
didrocksgood morning06:29
didrocksok, gnome-shell .92 is now a valid candidate, pomodoro went in and glibc is ok06:31
didrocksonly blocked by its extensions now:     * amd64: gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel, gnome-shell-extension-multi-monitors, gnome-shell-extension-taskbar06:32
dufluMorning didrocks06:32
didrockshey duflu06:33
didrocksnone of the 3 are updated in Debian though06:34
didrocksTrevinho: when you merged with debian with those Breaks, were you involved in getting them updated?06:34
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:00
dufluHi oSoMoN07:00
oSoMoNhey duflu07:00
didrockssalut oSoMoN07:13
oSoMoNsalut didrocks07:13
seb128lut oSoMoN didrocks07:19
seb128good morning desktopers07:19
seb128hey duflu07:19
dufluHello seb12807:19
oSoMoNsalut seb12807:20
didrockssalut seb12807:21
Nafallomorning guys :-)07:31
didrockshey Nafallo07:34
didrocks(btw, doing gdm3 and gnome-session)07:41
* didrocks still waits for anyone with debian upload rights to sponsor my mutter & gnome-shell branches (see scrollback from yesterday evening) so that we can sync mutter and I can push my gnome-shell merge07:42
seb128didrocks, speaking of those, the backlog was not clear, you mentioned salsa yesterday but you didn't push anything to it?07:44
seb128didrocks, https://salsa.debian.org/didrocks-guest has no recent activity07:45
didrocksseb128: I pushed them to launchpad, that's the link I referenced07:46
didrocksI can push them to salsa if people don't want just to pull/push07:47
didrocks(with with the finalize changelog commit that I needed for gnome-shell, having a merge is weird IMHO)07:47
seb128didrocks, well, it would increase the chance to avoid someone on the Debian side not knowing you did the work and redoing it07:48
seb128I mentioned it to jbicha yesterday, but he was busy updating the world and started arguing that you did push to Debian since you didn't push to salsa07:48
didrocksseb128: but if I propose a merge with the finalize commit that I needed to prepare the ubuntu branch, that's not giong to work07:49
seb128maybe L_aney can pick them up when he gets online07:49
seb128you mean?07:49
didrockswell, I needed to prepare ubuntu/master as well07:49
didrocksfor gnome-shell07:49
didrocksto test it07:49
seb128mutter is in sync, so if you did that one it should be no issue07:50
didrocksfor this, you git merge from debian07:50
didrocksbut if you do a merge instead of a pull/push, the history differs07:50
didrocks(a merge in salsa)07:50
seb128and gnome-shell I would expect the update to be done in debian, including changelog/tagging07:50
didrocksso, your "rebase" is lying07:50
seb128and then we merge on top?07:50
didrocksyeah, but it means, that I have to redo it a second time07:50
didrocksonce it's merged07:50
didrocksand I couldn't test on ubuntu without merging my WIP debian work07:51
seb128I see07:51
didrocksso, basically, we are doing twice the work, and adding delays07:51
didrocksthis is really not motivating07:52
seb128well, hopefully Laney can review/upload/commit that when he gets online in 10 min07:52
didrocksthat's why I just asked for a pull/push07:52
didrocksinstead of a merge07:52
didrocksyeah, let's see07:52
seb128you could probably ask that on salsa as well if you have a merge request07:52
seb128hopefully people would read and pull instead of just pressing the merge button :p07:52
seb128but yeah, let's wait for Laney07:52
didrocksyou think people are reading? I'm unsure ;)07:53
didrocksbut yeah, we could try next time07:53
didrocksanyway, let's see, if we can't pull/push, that means I have to redo the work07:53
didrocksand so, that the process is even more cumbersome07:53
willcookemorning gang08:00
dufluMorning willcooke08:01
duflusup Laney?08:02
didrockshey willcooke, Laney08:02
seb128hey willcooke Laney, how are you today?08:02
Laneywhat is the argument?08:03
didrocksI need someone to pull/push my branches for mutter/gnome-shell to salsa08:04
didrocksas I already prepared the gnome-shell branch for ubuntu, I would prefer a pull/push to not have to redo the work when remerging the debian package for ubuntu08:04
didrocks(so, the finalize commit for g-s is already in the branch)08:05
Laneysome complaints about whether the eventual commits in salsa end up different?08:06
Laneyin that case, what problem would another git merge be?08:06
didrocksit looks weird though via history08:06
didrocksyou say "based on <…>", and then, you remerge from debian with the same version08:06
