
=== havenstance_ is now known as havenstance
lubot<Greg Kusiak> Hello everyone, I’m hoping I can find some assistance here15:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:31
lubot<Greg Kusiak> (Photo, 1280x1000) https://i.imgur.com/uDcyZ6H.jpg It’s looking for a swap file that doesn’t exist?15:32
lubot<Greg Kusiak> How do I fix the swap file issue in the pic?15:33
wxlwhat does `swapon --show` give you?15:34
wxlalso `lsblk -l -o +UUID`15:35
lubot<Greg Kusiak> (Photo, 1280x288) https://i.imgur.com/CFbHZU0.jpg15:38
lubot<Greg Kusiak> I should also mention lubuntu 18.04 x6415:40
wxlwhat about the contents of /etc/fstab?15:42
lubot<Greg Kusiak> Is /etc/database ?15:44
wxlnope. /etc/fstab15:44
wxlactually do this15:44
wxl`grep swap /etc/fstab`15:45
lubot<Greg Kusiak> (Photo, 1280x182) https://i.imgur.com/fn1r1zY.jpg15:46
lubot<Greg Kusiak> Something tells me I should be concerned with the red swaps...15:47
wxlgrep searches for a pattern in a file15:47
wxlit highlights the matches15:47
wxlin this case, swap15:47
lubot<Greg Kusiak> 😅15:47
wxlok, so try this: `swapon --show=UUID`15:48
lubot<Greg Kusiak> UUID is the result15:49
wxlok that's weird15:49
wxlby the way.. these are warnings, thus the "W" at the beginning, which is to say they are not indications of fatal problems15:50
lubot<Greg Kusiak> Ok15:50
wxloh one more: `blkid`15:51
lubot<Greg Kusiak> (I’m a pilot, warnings are a bit of a concern in a plane)15:51
wxlthose are poorly labeled warnings :)15:51
lubot<Greg Kusiak> (Photo, 1280x157) https://i.imgur.com/tEv0pki.jpg15:52
lubot<Greg Kusiak> Standing by15:54
wxlout of curiousity,, is this a new install?15:55
lubot<Greg Kusiak> No.15:56
wxli think i found your problem: an old file https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=86115115:56
ubottuDebian bug 861151 in initramfs-tools "W: initramfs-tools configuration sets RESUME=UUID=... warning even though RESUME=none" [Normal,Open]15:56
lubot<Greg Kusiak> This machine started as 16.04 and I’ve updated15:56
wxltl;dr delete /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume, run `update-initramfs`, reboot and you should be good15:57
lubot<Greg Kusiak> I’ll get on that and report back15:57
lubot<Greg Kusiak> How do I delete again?16:00
wxllet's just move it somewhere, just in case we need to bring it back:16:00
wxl`sudo /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume ~/`16:01
lubot<Greg Kusiak> Command not found. Maybe I mistyped something16:02
wxlno i did16:02
wxl`sudo mv /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume ~/`16:02
lubot<Greg Kusiak> That worked16:03
lubot<Greg Kusiak> Now re16:03
lubot<Greg Kusiak> Now update initramfs?16:04
wxlyou'll probably need to sudo it16:04
wxl`sudo update-initramfs`16:04
lubot<Greg Kusiak> (Photo, 960x1280) https://i.imgur.com/MLkNBFw.jpg16:05
wxloh for pete's sake XD16:05
wxl`sudo update-initramfs -u`16:05
lubot<Greg Kusiak> Lol. Generating...16:06
lubot<Greg Kusiak> Need a coffee?16:06
wxljust finished the tea16:06
lubot<Greg Kusiak> Reboot?16:07
lubot<Greg Kusiak> Or should I apt-get update16:08
wxlactually technically not necessary16:08
wxlyou got no warnings with the update?16:08
lubot<Greg Kusiak> Nope.16:09
wxlthen it's fixed16:09
wxlhad it not been, you'd get the warning again16:09
lubot<Greg Kusiak> Awesome. Thank you so much16:09
wxlnow you can remove the resume file16:09
wxlit's in your home16:09
wxlsince you `sudo` moved it, it likely is owned by root:root, so you'll need to `sudo rm` it16:10
wxlwell time to go to work16:10
wxlbe well16:10
lubot<Greg Kusiak> You too16:10
lubot<Greg Kusiak> Uh oh. Cannot remove16:11
lubot<Greg Kusiak> No such file16:11
wxlif you're still there, it doesn't matter if you can't remove it, but it should be in ~ i.e. $HOME i.e. /home/$(whoami) where $(whoami) = your username so you can get to it by `cd $HOME` or `cd ~` etc or just `cd` because that defaults to $HOME16:28
wxlthen you can see what's in it with `ls`16:29
lubot<Greg Kusiak> I went looking through the file manager and found initrd.img.old16:31
wxlin home?16:31
lubot<Greg Kusiak> If home = / then yes16:31
wxlif you did this >> `sudo mv /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume ~/` then the result should be that you have a file $HOME/resume16:31
wxlyou can `echo $HOME` to see what it is but it's not that16:32
lubot<Greg Kusiak> Ok got it. Just drag it to trash then?16:33
wxllike i said, it's probably owned by root, so you'll need to elevate permissions16:33
