:27
amitprakashBooting arch tells me it can't find the usb mount10:28
amitprakashBooting gentoo shows me no HDDs10:28
amitprakashEvery single distro is failing atm10:28
tomreynwell, we only support ubuntu here10:28
grek69Hi im looking how allow nginx process more than one request from one user- found this https://gist.github.com/denji/8359866 but this block request queue now allow multiple request processing. (i need this because when admin upload multiple files - cannot open site in new browser)10:28
amitprakashI know.. just highlighting how broken this hardware is10:28
tomreynamitprakash: bios fully updated?10:29
amitprakashI would be happy if the liveusb showed some messages even after removing quiet/splash from the grub command, but no10:29
amitprakashJust a damn black screen10:29
amitprakashAnd yes10:29
tomreynamitprakash: the desktop live/usb and the server 'live' installer will switch to a different video mode early during the installation. i think the alternate installer doesn't. you can also try booting the installers with vga=78810:32
tomreynor vga=78510:32
amitprakashHow about just fbdev10:32
amitprakashI don't want a gui10:32
amitprakashI just want a cli10:32
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amitprakashAight, let me try this10:34
amitprakashSorry, I've been doing this for 3 days now10:34
tomreynmore options are listed at https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/v4.15/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.html10:34
tomreynhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions on how to use them10:35
samgoodyHi. I am trying to upgrade Ubuntu to Bionic, but am getting an error: Kernel must be upgraded10:38
samgoodyAnd after upgrade (seems to be) aborted:  libc-bin : Depends: libc6 (> 2.27) but 2.23-0ubuntu10 is installed10:38
samgoodyI gather that I need to upgrade the kernel. Am on a VPS. It was my impression that dist-upgrade was supposed to upgrade the kernel, but that does not seem o do anything now10:39
samgoodyCan someone tell me if there is a straightforward way to upgrade the kernel or otherwise what I need to do?10:40
tomreynsamgoody: how are you upgrading?10:43
tomreynand where from?10:43
tomreynlibc6 2.23-0ubuntu10 is from xenial, so i assume you're trying to upgrade from 16.04.5 to 18.04.1. but unless you ppa-purged, then did dist-upgrade within xenial, then ran do-release-upgrade, this would not have been a safe upgrade path.10:46
tomreynthe libc6 message you quoted can be indicative of a worst case scenario as a result of not preparing the upgrade properly / at all.10:47
* tomreyn bbl10:48
neuretomreyn, ubuntu 16.04, desktop is .. how do i know?10:52
neuredefault desktop?10:52
neurehow do i see which desktop im running?10:53
enzotibneure, echo $DESKTOP_SESSION10:55
chindyI have 24h format everywhere on google calendar/OS ... but Lightning in Thunderbird still shows times in 12h PM/AM format...anyone know why?11:02
TvL2386chindy: because it is configured somewhere globally and Lightning in Thunderbird doesn't care or is overridden somewhere?11:17
TvL2386chindy: check this as well: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/115418811:18
TvL2386and chindy: is it only Lightning in Thunderbird and not Thunderbird as a whole? I'd go through the Lightning options/configuration and ask for help from the Lightning devs if you're not succesful11:19
z428Folks, is there a working way to switch 18.04 from wayland back to xorg completely? On my machine, "GNOME (xorg) session" blanks the screen for a few moments and then immediately returns me to the login screen. Forcing EnableWayland=false in gdm.conf even removes this chooser and doesn't let me login at all...11:25
ppfxorg already is the default on bionic11:26
z428How can I check whether I am running wayland or xorg? TeamViewer, in example, says that a bunch of features "aren't supported on wayland".11:27
ppfyou can select which display server protocol to use on the login screen,11:29
ppfi.e., don't pick 'ubuntu on wayland' and you've got X11:29
z428I installed vanilla GNOME and I can't choose "Wayland" in there - only "GNOME" or "GNOME (xorg)". "GNOME" (without xorg) is apparently default, and I have an Xwayland process running on display :0. Using "GNOME (xorg)" doesn't seem to work.11:32
ppf18.04 already comes with gnome, what exactly did you install?11:33
z428Installed plain 18.04 and, on top of that, "vanilla" GNOME settings according to https://itsfoss.com/vanilla-gnome-ubuntu/ .11:35
ppfz428: alright11:36
ppftime to check the logs11:37
ppfwhat do .xsession-errors and Xorg.*.log say?11:37
ppfi'm not using gdm, but i'd bet it has logs as well11:38
z428I'll have a look and see whether I can find something. brb.11:39
foo357Hello, how do I install and use nvidia drivers in ubuntu 18.04? In "Software & Updates" I have selected nvidia instead of nouveau, but the system is still using nouveau.11:40
lotus|NUCfoo357: what chipset do you have?11:41
dionysus69my friend's laptop is experiencing the following, it charges when turned off but not when turned on11:41
dionysus69it detects charger but stops charging after 5 or so seconds when turned on11:41
dionysus69it's ubuntu 18.0411:41
dionysus69any ideas?11:41
foo357lotus|NUC: GP104GL ... that's the chipset, right?11:42
lotus|NUCfoo357: try ubuntu-drivers list to see wich drivers are available for your system11:42
foo357lotus|NUC: ok, it reports nvidia-driver-390 ... (no other entries)11:43
lotus|NUCfoo357: ok, try sudo apt install nvidia-driver-39011:44
foo357lotus|NUC: already installed11:45
foo357lotus|NUC: Another thing about the drivers is that there has been some wierdness with uefi boot.11:47
foo357lotus|NUC: I have been promted several times to set an uefi password which was needed to install third-party drivers. I should probably disable uefi... I don't think that uefi has any effect on the issue that the system is still using nouveau?11:49
tomreyndionysus69: probably an ACPI issue. did it work fine with previous ubuntu releases with the same bios / uefi configuration?11:50
tomreynneure: in case you'd still like support, how did you upgrade?11:51
z428I see things such as this, which apparently makes my Xorg break:11:54
z428gnome-session[2238]: gnome-session-binary[2238]: CRITICAL: We failed, but the fail whale is dead. Sorry....11:54
AtuMlol, sorry11:55
z428And there are plenty of things such as "/usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[1033]: (WW) modeset(0): Page flip failed: Permission denied".11:55
tomreyncan you tell whether these are current? some log locations of the graphics stack have moved between 16.04 and 18.0411:57
z428Yes, they are. That's /var/log/syslog from today. I actually don't see an error in any of the Xorg logs.11:58
tomreynz428: ^ also, do you have ubuntu-desktop installed?11:59
tomreyn(the package)11:59
ubottuUbuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes11:59
tomreynthe release notes state that "X.org logs may now be found at ~/.local/share/xorg"12:00
callipygousWhat happened to global menus in Ubuntu?12:04