Laneyright, based on proposed state in debian, that state changes, you merge in those additional changes08:07
LaneyI don't think that's a problem personally08:07
Laneyactually it seems like the right representation of the history08:07
didrockssounds like a hard to read history to me08:07
Laneyok, sorry but I don't want another git argument08:07
seb128oh git, we should write songs about it ;)08:09
didrocksLaney: still able to sponsor though?08:10
Laneycan look08:10
didrocksthe branches are on launchpad, I can push them on salsa if you prefer and copy paste what I wrote08:11
LaneyI am really clear in saying that there is no 'redo the work' in case I change anything or even merge the commits with a merge commit though, you simply merge an additional time and the history is correct in describing what happened08:12
Laneythis is what I advised andyrock to do actually when preparing updates on both sides08:12
* Laney takes a look08:12
Laneyactually let me finish gtk3 first, I started that one yesterday08:12
andyrockseb128: in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/1786344 what's simpliefied english?08:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1786344 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Default IBus input method ignored in live session" [High,In progress]08:16
andyrock*Simplified English08:16
andyrockmaybe he meant Simplified Chinese?08:17
seb128yes, I think he does08:17
seb128I put the chinese description in google translator08:17
seb128"18.10 Mirror (2018.8.7) Select Simplified Chinese to boot, unable to input Chinese. "08:17
seb128so yeah, translations error :)08:17
seb128and hey andyrock!08:17
andyrockhey :D08:18
andyrockI was also taking a look to gnome-screenshot 3.3008:18
andyrockdo we still need to carry out the patches for unity?08:18
seb128if we can it's nicer to the unity users08:19
seb128but it's too much work then we can argue it's not worth the effort08:19
seb128so depends how difficult it is to rebase those08:19
andyrockshould not be difficult08:19
seb128better to keep them then I would say08:19
andyrocknow I need to understand which chinese is the simpliefied in the boot menu08:20
seb128I don't think it matter08:22
seb128the problem is probably true on any locale that requires ibus08:22
seb128or I would guess that to be the case08:22
andyrockseb128: but I'm able to type Chinese selecting Intelligent Pinyin in a live08:24
andyrocklet me check how it works in Bionic08:24
seb128andyrock, well I think the bug is that you shouldn't to go select it, that should be the default08:24
seb128activated on login08:24
seb128andyrock, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/1786344/comments/10 has a bit more details08:26
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1786344 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Default IBus input method ignored in live session" [High,In progress]08:26
willcookejibel, do you vnc any desktop machines?08:50
willcookegnome shell specifcally08:50
* didrocks reboots with new gnome-session & gdm08:58
jibelwillcooke, I don't09:09
jibelwillcooke, why this question?09:09
willcookejibel, well...  when ever I try to VNC in to my 18.04 desktop which is running as a server, I just get a black screen.  It always "just worked" before 18.04.  I did some google and found similar problems, but no obvious solution yet09:11
willcookejibel, when you get a sec, and you  test?  Someone said it might be caused by the video drivers09:12
willcookeoh, I might be able to test on my other laptop09:12
willcookewhich is intel09:12
willcookeI'll do that09:12
didrockshum, various imports of upstream/laste and pristine-tar then doesn't match with our launchpad branch… :/09:13
didrockssome fusion conflicts even09:13
didrocksseb128: I wonder if that's not related to your merge in https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+git/gnome-session09:14
seb128didrocks, :-/09:14
seb128talk to Trevinho about it maybe?09:15
seb128afaik I just pushed what he had submitted09:15
didrocksyeah, but I guess the issue is that we imported the same version than debian09:15
didrocksbut then moved forward09:15
didrocksbefore reimported09:15
didrocksso both sides have new commits (with different version), and so, different content09:15
seb128we did the update in Debian first09:15
didrocksand git can't know which side to pick09:15
seb128then merges09:15
seb128but maybe Trevinho had both side ready at the same time09:16
seb128and it got merged using the salsa web ui or something in debian and that created divergence09:16
