
fossfreedomdreamcat4, re your skippy-xd changes.  Interesting! Drop a line where your repo is.  Thanks.14:28
fossfreedomif you want more info on wpreviews - create an issue on our discourse site - Jacob who developed it can advise further14:29
dreamcat4fossfreedom: yeah - haven't uploaded it yet. when it's ready i will leave a link over here ---> https://github.com/richardgv/skippy-xd/issues/3614:47
dreamcat4nearly done. just got to finish the last bits. which are: 1) detect when modifier keys are held down, and 2) documentation14:48
fossfreedomdreamcat4, you obviously have excellent knowledge of C to tackly skippy-xd ... have you any interest in applying that knowledge but for Vala ?14:51
fossfreedom... had to ask!14:53

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