
Caelumzyga: if you have a lot of stuff to do, I can probably figure out how to rip out the suse go macros00:02
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Doctor_Nickis there a way to override $SNAP_USER_COMMON? snapd seems to not like my glusterfs mounted home directory03:15
zygaGood morning04:31
zygaDoctor_Nick: hey, can you please tell me more04:31
zygaDo you have any issues with snaps?04:31
zygaNetwork file systems may need a special tweak for confinement04:32
zygaPlease share any issues you have and I’ll try to help04:33
zygaCaelum: I’m progressing and I should have alpha build soon (perhaps today)04:33
Caelumzyga: nice05:06
zygaSchool run05:09
zygaHey mborzecki05:22
zyga6 am wake up time today05:22
mborzeckiheh, 630 for me, preping kids to school took a bit longer than anticipated05:22
zygaI’m on the bus :P05:22
zygaMemories of commuting05:23
mborzeckioh, wow :)05:23
mborzeckiis the bus moving? :)05:23
zygaI’ll be operational soon05:23
zygaI sent some patches to my branch05:24
zygaRenamed Secure05:24
mborzeckithere were some stats regarding traffic jams across the eu, polish cities were in the top tier, iirc lodz was even higher than warsaw :/05:24
mborzeckigo version go1.11 linux/amd64, finally updated05:25
zygamborzecki: in Palamos the only traffic jam was in the alley next to the school when all the parents that drive to school were dropping their kids off05:44
zygamborzecki: on 9:0005:44
zygamborzecki: work starts 9:1505:44
zygathat's unfair, right? :)05:45
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
Doctor_Nickzyga: that's exactly it05:58
zygaDoctor_Nick: hey :-)05:59
zygaDoctor_Nick: can you please share 'dmesg | grep DENIED\05:59
zyga'dmesg | grep DENIED'05:59
zygaI suspect a small tweak will enroll another network filesystem to the extension we did for NFS05:59
Doctor_Nickit's not showing up06:01
Doctor_Nickcannot create user data directory: /users/nickz/snap/vapor-master/x1: Read-only file system06:01
Doctor_Nickthat's the error message that I'm getting06:01
zygawhat is your $HOME set to?06:01
Doctor_Nicki created a link from ~/snap to /stuff/snap, which is on the local disk06:02
zygaDoctor_Nick: symlinks won't cut it06:02
Doctor_Nicki see06:02
zygayou must create a bind mount from whatever your home directory is to /home/$LOGNAME06:02
zygaand /home/$LOGNAME/snap must be a directory or a bind mount there06:02
zygasorry, it's a bit complex and symlinks are not transparent to a certain layer06:03
zygaI can show you how to do that if you need to06:03
Doctor_Nickzyga: yeah, i'd appreciate that06:05
zygaDoctor_Nick: we can do a quick test first06:08
zygaDoctor_Nick: then we can make that happen automatically by editing /etc/fstab06:08
zygaDoctor_Nick: you will need root access, do you have that?06:08
Doctor_Nick"starbuck:/gv0 /users glusterfs defaults,_netdev,noauto,x-systemd.automount 0 006:10
zygaDoctor_Nick: excellent, do you have /home/$LOGNAME on your machine?06:10
Doctor_Nickyeah, I can create it06:10
zygaDoctor_Nick: please do06:10
zygaDoctor_Nick: then try this: sudo mount --rbind /users/$LOGNAME /home/$LOGNAME06:10
zygaDoctor_Nick: what does HOME expand to? is it /users/$LOGNAME?06:11
zygaI suspect you will need to switch that06:11
zygabut not sure actually06:11
zygaI'm curious why /users and not /home - are some users on this machine local and some remote?06:12
Doctor_Nickyes, that's it06:12
zygaonce you do that bind mount, please export HOME to the new value in a shell06:12
zygaand try running a snap from command line06:12
zyga(any simple snap)06:12
zygaDoctor_Nick: thanks, I wish we could support this better out of the box06:12
Doctor_Nickit's still using the default home location06:13
Doctor_Nickcannot create user data directory: /users/nickz/snap/vapor-master/x1: Read-only file system06:13
zygaDoctor_Nick: aha, it's probably reading your home directory location from /etc/fstab still06:14
zygaDoctor_Nick: can you change that for a quick experiment06:14
zygaand try again06:14
zyga(we can change it back if it fails)06:14
Doctor_Nickif I unmount this thing, my system is going to hardlock06:15
Doctor_Nicki've done this before06:15
Doctor_Nickthat's my whole fstab file06:16
Doctor_Nickthe setup doesn't jsut mount my home folder, it mounts all the network users who are logged in to /users06:17
zygaright but we don't need to change that06:18
zygaI meant your /etc/passwd (or appropriate, whatever holds your user entry)06:19
zygaon your local system we'd change /etc/fstab to have an extra bind mount06:19
zygafrom memory that would look like this:06:19
zyga /users/foo /home/foo none bind 0 006:19
Doctor_Nickhey, there it goes06:19
Doctor_Nickits working now06:20
zygaonce the /users vs /home issue is out of the way06:20
zygayou may run into another issue06:20
zygabut for that one we have a workaround that was made for NFS06:20
zygaand I can extend that to glusterfs easily06:20
Doctor_Nickzyga: isn't there away to just override SNAP_USER_COMMON/SNAP_COMMON?06:23
zygaDoctor_Nick: so it's not that easy06:29
zygait's not about changing it really06:29
zygafor instance /home is re-mapped inside the application container06:29
zygaand /users doesn't even exist there06:29
zygawe have a per-user mount namespace where we might be eventually able to do per-user $HOME remapping06:29
zygabut that's not ready yet06:30
