
mupPR snapcraft#2225 closed: build providers: environment setup for projects <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2225>02:18
mupPR snapcraft#2247 closed: yaml loading: properly handle unhashable types <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2247>02:51
Doctor_Nickwhat is "black"?03:50
Doctor_Nickrun_tests.sh requires it but I don't know what package it's located in03:51
Doctor_Nickah hah, it's in the snap store, of course03:53
Doctor_Nick"The linker version '2.23' used by the base 'core' is incompatible with files in this snap:"03:56
Doctor_Nickthat's an issue i haven't seen before03:56
Doctor_Nickany idea what this means?03:57
Doctor_Nickah, I was using the release candidate snapcraft03:59
Doctor_Nick"warning: working around a Linux kernel bug by creating a hole of 2097152 bytes in ‘/tmp/tmpyf6y6pvu’"04:06
Doctor_Nicknow THATS quality!04:07
Doctor_Nickdoes the AppVeyor CI run the self test for snapcraft?04:10
Doctor_Nickis `./runtests.sh static` on snapcraft broken for anyone else? mypy throws a bunch of type errors04:40
mupPR snapcraft#2248 opened: plugin: update catkin plugin to support melodic <Created by NickZ> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2248>04:51
Doctor_Nickthere we go04:51
mborzeckihm got a failure in unit tests with gccgo: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/prG9CTRNJm/05:27
mborzeckiit's in snapshotSuite.TestRestoreIntegration05:27
zygaHey hey05:34
mborzeckizyga: hoho05:35
mborzeckizyga: how's the first week of school?05:36
zygaI think successful05:39
zygaJanek likes his new school05:39
zygaAnd committing is ok, he is doing it by himself now05:39
mborzeckithat's great :)05:39
zygaAnd for you?05:43
mborzeckizyga: so far so good, kids have already gotten into the daily routine05:47
zygaok, installed in my office now :)06:05
mupPR snapd#5776 closed: tests: port proxy test to use python tinyproxy <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5776>06:31
mupPR snapd#5784 closed: tests: run account-control test with different bases <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5784>06:31
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
zygahey pawel07:01
zygareading your hot plug PRs now :)07:01
zygaI'll be right back, I could use another coffee07:01
mborzeckianyone upgraded to g 1.11 already?07:08
zygamborzecki: not in tumbleweed07:11
mvoI did not yet, its in cosmic but not in bionic07:11
zygaanything new and interesting?07:12
mborzeckidamn, gocode stopped working, stracing it i found it's poking some silly locations under pkg/linux-amd64 (note - not _)07:12
=== sparkieg` is now known as sparkiegeek
zygamborzecki: actually, I should just upgrade go on macOS07:37
* zyga does just that07:37
zygawe have spam on the forum07:38
zygawho has editorial rights to kill that?07:38
diddledannot I.07:39
mborzeckizyga: i know Chipaca, maybe mvo as well?07:41
mvomborzecki: maybe - whats the link to the spam zyga ?07:43
zygasent in private07:45
mvozyga: thanks, removed post and user07:48
mvopstolowski: just curious but did you find any leads on the test failure?07:58
pstolowskimvo: i only got succesful build in the ppa this morning a while ago, pushing some more debug. i had a long fight with debian toolchain yesterday ;}07:59
pstolowski(succesful = failing on unit tests as expected)08:00
mupPR snapd#5789 opened: snap: only show "next" refresh time if its after the hold time <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5789>08:02
mvopstolowski: aha, great, so you can reproduce it and get useful debug out of it? great. is it worth it for me to push a tiny branch that skips the test for now so that we get edge builds back or is the fix close enough to not bother?08:03
mvopstolowski: (again, no pressure just trying to estimate what the best next step is)08:03
mvoChipaca: good morning08:03
pstolowskimvo: no fix in sight, issue not yet understood, so yeah, feel free to disable the test if it's blocking08:04
Chipacamvo: it is! good morning to you too sir08:04
pstolowskizyga: missied your earlier message, thanks for looking at my hotplug PRs!08:05
zygathe name code is intricate08:05
mvopstolowski: thank you08:06
mupPR snapd#5790 opened: overlord: skip testUpdateWithAutoconnectRetry temporarily <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5790>08:10
zygapstolowski: 5782 reviewed08:12
pstolowskizyga: ty!08:12
Doctor_Nickis there any documentation on "allow-auto-connection" for plugs?08:16
ChipacaDoctor_Nick: yep08:17
ChipacaDoctor_Nick: 1 sec08:17
ChipacaDoctor_Nick: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/process-for-aliases-auto-connections-and-tracks/45508:17
mvoChipaca: btw, does http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yZjys58FKc/ ring any bells?08:18
mvoChipaca: happend in a recent spread run, iirc in one of mborzecki PRs08:18
Chipacanice :-/08:18
mborzeckimvo: ha, pasted it in the morning :) but nobody was around08:19
Doctor_NickChipaca: thanks08:20
Chipacamvo: mborzecki: it does not ring a bell08:20
mborzeckiChipaca: mvo: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/prG9CTRNJm/08:20
Chipacamvo: mborzecki: but something is obviously wrong08:20
Chipacamborzecki: what mahcine?08:20
mborzeckiChipaca: this was with gccgo, ubuntu something, sorry don't have more details08:21
Doctor_NickChipaca: wait, sorry, I meant the syntax for it08:21
ChipacaDoctor_Nick: what do you mean, the syntax?08:21
pedronisDoctor_Nick: do you have a brand store?08:21
Doctor_Nickthe syntax for the snapcraft.yaml file08:21
Doctor_Nicknot yet08:22
pedronisit doesn't go in snapcraft.yaml08:22
Doctor_Nicktheese are private snaps so far08:22
pedronisit is put in  the snap declaration assertion through the store08:22
Chipacawhat goes in the yaml is the connection08:22
Chipacanot the auto-connection of the connection :-)08:22
pedronison that front  brand store owners have control,  we are also working to make it so that knowning the syntax is not needed08:23
pedronisbut is not something that can be done for one own's snaps in the main store08:24
pedronisprivate or not08:25
dot-tobiasIs it possible to declare common environment variables for apps in snapcraft.yaml? https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snapcraft-yaml-reference/4276 only lists apps.<app-name>.environment, which I interpret as “currently not”08:30
zygadot-tobias: I think so, just try it08:30
zygaI mean, snap.yaml certainly allows that08:30
dot-tobiaszyga: When I add apps.environment to snapcraft.yaml, snapcraft complains with “Issues while validating snapcraft.yaml: The 'apps/environment' property does not match the required schema: 'command' is a required property” → “environment” is interpreted as an app name here?08:32
zygadot-tobias: move environment to top-level08:32
mborzeckieveryone seen this on reddit yday? https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/9dfag7/the_correct_frontrunner_in_the08:32
popeyYes :)08:33
mvoseb128: iirc you added some info about metered and network manager into the forum. I misplaced the link, could you sent it to me again please?08:34
seb128mvo, I didn't because I found https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snap-refresh-over-metered-connections/5001 that has all the technical detail and I though there was not much point creating a new post08:35
Chipacapopey: seb128: I was meaning to update you both on this, but then seb128's train got in the way and then I forgot: yesterday at the standup we talked about enabling the feature by default, and we agreed to move forward on it -- with some level of testing to be done asap08:35
ChipacaI believe that's what mvo is on right now in fact :-)08:35
Chipacabut dunno :-D08:35
seb128ah, great08:35
seb128let us know if we can help in desktop08:35
Chipacayou can always help in desktop08:36
popeyChipaca: great, lemme know if I can test stuff08:36
seb128(also would be good to have something to respond to review saying that flatpak cares about their users bandwith where we don't)08:36
dot-tobiaszyga: Right, makes sense. And works. Thank you! 🙏08:36
Chipacaseb128: where's that review?08:36
seb128Chipaca, see the most recent post on that forum topic I just pasted08:37
mvoChipaca: yeah, was just looking into this (cc seb128 )08:37
seb128mvo, you rock :)08:39
Chipacaseb128: "snapd supports disabling updates on metered connections; the support is not enabled by default should be soon unless field testing shows anything breaking with it enabled" would work?08:39
Chipacaseb128: and a link to the forum post perhaps08:40
Chipacaseb128: is that wyat you meant as a response?08:40
