
ahasenackwhat do you have in /var/log/mysql* ?00:00
tomreynwhen you last asked the same question in #ubuntu it was suggested you take a look at https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/problems-connecting.html00:00
supercoolI tried to find this file /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock and it doesn´t exist00:00
ahasenackthat's because the server isn't running00:00
supercoolI did create it and change permission but when I restart mysql it cleans up the file00:00
ahasenackit's not just a missing file, that's a unix socket00:01
ahasenackit's one way mysql clients can talk to the server00:01
ahasenackyour problem is before that00:01
supercooltomreyn: I had my irc client set to not receive channel massages I guess00:02
supercoolI was receiving some spam and I needed to set my client and I think I changes something wrong00:03
supercoolahasenack: I have error.log but nothing inportant on it and it won´t change in restart00:04
supercoolahasenack: if you think it can help I can paste it somewhere00:05
ahasenackwhat about "sudo systemctl status mysql"?00:05
tomreynsupercool: ok00:06
tomreynyou should probably post my.cnf and package information on the mysql server used, too00:06
supercoolahasenack: service mysql status == "* MySQL is stopped."00:07
ahasenacksupercool: there is usually more00:07
ahasenacksupercool: how about this00:07
ahasenacksudo systemctl start mysql00:07
ahasenacksudo systemctl status mysql00:07
ahasenackand paste /var/log/mysql/error.log00:07
supercoolahasenack: I don´t have systemctl here. Can I use service instead?00:08
ahasenacksupercool: what's your ubuntu release?00:09
supercool18.04 I think00:09
ahasenackthen you have systemctl00:09
supercoolHow do I find it?00:09
tomreyn"lsb_release -ds" reports your ubuntu version00:09
ahasenackwhich systemctl00:09
supercoolNo, I mean the ubuntu release00:10
tomreynsee one line above what you read last00:11
supercoolI don´t have lsb_release00:11
supercoolMaybe because I install it on a docker guest00:12
tomreyncat /etc/issue00:12
ahasenackand that might be related to your mysql problem00:12
* ahasenack -> bed00:13
ahasenackgood luck00:13
supercoolahasenack: thank you!00:13
supercoolUbuntu 18.04 LTS \n \l00:14
supercooltomreyn: thank you!00:14
tomreynso it's not fully up to date.00:14
tomreyninstall all pending updates, see if this helps00:15
supercoolbash: systemctl: command not found00:15
tomreynwell, your system is not properly installed00:15
tomreynhow did you install it?00:15
supercoolI used docker00:16
supercoolthe command was apt-get update00:17
supercoolI think I need a apt-get upgrade there00:17
supercoolDo you want to see the Dockerfile used to generate the image?00:18
tomreyn"i used docker" as a response to the question "how did you install [Ubuntu]" is like saying "i use a computer" in response to the question of how you installed your OS.00:18
supercooltomreyn: sorry, I don´t understand your question then.00:18
supercoolWhat do you want to know with how did you install it?00:19
tomreynwell docker is not only but mostly an einvironment where something can operate in. it doesn't explain how the stuff that operates in it is setup.00:19
tomreynokay, show the dockerfile00:20
supercoolDocker has a Ubuntu repository with a installer image. I did build a image of it on my computer00:20
tomreynwere there any errors when you built it?00:21
supercoolMan, sorry. Docker has a repository with the official Ubuntu-server image on it.00:21
supercoolYou just use it to remote install it on your computer.00:21
tomreynwhat you have there is not a proper 18.04 installation, i'm surprised it boots at all.00:21
supercoolI think it is a very basic install made just to boot00:22
supercoolThen you add apt as you wish00:22
supercoolThis is the idea00:22
tomreyncan you run "dpkg -l 'systemd*'" on this docker iinstance?00:23
supercoolyes, it is possible00:23
supercoolCould you point me a paste bin where I can put it to you please?00:24
tomreynokay, it should generate some output, tell me the lines which start with 'ii'00:24
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:24
supercoolHere we go: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4wfNJSxqzq/00:25
supercoolI don´t think that was useful at all00:25
tomreynokay, so that's ubuntu 18.04 without systemd. not a proper installation. i can't help you with this.00:26
supercoolI can install systemd if you wish00:26
tomreynthat's not the point. neither ubuntu desktop nor ubuntu server would look like this after installation. i do not know what this system is, but it is not something i am into, and so i cannot help you with it.00:27
tomreynyes, that's what it would normally look like00:28
tomreyni can help you install mysql on an ubuntu server installation, but that's not what you have there.00:28
tomreynmaybe it's ubuntu core or something, i have no experience with this.00:28
supercoolWell if there is any tool not present I can go installing it00:29
supercoolUntill we figure whats goin on00:29
tomreyni'm not going this route, this is just try and error, not knowing what you work with.00:29
tomreyna waste of time on your and my part00:30
supercoolDon´t fell afraid00:30
supercoolWe can do it00:31
tomreynthe only thing i'm afriad of is wasting more time on this. good luck!00:31
supercoolAlright. Thank you anyway tomreyn!00:32
tomreynwelcome. please be sure to point out that you're experimenting with docker early in the conversation next time.00:33
supercooltomreyn: Ok.00:36
