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acheronuktianon: do you happen to know when cosmic docker images are next likely to be updated?08:02
mwhudsonacheronuk: when either he or i get around to clicking the button08:05
mwhudsonacheronuk: is there some change you are after?08:05
mwhudsonah i guess the new glibc is probably a good reason to update08:06
acheronukmwhudson: Yeah. I have an issue with building Kubuntu CI cosmic container, which could be because glibc mismatch08:07
acheronuk07:04:10 /usr/bin/ruby: relocation error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnss_files.so.2: symbol __libc_readline_unlocked version GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference08:08
acheronukif I start with glibc all up to date, then hoping that goes away!08:08
mwhudsonstill sounds like something that shouldn't be happening...08:08
acheronukmwhudson: yeah, but I did not write the .rake and I'm not up to speed enough on docker/ruby to debug. so as said, rather hoping it goes away with upgraded images08:10
acheronukbionic and xenial container still build/deploy fine08:11
mwhudsonwell i've started the process of updating08:11
mwhudsonwill probably have to wait until tianon wakes up to finish though08:12
acheronukmwhudson: thanks. no problem. I'm busy with other stuff a lot of today, so won't look at this again until tonight or tomorrow anyway08:13
mwhudsonacheronuk: https://github.com/docker-library/official-images/pull/480908:19
* mwhudson puts the laptop away08:19
acheronukthanks :)08:21
abeatosil2100, hey, so what do you think of https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/ubuntu-image/pull/160 ? regardless of any redesign on how to handle grub.cfg on classic, would you be happy if I change it to remote /boot/grub/* instead of the whole folder?08:32
ricotzxnox, hi :), meson 0.47.2-1 seems an important package to merge10:49
LargePrimeHi, i got a weird question.  it is possible to modify a key mapping of a device at the driver level?  on my own system15:03
ahasenackno idea what you mean, nor how it relates to ubuntu development15:04
LargePrimeya, i dont know where to ask.  this is my first guess15:05
LargePrimeahasenack, I have a mouse and i want to remap its buttons15:05
LargePrimethe tools and guides I find give remaps that do not survive rebboots, or even replugging the usb device15:06
LargePrimeSo i was thinking to goto a lower level hack15:07
sladenLargePrime: use 'udev' to make the change each time the mouse is inserted15:33
LargePrimesladen, ya.  I was hoping to hack something at a lower leve, so as to not have to do it each time15:33
sladenLargePrime: udev does it for you, every time!15:34
sladenLargePrime: much much easier than hacking and recompiling drivers...15:35
LargePrimesladen, thanks.  I missunderstood15:35
sladenLargePrime: see https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/65891/how-to-execute-a-shellscript-when-i-plug-in-a-usb-device replies15:35
ahasenacktjaalton: hey, is this something you could review? https://salsa.debian.org/sssd-team/sssd/merge_requests/217:37
tjaaltonahasenack: there's noone else either, so..17:37
ahasenacktjaalton: you are the sole debian maintainer?17:38
ahasenackhappy to help whenever I can17:38
tjaaltoncyphermox: hi, there's a patch for grub2 that I need in cosmic for bug 1785033, do you want to handle it or can I?17:44
ubottubug 1785033 in HWE Next "GRUB needs to support 64-bit efi linear frame buffer address" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178503317:44
cyphermoxtjaalton: I'll do it18:09
tjaaltoncyphermox: thanks. I've uploaded the patch to the t/x/b queue18:11
cyphermoxtjaalton: if you've already uploaded to the queues, please make sure you also upload grub2-signed.18:35
seb128slangasek, I don't remember what you said about the netplan.io autopkgtest regression that is blocking network-manager in cosmic-proposed ... is anyone looking at it? likely this week?19:24
slangasekseb128: more likely this week than last19:26
slangasekcyphermox: ^^ is the netplan.io autopkgtest failure on your list for this week?19:26
tjaaltoncyphermox: oh, ok20:08
cyphermoxslangasek: ok20:27
cyphermoxtjaalton: change of plans, I'll reupload grub2 in bionic along with grub2-signed20:28
cyphermoxseb128: won't be done today, but I'm cutting a release I'll address that.20:39
slangasekcyphermox: does that mean the current tests are bad, rather than identifying a regression in network-manager, and I should hint around it?20:43
cyphermoxslangasek: there's a difference in how Networkmanager reports DNS, you can hint around it20:43
cyphermoxit's not a bad test, it's watching for NM's output, and NM did like systemd-resolved and grew this stupid ~. domain.20:44
seb128cyphermox, great, thanks20:44
cyphermoxAFAICT there's no regression there, the expected "real"  domain is still there.20:45
dadadaplease package github.com/browsh-org/browsh/   --- www.brow.sh  --- for Fedora. It's a text-based internet browser using Firefox as the backend.21:16
dadadasorry, I mean for Ubuntu :D21:16
TJ-dadada: we don't work like that. You'd need to find a package maintainer first, who would do the packaging. Ubuntu imports from Debian so if the package gets into Debian it'll percolate to Ubuntu later21:18
dadadaTJ-: okay, I think they already tried to get it into Debian, thanks...21:19
ginggsdadada: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages#NEW_packages_through_Debian21:19
ahasenacka snap could be another option, although the firefox dependency might make that difficult to bundle21:19
TJ-yeah, it'd have to contain Firefox as well I guess. I like the idea though!21:20
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blackboxswsorry for the general/basic question here. I'm about to sponsor my first upload to cloud-init package for rharper. I have upload rights, but I'd like to sponsor He  generated the changeset into cosmic for cloud-init (and is the documented author of record in the most recent debian/changelog that I'll be uploading).    My understanding is that I don't need to do anything special in addition to just reviewing the21:34
blackboxswchangeset/approving it and uploading it as is.   Is this correct?21:34
seb128slangasek, cyphermox, thanks for unblocking the n-m update!21:51
blackboxswlooking over a previously sponsored change of mine. it seems that the changes email generated catalogs who signed the upload (the sponsor) and the author of the changeset (me)  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/cosmic-changes/2018-May/002547.html   so I *think* that sponsorship tracking is automatically handled when signed-by != Changed-by21:53
naccblackboxsw: you will need to sign it, to upload it22:19
blackboxswnacc: thanks I actually typed a message to you and nearly submitted as you had sponsored one of my uploads. Thanks will do!22:26
Unit193Right, so is it possible to "stage" a sync from Debian, such that it's not yet in proposed but it does trigger autopkgtests?22:27
naccblackboxsw: :)22:28
naccblackboxsw: so often, I will build the unsigned source package locally, then use debsign to sign it before upload.22:28
blackboxswnacc: getting out for any pickup lately ?22:37
blackboxswultimate that is22:37

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