Chipacaseb128: "snapd supports disabling updates on metered connections, on all supported distros that have a new enough netowkr manager (on Ubuntu that means 16.04 on); the support is not enabled by default should be soon unless field testing shows anything breaking with it enabled"08:41
Chipacaseb128: if you want to include more detail :-)08:41
mupPR snapd#5791 opened: [WIP] overlord/snapstate: improve consistency, use validateInfoAndFlags also in InstallPath <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5791>08:41
Chipacaseb128: typo and a missing "but"08:42
pedronisChipaca: I created https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5791  to see how it goes,  at least overlord tests doesn't seem to fail with it08:42
mupPR #5791: [WIP] overlord/snapstate: improve consistency, use validateInfoAndFlags also in InstallPath <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5791>08:42
Chipacaseb128: or, I can answer that myself if you'd rather keep clear of omg08:42
seb128Chipaca, if you want to reply that would be nice, thanks :)08:43
Chipacaseb128: OTOH, nothing in the usually acrid comments seems to mention metered at all08:43
Chipacaoh wait there ar emore comments08:43
Chipacapedronis: yep, will look in a mo08:43
seb128right, I'm just concerned that's one of those topics where one day someone is going to be pissed off because snapd refreshed in background and created them a bill of 100€ on roaming and then it becomes a topic of the day for ranting against snapd and getting used to say that flatpak at least does things right blablabla08:44
Chipacaeh, i'll add a comment08:44
mborzeckiwhat about a use case where there's a device which is always connected over [234]G?08:45
Chipacamborzecki: then we'll refresh at the slowest pace we can08:47
Chipacamborzecki: right?08:47
Chipacamborzecki: dude you wrote this :-)08:47
mborzeckiChipaca: heh, doesn't mean i remember all the details :P08:47
Chipacaseb128: comment added, but I had the temerity to include a link so it's waiting for moderation08:47
Chipacamborzecki: point :-)08:47
mborzeckiChipaca: i'll refresh after 60 days anyway08:48
Chipacamborzecki: in the most dire real-world use case i know of the person could get onto wired once a month or so08:48
mborzeckiquesion whether that's frequent enough08:48
Chipacaso I'm happy with it08:48
Chipacamborzecki: that's what we decided was the longest tolerable refresh08:48
mvoseb128: if you create forum topic I can reference it in my commit changelog :)08:49
mborzeckiChipaca: right, so that's 100€ bill every 2 months :)08:50
Chipacamborzecki: i'm trying to decide if you're trolling or not08:51
mvoChipaca: if you or someone else followup in the forum please let me know, wouldbe nice to include the latest discussion in the commit as a pointer to the right forum entry08:51
mborzeckireminds me of a time in my previous jobs where we'd screw up stuff in redboot and they actually had to take cars, and visit some of the  power line poles or trees the base stations were mounted on :)08:52
Chipacamvo: I replied to the omgubuntu thread, as i said08:52
Chipacamvo: and pointed them to https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snap-refresh-over-metered-connections/500108:52
mvoChipaca: thanks, I missed that it was on omgubuntu08:53
Doctor_Nicka snap inside of a flatpak inside of a docker container inside of a lxc container08:55
popeyDoctor_Nick: Don't forget appimage!!!!08:55
Doctor_Nickof course08:55
zygaDoctor_Nick: running on windows in a VM in a browser on a mac08:55
pstolowskiwe need a spread test for that08:58
Chipacazyga: on an x86 emulator running on chrome on a phone08:58
mborzeckiguys, let me know if you need more input about metered support than that's already in the forum08:58
Chipacamborzecki: I think popey and seb128 need a clearcut this-is-how-you-test-it and this-is-what-to-test-that-we-are-not-sure-about08:58
popeyplus one08:59
Chipacamborzecki: especially useful if we enable it by default in edge (or beta or w/e) and then have a mini call for testing there08:59
mborzeckiack, i'll finish up with the store thing i'm on right now and will add some notes to the forum thread09:00
mvoChipaca, mborzecki https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/compare/master...mvo5:refresh-metered-tweaks?expand=1 is the code change. but I am a bit lost about the process (sorry for that). should it get proposed now or shall we wait until we got testing results from users first?09:01
seb128mvo, you mean for the "turn it on by default", isn't what that topic is about? I'm happy to create another one if you would prefer though09:02
ChipacaI think we do need a separate topic if we're going to have a call for testing -- pointing people to a thread with 18 unrelated comments is not good for a call to action09:03
Chipacamvo: same here. I guess if nobody knows a _concrete_ case where it fails, enabling it in preparation for a call for testing is good09:04
Chipacamvo: especially as we tweaked the ux a bit09:04
mborzeckimvo: process questions aside, the code lgtm09:05
* mvo nods09:06
mvothanks, I proposed it now, lets see how that goes :)09:06
mupPR snapd#5792 opened: [RFC] {config,snap}state: add new refresh.metered=force option and flip default <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5792>09:06
Chipacapedronis: about the wip pr, +1 fwiw (but also: tests?)09:08
Chipacapedronis: but i do get that the pr is just to see what breaks :-)09:08
pedronisChipaca: yes, exactly09:08
pedronisif everything passes I'll see what needs testing09:09
Chipacamborzecki: second time through gccgo in the three places we run it without repro'ing the bug09:09
Chipacamborzecki: if you see it again, i need to know how09:09
Chipacamborzecki: it makes no sense to me :-(09:09
Chipacalike two things were mkdir'ing $HOME/snaps/, or sth09:10
Chipacas/three/four/ fwiw :-)09:10
zygamborzecki: let's land 579309:12
zygamborzecki: I'm preparing another iteration of the trespassing patch-set without the noise09:12
mupPR snapd#5793 opened: cmd/snap-update-ns: separate OpenPath from the Secure struct <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5793>09:13
Doctor_Nickwhat's the default shell in snaps?09:17
zygaDoctor_Nick: what do you mean specifically?09:17
Doctor_Nickmy shell script in this snap package isn't working and I think it's because it's not using bash09:18
ograDoctor_Nick, /bin/sh is dash normally ...09:18
Doctor_Nickah hah09:18
zygaDoctor_Nick: just use bash explicitly09:18
ograif you want to use bash then explicitly use /bin/bash in the shebang09:18
ogra(but live with the overhead :P )09:19
ogra(typically there is no reason to not adapt your code to be POSIX compliant ...)09:19
ograhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DashAsBinSh has hints09:20
Doctor_Nickyeah, it was an easy fix to use the alternative setup script09:21
pedronismmh, almost back to 50 PRs09:28
niemeyerMore than 20 of those are still from the review board09:39
niemeyer19 have open reviews09:39
niemeyerdot-tobias: To be clear, there's no default09:41
niemeyerIt's whatever was used in the bangline, as usual09:41
dot-tobiasniemeyer: I think you meant to ping Doctor_Nick ? ;-)09:42
niemeyerdot-tobias: Sorry :)09:42
dot-tobiasniemeyer: no problemo :-) (&& moin)09:43
mvo5606 needs a second review then it can go in09:45
mvoand 5763 a first review, hopefully simple as its just shuffling tests around09:46
zygamvo: doing09:50
Chipacaniemeyer: snap run --shell runs bash, that's the most defaultish thing we have :-)09:50
Chipacaimo we could add --shell=<what>09:50
niemeyerChipaca: That seems a bit cumbersome, even more because the _what_ may not be available inside the snap09:51
Chipacaniemeyer: I mean, keep --shell, but add the ability for the user to say what shell they want09:51
Chipacago-flags supports this fwiw09:51
niemeyerChipaca: The issue asked was about a shell script as well, so wouldn't help here either way09:52
Chipacai know09:52
niemeyerChipaca: Right, I got that09:52
niemeyerChipaca: It won't help if they want zsh, though, or csh, or ...09:52
niemeyerChipaca: The snap does not offer it09:52
Chipacaniemeyer: if you're using a base that offers /bin/sh but not /bin/bash, it won't work for ex09:52
niemeyerChipaca: We should just fallback to /bin/sh in those case09:53
Chipacaniemeyer: or, e.g., snap install busybox-static, and try to snap run --shell busybox-static09:53
Chipacaniemeyer: in this one, /bin/sh is provided by the snap itself (it uses the bare base, which has nothing)09:54
Chipacastill, this is all academic09:54
Chipacai need to go09:54
* Chipaca goes09:54
niemeyerChipaca: o/09:56
Doctor_Nickour entire backend is snapped now10:03
ograyay, congrats !10:04
ogra(whatever backend that is :) )10:04