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
cpaelzergood morning04:49
cpaelzerahasenack: 3:38 my time the importer completed the catch up04:54
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CarlenWhiteMSSQL is being really fickle tonight and I'm just considering just throwing it into a VM and never think about it again.05:12
CarlenWhiteReally hates ZFS with a burning passion.05:13
CarlenWhiteSo might as well bubblewrap it inside a VM and avoid that trouble.05:13
=== techmagus_ is now known as techmagus
lordievaderGood morning05:57
CarlenWhiteI was about to send an message mentioning that another server is going to have to handle requests for something and they might need to change settings. And then realized 'Oh I could just forward the port to the other server and no one has to do anything'07:00
CarlenWhiteYay for...laziness.07:00
CarlenWhiteOr something.07:00
=== SynchronE is now known as aleks_bogdanov
=== m1dnight_ is now known as m1dnight
twbdebian-security-support exists in ubuntu, but I'm pretty sure it's useless.  Is that right?  Is there an Ubuntu equivalent?  (I think it used to be called update-manager-core back in 2012)08:35
twbupdate-manager-core is already installed on this host, so I'll call that "good enough" for today.08:36
twbHrm, why does unattended-upgrades in Ubuntu 16.04 still default to only Debian origins?09:05
twbOrigins-Pattern "origin=Debian,codename=${distro_codename},label=Debian-Security";09:05
twbThat's what dpkg-configure says, but "apt-config dump" disagrees....09:06
TvL2386so how do you configure a dummy0 interface on ubuntu server 18.04 using netplan09:24
TvL2386not only configure, but create as well09:25
twbTvL2386: I'm not familiar with netplan.  Have you already tried the obvious - check /usr/share/doc/netplan, man netplan ?09:25
TvL2386It seems there's no such feature at the moment09:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1774203 in netplan "support for dummy interfaces" [Undecided,New]09:26
twbthe netplan I see in Debian seems to be for people doing finger(1) at MIT in 198709:26
TvL2386what do you mean twb?09:27
twbAhhh, http://bugs.debian.org/88266109:28
ubottuDebian bug 882661 in wnpp "ITP: nplan -- YAML-based network configuration tool" [Wishlist,Open]09:28
TvL2386I'm not really a fan of netplan09:28
twbcf. https://manpages.debian.org/netplan09:28
TvL2386oh lol :)09:29
twbGrr, manpages.ubuntu.com doesn't do TLS, and requires javascript or something09:29
twbHere we go: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/en/man8/netplan.8.html09:30
TvL2386so far my experience with netplan: pre/post hooks are not implemented and the workarounds are not working, bonding interfaces aren't removed when you remove them from your yaml file, dummy is not available09:30
twbOops that's still the silly one09:30
TvL2386is there a way to revert to /etc/network/interfaces?09:31
twbTvL2386: could you use some other implementation to get the same effect?09:31
twbI am normally a Debian weenie who happens to be fighting an Ubuntu server today, so I dunno09:31
TvL2386hehehe :)09:32
twbBut about 10 years ago, the important parts were "ifupdown" package and a udev rule to call net.agent09:32
twbAlso, systemd-networkd or network-manager can (partly) replace interfaces(5), so those might be options for you09:32
TvL2386It's just a bit frustrating that all these things worked perfectly in 16.04 and it seems like netplan isn't mature yet09:33
TvL2386yet /etc/network/interfaces is deprecated and not working anymore09:33
twbI 100% commiserate; I had similar grief with upstart in 10.0409:33
TvL2386yeah as per your bugs.debian link: netplan generates backend files in /run and hands it of the the network daemon. Which seems to be networkd on 18.0409:34
TvL2386so I gotta check if I can make my own persistent "backend files"09:35
twbTvL2386: if you run "networkctl" does it say unmanaged?09:35
TvL2386for this particular test I created a shell script to manually conffigure stuff via root cron using @reboot :)09:36
twbIf netplan is writing systemd-networkd config in /run, then the answer is simply that you can write your own systemd-networkd config in /etc/systemd/network09:36
twbI don't know if that supports dummyN but it's a place to start09:36
TvL2386it only says "unanaged" for interfaces not refered in my /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml09:37
TvL2386ha :)09:37
trippeh_it does09:37
TvL2386thx twb, that gives me some nice pointers to continue09:37
twbthe systemd index is "man systemd.directives"09:37
trippeh_man systemd.netdev and systemd.network should have all the relevant parts09:38
twbYou can also ask #systemd (must be registered nick).  If systemd actually supports what you want to do, they will help.  If systemd doesn't do it, they'll try to trick you.09:38
TvL2386nice, I see now what it does! My yaml config is used in /run/systemd/network/10-netplan-ens1f0.network09:39
TvL2386among other nics09:39
TvL2386hahaha twb09:39
TvL2386thx trippeh_09:39
TvL2386       │dummy     │ A dummy device drops all packets sent to it.       │09:40
TvL2386`man systemd.netdev`09:40
TvL2386       Table 1. Supported kinds of virtual network devices09:40
TvL2386long list :D09:40
twbwhat's the use case for that?09:40
TvL2386vxlan... nice :)09:40
twbas opposed to just rp_filter and blackhole routes?09:40
TvL2386well... if you wanna know: I am testing ECMP. Got a ubuntu 18.04 server which needs a loopback ip address (not ^127.*)09:41