z428ubuntu-desktop is not installed, no; it seems ubuntu-desktop has been removed on my device all along with removing the gnome-games and similar things.12:04
z428the log file doesn't say anything specific, just something like "server terminated successfully(0)".12:04
tomreynz428: so no (EE) records?12:05
tomreynz428: neother in syslog (I've also seen X log into that, and am not sure when it logs where)?12:05
z428This: (EE) open /dev/fb0: Permission denied12:06
adrian_1908caliculk: you mean global menus like macOS has?12:06
z428... but this comes extremely early in the process, before all the modeline stuff. Didn't *seem* related to the server finally terminating.12:06
adrian_1908sorry, callipygous12:06
adrian_1908(wrong name)12:06
callipygousI know it uses Gnome 3 now12:07
callipygousWas that a limitation with using Gnome?12:07
adrian_1908callipygous: I think they got removed when Ubuntu switched to Gnome in 18.04. It's a huge mistake. Gnome is a very wasteful design, only good for hipster touchscreen users, not regular Desktop work.12:07
tomreynz428: and /var/log/Xorg.*.log has no (EE) lines either, right?12:07
callipygousI don't like Gnome 3...I like it when Ubuntu used Gnome 212:07
z428tomreyn: Right.12:08
callipygousPlasma and Gnome 3 are terrible12:08
adrian_1908I switched to Xubunut (Xfce) a long time ago since I just want a god damned Desktop the way god intended them to be.12:08
callipygousI like Enlightenment...but it needs some polish for it's modules12:08
z428tomreyn: It also *seems* it is correctly detecting my i915 display hardware and mostly setting things up. Just ends at some point. :|12:08
tomreyncallipygous, adrian_1908: you two are entirely entitled to your opinions, but please don't discuss them on this (support only) channel. there is #uubntu-discuss and -offtopic12:09
callipygousoh okay, np, tomreyn12:09
adrian_1908tomreyn: sorry, got it!12:09
tomreynthanks :)12:09
tomreynz428: i guess i'd just install ubuntu-desktop.12:10
tomreyni don't know whether it will ultimately fix it, but there's a certain chance it will.12:10
tomreynit's installed by default12:10
z428tomreyn: Hmmm, ok, so I'll see what happens and eventually try to figure out which package is *actually* causing this behaviour. Thanks for now. :)12:10
tomreyngood luck!12:13
foo357lotus|NUC: I disabled Secure Boot and it solved the problem, at next boot ubuntu switched over to using the nvidia driver.12:13
hateballfoo357: you dont *need* to disable secure boot in uefi, only in the bootloader shim12:19
hateballfoo357: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot/DKMS12:19
hateballbut if it works then no worries12:20
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Mr-Potterwhere do I download synaptic on windows so I can install it on ubuntu?12:43
tomreynMr-Potter: why dont you download and install it on ubuntu?12:46
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Mr-Pottercause i can't get online12:49
|subz3r0|i want to run a webserver for my local subnet. within postfix configuration what should I use via dpgk-reconfigure (Internetsite, Internet with smarthost, satelite system or local)?12:51
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|subz3r0|mailserver... not webserver...12:51
|subz3r0|just want to get status emails from virtual machines, router and so on...12:52
lotus|NUCMr-Potter: put a cable in your ubuntu system?13:02
samgoodyHi. I am trying to upgrade Ubuntu from 16.04 to Bionic, but am getting an error: Kernel must be upgraded13:02
lotus|NUCsamgoody: wich kernel is that you are on?13:02
Mr-Potterlotus|NUC: Yeah fair point13:03
Mr-Potterhave you tried the update manager?13:03
samgoodyLinux 2.6.32-042stab130.113:03
samgoodyOn a VPS13:03
Mr-Potteralso what do i do when xubuntu hangs at the stage of asking me where i am? This is on a seperate PC btw13:04
lotus|NUCsamgoody: that doesnt look like the 16.04 kernel..we can only support official ubuntu and its kernels here13:05
Mr-Potterand how do i get wifi to automatically connect so my noob parents don't have to ask me how every time? They are quite lacking in knowledge but I digress!13:05
samgoodyIt was my impression that dist-upgrade was supposed to upgrade the kernel, but that instead throws: The following packages have unmet dependencies:13:05
samgoody libc-bin : Depends: libc6 (> 2.27) but 2.23-0ubuntu10 is installed13:05
lotus|NUCsamgoody: i think it would be best you contact your vps admin13:06
Mr-Potterhow do I even find out the dependencies when installing from a .deb package13:07
samgoodythank you13:08
lotus|NUCMr-Potter: apt takes care of dependencies, when installing a package from the repos13:08
lotus|NUCMr-Potter: when installing external ppa's they 'could' contain external ppa's, wich we dont support here13:09
lotus|NUCexternal deb13:09
Mr-Potterlotus|NUC: I don't mean that I mean a .deb file installed from an internal ppa13:14
Mr-PotterHow do I find out the dependencie13:14
lotus|NUCMr-Potter: can you tell us the whole story please, wich deb are you gonna install from where to do what?13:17
Mr-Potterlotus|NUC: Say if I wanted to install packages from the ubuntu archives13:18
lotus|NUCMr-Potter: apt takes cares of dependencies when installing a package..13:26
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dethmourneHello! I'm thinkinga bout installing Ubuntu 18.04 and I think I probably need/want to do manual partitioning, but I'm not sure what my partitions should look like. I have a 120GB SSD, a 2TB spinning disk, and a 3TB spinning disk. How can I set this up to boot off the SSD, but use the other disks for all my data?14:12
dethmourneSorry if this sounds like a silly question - I'm trying to move over from Windows and haven't deal with multiple drives in a Linux install before.14:13
lotus|NUCdethmourne: i would go for 120 ssd for ubuntu, and you can use your other 2 for data indeed14:14
lotus|NUCdethmourne: the ubuntu setup lets you choose wich hd you want for the ubuntu install14:14
dethmourneRight, but I was trying to figure out how to put /home on both of the other drives (like as a spanned volume?) and I can't seem to figure that out.14:15
lotus|NUC!home | dethmourne14:15
ubottudethmourne: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving14:15
dethmourneOh, slick!14:15
lotus|NUCdethmourne: everyone has another view on this, personally i like /home on the ssd, and manage the data on the other bigger hd's14:16
lotus|NUCdethmourne: but moving /home is the users choice, possible :p14:17
dethmourneSo what you'd do in my situation, then, is something like mount the big drives as /2tb and /3tb, and then manually set up data there?14:19
lotus|NUCdethmourne: if it was me yes, but as i say depends on what you really want14:19
sub526 Hi All, When I tried to install "sudo apt-get install libelf-dev" I'm getting "libelf-dev : Depends: libelf1 (= 0.158-0ubuntu5.3) but 0.165-3ubuntu1 is to be installed" and "E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.". How to resolve this problem?14:19
lotus|NUCsub526: did you add external ppa's to your system?14:20