Doctor_Nicknow I just have to charm it10:04
ogrado a feather dance :)10:05
Doctor_Nickoh lord10:08
zygamvo: done10:10
mvozyga: ta10:11
niemeyermvo: Do we have a snapd.failure.service file?10:12
mvoniemeyer: we do10:14
niemeyermvo: Huh.. that's a curious service :)10:14
mvoniemeyer: yes10:14
mvoniemeyer: when adding a "OnFailure=" bit in systemd this needs to be a service AFAIK10:14
mvoniemeyer: this is why we have this one. do you think the name is not good or do you think the fact that we have it at all is problematic?10:15
niemeyermvo: I think it's fine given the context.. I just wasn't aware that we had it10:15
* mvo nods10:16
niemeyermvo: Do we run snap-repair on desktops or only on core?10:16
mvoniemeyer: only on core10:16
niemeyermvo: Wonder why people are getting the message that those units are disabled10:17
niemeyerIt doesn't look like a bug..10:17
niemeyerBut people seem to think so10:17
mupBug #1776622: snapd on cosmic never finishes installing/updating. Can't install any other updates. <amd64> <apport-bug> <cosmic> <regression> <snapd:Confirmed> <snapd (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <systemd (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1776622>10:17
mvoniemeyer: yeah, I quickly scanned our postinst and its just using the systemd debhelper stuff, would be nice to get the output of "ps afx" when this hangs10:19
mvoniemeyer: just to see what processes are hanging around and blocking dpkg10:19
niemeyermvo: One person there mentioned the context10:19
zygamvo: the 2nd PR is pretty long :)10:19
zygapushing on10:19
niemeyermoon127: Comment #1510:19
mupPR #15: do not panic if a priv.Mutex is taken/released/taken again <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/15>10:19
niemeyermup: Good try10:19
mupniemeyer: I really wish I understood what you're trying to do.10:19
niemeyermup: It's okay.. you're often helpful10:20
mupniemeyer: Unknown commands are unknown.10:20
pedronisniemeyer: hi, #5683 needs a re-review by you10:22
mupPR #5683: overlord/patch: support for sublevel patches <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5683>10:22
zygamvo: almost done10:31
zygamvo: reading the new parts now10:31
zygamvo: done10:32
zygabrb, coffee10:32
pstolowskimvo: i've a suspiction about the cause of managers test failures, might have a fix, testing10:35
niemeyerpedronis: Thanks, looking10:38
mborzeckipedronis: thanks for all the reviews10:41
mborzeckipedronis: i'll be landing https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5761 when it's green10:42
mupPR #5761: store: use stable instance key in store refresh requests <Parallel installs> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5761>10:42
mborzecki(or pushing one last update if #5763 lands first)10:42
mupPR #5763: store: refactor tests so that they work as store_test package  <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5763>10:42
Doctor_Nickis there an easy way to set network restrictions on snaps, like "only accept connections from localhost"?10:43
mborzeckiChipaca: https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/425643055/log.txt10:46
niemeyerpstolowski: #5683 is good to go10:47
mupPR #5683: overlord/patch: support for sublevel patches <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5683>10:47
mborzeckiChipaca: this one too https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/425601674/log.txt it's gccgo always10:47
pedronisChipaca: I reviewed the warning one,  some small comments/wonderings10:48
pstolowskiniemeyer: great, ty! re-starting travis tests10:49
mvoniemeyer: I contemplated your suggestions about having the managers giving input into the "go-socket-activated" mode. I did a sketch of this now in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/compare/master...mvo5:stop-on-no-snaps-standby-helper?expand=1 - all names are strawman for now, sugestions welcome. the idea is to have a "standbyHelper" that asks around for opinions if snapd can go to sleep. it gets input from snapmanager ab10:50
mvoout num snaps, devicestate about seeded, overlord about if ensure was run at least once and the daemon about the connections (check daemon.go and standby.go for the interessting bits). is this what you had in mind?10:50
mvo(tests missing but I will re-add them if this looks promising)10:50
mvozyga: thank you!10:50
zygaDoctor_Nick: no, there's no support for that at this time10:52
niemeyermvo: Yeah, something around those lines indeed, thanks for making it real. I'll read through the code after lunch and we can quickly sync in the standup.10:52
mupPR snapd#5606 closed: many: add refresh.rate-limit core option <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5606>10:52
Doctor_Nickhow about setting a user for a snap daemon?10:53
zygaDoctor_Nick: this is on the roadmap but it is not implemented yet10:53
zygait's designed and described extensively on the forum10:53
juliankOh, can I build against core18 now?10:53
pedronismvo: are you going to finalize #5324 soon? or should it be closed for now10:53
mupPR #5324: snap: run snap-confine from the re-exec location <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5324>10:53
zygajuliank: indeed you can10:53
juliankI'd like to get apt snaps going10:54
mvopedronis: 5324?10:54
mvojuliank: yes you can :)10:54
pedronismvo: sorry, #523410:54
juliankI have two things I want to snap: apt and flatpak. The latter mostly for lolz10:54
mupPR #5234: snap: add `snap list --format=...` option <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5234>10:54
pedroniseven older ;)10:54
Doctor_Nickzyga: is there a way to set a user as part of the snap group and just restrict what they're able to connect?10:55
zygaDoctor_Nick: what do you mean by "snap group"?10:55
zygaDoctor_Nick: and how is that related to connections? sorry,  I don't understand your question10:55
mvopedronis: :( yeah, its a mess of conflicts, I had not mustered the energy yet but I will make a extra strong cup of tea after lunch and give it a go again10:55
Doctor_Nickwait, sorry10:55
Doctor_Nicki had imagined that there was a snap group that gave users permissions to install snaps10:56
zygano, that's managed with policy kit10:56
zygaand with root vs non-root10:56
Doctor_Nickbasically I just want to run these things as non-privileged users and only give them access to the network interface10:57
mborzeckiheh, i'm trying to chec this refresh on metered thing, but i can't get nm to connecto to my phone :/11:02
mvozyga: thanks, the store test PR just had lots of conflicts because the rate limit was landed - oh well :)11:05
mvozyga: but now I just need to wait for tests, thanks a lot ofr the review11:06
zygamvo: doing more11:06
mupBug #1755568 changed: Snaps are refreshed on metered connection <Snappy:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1755568>11:06
WimpressTrevinho: Are you still a collaborator on the telegram-desktop snap?11:07
WimpressIf so, can you change the homepage to reference telegram desktop and not your personal website please?11:07
mvozyga: cool11:07
zygadoes this ring a bell?11:11
zygaFAIL: snapstate_test.go:10904: snapmgrTestSuite.TestInstallDefaultProviderRunThrough11:11
zyga    c.Check(len(s.fakeBackend.ops), Equals, len(expected))11:12
zyga... obtained int = 2711:12
zyga... expected int = 2811:12
zygamvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5771#issuecomment-41940862511:17
mupPR #5771: selftest: add test to ensure selftest.checks is up-to-date  <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5771>11:17
mvozyga: ta11:23
zygaChipaca: hey, wanna see a snapshot unit test error?11:24
mvozyga: aha, yes. silly me. the problem is of course that on 14.04 the kernel selftest fails11:24
mvozyga: so this test cannot yet be enabled11:24
zygamvo: hmmm,11:24
zygamvo: but the test will not fail on 14.04 after a reboot11:24
pstolowskimvo: ok, i think i've a fix, PR coming11:26
mvozyga: correct11:26
zygachipaca:  https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/CTSwvmVM/11:26
mvozyga: its also a bit of a usability issue having the package fail to install is ugly11:27
mvozyga: I would love to enable this check once we have something like the degraded or read-only mode11:28
zygamvo: yeah, I agree11:28
zygaI didn't think about the install failure aspect11:28
mvozyga: thanks for the review in any case, I will address the bits you mentioned11:28
zygais master broken now or was that just temporary in some tests?11:29
mvozyga: not sure, last master run on travis was ok11:30
mvozyga: looking11:30
zygano, you're busy11:31
zygaI"ll check11:31
mvozyga: it looks like the snapstate test is failing11:31
