
cim209hello anyone around06:25
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:29
cim209hello i was just wondering what would be the performance gain from mate 16.04 to 18?06:30
alkisgPossibly none06:30
alkisgIt's about newer programs, not about performance...06:30
cim209i see06:34
cim209just wondering if it'll run ok with my old machine. 2.5gb ram intel core duo 206:35
alkisgI run it on p4's with 1 gb ram06:35
cim209oh wow nice06:36
cim209would it be unwise to upgrade from 16 to 18?06:36
alkisgcim209: it's designed to support that, although I haven't done it06:55
cim209i guess one way to find out06:56
linuxrhello everybody, I have just done a fresh installation of ubuntu-mate 18.04 and everything OK so far. The only thing is firefox which has ugly application font (some serif font)...anyone knows how to fix this? thanks16:52
Stabingtonmate panel has appeared as an icon on Plank ._. wat do18:40
Stabington(Pantheon theme thingy)18:42
pavlushkadoing a do-release-upgrade on RPI3B, going from xenial to bionic, will it be safe?19:34
sixwheeledbeastbionic isn't released for rpi19:36

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