sub526lotus|NUC: I've no idea, how do i check this?14:22
lotus|NUCsub526: can you hastebin the output of: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade please?14:23
Kivaanhey all, i just downloaded ubuntu-18.04.1-desktop.-amd64.iso from the official site. i checked the sha256 hashsum but it didn't match the one here http://releases.ubuntu.com/bionic/SHA256SUMS I tried redownloading this time as a torrent. Although the download was successful, the SHA256 hashsums didn't match again! Can anyone tell me what's happening? Sorry for the noob question.14:24
lotus|NUC!md5 | Kivaan14:24
ubottuKivaan: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows14:24
Kivaani used onlinemd5.com but it doesn't match14:28
adrian_1908Kivaan: so did you do just that, or _also_ that? You could check your local download using the matching command sha256sum/md5sum command.14:30
Kivaani just did that14:31
Kivaanwhat command? i am on windows right now.14:31
sub526lotus|NUC: https://pastebin.com/reQPen8k14:31
adrian_1908Kivaan: if the windows shell doesn't come with a corresponding tool out of the box, then use something like e.g. this: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=1153314:32
lotus|NUC!sources | sub52614:33
ubottusub526: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.14:33
lotus|NUCsub526: after you fix your sources, its reccomended to update your system to latest14:33
adrian_1908Kivaan: and you're free to not check for validity too of course, especially if you torrent the file (which runs checksums on the data).14:35
Kivaanwhat do you mean 'runs checksum on the data'? adrian190814:35
adrian_1908Kivaan: torrents are validated for correctness during download, and some clients allow you to manually verify the integrity of the download. Just use the damn ISO and get on with your life.14:36
Kivaanhmmm... like your attitude14:37
sub526lotus|NUC: Thanks14:37
Kivaani am using fdm as my client14:37
BluesKajhowdy all14:39
Kivaani am off14:44
Cypher100Is /etc/netplan supposed to be empty on Ubuntu 18.04?15:28
ioriaCypher100, if you upgraded from xenial15:29
Cypher100So the current install is still using the old method for networking?15:30
Cypher100That makes sense15:30
sayo-ioria: I found the root of the problem, i think15:40
ioriasayo-, I/O errors ?15:41
sayo-ioria: yup, the computer started behaving weirdly again but this time I got to dmesg before I crashed15:41
ioriasayo-, and ?15:42
sayo-look at this https://imgur.com/a/zkdylVM (again, sorry I couldn't capture the text but couldn't write to a file or open firefox due to these IO errors)15:42
sayo-seems like the wifi card failed, and then everything just went crazy15:42
sayo-wifi driver failed, and then at some point (not sure why) the partition goes into read only mode15:43
sayo-if that makes sense......15:43
ioriasayo-, wifi you say ...15:44
ioriasayo-, usually a Call TRcae means a seroius (unrecoverable) kernl bug15:45
ioria*Call Trace15:46
sayo-I thought it'd be a problem with wifi cause the first line is ex_btc8192e2ant_bt_info_notify15:47
sayo-that's realtek15:47
sayo-could that be a problem with the drivers, which come with the kernel?15:47
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sayo-ioria: assuming a driver triggers such a bug, does it explain why the partition switches to read only mode?15:48
ioriasayo-, not sure , but i don't think so15:54
sayo-this sucks, the ssd is new but how can I complain to the manufacturer if I'm not sure it fails15:55
sayo-random issues are the worst15:55
tomreynsayo-: unless there's any indication that the sotrage i/o issues are related to wireless/bluetooth coexistence issue, i'd expect them not to be, and analyze it seperately, starting with the problem which is reported first during the boot.15:55
tomreynsayo-: you probably have an old bios there, check for a newer one15:55
sayo-tomreyn: actually, my bios is 4.6 (asrock AB350 Pro4), which is quite up to date15:56
sayo-they released a new one last week but it's pretty updated anyway15:56
sayo-dmesg doesn't seem to point me out in any direction though, it's just ERROR ERROR ERROR but I can't see any lead on where to look at next15:57
tomreynsayo-: i'm looking at, is this the wrong board? https://www.asrock.com/mb/AMD/AB350%20Pro4/#BIOS15:58
ioriasayo-, in laternative i suggest a mainline kernel15:58
sayo-tomreyn: yes, thats's my board, I checked my bios is up to date, I think I wrote down the bios version somewhere16:00
zerothisAfter 16.04-18.04 upgrade, GUI hangs system immediatly after login16:00
sayo-ioria: I can try that16:01
tomreynsayo-: you have 4.60 from january now, 5.00 is the latest. be sure you set "typical current idle" in bios, too, it is usually required for ryzen on b350 chipsets.16:02
zerothisActually, GUI hangs after a time without login16:03
tomreynsayo: this should be at (BIOS nav path): "Advanced > AMD CBS > Zen Common Options > Power Supply Idle Control"16:04
sayo-tomreyn: okay, Ill check that16:04
sayo-brb looking for a pendrive16:04
lotus|NUCzerothis: F1 for textboot, see at wich point it goes wrong?16:05
lotus|NUCzerothis: are you logging into: xorg,wayland or unity?16:07
IarlaIs there a known issue with google calendar and gnome calendar on Ubuntu (16.04)? I've added my google account to the 'online accounts' but only photos and documents are offered, not calendar. And the calendar application doesn't show a google specific option. Just an 'online calendar' option which I'm guessing is read only.16:13
sere_i get this error when i run quake3 cant find /dev/dsp ..runs ok just no sound16:13
lotus|NUCIarla: did you try a logout?16:15
Iarlalotus|NUC: yes (found a comment on AskUbuntu suggesting that).16:15
johnjayjust initiated an apt-get upgrade, and now my screen is frozen black. i can get to another VT though16:16
Iarlasere_: I don't know about Q3 specifically but either through the user interface or the config file you need to specify pulseaudio instead of /dev/dsp I would imagine.16:16
johnjayhow do i tell if the upgrade finished and can i identify why the screen is black from that new VT?16:16
tomreynsayo-: this looks related, this user is using the same board (bios 4.90), kernel 4.15 but on 16.04 (so HWE): https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/178769516:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1787695 in linux (Ubuntu) ": unable to handle kernel paging request at ffff9f2ed2aa5844" [High,Confirmed]16:17
lotus|NUCIarla: not sure what goes wrong at your side, this should do the trick: https://www.debugpoint.com/2016/05/access-google-drive-and-sync-calendar-in-ubuntu-16-04-using-nautilus/16:18
sere_Iarla, i can do it through this config but just not sure how16:19
Iarlalotus|NUC: thank you. but for some reason when I complete adding the Google account I don't get the option in Nautilus described in the article. Also, Online Accounts lists google photos and drive, but not calendar.16:21
tomreynsere_: run: padsp /path/to/quake316:22
sayo-tomreyn: I'm back, now with bios 5.0 and kernel 4.18.5-041805-generic16:23