zygamvo: I saw that in PR reviews, running locally11:33
zygahmm, I don't see that failure11:34
zygabut I see this:11:34
mvozyga: I saw this one on the running master in travis11:34
mvozyga: hu, this error is strange. in what PR do you see this?11:34
zygaon master on my machine11:35
mvozyga: interessting. unfortunately I need lunch now, lets talk after that11:36
zygathat's so strange11:36
zygaI'm looking11:36
Chipacazyga: what machine was that (snapshotstate) error on?11:38
zygaon travis11:38
mupPR snapd#5794 opened: ifacestate: retry on "discard-snap" in autoconnect conflict check <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5794>11:38
Chipacazyga: travis doesn't run the unit tests, spread does11:39
zygaah, I see your point11:39
zygaone sec11:39
Chipacazyga: note the error is from mkdirallchown11:39
Chipacazyga: so something fucky indeed11:39
Chipacawould be good to know what11:39
zygathere's a function like that?11:39
zygawe have mkdirall11:39
Chipacazyga: osutil/mkdirallchown.go11:40
zygawe have dupes /o\11:40
pstolowskimvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/579411:40
mupPR #5794: ifacestate: retry on "discard-snap" in autoconnect conflict check <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5794>11:40
pstolowskialso pedronis ^11:40
Chipacazyga: mbuahah11:40
* Chipaca goes away for a bit, again11:40
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
zyga    - google:ubuntu-18.04-64:tests/unit/gccgo11:42
mborzeckiseb128: Chipaca: mvo: added testing steps, along wit some screenshots https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snap-refresh-over-metered-connections/5001/1911:44
mborzeckioff to pick up the kids11:44
popeythanks mborzecki11:45
threshso how stable is core18?11:47
zygathresh: is should be stable11:48
threshthanks zyga, going to try it out11:50
Chipacamborzecki: popey: is «nmcli c show ... |grep connection.metered» easier than «nmcli --fields connection.metered c show ...»?11:50
popeyThe gimp snap uses it, and it's got a fair number of users thresh11:50
threshme included!11:51
popeyChipaca: that doesn't work here11:52
Chipacapopey: wat11:52
pedronisChipaca: we got the answer about that validate11:53
Chipacapedronis: i'll look in a bit11:53
Chipacapedronis: fixable?11:53
pedronisneed to think a bit11:53
pedronisthe current behavior is not great either for some cases11:54
pedronisChipaca: I think what we might want is to not do the check if the install is really with --dangerous, but not in general if it's a file install11:57
pedronisor some variation thereof11:57
threshwhat steps do I need to take to build against core18?  specify base: core18;  adjust stage-packages, anything else?12:00
zygathresh: that's about it12:00
zygabase is the requirement, anything else is adjusting to the new environment12:01
threshgot the following error after the (seemingly successful_ build: https://gist.github.com/thresheek/1c514b1b5d7981a97684f4bf4d3ee08312:01
threshcant run mksquashfs? :o12:04
popeysergiusens: ^12:12
sergiusensthresh: docker and snapcore/snapcraft:latest? mind switching to snapcore/snapcraft:stable or maybe this interests you https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/call-for-testing-snapcraft-2-43-1/723612:13
threshsergiusens, docker indeed, but with a ubuntu:bionic image and snapcraft from the bionic repo.  going to try the latest snapcraft.12:16
sergiusensthresh: the snapcraft in bionic proposed should fix that12:17
threshadding that atm12:17
zygano idea why it fails (my build id test)12:17
zygafile is broken on my machine12:27
zygastrace file / https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/lNRN08cB/12:30
zygathat ... is weird!12:30
mborzeckiif i hone my gimp skills a bit maybe i could highlight that checkbox with a circle :)12:30
zygamborzecki: ? :)12:31
mborzeckizyga: https://i.imgur.com/TDA3TwF.png12:31
zygamborzecki: just use a phone ;)12:32
zygamborzecki: can you run strace file /12:33
zygamborzecki: and paste the result please12:33
mupPR snapd#5763 closed: store: refactor tests so that they work as store_test package  <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5763>12:33
mborzeckizyga: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/jXaCOyxgcx~n56ZRGxODpQ/raw12:34
zygaholly crap12:37
zygaso I had MAGIC set12:37
zygabecause I was doing experiments with mvo on the systemd bug12:37
zygaand this apparently upsets file12:37
zygabecause MAGIC is where you can store the database of magic numbers12:37
* zyga undoes systemd hacks12:37
mvopstolowski|lunch: thank you12:44
mvomborzecki: thanks for adding the testing steps/screenshots12:44
mvozyga: heh12:45
mvozyga: fun (or not)12:45
zygamvo: fun, just man :)12:45
threshsergiusens, upgrading to 2.43.1 fixed it - thanks!12:45
mupPR snapd#5795 opened: cmd/snap-update-ns: re-factor pair of helpers to call fstatfs once <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5795>12:51
Chipacazyga: where is the other mkdirallchown?12:54
zygaChipaca: cmd/snap-update-ns/MkDirall12:54
zygaunless they differ in what they do12:54
Chipacazyga: does that count as duplicated? I thought we had a bunch of stuff in snap-update-ns which was there for Reasons12:55
Chipacawith deduping happening if and when12:55
zygaI think Reasons no longer apply actually, we move things to osutil and we call it from cnf12:55
zygabut even if12:55
zygaare they the same code?12:55
zygamborzecki: anther easy one12:56
mupPR #5795: cmd/snap-update-ns: re-factor pair of helpers to call fstatfs once <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5795>12:56
mborzeckioverlord/snapstate/snapstate_test.go:457: C.Fatalf format %q has arg tasks of wrong type []*github.com/snapcore/snapd/overlord/state.Task12:57
mborzeckithis is new12:57
zygaand %q cannot do that?12:58
zygathat's new indeed12:58
mborzeckizyga: yes12:59
mborzeckihm Task does not appear to be Stringer13:00
zygaso it's really broken13:02
Chipacazyga: mborzecki: standup?13:02
pedronisbit strange13:02
mborzeckiChipaca: i'm there :)13:02
Chipacamborzecki: i'm ignoring you13:02
mborzeckihaha :P13:02
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
mupPR snapd#5783 closed: tests: add new core16-base test <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5783>13:13
mborzeckiChipaca: https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/425651400/log.txt13:16
Chipacamborzecki: again?13:16
Chipacamborzecki: oh, interesting13:16
mborzeckiChipaca: i'm trying to reproduce it with spread on 18.04 now :/13:17
mupPR snapd#5746 closed: wrappers: remove Wants=network-online.target <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5746>13:20
mupPR snapd#5790 closed: overlord: skip testUpdateWithAutoconnectRetry temporarily <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5790>13:34
zygaa simple loop of mount/unmount done via systemd doesn't trigger it13:36
mborzeckizyga: try snap install ... && snap remove ... like we did earlier13:37
zygabug.sh https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/pdHILpBk/13:37
zygamborzecki: can you copy two snaps as "foo.snap" and "bar.snap" and run that ^13:37
zygayeah, trying now13:37
cachiomvo, hey, did you see what I wrote?13:39
cachioI got disonnected13:39
mvocachio: I did not13:41
cachiomvo, any idea what to do with this? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jsnPzWZqhW/ it is failing on bionic13:41
mvocachio: yeah, it looks like "aws-cli" is not available in the catalog update13:42
mvocachio: does "journalctl -u snapd" show anything that the "catalog" could not be downloaded or something like this?13:43
mvocachio: or aws-cli is no longer available (which would be odd)13:43
mborzeckizyga: maybe it involves udev too13:43
pstolowskihmm, just got FAIL: snapstate_test.go:10921: snapmgrTestSuite.TestInstallDefaultProviderRunThrough13:45
zygamborzecki: mmm, interesting!13:45
cachiomvo, the logs show that the catalog was refreshed13:46
cachioand aws-cli snap can be installed13:46
cachiobut it is a classic snap13:46
pstolowskizyga: is "FAIL: snapstate_test.go:10921: snapmgrTestSuite.TestInstallDefaultProviderRunThrough" an error you were looking at earlier today?13:47
mborzeckizyga: exact line i used back then is `while true; do sudo snap install hello-world_foo hello-world_bar hello-world_baz && sudo snap remove hello-world_foo hello-world_bar hello-world_baz || break; done`13:47
mborzeckioh, and it worked until i rebooted the machine :)13:47
zygahmm ? are you saying it is not working anymore (not reproducing the problem)13:47
mborzeckizyga: btw. i was also stracing systemd at that time, but it didn't happen when under strace13:48
mborzeckiso besides generating a reasonable amount of logs nothing interesting happenend13:49