TvL2386and I wanted to add it to a dummy nic09:41
twbip address add dev lo09:41
TvL2386yeah yeah...09:41
TvL2386I want dummy!09:41
twbfair enough, I'm just trying to understand why, for my own benefit09:42
TvL2386because I thought it was easy09:42
TvL2386and the "lo" interface is magically configured09:42
TvL2386it has, though no netplan config09:42
twbyeah I don't know where "ip address add dev lo brd +" would go in systemd-networkd09:43
twbthe only obvious difference is that if you did that you'd get back ICMP responses instead of just nothing09:43
TvL2386I get that line until the "brd +"09:43
TvL2386broadcast +?09:43
twbbrd + just  yep09:43
TvL2386what does that do?09:43
TvL2386hmmm... `grep -r /run` does not return any hits09:44
TvL2386probably somewhere else of course09:44
twbif you don't brd +, there's no broadcast address set.  Only matters if you're doing broadcasty things (e.g. mdns, I guess)09:45
twbThe other nice one is  "ip address add en0 peer"  if you're e.g. talking to a fresh router over a direct cable09:45
twb#netfilter can talk to you about that stuff if you care09:46
TvL2386man ip-address : interesting that "peer"09:47
twbit's a plain point-to-point so you don't need any /30 crap, like we did back in the dialup days09:47
TvL2386yeah it reminds me of pppoe09:47
TvL2386alrighty... back to dummy stuff09:48
TvL2386or finding out how I can add ip addresses to interface lo using netplan09:49
TvL2386without messing with the magical
twbTvL2386: I expect you just want to write something like printf '[Match]\nName=dummy0\n[Network]\nDHCP=yes\n' >/etc/systemd/network/fnord.network09:52
TvL2386curl https://transfer.sh/gkGih/dummy.network09:56
TvL2386something like that09:56
TvL2386just need to find out how to "start" it09:57
TvL2386did `systemctl daemon-reload`09:57
twbdoes daemon-reload work for networkd?09:57
twbI thought that only reloaded /etc/systemd/system09:58
TvL2386I have no idea09:58
TvL2386it was a reflex :)09:58
twbI would try restarting systemd-networkd and then look at networkctl09:58
twbor, read the manpage :-)09:58
TvL2386yeah reading at the moment09:59
twbI'm usually lazy and not in prod at that point so I just reboot the whole host10:03
TvL2386yeah same here... but I feel it's in my best interest to know how this works now that /etc/network/interfaces is deprecated10:05
TvL2386I made a dummy.netdev file that should generate the device10:06
TvL2386I made a dummy.network file that configures it10:06
TvL2386I'm looking for a way to reload networkd(?) so it "sees" this new configuration10:06
TvL2386systemctl restart systemd-networkd10:07
TvL2386yeah baby!10:08
TvL2386# networkctl list dummy010:08
TvL2386IDX LINK             TYPE               OPERATIONAL SETUP10:08
TvL2386 18 dummy0           ether              routable    configured10:08
TvL2386ip a s dummy0 # looks good to10:08
TvL2386step 2: apt-get purge netplan10:09
twbI did that to NM for the first like 4 years after it landed, because it routinely broke my *wired* connections on servers10:11
TvL2386I'm just wondering if there's a more graceful way to alter the running configuration without completely restarting systemd-networkd10:21
blackflowTvL2386: no need to purge (as that also removes some metapackages), just remove any config from /etc/netplan and it won't interfere.10:21
TvL2386true blackflow10:22
TvL2386The following packages will be REMOVED:10:22
TvL2386  netplan.io nplan ubuntu-minimal10:22
twbI assumed they wanted to remove it for the cathartic pleasure rather than any real need :-)10:22
blackflowwrt reconfiguring networkd without restarting, there's this (still open):  https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/665410:22
twblike when you get an old piece annoying of kit and smash it with a hammer10:23
blackflowyeah but ubuntu-minimal.... my OCD would ahve an issue with removing that :)10:23
TvL2386hehehe :)10:24
TvL2386I don't really care tbh10:24
TvL2386Don't get me wrong, I care about your OCD, just not about ubuntu-minimal :P10:24
blackflownetplan sounds nice on paper but in practice... I've hissed and barked at it here so it's not my intention to do that again. Gave it a chance and after several months no I still see no purpose of it. Yeah, centralized config regardless of backend, but in my experience any abstraction (and this is abstracion) is bound to either: a) do a half-assed job, or b) become extremely complex and thus10:26
blackflowbuggy, in order to satisfy all the functions of supported backends.10:27
blackflowcurrently netplan is in the stage a)  as it doesn't cover all the functions.10:27
TvL2386so `netplan apply` generates some .network files in /run/systemd/network and then restarts systemd-networkd10:31
TvL2386that ~3sec disruption I have on applying seems to be the same as when manually restarting systemd-networkd10:31
TvL2386I agree blackflow10:32
TvL2386that's how I experience it as well10:32
TvL2386why use netplan on ubuntu-18.04 if you can generate those .network files yourself. Have more control, less magic....10:33
TvL2386same reason why I don't use ufw...10:33
blackflowwhich btw is against systemd policy for generators, that are only supposed to generate unit files and symlinks.   and going against systemd policy is bound to introduce breakage in the future, as sd developers don't like to care about stuff they recommend against.10:33
TvL2386enough whining from my side though :)10:34
blackflowless is more. sometimes literally (via symlinks)   :)))10:34