Iarlasere_: ^ what tomreyn says. Last paragraph on this support document https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio16:23
sere_tomreyn, i get an error: sorry but your soundcard can't do that16:23
lotus|NUCIarla: did you also check google security settings online, like blocking some apps?16:23
tomreynsere_: hmm, i wouldn't know how to handle this16:23
tomreynsayo-: does it boot fine?16:23
MWMnetstat claims dnsmasq is listening on some ports but apt doesnt seem to know that it is installed?  Are there different dnsmasq's (preinstalled and from the repo) ?16:24
sayo-so far so good, but because the IO errors are so random, it'll take a few days before I know if it's fixed16:24
Scorpion2185Hello can someone help me? i already make a question on askubuntu16:25
Iarlalotus|NUC: good point. Thunderbird has no issue, but I'll check in case there is some other setting there.16:25
lotus|NUC!info colortail | sayo- tail -f /var/log/syslog in realtime, handy16:25
ubottusayo- tail -f /var/log/syslog in realtime, handy: colortail (source: colortail): log colorizer that makes log checking easier. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3.3-1build1 (bionic), package size 23 kB, installed size 80 kB16:25
lotus|NUC!ask | Scorpion2185 sure mate16:26
ubottuScorpion2185 sure mate: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:26
MWMIm trying to get a docker container to work and it wants the ports that dnsmasq is already bound to16:27
Scorpion2185after discovering some things i make a more direct question on https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/466571/recompile-a-kernel-including-a-firmware16:27
sere_brb going to reboot with a .asoundrc16:27
MWMthe container comes up when I kill dnsmasq ... but then complains about no dns service.  Anyone got a clue what Im missing?16:27
tomreynsayo-: can you check whether it would also boot with 4.15 now?16:28
Iarlalotus|NUC: something wierd does happen when I entered the username and password for Google in the Online Accounts it eventually loaded up the Ubuntu help html file.16:28
lotus|NUCScorpion2185: this is a bit experienced issue, i would advice a new !bug so you can help yourself & the community16:29
lotus|NUCScorpion2185: instead of recompiling kernels at your own, let the devs help you on touch support16:29
lotus|NUCScorpion2185: have you also tested ubuntu-desktop instead of lubuntu, to compare touch?16:30
sayo-tomreyn: I can, what's the point though? want to check whether there's a conflict between bios 5.0 and 4.15 kernel?16:30
Scorpion2185how? reporting a bug about dh editconfigs?16:30
lotus|NUCScorpion2185: i presume your touch support doesnt work as expected on lubuntu?16:30
Scorpion2185no touch at all, in this tablet you need to enable it16:31
tomreynsayo-: yes, or more like trying to find out whether it's probably a bios issue and not a linux one16:31
lotus|NUCScorpion2185: so file a new bug against the package responsible for touch16:31
lotus|NUCScorpion2185: add your whole story to the bug16:31
sayo-tomreyn: the problem is that these crashes occur very randomly, not at booting time16:31
sayo-they may occur once a day, or once each two days or so16:32
lotus|NUCIarla: thats werid behaviour indeed!16:32
tomreynsayo-: i see. be sure to change the bios option i discussed then16:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1690085 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ryzen 1800X freeze - rcu_sched detected stalls on CPUs/tasks" [High,Confirmed]16:33
lotus|NUCIarla: usefull for you? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-calendar/+bug/175636916:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1756369 in gnome-calendar (Ubuntu) "Google Calendar is not syncing in Ubuntu 18.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:33
sayo-tomreyn: okay, is that power option thought to bring problems?16:33
Scorpion2185how ping people here?16:33
lotus|NUC!tab | Scorpion218516:33
ubottuScorpion2185: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:33
tomreynsayo-: http://forum.asrock.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=8954&title=asrock-ab350-pro4-freeze-fix16:33
Scorpion2185lotus|NUC:  i can report the bug but i have the firmware tested so it would be nice to recompile the kernel16:34
tomreynsayo-: it appears to be a cpu bug of the ryzen platform. on linux, it draws less power than it actually needs, causing lockups.16:34
tomreynsayo-: that's when it goes idle and attempts to reduce power consumption16:35
Scorpion2185lotus|NUC:  do you have a link for my bug?16:35
lotus|NUCScorpion2185: you are the admin of your system sure, but here in #ubuntu we try to stick to !mainline16:35
lotus|NUCScorpion2185: from a terminal: ubuntu-bug your-affected-package16:35
Scorpion2185lotus|NUC:  what package is?16:36
sayo-tomreyn: okay, definitely not my scenario but changing the settings can't hurt anyway16:36
sayo-I've gotta go, thanks tomreyn o/16:36
lotus|NUCScorpion2185: the package thats respnsible for touch, not sure really myself16:36
Iarlalotus|NUC: I will confirm this (with the button, not a comment ;). Thank you. I'm on 16.04 but it's possible the updated packages have the same issue.16:36
tomreynsayo-: welcome, ttyl16:37
lotus|NUCIarla: yeah, i saw more users have this issue, hence why i think its happening on several versions16:37
Scorpion2185lotus|NUC:  normally it would be a  bug but in the tablet case is a lack of special driver for the touchscreen they are supposed to run windows 1016:37
Scorpion2185lotus|NUC: no touchscreen device are detected16:38
Scorpion2185lotus|NUC: so is not a package right?16:38
Iarlalotus|NUC: Nice find, thanks :)16:39
MWMso is there a difference between the dnsmasq that ships with the OS and the one that you can get from the repos?16:44
Scorpion2185Can someone help me? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1067640/enable-the-touchscreen-of-a-mediacom-winpad-w70016:44
Scorpion2185lotus|NUC:  How ask the dev to add the drivers?16:47
lotus|NUCScorpion2185: you could bug against linux-kernel or so16:51
Scorpion2185lotus|NUC:  ubunut-bug-linux-kernel ?16:52
lotus|NUCScorpion2185: ubuntu-bug linux-kernel16:52
Scorpion2185The report belongs to a package that is not installed16:54
lotus|NUCScorpion2185: ok linux-image then or linux16:54
Scorpion2185lotus|NUC:  lubunut has the same kernel of ubuntu?16:56
Scorpion2185  lubuntu has the same kernel of ubuntu?16:58
Scorpion2185BTW can someone help me with the kernel? https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/466571/recompile-a-kernel-including-a-firmware16:59
uebera||Since a couple of days, some applications on Kubuntu 18.04 suddently lose the ability to properly process CTRL+C / Copy (via menu). This is really annoying. Since restarting the application helps, I wonder how to debug this. Anyone seeing this?17:12
Scorpion2185uebera||:  only on Kubuntu?17:13
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uebera||Scorpion2185: I only use Kubuntu.17:15
Scorpion2185uebera||: i use mainly ubuntu 16.04 and i didn t notice anything17:27
uebera||Scorpion2185: I'd assume that it's related to the Window manager.17:36