zygathe apparmor needs to really really understand where _all_ home directories are06:30
Doctor_Nickah hah, ok06:30
zygaso even if we allow changing that easily it would not work out of the box06:30
zygaI think that really the only sane solution is doing the remapping internally in the per-snap, per-user mount namespace06:31
zygaand that's something I'm working towards enabling06:31
zygathen you can have any $HOME06:31
Doctor_Nickyeah, that's something we'd like06:31
zygabut at runtime for the snap it would show up as /home/$LOGNAME06:31
zygaand would really be your $HOME in practice06:31
zygaI'll make a note about this, it looks doable in a few weeks06:32
zygaI need to sort out prerequisites first06:32
zygaDoctor_Nick: try making the bind mount permanent by adding a line to /etc/fstab as I suggested06:32
zygaand reboot just in case to test that :)06:33
Doctor_Nickyeah, i'll give that a shot06:33
mvozyga: good morning! how are the tests looking today?06:33
zygathank you for sticking with snaps :)06:33
zygagood morning mvo06:33
zygaI pushed some things in the morning, let me look now06:33
zygalast night I saw failures to prepare opensuse06:34
zygasome archive skew, it was complaining about package hash06:34
Doctor_Nickyeah, we're using them to deploy our server packages06:34
zygathat's great :)06:35
zygaare you using private snaps?06:35
zygathat you build yourself06:35
zygaor are those public snaps?06:35
zygahey sil210006:36
Doctor_Nickprivate snaps06:36
zygaDoctor_Nick: that's awesome! thank you for sharing that06:36
zygamvo: my PR is progressing, no failures so far06:36
zygamvo: that's both prepare and execute failures06:36
zygaso fingers crossed :)06:36
Doctor_Nickwe understand that snapcraft.io is going to implement private github support sometime in the future06:38
zygaDoctor_Nick: I think so but I'm not the best person to ask abou tthat06:39
sil2100zyga: hey!06:40
* sil2100 is back from the dead more-or-less06:40
zygasil2100: are you okay?06:40
sil2100zyga: yeah, just fighting a flu this week, but I feel better today06:43
zygasil2100: honey and tea06:43
zyga(and rum :)06:43
mborzeckii'll be pushing a couple of fixes for go 1.11 in a minute06:50
zygamborzecki: thank you06:51
zygamborzecki: man, tumbleweed doesn't have go 1.11 yet06:52
mborzeckimvo: any chance of getting this to 2.35?06:52
zygamborzecki: I'd say: just propose a 2.35 PR06:52
mborzeckiwondering if we should run unit tests on arch, or just any other distro but with the latest go release06:55
zygamvo: my PR is green now, so maybe we're back to good06:55
zygamborzecki: +106:55
zygaI think06:55
zygamborzecki: can we do a pass over my PR06:58
zygamborzecki: I can take some parts and propose them and keep shrinking the main one06:58
zygamborzecki: we could identify some things that could land this way06:58
mborzeckizyga: give me half an hour and we can do HO then06:58
zygasure, thank you06:58
mborzeckidamn, gocode stopped working with go1.1107:00
zygagood morning pawel07:11
mvomborzecki: I'm looking at snap-failure right now, when it was triggered for your user, did that had any bad consequences07:28
mvomborzecki: going over the code it seems we want this to be available in classic as well eventually, once we use the snapd snap there its a nice mechanism to recover from bad snapds which will also work on classic07:28
zygamborzecki: Ill head home, I'll call you from there, it's too noisy here07:28
mborzeckizyga: ack07:30
mborzeckimvo: i'm not sure what systemd did there if OnFailure service failed too, meaning that snapd might have not been restarted at all, i can try it though07:32
mvomborzecki: oh, interessting, let me look at this07:32
mvomborzecki: it should handle this gracefully but it sounds like there is a bug07:32
mborzeckimvo: is it restarted?07:34
mvomborzecki: still looking, need to ensure I got the right version :)07:34
mborzeckihaha ack :)07:34
mvomborzecki: yes it did restart, snapd restarted, snap-failure exited cleanly07:36
mvomborzecki: would love to learn more if you saw something different07:37
mborzeckimvo: the problem the user had is that snap-failure was not shipped by the package, so snapd.failure.service exited with error07:37
mvomborzecki: aha, got it07:37
mvomborzecki: that makes sense07:37
mborzeckimvo: otoh, maybe then i should just ship snap-failure instead of dropping it, but there's no reexec on arch anyway, so chaces of snapd running from the snapd snap are rather low07:38
mvomborzecki: yeah, it will only do anything if there is a snapd snap availalbe07:41
* zyga waits for the bus to leave07:44
ogradbus ?07:44
zygaplbus :)07:45
mborzeckiztm :P07:45
zygamborzecki: I'm available but no rush, working on some stuff08:25
zygamborzecki: so when you feel like it just ping me08:25
mborzeckizyga: ok, just finishing a thing in snapstate08:26
zygasure :)08:26
mborzeckialmost there, left with 2 panics in api tests08:33
mborzeckibtw. we set "seeded": true in the tests, but seed-time is not set08:33
mvoChipaca: thank you for the review on the gcc thing and yeah the original version was bogus08:39
Chipacamvo: i think it worked but was frowned on08:39
mvoChipaca: yeah, it did actually, but go vet in 1.10 started complaining so it was not quite the right fix08:40
dot-tobiasHi everyone. Is there any way to put a symlink in my snap's readonly part (i.e. part directory) that points to the snaps /tmp directory? I guess $TMPDIR would point to the build system's tmp directory, and when I try to create a symlink in my install hook, it aborts with “read-only filesystem”.08:48