seb128I don't remember now09:16
willcookejibel, yeah works fine on this other machine.  So I think it could be nouveau09:16
didrockscould be, anyway, this is a real pb we can get (even if it's maybe a different one this time) ^09:16
seb128the handle of those branches is a bit tricky09:17
didrocksI'm going to do a merge --this (or whatever the syntax is) to say to prefer the current version09:17
seb128unsure at this point how we could improve that though09:17
didrocksit wasn't done for having different distros using the same branch IMHO09:17
didrocksbut we can't switch in and out09:18
willcookejibel, correction - it's Radeon09:18
willcookejibel, which rather scuppers my plans to try a different driver09:19
dufluwillcooke, are you using gnome-shell's native remote desktop or a legacy VNC server? If the latter then it probably won't work in (X)Wayland sessions, and will show all black09:23
dufluBecause no external VNC server can read/see the desktop in Wayland, probably09:25
willcookeduflu, I tried both09:26
willcookeand I'm using the X session09:26
willcookeI now think that it's not "a black screen"09:26
dufluVery dark grey?09:26
willcookeI ran xev and moved the mouse around on the whole screen and xev saw nothing at all09:27
willcookeduflu, lol09:27
willcookeI might have to get a screen out of the loft and plug it in, maybe there is something on the screen like "do you want to allow...."09:27
dufluActually I don't even know if gnome-shell's native remote desktop support is finished/enabled/built yet09:29
dufluWhen I build mutter myself it always says "no"09:29
willcookeIt works using the built in one on my intel based laptop09:29
dufluCool. I am probably just missing build-deps09:30
jameshdoes VNC send mouse movement when no buttons are pressed?  It's been ages since I've looked at the protocol09:30
willcookejamesh, erm, yes I think so, but I will confirm09:30
willcookewell, I can see the mouse moving around on the laptop when I move it via vnc, so I would assume yes09:31
jameshthat'd be client related rather than server related, either way09:31
willcookeah right09:32
dufluI doubt it. The client would be able to detect any local errors. The client can't detect the difference between a server that's meant to be reporting a black screen and one that's not09:32
Trevinhodidrocks: mhmh... Normally to avoid this I always made sure debian side merged through same thing then merging with Ubuntu... But it's possible that some diversion happens and it's why I wanted some time ago wanted to discuss how to handle it09:37
didrocksTrevinho: yeah, it's an annoying thing we didn't anticipate09:38
didrocksTrevinho: btw, did you see my questions about the 3 extensions, were there any coordination (apart from the bug filing) in debian side to update the extensions?09:38
didrocksas right now, .92 is stuck in proposed due to this (breaks: other-extensions)09:39
didrocks(pomodoro is synced btw, and the autopkgtest works)09:39
Trevinhodidrocks: nope, I didn't do anything on extensions... Maybe I should had 😢09:53
TrevinhoAnd that problem... I did anticipate but I was blamed for trying to handle the problems before they were a reality09:54
didrockshum, I hope that those 3 upstreams we are blocked on released patches09:54
didrocksbut we need to package it, and it's in sync in debian09:54
didrockswould be quicker for someone to do it directly in Debian and upload09:54
didrocksrather than diverging (or waiting for Debian to review the patches, waiting with gnome-shell blocked in -proposed meanwhile…)09:55
Laneyit would be an option to kick them out to proposed10:08
Laneyhmm, I can't type compose characters into my terminal10:35
Laneythis is a problem for certain of my passphrases that I need to be able to type to upload /o\10:35
Laneyok, I can paste them, but still ;_;10:36
Laneydidrocks: I think they wanted 3.30 to go to unstable, so do you want to update the branch for that or should I do it?10:37
* Laney has done mutter already10:37
Laneybut not gnome-shell (yet)10:38
TrevinhoLaney: didier had https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+git/gnome-shell/ but from what I see there was no patches refresh yet, or did I miss the commit?10:56
Laneyprobably no updates were needed10:57
Laneythose are the best kind of updates10:57
LaneyI'll just get to work on merging exp into master for debian10:58
Laneyhttps://git.launchpad.net/~laney/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell <- that's ubuntu/master with the new debian/master merged in11:16