mborzeckizyga: maybe lttng could be useful, but haven't tried that yet13:50
zygaI haven't used it either13:51
zygaI think we need a solid reproducer13:51
mborzeckizyga: so that while loop is all that i have :)13:56
Chipacamborzecki: I'm getting a bunch of Undone instead of Error failures (which I need to address), but haven't yet hit the other one13:56
Chipacawhen i say 'a bunch', i mean in 100 runs of the suite i'll get one13:56
zygaerror on undo https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/Xbwy557Y/13:56
mborzeckiChipaca: in the prereq in flight or sth test?13:56
Chipacamborzecki: TestRestoreIntegrationFails13:57
Chipacait makes sense as it's racy13:57
mborzeckiChipaca: ok, that's different then13:57
zygaChipaca, pstolowski: ^13:58
Chipacazyga: ?13:58
Chipacazyga: that doesn't seem to have anything to do with snapshotstate13:59
zygaChipaca: ctrl-c on install/remove13:59
Chipacazyga: where's the error?13:59
zygaerror: change finished in status "Undone" with no error message14:00
Chipacazyga: ah, ok14:00
Chipacazyga: that's a bug in cmd/snap/wait.go, probably?14:00
Chipacazyga: what does http snapd:///v2/changes/333 show you?14:01
Chipacazyga: er, i meant 38014:02
Chipacanot sure where i got 333 from :-)14:02
zyga380 https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/91IpOAUy/14:03
Chipacazyga: so, either snapd should add something to the change, or snap should not expect it to be there :-)14:04
pstolowskizyga: sorry, what's the context; are there multiple issues being disccussed?14:04
Chipacapstolowski: yes14:05
Chipacapstolowski: 3 at least14:05
Chipacapstolowski: was very confusing at first14:05
Saviqhey, I got `snap install` hanging for 12m now on copying 512bytes of data... https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/WBHPhJHcpT/ anything more of interest I could collect?14:09
* cachio afk14:12
mborzeckiChipaca: reproduced snapshotSuite.TestRestoreIntegration with spread14:13
mborzeckiChipaca: running the test in isolation fails too https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cNt2qt4NWb/ though differntly14:14
Chipacamborzecki: thanks14:20
Chipacamborzecki: is this every time?14:20
mborzeckiChipaca: yes14:20
pstolowskiSaviq: this copying involves more directories afair, not just those you listed14:20
Chipacamborzecki: how14:20
mborzeckiChipaca: no clue yet, looking into it14:20
Chipacamborzecki: the runuser thing points to an every time thing, but how did they pass for me if so?14:21
Chipacahow do they continue to pass here14:21
Chipacamborzecki: I've just got a repro of the mkdirallchown error (the one with the long changeerror that mentions snap.mkdir-new)14:21
mborzeckiChipaca: idk, it passes locally on my host, but not in gce, i have debug shell open atm14:22
Chipacamborzecki: you're running them as root in gce14:22
mborzeckiChipaca: heh, yes, i should use test user?14:22
Chipacamborzecki: well.. they shouldn't fail, but they are :-)14:22
zygamborzecki: updated 579514:22
Chipacamborzecki: runuser isn't used unless you're root14:23
Chipacaat some point apparently it broke14:23
Chipacaneed to look14:23
Chipacaprobably got the args mangled somehow14:23
mborzeckiChipaca: looks like it's passing tar argumens directly to runuser14:23
Saviqpstolowski: it completed after 25mins... I doubt I have enough free space to take that long (and there was not much IO going on)14:24
Saviq~/snap/subsurface is 55MB14:24
mborzeckiChipaca: if username == "root" || sys.Geteuid() != 0 {14:24
mborzeckisys.Geteuid() == 0 ?14:25
pstolowskiSaviq: I see.. anything in /root/snap/subsurface?14:26
Saviqsergiusens: how do I check locally if https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/builds-failing-automated-review/7112 is fixed with the latest snapcraft? where do I find manifest.yaml?14:26
Chipacamborzecki: if you're not root, or you are root but are running things for root, don't runuser14:26
Saviqpstolowski: no, never launched there14:26
Chipacamborzecki: runuser ["-u" "a-user" "tar" "--create" "--sparse" "--gzip" "--directory" "/tmp/check-1422139595125391214/46/home/a-user/snap/too-snap/" "2" "common"]14:26
sergiusensSaviq: that was fixed store side14:26
Chipacamborzecki: that's what's exec'ed14:26
Saviqsergiusens: was it? the forum post only mentions downgrading snapcraft on the builders?14:27
sergiusensSaviq: install review-tools and run them on the resulting snap when SNAPCRAFT_BUILD_INFO is set14:27
sergiusensSaviq: hmm, jdstrand_ since you did the downgrade, mind updating the forum post on everything being up to speed now?14:27
mborzeckiChipaca: what i mean is https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fhFFMj29Sm/14:28
pstolowskiSaviq: anything in journal? grep for "data directory"14:28
Chipacamborzecki: no14:28
Chipacamborzecki: that logic is correct14:28
mborzeckiChipaca: ok, so the comment above is incorrect14:29
Chipacamborzecki: "username" is the username of the user for who we're creating a snapshot14:29
* Saviq should do something with journald rotations... I've logs from February...14:29
Chipacamborzecki: the comment is saying the same thing i'm telling you :-)14:29
* Chipaca steps away from despair, breathes in, and tries to explain14:29
pstolowskiSaviq: that explains your earlier remark about not having enough space ;)14:30
Chipacamborzecki: we want to run with runuser if: 1. the code is running as uid 0, *and*, 2. the user we're going to switch to is not root14:30
Chipacamborzecki: 2. is only because, if you're root, and you use runuser to run something as root, .... what did you even14:31
Chipacamborzecki: I think the bug is that it's missing the --, which the manpage says is optional but probably isn't that optional14:31
mborzeckiChipaca: ok, let me try that14:32
Chipacamborzecki: yep, that fixed it14:32
Chipacamborzecki: (different error now, but one that makes sense :-) )14:32
Chipacamborzecki: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/4VXBbck4YF/14:33
Chipacaer, without the printf :-)14:33
mupPR snapd#5793 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns: separate OpenPath from the Secure struct <Simple> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5793>14:34
Chipacaoops, bug14:34
* Chipaca fixes14:34
Saviqpstolowski: no mention of "data directory" in the journal14:34
Chipacamborzecki: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/PgCMDG6HJK/14:35
zygamborzecki: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/579614:37
mupPR #5796: cmd/snap-update-ns: detach BindMount from the Secure type <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5796>14:37
Saviqsergiusens: also, why are my parts always out of date these past days :/ I've to `clean -s pull` all the time :|14:38
mupPR snapd#5796 opened: cmd/snap-update-ns: detach BindMount from the Secure type <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5796>14:38
sergiusensSaviq: talk to kyrofa about that; you are probably writing in the source tree14:39
sergiusensSaviq: might be a good time to enable auto re-sync by default as this change is causing pain (I fell for it too)14:39
sergiusenskyrofa: it would be good to say why something is considered dirty, this hit me too a while back when I was writing to curdir14:40
Saviqdoesn't look like I am14:40
pstolowskiSaviq: hmm, ok, dunno then, that's what i grokked from the code. is this first time you saw that? reproducible?14:40
Saviqpstolowski: I had it once before a while ago, unlikely to be reproducible14:41
Saviqmay be some network wait I'm hitting or some such14:41
mborzeckiChipaca: maybe we should skip respetive tests if go test is ran by root14:43
mborzeckiChipaca: and it's not reproducing14:43
Saviqsergiusens: when using lxd environment, snapcraft inside the container is installed stable, that expected?14:43
mupPR snapd#5794 closed: ifacestate: retry on "discard-snap" in autoconnect conflict check <Created by stolowski> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5794>14:44
sergiusensSaviq: yes, we disabled injection given the snapd permission changes14:45
Chipacaok, so i got the reason for the bug14:46
Chipacaabout mkdirallchown14:46
Chipacanow how to fix14:46
pstolowskiSaviq: might be a long shot / silly question - is your disk (ssd?) in a good shape?14:49
Saviqpstolowski: not getting 25min iowaits if that's what you're asking ;)14:52
pstolowskiSaviq: okay, i take it as 'yes it is' ;)14:53
Chipacazyga: the fancypants O_TMPFILE wouldn't've caught this bug14:53
Chipacamborzecki: I'll have a pr up in a bit14:53
Saviqpstolowski: not saying it's great, but that's rather it being slower than I'd have liked (it's more than 4 years old now), but I've no reason to think it's dying :)14:54