pedronismborzecki: well, very little code cares about seed-time sof ar08:49
mborzeckipedronis: heh noticed that,  i'll be opening a RFC with snapstate changes soon, will ping you and Chipaca :)08:50
niemeyerMorning all08:50
pedronisit was added recently to help with the hold logic08:50
niemeyerdot-tobias: That probably won't work.. you can try to make a symlink and pack it inside the snap itself, but I think the reviewing process will flag that as having symlinks pointing outside of the snap08:52
niemeyerdot-tobias: You can try it, though..08:52
pedronismborzecki: I'll will try to do reviews in the afternoon08:54
dot-tobiasniemeyer Thanks, that's what I feared …  My snap is not ready for review yet, but good to know that this would be an additional bump in the road. Root problem is that the framework I'm using for my snapped (web) app has a tmp directory hardcoded at app-root/tmp08:54
mborzeckipedronis: thanks08:57
niemeyerdot-tobias: Hmm08:59
niemeyerdot-tobias: There's a nice solution here:08:59
niemeyerdot-tobias: We have an experimental feature, which is soon leaving the experimental status behind, and allows you to control the mountpoints in more detail08:59
niemeyerdot-tobias: That means you could even have a tmpfs mounted on your read-only space08:59
niemeyerzyga: Do we have good docs for layouts already?09:01
zyganiemeyer: hey09:01
niemeyerdot-tobias: This is the discussion where you can find details of the syntax:09:01
niemeyerdot-tobias: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/layouts-re-mapping-snap-directories/1471/4509:01
zyganiemeyer: we only have the forum post for the layouts we had before; I didn't write anything more09:01
dot-tobiasniemeyer that sounds interesting. Thanks :-) Will look into it09:01
niemeyerdot-tobias: The experimental feature is already working on your snapd.. you just need to enable it with "snap set system experimental.layouts=true09:02
zyganiemeyer: but that page has some extensive discussion and examples that seem like a good starting point09:02
niemeyerzyga: We need a doc page for that09:02
zyga actually09:02
Chipacaniemeyer: when're we dropping the experimental flag on it?09:02
zygaI think we may have one, hold on09:02
niemeyerChipaca: I'm hoping very soon.. I haven't been hearing much about it lately, which is both good and bad09:03
zygano, we don't have one09:03
zygaI'll start it now09:03
dot-tobiasniemeyer: Does enabling experimental features have any impact on releasing my snap (e. g. only on beta/dev)?09:03
niemeyerdot-tobias: No.. you can release it.. it may get held back by review, but we can pass it if the feature is in a ready-enough state, which is definitely the case for layouts09:04
niemeyerdot-tobias: At installation time, the snap command will warn that this depends on an experimental feature, and won't proceed unless the system acks the support for the feature via the fla09:04
dot-tobiasniemeyer: Good to hear, thanks! Will try it out and give feedback here / in the forum thread.09:05
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
niemeyerdot-tobias: That's great, thank you. That's exactly the kind of info we need to get this feature out of experimental09:05
Chipacaniemeyer: should we make it so experimental features are always enabled on edge?09:06
zygaChipaca: oooh09:07
zygathat's neat :)09:07
Chipacawe could even get fancy and decide which ones get auto-enabled on beta/candidate/...stable09:07
Chipacamborzecki: it took me five re-reads to find the typo you fixed in #576409:11
Chipacakeep me away from writing stuff today09:11
Chipacaor maybe from proofreading stuff09:11
Chipacayeah, the latter09:11
mborzeckigccooo :)09:11
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
niemeyerChipaca: No, I think we should still ask the *environment* in which the snap is installed to acknowledge the fact they are using an experimental feature09:16
niemeyerChipaca: Part of the point of the flag is to tell people "hey, you are using something that can disappear altogether tomorrow"09:17
dot-tobiasniemeyer: Looks like I'm doing something wrong? snapcraft complains about the layout key in snapcraft.yaml – building with snapd 2.35 on ubuntu server 16.04.05 LTS, snap get system experimental returns experimental.layouts true. Using layout as a top-level construct as zyga documented in https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/layouts-re-mapping-snap-directories/1471/209:18
zygadot-tobias: hold on09:18
zygaI'm documeting this right now, I already covered that,09:18
zygaI'll share the page in a sec09:18
niemeyerdot-tobias: Not sure about what's the status of snapcraft in that regard.. it should already be accepting it, but apparnetly it isn't?  You can get away with that by putting the layouts map inside a "passthrough" map in snapcraft.. that tells it to ignore the syntax and just pass it on to snapd09:19
dot-tobiaszyga great, thanks! Brewing fresh coffee in the meantime :-)09:19
zyga*envy* :)09:19
niemeyerdot-tobias: The passthrough map is literally named "passthrough".. that's probably what zyga is about to document09:19
zygayes :)09:20
niemeyerzyga: Thanks for that09:20
zygadot-tobias: ok09:36
