
veeberswallyworld: so for mariadb (and probably mysql, maybe gitlab?) we're proposing the charm does this instead: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NBrGSTyMxy/ (re: cloud container status)01:19
wallyworldpretty much except the message is wrong01:20
veeberswallyworld: oh oops, got lazy. Yeah will update message too01:20
veebersheh 'got' lazy, more like remained lazt01:20
wallyworldbut yeah, i think that will work01:20
thumperwallyworld, veebers, kelvinliu__:
thumpernot sure what is causing that issue01:38
wallyworldthumper: the jenkins job needs to have a make arg ste to not do the dep thing twice01:42
kelvinliu_veebers, is it related with warning: unable to access '/home/ubuntu/.config/git/ignore': Permission denied01:42
kelvinliu_ ?01:42
wallyworldi fixed it last week but seems it got reverted01:42
thumperwallyworld: I think this is different isn't it?01:42
wallyworldit's running make build followed by make check01:43
wallyworldboth do the dep thing01:43
wallyworldonly the first one needs to01:43
wallyworldI previously added JUJU_SKIP_DEP=true along wit the VERBOSE=1 arg to malke01:44
* veebers looking01:49
veebersthumper, wallyworld, kelvinliu_ this rings a bell. I'm sure I put a fix in for this; let me double check (to do with "make lxd-setup" on an empty system)01:50
wallyworldveebers: i just edited the job01:50
wallyworldthe RUnUnitTests job itself01:50
veeberswallyworld: ack, what change?01:50
wallyworldthe same one i added last week01:51
veeberswallyworld: ah, you didn't add that to the yaml config so it'll survive a redeploy?01:51
wallyworldthe make check coommand needed that dded01:51
wallyworldthat i didn't know about01:51
wallyworldi edited several job yamls whichj looked similar but were not the same01:52
wallyworldso i didn't realise we had a template01:52
veeberswallyworld: all jenkins jobs are configured via jenkins job builder, no changes made via the web ui are guaranteed to last at all (any redploy will overwrite)01:53
veeberswallyworld: I see your change, I have that stuff open and setup, I'll make the change in the yaml now so it persists01:53
veeberswallyworld: FYI all RunUnittests-* job has been updated to skip deps on check01:59
anastasiamacwallyworld: do u have another min? i *think* i know what m seeing but m not sure i know the solution02:12
anastasiamacand m sure someone (probably u) have come up with solution02:12
anastasiamacmobile k?02:12
veeberssigh, my test error is because I said one thing out loud but typed the opposite02:20
wallyworldkelvinliu_: sadly, ebs volumes do not support ReadWriteMany, so the idea of sharing a single PV for each operator can't easily work02:29
kelvinliu_wallyworld, that's annoying!02:30
wallyworldyeah, back to square one02:30
kelvinliu_wallyworld, how about DaemonSet02:35
wallyworldnot sure, will have to look02:35
wallyworldveebers: btw, i just confirmed you can deploy an operator without storage so no idea why you had issues yesterday02:36
veeberswallyworld: ugh :-| I'll try again later, but it's not blocking me right now. Perhaps I'm doing something different/unexpected (doubt it though)02:36
wallyworldno rush02:37
wallyworldkelvinliu_: i think AWS EFS is worth looking at instead02:43
veeberswallyworld: you have a couple moments?03:31
veeberswallyworld: HO ok? would be quicker03:32
veeberssee you in standup03:32
veeberswallyworld: Pushed updates to https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/9081 for when you have a moment04:58
wallyworldok, almost done in meeting04:58
wallyworldveebers: there's still an outstanding todo item to not ignore getting container status05:15
veeberswallyworld: err, is that in state/unit.go? /me checks for todo05:16
wallyworldand also a blocvk of code to be deleted05:18
veeberswallyworld: I'm not following with that todo comment, something from your previous review?05:19
wallyworldyeah, there's comments that have not been addressed05:19
veeberswallyworld: oh wow, yeah I didn't see those comments until I went to the /files url, I just saw what was on the root page for the PR. taking a look now, sorry05:21
wallyworldno worries05:21
wallyworldveebers: sorry, a left a few more also05:22
veeberswallyworld: if I 'resolve conversation' do you get an email?05:24
wallyworldmaybe, but reviews emails are filtered so i may miss them sometimes05:25
veebersack, no I was hoping you wouldn't so I could tick them off without spamming you05:25
wallyworld:-) hence the fil;ter05:26
veeberswallyworld: should I add a SetCloudContainerStatus(...) and CloudContainerStatus() to Unit? Set.. instead of update ops, and CloudContainerStatus() so I can check the status (I take it TestCloudContainerStatus doesn't cover what you expected)05:30