lubot<Greg Kusiak> Nope. Right click move to trash worked. I’m admin16:34
lubot<Greg Kusiak> I am the su in sudo16:34
JohnDoe_71Ruslubuntu 14.04 + latest tor browser 8.0 not run. can some one confirm this?16:39
wxlJohnDoe_71Rus: cannot confirm. managed to successfully run and go to Debian at http://sejnfjrq6szgca7v.onion/16:46
wxlJohnDoe_71Rus: admittedly this is not from the repos. I do NOT suggest using tor packages, nor does tor themselves16:47
wxlJohnDoe_71Rus: see here under option two http://expyuzz4wqqyqhjn.onion/docs/debian.html.en "Do not use the packages in Ubuntu's universe. In the past they have not reliably been updated. That means you could be missing stability and security fixes. "16:50
wxlincidentially that page covers how to use the torprojects repos, which is far mroe reliable16:50
wxleven on debian you'll only get the lts version16:51
JohnDoe_71Ruswxl: can try this https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en packages?17:06
JohnDoe_71Rusi update to 8.0 and now this can't start. and i try clean unpacked from torproject17:08
wxlJohnDoe_71Rus: i did it first in an updated one, but using a fresh download it still works17:10
lubot<HMollerCl> https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/call-for-testing-ubuntu-with-nvidia-graphic-cards/777421:00
[IFOC]Swxl it looks like ubuntu-bug took me to lxde-metapackages, I posted it yesterday in lubuntu-meta, is that close enough?21:37
[IFOC]Shttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lubuntu-meta/+bug/1790973 -- to me it sounds like a DE bug, not sure what the package is for that21:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1790973 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Windows only move from one task bar to the other when the window is minimized" [Undecided,New]21:37
wxl[IFOC]S: i'm not sure i know what the bug is about but should be fine21:37
[IFOC]Sor maybe a window manager bug21:38
[IFOC]Smy expertise with the UI side of things on linux is not that great; I'll leave it where it is21:38
wxl[IFOC]S: i think you're thinking of lxrandr?21:39
[IFOC]Smy monitor script uses xrandr21:40
[IFOC]Sto set the orientation of the monitors, I mean21:40
[IFOC]SI used that in 16.04 too21:40
[IFOC]SI'll try it with lxrandr just for laughs21:40
[IFOC]Sno, definitely not lxrandr21:41
[IFOC]Sxrandr is command line21:41
wxloh oops21:41
wxlchange it to be against openbox21:42
wxlshould be a window manager issue21:42
wxlactually no don't21:43
[IFOC]Stoo late21:43
wxlmake it lxpanel21:43
wxlwell you can do it again XD21:43
[IFOC]Sis that your final answer?21:44
[IFOC]Sthanks for the help21:44
wxlthanks for the bug report XD21:45
[IFOC]Shopefully this will get fixed, that feature is one of my favorite parts of lubuntu21:46
[IFOC]Sreally declutters my task bars21:46
[IFOC]Swhen it's working it makes Windows seem incredibly inefficient to use in comparison21:47
wxlto be perfectly honestly with you we are about full out with development on the current release which is going to have looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooots of changes21:47
wxlso it's probably not going to happen until then21:47
wxlhowever, one thing you might want to do to sort of move things along is look at the upstream bug tracker/support for lxde/lxpanel and see if you can't find any similar bugs or get any other ideas21:48
[IFOC]Show hard would it be for me to downgrade to the 16.04 lxpanel?21:48
wxlpossibly quite hard. i mean, i'm sure installing the package won't be too hard, but dealing with all the dependencies might be an issue21:48
wxldid 17.10 work?21:49
[IFOC]SI didn't try it, I skipped from 16.04 to 18.0421:49
wxlwe went from 0.8 to 0.9....21:50
wxlhere's what i'd suggest: try setting up a bionic vm and then downgrade the lxpanel in it. if it doesn't blow up the world, then you'll probably be ok21:51
[IFOC]Sthat's a good idea21:51
[IFOC]Swish I would have thought about that before I killed my 16.04 system by trying to experiment with bionic packages21:52
wxldoing some things can be more difficult in a vm, lke setting up multiple monitors, usb passthrough, etc, but it's not that hard21:52
[IFOC]SI'm familiar with virtualbox, I've used it for a long time21:53
[IFOC]SI don't think I actually need to virtualize multiple monitors; just the package changes21:53
wxlyou might have to add the xenial repos to see the package21:54
wxl`sudo apt-get -t=xenial install lxpanel` should do the trick21:55

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