dot-tobiaszyga: Yes, back and trying out the layout feature with passthrough. Getting the same “cannot create writable mimic” error like https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/layouts-re-mapping-snap-directories/1471/64?u=tobias09:37
zygaone sec09:37
dot-tobiasBut I'm probably doing something wrong 😊09:37
zygaplease read that, I'll read the error you got09:43
zygadot-tobias: :)09:43
zyganiemeyer: ^ feedback welocme09:45
dot-tobiaszyga: Error was: “cannot update snap namespace: cannot create writable mimic over "/": permission denied / snap-update-ns failed with code 1” relevant snapcraft.yaml part: passthrough:09:45
dot-tobias  layout:09:45
dot-tobias    /mytmp:09:45
dot-tobias      symlink: $SNAP_DATA/rails_tmp09:45
zygadot-tobias: you cannot create a new top-level directory. I'll adjust the error so that it is clear09:46
zygaogra, pstolowski: IIRC you made some snaps with layouts, can you have a look at https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snap-layouts/7207 please?09:48
Chipacaniemeyer: I've replied to a few of your comments on #5514, if you could take a look you'd unblock me wholly09:50
niemeyerChipaca: NIce, thanks.. will be on it in a few mintues09:51
zygadot-tobias: I assume you don't really need a new directory called /mytmp and that you were just exploring09:51
niemeyerzyga: Thanks, will check09:51
pstolowskizyga: sure, gladly09:52
dot-tobiaszyga: Yes, “exploring” or “fumbling around” 😄 I actually need a directory in my snap's app directory that's writable09:52
zygadot-tobias: that should be doable :)09:52
ograzyga, an example for the symlink case would be nice ... otherwise it looks good09:53
zygaogra: +109:54
zygadot-tobias: please let me know if something about layouts is unclear from the documentation or if you are trying to achieve something and it is unclear if layouts help or how they could be used09:57
dot-tobiaszyga: First, thanks for the comprehensive writeup! Makes things much clearer. If I understand the “deeply nested paths” section correctly: If my app contains a folder “myfolder” and within that, I want to have a symlink named ”tmp” pointing to $SNAP_DATA/tmp … I would create a layout mapping “myfolder/tmp” with keyword `symlink` to $SNAP_DATA/tmp?09:58
zygadot-tobias: that limitation only applies to read-only spaces09:58
zygadot-tobias: inside $SNAP_DATA you can do anything09:58
zygaif you want a symlink $SNAP_DAT/tmp -> (whatever) you can just do that09:59
zygalayouts are not usually used to create things in $SNAP_DATA09:59
zyga(you can always do that in your application code or the configure hook)10:00
zygacan you give me a concrete exapmle please?10:00
ograhttps://github.com/ogra1/xdmcp-client/blob/master/snap/snapcraft.yaml is an example for symlink10:00
dot-tobiaszyga: It's the other way round: I need a symlink pointing from “tmp” in my app's root directory (which is read-only) to $SNAP_DATA/tmp, so that the app can write stuff at the expected path $app_root/tmp.10:01
zygathat's ok10:01
zygaso layout like:10:01
zyga$SNAP/tmp: symlink $SNAP_DATA/tmp10:01
zyga$SNAP/tmp: symlink: $SNAP_DATA/tmp10:01
zyganote that this will _not_ create $SNAP_DATA/tmp10:01
zygasymlink targets are NOT created by laytous10:02
zygayou can always use a bind mount for simplicitly10:02
zyga$SNAP/tmp: bind: $SNAP_DATA/tmp10:02
dot-tobiaszyga: Ah, that's the missing part. So I would create $SNAP_DATA/tmp in my install hook? Will explore bind mounts right now10:02
zygajust try the bind layout10:02
zygait's easier10:02
zygayou will not need a hook10:02
mborzeckizyga: ok, going through your PR now10:03
zygamborzecki: cool, wanna HO?10:03
mborzeckizyga: let me go through it first10:03
niemeyermup: you ok?10:08
niemeyerApparently the channel is still flagging off messages from unauthenticated people10:08
niemeyermup: now?10:09
mupniemeyer: I apologize. I'm a program with a limited vocabulary.10:09
dot-tobiaszyga: Would the mount be visible when ls -la /snap/my-snap/current/? (it does not, but I'm unsure if that's because of a faulty yaml definition or the bind is only visible within the running snap)10:10
zygaI love those discussions with mup :)10:10
zygadot-tobias: it's only visible from the running snap10:10
zygadot-tobias: to see it without any confinement, run your snap (say "foo") and then10:10
zygadot-tobias: sudo nsenter -m/run/snapd/ns/foo.mnt10:10
zygadot-tobias: you can always run "snap run --shell foo" but this will be fully confined and you won't be able to explore as freely10:11
dot-tobiaszyga: Ok, thanks. That clears things up for me, petty web-developer-turned-snapcrafter :-D10:12
Chipacaniemeyer: well, on signing in to freenode it still says “Due to the persistent ongoing spam, all new connections are being set +R (block messages from unidentified users) and will be scanned for vulnerabilities. This will not harm your computer, and vulnerable hosts will be notified.”10:17
niemeyerChipaca: I assume that's for private messages.. the channel has its own setting, which apparently isn't on for ours10:18
niemeyerMaybe they just forced it10:18
Chipacaniemeyer: yep, +R is about private messages10:19
Chipacaniemeyer: as opposed to channel mode +r10:19
niemeyerI'll need to improve mup to identify itself properly on reconnections10:19
niemeyerIt's reasonable anyway10:20
Chipaca /msg chanserv info #snappy10:20
Chipaca^ to see what modes #snappy  has10:20