mmfoodHey, I am about to start up a VM for school stuff. But I wan't to minimize the resources being claimed. I think I have to run the desktop version, but I guess I'll do most of the stuff using ssh anyway. What's a reasonable amount of disk space / memory I can get away with?17:37
Scorpion2185mmfood: the minum size of the ubuntu partition?17:45
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Scorpion2185mmfood: check on your browser engine , it depends if you want to install many programs17:47
Scorpion2185browser search engine17:48
Scorpion2185the requirement of the version you want to use also17:49
mmfoodwell I won't install much, a minimum install + libreoffice basically17:50
Scorpion2185mmfood: ubuntu 18..04 requires 25GB of free hard drive space minimum17:50
mmfoodare your sure it is a minimum value? The ubuntu download page says 25GB is recommended, but I guess that is for normal everyday use17:51
mmfoodThe virtualbox default seems to be 10GB so I gave it a go. Maybe I have to do it again, we'll see ")17:52
Scorpion2185mmfood:  https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/04/ubuntu-18-04-download-release-features17:53
Scorpion2185mmfood: if you use lubuntu with minimal installation you can use really less space17:53
Scorpion2185like maybe 2GB i don' t remember17:54
Scorpion2185can someone help me with the kernel? https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/466571/recompile-a-kernel-including-a-firmware17:55
madLyfehmmm https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/5gfShStN/image.png17:56
Scorpion2185mmfood: 25 gb is probably wrong i saw it in that link personally i don t know17:58
mmfoodTHe minimum install before dist-upgrade was 5GB so I think I'll be ok ")18:03
mmfooddon't know how big libreoffice is, but it can't be thaat big can it?18:03
Scorpion2185check in on google ow what you use18:04
Scorpion2185you can set a lVM automatically in lubuntu so you can easily increase a partition . On ubuntu i don' t knwo if is automatic18:05
mmfood<1.6GB for LO, so I should be fine!18:06
Scorpion2185mmfood: libreoffice is included in the installation (minimal i don t know)18:06
paolobenveHi guys! My pc connects to the adsl router through a wireless usb adapter. The connection seems ok, my pc has ip, the router is, but running nmap from says that all 100 ports on my pc are filtered. And I cannot ping nor ssh into it. Any hint to solve this issue?18:08
mmfoodScorpion2185: not in minimal, only firefox, filebrowser and essentials18:10
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Cypher100Anyone else getting "x509: certificate signed by unknown authority. Server communication failed." when enabling livepatch? This has happen on 2 nodes18:29
Cypher100It appears that snapd doesn't like Let's Encrypt Authority X318:30
compdocyou have a browser in snap?18:32
Cypher100No, I currently only have a ubuntu server around me18:33
Cypher100But I do suspect this is a issue with snapd not accepting the Let's Encrypt Authority, because the certificate change happen on Saturday. I've tested this on a fresh server on a different provider, and the same issue occurs.18:36
compdoc"To fix this, one has to manually add the intermediate cert “Let’s Encrypt Authority X3” to the CA store"18:39
Cypher100Will yeah, I'm checking to see if anyone made a bug report yet18:42
ryuosounds like a server issue. i've noticed curl/wget breaks on web servers that don't include the LE intermediate.18:43
pikapikaHi is there any file that lists all devices, with options to enable or disable them?18:43
pikapikaAs in some type of configuration file18:43
Scorpion2185can someone help me with the kernel? https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/466571/recompile-a-kernel-including-a-firmware18:49
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Cypher100I just tested livepatch on my other servers, and it appears non of them have been updating due to that certificate error19:14
Cypher100The CA is installed on the host system, but I guess the snap core doesn't have it, I'm not sure how to fix it in the mean time19:15
Scorpion2185can someone help me with the kernel? https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/466571/recompile-a-kernel-including-a-firmware19:17
ikoniawhy are you trying to re-compile the kernel ?19:18
tomreynCypher100: please file a bug19:19
Cypher100I did19:19
tomreynCypher100: may we see it?19:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1790520 in Canonical Live Patch Client "certificate signed by unknown authority, Let's Encrypt" [Undecided,New]19:19
ikoniaI don't understand that19:20
ikonialive patch is going to use canonicals repos19:20
ikoniathey are not signed by lets encrypt19:20
ikoniaso what does lets encypt have to do with the problem ?19:20
tomreynikonia: the canonical-livepatch snap communicates with a canonical webserver to check for available live kernel patches19:21
ikoniaright, but thats not signed by lets encrypt either19:21
ikoniawhat am I missing ?19:21
tomreyni haven't checked this, yet19:21
soundconjurerGreetings all, if any of you have firewall/router experience and would like t help me out. I've placed my issue here: https://pastebin.com/Z5mRQSjQ19:21
ikoniasoundconjurer: just explain your issue19:22
ikoniatomreyn: it's not signed by lets encyrpt19:22
soundconjurerIt's really rather long. So, pastebin is where it belongs.19:22
ikoniacan't be bothered reading it, sorry19:22
soundconjurerThen don't...19:23
tomreynikonia: https://livepatch.canonical.com/ uses an LE cert19:23
tomreynand so does https://auth.livepatch.canonical.com/19:24
ikoniathat's a recent change then19:24
ikoniadespite the date on it19:24
Cypher100It was changed on Saturday19:24
Cypher100That's when the cert was created, it may be later19:24
ikoniathat never used to be a lets encyrpt cert19:24
ikoniathat's sloppy testing19:25
ikoniaand pretty much shows you wouldn't bet your enterprise with that attitude19:25
ikoniaI'll have a look at my livepatching boxes see if they have the problem19:25
ChunkzZhow can I diagnose HDMI issues with Ubuntu 18? I keep getting "no signal"19:26
tomreynChunkzZ: there is not "Ubuntu 18"19:31
ChunkzZtomreyn, ?19:32
ChunkzZof course there is!19:32
tomreynCypher100 / ikonia: i've posted about it in #canonical-sysadmin, but it'll probably take until tomorrow until someone will see it19:32
Cypher100tomreyn, thanks19:32
ChunkzZtomreyn, what you on about? of course there is Ubuntu 18.... LOL19:33
ikoniatomreyn: that will certainly be of interest19:33
ikoniaChunkzZ: there isn't it's 18.0419:33
tomreynChunkzZ: there are Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, released in april (thus .04), and there will be (and are alphas for) Ubuntu 18.10, to be released in october (thus .10).19:33
ikoniaand there will most likley be an 18.1019:33
ChunkzZwhen I say 18, I mean 18.04... everyone knows that.19:34
ikoniathey don't as you could be using the 18.10 release19:34
ikoniaand 18 can often be mistaken for mint19:34
ikoniaboth of these are common in this channel19:34