zygaChipaca: what was the bug?14:54
zygaI mean, what was the actual problem14:54
zygaI recall it's tmp is not tmp ;)14:54
Chipacazyga: in one task: mkdirallchown /foo/bar/baz14:54
Chipacazyga: in another task: mkdirallchown /foo/quux/meep14:54
Chipacazyga: when /foo does not exist14:54
Chipacanow, race14:55
zygaI see14:55
zygathe fd based implementation is not "racy" in the same sense, it would have one of those fail14:55
zygait would not even14:55
Chipacazyga: only because it doesn't rename14:55
zygabecause they to ahead and mkdir14:55
zygaand just handle ENOENT14:55
zygaso it would not be even noticed14:55
zygawe could change umask14:55
Chipacazyga: right, they make it in the final place, without worrying about it having the wrong uid/gid14:56
zygato ensure we create 00014:56
zygaand then chown14:56
zygaand chmod14:56
Chipacazyga: unless your implementation handles EEXIST it'll have a similar race14:56
pstolowskiSaviq: was thinking of bad sector reallocation that brings i/o to a halt and doesn't even produce errors; but yeah, it's probably something else14:57
Chipacazyga: anyway the quick fix is to add a lock :-) so i'm doing that to unbreak master14:57
zygaChipaca: var gil sync.Mutex14:57
Saviqpstolowski: I'd see it in dmesg, and I don't15:03
zygapstolowski: small review on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5762#pullrequestreview-15338176015:04
mupPR #5762: ifacestate: don't initialize udev monitor until we have a system snap <Hotplug> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5762>15:04
Chipacamborzecki: unit tests running now, as soon as it's green i'll push15:06
Chipacamborzecki: (no tests added by these changes...)15:06
pstolowskizyga: thanks15:10
pstolowskizyga: i'll see if i can come up with a test case for that PR15:13
zygapstolowski: just copy paste one and remove the extra snap init15:14
pstolowskizyga: btw, if you're in hotplug-reviewing spree, this one needs review as well https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/575915:14
mupPR #5759: ifacestate: implementation of defaultDeviceKey function for hotplug <Hotplug> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5759>15:14
zygaI'm reading it :D15:14
zygasome feedback already pending,15:14
Chipacamborzecki: zyga: #579715:23
mupPR #5797: osutil, o/snapshotstate, o/sss/backend: quick fixes <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5797>15:23
zygaChipaca: ack, looking15:23
mupPR snapd#5797 opened: osutil, o/snapshotstate, o/sss/backend: quick fixes <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5797>15:24
zygapstolowski: reviewed15:24
Chipacazyga: pushing with a slightly nicer description (code unchanged)15:24
pstolowskizyga: thanks15:24
zygamborzecki: can you re-check please: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/579515:24
mupPR #5795: cmd/snap-update-ns: re-factor pair of helpers to call fstatfs once <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5795>15:24
zygaChipaca: done15:27
Chipacazyga: ta15:33
zyga7th day of the month and the modem shows 270GB of data traffic15:33
Chipacamvo: why is 'systemctl start' trying to do 'systemd-tty-ask-password-agent'?15:34
zygaChipaca: sudo?15:34
Chipacazyga: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/387297120/psafxww15:34
zygahmmm, that's unexpected15:35
mvoChipaca: a good question, polkit prompt I would say15:36
mvoChipaca: but *why* it is doing that is a mystery15:36
mvoChipaca: \o/ this is the hanging dpkg?15:36
Chipacamvo: yes15:36
mvoChipaca: super mysterious - I would assume it only needs to do that for uid!=015:38
mvoChipaca: hm, the man-page does not even mention polkit, it talks about disk encryption passowrds and the like15:38
mvoChipaca: I found https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=92430 about this15:40
zygaI'll grab coffee15:40
zygait's late but I ... I'm addicted I guess :)15:40
pstolowskizyga: heh, coffee here as well15:41
Chipacamvo: that last comment tho15:41
mvoChipaca: yeah, not exactly helpful15:41
mvoChipaca: also https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1565617 which indicates we need to double check if debhelper systemd uses "--no-ask-password" when it runs systemctl15:43
mupBug #1565617: "polkitd.service is masked" warnings on package install while policykit-1 is unpacked but not yet configured <architecture-ppc64le> <bugnameltc-139608> <patch> <severity-high> <targetmilestone-inin16041> <systemd (Ubuntu):Fix Released by pitti> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1565617>15:43
Chipacamvo: ps output says no15:43
mvoChipaca: /o\15:45
pstolowskioh well, stateengine.go:101: state ensure error: cannot decode new commands catalog: got unexpected HTTP status code 403 via GET15:45
mvopstolowski: I wonder if that is related to the issue that cachio  saw earlier about the apt hook test failure. does the store know about this (if its consistent?)15:46
mvoChipaca: /usr/bin/deb-systemd-invoke is what is actually called form the postinst, I wonder if we can add some env there to tell it to --no-ask-password15:47
pstolowskimvo: store as 'store people'?15:49
mvopstolowski: yes, sorry15:50
pstolowskimvo: no idea, not from me15:50
Chipacamvo: looks like that would be the ideal place to add the --no-ask-password to everything15:52
pedronispstolowski: is that error from today?15:53
mvoChipaca: yeah15:53
pedronispstolowski: or from the past days15:53
pstolowskipedronis: yes, Sep 07 14:45:3615:54
pstolowskipedronis: https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/424210574/log.txt15:54
pedronispstolowski: I'm asking in the store15:57
mvoChipaca: the log you pointed to earlier, from what bug was that? I wonder what else got upgraded there. I mean, what might happen is the following: polkit and snapd get upgraded. polkit daemon gets upgraded first, is stopped and unpacked. snapd is stopped and unpacked, snapd is started before polkit and for some reason systemctl wnats to talk to it even though uid==0 but no polkit (not started yet) so that hangs forever. a15:57
mvo bit of a wild theory so the /var/log/apt/history.log would be helperful15:57
mvoChipaca: or the full terminal log of the upgrade (to see if polkit was deconfigured before)15:57
mvo(anyway some speculation at this point)15:58
pstolowskipedronis: thanks; do you need that log or can i restart the tests?15:58
Chipacamvo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/179108715:58
mupBug #1791087: snapd 2.35.1+18.10 hang on apt upgrade <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1791087>15:58
Chipacamvo: you asked them for 'ps afx', i asked them for 'ps afxww' when the interesting bit got elided :-)15:59
mvoChipaca: heh, woah, the joy of crufty tools16:00
mvoChipaca: thanks a lot for this16:00
pedronispstolowski: retry16:08
pedronisthere may be some setup in the store that is ok for normal clients but is a problem for out tests16:09
zygamade coffee, cleaned the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom before $wife gets home :)16:09
pedronisif it becomes a regular problem we need to think16:10
ograzyga, hey ... layouts .... if i had a content snap providing stuff into $SNAP/opt/foo and would re-map $SNAP/opt to /opt in an app snap, would /opt/foo be accesible for me ?16:11
Chipacamvo: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/HJknjWkXb3/ maybe16:11
Chipacamvo: should I ask the guy to try this before we propose it?16:11
zygaogra: ^ yes16:12
zygabrb, $wife is back16:12
ijohnsonogra, zyga: note that the actual files are inside the content snap, not inside the current app snap16:12
Chipacamvo: I'll ask them :)16:12
pstolowskipedronis: ack16:12
mvoChipaca: \o/16:12
gQuigshi there, I did a snap revert firefox yesterday (to get back to the previous beta) but today it bumped ahead again - how do I figure out what happened?16:19
ChipacagQuigs: snap list --all firefox16:20
ChipacagQuigs: or, snap info firefox16:20
ChipacagQuigs: has there been a new revision?16:20
ChipacagQuigs: otherwise, we can look in 'snap changes' to see what happened exactly16:20
gQuigsChipaca: how would I tell that bit?  I only have the 62.0b20-1 (what I reverted to) and 63.0b4-1 (which maybe has been upped in number)16:21
gQuigssnap changes might do it16:21
gQuigs129  Done    today at 07:46 PDT  today at 07:47 PDT  Auto-refresh snap "firefox"16:21
gQuigsbut if there was an older 63.0b3 say how would I see that?16:22
ChipacagQuigs: have you tweaked it to only keep two revisions of snaps?16:22
gQuigsChipaca: nope, two other snaps have 3 versions on list --all16:23
zygaogra, ijohnson: if by "remap" you mean a rbind then yes16:23
ChipacagQuigs: but firefox just has two?16:23