jamespagecpaelzer: ok so whats the purpose of lcore and pmd threads in the context of dpdk?10:54
cpaelzerjamespage: cpus the threads will spin on11:10
cpaelzerPMD threads are the polling mode device drivers11:11
cpaelzeryou want those close to the device in numa systems11:11
cpaelzerlcore you can think of the management plane a bit11:12
cpaelzerlike allocation of memory, some extra tasks11:13
cpaelzeressentially all nonPMD work it does11:13
cpaelzermasks for those can be set, but you really really have to know your HW to do so correctly11:13
cpaelzer(cpu masks)11:13
cpaelzerTL;DR: lcore = DPDK-EAL-thread; pmd-thread = a thread of the poll mode drivers(s)11:14
cpaelzerjamespage: does that explain what you needed?11:14
jamespagecpaelzer: yes - I think the charm is not quite doing the right thing at the moment11:15
cpaelzerjamespage: I always liked the blog kevin wrote https://developers.redhat.com/blog/2017/06/28/ovs-dpdk-parameters-dealing-with-multi-numa/11:15
jamespagewe set a lcore mask based on the number of cores to allocate basedon the numa topoligy11:15
cpaelzermaybe that can help to get things straight11:15
ahasenackgood morning12:13
ahasenackcpaelzer: I think I finally got hit by the glibc pending migration. DEP8 dependencies aren't installing anymore :/12:13
cpaelzerahasenack: do you know how to resolce or should I show you in a quick session?12:14
ahasenackcpaelzer: this is in a bileto ticket for now12:14
cpaelzerI tihnk we had that - where you called the interface ugly12:15
ahasenackcpaelzer: is the solution that horrible url mangling? :)12:15
cpaelzerwell you can do the same in the bileto tests12:15
ahasenack"interface" is a compliment :)12:15
cpaelzerahasenack: yes12:15
ahasenackalles kaput12:15
ahasenacklocally I had to enable proposed (--apt-pocket=proposed)12:15
ahasenackat least then it worked12:15
cpaelzerahasenack: well that is much easier than selective unmasking then12:16
cpaelzeryou can to &all_proposed=1 (or it is a - instead of a _)12:16
ahasenackjust harder to show, in the context of a merge proposal12:16
ahasenackah, that12:16
ahasenackhm, there is no "retry" icon for sssd, just freeipa, why us that?12:17
ahasenackjust above12:18
cpaelzerfound it12:18
cpaelzerbecause always failed = ok12:19
ahasenackwell, that puts me in an odd situation12:19
cpaelzerand retry is only shown in case it is not ok12:19
ahasenacksince there were no dep8 tests before12:19
ahasenackI'm adding them for the first time12:19
cpaelzeronce they were successful once in the archive it will reset to expect that12:19
ahasenackand there is no way to tell bileto to use cosmic-proposed for the first run?12:19
cpaelzeryou might still be able to retrigger it12:20
ahasenack"target series" should include proposed12:20
ahasenackin the list, I mean12:20
cpaelzerI'm just nt sure it would pick up the updated result12:20
cpaelzerhmm, no you can't reset it ... :-/12:22
cpaelzer"You submitted an invalid request: Package sssd does not have any test results"12:22
ahasenackbileto has the chance to be so much more12:22
cpaelzeris testing locally ok?12:22
ahasenackI'm even testing a login12:22
ahasenackbut I want to add more12:22
ahasenackcpaelzer: https://git.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/+source/sssd/tree/debian/tests/all-ldap?h=sssd-dep8-tests12:23
cpaelzersmb: FYI iproute2 resolved12:26
smbcpaelzer, yay!12:27
cpaelzer3/5 is already a much better rate12:27
* cpaelzer feels bad to feel good about 3/5 success rate ?!12:27
cpaelzerxnox: I restarted dbus once more, that was the only one failing (timeouts, nothing critical)12:28
cyphermoxTvL2386: blackflow: because it's a) not magic, and b) not doing anything but writing unit files (with some small exceptions for NM+wpa, but hey) and c) some people don't know the whole syntax of systemd-networkd files, whether they should use a .network, .link, .netdev, or even a .rules file to do what they want to do.12:39
ahasenackcpaelzer: https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/+source/snapper/+git/snapper/+merge/354142 ubuntu/devel hasn't moved after the new debian/sid release was imported13:02
ahasenackcpaelzer: I guess it's a bug when dealing with sync'ed packages13:02
cpaelzerdidn't you file a bug last week?13:05
cpaelzerwhen it came up the first time13:05
cpaelzerjamespage: you might help me on an ambiguity as well13:12
cpaelzerI can separate bweteen OVS and ovsdb13:12
cpaelzerbut those two /lib/systemd/system/openvswitch-switch.service /lib/systemd/system/ovs-vswitchd.service13:12
cpaelzerit seems in the past I used the former but now have to use the latter13:13
jamespageI did some work for bionic to switch to a more native aapproach13:13
jamespagenow you have ovsdb-server and ovs-vswitchd which are both part of openvswitch-switch13:13
jamespageso restarting openvswitch-switch on old or new will dtrt13:13
jamespagecpaelzer: ^^13:14
cpaelzerthat explains what happened but now I'm back at my error13:14
cpaelzerjamespage: now knowing this let me try to re-catch my issue13:16
jamespagecoreycb: bah we have an upgrade issue on the nova-common/python-nova twiddles from queens to rocky13:22
cpaelzerahasenack: reading your MP update - should I sponsor snapper?13:25
cpaelzerit really LGTM13:25
ahasenackcpaelzer: yes please13:25
cpaelzerand I see you can't13:25
cpaelzerthought MOTU would be wih you already13:25
ahasenackI also tried it on my arm "box", worked just fine13:25
cpaelzerisn't that MOTU13:25
ahasenackeven though that one isn't armhf, it's armvl7 or something13:25
ahasenackI'm not motu :(13:25