wallyworldveebers: i think we have a SetAgentStatus already?05:31
veeberswallyworld: but that doesn't set the cloud container status?05:32
wallyworldsure, was just wanting to see what we had05:33
veebersah, aye05:33
wallyworldveebers: we have this func (u *UnitAgent) SetStatus05:36
wallyworldso we'd needsomething similar for cloud container i would think05:36
veeberswallyworld: ack, I can make that happen05:37
wallyworldveebers: there is a StatusSetting and StatusGetter interface which are used in places; that's why the status methods exist like that05:38
=== alephnull_ is now known as alephnull
stickupkidquestion: when we deploy, do we know before hand what the provider is in the deploy stage?10:14
stickupkidjam: you may know?10:14
jamstickupkid: we generally want to not couple what you can deploy with what the provider is, so we *might* but I would be hesitant to expose that.10:15
jamstickupkid: its Juju's job to abstract the provider, so the charms don't have to know about everywhere they might be deployed.10:16
stickupkidjam: I'm looking at the lxd profile stuff, with the idea of having a lxd profile for the charm, but I don't want to validate the profile if it's not hitting lxd10:17
stickupkidjam: my only option then is to validate when deploying via the agent (if that's the right terminology?)10:17
stickupkidjam: offically we want to validate early so we can tell users early on, but then to do so we break abstraction rules - which 100% agree with by the way10:18
jamstickupkid: lxd profile isn't about the lxd provider10:26
jamstickupkid: it is actually about "juju deploy charm --to lxd:1"10:26
jamstickupkid: so it applies to all providers10:26
stickupkidjam: quick HO?10:27
jamgive me a sec to make coffee, and sure10:27
jamstickupkid: I'm joining the guild ho now10:33
rick_h_manadart: heads up, had the call with the openstack folks last night and had more promising test results. The updates with the agent work was helpful with things post-reboot so <311:36
hmlanyone know why juju uses two version of charmrepo?14:14
stickupkidhml: I didn't have a look properly yesterday either, but that's one of my questions as well14:14
hmlstickupkid: it looks like by v3 and v4 are both being updated… and juju uses v2 and v3.  :-)14:15
hmlstickupkid: maybe we’re not using v2, just didn’t take it out of the deps?14:17
stickupkidhml: looks like it14:18
hmlstickupkid: i’m looking at removing it14:23
stickupkidhml: sounds good to me14:23
cory_furick_h_: Do you know if there's a way for a charm to determine what region it's running in, specifically on OpenStack?17:43
rick_h_cory_fu: not that I know of.17:44
cory_furick_h_: Though ideally in a cloud-agnostic way.  I know there's JUJU_AVAILABILITY_ZONE, but that's different from the region (though it might contain it, in some fashion)17:44
cory_furick_h_: Hrm.  That's annoying.  Why do we have JUJU_A_Z but not JUJU_REGION?17:44
rick_h_cory_fu: so I think that we want units to be able to make sure they're spread across the AZ in a region17:45
rick_h_cory_fu: but not sure on what the charm would do different based on a region since it's agnostic17:45
rick_h_cory_fu: and you can't deploy the same app across regions and have any logic around that17:45
rick_h_cory_fu: what are you trying to do?17:45
cory_furick_h_: This is specifically for the integrator charm, and one of the things that k8s needs from it is to know what region it's running in.17:47
cory_furick_h_: If it comes down to it, the integrator charm could query it from the OpenStack API, but that adds back in a lot of complexity that we had removed for other reasons17:49
rick_h_cory_fu: looking, is there a method to find it given the current info on the instance it's running on?17:49
rick_h_cory_fu: understand17:49
cory_furick_h_: I don't think OpenStack has something like the metadata service that most clouds support that would allow it to be queried easily, or else k8s wouldn't need us to provide it17:50
rick_h_cory_fu: I see17:50
rick_h_cory_fu: have you dumped out the env in the hook context?17:51
cory_fuYeah.  it's not there17:51
cory_furick_h_: Oh, I'm wrong: https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/user/metadata-service.html17:52
rick_h_cory_fu: k, yea I see some stuff with OS_REGION_NAME but it's on the client side for setting up your credentials17:53
rick_h_cory_fu: I'd be curious if there's any region related info in the credentials you get via trust17:53
rick_h_cory_fu: but it might be a list...still looking17:53
cory_furick_h_: There might be region info in the trust creds, but the charm also supports creds via config.  But you said on OpenStack there's actually an OS_REGION_NAME?  I could probably use that17:54