Laneyonly difference is the commit I made to update references to exp branch & watch file11:17
xnoxjibel, what are the rules around utah? whoever spots a bug, gets to fix it?11:19
xnoxi see this change: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~utah/utah/dev/revision/112611:20
xnoxhowever in https://platform-qa-jenkins.ubuntu.com/view/Desktop/job/ubuntu-cosmic-desktop-amd64-smoke-default/88/console11:20
xnoxI see11:20
xnoxUTAH exception: initrd file does have have gz or lz extension: /var/lib/utah/vm/utah_vm_G1kh05lzIYOIe4qu/tmpf2NIif/initrd11:20
xnoxi wonder if UTAH is getting confused by are multi-initrd which has initrd, intel microcode, and amd microcode archives.11:21
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
didrocksLaney: sounds good, thanks!12:08
didrocksTrevinho: yeah, no patch refresh needed12:08
jibelxnox, this one is fixed but there is another issue where the image fails to reboot after installation12:14
jibelxnox, heber is on it12:14
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
Trevinhodidrocks: ah, ok... as I thought something went in, but I guess it's post .30 then12:41
Trevinhodidrocks:  can you merge this in the mean time https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+git/gnome-shell/+merge/354321?12:42
TrevinhoI don't want to do the release now though, just leave unreleased as I prefer to wait 3.28.412:42
Trevinhoor maybe we can do  an upload just with the search fixes? seb128 mentioned that, but if we go with an official point release is quite easy to verify anyway12:43
didrocksTrevinho: well, we need first to be released to cosmic12:48
didrocksyour patch*12:49
Trevinhodidrocks: yeah, sure but for the VCS we can still merge, then in case we change there, I mentioned just not to do back and froth with branches around, but as you prefer12:49
didrocksTrevinho: sure, I meant, in case you want to release it12:49
Trevinhosure sure... Although seb mentioned sometimes that is fine when a things i "on the way for sure", but I'm not rushing on releasing12:50
didrocksI guess there is no urgency, let me just merge it12:50
Trevinhoexactly no urgency... just prefer not to loose track of things12:51
TrevinhoI'm preparing other components too, while for calculator I'm also updating to .212:51
didrocksTrevinho: done12:51
Laneydidrocks: do you want me to upload gnome-shell?13:17
Trevinhodidrocks: for gnome-calculator, the SRU can I merge on debian 3.28.2-1 first (no feature changes https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/T3wQfD7wnf/) and then apply that patch or I should just merge with updated upstream and do the versioning side alone? As since debian didn't really change anything I guess i can proceed this way, no?13:17
didrocksLaney: to debian? Please do, I can handle the mutter sync + gnome-shell upload to cosmic13:17
didrocksTrevinho: agreed, if the diff are minor and fix issues, I see no reason to separate your fix and the maintenance release upload13:18
Laneydidrocks: no, to cosmic, since I re-merged, but feel free to handle13:19
Laneyunstable is done done done13:19
Trevinhodidrocks:  need to do the classic merged with debian line though, right?13:20
didrocksLaney: oh, feel free to upload if you prefer13:20
didrocksI have no strong opinion :)13:20
didrocksTrevinho: unsure what is the classic merged? ;)13:21
Trevinhoremaining changes...13:21
didrocksTrevinho: depends on the release team, they don't really like extra diff not fixing bugs, but if you can convince them…13:22
Laneyshould probably wait for the accepted emails from dak13:22
didrocksLaney: still unsure, you are handling it? (I'm fine with that, you did the commits on top…)13:23
didrocksok yaru snap "fixed" ;)13:23
didrocksthx ;)13:23
didrocksnext upstream release -> I'll sync a cosmic upload before UIF13:23
Laneyautopkgtest for autopilot-gtk/1.4+15.10.20150826-0ubuntu1: amd64: Regression ♻ , arm64: Regression ♻ , armhf: Regression ♻ , i386: Regression ♻ , ppc64el: Regression ♻ , s390x: Regression ♻13:24
didrocksflaky tests for sure and you just got unlucky :p13:26
didrocks(or should play to $$$ game)13:26
Laneyreally unlucky!13:27
didrocks0, 1… it's quite close still!13:28
Laneystill stuck behind glibc anyway13:28
didrocksare you sure? gnome-shell doesn't show it being stuck anymore by it13:28
Laneyoh no glib2.013:29
didrocksah ;)13:29
Laneybut I didn't sync that so I'm not feeling too responsible for getting that to go in right now :-)13:29
didrockswdyt we should do for gnome-shell?13:30