ahasenackI'm.... andreas!13:25
cpaelzergrml, you should be all of that by now13:25
ahasenackI'm trying13:25
ahasenackthe dmb agenda is out of date13:25
ahasenackI just pinged ubuntu-devel about it13:25
cpaelzerwhatever it is, edit yourself in - maybe add a section "since below is out of date extra topics: -..."13:26
cpaelzerI was punted by being shy as well, it was out of date and when it was back three other topics got in front of me13:26
cpaelzerahasenack: as a verification - a0e4e65631d63fe4fcf6b5938b2dc649f5f2a00f ?13:27
ahasenacklet me check13:27
ahasenackhm, no13:27
ahasenacklet me see what is in lp13:27
ahasenackI might have pushed from my container13:28
cpaelzera0e4e65 is on your remote13:28
cpaelzerat least from my POV13:28
cpaelzerbut good that we check, let me know what you find13:29
coreycbjamespage: ok need a hand?13:29
ahasenackmine has debian/sid updated pointing at 0.5.6-2, the lp mp is against ubuntu/devel13:29
coreycbjamespage: was just trying to figure out the horizon build failure in cosmic13:29
ahasenackc'mon git pull13:30
* ahasenack waits13:30
coreycbjamespage: kind of odd LP doesn't show the build log13:30
jamespagecoreycb: some other failure hit retry13:30
coreycbjamespage: ok13:30
ahasenackcpaelzer: ah, I had updated dep3's last-update13:33
jamespagecoreycb: missing breaks/replaces13:33
coreycbjamespage: ah, that'll do it13:34
ahasenackwill fix and ping you13:34
raidghostWhen SYSTEM is running. Ethernet card is frozen, But the system still running. Connected to monitor with hdmi, ifup shows the card is up. lshw -c network shows the enp is correct. route -n shows the routes are okey. But why does the ethernet card then not respond?13:39
raidghostRunning 18.04 Server LTS13:39
coreycbjamespage: neutron did not get an update for python(3)-neutron -> neutron-common. think i should do that now and consolidate *.install into neutron-common.install?13:39
Ussatwhat do you mean the ethernet card is frozen ?13:40
UssatHow do you mean the ethernet card does not respond.13:40
raidghostUssat: It SUDDENTLY stop responding13:40
raidghostafter some days running13:41
UssatOK, assume I have no idea what youre talking about, responds HOW ? what do you expect....how is it not "responding"13:41
raidghostits a onboard ethernet card13:41
UssatLoose its IP ? can ping ? I am confused here13:42
raidghostI cant go on internet, cant access it localy on my network13:42
raidghostnot losen ip. i cant ping.13:42
raidghostit looks the same way as when it was suppose to work propperly13:42
raidghostexample: when i try to ping my gateway (Fibermodem) i get Destination host unreachable13:42
raidghostWhen i try to ping my server inside/outside the network i get the same message from my laptop connected to my network13:43
Ussatdo you still have a default route ?13:43
Ussatifconfig still shows IP etc ?13:44
Ussatthis is a laptop ?13:44
raidghostNo. its not a laptop. its a high tower desktop computer set as server13:45
Ussathmm...well, have a meeting in 10 mins need to go to....will be back in a hr...sorry13:46
raidghostits a MSI Z270 Gaming m3 (MS-7A62) mainboard13:46
ahasenackcpaelzer: a0e4e65631d63fe4fcf6b5938b2dc649f5f2a00f is correct, my local change is irrelevant13:58
cpaelzerok ahasenack14:02
cpaelzeralso the debdiff looks equal to the last MP I reviewed14:03
cpaelzerahasenack: uploaded14:04
jamespagecoreycb: ok but make sure you pull before you do - just uploaded a fix for the metadata/ssl/san/ipaddress cells v2 issue gnuoy has14:19
jamespagecpaelzer: bearing in mind you have to enable dpdk in later ovs versions, do we need to have a separate -dpdk package any longer?14:20
jamespageor can we just bake this into the standard binaries14:20
coreycbjamespage: ok14:20
cpaelzerjamespage: you wanted to keep it split to avoid regressions into "normal" OVS14:21
cpaelzerbut ack, given that we enable it it is much safer today14:21
jamespagecpaelzer: earlier versions enabled dpdk blindly14:21
cpaelzeryou might remove it in an early 19.04 upload maybe14:21
jamespagei.e. use the dpdk built binary, get the features14:22
jamespagecpaelzer: ack I think that's an idea14:22
jamespagecpaelzer: my only concern is whether it effects the CPU baseline for the binaries14:22
cpaelzerI can't promise that on the initial .so load there isn't a little bit14:23
cpaelzerbut you can test that then ina KVM with a very scarce cpu definition14:23
cpaelzerand we are two more years into ss3 being everywhere14:24
JeffFromOhHello. I have a question about the behavior of the 'shutdown' command on Ubuntu Server LTS 14.04.5. I am trying to schedule a shutdown for 12:01 am. When I schedule it, it indicates the system will be going down in XXX minutes, but then, it never returns to the command line. Which suggests to me that the scheduled shutdown is a foreground command, and if I close the putty window, the shutdown will be cancelled?14:30
JeffFromOhBy way of contrast, on OpenSuse Leap 15, if I do a schedule shutdown, I am immediately returned to the command line, and I can close the putty or terminal window, and the shutdown will not be cancelled.14:31
ahasenackI don't know about this difference, but I would schedule things with "at" instead14:32
JeffFromOhYeah, I know I can use 'at' - I've done that in the past because of this issue.14:32
JeffFromOhBut, why is the shutdown command on Ubuntu 14.04 so braindead?14:32
JeffFromOhOh well, I'll just use 'at' to schedule it14:32
JeffFromOhAnyhow, thank you for the confirmation that if I close the putty window, my scheduled shutdown would be cancelled.14:33