mupPR snapd#5771 opened: selftest: add test to ensure selftest.checks is up-to-date  <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5771>10:21
Chipacabah, chanserv seems busted10:21
niemeyerYeah, seems off.. I'm assuming they just got tired of all spamming and forced it in code for every channel10:21
niemeyerzyga: Please ping degville about the doc as well.. he seems off right now10:22
=== jkridner|pd is now known as jkridner
zyganiemeyer: ack10:32
pstolowskizyga: the doc for layouts looks fine; question on the "new entries in the / directory" limitation - is this problematic to handle, or simply not implemented yet? i can imagine this could be interesting for some weird/proprietary software10:32
zygapstolowski: it's an architectual limitation, it's very hard to pull off and would require some action to happen before we pivot_root10:33
zygapstolowski: we _could_ do it with a new filesystem eventually10:33
zygabut not now10:33
zygapstolowski: we could also do it if we had snap-confine make / a tmpfs10:33
zygaand start with a bind mount farm based on the base snap10:34
pstolowskizyga: this doc reminded me i need to play with layouts in my problematic snap again10:34
zyga_that_ would not require a new filesystem10:34
zygapstolowski: thanks, please share more feedback as you get it :)10:34
zygapstolowski: and that is something new snap-confine could just do if we choose to implement it10:34
zygapstolowski: but I haven't seen any demands for that yet10:34
niemeyerChipaca: Commented on #5514.. I think you're fully unblocked now.. please ping otherwise10:38
mupPR #5514: daemon, overlord/state: warnings pipeline <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5514>10:38
Chipacaniemeyer: i replied to your first reply already :-D10:38
pstolowskizyga: ack, i see. indeed, i cannot think of any particular app needing it10:38
niemeyerChipaca: I need to type faster... :P10:38
Chipacaniemeyer: the problem with having warnings accumulate args is that now we need to think about expiring the args somehow10:39
Chipacaniemeyer: unless I key on the format, and forget older args10:40
Chipacathat'd work10:40
niemeyerChipaca: I actually had in mind keeping the exact logic you had10:40
Chipaca(if I keep older args, how are they presented to the user? etc)10:40
Chipacaniemeyer: so not worrying about dupes that much?10:40
niemeyerChipaca: It's just convenience so we don't need to Sprintf ourselves before cooking the message10:40
niemeyerChipaca: In practice, just Sprintf as first thing, and keep the rest10:41
niemeyerChipaca: (key is composed message)10:41
Chipacaniemeyer: AddWarning -> Warn, and Warnf would be Sprintf version, ok?10:42
mborzeckizyga: btw https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5760/files#diff-6cdce42a784f927f710f0f5241a8c68dR84 such an opportunity lost :)10:42
mupPR #5760: cmd/snap-update-ns: don't trespass on host filesystem in /etc and other places <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5760>10:42
niemeyerChipaca: We do want dupes when the message is indeed different.. e.g. two different broken snaps10:42
niemeyerChipaca: I'd just have Warnf for now10:42
zygamborzecki: ?10:42
Chipacaniemeyer: ok10:42
niemeyerChipaca: Warnf("usual message") would work fine.. only danger is embedding %s on the message10:43
* Chipaca nods10:43
Chipacathe f should have us remembering10:43
zygamborzecki: ass usual I was reasonable ;)10:43
Chipaca(problem with daemon error handlers was there was no f to remember that)10:43
Chipacaanyway, time for a quick break before a meeting10:44
Chipacaniemeyer: thanks!10:44
niemeyerChipaca: np!10:44
Chipacaniemeyer: actually, given Warnf(format, args...), i could be extra cautious and only sprintf if len(args) > 010:45
Chipacathat'll dtrt errytime10:46
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
mupPR snapd#5772 opened: image: fix incorrect error when using local bases <Simple> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5772>10:48
zygamvo: +110:53
mvozyga: thank you10:54
mvohrm, tests look unhappy10:55
zygamvo: what are you seeing?11:00
ograhmpf ...11:01
ograapparmor="DENIED" operation="dbus_method_call"  bus="session" path="/org/gnome/ScreenSaver" interface="org.gnome.ScreenSaver" member="SimulateUserActivity" mask="send" name="org.gnome.ScreenSaver" pid=5523 label="snap.qemu-virgil.qemu-virgil" peer_pid=3387 peer_label="unconfined"11:01
zygaopensuse is pretty unhappy11:01
zygabut for other reasons11:01
zygaogra: there's an interface that deals with screensavers, maybe a bug or extension?11:01
zygaI need to run to pick up my son from school11:02
ogra(screen-inhibit-control is connected ... yet i get this message every 10 sec)11:02
zygaogra: ah,11:02
ograi'll wait for jamie to get up11:03
zygaogra: I can look as well but walking to the bus stop now11:03
ogralooking at the intreface code i think the "path=" line for "# gnome, kde and cinnamon screensaver" is missing bits11:05
ograit has "path=/{,ScreenSaver}" while i think it should have "path=/{,org/freedesktop/,org/gnome/}ScreenSaver" like the API rule above11:06
mupPR core18#68 opened: Install rsyslog in core18 <Created by sil2100> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/68>11:11
mborzeckizyga: HO?11:20
zygaZa moment11:30
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
mborzeckioff to pick up the kids11:53