pedronispstolowski: Chipaca:  for details, afaict  the store will refuse to serve /names more than once per second for the same client16:23
gQuigsChipaca: yup16:23
ChipacagQuigs: revision 127, current in beta, was put there on "2018-09-07T08:03:31.592103+00:00"16:23
ChipacagQuigs: so, yeap, new revision fresh this morning16:24
mupPR snapd#5795 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns: re-factor pair of helpers to call fstatfs once <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5795>16:24
gQuigsChipaca: thanks!  how did you tell that?16:24
ChipacagQuigs: right now, I looked at the store api16:25
ChipacagQuigs: we'll be exposing these dates in 'snap info' at some point (soon! i hope!)16:25
ChipacagQuigs: but I think it's also exposed on the web16:25
Chipaca1 sec16:25
ChipacagQuigs: https://snapcraft.io/firefox16:25
ChipacagQuigs: click 'more versions'16:25
ijohnsonzyga: ok, I misunderstood the line here to mean that the source had to be inside the current snap: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/snap/validate.go#L76016:26
gQuigsChipaca: thanks a bunch!16:26
jdstrand_popey, Wimpress: fyi, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/approval-for-fwupd-classic-snap/5755/9. (granted)16:26
zygaijohnson: yes, you can use layouts to "spread" the content of a snap around16:26
zygayou cannot use them to take contents from somewhere on the system and put it in other places16:26
Wimpressjdstrand_: Thank you!16:26
ijohnsonzyga: so as long as the content interface from snap1 is connected somewhere inide $SNAP, $SNAP_DATA, etc. for snap2, snap2 is allowed to use layouts to make a new mount of the files from the content snap (snap1) somewhere else on the system (just for snap2)?16:28
* zyga parses that16:28
zygathat's accurate16:28
zygalayouts are currently happening before content mounts16:29
zygaso it depends on the peer sharing16:29
zygayou will first to a layout from $SNAP/foo to /usr/foo16:29
zygathen a content from $OTHER_SNAP/shared to $SNAP/foo16:29
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
zygawhich _iff_ propagation is not set to private (it's not) will propagate to /usr/foo16:29
zygafrom the point of view of $SNAP (not $OTHER SNAP)16:30
zygaijohnson: ^ does that make sense?16:30
ijohnsonYeah that makes sense. Slightly related question, does content sharing use bind mounts?16:31
ijohnsonGot it16:31
zygaboth bind mounts and layouts use the same mount backend16:31
zygasome other things do as well16:31
zygayou can see the resulting mount profile in /var/lib/snapd/mount/...16:31
zygait's a fstab-like file16:31
zyga(with extra options)16:31
ijohnsonInteresting, good to know, thanks!16:33
zygaijohnson: you can also look at the actual mount profile (that is applied to the mount namespace) in /run/snapd/ns/*.fstab16:34
zygaijohnson: those can differ as some mounts may fail (layout mounts cannot fail or the app process will not be allowed to start)16:34
zygaijohnson: snap-update-ns can look at both and apply changes to make the mount namespace have a desired look16:35
mvoChipaca: the 18.10 upgrade issue gets out of hand it seems, I got a personal mail asking why I broke snapd :/16:35
zygamvo: ouch!16:35
Chipacamvo: well? why did you?16:35
ijohnsonzyga: I see, also good to know16:35
mvoChipaca: I ask myself this question every day16:35
* Chipaca hugs mvo16:35
* zyga hugs them both16:35
Chipacamvo: it's friday. It's ok to tell peoplel to FOAD16:35
* zyga had to google that16:36
mvoChipaca: LOL16:36
mvoChipaca: I had to google it as well16:36
* mvo hugs Chipaca for learning something really useful16:36
abeatosergiusens, hey, do you know if at some point in time snapcraft explicitly remove debug_info from binaries? or set CFLAGS in some way?16:36
Chipacaoh no what have i done16:36
Chipacaₒₕ ₙₒ16:37
sergiusensabeato: not in the form of env var...16:37
zygaChipaca: 5759 is green16:38
abeatosergiusens, the thing is that since 2/3 months I saw this difference: previously there was no debug info (-g option), but now it is there. Using the autotools plugin. It looks like -g is usually the default configuration, so my guess is that snapcraft/plugin was doing something that prevented -g to be set16:39
abeatosergiusens, which is fine, but I would like to know what happened16:39
mupPR snapd#5796 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns: detach BindMount from the Secure type <Simple> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5796>17:05
Chipacazyga: 5759? me?17:05
zygaone last from the pack:17:05
zygaChipaca: hmm?17:05
zygaChipaca: your fix PR is green17:05
mupPR snapd#5798 opened: cmd/snap-update-ns: detach Mk{Prefix,{File,Dir,Symlink{,All}}} from S… <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5798>17:06
zygaChipaca: can I please drag you into a quick look on a simple PR ^17:06
zygaChipaca: but I meant another PR earlier17:06
mupPR #5797: osutil, o/snapshotstate, o/sss/backend: quick fixes <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5797>17:06
zygathis is what I meant before :)17:06
Chipacamissing a +1 though17:06
Chipacalooking at 5798 now17:06
Chipacazyga: nice17:07
zygayeah, all generic (for now)17:07
zygaI'll have a twist next17:07
zygathough if you want _now_ is the time to move them to another package :)17:08
zyga(now as in after this branch)17:08
Chipacazyga: _now_ is the time to eow, dude17:08
zygaChipaca: hold my beer17:08
zygaoh wait!17:08
zygano :)17:08
zygaI'm really into chopping the boilerplate off the trespassing fix and landing it17:09
zygaand I'm writing a small new thing (wanna help?)17:09
zyganot strictly related to snapd, related to golang strongly17:09
Chipacadunno, sounds dangerous17:09
Chipacazyga: go on then17:09
zygaChipaca: lemme push17:09
cachiomvo, taking a look to the catalog, I see this17:12
mvocachio: uh, ok17:24
mvocachio: so maybe a real bug17:24
mvocachio: if its in the catalog17:24
mvoniemeyer: I updated 5583 based on the standby helper we talked about earlier. but probably something for next week17:27
niemeyermvo: Thanks!17:30
niemeyermvo: Yeah, I'm about to jump into another meeting17:31
mvoniemeyer: no worries, have a good one17:31
cachiomvo, it seems to be17:35
pstolowskipedronis: hmm, i see, sounds like something we should address in the tests17:41
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|eow
Chipacazyga: http://r.chipaca.com/pprof001.svg17:52
zygathis 5K screen is useful now ;)17:53
Chipacazyga: looks like parseMountOpts could use some care17:53
Chipacazyga: as could assert's filesystemBackstore17:53
zygawow, yeah17:53
zygahow can I reproduce this graph?17:53
Chipacaalso, we should probably look into whether the bug about json.RawMessage vs *json.RawMessage goes away with go 1.10 or sth17:54
Chipacazyga: the way i've got it is rather hacky, i'm sure there's a beter way, but17:54
zygano worries17:55
zygaI'll look at parse now17:55
Chipacazyga: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/PjMbFCk8GX/17:55
Chipacazyga: then, go tool pprof --alloc_space http://localhost:4040/debug/pprof/heap17:55
Chipacazyga: then 'web'17:55
Chipacazyga: before doing the 'go tool' thing, do some things with the snapd though17:56
zygaChipaca: quick test17:56
Chipacazyga: snap list; snap find foo; snap refresh; snap changes; snap info core http potato17:56
Chipacais what i did17:56
zygaChipaca: go to mountinfo_linux.go17:56
zygaat the bottom17:56
Chipacazyga: there17:57
zygachange the map we make in that function17:57
zygato have initial size of strings.Count(opts, ",")17:57
zygaand see if that makes any difference please17:57
zygaI wonder if it is the map17:57
Chipacazyga: I think it's the strings.genSplit17:57
Chipacabah, maybe a bit of both17:58
zygawe can easily remove one of the splits17:58
zygathe 2nd one is a bit more work but we could do it if it shows up in the graph this much17:58
zygaapparmor's addContent could use more love as well18:00
zygaand the json thing you mentioned18:00
Chipacazyga: http://r.chipaca.com/pprof001.1.svg18:01
zygamore memory!18:01
Chipacazyga: yeah, not sure what i'm seeing18:02
zygawhat are the arrows?18:02
zygaand the memory sizes on them?18:02
Chipacazyga: injuns18:02
zygawhat does that mean?18:02
zygaChipaca: in any case, I think when making performance improvements common sense need not apply18:03
zygait's often surprising when one makes a change expecting a effect18:04
zygawhen one observes the opposite effect18:04
zygabecause reality is much more complicated18:04
Chipacazyga: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35871365/interpreting-pprof-heap-diagrams18:04
zygamm, very useful18:05
zygaChipaca: so that single function allocates all that memort18:06