ahasenackJeffFromOh: check the suse manpage, maybe they have14:34
jamespagecoreycb: hmm - https://launchpadlibrarian.net/386788623/buildlog_ubuntu-cosmic-amd64.nova_2%3A18.0.0-0ubuntu3_BUILDING.txt.gz14:44
jamespagethat looks like one of the python 3.7 errors you hit - but its 2.714:45
coreycbjamespage: hmm and it just built ok on friday14:48
jamespagecoreycb: indeed!14:48
jamespageand it has in the auto-backport for the UCA14:49
* jamespage sihgs14:49
coreycbjamespage: i'd have to guess that's an intermittent error, though i don't recall seeing it with py2.714:53
blackflowcyphermox: it's actually doing more than just defining unit files, it's restarting systemd-networkd, which sd is not expecting to be done by generators. the fact "it works" is at the moment until SD changes interface/api/expectations because they don't recommend generators do that15:28
blackflowcyphermox: but c) could be applied to netplan too, as seen from all the "How do I" questions. ;)15:29
cyphermoxblackflow: "how do I" are inevitable, networking is complicated.15:29
cyphermoxblackflow: you're showing that you don't really know how netplan works15:29
cyphermoxthe generator certainly doesn't restart anything.15:30
coreycbjamespage: look ok to you? would like a +1 before landing this. https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server-dev/ubuntu/+source/neutron/commit/?id=bd8410aa46a3b2f1ede353125f0c43b82081867f15:31
blackflowcyphermox: I'm sorry, you're right, it doesn't restart networkd. it reloads udevd.15:32
blackflowcyphermox: and also SD expects generators to generate service unit files, not network config. so, there's a bit more of expectation violation at work, for now real benefit.15:34
blackflow*for no15:35
cyphermoxnetwork config is a unit.15:35
cyphermoxanyway, it's how it is15:36
cyphermoxthat's not going to change, because there is no other way to do what we do dynamically. My point is, nobody is forcing you to use netplan; your criticism is welcome, but better dealt with in the form of bug reports -- we do fix bugs all the time, just like in any other project15:37
ohms360howdy folks, got some infrastructure running ubuntu 18.04 server and running into some DNS troubles when i'm trying to resolve a CNAME record from my DNS servers. Wanted a quick sanity check in case I'm missing a certain record15:39
ohms360systemd-resolved returns this when I try to resolve this.example.tld (CNAME'd to thisArecord.example2.dlt) Sep 04 15:31:43 ws1 systemd-resolved[671]: Server returned error NXDOMAIN, mitigating potential DNS violation DVE-2018-0001, retrying transaction with reduced feature level UDP.15:39
ohms360nslookup of this.example.tld results in an NXDOMAIN15:39
ohms360these are obfuscated - so I'm after pointers for a sanity check here15:39
cyphermoxsounds like the config isn't really applied on your DNS server?15:41
cyphermoxohms360: you'd want to do tests first with something like dig and asking the server directly, before even going through systemd-resolved.15:42
ohms360well here's the thing - if I do a dig @dnsserver it will return the NXDOMAIN but has an answer section with the CNAME15:42
cyphermoxie. dig this.example.tld @servr.ip15:42
ohms360let me paste an output15:42
ohms360think I just spotted my weird behaviour15:44
blackflowcyphermox: well I wasn't looking for an argument, I was just discussing its usefulness (or lack thereof) with TvL2386.15:44
ohms360looks like somehow it's appending .example.tld onto the CNAME target15:44
blackflowohms360: you forgot an end dot? it'd be great if you could paste the real zone data15:45
ohms360i should probably read my dig outputs carefully before spamming IRC... thanks for the sanity check15:45
ohms360i'll paste it obfuscated - bear with me while i search/replace15:46
cyphermoxit does sound like a missing . at the end15:46
cyphermox(in the DNS server's config, mind you)15:46
ohms360 is what's in bind15:47
blackflowohms360: two completely different domains and subdomains?15:49
ohms360my answer section is looking as such: ;; ANSWER SECTION:15:49
ohms360source.example.tld. 2 IN     CNAME   cname.target.tld.example.tld.15:49
ohms360not quite sure how the example.tld. is getting appended15:50
blackflowappended to what?15:50
ohms360the answer should look like15:51
blackflowit's in your config right there, if that line is from the zone15:51
ohms360ANSWER SECTION:15:51
ohms360<ohms360> source.example.tld. 2 IN     CNAME   cname.target.tld15:51
blackflowyeah well... what's the ZONE file? please pastebin that. and if you _have_ to obfuscate, please do it consistently.15:51
blackflow5 second TTLs? also your answer has that 2 before IN ... 2 seconds? not defined in this zone. have you reloaded bind after zone change?15:55
JanClooks like you might be missing a dot in the end somewhere15:56
JanCor something like that15:56
cyphermoxJanC: nope. :)15:56
ohms360yes bind has been reloaded15:57
blackflowohms360: are you querying the correct server? are they syncing among themselves, there's 3 NS listed in the zone15:57
blackflowbecause your answer contains a 2 second TTL which is not in this zone, so whichever server responded, is not the one with this config.15:58
ohms360could that not be the destination TTL?15:58
blackflowcan you pastebin the whole response to dig?15:59
blackflowobfuscate if you have to... consistently.15:59
blackflowno, that's not destination TTL because it's part of the CNAME rr for source.example.tld.15:59