didrocks(regarding extensions)13:30
Laneykill them to cosmic-proposed13:30
didrocksit means that if we didn't look at it, there are some chances that dashtopanel and other aren't installable13:31
Laneythey won't be in the release, that's right13:31
Laneysame as what'll happen in debian13:31
didrocks(I don't know if people are using the extension websites or packages)13:31
didrocksoh, debian may remove them?13:31
Laneythey'll be auto removed from testing13:31
Laneysee the note there13:31
didrocksok, so removing them in the release pocket (and not -proposed), yeah mean?13:32
Laneythere's a script demote-to-proposed or something13:32
didrocksnot in ~ubuntu-archive13:32
Laneywhich copies to cosmic-proposed and delete from release13:32
Laneyit's in lp:ubuntu-archive-tools13:33
didrocksoh, I didn't add it to my $PATH one this laptop…13:33
* didrocks fixes13:33
Laneyshould block them in proposed-migration too otherwise they might get copied straight back13:33
didrocksok, I'll do that, makes sense13:33
* Laney does13:33
didrocksoh right ;)13:33
Laneynow it should pick copying gnome-shell rather than the extensions13:36
didrocksok, I'm running demote-to-proposed now13:36
LaneyI'll push gnome-shell to git, will upload once the new one moves over13:37
didrocksand done! yeah, sounds good to wait for the new one moving now13:37
didrocksthx Laney13:37
Trevinhodidrocks: spotted another small thing https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu/+source/gnome-calculator/+git/gnome-calculator/+merge/35432813:39
Laneyhmm there's already an ubuntu/3.30.0-1ubuntu1 tag there but that's a bit different to what I'm going to upload13:40
Laneyshall I la la la and delete it?13:40
didrocksLaney: yeah, that was my thing about "need to be redone or pending review in debian", but that's fine, just delete and replace it13:41
didrocksTrevinho: merged13:42
didrocksinteresting, I didn't work on calculator, but I see that git push is failing on pristine-tar and upstream/latest and there are conflicts :p13:43
didrocksweird though, because it seems people used -f rather than merging, it's puzzling13:43
Trevinhodidrocks: thanks, also this branch needs to be pulled to ~ubuntu-desktop as there's not a an ubuntu/bionic yet:13:50
didrocksTrevinho: can't we create one so that I can see the diff? ;)13:52
Trevinhodidrocks: yep, just do it with `git checkout -b ubuntu/bionic ubuntu/1%3.28.1-1ubuntu1`13:52
Trevinhodidrocks: so I can prepare the MP13:52
LaneyTrevinho is on the path to upload rights, I like it13:53
Trevinhonot sure I want them :D13:54
didrocksTrevinho: ubuntu/bionic branch create13:54
TrevinhoI could have put the gbp and control commits before the merge... but meeh, I'm lazy now to rebase :)13:55
Trevinholots of diff, but actually debian/ diff is small13:56
didrocksTrevinho: did you have a script for generating the Yaru changelog?13:57
Trevinhodidrocks: mhmhmh, wait13:57
Trevinhodidrocks: `gbp dch` just that13:57
didrocksinteresting ;)13:58
Laneyyou have to re-order the entries because it doesn't group by person13:58
didrocksworks well indeed13:58
Laneybit annoying13:58
didrocksah ok Laney13:58
didrocksthx for mentionning!13:58
Laneylike if it's Laney didrocks Laney, you get two [ Laney ] bits13:58
didrocksyep, got you13:58
TrevinhoI mentioned the same last day... need to fix that upstream, laney I saw you already sent a patch to Guido, so you're the good one to ask for fixing that too :)13:59
Laneynah, bus factor is bad 😌14:00
TrevinhoI think I screwed things in calculator... let me redo it14:00
jbichagbp dch --multimaint-merge   you can probably set that in debian/gbp.conf to14:01
Laney    --multimaint-merge  Merge commits by maintainer, default is 'False'14:02
LaneyI just found that :>14:02
LaneyALSO https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=88146714:03
ubot5Debian bug 881467 in git-buildpackage "git-buildpackage: gbp dch should filter out commits behind upstream-vcs-tag" [Wishlist,Open]14:03
Laneythe tip in there is going to change my life14:03
Trevinhooh, lovely... `dch dch debian` for life14:04
LaneyI've been manually deleting those entries14:04
Trevinhodidrocks: mhmh so https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu/+source/gnome-calculator/+git/gnome-calculator/+merge/354330 is the merge, but... there's lot of "garbage" because i think debian introduced to the VCS pre-compiled files, so the issue... however `git diff  debian/3.28.2-1` is what you might look at or `git diff ubuntu/1%3.28.1-1ubuntu1 debian` as the rest is just garbage happened on merging with upstream that is not anymore in14:22