jdstrandzyga: note that snapd could manage apparmor via the home.d mechanism. 'snap set config home=...' or something is totally doable. it's snap-confine that is the real blocker11:54
jdstrandsnap set core home=.... whatever the syntax is ;)11:55
zygajdstrand: I think we could do it magically automatically soon12:01
ograjdstrand, did you see above ? seems i have issues with screensaver inhibit once again ...12:04
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
mupPR snapd#5773 opened: tests: avoid removing core snap on reset <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5773>12:32
zygaback from school & lunch12:36
zygachecking your feedback mborzecki :)12:36
dot-tobiasWhat's the best way to move all files of a part into a subdirectory (plugin: dump and source from git repo)? If I use organize: '*': subfolder/ like kyrofa did in https://github.com/nextcloud/nextcloud-snap/blob/master/snap/snapcraft.yaml#L140 , I get an infinite recursion as snapcraft copies the part's root folder to the subdirectory again12:37
dot-tobiasAnd feedback for zyga: After some trial and error, bind-ing write-enabled locations into my app works perfectly - huge thanks, will write up my experience with layouts in the thread later.12:39
zygadot-tobias: I don't know, I'm not very familiar with how organise works actually12:39
zygadot-tobias: woot, I'm glad I could help :)12:39
zygadot-tobias: I'm working on a blocker that will allow us to soon move layouts out of beta12:40
zygakyrofa: do you know the answer to dot-tobias' question?12:40
zygakyrofa: about organise12:40
ograi tend to use "plugin: nil" and an "override-build: |" with a simple "cp -av * SNAPCRAFT_PART_INSTALL" usually12:42
dot-tobiaszyga: Glad to hear that layouts might soon be stable! Would bring fresh coffee to Spain, but maybe buymeacoffee or similar is faster 😄 Thanks a lot in any case.12:45
zygadot-tobias: I'm no longer in Spain but I appreciate the gesture :)12:46
zyga(and I miss Spain:)12:46
dot-tobiasogra: Just tried that, gives the same error … RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded 😞 Retrying after a full snapcraft clean right now12:47
mupPR snapd#5772 closed: image: fix incorrect error when using local bases <Simple> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5772>12:48
dot-tobiaszyga: I should've looked up your Github profile12:48
dot-tobiaszyga: …'s location instead of your Twitter profile 😊 Anyway, subbed to your blog.12:49
zygaoh, I should update both12:49
zygathank you!12:49
zygadot-tobias: btw, I'm at new.zygoon.plk12:49
zygaI need to redirect from the old blog12:49
dot-tobiasogra: cleaning up and your plugin nil + cp -av + organize did the trick. Thanks!12:52
mupPR snapd#5769 closed: partition: remove unused runCommand <Simple> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5769>12:53
didrockshey popey! did you hear anything about the snapcraft docker image issue I mentioned on Monday? (I was hoping to see Sergio around, but seems he isn't)13:08
didrocks(CI on Yaru is still failing, and so, no theme update since Friday)13:08
ogradidrocks, there are a bunch of recent threads in the forum about snapcraft and docker builds13:10
didrocksogra: oh? I searched for docker and no recent result on first page (but browser search)13:11
didrocksI guess I found it: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/permission-denied-when-building-with-snapcore-snapcraft/718613:12
didrocksok, switching to stable docker image13:13
mupPR snapd#5774 opened: tests: introduce a helper for installing local snaps with --name <Parallel installs> <Simple> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5774>13:16
mborzeckizyga: ^^ something you requested13:17
zygamborzecki: thank you13:18
didrocksogra: thanks a lot! Switching to stable works: https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru/pull/78413:19
mupPR ubuntu/yaru#784: Use stable docker image <Created by didrocks> <https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru/pull/784>13:19
pstolowskiniemeyer:  i mean https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/563213:29
mupPR #5632: overlord: integrate device enumeration with udev monitor <Hotplug> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5632>13:29
onyb_fr7Hello. I am trying to create a snap for an electron app, that communicates with a Python server via HTTP (yes, I know it's weird). I therefore need my snap to have both Python and NodeJS runtimes. Does anyone know how to achieve this? This is where I am right now: http://paste.debian.net/plainh/46cb69b913:51
jdstrandogra: jeez, everyone accesses the api slightly differently. this is the issue: interface="org.gnome.ScreenSaver"13:58
jdstrandwe only allow interface=org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver13:59
* jdstrand adds to list13:59
ograjdstrand, yeah ... thats what i guessed13:59
ograi blame qemu :P its their call14:00
Chipacamborzecki: it's weird because go-8 doesn't choke on https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/vsqqK6RDPn/14:02
mborzeckiChipaca: using `info := &snap.Info{SideInfo: snap.SideInfo{RealName: "foo", Revision: snap.R(12)}}` works too14:17
mborzeckiChipaca: i have go1.10.3 gccgo (GCC) 8.2.1 20180831 linux/amd6414:17
Chipacamborzecki: yep14:18
Chipacamborzecki: but 'go-8 test' in snap/ still fails14:18
Chipacawith that error14:18
mupPR snapd#5775 opened: tests: also run unit/gccgo in 18.04 <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5775>14:18