ohms360the real question is why would it be appending the example.tld to target.tld16:00
blackflowbecause that zone file is NOT the config for the server that is responding to your queries.16:00
blackflowso, please pastebin the output of dig too.16:00
blackflow(and the dig command you used, esp. @ part, so obfuscate consistently)16:00
blackflowohms360:   also.....   dig +multi region.example1.tld. SOA    and inspect the serial number, is it correct? matching the one in your pastebin, eg.  1532588522   ?16:03
kstenerudquestion about uvt-kvm: When I uvt-kvm ssh into a server I created on one machine, it works. When I try on a different server, I get permission denide (publickey). Is there a configuration I need to set to make it work?16:21
ohms360blackflow, yeah so the serials didn't match up which was strange, so as a test I just tried sql1-production instead and that's giving me the behaviour i desire now, so not sure if systemd-resolve on the clients was caching an old record despite the ttl being shorter or something?16:22
ohms360the original subdomain still has issues which is strange, and I didn't spot any conflicting A records16:22
blackflowohms360:  well, query the master NS, verify teh serial corresponds to the one in the zone. then query slaves and see if they see the adequate serial.16:26
blackflowohms360: and those TTLs are a bit too short. not every resolver will respect those.16:26
ohms360perhaps i applied with 2s at some point and this could be how that occurred16:27
blackflowand the serial will tell you which version of the zone file is being served.16:29
ahasenackkstenerud: did you create a salsa account yet?19:23
kstenerudahasenack: yes I've got one19:37
kstenerudIt looks like all they've done in the past is import from upstream19:39
ahasenackyou mean the logwatch package repo?19:39
ahasenackcan you tell if it matches what the package is atm?19:39
ahasenackchecking d/changelog, for example19:40
ahasenackto fetch a debian package, you can use "pull-debian-source <pkg>"19:40
kstenerudUbuntu us up to date with what's in debian (7.4.3+git20161207-2)19:41
kstenerudThe current bugs are from after that19:41
ahasenackI mean compare the git repo in salsa with the package that is in debian19:41
kstenerudyup it's the same19:42
ahasenackok, so at least it's in sync19:43
=== kstenerud is now known as kstenerud-lunch
=== kstenerud-lunch is now known as kstenerud
lamontIs it just me, or is virtualbox angry in the current bionic?20:28
ahasenackI haven't tried20:32
* dpb1 wonders why lamont is using virtualbox20:36
lamontdpb1: because of reasons20:37
lamontahasenack: if you're of a mind to try, just install virtualbox, and run it... it errors out in init for me.20:37
lamont% virtualbox20:38
lamontVirtualBox: Error -610 in supR3HardenedMainInitRuntime!20:38
lamontVirtualBox: dlopen("/usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxRT.so",) failed: <NULL>20:38
dpb1lamont: gluton for punishment still I see?20:38
lamontand then suggests that reinstalling virtualbox might help (doesn't, but thanks for pretending this is windows...)20:38
jerichowasahoax>using oracle software20:39
* ahasenack gets a nasty secure boot dialog20:39
ahasenacklamont: the service failed to start, I wonder if it's because of the kernel module20:40
ahasenack[25301.665651] Lockdown: Loading of unsigned modules is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.720:40
lamontahasenack: that's what everything says: due to kernel module version mismatch20:41
lamontahasenack: ah! ta20:41
ahasenackI can't reboot now I'm adraid20:41
lamontNo manual entry for kernel_lockdown20:41
ahasenackright :/20:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1767971 in linux (Ubuntu Bionic) "No such man page: kernel_lockdown.7" [Medium,Triaged]20:42
dpb1ahasenack: you bricked your box?20:42
ahasenackbut it told me I would have to type a password the next boot if I want this module loade20:42
lamontSep  4 12:41:13 tigernut kernel: [   78.991989] PKCS#7 signature not signed with a trusted key20:45
lamontahasenack: so... how do I turn that off, like an idiot?20:45
ahasenacklamont: secure boot is a bios setting20:46
ahasenackthat particular message is not what is blocking things, though20:46
dpb1you can also just boot into an unsigned kernel?20:46
ahasenackit's the lockdown one20:46
lamontgrep -i lockdown /var/log/kern.log shows nothing20:46
dpb1lamont: 18.04?20:46
ahasenacklamont: did you get a debconf dialog during the installation of virtualbox saying something along the lines that your machine is in secure boot mode20:47
lamontDescription:Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS20:47
ahasenackif not, then it's not what I hit here20:47
ahasenackyou should be good to go then. Is the module loaded?20:47
lamontahasenack: not that I recall20:47
lamontLoading new virtualbox-5.2.10 DKMS files...20:48
lamontBuilding for 4.15.0-33-generic20:48
lamontBuilding initial module for 4.15.0-33-generic20:48
lamontSecure Boot not enabled on this system.20:48
ahasenackok, looking good20:48
lamontI have this file: /lib/modules/4.15.0-33-generic/kernel/ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/vboxguest.ko20:48
lamontsudo modprobe vboxguest20:49
lamontmodprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'vboxguest': No such device20:49
lamont-tigernut 322 : sudo insmod /lib/modules/4.15.0-33-generic/kernel/ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/vboxsf.ko20:49