ChunkzZwell I'm using 18.04...19:34
tomreynChunkzZ: not really, no. several people test 18.10 these days.19:34
texlaInstall Kubuntu 18.04 to the 2 nd hdd using grub 2.02 as bootloader on menu default shows UBUNTU /etc/default/grub default show '0' How do I change19:35
ikoniatexla: which install is controlling grub19:35
ChunkzZso back to my original question, how can I diagnose HDMI issues?19:35
tomreynChunkzZ: so please try to be specific when looking for volunteer support, it saves the back and forth, saves both parties some time.19:35
texlaikonia, kubuntu and it does boot kubuntu19:36
ikoniatexla: so change it in /etc/default/grub in kubuntu if you are %100 certain that is the distro that controls grub19:38
texlaikonia, Change it from =0 to "kubuntu" like the old grubs used to use for default19:40
ChunkzZso back to my original question, how can I diagnose HDMI issues?19:40
ikoniatexla: apolgoies, I've miss understood, are you trying to change the visual wording for kubuntu in the grub menu, or the default boot option so it boots ubuntu19:41
ikoniasory boots kubuntu19:41
texlaikonia, I have the wording Ubuntu in the test menu and it boots Kubuntu the grub.cfg file also shows Ubuntu I would like to change to Kubuntu19:43
tomreynChunkzZ: if you know how to get this info, you could provide more detail, such as what your graphics card and driver are, this can be quite relevant.19:44
ikoniatexla: test menu ?19:44
ChunkzZno I don't tomreyn hence me asking...19:44
ChunkzZwhat do I need installed for basic display?19:45
texlaikonia, Sorry text menu19:45
ikoniatexla: so in the default/grub file what is the pattern that is being matched to generate the word "ubuntu"19:45
tomreynChunkzZ: is it a laptop or a desktop? which model?19:46
ChunkzZodroid c2 tomreyn.19:47
ChunkzZI want to know what packages I need for basic display...19:47
ikoniathe default packages do that19:47
tomreynthis is a single chip computer, those often have special hardware19:47
ChunkzZit's a server image...19:47
ChunkzZagain: I want to know what packages I need for basic display...19:48
ikoniathe server image should provide basic display functionality19:48
ikoniaso you already have the packages19:48
ikoniaassuming it's supported19:48
ChunkzZikonia, no.19:48
ChunkzZI had to install xorg so it's not there.19:48
ikoniaxorg is not basic display19:48
ikoniait's an X server19:48
ChunkzZagain: I want to know what packages I need for basic display...19:49
ikoniaby basic display do you mean a graphical desktop ?19:49
ChunkzZikonia, yes19:49
texlaikonia, https://pastebin.com/CyHvCk2t19:49
ikoniaChunkzZ: what desktop do you want to use ?19:49
ikoniaChunkzZ: then xubuntu-desktop should do it19:50
ChunkzZhow do I install that?19:50
ChunkzZwhat's the command ?19:50
ikoniainstall the package xubuntu-desktop19:50
ikoniathe same way you did the xorg server19:50
ikoniatexla: that's annoying it's taking the output of lsb_release, which will always show ubuntu19:50
ikoniatexla: if you do an lsb_release -a do you see anything referening kubuntu or is it all ubuntu19:51
texlaikonia,  sudo gedit lsb_release -a19:54
texlaUnknown option -a19:54
ikonianot edit19:54
ikoniait's not a file19:54
ikoniait's a command19:54
tomreynChunkzZ: which kernel versionis it running?19:54
ChunkzZ4.14 tomreyn19:55
tomreyncat /proc/version19:55
ChunkzZLinux version 4.14.37-135 (root@ba3e5121f23a) (gcc version 7.3.0 (Ubuntu/Linaro 7.3.0-16ubuntu3)) #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Apr 29 23:34:43 -03 201819:55
texlaikonia, https://pastebin.com/6D9tdSC419:56
ikoniatexla: right, so unless you hardcode that line to kubuntu it's always going to say ubuntu19:56
ikoniait's fed off lsb_release19:57
tomreynChunkzZ: hmm, that's a custom compiled or at leats an outdated kernel apparently. can you run the latest ubuntu kernel on it?19:57
ChunkzZtomreyn, no.19:57
tomreynChunkzZ: then i don't think we can support this system here.19:57
tomreynubuntu 18.04 comes with a 4.15 kernel.19:58
texlaikonia, If I change will it effect my Ubuntu 18.04 on my 1st hdd19:58
ikoniatexla: no19:58
ikoniatexla: I advise you not to change it19:58
ikoniabut it's up to you19:58
texlaikonia, I will leave as is not a big problem Thanks for the info19:59
ikoniagood call texla20:00
ChunkzZtomreyn, can I diagnose hdmi or nah? I keep getting no signal...20:02
ChunkzZI'm SSH'd into it..20:02
tomreynChunkzZ: try whether the output of 'xrandr', 'sudo get-edid | parse-edid' helps you diagnose it. i wont try to support random kernels, and we dont generally support them here.20:04
quiltbitchI am trying to backup system folders (e.g. in /var/) in ubuntu and I run into permission problems20:10
quiltbitchwhat is the best way to back them up? I am trying to use the default back-up tool. And try to run it as root, but its extremely buggy20:11
ppfquiltbitch: why would you backup /var20:11
wiz420Hey everybody :) I'm trying to learn cron and crontab, I've followed alot of guides online. As a start I've added a @reboot but it isn't starting upon restart. I have looked at some trubleshooting guides and I don't have either the cron.dent nor cron.allow and /etc/security/passwd is commented out, I've also tried add a empty line at my crontab. Any surgesstions? :)20:15
Ben64wiz420: maybe the problem isn't crontab but what command you're trying to run20:16
wiz420Ben64 I can run it manually20:17
AmeisenI've noticed that Ubuntu sets up some of the directories in a weird way that makes building GCC somewhat difficult20:17
Ameisenmainly where it puts libraries20:17
Ben64wiz420: right, but you have a full environment going20:17
ppfAmeisen: sounds like gcc should fix their build?20:19
AmeisenPossibly? Just strange.20:20
AmeisenI had to symlink /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu to /usr/lib64, so it could find crt*.o20:21
wiz420Ben I'm trying to start https://github.com/sboli/Twmn they suggest using .xinitrc or rc.conf but I would like to use crontab, could that be a problem?20:21
Ben64your desktop doesn't exist when the system is starting20:22
Ameisennever understood the multitude of different directories for libraries and such20:23
Ameisenthere's like no uniformity :|20:23
quiltbitchppf there are some files that I need from there. e.g. i have gitlab installed20:23
quiltbitchbut the problem is not just with /var/20:23
quiltbitch /root has the same problem20:24
quiltbitchas well20:24
quiltbitchI don't want to open permissions to these folders either20:24
quiltbitchSo I was thinking to do a cronjob to back them up daily with deja dup. The problem is deja dup is not working properly. At least the GUI20:25
Ben64could just... not backup system stuff20:25
Ben64it's easy to reinstall the system if something dies20:25
aFeijohi guys, I am using mega pack to upload backups to my Mega account, now I need to remove some files and old files. I am trying with pipe and xargs, but its not working:   megals | grep *2017* | xargs -d\n megarm20:26
aFeijomegarm get no param20:27
quiltbitch@Ben64 that is the most ignorant thing said20:27
Ben64quiltbitch: how so20:27