Chipacamvo: mborzecki: ^ :-)14:18
mvoChipaca: neat14:19
mvoChipaca: ideally we also run on 16.0414:19
mvoChipaca: because that is what powerpc uses14:19
mborzeckiw8, it works there?14:19
mborzeckion 16.04 i mean14:19
Chipacamvo: we were running on 16.04, but 16.04 amd64 is go-614:19
Chipacamvo: go-8 is not available for amd64 16.0414:19
Chipacapowerpc using go-8 in 16.04 is weird :-)14:20
mvoChipaca: yeah, sorry, what I mean is we should run on both go-6 and go-814:20
Chipacamvo: ah. There is no go-8 for 16.04 amd64 afaik14:20
Chipacaunless there's some weird and wonderful magic to get it :-)14:20
Chipacamvo: if there is, super easy to fix this test to use both :-)14:22
mborzeckiat least you can have go and gccgo, in arch gccgo conflicts with go, you need to choose one :)14:22
Chipacamborzecki: mbuahaha14:23
Chipacamborzecki: sorry, i need to go get some biscuits to eat with this schadenfreude14:23
mborzeckiheh :)14:24
* zyga gets a haircut14:33
ChipacaHmmm. https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/FMmsYMwYs3/14:49
Chipacarunning the unit tests with go-8 is illuminating14:51
Chipacain the same sense that a bag over the head is14:51
kyrofazyga, darn, that was quite a while before I was awake, dot-tobias seems to be gone15:10
zygaNo worries15:13
zygaIf you explain I will learn and relay next time15:13
* cachio lunch15:18
kyrofaI needed to see the yaml I'm afraid15:23
zygakyrofa: sure, next time perhaps :)15:24
ijohnsonzyga: whenever you get a chance could you take a look at https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/using-snapctl-in-install-hook-to-disable-services/721415:27
zygaijohnson: sure15:27
ijohnsonThanks! The trick you told me about doesn't seem to work quite right :-/15:27
zygaright, I read your post15:28
zygapstolowski, Chipaca: I don't suppose you remember if we have a test where a install hook disables a service so that it doesn't auto-start on installation?15:28
pstolowskizyga: 99% sure we don't15:29
mvoChipaca: haha on the pastebin15:36
mupPR snapd#5764 closed: snap: use snap.SideInfo in test to fix build with gccgo <Simple> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5764>16:03
mvocachio: pr 5776 hopefully helps with the squid issues16:24
mupPR #5776: tests: port proxy test to use python tinyproxy <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5776>16:24
mupPR snapd#5776 opened: tests: port proxy test to use python tinyproxy <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5776>16:25
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
cachiomvo, great16:34
cachiomvo, thanks for that16:35
mupPR snapcraft#2231 closed: Release changelog for 2.43.1 <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2231>16:57
Saviqjdstrand: hey, so we've hit a snag with the wayland interface on core... /run/user/0 doesn't exist by default...17:48
jdstrandSaviq: yeah, something outside of snapd would ideally create that (eg, systemd), but it doesn't. this is why the wayland interface has this: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/interfaces/builtin/wayland.go#L6017:56
jdstrandSaviq: ie, the slot side is allowed to create it17:56
Saviqogra: ↑17:57
ograjdstrand, well, that doesnt work here17:58
jdstrandcan you elaborate?17:58
ograSep 05 14:09:51 localhost.localdomain kernel: audit: type=1400 audit(1536156591.188:26): apparmor="DENIED" operation="mkdir" profile="snap.chromium-mir-kiosk.chromium" name="/run/user/0/" pid=2279 comm="mkdir" requested_mask="c" denied_mask="c" fsuid=0 ouid=017:58
jdstrandthat's the plugs side17:58
jdstrandthis is in waylandPermanentSlotAppArmor17:59
jdstrandis chromium perhaps starting before wayland and trying to figure stuff out?17:59
Saviqyeah chromium should never try and mkdir that should it?18:00
jdstrandI mean, it shouldn't, that doesn't mean it doesn't18:00
ograit should be using the xwaland launcher from https://github.com/MirServer/xwayland-kiosk-helper/blob/wayland-updates/xwayland-preload/xwayland-kiosk-launch18:00
Saviqyeah https://github.com/gerboland/xwayland-kiosk-helper/blob/wayland-updates/xwayland-preload/xwayland-kiosk-launch#L4 is wrong18:01
jdstrandxwayland can create it18:01
Saviqxwayland sits in with chromium18:01
ograi tried to copy that for wmx-kiosk-session and get the same behaviour18:01
Saviqso it's only mir-kiosk that can18:01
ograright, XWayland lives in the client snap18:01
jdstrandwhatever 'slots: wayland' in the snap can do it18:02
Saviqyes, that18:02
ograok, then mir-kiosk must do it18:02
Saviqogra: and the new version does18:03
mupPR MirServer/mir-kiosk#9: Just use wayland interface, remove wayland-socket-dir content interface  <Created by gerboland> <https://github.com/MirServer/mir-kiosk/pull/9>18:03
Saviqogra: did you install mir-kiosk from edge/wayland-interface?18:03
ograjust from edge18:04
Saviq(I will remove mkdir from the wrapper, that's wrong)18:04
Saviqogra: oh yeah, then that doesn't have that18:04
Saviqjdstrand: ok thanks, that explains things :)18:04
ograi dont see a edge/wayland-interface in the channels/tracks list of snap info18:04
Saviqogra: branches are not displayed18:05
Saviqthat's why I mentioned the name explicitly18:05
Saviq→ #mir-server18:05
Saviqhmm are LP snap builders not allowed to access npm? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/386955486/buildlog_snap_ubuntu_xenial_armhf_electron-mir-kiosk-snap_BUILDING.txt.gz18:08