lamontinsmod: ERROR: could not insert module /lib/modules/4.15.0-33-generic/kernel/ubuntu/vbox/vboxsf/vboxsf.ko: Unknown symbol in module20:49
lamont-tigernut 323 : sudo insmod /lib/modules/4.15.0-33-generic/kernel/ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/vboxguest.ko20:49
lamontinsmod: ERROR: could not insert module /lib/modules/4.15.0-33-generic/kernel/ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/vboxguest.ko: No such device20:49
ahasenackI can't until I reboot20:50
ahasenack# modprobe vboxdrv20:50
ahasenackmodprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'vboxdrv': Required key not available20:50
lamontahasenack: oh well20:50
* lamont fires up a xenial vm to see if it likes him any more20:50
ahasenacklamont: you were trying this on a vm?20:50
ahasenackI don't know if virtualbox works in another vm20:50
michael2hi, I keep getting 404 when running aptitude install, does anyone know whats causes this?23:02
michael2e.g. Im getting output like:23:03
michael22% [Working]E: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/f/ffmpeg/libavcodec-ffmpeg56_2.8.14-0ubuntu0.16.04.1_i386.deb: 404  Not Found [IP: 80]23:03
lamontahasenack: virtualbox (at least with the image I'm using, requires vmx or equiv, so it throws a fit in a vm.)  OTOH, it works just fine up to that point (as in virtualbox launches) on both a current xenial and bionic machine.23:07
RoyKmichael2: tried apt update?23:08
RoyKor aptitude or apt-get23:09
lamontahasenack: or maybe it only tries to dlopen() after it determines that the flags are right... I haven't looked that far yet.23:10
michael2RoyK: will try that now (embarrassing I didn't thik of that already!)23:10
lamontahasenack: the vm comment 3 hours ago was the first time I tried it in a vm23:11
lamontbefore that was on my desktop23:11
* lamont really doesn't want to boot a livecd just to test current-bionic23:12
lamontbut that may be a thing23:12
sbeattiemichael2: aptitude update should fix it, as the version of ffmpg in xenial is now 7:2.8.15-0ubuntu0.16.04.123:14
michael2thanks. fundamentally I don't understand what the error actually _means_ - i.e. what is going on? so I know how to fix next time?23:15
michael2oh I thought the message was 404'ing against the IP address, heeh23:16
michael2hehe. but apt is actually saying "I can't find that package"23:16
michael2does that mean ubuntu package maintainers are uploading - then later removing packages from apt repo/server?23:17
lamontit means that packages are being superseded.23:18
michael2right, but if my - outdated - local index literally can't install a package, superceded or not - that tells me - its been completely removed from the archive?23:19
lamontthat's what happens when a package is superseded.  TBF, it gets a 24ish hour stay of execution, IIRC23:20
lamontthe maintainers aren't removing it, the archive management code is.23:20
tomreynthis version of the package you tried to install (due to your outdated local index) was removed server-side23:20
michael2why remove it? what not just append the new package - apt will automatically select the new one anyway23:21
lamontmichael2: if you really want that version, you can likely find it on launchpad in the full publishing history.23:21
lamontmichael2: if you don't remove it, then you lose mirrors23:21
lamontthe archive is already huge23:21
michael2lose mirrors?23:21
lamontpeople stop mirroring when you eat their disks23:22
michael2ah - you exceed the storage capacity of some ISP who is mirroring. ok that makes sense23:22
lamontas it sits, it's roughly a terabyte.23:22
michael2yeah people's appetite for software is insatiable - hehe23:25
lamontgenerally speaking, I expect that the stay of execution is around 12 hours, to let slow links finish their dist-upgrade download even when the archive is in heavy churn23:26
lamontahasenack: confirmed: it doesn't bother to call dlopen() in the vm, so basically nothing from that test.23:31
RoyKmichael2: you can use unattended-upgrades to automatically update (or upgrade) apt23:31
RoyKworks well23:31
michael2I dont trust that - ever since it broke a server - I only upgrade packages manually these days23:32
RoyKthen use it to automtically update apt23:32
RoyKnot upgrade23:32
RoyKI've been using that for some time on several machines - it works23:32
michael2ah gotcha23:32
RoyKdumb bot23:33
lamontmichael2: if you still want to do it manually, a daily cronjob that does an "apt-get update; apt-get -dy dist-upgrade" at least makes it so that you don't have to wait for all the debs to download.23:35
RoyKlamont: no reason to reinvent the wheel - unattended-upgrades works well23:35
michael2isn't there a systemd timer setup to already do that?23:36
lamontRoyK: Agreed. I use them on several machines.  If michael2 wants to stay in the dark ages, at least there are ways to reduce the pain.23:36
lamontmichael2: yeah, it's called "unattended upgrades"23:36
michael2I prefer to live in the 15th century - "the renaissance period"23:36
* lamont disappears for a while to boot a live cd and see if bionic.1 is hateful out of the box, or if his machien is special.23:37
* RoyK hands michael2 a sledgehammer to help him debug his laptop23:37
michael2RoyK: a pair of jumper cables should do it23:39
michael2systemctl list-timers tells me "apt-daily.service" is already installed - and runs every morinig 8am23:40
RoyKperhaps it needs to be configured?23:41
michael2configured? isn't invoking the service enough?23:42
RoyKdunno - google it23:43

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