
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
=== wodencafe is now known as WodenCAfe
=== WodenCAfe is now known as WodenCafe
lordievaderGood morning06:03
RaphGroHSwhere to configure timeout for session locking?07:04
IrcsomeBot1denimr was added by: denimr08:07
IrcsomeBot1<denimr> guys I need help. I removed xserver-xorg-input-all because I wanted to get rid of libinput after installing synapics and now my keyboard is gone. I want to start the virtual keyboard for the password prompt but can't find it anywhere08:09
IrcsomeBot1<denimr> my keyboard is non-functioning* learned a lesson there08:10
valoriedo you have a DVD/USB with an ISO?08:19
IrcsomeBot1<denimr> yeah08:19
valorieif so, you can chroot in using the live session08:20
IrcsomeBot1<denimr> just booted into it08:20
valorieand hopefully fix stuff08:20
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot08:20
valoriehmmm, that might be a good starting place08:20
valoriebut I think you'll have to DDG that a bit08:20
* valorie is heading to bed atm08:21
valorieat worst you can do a backup and re-install08:21
valorieat best you can just reinstall xserver-xorg-input-all08:21
valoriebest of luck to you08:22
IrcsomeBot1<denimr> thanks :)08:22
IrcsomeBot1<denimr> gnitee08:22
BluesKajHey folks11:16
=== w0dencafe is now known as wodencafe
IrcsomeBot1<Aimisaim> Friends my laptop isnot shutting down...showing /usr/bin/plasma-discover logout ' problem!!!!!15:59
IrcsomeBot1<Aimisaim> Pls help me!!!15:59
Sia-hi, any way to set kubuntu installer to chose the boot disk or grub disk?16:00
Sia-the issue is i have a m.b with 2 SSD sda and sdb, if i install kubuntu last setup failed because trying to install grub on sda. and sda is hackintosh. Why can't self chose the bootloader disk as we have in Debian or Solus and manjaro?16:02
=== msalvatore_ is now known as msalvatore
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
somenewhey there19:50
somenewanyone here19:50
IrcsomeBot1<Phil Linux> Indeed.21:43

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