Trevinhodebian/master but was there in debian/3.28.2-1 tree14:22
Laneyah, interesting, autopilot was relying on some defaults in ambiance14:23
Trevinhoambiance won't ever change! :)14:23
didrocksLaney: so, failing for quite a while? But I guess nothing triggered it14:23
didrocksTrevinho: ok, I'll have a look (maybe later though, testing Yaru for now)14:23
Laneyit fails now that Yaru is default I guess14:23
Trevinhodidrocks: sure, waiting new fresh look :)14:24
Laneybut really it should be setting properties if it wants to test them, not assuming the theme is static14:24
didrockswaow, the over-amplification is interesting14:24
* didrocks prefers it to default upstream one14:24
didrocksLaney: yeah, on the other side, they want to test on the default14:24
TrevinhoLaney: what pkgs?14:24
didrockswhat are they relying on?14:25
Laneyassuming some border width is 514:25
didrocksah, yeah, so that's more debatable :)14:25
Laneyit's like "give me all the boxes with this width" to test if selecting works14:26
Laneybut the only reason they had that width was because of the theme14:26
Laneytest's .ui file should set it14:26
seb128tjaalton, thanks for the xorg minor update, I'm still going to annoy you a bit by mentioning that libxss has a minor update available (https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorg/lib/libxscrnsaver/tags/libXScrnSaver-1.2.3) and libinput/wayland would be nice to update :)14:44
didrockstaking gnome-getting-started-docs, brain is fried ;)15:27
Laneywas waiting ages for the autopilot-gtk build to finish, turned out my ssh connection to home had frozen /o\15:35
didrocks"waow, that touch command was taking ageesssssss"15:38
Laneyit was just after starting the testsuite15:39
Laneywhich sometimes doesn't output stuff for ages15:39
didrocksok, easy to get missed then15:39
Laneyterrible timing :P15:39
Laney😸 (ok, can paste emoji, new gnome-characters works enough)15:44
Trevinhoseb128: do you remember you should redo the upload of https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+git/nautilus/+merge/350174 ? :)15:59
seb128Trevinho, yes, I asked you the other day if you could amend the vcs to have the right version if you remember?16:08
Trevinhoseb128: ah, I forgot that bit... But release was fine with such version eventually, no?16:09
seb128no since they rejected asking to change and reupload16:12
Trevinhoseb128: yes, but then sil corrected: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/1782681/comments/316:14
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1782681 in nautilus (Ubuntu Bionic) "Upgrade to 3.26.4 and SRU it" [High,In progress]16:14
tjaaltonseb128: the problem with libxss for instance is that it's lacking six years of janitorial pkg maintenance, and the upstream changes are worthless16:24
tjaaltonone manpage typo fix, five autogen cleanup commits, one warning fix16:25
tjaaltonlibinput 1.12rc is in a staging ppa, final expected next week16:25
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
tomreynhi, i noticed there is http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/bionic/daily-live/current/ - but the name seems to be misleading, it was last built in july.16:37
tomreynwas this meant to be just a temporary build, is it going to go away soon, or will there likley be dailies, and the build scripts just dont work out, yet?16:38
LaneyThey are promoted to that directory when they pass automated testing - I think the QA guys are looking into why it's failing16:38
Laneythe raw daily images end up in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/bionic/daily-live/pending/16:38
tomreynthanks Laney!16:39
Laneyno problemo 🤠16:39
seb128tjaalton, k, thanks, fair enough for libxss I'll mark to ignore for our report (and good to know for libinput)16:46
seb128Trevinho, reuploaded nautilus bionic16:50
popeywillcooke: kenvandine Wimpress I added a spreadsheet link to our desktop doc we were in. It has some screenshots for some of the apps16:56
kenvandinepopey, thx16:56
willcookethanks popey17:07
willcookepopey, can we get edit rights?17:09
willcookeon that note, quittin time.  Night all17:13
Trevinhoseb128: thanks17:56
tjaaltonseb128: wayland uploaded17:57
Laneylooks like my autopilot didn't work properly18:38
Laneydespite having run the autopkgtests locally18:38
Laneyoh yeah, it'll need the new gtk :/18:39
seb128tjaalton, great :)19:20

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