ogragiven they are also the backend for build.snapcraft.io builds they definitely should be able18:10
ograthough there might be special magic involved when they run via build.s.io ... cjwatson should know18:12
ograthe error is from npm itself though ...18:13
ograSaviq, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/build-fails-behind-proxy-on-build-snapcraft-io/6951 btw ...18:40
Chipacamvo: that pastebin would be hilarious, if it weren't consistent18:56
ChipacaI mean, woo it's consistent I can debug it, but otoh WTF GCCGO YOU HAD ONE JOB18:57
mvoChipaca: hehe18:57
mvoChipaca: yeah18:57
mvoChipaca: at least the snap/info.go should be fixed now :)18:57
mvohrm and opensuse is unhappy again18:58
mvooh well18:58
Chipacamvo: why weren't we running one spread per machine flavour?18:59
Chipacawas it that travis penalises that?18:59
Chipacait'd be nice to just retry suse if suse failed, for ex18:59
mvoChipaca: yeah, I think so. you get only a fixed number of slots iirc18:59
mvo+100 on that18:59
sergiusensChipaca, mvo: you can "retry" a build by use of the travis API and making use of environment variables to drive this; we have that setup for the store team to be able to run our store tests only before each deployment19:05
sergiusensmvo, Chipaca: slots are 5, and we share them among the org, but it is not really documented19:10
Saviqogra: thanks19:20
luvhi there ... im wondering sometimes I can see a package gets a security fix in ubuntu but a snap with that package as a dependency is apparently not rebuilt19:54
luvdo you guys plan to fix this?19:54
Chipacaluv: packagers get an email when that happens, fwiw20:04
Chipacaluv: alerting them to the issue, so they can plan a rebuild20:04
Chipacaluv: whether a rebuild is needed or not depends; sometimes the issue affects a part of a library that a program doesn't use, for example20:05
Chipacaluv: and that is up to the packager to determine, mostly20:05
luvi see, for example, vlc is using vulnerable ffmpeg20:27
luvok, seems it has been rebuilt two days ago :)20:28
luvi have found loads and loads effectively exploitable vulnerabilities in dependencies in flatpak, seems like snap taking care of the basic security much better20:30
luvoh and does fcitx work with snap?20:31
luvno, fcitx is not working (testing now in sublime text), that's really lame to be honest, making snap useless for some 2 billion people :)20:50
popeyluv: yeah, currently ibus works, fctix doesn't20:51
luvtho everyone uses fcitx for chinese20:52
luvand yes sublime text has the same vulnerability in deps as is in flatpak20:53
luvand the sandbox is useless20:53
luvand sublime is in the official snap store ... seems as bad as flatpak :(, but let me try the exploit first :)20:54
popeysublime isn't confined20:54
luvwhat about simple stuff like setting a bigger interface font? works only for gnome apps too (like in flatpak)?20:57
luvcool, looks like my exploit is not working in snap :)21:01
ExoUNXI'm trying to do nextcloud.enable-https custom21:01
ExoUNXand it's a huge pain21:01
ExoUNXit creates a live directory that links to letsencrypt/live21:02
ExoUNXwhich is fine, but it wont let specify example.com/cert.pem21:02
ExoUNXit just wants to do its own thing T_T21:02
luvhow can i see the snap deps to verify it has been fixed?21:03
luvtalking about this one https://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2017-14867/ btw - flatpak runtimes as used on flathub are still vulnerable; i see sublime-text in snap can't be attacked but git version in the snap is 2.11.0 ... i'd like to verify it's something like 2.11.0-ubuntu5 :)21:04
popeythe sublime-text snap doesn't contain git21:06
ExoUNXon top of that, apparently the config files are located in /var/snap/nextcloud/current/apache and I see nothing21:08
ExoUNXexcept for logs21:08
luvpopey: thanks ... so it comes from core or using git from my distro?21:10
popeylikely your distro21:10
luvi guess it's the debian stable git ... that's why i get 2.11 and not vulnerable21:10
luvwill play around more later21:11
popeyhave fun!21:11
popeyI love hearing about this stuff21:11
jdstrandroadmr: hi! not urgent, but can you pull r1125 whenever convenient?21:13
roadmrjdstrand: sure thing21:15
roadmrugh I'll probably need to wait for tomorrow to merge it, too close to EOD for me to do QA in time :/21:15
roadmrbut it'll be in the queue21:15
jdstrandroadmr: thanks, totally fine. enjoy your eod :)21:16
popeydiddledan: your mycroft snap is stuck in review. Might want to ping a store person tomorrow to unblock22:20
diddledanyeah, I think it was an automated rebuild - I've not pushed anything, but it does look like it's pulled a newer mycroft, so I'll have to test it a bit before releasing widely22:21
mupPR snapd#5777 opened: wrappers/services.go: don't start disabled services <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5777>22:29
mupPR snapd#5773 closed: tests: avoid removing core snap on reset <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5773>23:01
mupPR snapcraft#2243 opened: [WIP] plugin API: support command-chain <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2243>23:03
Doctor_Nickwhat does snapcraft use the build state for?23:51
Doctor_Nicki see installed packages, installed-snaps, node-packages, etc.23:51

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