quiltbitchBen64 what is my hard-drive fails? What will happen to all my local files, projects and research?20:27
quiltbitchwhat if*20:28
Ben64thats in your home directory, which you definitely should back up20:28
quiltbitchwell not everything is stored there. Some programs store things on root folder, and var folder20:29
quiltbitche.g. local web-server20:29
quiltbitchopt folder is used by android studio20:29
Ben64nothing should be stored in root only areas, except for sql databases, which should be backed up regularly as well20:29
Ben64and even though android studio is installed in /opt, your project files should still be in your home20:30
quiltbitchsome plugins for Android are not. And not very convinent to reconfigure everything in case something fails20:30
MrokiiHello. Not quite Ubuntu-related, but did anybody notice problems with Netflix not playing on Vivaldi anymore? It did work before and the widevine-component is still there, but not recognised anymore by Vivaldi.20:30
quiltbitchBen64 my biggest problem is GitLab which has a very weird permission model that doesn't allow anyone else apart from GIT user and ROOT group to acces the folders. Otherwise it doesn't work. Even if configured according to documentation still fails20:32
quiltbitchand it stores important files at /var/opt/20:32
Ben64use rsync as root?20:33
quiltbitchlast time I tried to set up rsync I had problems with encryption20:36
wiz420Hey Ben64 Thanks :D It worked running some small bashscript in crontab and starting twmnd with the WM instead20:36
quiltbitchwill try again and let you know20:36
Ben64!yay | wiz42020:37
ubottuwiz420: Glad you made it! :-)20:37
tomreyn!ot | Mrokii20:37
ubottuMrokii: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:37
ppfquiltbitch: use rsync as git, not root20:47
quiltbitchgood idea! thanks ppf20:48
ppfquiltbitch: gitlab also has their own backup functionality20:49
quiltbitchyeah I know its trash tho. Very buggy. There is known issues with it. Not sure when they will fix them20:50
ppfwhat issues are there20:50
ppfit just tar's all the data20:51
Scorpion2185can someone help me with the kernel? https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/466571/recompile-a-kernel-including-a-firmware20:51
quiltbitchso there are 2 ways to go about backing up on mounted hard-drive. One is to set up the default back-up location as that drive mount point or set it as the upload point. Both ways mess up due to permission issues problems20:51
ppfquiltbitch: that sounds like an issue on your end, and not in gitlab ;p20:52
quiltbitchppf ^20:53
quiltbitchthere is other problems that if you change anything from the default config it fails.20:54
quiltbitchdefault config in terms of backing up20:54
quiltbitchyou have to set it to manual mode20:54
quiltbitchits buggy20:55
quiltbitchbeen troubleshooting all day20:55
quiltbitchthere are maybe 5+ issues related to the similar problems20:55
ppfjust use the proper user20:56
ppfi wouldn't really consider that an issue20:57
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quiltbitchto back up outside of default from what I understand all parent folders need chmown git:root so your mount points are then not accessible by your main user20:58
quiltbitchI tried to modify user groups to add my main user, and git in the same group20:58
compdocdoes anyone know what the name or location of the picture used when booting Ubuntu, that shows the keyboard = human. On a fresh install I get a grayish screen instead, and have to wait for the countdown timer20:59
ppfthey don't belong to your 'main user' (whatever that is), they shouldn't be accesssible20:59
quiltbitchits a security issue, but still20:59
quiltbitchppf I have other hard-drives on the same mount point20:59
Scorpion2185can someone help me with the kernel? https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/466571/recompile-a-kernel-including-a-firmware20:59
quiltbitchthat I do my ordinary back-ups20:59
quiltbitchso they must be accessible20:59
ppfquiltbitch: what does that even mean20:59
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quiltbitchok so I have 1 hard drive, I want to backup my home directory and some system files that are important to me (Mainly gitlab)21:01
quiltbitchGitlab permissions require all root folders to have GIT user added to them21:01
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ppfgitlab files don't belong to 'you', so 'you' can't backup them21:02
quiltbitchif I do that, then my computer user doesn't have access to them. So I need to add my main user to the group of that folder21:02
quiltbitchmy computer user needs access to the same drive, not the gitlab backups21:02
ppfyou user has no buisiness with those files21:02
ppfyou have only one hard drive i hear21:02
quiltbitchyou are confused, I don't care about the back-up files from gitlab21:02
quiltbitchalso even if I had a second drive I won't waste 2TB of storage for 10GB of gitlab data21:03
ppfwhat's that got to do with this21:03
quiltbitchthe main problem is gitlab. So instead of trying to back up stuff from gitlab I tried to back up stuff from linux21:04
ppfno the problem isn't gitlab21:04
ppfthe problem is you're doing something weird21:04
quiltbitchwhat is it that is weird?21:05
ppfyou're trying to access data that doesn't belong to you21:05
quiltbitchyou are saying something that I never said. I don't want to access it. I want to back it up and let it be there21:05
ppfi'm starting to believe you're trolling me ;p21:06
quiltbitchI am not21:06
quiltbitchplease clarify21:06
ppfyou're accessing data that belongs to the user git21:07
ppfyour user has no business with those data21:07
quiltbitchMy user never accessed anything belonging to GIT21:08
quiltbitchroot did21:08
ppfyou were talking about your user21:08
Scorpion2185any guide for make config21:08
Scorpion2185*make menuconfig21:08
quiltbitchmy user needs to use the same drive to back-up as git21:08
ppfScorpion2185: maybe ##linux might be more able to help you21:08
Scorpion2185with 2 #?21:09
quiltbitchdifferent directories21:09
quiltbitchbut same drive and mount point21:09
ppfScorpion2185: i think so. if not, try with one :)21:09
Scorpion2185ppf: ok thanks21:09
ppfquiltbitch: you lost me again21:09
quiltbitchmy user, backs up documents like pictures etc into a directory inside a mounted drive. Gitlab needs to backup its stuff in the same drive but different directory. My user can't backup without permissions into that drive. Gitlab can't backup without full permissions over the entire drive21:11
ppfyeah no21:11
quiltbitchhow so21:12
ppfbtw ... a backup to the same drive is not a backup21:12
quiltbitchIt is an external drive21:12
quiltbitchnot the system drive I am talking about21:12
ppfbefore you said you have only one ... make up your mind please21:12
quiltbitchI have one external drive, and one OS drive21:12
ppfgit user can backup data to some place, your user can backup data to some place21:13
ppfthe two don't interfere21:13
quiltbitchyeah that's what would make sense21:13
akem__What is this icon inside the red square, what is it supposed to do: https://imgur.com/a/FqHaB8D21:13