rick_h_cory_fu: so I see that showing up in the credential adding code such that if you have that env var set juju reads it in, does some detection, etc.17:54
rick_h_cory_fu: so it might end up as part of the creds data but possibly not all the time17:55
cory_furick_h_: But if it's in the env for Juju to pick up, then I could pick that up in the charm as well, presumably.  I don't have an OpenStack instance that I can test this on.   I should get that resolved so I can see what's on the actual system.17:56
rick_h_cory_fu: yea, I was just looking I had a bastion at one point but can't recall where I put the creds lol17:56
rick_h_cory_fu: have a sec for a hangout?17:59
cory_furick_h_: Sorry, chatting about this with David in another channel.  Might be resolved18:04
rick_h_cory_fu: k18:04
cory_fuIt sounds like OS_REGION_NAME is reliable18:04
rick_h_cory_fu: even if there's > 1 region?18:04
cory_furick_h_: Can an instance be in more than one region?18:05
rick_h_cory_fu: no, but there can be > 1 region in the openstack and so we'd have to find which region that instance is in?18:05
cory_furick_h_: Is this value getting accessed by Juju on the instance, or on the client?18:05
rick_h_cory_fu: because region is part of the credential data vs the juju instance18:05
rick_h_cory_fu: the client18:05
cory_fuOh, that's not useful.  I need it from the instance18:05
rick_h_cory_fu: right, that's what I'm saying18:05
rick_h_cory_fu: so if you get the credentials via trust and OS_REGION_NAME is singular you have the answer there, but if > 1 region there I'm not sure if there's another path18:06
rick_h_cory_fu: I guess that leads into the API calls you noted against the metadata service? Can you easily get the instance info you need to call that api?18:07
rick_h_cory_fu: I've got to run for few, biab18:08
cory_furick_h_: Ok.  The metadata service is easy to use, but I'm not sure if it includes the region.18:09
rick_h_hml: do you know if there's any secret way to get the OS region out from an instance that's running?18:37
hmlrick_h_: with juju or any tool?18:37
rick_h_hml: bonus points with Juju from the running instance, secondary points for any tool that the charm can be updated to leverage18:38
hmlrick_h_:  it could be that the controller region is all you’ll get.  i’m not sure there is a way to change the region once the controller is bootstrapped??18:50
rick_h_hml: no, but how would you get the controller region from within an instance in a charm?18:50
hmlrick_h_: the openstack commands apply to one Region - that you define in the environment variables or running the command18:50
hmlrick_h_: checking something18:53
hmlrick_h_: out of curiousity, why would a charm need to know?18:54
rick_h_hml: seems that the openstack integrator charm needs to know the region of the instance for something in k8s.18:54
rick_h_hml: I'm still wondering then if the info out of juju trust (the credentials) will be limited to the one region that the model is in or if it'll provide a list of an answer if there's > 1 region on the cloud.18:55
hmlrick_h_: i think it’d have to be… creds only allow for 1 region18:55
rick_h_hml: ok, I couldn't find a way to confirm that. In looking at the discoverregions code I saw it could get a list.18:56
hmlrick_h_: but i ‘m wrong18:56
hmlrick_h_: creds don’t include a region18:56
rick_h_hml: oh? is it the cloud that's reading the OS_REGION_NAME then?18:56
hmlrick_h_: yes18:57
rick_h_hml: gotcha, ugh18:57
hmlrick_h_: so far the only place i found it was in the bootstrap-params on the controller19:01
hmlbut any charm wouldn’t have access19:01
magicaltroutrick_h_: yolo19:32
rick_h_magicaltrout: doing dad stuff. What's up?19:34
magicaltroutdoesn't matter, just looking for some advice on the Openstack LXD conjure-up stuff19:37
rick_h_magicaltrout: how so?20:04
rick_h_magicaltrout: the nova-lxd stuff?20:05
magicaltroutsorry yeah rick_h_21:04
magicaltroutwhatever I do21:04
magicaltroutnova-compute moans about image not found21:04
babbageclunkthumper: have space for a review? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/916121:18
rick_h_magicaltrout: oh hmm. Yea not sure on that. Might have to get with the openstack folks.21:19
babbageclunkOoh, wallyworld, can I get a review? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/916122:13
wallyworldbabbageclunk: done22:30
babbageclunkwallyworld: awesome, thanks22:32
veeberswallyworld: I added a type UnitCloudContainer to cloudcontainer.go cribbing off UnitAgent (as per convo from last night), I didn't think adding State to cloudContainer would be ideal when it's only needed for status bits, not the provider/address/ports etc.23:49
veebersah shoot, the other car still has a dead battery. Being stuck at home sucks. /me puts it on charge23:51

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