zygagiven that it usually handles just a few bytes this is very surprising18:06
Chipacazyga: it's called a lot18:07
zygahmmm, snapd calls it to make mount profiles18:08
zygaand to parse fstab files18:08
zygamaybe we need to just ... call it less?18:08
zygait's called for all the little bits18:08
zygait's called to know if we are in nfs land18:09
zygawe could _probably_ call it from ensure18:09
zygaand cache the yes-no answer18:09
zygawell, then we'd call it every 5 minutes18:10
Chipacaso,  i've got 35 snaps18:10
zygawhat? :)18:10
Chipacamap[31:1836 18:108 44:108 11:1188 33:108 70:108 7:108 13:216 14:108 8:108 54:108 17:4428 2:8100 15:108 22:216 9:216 19:108 10:324 25:648 30:108 91:108 24:324 43:108 29:108]18:10
zygawhat's that map?18:11
Chipacazyga: that's len(opts):num of times called with len(opts)18:11
Chipacathat's a lot of lil' maps18:11
Chipacazyga: what's the lifetime of these things?18:11
Chipacawhere do they go?18:11
zygathey are probably very short lived but long enough to fool escape analysis18:12
zygathey are used in ...18:12
zygaso, maybe instead of a "gimme map"18:13
zygawe can have a "callback on key=val" function18:13
Chipacazyga: it's also used from overlay_linux18:13
Chipacazyga: and from IsMounted18:14
zygasame usage pattern18:14
zygaas a side note I'm happy they _all_ use this implementation18:14
zygaand not each have one of their own18:15
Chipacazyga: one easy thing with minimal changes would be to not load the options until needed18:15
zygamake it a method18:15
zygabut I'd go all the way to kill the parser returning a list18:15
Chipacazyga: i.e. not load MountOptions nor SuperOptions at all in Parse, and have a LoadOptions or sth18:15
zygaand have a callback style parser18:15
zygajust Options()18:15
Chipacayah that might be even better18:15
zygathen no list18:16
zygaand almost no map18:16
Chipacabigger change though18:16
zygayeah true18:16
zygathe option will be sufficient for most of this18:16
Chipacazyga: but yeah, building a list is going to be bad because people have a lot of snaps :-)18:17
zygaloots of mounted things18:17
Chipacazyga: and then there are these crazy people implementing "layouts"18:17
zyganah, nobody would do that18:18
zygathe up side is that we don't look inside the mount namespaces often18:18
zygaonly from snap-update-ns18:18
zygaand you didn't profile that s18:18
zygaso whee :D18:18
Chipacazyga: it's pizza & beer time here18:18
* zyga hugs Chipaca 18:18
Chipacaso i'm off to address that issue18:18
zygathat's a good time18:18
zygathough I though UK does tea time18:18
zyganot beer time18:18
Doctor_Nicksign of troubles19:54
mupPR snapcraft#2249 opened: build providers: provide support to shell in <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2249>20:07
mupPR snapcraft#2250 opened: project_loader: add preflight check <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2250>20:07
ChipacaDoctor_Nick: ?20:47
mupPR snapcraft#2243 closed: [WIP] plugin API: support command-chain <Created by kyrofa> <Closed by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2243>20:49
mupPR snapcraft#2251 opened: pluginhandler: stop using alias for snapcraftctl <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2251>20:58
mupPR snapcraft#2252 opened: Build providers debug shell <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2252>21:49
kyrofaroadmr, you around?21:53
roadmrhi kyrofa! I'm close to EOD but for now, still here21:54
kyrofaroadmr, something funky is happening with nextcloud, it's saying reviews are held up behind something that says it still hasn't been reviewed yet, but still looks like it failed21:55
roadmrkyrofa: oh ouch21:55
roadmrlet me have a look21:55
kyrofaThank you21:55
roadmrkyrofa: this appears to be the stuck revno https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/snaps/nextcloud/revisions/8754/21:55
roadmrand the status is "Task 2e0a9939-79a3-49ea-96b5-69fa540e57e5 failed. "21:55
kyrofaIndeed, and right above that "Automated review not yet completed"21:56
roadmrkyrofa: I re-fired the automated review21:56
kyrofaAnd no log anywhere21:56
kyrofaroadmr, so did it fail, or not? If so, why didn't the rest continue being reviewed?21:56
roadmrkyrofa: well I have logs but they'll just say that the click-reviewer-tools automated process took longer than X, even after retrying Y times21:56
kyrofaOh that's fun21:56
roadmrkyrofa: after the l1TF mitigations and reboot of everything, we've found things are much much slower in our cloud :( we've bumped the timeouts significantly21:57
kyrofaIt seems the entire world has slowed down recently with those, yeah21:57
roadmrkyrofa: but it's good that you call attention to this; we may need to up them even further. Still assessing what the world looks like now21:57
roadmrkyrofa: why does nextcloud push so many revisions? do they have one for each PR or somesuch?21:58
kyrofaroadmr, no thankfully, that would be far too much, these are dailies21:58
kyrofaBut of course, for every arch21:59
kyrofaAnd for a few releases21:59
roadmr13 revisions over 45 minutes is about one revision every 3:30 minutes, and automated review is taking about 10 minutes for a snap this size :/21:59
roadmrkyrofa: other than the L1TF armageddon, we also recently (1 month or so) enabled resquashfs enforcement, this means the snaps must be unpacked and repacked to verify the checksums. This also slows things down a bit but is necessary for security and to avoid squashfs evil22:00
kyrofaroadmr, yeah I'm familiar with that one22:01
roadmrkyrofa: we can maybe revisit the "if a revision fails, just leave it behind and continue checking the other ones" behavior. However, I think that's in place, buuut...22:02
roadmrthis case is different: the revision didn't fail-fail, but was held for manual review because the automated review couldn't be completed, so we don't know really. So in these cases we err to leaving it in "needs manual review", which does block the queue by design22:02
roadmrat least the tweaks Matías did recently do allow us to manually fix things; before, these would just have gotten stuck in limbo, I'm sure you remember that too, from 3 weeks ago or so22:03
kyrofaOh yes, I remember. This too: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/launchpad-upload-failing-waiting-for-previous-upload-s-to-complete-their-review-process/7135/222:05
roadmrright :/ due to the slowness, revision reviews are piling up in the queue :(22:06
roadmraha, interesting. kyrofa Task 27c34078-834c-4e1b-82a1-b4e2f2398fba is waiting to be retried. this is the review for 8755...22:07
roadmrwhich is interesting because a moment ago it was "Waiting for execution". Does waiting time count against the timeout? that would suckk...22:08
kyrofaUh oh :P22:10
roadmrkyrofa: ah interesting - I'd increased the timeouts but it looks like the old ones are still in effect :/22:11
roadmr!%#&@% kyrofa sorry, this is my fault :( I cowboyed the timeout increases in production 2 days ago but today we did a rollout which clobbered those changes and I forgot to have them reapplied :(22:14
kyrofaroadmr, that's alright, thanks for fixing22:15
roadmrthis is why I must always commit these changes to the source tree22:15
roadmrkyrofa: a question - in https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/snaps/nextcloud/revisions/8756/ do you have any buttons (green buttons) at the very bottom? https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/snaps/nextcloud/revisions/8756/22:21
kyrofaroadmr, no, I see reject and remove from queue only22:23
roadmroh ok...22:23
roadmrI have a "rerun automated review" button, and any store admin would have that, helpful to unwedge revisions.22:24
kyrofaroadmr, yeah I lost such privileges once you guys made finer-grained ones22:24
roadmrsorry :(22:25
roadmraha, very interesting! kyrofa haha I like a good mystery. One of the passing tasks finished in just over 3 minutes: Task devportal.tasks.PackageReviewTask[27c34078-834c-4e1b-82a1-b4e2f2398fba] succeeded in 189.731960843s22:29
roadmrkyrofa: and others are failing because they go over 6 minutes without finishing. So apparently some of the servers are slower in processing tasks than others. I'll make notes and investigate more on Monday22:30
roadmrkyrofa: I think we have a slowpoke node :( I'm seeing nextcloud 8756 consistently land on that same node and time out :( I'll keep an eye on your queue and try to nudge it, but must EOD now... I've made a note of this and will look again on Monday22:49
mupPR snapd#5786 closed: tests: update prepare/restore for nightly suite <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5786>23:39

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