quiltbitchbut gitlab needs full permission over the drive to back-up or crashes21:13
akem__I didn't have this some time ago, i tried to click it, i think nothing changed, but i had a pblm at logging last time when i pressed the 'o' key this icon popped up on screen too.21:13
ppfquiltbitch: nah21:13
quiltbitchhow so?21:13
ppfyou were making the claim21:14
tomreynakem__: might be a fingerprint reader? or a smartphnoe?21:15
Wild_Manakem__, that icon is suppose to lock the screen so it does not rotate if I remember correctly which I believe I do21:17
akem__tomreyn, i plugged my phone some time ago, but now it's unplugged, i never noticed this. I don't have any fingerprint reader.21:17
akem__Wild_Man, Ok thanks, i see, very strange, my laptop has no support for this, it just appear i don't know why.21:18
ppfquiltbitch: gitlab can backup itself to the drive if you configure it to21:18
ppfit obviously needs accesss to the target21:18
ppfyour use can backup its data to the drive if you configure it to21:18
ppfthe two are not related21:18
quiltbitchppf yeah I am trying to do that. I guess I will have to mess around with the right permissions until it works21:19
ppfpick one of the two things you want to do21:20
ppfif you run into a problem you can ask about it21:20
ppfbut you're mixing things up and that's not helping21:20
Wild_Manakem__, No need to worry about that icon unless your screen turns sideways, when 17.10 and 18.04 was in testing sometimes it was an issue even though my laptop did not really support it21:20
akem__Wild_Man, i had this bug few times, my screen was upside down, i have 17.10, i thought it was a GPU driver bug. I did a small script with xrandr so i didn't have to reboot...21:23
akem__Just one xrandr command in fact that reverse the screen.21:24
Wild_Manakem__, if you were able to get to that icon and clicked on it that should have locked the screen in the correct position, I also believe there was a work-round to do it but I would have to look that up ans since you are not having that issue I see no reason to do so21:25
Wild_Manakem__, use what works for you21:25
tomreynakem__: so this icon didnt show up here with android phone (niether connected for file /photo transfer nor for data tethering). i like Wild_Man's explanation there.21:27
akem__I connected my phone for data transfer yeah, but i didn't pay too much attention, i used to connect it before and i didn't have that icon. Anyway like Wild_Man said i will just forget it. It's like Ubuntu think my laptop is a tablet or something.21:29
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akem__Thanks Wild_Man, tomreyn.21:30
Wild_Manakem__, your welcome! That icon is always present on my laptop, desktop, it is part of 18.0421:31
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tomreynnot for me, Wild_Man21:31
Wild_Mantomreyn, not sure why21:32
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leonardusHow do I list the groups a specific user is in?22:54
striveleonardus: groups (user)22:55
strivee.g. groups leonardus22:55
leonardusthe sudoers file only seems to allow groups "admin" and "sudo", yet my user is in these groups and can still execute sudo: "ubuntu : ubuntu adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare"22:56
tubalHello. Any advice re creating a bootable thumb drive with persistence? I have searched and read online, but there are so many versions.22:56
leonardusnevermind that22:57
striveleonardus: heh22:57
tubalmkusb? Anyone endorse that?23:04
tomreyntubal: personally i just install ubuntu to a usb drive when i need this.23:17
tomreyn('that' = persistence on usb storage)23:18
tubaltomreyn: You mean without any kind of persistent settings, downloaded software?23:18
tomreyntubal: i create a full bootable ubuntu installation on a usb drive instead of an internal / fixed storage23:19
tomreynyou can just use this (with unlimited customization) like any other installation then, it's just slower than an internal drive23:20
tubaltomreyn: So you mean something otheer than the default you get when from using 'Startup Disk Creator'?23:21
tomreyntubal: yes. this is not how i'd do it, but this best describes the scenario: first you install a live / installer usb storage without persistence using startup disk or a similar tool. then you boot off that, insert another usb storage and install ubuntu to that.23:23
tubalAhh.. I can't do that just now -- only one USB device here.23:23
craigbass76Is there anything I'm missing? Trying to play a DVD, and I've installed libdvd-pkg (not sure if that gave me libdvdcss2, or if it was already there, but I've got that too) and still can't play a DVD.23:23
tomreyntubal: if you're into virtualization you can still do it, running the installer in a VM.23:24
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:24
bonhoefferi'm stuck -- unable to install python: https://gist.github.com/tbbooher/c57c4c415d49cb9e4e2cf2b9161b1c4323:25
tomreyncraigbass76: i hope what ubottu just said is still current, not really sure23:25
maicoddoes there exist a tool to backup/restore the part of GRUB on the MBR and following sectors ?23:25
tubaltomreyn: I see. THanks.23:25
craigbass76tomreyn, I tried on my friend's laptop yesterday, but don't know if I missed something. I'm trying tonight on my own laptop. I had no idea DVDs were such a pain -- I never watch them on a computer.23:26
craigbass76tomreyn, Aha... There's a menu button in vlc I didn't see yesterday. Phew. This is a home schooling DVD for his daughter, and I was helping them make the switch from Windows to Linux. That might have been the last issue...23:31
tomreyncraigbass76: i dont use them either, it's been years since i last used optical media. but i'm sure it's still possible,23:32
tomreynoh, good. :)23:32
tomreyni guess you can just rip it and then just store it on the HDD in case it'll be needed several times - assuming this is legal where you are (i think it is here, but not certain).23:33
craigbass76tomreyn, There was a site my own kids were going to, but they've somehow got a flash concoction that only works with Windows.23:34
craigbass76tomreyn, no, I didn't want to do anything illegal, just make them play23:34
tomreyncool, and i didnt mean to suggest you should ;)23:34
craigbass76Once I switched to Linux, I quit stealing software (dapper era)23:34
tomreynmaicod: i'm not aware of a specific utility for backing up the mbr. but you could do it using 'dd'23:38
jeremy31maicod, using Linux Mint?23:39
tomreynbonhoeffer: are these packages from archive.ubuntu.com?23:40
tomreyn!info python3.6-minimal bionic23:40
ubottupython3.6-minimal (source: python3.6): Minimal subset of the Python language (version 3.6). In component main, is important. Version 3.6.5-3 (bionic), package size 1393 kB, installed size 9305 kB23:41
tomreynbonhoeffer: i suggest to "apt purge python3.6-minimal", then try installing it again. if it suzcceeds, try installing python3-setuptools again.23:43
maicodthanks tomreyn and others23:56

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